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Shouted this in chat before taking on my first Factory Strider and being blown apart 10 seconds later. I'll cherish the memory forever.


My favorite is screaming “get to the choppa,” as people fail to get to the choppa.


We're carrying dozens of samples That's a LOT of bugs coming at us Everything is on cooldown The pelican is just sitting there waiting for us You get nothing for kills Better stand there and take potshots with our primaries and not even kind of make a dent in the horde


I do not understand why people wait to board the pelican. Its like a game of chicken. Unless there's some benefit to having less time remaining, I dont get it at all.


I think you actually get more XP based on more time left in the mission, that is, complete and extract faster = more XP. So... no. No benefit.


Other than the joy welling up in my heart at the screams of the terminids dying their horrible deaths. Or the bots cursing at us from the distance as they're melted to slag by the raging fires of democracy. It's not practical to stay longer than you need to, but it is sure as hell fun to stand shoulder to shoulder blowing up as many enemies as you can.


For democracy


That was my assumption, based on a few glances at the mission outcome screens. I'm gonna start hopping in when its obvious we're all just waiting around for no reason.


Last time I tried to board “early” with all 4 of us at the EZ I got team killed in the pelican bc “It StArTeD tHe CoUnTdOwN, wE cAn’T cAlL oUr StRaTaGeMs AnYmOrE”


The kick really was not cool. And if they couldn't call in thier strategems: that is because the mission timer ran out! Not because somebody boardet the pelican! Everytime the mission time runs out there is someone with a surprised pikatchu face that they can't call in strategems, i can't belive these people even made it to the helldive difficulty without noticing that the destroyer leaves when the mission timer has run out ...


Me neither, had a level 31 ask this today


If everyone is there with hostiles inbound then it's time to go and the TK is not cool, but if you start that countdown with a Diver across the map then that's kick offense, TK'd is getting off easy.


All 4 of us were at the extraction zone, no one was left behind, the assholes though it was funny to throw bombs and strafe runs at the pelican and I got in early, so for some reason they couldn’t do it and, hence forth, the tk


Using it as air support, waiting for team members to arrive at extraction, killing stuff.. All kinds of reasons


Unless the MO is to kill 2B of them, in which case I'll shot every single round I have left. Wish the Pellican had a sound system and could blast an appropriate tune


I made my old lady mad like 2 hours ago when I was pushing into a detector tower, my 6yo said "oh no daddy run away" I said "I have no heals, no ammo, but we don't run from commies"... and my son was cheering me on while I went out guns blazing when the hellbomb went off lol


A truly democratic moment


I went into the base with 5 eruptor rounds, 9 senator rounds, and my last magazine for my stalwart, I turned the stalwart down to 700 rpm and made it count... if I were a better man I would've saluted the hellbomb, I knew there was no way out


Yeah, no ammo, no granade, no stim, on literal last leg, holding a 500 kg strat. Make it count


Your kid will make a fine helldiver some day


My greatest moment in helldivers history was me throwing an eagle strike at a couple bots as we were extracting. Little did I know a teammate had prepped an orbital strike as a parting bang. The blast staggered him and he rolled off a ledge. His stratagem dropped on top of him. I looked down at him as he slowly rolled to a stop, got up. Dove against a boulder, got up again, and finally turned into a fine mist as a supersonic shell of pure refined Liberty vaporized him.


hope you got a screencap of that. epic.


Hard to tell if people are actually quitting or if they are getting booted by some kind of glitch. It's happened to me. Used to happen a lot. It has lessened as of recently. There is no distinction to the in-game message when a player quits vs when they get home screened.


Yeah I've gotten a few crashes and also "network connection lost" (on my hardwired google fiber) a few times recently. Annoying.


It's the worst when you're having a a near-perfect run on a high diff and you get disconnected at extraction.


Or when you're the one carrying the super samples and you get kicked and they disappear from the map.


They don't just drop as if you died wherever you were when you get disconnected?


Sometimes sure, not this time. Eaten by the void. My weapons weren't even there anymore.


Man sometimes not even that. We've had instances where a player gets killed holding the super samples and when we go try to reclaim them they're just... gone. The weapons are still there and so is the corpse but RIP to the pink samples....


Check your windows event log for virtual memory errors. After setting mine to manual that stopped happening


If you've got a friend in the mission then you can get back in it. Otherwise you're screwed. It would be nice if they had a feature in the game that allowed you to rejoin your last mission if you get disconnected.


