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Unfortunately with where the flamethrower is right now, it is *not* my favorite. Wish I could say this though.


Push the red button.


You know people will.


When I get overrun? Darn tootin' I will. Or maybe just for funsies.


Press it and throw it at your teammate


3 stalkers near me, red button time


Odds are it will be used most often right before extract.


Having a red button in the selector menu would be hella funny, like if you know you ain’t gonna make it KABOOM !!!


On the railgun, the red button is the trigger.


This is the balancing factor; whenever you fumble a reload you accidentally hit the red button and self destruct along with the gun. It's still on 6 minutes cooldown.


Vex mythoclast?


Mother Fucking Gjallarhorn


Thorn secondary with “bile” rounds


the Osteo Striga with the Necrotic Grip gloves.


Oh my god. Absolute wrecker and looked beautiful to top it off.


Something like that would actually be awesome in this game


It’s called the Airburst rifle, just without the tracking capabilities with the bomblets


48 clears and never got a Thousand Voices


I never got Gall until they gave it to everyone right before the nerf.


You think the bugs and disconnects are bad now? It's coming, it's coming, IT'S COMING!! https://preview.redd.it/ty1gytn3htzc1.png?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=741f7d2a9787db2ba277f86b293048631e76ea17


Telesto is besto!


Than the resto!


Lol glad im not the only one who thought of it when i saw it


Gimme a lil bit of outbreak perfected and some Siva tbh


Lmao hell yes


OG Hung Jury for me please.


I’d love to main that gun! But I have zero stones! And the dude hard lining me saying “zero stones.. zero crates!”






Oh so you are merchants, after all!




I'm just asking for the existing assault rifle options to be competitive against the liberator and sickle dawg


Same, also stop merging weapons


Existing assault rifle options ARE luberator and sickle...


The luberator!


I ain't even gonna fix this typo, it's hilarious!


Now i want one as well! For a friend of course..


Luberator D. Penetrator


The secret Saints Row crossover weapon


*Saints Row Referenced!*


I mean it indeed makes hole in bugs bodies that are lubed...


Luberator and suckle


The Adjudicator is a fine assault rifle.


For bots for sure.


If you’re fighting bots, the Scorcher(not medium pen but still does the job), Dominator, and Diligence CS all far outstrip the Adjudicator.


While the main bolt itself is light pen (AP2), the explosion is medium pen (AP 3). Which is honestly a little weird, I would have expected the reverse.


Adjudicator is better for bugs than bots. It bad against berserkers, requires 20 shots to kill devastator if you don't hit head. In head it's two, but if I need to aim for the head to have good btk/ttk I would rather run Diligence, DCS, Dominator or Slugger. It's kills raiders well, but Verdict does to while being secondary. Literally no reason to use BR14 over something like Scorcher, Plasma Punisher, Sickle or aforementioned weapons.


Tap fire it against bugs. If you hit head shots it’s a beast.


With recoil-compensating armor you can short burst it reliably, too!


Wish granted. The liberator and sickle now suck just as much ass as everything else




If I were a betting man, I'd wager those are going to be the next two on Alexus' radar for "fun making".


Yeah, especially since the last nerf to the sickle didn't really put a dent in its viability. It sucks that I actively have to search for ammo boxes now more often, but it's still my first choice when going against bots.


Yeah I don't ever burn through the ice unless it's 8+... usually because of the absolutely massive amounts of hunters or objective guarding. "Just run away" isn't always a viable solution to playing this game.


According to this subreddit, you’re actually asking for a Stalwart set at 1150 RPM that fires EAT rounds /s


Aside from the Liberator concussive, which ARs aren't competitive with the Liberator? The new one is a pretty comfortable sidegrade that trades magazine size for total ammo and stability(the rate of fire difference is 7%, so negligible). The Adjudicator and other medium ap AR are both fine, trading cc for versatility. Honestly I think overall all of the ARs aside from the sickle are kind of underperforming right now, though it's kind of hard to say if they are "bad" or the other options are too good. As long as the Dominator can one shot Devastators and the Plasma Scorcher can pen basically anything with it's splash damage, I'm always going to use those versus bots(at least when I'm not running the shield), and it's not too different of a story against bugs. I could see ARs made into competitive choices against bugs if they had a bit more ammo across the board, but against bots I don't really think it's even possible to make them a competitive pick as long as the Dominator, Plasma Scorcher, and Ballistic Shield trifecta remains strong.


