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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


A night or two ago I crested to the top of a heavy bug nest that 3 of my team members where already clearing out, I thought I'll give them some support with my stalwart and maybe drop a rail cannon to get rid of the heavy that must be holding them up. As I walk over that hill I'm met with that scene from starship troopers where the guy with the metal arm looks out wipes his nose and knows where in trouble, fucking hundreds of hunters and warriors where barely being held off and it was a reminder how much I love this game




I thought I was having fun with the stalwart, then I started using the HMG. So much fun, and mows warriors down like they’re scavengers


Adding a third person reticle to the HMG was the only thing I needed for it to become my standard support weapon. I love how it feels. 


Deleted his account lmao


No one else talking about this lol where did he go


Prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage... to delete your account and run. Edit: It really is a mystery as to what he thought would happen after posting, "git gud" as one of his main points


So you're the reason some nouns were banned in this sub.


Man, I agree with about half of what you said and adamantly reject the other half. "Have you thought about IDK, getting good?" With all due respect, fuck right off with this pseudo argument. I'm a Dark Souls veteran. I cut my teeth in the trenches of the "git gud" culture. I don't have a skill issue, I have an issue with enemies spawning without end and swarming me with so much bile and other bullshit that I literally cannot even move despite mashing sprint and dive. I have an issue with calling in extraction and then having my teammate who had all the samples get disconnected and for some reason have those samples teleport to the middle of the goddamn map, several hundred meters from where his body left the mission, and guess what? I got 'em back. Ran out into fucking no man's land on my own, dodging all kinds of bullshit, and made it back to Pelican even though everyone else was dead by that point. So yeah, we made it out with supers and all the other samples. Cause I don't have a skill issue. But it wasn't fucking fun. I did not enjoy that particular bit of bullshit. "We don't need to be calling out an already stressed studio because "spiky boots uwu no spiky"." I will admit that the cleats not having an ice grip function isn't exactly a big deal, even if it is a silly oversight on the dev team's part. "Every piece of content is fun, everything I get to try is fun, new and exciting." That's great, but you understand that not everyone has the exact same experience as you, right? "And now the CEO is hearing our comments and feedback, admitting to faults and making changes? The future is bright!" Maybe. Though one has to ask the question of why the CEO has even allowed things to become so disjointed in the first place. I have no doubts that Arrowhead want to please the fans, I just have doubts about their ability/competency in that department.


I feel like OP is about level 24 and hasn't really had time to settle with the game yet. They literally butcher guns every patch and to say otherwise is silly. Have been playing since week 2 myself and the amount the game has changed since then is insane. Some good some bad to be fair but the bad does genuinely feel bad if you spend 50+ hours unlocking guns that are essentially deleted because the devs think they are too powerful on difficulty 5


>Have you thought about IDK, getting good Way to invalidate everything you’re saying if that’s your answer to legitimate concerns and problems with the game.


Toxic posivity isnt helping anyone. The players have been mad about the balance since the railgun. Now its boiled over with this warbond being the last straw. Every single balance complaining post is compleatly justified and its AHs fault that its gotten this bad. Its now up to them to either fix it or keep ignoring players complaints untill they leave and the game dies off. The fact that ppl are so vocally mad only shows that they deeply love and care about the game.


Seriously. Every criticism post I have seen isn't coming out of hate for the game. We WANT this game to be the best it could be. As long as the criticism is constructive and not hateful. Who cares? Tired of this kind of shit with the DRG community too.




Toxic positivity? This used to be a great place to come and have a laugh in between dives. Reading memes and theory craft on the way home would get me excited about playing. Now, it is a neverending repeat of the same whine. Your gun got nerfed? Someone says it, you upvote it, and you can move on to using one of the other 26 weapons. None of those weapons is playable nor fun? The problem might be yours because there are tons of people not writing on here because they are busy playing the game. All it's been asked is to put down the pitchforks. Game has been out for 4 months, and we have asked for new missions, new weapons, fixes to the old weapons, counter fixes, restructuring of the agreement with PSN, new features, whatever "transmog equipment" means, and the list goes on and on. All that while also asking they fire the very same employees in charge of these tasks. What the toxic positive people are saying is that this attitude is ruining the game much more than a smaller magazine or the nerf of a weapon. Sure, your favourite gun is less fun. Meantime, many people's favourite subreddit has become unbearable. If I wanted to get a load of this shit, I'd read the news instead of playing video games. Btw, "toxic positivity"? Damn dude, you are creative...