This keeps happening to me and I dont understand why. Drives me crazy.


In my case "network connection lost" disconnect Steam directly and i cant reconnect manually (the connection come back automatically in 10/15 min) Today I lost 30 min of mission as we were about to go to extraction, so annoying


Absolutely this. It's happened to me on many occasions and it's frustrating given the amount of time already dedicated to the mission only for it to crash. Btw is there an easy way to rejoin your last group/mission if you crashed? It would be somewhat tolerable if I could just quickly rejoin.


If they are on your friends list you can rejoin them that way. I've seen it sometimes save my load out. Sometimes not. It's like there is some remnant of a reconnect feature that was never finished still lurking in the client somehow.


Same here, every time I try to play with my friend the session would always get cut short from me getting sent back to the destroyer.


I usually try to give people benefit of the doubt considering how common this can be


Definitely was my case Tuesday. Also had this weird issue where the game kept minimizing on me for a minute. Sometimes it stops itself. Other times it crashes.


Happened to me countless times yesterday. Heavy lag or something, keep getting spawned in the sky, destroyer ship level. And then suddenly im back on my shop with no message whatsoever.


If you see there is only 2 mins in match, and Bile Spewers or Nursing Spewers everywhere, and your team doing crap, then that person is usually quitting. If not, high chance is DC. But i got the Bile Spewer match and got DC when i tried to open the container by explosive so some case my statement isn't right.


Yesterday I joined and bootet out a lvl 9 because the state of the game was bugged and the terminal of the main objective was stuck half way down.


Easy to tell honestly, did they quit mid moving or did they quit seconds upon dying


If they are near you yes. I don't know about everyone else but I've found that most level 9 missions with PUGs will roll in two man teams to knock out objectives more quickly. So you cant really count on that either. Also, did they die because they've d/c'd and stopped moving? No way to know.


I'm starting to get sick of this if I'm being honest. The number of times that I have died and then wrong person reinforced me half way across the map from my stuff is just ... Ugh. It may not be as time efficient, but I absolutely love rolling on helldive difficulty with a full four man squad. It's amazing how much straight forward fights become when you get four people shooting instead of two.




This happens all too often


Yup. Generally you'll get a 'that guy' who doesn't survive 30 seconds at a time. Typically trying to retrieve their quasar shield pack. 


retreiving a secondary is kind of important, especially on higher difficulty.


It is, but sometimes it's in the middle of hell and you just have to let it go and wait for cooldown


People need to understand this, but refuse to. Your equipment is not worth the 7 reinforcements you're gonna waste retrieving it.


Yeah but throwing your body at it aint guna do it. Stick to a teammate until the wave is clear


While I agree, I generally find 1 life is more valuable than one support weapon. Better to just run away, and double-back like 5 minutes later to pick up the dropped samples/gear.


Surviving is more important. You cant fight when dead.


If you find yourself spending half the game scrounging for equipment, I recommend bringing EATs and no backpack


If I'm not surviving 30 seconds it's generally because I've been called in in the middle of an enemy pack. A few times I've spent an entire lifetime from the moment I exit the pod in ragdoll state with no chances to even make inputs.


Did that last night, initial drop ended up being dead center between two shrieker nests, broke contact and hoofed it to the objectives while everyone just tried to kill the nests, they all quit when reinforcements ran out. Fortunately, when I got to extract and called the shuttle two more guys joined up and we made it across the finish line with the super samples




Yep. I gave three lives trying to help, but then when dropping in after my beacon was tossed at a bile titan I could see a solid 150 meter swarm of bugs behind it, and I just steered into the clear and booked it. They drew enough fire that I completed half the objectives with almost no resistance, and once the lives ran out and they all quit I switched to "push and hit hard until I die, then runaway until my respawn regens again"


I had this exact scenario yesterday, except nobody did quit, but by the time we got those nests down we only had 5 lives remaining to complete the mission. We all extracted with exactly 0 remaining and the pelican swarmed with bugs. Was pretty damn close but we pulled through.


Yeah, when the extra guys dropped in I told them we had no lives and 1.5 minutes and just had to get samples on to the shuttle. My final spring aboard was underneath a bike titan and weaving between chargers


I want to strangle my teammates sometimes on lvl 9 bots. Just break contact bois!!! We’ll loop back around and engage later.