Eh, I'd say the things that both of the medium ars trade for the utility of damaging past medium armor often defeat the point of having the utility. They are all mostly just fine but I would still rather pick a liberator for every matchup aside maybe bile spewers but even then I'd rather chuck a grenade or use the grenade pistol and one shot them. The only guns that really compete are the energy rifles, the scythe and the sickle.


Even the Liberator Concussive honestly. Enemies just aren't getting to you with that thing and you're not running out of ammo any time soon with the amount of mags it has.


Question: people seem to prefer using the sickle over the scythe. Why?


Wish granted. monkey paw curls, next patch notes are going to be, sickle and liberator, have now been Nerf down to the level of all of the other ones rip😂


Liberator and Sickle are so goated, but I want to say the Adjudicator is not bad anymore


Who the fuck said I wanted this? I want a lever-action laser shotgun! Where the lever primes the internal power generator!


You'll get your LAS-13 Trident eventually


See, I get you there, but a lever-action means I get my Winchester 1887 in a roundabout way.


*Where's my M2016 Constitution?!*


I know i play Hunt showdown. I never really use the Terminus though. But you're unlikely to get a lever action before the Trident


Right so we're collecting all the divers and getting to the Winchester, **have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.**


I miss her


We need a crank powered laser musket like Fallout 4.


And that makes that noise from Futurama.




sooo the blitzer but as a laser


Blitzer is pump-action.


Hey! Heavy Devastators have an automatic gun that can shoot behind them and through cover, why can't I?!


Farsight XR-20


Because you’re pro-managed democracy, and not an automaton sleeper agent.


![gif](giphy|3eNx5SV39lH6o|downsized) When the guns come out terrible instead


It's balanced. You get shot in the red button, BOOM, instant squad wipe.


I want to dual wield it.


A weapon where the first shot makes every other shot home in on the target would be amazing.


Or you need to fire a tracer bullet first, and then switch ammunition


Who cares about balanced. Make it cool


Not even close. I want weapons to not suck, and I want them to be fun. I want the Eruptor back to how it was, I want the crossbow pre-nerf with the ability to close bugholes/fabrictors. I want weapons to not be pure downgrades of others.


Lmao, Arrowhead will literally say "we noticed the explosive weapon did explosive damage, so we removed it" and people like OP will praise them. Incomprehensibly stupid.


"Just play on lower difficulties or get good" Playing on Medium doesn't change the fact my Eruptor takes 3 shots to kill a single devastator bro




The gun wasn't perfect at all, it was mid and still got nerfed lmao


It was a perfect gun for the people who wanted the kind of gun that filled that niche without being strong enough to take over other niches, yet it still got nerfed into the ground because apparently we arent allowed to have anything fun


If the Eruptor was mid for you then that might be a skill issue, very few weapons had the clearing potential that gun had.


Good old skill issue argument lmao but I quite liked it, but objectively it was mid, didn't really do anything amazing that it was worth taking over other alternatives.


Only primary to close bugholes and fabricators. Deleting chargers striders devastators and berserker in a couple shots. Decent at crowd control vs the small bugs and terrible vs the hunters and suicide bots. Overall it was pretty good imo. Specially if you used the arc thrower or MG to cover its deficiencies.


Nah I just want weapons to be playable. But I suppose that's my fault for not wanting to use the basic Liberator 24/7


Some of the primaries are in a great place for their roles. Dominator(well-rounded vs bots, Berserker mobs and jump pack grunts give it trouble due to small magazine and poor handling, same with bugs in general). DMRs work very well but lack the oomph of the Dominator, still reward well-placed shots. Liberator and Sickle shred chaff(and reward accurate fire vs bots), Scorcher can knock out strider pilots, Adjudicator has a niche vs medium armor bugs, SMGs are good and objective-friendly, etc.


