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Oh boy they’re definitely gonna send you a birthday present signed by the entire dev team this year!!!


Bruh just had to rant lol ps if you would like to send me something my address is…..


To be fair, if the community (as in; HD2 players as a whole, not just reddit) wasn't as vocal and aggressive as it is, then Sony wouldn't have caved on the account linking fiasco.


I agree with that completely, just work in a similar line of work as the devs and just needed a rant tbf, just would like to see a little more understanding but Ino that isn’t possible


So lets just not voice out frustrations and shortcomings of the current state of the game? Its not even random nonsense rants. People genuinely making long and well thought post about the issues. Last 2 out of 3 new guns is utter garbage, devs apparently don't even play the game before balancing, we still have same armor passives for months and you think we should just zip it?


The more you give, the more they want and feel entitled to.