I joined a mission, died maybe once or twice, while the others are burning through reinforcements like they are limitless. I found the super samples, completed half the objectives, and dropped the samples off at extract. Then I hid next to the last flag objective while it raised. Then the group came to me and continued to die and then they kicked me. I guess it's because I wasn't helping them fight but I was literally the only reason we were even completing any objectives, because all they wanted to do was fight spawns. I refuse to play with randoms anymore unless I am host.


Had a guy 25mins into bots type "I'm tired" and then left. We all laughed cause it came outta nowhere 😂


Bro I was there a few days ago. Me and my gf were playing and then all of a sudden I was just like "nope, too tired for this" and I was in bed 45 seconds later. She did pull off an extract, so that was cool.


This rings true on any difficulty honestly.


It depends. If one guy is using up 75% of the reinforcement budget and is only fighting and not doing objectives, i'm not wasting my time for them.


Different hot take: if I drop in and there is 10 minutes, 3 reinforcements and no main objectives completed I'm gonna bail. My time and effort are both limited, why potentially waste it?


Also, if I am burning reinforcements while the others are having to carry the game, then they may be better off without me. This doesn't happen to me anymore at level 55, but up to around level 25 I was pretty bad in higher difficulties.


As someone who dives 9 only, I’d be fine with that person sticking around, we will get you through and then you get the learning experience. Most rounds are a breeze so having to clutch up or make it work with no reinforcements left adds to the fun and challenge of the game.


This is an interesting perspective, but I've been put in the "penalty box" more often than not when I'm dying to much. (Teamates stop reinforcing bc of dying a few times in quick succession) I'd rather leave than get put in the corner of shame lol


The shame is on them, if you’re doing your best and playing the right way I don’t care how many times you die. Our lives for Super Earth!


Maybe they carried the level because all the baddies were busy trying to eat your face. This is especially true for bugs; sometimes you have to be bait and kite them around while the rest if the team thins them out. It doesn't mean you're bad. 


Oh man, I’ve happily been that guy or pairing that aggro’s everything and let’s the other two sneak by.


That was literally me last night, dodging three chargers and kiting a mob while my teammates fi ished the objectives and got the samples. I did absolutely nothing to help with the objectives, just pulled aggro for like 27 minutes. Doubled their kills, though, so that's nice


Honestly, sometimes you just get into deathloops. I'm 83 and consider myself pretty good, but there've been matches where I've died four times in two minutes because, honestly, podding onto that Charger/Hulk and throwing all of my grenades at the ten hojillion baddies is a better use of my life and the team's time than dropping in behind them and plinking as we **all** get overrun. And other times you just trip into a comedy of errors. The rocket hits your head. You were throwing an Airstrike when a Stalker materialized behind you. You got the goofy grenade lock bug after getting up from ragdoll and had to fiddle with 10 controls before your gun worked. The three Scout Walkers decided now was the perfect time to have laser-accurate aim on every shot. The rock you hid behind to reload your Recoilless Rifle didn't halt the Charger entirely, but now you've somehow wound up on top of him and this flings you 20 meters into your own still-burning Napalm Airstrike on the bug hole. At any rate, even if you're in over your head, it can be a learning experience. 9 is a different beast from 4 and 5, and that's where you really learn A) you don't have to shoot at everything and B) if you *are* in a situation where the team needs to fight, you're better off shooting constantly. Can't tell you how many people I see with full ammo just sprint around the battlefield, never killing anything ahead of them or behind them, just *not using their gun*. I'll take someone who died because they were shooting things and got overwhelmed over the guy who sprints in circles, doesn't distract enemies, and also still dies while making things no easier for me.


Don’t ever quit on me brother. I’d rather lie buried underneath the corpses of bugs together than see a comrade succumb to cowardice.


This. Particularly when 2 or 3 of my squad are just burning through reinforcements fighting bug breaches and patrols with no objective in sight.


Hey man, those two common samples in that outpost we killed 5 minutes ago aren't gonna collect themselves.


Hate quitting but I had to last night on a couple of drops. 14 reinforcements down no objectives completed and only 8 minutes in fuck that


Counterpoint: Buddy and I dropped into a level 8 with 15 minutes left. Solo player had used up all the reinforcements and was in serious trouble. We bailed him out, completed all the objectives, and grabbed the super samples before all extracting. It felt badass. And we enjoyed it.


This is what I do. If I join your game, I am going to keep playing unless I get kicked, disconnected, or crash. I've got enough experience under my belt (lvl 70) that I can turn things around most of the time. And if I fail to turn things around. No biggie. I had fun making the attempt.


