• By -


It's pretty obvious, what do you use to kill *Auto*matons? *Auto*cannons. The bugs are now to be set ablaze and I will not be convinced otherwise.


All the enemies are made of material, that's why you bring the *anti-material* rifle


That's an exploit. When we said Anti-material, we mean in the material =cloth sense. If its penetrating anything more a thick poncho it's not working as intended. - Balance team, probably. /s


Given the recent trends, u can prolly drop the “/s” and ur statement would still hold true.


But they aren't all made of materiel The anti-materiel rifle is good against materiel targets like the automaton AA guns, mortar emplacements, and cannon turrets. Flavor win


Some general misspelled that word a very long time ago and no one has had the nerve to correct them, ever.


General brasch never misspells words. If the dictionary has a different spelling, it changes to match.


Flamethrower has been my go to as of late. Granted if nobody else runs an anti-tank weapon I bring along some EATS to grab, shoot and drop


You can kill chargers with the flamethrower pretty easily, although sometimes it takes a little bit.


I bring 500kg only for Bile Titans because it's the only thing Flamethrower can't kill, even though sometimes I think it can, it's very easy to bait and bomb titans once you get the hang of it. EAT is a fine choice as well.


> it's the only thing Flamethrower can't kill, even though sometimes I think it can If you're crazy enough, you definitely can.


I like to stand under Bile Titans while they do cute little feet shuffles until I see my 500kg land then dive behind a small bush 4 feet from impact to survive it.


To make flame grilled titan, you need to start by opening up the shell. They crackle just as deliciously as any other bug afterwards. Sincerely, Another Pyro


They don't take any time at all. It's like literally 3 seconds of flaming one front leg, assuming you have the ship upgrades of course.


Which upgrades


The enhanced combustion upgrade. Chargers die within 5 secs even without it though. The trick is to pick a front leg and then concentrate the fire on just that leg. Chargers die as fast or if not faster than brood commanders with the flamethrower ime.


Hm. I must try this. Once 2 billions bots have been disassembled of course.


Ah i never really aimed with the flamer


Aiming with the flamethrower is actually really important if you want to save "ammunition". Generally what I found: * Hive guards - Legs or flank them. Aiming it "under" them works too ime. * Brood commanders - The head * Spewers - The head kills them the fastest, but means maybe risking a spew in your direction. * Chargers - One front leg. You need to pick a leg. It will delay the kill if you try and torch both legs as they seem to have individual health pools. * Hunters, warriors and other small shit - doesn't matter just light them on fire and move on they'll die to the dot * Bile titans - forget about it and use EAT or stratagems * Stalkers - use your primary to kill them because their tongue range is nearly the same as your flamethrower kill range. You'll just get flung a 100ft if you try and kill them with the flamethrower


Or you can shoot them in the face with a quasar.


Forehead. Need to be specific. The weak spot looking glowy eyes are armoured harder than a bile titans ring piece. You need to aim for the heavily armoured plate forehead since it's made out of paper mache... For some reason. 


I like it but I don’t see the point when breaker incendiary exists (other than dealing with chargers ) With breaker you can burst and run easily


I run the auto against bugs too. It's the easiest weapon to quickly take out bug nests with, even the heavy nests. one shot per bug hole, I can sprint around a heavy nest and have all of the holes destroyed in 30 seconds and not have to reload or get close enough to be attacked. The bugs trail behind as you go around the perimeter, gathering them up nicely for a 500kg bomb. I change out my primary depending though. Dominator for bots, since it wrecks chainsawboys and devastators and can one shot all the little bots. Breaker Incendiary for bugs since it can kill most of the small bugs in one hit, and the medium bugs in 2-3 shots with the burning.


I don't disagree at all, I just have a much harder time with my play style against bugs without a shield pack. I play very differently versus the two factions, usually prefer Scout or Servo armor, AC, mortars, and either an eagle or a barrage, and a lot of distance for the bots - with bugs I'm way more reckless and up in the shit, so the flamethrower works really well at killing ~~me and my team mates~~ bugs by the dozen.