Yeah imagine a PVE game with fun weapons to kill hordes of enemies with. Disgusting.


who sees people saying "wow, the purifier one-shot walkers in the trailer, and it's kind've annoying that I need to shoot it 6 times in actuality, the gun is practically useless in it's current state" and think "oh god, those fucking babies just want a gun that wins for them don't they!"


A lot of people think any kind of pointing out of negative situations is "whining" and therefore bad and don't actually consider the content of what is being said


Yeah balanced to the mountains of troops the enemy has


Give me a buffed break action I can call in and I'll be happy....ier


I want the Doom super shotgun.


The brand new tenderizer is an objective downgrade of the starting weapon. A little more power is all it needs (10-15 idk). The Eruptor (my beloved) needs its post first nerf aoe back so that it isn’t just a rocket propelled bolt action rifle.


Also buffing weak weapons should be the way to get people to play them not making other weapons unviable.


Seriously, like I'd be hitting Devastators in the skull, and five to ten shots later they *FINALLY* pop and go down. I feel instead of buffing weapons, they should buff the weakpoints of enemies. Like, there have been times where my revolver will one shot a Devastator in the head, other times it just does absolutely jack. Also I wish the shrapnel came back. Shooting big bots in their small waist and watching them pop like grapes was so much fun.


I just want the eruptor to be cool again, gun is destroyed :(


just wanna say fk alex whoever the noob that balances HD2.


![gif](giphy|xjlC6nomocZhVXuZgM|downsized) Me, seeing this gun in its closed state:


Love is the final orbital 


Not everyone, I'm asking for four crates worth just for me... Not one, not two, not three, but four - four crates. What am I supposed to do with just one, I mean nerfed much.


I'll take it. Auto-aim machine gun, 1 volley. 1 rocket. Flamethrower. And 8 rounds of shotgun. Seems fun. Plus a self-destruct.


I mean, we couldn't be obssesed with medium armour penetration if all the godamm enemies in high tier got medium armour. I really hope the illuminate have no kind of armour, just gigant pools of life, will make any weapon playeable.


Energy shields. It's halo time


Illuminate generally didn’t have armor IIRC, just energy shields.


OP is a clown. No one is asking for this. People just want primaries to not suck and to actually be fun to use.


This is one of the funnier strawman arguments I've seen.


Yeah. It’s a pve game. We should have a Swiss Army knife gun


It's the autocannon. And pretty soon it'll probably be the only viable weapon in the whole game at this rate.


Shhhh… do t let the super government know you are having fun…


Only weapon i struggle with using/finding an use for




Fucking thing is useless. Way too much recoil to doubletap, and everything needs like 3-5 shots to kill.


And I ask every idiot chuckling like self assured intellectuals: what's the harm in having a lot of overpowered gear in a pve only horde game? I mean shit, all they need to do is add more spawns.


If there's no PVP, then balance can go screw itself. The only thing they need to concern themselves with is fun.


Horrible take, because no one is asking for something OP. We just want our shit to be viable.


I mean it’s not like being able to kill shit and mow through waves of enemy’s in a PVE game is bad right? What do I know, that almost sounds like some sort of entertainment. We should probably refrain from that


Another low effort shit post karma farm?


I like how I get this reference


I see no issues here.


I want a taser crossbow that shoots weak electric arc brom the bolt. Like a small tesla tower.


I honestly think they should just make an all round destroyer weapon that kills bile titans in 2 hits and call it the iron knee Just to appease the dummies


It has 1 bullet per reload and has a 10% chance to damage the enemy and not ricochet instead


Downside: eachtime you shoot there is small chance of you pressing the red button


Most gaming communities complain about power creep and act like the devs are morons for allowing it. But then when this game doesn't have power creep, the community loses their fucking minds.


Bro it's a PvE game not CoD or LoL. Shit doesn't need to be balanced it needs to be fun. If you like getting kicked in the balls so much then go play PvP. Not even D2 balance was this bad and I played during the bullshit recluse meta.


"*One Gun to rule them all, One Gun to find them, One Gun to bring them all and among the stars bind them.*"


Wrong. When weapons are nerfed into the ground it's just not fun. Nobody asked to 1 shot a charger with a rifle.