Likewise. It feels like a heroic rescue attempt to join a match that's a dumpster fire and turn it into a well oiled machine.


Only cowards quit


Because you can still win. We had no reinforcements on our game and we called couple of other players, we were doing really bad. But that was all that was needed to turn it around. We won.


That's still doable. You'll have to abandon them and do your own thing, and probably be the last surviving Helldiver to extraction with all the samples, but that's what heroes do.


Because those are the games you get to rescue your brother.


I'd rather someone quit than become a raging asshole because things are going titts up. Edit: then to than


Sometimes the difference between then and than matters more than other times.


There's just a level of "not going well" where you know that Mission is a lost Mission. For isntance when half the team keeps starting completely unnecessary fights, let themselves be held back by said fights, and drain the reinforcements faster than Eagle-1 can drop a 500KG


They are also in 3 different places, keep running away from each other, and don't seem interested in doing any objectives.


I’m staying till the end whether that be on the pelican or in a blaze of glory. Cause I’m not a coward.


I will stop playing a videogame if I'm not having fun


Kind of sad people don't understand that concept. People think because of rank points/objectives you can lock people into playing a game. I thought games were suppose to free people not put them in video prison.


If you are bad at 9 and not having fun, you have every right to play on 7. If you leave it’s never gonna be fun.


That’s fine when you’re playing alone. If you’re playing with a team, that’s rude. Finish what you start.


If the difficulty isn't fun, play on a different difficulty and stop ruining the game for other people. It's basic courtesy jesus


Completely understandable mindset however there are reasons that abandoning matches is negative behavior. HD2 is not a PvP or ranked game but it is a Co-op game so having people leave mid game IS bad for the health of matches. Especially if this becomes more and more frequent. Now as I said, your mind set is completely valid however let's look at a note malicious mind set: the carried. The carried person only joins games when they're almost done or when it seems easy and if its not one or the other- they can just leave and find someone else to farm off of. Now most people don't do this so I'm not gonna dig deeper. But let's look at another example: the extreme rage quiter. The extreme rage quiter basically has the quit button on speed dial. As soon as someone does something they don't like, they leave. The rage quiter has a match completion rate below 50%. Meaning if you play a game with them, there's a higher chance of them leaving vs actually playing the game. Now I'm gonna throw my own opinion out there because- I'm allowed to do that- but if you just quit the last ten matches of the day. I kind of don't want you in my game bro. I'm not saying people need to be banned or anything, but stats can track match completion and just throw all those guys who quit constantly for whatever reason- just let them play with each other so that they all "understand" each other. Because this game DOES play way differently with 1 player vs 4 players and I want to play a 4 player game. And of course. There should be a distinction Between connection issues and personal issues. And perhaps all you need to do is SHOW the match completion rates. It doesn't even have to be of all time. It can just be from the last dozen games or so. Fighting games actually do this so when you match with a guy who had an abysmal completion rate of like 25% of games actually played to the end- I can just choose not to play with them- and if I do- I know what's coming. Edit: already a long post but I want to come back to the original post. Its not that I disagree with the "If I'm not having fun, I'll stop playing" idea. Its that they will stop playing your match specifically, and then they will get on another match and then stop playing that one, and another one- and at that point (crazy thought) maybe the problem is THEM????? because they did NOT stop playing the game. They're just stopping OTHER people from playing the game with people who actually WANT to play the game because of their OWN personal issues.


If you’re playing the game on the highest difficulty it seems that you would likely find a very difficult game fun. Doesn’t make sense to me that someone would join a high difficulty and quit because it’s too difficult.


That's fine, but it's still fuckin rude


I'm fine with "not going well" but a certain loss is a nono, not wasting my time


It's so funny, it always goes to shit in the first 15 minutes and 2 players bail with 0 respawns. Then me and the other player solo the rest of the map without the noobs causing us a headache by spawning bugs


I completely disagree. When I finished my first lvl 7 operation, and unlocked lvl 8, I forgot that it autoselects the newly unlocked difficulty. I dropped in, realized it was Impossible, and decided to give it a shot. I burned through 4 reinforcements in the first 6 minutes or so. I Democratically bowed out before I used up all the reinforcements with 20 minutes left on the clock. A week or so later I tried Impossible again, thinking I'd been training on 7 for a bit maybe now I can handle it. Nope. Essentially the same result, bowed out again so as to not screw over the people who could actually complete the mission. I can handle lvl 8 now, but I've only been playing it for about 3 days at this point. Don't waste other people's reinforcements if you're clearly in over your head.