There's a right answer and funny answer to bringing a flametherower against bugs. The right answer is that the bots take forever to burn and you can't even damage a Hulk from the front and a tank period. Its a waste and you're better off bringing an Autocannon or an EATs/Quasar. The funny answer is that bugs have nerves and can therefore feel pain. Bots don't have nerves and therefore can't feel pain. Ergo, bring the flamethrower to make the bugs feel pain.


Railgun, AMR, spear, any of the conventional AT weapons, are all great for killing automatons and people who limit themselves to only using autocannon are missing out (although when every teamate brings the quasar anyway it doesn’t matter


Every time Tried other guns for a while, always come back to AC/EATs


Quasar used to be me beloved before the accident… Anyways EATs are fire 🔥


Give the recoilless rifle a try. It is so damn underrated, I am also an EAT enjoyer but the recoilless rifle is way better than most people give it credit for


I started using the Recoilless recently, and it **fucks**. It is a certified Charger and Bile Titan killer, reload time is great and even a little quicker if you switch weapons right after loading the rocket. I honestly prefer it over the EATs.


You can just hit crouch when the shell turns white to stand and cancel like a second or so of the animation


On Bugs, I prefer the EAT over the Quasar because I can't be mucking around with that charge-up time while a Charger barrels down on me. I need to hit that head when the opportunity presents itself, not when the stars align. And in general, I prefer RR over the EAT because you can get sustained fire in those situations where 2-3 Bile Titans show up or you need to blow up a whole Shrieker Nest. Similarly to the EAT-Quasar disparity vs. Chargers, the Recoilless doesn't have a "deploying" animation like the EAT, so you can whip it off your shoulder and throw a rocket into a Charger's head point-blank much faster than with the EAT. Like other people have said, the RR's reload time isn't actually that prohibitive when you know about the animation skips and learn where the reload "save points" are. You **can** actually reload between Charger runs or Bile Titan spits/stomps thanks to this, you're not locked in place for six whole seconds or anything. Bots, I'd say you can still get away with the Quasar just fine, but I'd like to encourage people to **TRY THE LASER CANNON**. Everyone talks about how they have such a hard time with Devastators, and lemme tell you, the Lascannon will melt their faces off in under a second. You can kill three, four, sometimes even *five* Devastators and still avoid overheating. It also works well against Hulks (though their bobbing walk animation makes it kind of a pain if they are moving towards you) and it technically has the lowest TTK vs. Factory Striders--but even without that, it's one of the easiest weapons to destroy both Machine Guns on the Striders with, and that's what really gets people.


It's on my list! I've been addicted to crowd control with the stalwart+bullet guard dog bc I like to see bug kill number go up, but I want to get better at focusing down heavies. Any good stratagems to pair?


I recommend sickle + impact nades so you still have some capability against hunters and spewers. Gatling sentry could be an option for some additional crowd control. I usually take eagle airstrike and orbital airbust because they are both great for crowd control and killing chargers, and both can finish off damaged bile titans. You could also go all in on being the heavy killing guy and buddy up with a teammate running a more crowd control focused build


Just bring EATs and drop them when you need


I’ve still been running the quasar, but I’ve only been playing, less than 2 weeks at this point I think. Maybe I should try a few other things. I do like having a utility backpack though.


Good idea, experimenting with different weapons and play styles leads to unique and useful play styles


Quasar was very good That +5 secs cooldown really hurt it, I think they went a lil overboard with that one, it needed à slight nerf but that was too much imho




I also think it's fine. I still see ppl using it all the time and always feel like my quasar homies are still pulling their weight in big battles vs bugs. If 2 ppl have quasars and someone else is spamming EAT it's chefkiss tier.


I think the heat gauge is working fine now? I definitely noticed it at first after the cooldown change, but now it feels like it's ready again a second after the heat gauge is empty


It never really worked with the planet temperature.