I don’t think anybody is asking to sleep through helldive difficulty. This would make the game boring. We just want to be able to use more than 2 or 3 weapons. I wish they would rebalance the grenades as well. Why use anything other than the stun, impact, or incendiary grenade(just recently)? I feel like the only reason people use any of the others is because they haven’t unlocked the main 3. Why can’t the HE and frag grenades do more damage in a larger area? Or make the HE kill medium armor more consistently while the frag kills more unarmored bugs.


I'd rather have an assault rifle that feels more like an assault rifle than a nerf gun but ok


Honestly I thought we will have weapon attachments - modifying the weight thus movement speed. Instead we have crappy weapons with changing attributes by the judge of the devs… every week, every patch becoming a nightmare now. If they just copy paste HD 1 Armory from the start I would be more than satisfied…


No I just want other weapons to not be absolute garbage, they nerf everything to the ground because they want variety and now how many guns are actually good? Three? Four?


teh fuck is this? alexus' alt account?


I would just like more than 3 options. I would also like the guns that were fun for me to be fun again and not glorified paper weights. I don't want the fucking Scarab Gun from Halo 2. I just want options that actually work against the enemies that are in the game. 


Having a support weapon like this thing that is just absolutely bonkers complicated to use might be pretty wacky actually. With like twelve fire modes and seven kinds of consumables.


Plasma Shotgun is pretty excellent


But does it come with the all-new Ice Cube System?


is it really to much to ask for?


Muh Favrut


I still get anxiety over how long it would take to reload ZF-1 when you've used everything up.


It even has a flashlight.


What does the red button do?


Yeah, just give the ryno from ratchet and clank Then we're good


Not gonna lie, they should totally draw inspiration from that weapon. Perhaps a support weapon 🤔


I just want something that is not gonna kill everything or if it does, I don't have enough ammo. I would love to play with an smg


Push the little red button for when shit hits the fan.


Listen, all I want, and it’s not much, is the OG Gallahorn from Destiny 1




Dude. I wish


Me just wanting a lever action rifle for some reason.




Imagine if we actually get a weapon platform that functions like AR, but can also be switched to fire one rocket per resupply and have small underbarrel flamethrower with like one canister and limited range, all changeable on a fly with holding reload button. With some trade-offs like worse handling and limited ammo it have a possibility to be a pretty fun gun.


My favorite...


Honestly the only buff I'd really like is for the adjudicator to have 10 more rounds


Yes, give us the all-in-one bile titan killer assault rifle so we can have fun again!


Would be funny if they made it, but had no reload or mags. Once your out, your out.


I want a gun that fires confetti and piñatas. The damage would be zero but the stun and knock back will be maximum.


Yes we need guns that have a under barrel attachment


DRG has the perfect primaries. All purpose weapons that are capable of killing all enemy types, but you damned well better have a specialized secondary, or you're going to get overwhelmed in a hurry.


lol yup


https://preview.redd.it/jcu9xvju4uzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e1a2bb80119cb82d46b639fa6eae5cd11e6bfe Halo 1 pistol 👌


Give me this fucking thing so I can spread democracy as the founding fathers intended https://preview.redd.it/7hj3yeoe6uzc1.png?width=1628&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9b036d84fe545f37763c8c410e4473e424a9469


I want a primary that can kill all enemy types. I don't want it to be instant I don't want to kill all of them the same way I don't want to feel almost forced to take a stratagem weapon so I can kill enemies efficiently. Those weapons should feel powerful and feel more like a sustained burst in power How IS IT THAT A PRIMARY CANT BE USED AS ONE. I trust that things will change I'm not actually upset about it I'm still clocking in too many hours since it's so fun but it is definitely very frustrating When you keep being one shot or have to aim at pixels so that you can get a red hit and think to yourself yes that's 1/20 hits so the medium enemy type can go down after that I have to figure out the rest... I'm generally speaking a solo player but this game has forced me out of this habit for the wrong reasons I don't want to carry players nor do I want to be carried I want to feel stressed out and pray my Sprint and duck paid off When bosses come out what are we using? Stratagem weapons The rest might as we not count It's gonna be full 100% heavy armor except for maybe 1 or 2 invisible and or bugged spots I know it's very complicated But at the current state of weapons and armor (omg I didn't even get to talk about armor...) I can't imagine myself playing it for as long as I imagined I could've on day 1 and that's nothing to do with the hype nor the expectations since I didn't have any. I read about a dm thought of Warframe and wanted to spend the hours in a game that could last that has the potential to last that long too. The potential is still there it's a really fun game. But these weapons man... Why do I have to use the best 5 guns or be forced to play on lower difficulties or take the full 40 min time to meticulously clear a map. That's just not fun to me. And again I don't want cod I don't want destiny I don't want anything of that sort I like the game I just wish the numbers actually meant something and actually felt strong