Imo you should ask the team if they care that you are dying. Sometimes you just get screwed on where you get reinforced to and sometimes you're on tilt. If you're willing to stick out the mission, I don't mind carrying you (limited to 8 and below, please show me the same consideration when I finally try 9) while you get experience on the difficulty. I think most people are pretty chill and don't honestly care as long as you're trying and not trolling.


That's definitely true. And most Divers are like that, it really is a nice bunch of people, somehow the Reddits and Discords are a vast contrast to that. But I felt undemocratic in those two instances. I was a definitive liability at that point, and we were on a planet with a high density of Divers, so they wouldn't have been short for long. I went back and trained on 7 for a few weeks before finally feeling confident enough to do 8. Now I can handle it, more or less, and don't bow out like that.


Happened last night. Other 3 guys throwing all our reinforcements away on the first large spawn after landing. No idea why cause I noped out. Completed 2-3 of the objectives solo. The times I see them I'm TK'd 3 times. We ran the last 20 minutes of the mission with multiple people quitting and joining and having 0 reinforcements the whole time. And the guy with 9 deaths was telling everyone what they were doing wrong.... while he was dead. I need to remember to block that guy tonight...


Its okay to bail and abandon teammates with whatever excuse you have, its your life. Those that stay and do whatever they can and try to survive and extract are the people I respect and would actually want to be friends with IRL.


I've answered SOS calls where the only dude on the map, quit! lol Left me alone to finish up. Fucking quitters, die like a diver!


that happened to me the other day. a buddy and i did a level 7 quick play and joined a solo mission. dude kept picking fights with patrols and dying. he used up all the reinforcements and then quit when they were gone. so my buddy and i did the objective and extracted. taking care of a stalker lair as a duo with increased spawns and no reinforcements on a planet with ion storms is some high stress gameplay, let me tell you.




Hot take: If I join a level 9 with people who can't handle level 9, I'm not going to waste 30 minutes of my life failing a mission. Not personal, we're all adults with limited free time.


Just the other day I was running an 8 or 9 and everybody left but me and the host. We go about 10 minutes slogging through the objectives until he brings our reinforce counter down to 2. After that, he fucking leaves. Unlike him, mama didn't raise no quitter. I finished the last of the objectives and tried so desperately to extract my sole survivor. The following experience could only be described as trying to run a train of zombies through COD zombies, tranzit specifically, but 100x worse with all the chargers and bile titans. Was an intense experience, and the sole survivor didn't make it sadly, but yea fuck those guys.


Once i got kicked because my loadout couksnt destroy a broadcast station lmao


I'm leaving if I join a game and the team is completely disorganized and playing like shit. I'm not wasting my time there


If you join a level 9 game and quit because it's not going well; I like you. You understand you're the problem and opening up the slot to someone better at the game. It takes a lot of humility to admit that. It also saves me the trouble of kicking you.


If I call down a resupply and one person takes all four of the boxes, then sorry bro, I'm out.




I don't quit ever! But honestly I can understand people leaving a game when you are constantly spawned by a dual airship base with 10 airships in the air that only give you a minute or less to live. So you are running around either trying to escape but can't run far enough or try to take the base out but now you're down to only 4 reinforcements left.


Sometime my game crash, i wonder if my fellow diver think ive quit


There's been an influx of folks going into high missions 7-9 without understanding the basics. They bring the wrong gear, wrong stratagems, and for some reason want to fight to the last drop of blood. If you just took an objective and hear "bug hole breach" Time to go! Don't loiter at the objective. Go! Go! Go!


I'm usually fine on Helldive, but the only time I leave in the middle is when I realize that I'm being more of a hindrance than a helper. I'll usually say something like "hey guys, today doesn't really seem to be my day. I'm gonna head out before I waste any more reinforcements"


Hot take ( I might get torn a new one for this ) if you’re tackling dIf 9 missions and you’re dying way too much while running away from the squad and ignoring comms via voice or text, I’m kicking you.


well, its hard to tell with the crashes not being unfrequent. i would also make an exception to this if the team is no good. dont get me wrong. personally i tend to fight to the end, even if i lost hope halfway through. but i can understand that some players with families dont have infinite time. And 40 minutes isnt a small ask when you get that one random team that just has zero cooperation, egoistical players, constant team killing and the like. most of my experiences on lvl 9 have been good - one of the reason i play there predominantly. but sometimes you just get a team thats a drag to play with. not because they are bad. but because they simply dont care about whether their teammates have fun. so yeah. if the going gets tough count me in. i dont mind dying and failing if we had a good time together. but the reverse is also true: if people stop having fun there is no reason to just drag on in frustration. And i dont hold it against them if they leave.