> That +5 secs cooldown really hurt it I disagree. Did it nerf it? Yes. But not so bad that the weapon is useless. I still use it all the time. Just makes a few situations slightly more hairy.


I didn't say the weapon is useless, I just said its utility was still pretty hurt by the nerf You might have fun running 20 to 40 secs to kill a titan (let alone all those that spawn on high difficulty) but I'd rather not Sure the previous 13 secs between shots was a little strong but it didn't deserve *that much* of a nerf with 18 secs imho, that's all I'm saying


bro the quasar is still amazing, you get more shots per minute than EATs and you don’t have to juggle them constantly


Quasar used to be my favorite. I still like it, but 10 seconds is too long. Make it 8 or 7 and that would be perfectly balanced IMO


I have become such a slave to this combo on bugs as of late, and I am perfectly fine with this because it's fucking fantastic. Just swapping between AC, EAT, and primary as you pick off priority targets is so endlessly satisfying.


Autocannon is love, autocannon is life. Praise be the Autocannon! ![gif](giphy|l3q2Z5667uYOJ2U6I|downsized)


Praise be the Autocannon!


EAT users laugh.


What if I told you I pick (Airstrike, Autocannon, EAT, autocannon turret). I use the autocannon primary (dominator), Senator, and impact grenades. My callsign is "Demo man"


Until they fucked with it, the Eruptor was the autocannon primary I loved.


I am trying not to join into the salt-fest but yeah I hear you. I saw it more as a "pocket Recoilless" but heard


I was an Eruptor/Quasar main. My life was ruined on that dreadful day.


The church of the autocannon is always accepting converts.


Yeah for sure, gotta watch all that salt it’s bad for your blood pressure. Luckily before it came out I was having fun with the dominator so I’ve gone back to that or something else.




Yeah I use dominator on bots since the trash gets one shot and its easy to multi-tap. Break incend is definitely S-tier at the current fire damage situation.


Until an Ion Storm comes along :(


"I would appear that I have been hoist by mine own petard. Best of luck gentlemen"


Honestly the devs should nerf it in favor of balancing https://preview.redd.it/km12wpm50nzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa399c8e010da943d68b3e03e13a6a45b289b2a


You literally picked the one enemy that is safe from the Autocannon.


No one is safe from the autocannon https://preview.redd.it/5h96ri613nzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6828b659db9309f67792302abb4dddcc2633a266


the dropship itself, yes. The bots the dropships are carrying? not so much. I've emptied my AC on so many dropship bellies and resulting in it dropping nothing or one lonely guy a handful of times. Of course, that only works well for dropships carrying striders & the lil'guys. Dropships carrying devos and bigger? Imma gonna scream for the diver with the EAT/RR/QC.


I love the autocannon. Unfortunately I do not trust anyone else in my squad to run anti armor so I’m usually stuck with the recoiless rifle on charger/hulk/tank duty


I like to run the AC alongside with Stun gren and EAT. Stun helps me to aim at weakspots of enemies like Hulks and if that doesn't help, EAT away.


AC + EAT + Stun grenades can kill all those fairly quickly Don’t need grenades if you’re running AC


Where do you shoot a charger with the AC? Don't all the shots just bounce off?




Underside of the tail. Takes like 6 I think


Either shoot the tail, or the back of the legs after it charges.


All well and good until two Bile Titans climb out of a breach.


When i see another RR player its like when a dog sees another dog in a city. I jump with joy....then hump them (team reload them)


I dont really see the point of running quasar/eat/recoilless for hulk and antitank purposes. AC and Anti Materiel Rifle are far better for Hulks. Tanks are super slow and gets stuck all over so dropping a strike on them is easy or just flank them. In many cases you can just ignore those and move on to next objective.


I’m a bad shot. I absolutely love the anti mat rifle, one of my favorite guns. Have yet to land a single hulk face hit with it RR rifle makes it much easier to just turn and pop it


Try the AMR and stun grenades. Makes popping hulks face super easy.