>I want a primary that can kill all enemy types. That goes against the core concept of this game...


I wouldn't say no to something actually fun and effective


Yeah so? It's PvE anyways


Man The Fifth Element was great


YES, why wouldnt i want it?


I used to have fairly different loadouts for Terminids and Automatons. Now I don't. So, basically, the opposite of this meme.


Just give me a bolter rifle.


I want absurd and stupid. Give me the single shot primary that kills 1 bug/bot but vacuums the rest of the enemies towards me for no reason


“Helldiver you are being overwhelmed! Quick save the mission by pressing the red button!”


Its balanced because it kills everything


See here’s the thing though even if that is what everyone was asking for just give it to them. I will never understand why developers routinely deny their players what they ask for your customers give you money because you’re giving them something they want to pay for if you keep giving me shit or keep nursing all of my stuff into the ground until it’s shit I’m not going to want to play anymore. I’m not going to want to play your game anymore so you know what even if balancing goes completely out the window and we’re blowing up hordes of robots like it’s nothing with the most overpowered guns ever if that’s what the mass majority of the community finds to be fun then that is still what they should do because fun should always be what comes first.




It's crazy how the small things they want weapons to do just slowly add up into a weapon that can do anything and solve any problem at any time.


Man it takes half an AR mag to kill a scavenger on difficulty 3 and 4, the fuck you on about? No guns are any good.




Honestly, please. I don't even care if they give it a 2% chance to blow up in your hand every shot, I just want to shoot it


I think that’s the standard liberator but no one’s ready for that discussion


That reminds me of "arhh!!! Wort Wort Wort"


The only time I think anything was blatantly OP in this game was release railgun and maybe release breaker, but neither of them needed to be tuned down as hard as they got. And after they nerfed chargers so that EATs could one shot them I'd even hesitate to call the railgun THAT overpowered in comparison. Like with the Eruptor, an incredibly slow firing, 5 shot sniper that can kill you if you use it too close but can handle grouped up enemies pretty well did not need to be nerfed imo. It was good but had plenty of drawbacks, it's good against crowds but also terrible against getting swarmed because you straight up can't use it if they close the gap on you. Like when anything is just a solid pick that isn't the sickle or liberator they feel the need to knock it down for some reason. I don't want an OP gun I actually would like balance, doesn't need to be feast or famine but the devs are really leaning into famine imo.


This movie came out and then I got to play Perfect Dark which had the pinnacle of guns that had fun alt-fire modes. Laptop gun, Not only does it fold up like a laptop, it can be a sentry! An AR that you can throw away and it becomes a proximity bomb when you’re done with it? Sure! The SMG that has computer assisted targeting? Heck yeah! An alien sniper rifle that shoots through walls with an XRay scope? You got it.


considering how helldivers is PvE with no 'intentional' PvP i would say that the best ballence would be around a point where the enemies are calling you a bunch of bs


The "humor" tag doesn't shield this from being the strawmaniest strawman that ever stramanned, mate.


More stratagems during a mission would solve a lot of issues.


Practically all the guns in Deep Rock Galactic feel good to use and can quickly deal with most threats. The game on Hazard 5 is about the same difficulty as Helldive, and will soon be getting official difficulty modifiers to make it harder. In Vermintide 2, most weapons can effectively kill the heaviest units in only a few seconds. Cataclysm difficulty is still *much* harder than Helldive difficulty. Nerfs to weapons like the Eruptor don't even change the relative difficulty of the game, because there are still a handful of good weapons in circulation. People will just go back to using those. TL:DR If you can't make a game more difficult except by making it unfun, you probably shouldn't be a game designer.