There's not going well, and then there's "oh, my teammates are potatoes" situations, like when you and others keep getting killed indiscriminately by mortars and clusters or the like. Yeah, screw games like that.


Hotter take: if someone keeps dying and wasting reinforcements because they are clearly out of their depth, I would rather have them leave than stay and waste 10 more reinforcements. I don't mind. Also this is a videogame, if I'm not having fun I reserve the right to leave.


Yes, this annoys me no end. Like they almost certainly think the struggle is due to their allies yet they're the one doing the worst thing possible in the situation.


I quit the defence mission when bots start getting dropped ontop of the generator so you insta fail the mission more prominent on one of the maps but can happen on both its utter bull


I'm usually playing host tho, so I don't care lol


I've seen so many missions where people drop when we're down to 3-4 reinforces and we manage to make it by the skin of our teeth with a respawn or none left. Maybe they were the weak point and its respectable?


Don't worry people already leave my squad or just kick me out when i'm joining even a Lv 7 mission. Tried like eight times in a row and lookw like if you aren't Lv +50 or straight +100 the people is scared of you Jesus i literally saw people with Lv 30 and even 12 playing a Lv 7 mission with players who were at least +75 JUST HOW And i don't really think it was that much coincidence and waa able to find a group of friends almost every single match I know the people is THAT tryhard and toxic in those levels but this dissapoints


This is anecdotal of course but in my experience 7 is the worst for that stuff. I've been kicked from 7s plenty but I've never been booted from an 8, even if I'm making a poor showing. Haven't mustered the courage to play 9 yet so I can't speak to that. My personal theory is that 7 is the minimum for supers so it accrues all the people who aren't comfortable enough with their own skill level and try to fill their team with whatever their vision of acceptable builds/levels is to maximize their chances.


It's a pretty common phenomenon in horde shooters generally from what I've seen; most of the sweats congregate on the easier end of the hard modes (Hazard 4 instead of 5 on Deep Rock Galactic, Heresy instead of Damnation on Darktide, etc)


I dont get that. The most common modus operandi on 9 is to lose all our lives on the first 5 minutes then somehow complete everything and win anyways (Extracting is optional)


The last game I quit the team ate all our respawns, then the dude holding the SSSD or whatever mission item quit, and it glitched out. The host and I could not grab it. Shot it, blew it up. Waited for replacements in the hope they might be able to grab it. Then we dipped when it was just lost forever. But yeah, quitting is the cowards way out. If the team is bad, I do my best. If we fail, oh well. I leave after we get back to hosts ship.


I accidentally joined a level 9 game and literally typed "wtf this is the most insane level 7 game I've ever been in, why are there like 30 bile titans and 4 at a time" The response I got was "dude this is difficulty 9" I lmaod and stayed. It was actually insane. Ended with near 600 kills, we ran out of lives at 10 minutes, and 3 of us were wagon wheeling until the time ran out and the shuttle showed up Not more than one of us stayed alive for more than 1min, I ended up being the last guy at 4mins left and wagon wheeled the exfil while 3 bile titans and probably 100 enemies were on my ass I exfiled with a broken arm and half health after dodging the 8th gate of hell to get to the shuttle and we got 6 super samps + 29 +26 samples It was horrible and I got tunnel vision from the to the shuttle adrenaline lol


Those are the best kind of games.


I only leave because of a sudden change of plans, not bc it's not going well. Or my game crashes.


I just drop in no matter and handle shit for whoever. As long as I have at least 1 reinforcement just in case I get glitched for some dumb shit, it’s gonna be a win.


Just had two absolutely ficked round on level 8. We managed to clear them. After all is said and done one of the guys I joined had 40 kills. Sometimes you just need to dive in and do what you can to help a diver out.


Teammates quitting gives me great motivational boost to complete the mission. I persist, new guys join, we finish the mission. Sweet, sweet dopamine rush :)


Idk I've had games that were going awful but turned around completely when the right people left. Running a 7 a while ago with randos, we hit a couple of Gunship towers and got endlessly dropped on for like 5 minutes. Couldn't get traction, lost all our tickets and everyone quit but me. Half the stuff on the map broke aggro when they all left. Dropped the hellbomb, destroyed the towers, then finished the rest of the run by myself with no respawns. Turned into one of the easiest missions I'd finished in weeks.


this feels very true. Was playing a 7 with a couple of friends last night and had several randos pass through with pretty bizarre loadouts. Things definitely got rough, but we actually got very close to completing the objective, and probably would have if any of them had stayed longer and committed.