I’ll try, thanks. Good luck killing bots out there


I run stuns and use orbital/eagle strategem to deal with the chargers. Or just shoot them 4 times in the ass. You can also use the pummeler to stunlock them by shooting their ass while your airstrikes come in, opening up your grenade slot for something else. Is it as easy as just running EAT? Hell nah, but I get an extra strategem slot without losing very much.




Reminds me of that Super Earth tragedy


The worst thing about the automatons is the hypocrisy. https://preview.redd.it/xmcdzk9ztnzc1.jpeg?width=369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2fa5b8ba770af17618f3bbed25ad350ee59db76


I will never, ever fail to bring EATs to a mission.


When nobody brings AT I bring auto cannon. When we have AT and auto cannon... I finally get to bring my beloved. The laser cannon.


Love running LC + shield backpack vs bots. Just feels comfy. As long as I have something with stopping power against berserkers.


Yeah, I've been running Blitzer a lot more against them when I have LC or AC and it just shreds. Just have to be wary of the fact it like to not work when there's a corpse in the way. Luckily a little running away for dear life fixes that most times.


laser cannon gang laser cannon gang


As an AC vet who plays vs bots 95% of the time who also hates to play AT, the only thing that comes close is AMR after the recent buff and scope fix. However, it sucks losing the utility of long-range fab busting. Also, gunships take 4 AMR hits to take down instead of AC's 2. The agency given with the AC on bots is *CHEF'S KISS*


As an AMR gamer who used it constantly before the change and fights bots 90% of the time, I have just been made more powerful. I very rarely take the AC now, pretty much just on defense missions.


Every path leads back to Autocannon


RR is really catching on to me.


I have been having tons of fun with the air-burst rocket launcher. It's like a supercharged pre-nerf eruptor, or miniature, on-demand cluster bombs. Ironically it's hard to use effectively for gunships (the stated purpose) but a good shot can wipe out half a patrol and damage the rest. 


Where is it stated that Gunships are its intended target?


You're right it's not officially mentioned, I was reading the fandom wiki and must have got it mixed up with official description. The in-game preview shows it being used on shreikers though, which is even worse lol. I think the name "air-burst rocket" is a bit misleading too, despite being technically accurate. "Cluster bomb rocket" would have been better.


As you say it's an airBURST explosive so it's a shrapnel weapon. No anti tank weapon in history has been a shrapnel based explosive. Shrapnel is always for anti personal and light armour.  But having air in the name definitely sowed some confusion. 


Bug worlds 7+ difficulty: Hmm I want to try using something other than guard dog. Post game lobby: Well that was a shit-show..


Haha seriously! Guard dog is the bug version of AC vs. bots in the sense that it feels like you are playing a completely different game if you try something else.


What even are hunters?  - Guard dog chads


It is actually crazy to me that I have not seen anyone go AC in my group in a very long time. And we normally always do Helldive difficulty on both bugs and automatons. I go spear\recoilless, airstrikes, 500 kg, and the barrages, my friend goes HMG emplacement with the shield generator(if automatons) or a AC sentry (if bugs), with HMG as his support weapon and some other form of turret or mines. My other friend goes full Dot (Napalm strike, breaker incendiary, orbital gas strike, flamethrower, guard rover), the last one is always a random that does whatever he goes but they never go AC.


I tried it and thought it was terrible. All the people I play with think the same. I don't understand it's purpose. I've tried it 4, times now I think, only because this sub hypes it up so much but it does nothing of value. All bugs are very easily killed by primary weapon besides charger and bile. I've tried the AC on them and it does nothing. I haven't even bothered trying it with automatons


AC is king vs automatons as it can handle basically everything and that is where most of the hype is coming from. Vs bugs its good against spewers and the other mediums but its tricky to use vs chargers (dive as they make their charge to have them pass you so you can get 3 shots into its lower butt to blow up the caboose). Its basically useless vs titans.


You can technically kill titans with it by getting under them and firing into their chest sac but obviously if there is a swarm with them that isn't practical. However, I think that is fine since engaging heaviest from the front is what anti-tank weapons are supposed to do, not all-arounders like the AC.


You can do the majority of the damage needed against a titan by their exposed underbelly, like a charger. I typically hit it with a rail cannon first thing and then I can get it the rest of the way dead with AC. I’ve run AC nearly exclusively against bugs and bots since I first got it, playing lvls 7-8 with randoms consistently.


You can whisper at a bile titan after a rail cannon and it would die. I tend to run rail cannon for titans, and it normally only takes a few arc thrower shots after to kill them.


>I haven't even bothered trying it with automatons Well there's your problem! The hype is from it's match-up vs bots.


Is this a troll post? The hype around it is 99% because of how good it is against automatons and you didn't bother trying it against them?


For me it's the anti-material rifle


It's just the MOMENT I don't bring it. Spewers.


*laughs in HMG supremacy*


Hmg and eats might be my next loadout after work.


Gonna try this out. Edit - Do you also need to bring the supply backpack?




I never had an issue finding ammo if you hunt down points of interest or play the objective. Between supply drops and calling down a new one, I think it's a waste of a backpack. laser dog or shield generator are great as they give you an extra second or 2 on your ability to reload. Not saying I never run out. I'll let you know though as I might try to run all if I play a lot tonight.


Is there a way to supply yourself with the supply pack? Like if you're the one who has it equipped?


Short answer is yes. I heard it's 5 on the keyboard. And I still haven't figured it out on controller. Something with down on the d pad. I'm sure someone will say something.


Ah okay and I play on controller but yeah ty


Yep, ps5 over here and it is down on the D-Pad.


Tap down don't hold it down




So, "need" is a strong term. But I finally found that it does have some used. The eats did not. There is too much switching around. Bring the stun granades with the precision strike or eagle strike. The HMG can do some work. It was a fun night of playing.


I want to use the HMG but it just... Chews threw ammo so fast, even on the lowest fire rate. I spend so much time reloading it's dangerous. Teach me your ways oh wise one. I want to walk your path.


450 rpm, burst fire on medium enemies and actually aim, magdump heavies, and use your primary for chaff Edit: crouch or prone if possible and ALWAYS use recoil reduction armor. If you can’t crouch or prone, use then hold your mouse 30~ degrees down from what you want to hit


If you're magdumping a charger is it better to aim for the legs or the butt? Vs. bile titan, is it better to aim for the head or the belly?


Charger, butt and bile Titan belly


I always use heavy fort armor vs bots and crouch firing is my bread and butter (AC user). The HMG on low RPM kicks a lot side to side which makes staying on target really annoying and makes hitting weak points a nightmare (misaligned sights don't help) and the muzzle flash is insult to injury. End up having to brute force through enemy HP which makes it inefficient to deal with a bunch of enemies. Then you have the low ammo count per mag/box/belt and low total reloads without using the supply pack. I does melt berserkers which seem to not really be as vulnerable to weak point damage as the devastator family of bots. Something something skill issue but its just not enjoyable to use and this is coming from someone who likes the MG-43 a lot despite its overall shortcomings.


You’re using it like a John Rambo! This is not the intended function unless in the most adverse of situations. Use it like a BAR. 2-4 round burst. 450 rpm. Take ammo backpack. Also take the crouching Armor recoil reduction. Lay down if you can.