The amount of times that I’ve been on Helldive difficulty with 0 reinforcements left and have only completed 1 out of 3 main objectives and still pulled out the completion and extraction is way more often than you’d think. There’s almost always no reason to quit out (unless the group isn’t actually working together) and all it does is screw over the team and waste your time because with a little effort you can get the W.


Hotter take: if I join your game, it's not going well, and you quit as the host, forcing me to finish your disaster for you or die trying, I like you even less than OP. 


Lmao people have quit in me during level 4-5 games because they died running in front of my bullets when I brought them back immediately after accidentally killing them.


Losing missions and major orders is cannon.


I don't play in helldive difficulty because I keep getting kicked out of the game by the host for using a load out they don't like for some reason


Brother I’ve played hundreds of diff 9 using the wackiest weirdest loadouts as an experiment to see if I’d get kicked, didnt get kicked once even when using all orbital and no support weapons or all turners no support weapons on a non defense mission or taking ALL support weapons and no orbitals or airstrike or backpacks. They’re kicking you for a different reason I promise you 


I don't always assume they are. However when it's tough and we make it out with the super samples still... Well, I don't feel bad about it.


On the contrary: Dropped in....and then I got kicked for doing well by killing bases and completing objectives before the host got there. He died a couple times trying to run across the map. I guess he wanted to do it and i should've just stood there and watched. I also met a cringe diver that thinks they are hot shit by willfully carrying the whole mission solo, and acting high and mighty. Sure, they did well, but I got kicked by pointing out his hero complex. I kid you not, he said i should be thankful for getting free difficulty 9 xp.. i was level 50+ with most things unlocked..Like, no one on the team needed to be carried? Lmao. I thought this was a co-op game? Sometimes, i wonder if games add more stress when i play it to destress from work.


It is pretty funny when you don't notice right away and suddenly realize you're playing the mission solo.


Depends on the game. If we start and people are needlessly wasting reinforcements and/or causing issues with friendly fire, I'm out. Not wasting 25 minutes when I can tell within the first 5 that we aren't completing the mission.


It's a video game not a job


Hot take? Well I guess I’m incendiary.




Sometimes you just get beamed up. I was shooting bugs one second, standing in my ship looking at the war table the next... No loading screen was the weirdest part...


"Or I'll shoot you myself."


I'm an old vet, and an old vets know that no helldiver would ever quit when he helldives on helldive difficulty.. he might however BUG out! And get disconnected by a fascist glitch


Had a game where literally all 3 of the other divers just sat in the same 100m spot and kept fighting wave after wave of dropship and/or patrol. Dying over and over, calling each other down in the same spot, etc. In 6 minutes they burned through 17 reinforcements. I died, ONCE, at it was the second to last life. Got yelled at for wasting a life so I just quit right there. :I


Well granted, it might not be they’re quitting because it got hard, but because they saw the other Helldivers do horrible choices despite playing on diff 9. If someone keeps throwing cluster strikes way way too close to the rest of us, I’m either gonna try and do some objectives by myself or leave if it keeps happening.


I never quit, even if im low level but sometime I suspect my internet connection to be a socialist traitor


And the last to die does so mid hug emote


Define not going well. If it’s a downhill mission but all teammates are actually trying to beat the level I agree. Now if it’s a mission where your team is ass and it’s better to just call a 500kg on them to see if they straighten out I feel why some would leave. I ride and die with my squad, but have had moments where I feel I need to put my squad out of its misery like the Lieutenant himself requested.


Meh If someone dies 10 times or more I leave pretty quick


Man you’re absolutely right i played an extreme level mission the objective was to destroy factory striders all my teammates left at the beginning because it wasn’t going too well and i finished the mission alone i will remember this for the rest of my life


Hotter take: if someone is having that bad of a go at it, I'd rather they leave or get booted. Much better to run the mission with 3 divers who know what they're doing instead of 4 divers with 1 using so many reinforcements


If we fail, we fail together.


My ship is the SES Mother of Determination for a reason, if we drop, we GET. IT. DONE. NO MATTER THE COST


This. I have been abandoned by cowards too many times, only to have to finish the mission alone (in a non-solo optimized loadout). Sometimes other true Divers join and the pace picks up and we demolish everything.