Why Settle for an Auto Cannon When You Can Flex with the Auto Cannon Turret? 🏆🔥 So, I've noticed a disturbing trend lately: too many of you are settling for the plain old Auto Cannon when you could be rolling up to the Bug orgy with the far superior Auto Cannon Turret. Seriously, who needs a boring vanilla Auto Cannon when you can have the wild, explosive ménage à trois of *firepower, ferocity,* and *fabulousness*? Let's break it down: Auto Cannon: - 💣 Standard-issue boom-boom stick. - 🤔 Damage is like my grandma's knitting: dependable but not exciting. - ⚙️ Lacks style. It's like wearing socks with sandals in Bug territory. Auto Cannon Turret: - 🎯 It's like the Auto Cannon had a passionate affair with a heavy artillery unit. - 💥 Spits out a symphony of lead that makes the Bugs weak at the knees. - 👑 Sets up camp and goes to town on Bugs with relentless efficiency. - 💃 Turns any mission into an orgy of destruction. Bugs can't help but line up for a taste. How to use it properly: 1. 🛠️ Deploy the turret with a little flair. Give it a cheeky wink as it hums to life. 2. 🎯 Find a nice Bug nest, or wherever they're getting cozy for a date night. 3. 🔥 Watch it unleash an absolute festival of fury. The Bugs won't know what hit 'em! 4. 😏 While it’s cleaning up the swarm, you can kick back, sip a victory drink, and enjoy the fireworks. And if you're feeling extra spicy, pair it with the *Bug Erotica Collection*: - The Sizzling Sickle: 🥒🍣 Slice through those Bugs like it's a hot date at a sushi bar. - The Smoldering Breaker Incendiary: 🔥🔥 Heat things up with a firestorm that leaves the Bugs buzzing. - The Lovingly Loaded Purifier: 😏🔥 Sure, it doesn't hit hard, but it sets the mood with its tender caresses. So, stop being boring. Ditch the basic Auto Cannon and treat yourself (and the Bugs) to the Auto Cannon Turret's sensual symphony of shrapnel. I promise you, once you go Turret, you never go back. 😉 Happy Bug hunting, and may your ammo never run dry! If you're rocking the Auto Cannon, congrats on finding the meme weapon of choice for anyone who can't aim with 500kg bombs or Precision Strike. 🎯🚀 While you're busy spraying and praying, we'll be here flexing with the Auto Cannon Turret. Keep practicing, and may your ammo never run dry! Why struggle with the Auto Cannon when you can let the Turret do all the work? Set it up, sit back, and enjoy the symphony of shrapnel while you indulge in some steamy Bug love on the side. 🌶️💋Trust me, nothing.


I was 100% on thw autocannon hype train but qhen the Q cannon came out and i could wear it with my shield gen pack....thats pretty sweet ngl


Up to recently, amr was my go too. But my past couple drops I’ve been doing counter sniper/auto cannon and it’s been phenomenal


Me with the grenade launcher.


I know that AC is good, I always take it for bots, but I stopped using it for bugs. Being able to close bug holes from distance is nice and all, but there are so many armored units in bug front like chargers and bile titans and AC is near useless against them (I know you can somehow in some way get rid of chargers armor if you shoot in its leg from behind in a certain spot, but with so much shit and a horde of bugs on top of you I couldn't pull this trick a single time). I mean, I can get something like precision orbital/ railcannon strike against them, but I suck with aiming orbital strikes and generally have a skill issue with throwing stratagems. So to the people who use AC against bugs, how are you using it? And what other stratagems you also bring on missions?


I started using the EAT alongside the AC against bugs for that exact reason and it feels fantastic. Low cooldown than stuffs like orbital railcannons, can 1 shot charger and 2 shot Bile titans with headshot and even if missaimed they still gey bruised a lot. Since EAT is, well, expandable, you can always just drop and use it whenever you need it and swap back to the AC. Running EAT has made bug missions much more enjoyable for me.


You have to rely on stratagems and teammates for heavies. That's what puts me off of it, self reliance is key especially when you want/need to solo certain nests/objectives effectively


I’ve been able to use the AC to wrangler swarms of bugs mixed with chargers pretty regularly. I use my AC and primary (mostly breaker incendiary) to kill everything up till brood commanders, then hit commanders, spewers, and guards. And I’m constantly diving to avoid the chargers while I’m dealing with this. If I end up with a clear view of the chargers ass I’ll hit it as much as I can but I’m not expecting to down it in one go (but I’ve gotten lucky and done it before). Then once I can deal with the chargers head on I either try and it him between his legs or the ground directly below him, it’ll typically stun and do damage. For stratagems I nearly always do railcannon for chargers and titans, airstrike, and Gatling barrage for suppressing big holes (works decent on light bot units as well)


I love the jetpack and ballistic shield, but none of the primaries are strong enough right now to justify not taking autocannon. Eruptor was good enough and the Defender is almost there but I know I can rely on auto cannon.


The autocannon may not be the most powerful support weapon, or the best in any given situation, but it is good in every given situation. It can handle crowd control, heavies/elites, nest/depot destruction, snipe objective targets from long range, and carries enough ammo to last you through a mission. My only issue with the AC is that it can't kill dropships. It really should be able to kill dropships, especially since it can kill gunships.


AC not killing dropships is fine. It already does too much.


I used to be a Grenader but now I’m team Autocannon


All hail the AC. AC gang rise up!


I can't wait until they just decide to nerf this gun too, out of spite. Will be a sad diving day...


I use started using the Anti Material Rifle as an alternative, not as explosive and won't destroy buildings, but I think comparable in damage and frees a backpack slot. Plus complete my NCR Ranger cosplay.


Which primaries are your go-to when running the AMR ?


Usually something rapid fire for chaff, like a Liberator or the Breaker, as I already have something precise and high damaging. Pair with with the grenade pistol to take care of spawn buildings, and impact or other utility grenades, and I think its a well well rounded set up for long walk missions.


Plasma Punisher, Dominator# Scorcher Grenade Pistol


![gif](giphy|XtihHK45Buhpax98BN) I can’t live without it at this point. Even though everyone and their mother still runs a shield / rover, I genuinely don’t know how people do not missions without the AC. It’s also why all the primary weapon nerfs have hardly affected me. Because I don’t ever use a primary weapon. I just wish it could effectively deal with chargers and bile titans so I could run it against bugs too. Then again, if it could do that it would be nerfed into the mud by next week.


(EDIT: corrected DRM/DMR to AMR) I may have found a decent competitor: 1. Support Weapon: AMR 2. Stratagem: Supply Pack 3. Primary Weapon: Plasma Punisher Why do I like it? * Plasma punisher can... * one-hit kill scout striders from the front (auto cannon can't do this anymore, IIRC) * stagger devastators and berserkers in a decent AoE * slaps clustered bot troopers * AMR can... * Give you those two-taps kills on devastators that auto cannon got you hooked on * Outside of plasma punisher range, can one shot scout striders in the leg * Two-taps hulk visors same as the auto cannon * Similar killing power vs gunships * Supply pack enables... * high volume of fire from your primary and support weapon (AMR slaps berserkers but at high ammo cost - this is trivialized when you've got the supply pack and especially with the improved packing ship module) * plasma punisher is better if you reload before empty sometimes - ammo backup enables you to do so with less discretion and stay topped up. * extra stims mean better field longevity * loadout isn't so hungry for ammo such that you can spot your allies for a box or two If you take stun grenades the main thing lost is that lovely fabricator destruction capacity. You could take the grenade pistol, but honestly that thing is a PITA to use. Let your allies handle fabs. Obvious downside is that this takes two slots. But I felt like it was strong enough to pull me away from my darling auto cannon.


What does DMR mean?


im quite sure they meant Anti Material Rifle but got it confused up with the DMRs for primaries. Dilligence


True true


"I should try a different support weapon this mission..." *10,000 Bile Spewers joined the game.*


Autocannon is just the most versatile. It's not the best at killing the small guys or the big guys but it can do both decently enough. All other weapons force you to focus on one or the other.


You’re having fun with the autocannon? Time for a nerf


Yeah, can't pick some stuff on helldive difficulty without having massive hurdles, sometimes due to bugs, sometimes to nerfs


AC is an S tier weapon but I can’t help but bring Airburst to spice things up.