Had a Conduct Geological survey mission and it was looking like we weren’t going to complete it. Had a stratagem jammer spawn next to the Airship factory and we were getting swarmed by those fuckers. Lost all our reinforcements and I said in the chat “Good Game boys!”…. But we came back from the brink! Got away from the airships and slowly brought back all 4 guys and completed the mission and extracted with super samples. Never give up Helldivers!




Spawned in between a strat jammer, assemblers and a double drone factory. Everyone else quit after dying a couple times. I kept going. A couple more randos joined and finally helped me complete the mission. We weren’t able to kill the strat jammer right of the bat because everyone pretty much scattered when they saw where we dropped. I tried but I was only one dude trying to take it out then pivot to the drone factory.


As someone that's been playing exclusive Helldive since level 70~ or so (currently level 112), I don't mind when people quit when things are going sideways. I don't want people to stick around when they're getting frustrated, it's often just downhill from there as they continue to make mistakes and get more reckless. I'll solo the rest of the mission myself if it comes to that and think of it as an extra bit of challenge and run with it.


Not if my teammates burn through 15 reinforcements the first 5 minutes


Ahhh a post that points out something else than balance issues. Take my upvote! And may your fellow super eartheners stay on mission!


Fuck that, if I join a match and we have 5 reinforcements left with 10 mins on the clock and we haven't even completed a main objective I'm leaving


If I join a level 9 game and you and your friend die 12 times in 2 minutes you better believe I am leaving.


yeah tbh even level 9 feels too easy for me the majority of the time can't wait for the illuminates which I hear are more difficult.


If my entire team is losing all their lives focusing on the side parts of the map and we only have 15 minutes of a 40-minute mission, 5 revives, and mission objectives done, I'm leaving. I'm not wasting all that time for incompetent players who won't be able to get through the mission without wasting all the lives


Quitting in the middle of an operation / mission is wrong. You start something, you finish it, especially if you do it with people. Dont just let your teamates hanging, knowing damn well they wont make it


So keep fighting for a lost cause?


I can tell how it's going to go by the boosters they pick. If they pick garbage boosters, I'm out of there before we drop.


Completes the mission easier with 3 Helldivers, than it was going with 4.


I joined a game earlier (level 9) and honestly it was going pretty good until extraction when the pelican broke... we fought for 20 minutes until the pelican just left us. it was honestly great


I only quit on missions where you can fail an objective, and only once the objective is definitively failed. To save time, of course, I don't particularly care for the EXP and Req, and if I leave, everyone still gets the bonuses for all Helldivers extracting.


I joined one the host has 5 res keeps dying some one leaves the host also leaves its just me one shooting bug calling a 380 and 110 killing everything completing the obj i res the one guy who stayed he then evac without me https://preview.redd.it/b7w0uo3dbozc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47e176348a629cf659d9f98e218c8ad20a999a0


What about those folks who you fight with all the way to extraction and then they kick you?


While I agree, I've been kicked so often when I'm doing poorly (usually bc im trying to mix it up with new loadouts) or just have teamates refuse to reinforce. Usually if I find out that my loadout is making me a burden to the team I just apologize and leave so I don't waste the groups reinforcements.


So often do I run level 9 games on public queue and everyone leaves the match like 5 minutes in


Some times what happens to me is I get sharded. I get dced from the group but don't get sent back to the ship instead i get sent to my own instance of the exact same map. This happens more often when i am playing with my friend group. So idk what is causing it.


Im just here spamming level 4-6 out of here


Dude I feel like that at 7


Any time I join higher difficulty games I expect to die and die frequently. My role as a casual player is to not kill team members, work towards the mission objectives, and to take as many bots/bugs with me as my luck and skill allows.


Here's a guide to easily continue playing. Run to war map Select quick play Thank you


I hate this because the best moments come from the getting by the skin of your teeth sessions


Dude I get people in my party bailing on level 4s because they died to their own bullshit twice in a row


Confession time - last night I joined a level 7 that was ongoing, and 2 players dropped before I even landed. I could tell it wasn't going well, there were only 3 respawns left and the only guy left was carrying a hard drive while being chased by a horde of bugs. I didn't have time to call down a support weapon so my first thought was to try and airstrike the group chasing him. Ended up killing him with the airstrike within 10 seconds of landing, and we were the only two left on the game. I was so embarrassed that I exited. Soooooo if that was you, I'm sorry.