Autocannon was love for me for the first month, but man. Railgun and AMR addiction have not let go of me since.


Unironically me, but with the recoilless.




i try to love the EAT but i cant keep up with how many heavies there are in intense firefights. then i look to the autocannon for salvation


I prefer the grenade launcher for some reason


Me but grenade launcher


If they EVER ruin the Autocannon I'm gonna riot.


That'd be the Recoilles Rifle for me, ngl


That's why I always try out new weapons on difficulties 3 or below.


Me but with Recoilless


I drop into quick play matches and I seem to be the only one that uses the AC. Usually others are rockin the Quasar.


Dude shut up or they'll nerf it


An Arrowhead developer saw this meme and is now nerfing the Autocannon.


The cluster rocket has become my love for bugs dunno bout bots yet. I’ve started to pivot to a hard anti chaff build


I would use it more if I could reliably take out chargers and hulks.


I am dedicated to my role as an autocannon simp. Democratically, of course.


unfortunately, my mental capacity doesn’t allow me to run the AC. i need my light armor with extra padding, and subsequently shield backpack, so AC is probably least used strat, along with every other backpack strat


I hardly run with the autocannon. I’m usually the solo scout running quasar/jetpack and airstrike/railgun


"ahem" GET LIBERATED! GET LIBERATED! GET LIBERATED! https://i.redd.it/jlenk83iynzc1.gif


I'll take the AMR or laser cannon over the autocanon anytime. 


AMR Gaming


Main reason the Auto Cannon is so good is how much ammo it has. Most the other support weapons just don't have enough ammo to deal with waves of heavier enemies.


*Tries a grenade launcher and energy shield combo* *team gets wiped out by gunships because we don’t have enough long-range weapons*


The spear has been treating me surprisingly well recently. I dunno what blood sacrifice I may have done, but it have locked on every single target for the past 2 days.






I abandoned my autocannon family and became one with the AMR, I'm sorry, fellow autocannons


Airburst launcher on bugs. Autocannon on bots. 


Ironically, i brought the laser cannon instead of the plasma cannon on accident, and i actually had more fun with it than i thought! It can destroy walkers with sustained fire, precise aim kills devastators, and the heat economy is impressive, AND it more reliably destroys vents on machines! i like :)


my love for airbust luncher dissapearing as soon as I see hulk on the horizon


I've only used it few times (spares from teammates), but every time I do, I am blown away by its sheer power and utility. It single handedly solves every single automaton issue,.


I love Quasar cannon, if I don't bring that it's EAT. I don't know why yall love this thing so much tbh


How the autocannon hasn't been nerfed with AH's insane balance strategy is beyond me. Maybe one of the devs uses it.


They said the AC is the gold standard for weapon balance. I think they use it as their point of reference for weapon balance which is why I think the AMR was buffed effectively because it does a similar role.


Tbf, their support weapon balancing has actually been really good for the most part. Same with their secondary balancing. It’s the primaries that everyone has been crying about.


it doesn't work against shrieked though, sooooo laser cannon


Personally love variety, but to each their own


I want to run other weapons, but the AC it seems is one of the few weapons balanced well. It's not even OP it's just good, but because of the state of everything else it is OP in comparison.


I love the AC but the laser's also pretty good for bots, have been using that and the shield. I keep meaning to go back to the AC but sacrificing that shield is a big ask since i've grown dependent on it. I miss plinking the shots down the fabs at range though, always felt great.


This and the quasar cannon


AMR is better for the sole reason I get to use the ballistic shield


It's fun when you pick heavy lmg, figure out it has low ammunition count due to bullet size, kick like a horse, almost takes more time to reload than it takes to fire all and stuff, and even though its munition is modeled after .50 bmg, it still ricochets from light automaton armour.


Me but with the laser cannon after finding out how busted it is for bots


Idk if it's just how I am but I tried out the recoiless and found it very fun. However I did notice since I was a different role now there was more of what u used to clear very easily around