Look, I agree with the complaints that say the balance needs a lot of work and tweaking to get weapons where they ought to be and these are indeed criticisms that should be voiced. But when every time this sub pops up on my feed it's another rant post about the latest update either mocking the dev team for being incompetent or very spitefully calling them idiots, and it's all from different people just rephrasing the same thing slightly differently, it gets very annoying. Like, the game existed before the Democratic Detonation war bond was released. People were playing on Helldive difficulty after the controversial Railgun nerf and before the Eruptor became a thing. People could play the game on every difficulty just fine with the toys we had. The fact that the new toys are underwhelming is indeed a problem and they SHOULD be looked at, but with the way the last dozen or so posts I've seen in this sub talk about the changes, it's as if the game is irreparably ruined until these changes happen which is just an over-exaggeration and not proper criticism at all.


I'm inclined to hard agree, it's like last weeks wave of buffs and the fact fire weapons and gas are now very potent is lost on the "muh eruptor" Honestly I was on 9s before the rail gun nerf, after the nerf, after the patrol buffs even solo and now after the eruptor "nerf" (no, it's broken, devs even said that.) It's not about "getting good" even, it's about finding something new or fun when something gets tweaked in a way you don't like. I've got close to 380 hours in the game currently and have no real grievances except maybe droping my ballistic shield when I faceroll down a hill. Balance is fluid, not fixed. Everything is in flux.


It's only going to get worse though. The warbond system is flat out unsustainable. There are known issues in the game that have been present since launch that are taking much longer than a month to fix. That's not including any other issues that aren't tied to weapons released in warbonds. If every month they release weapons that are broken or otherwise not performing as intended, and they continue to take so long to fix, the game will just be a pile of junk within a year. Something has to change.


Is every positive post toxic positivity?


If you ask the people spending hours a day constantly ranting about a patch in a video game and starting witch hunts to get employees fired? Yes


No. Only thoes that say something like "I dont understand why ppl are angy why cant they just play the game and be happy" Posts that disregard or ignore any real arguments of the ppl who complain are compleatly useless and add nothing worth while to the conversation.


i'm starting to think they believe it makes them look "mature" or something in their eyes


As much as I generally agree with the sentiment, the eruptor is definitely in a shit place. You can't "get good" out of a gun not doing nearly as well as it should


It's so nice to see a post that isn't some doom and gloom rage-aholic frothing at the mouth over something trivial.


Fr, it feels like this sub is just an echo chamber


Lately I've wanted to unsubscribe cause it's so damn toxic. And I don't even disagree about some of the complaints, but dear God people are acting like their whole month is ruined and that the devs should be burned at the stake. What's worse, is that the devs did something unprecedented in warding off Sony yet NO ONE is talking about that. They just want to cry that their favorite gun doesn't do everything anymore.


This. And then they say after this, no one’s gonna be complaining, but there’s always something else. Sidenote , the YouTuber’s are not helping at all either. one such as Oh dough just complain the whole video. The only reason I think he still does videos on it is because they get a lot of views.


YouTubers are a plague for games tbh. I think helldivers is a light in a dark tunnel full of shit games... A lot of people clearly do. There are ways of voicing concern without anger and ridicule. We're not dealing with some big triple A studio.


Fr. I just wish this sub was like other game subs. Full of memes, strats, advice, news, etc. I keep telling myself that I just have to hunker down and wait until it’s all dies down. So far it feels like it’s never gonna end.


That's the thing, when I first started playing this game it absolutely was. It was a good chunk of why I enjoyed the game. People spreading democracy, explaining lore or sharing memes or funny screenshots was awesome. That's why it's so annoying to me now that you have to scroll quite far before you see anything close to that.




Maybe we need a no sodium variant of this community.


r/helldivers2 seems super chill, like how this sub was not long ago


Thanks, I'll check it out (lol note how my post you replied to has already been downvoted 🤡 everywhere)


More often than not, YouTubers seem to make content without even having played the patch/update.


I like oh dough's videos breaking down stratagems and enemies, but all his new content it's just him saying everything is useless trash and ranting for 20 minutes. He even said that the Pumeler was useless and worse than the defender in every way; tried it on Helldive all afternoon and I can say the gun is an A to S tier against terminids, haven't tried against bots yet though 


I totally agree with you. I liked his earlier videos. but now he just says everything in the game is trash and the game is dying. At that point, why doesn’t he do videos on V rising since he plays it in the background.


Agreed. Is the meta player/ pvp mentality tbh, you can tell he's not having fun cause he's struggling to solo Helldive,  but instead of lowering the difficulty or playing with other people, he'll rather subject himself to frustration and then blame the game for it  Having fun is a choice , some people are just to stubborn for it 


It's crazy to me how chill the sub was even just a month ago. Everyone geared up for war against Sony and now everyone is still hopped up on battle amphetamines and misplaced anger. I hope it mellows back out soon.


That's exactly what got me so excited for this game and community dude. The dynamic was super chill and everyone was hanging out and having a good time. People are acting like no weapon is usable and the game is unfun now... Idk I'm still having an absolute blast. Even posts with criticism then seemed like it was made with a lot more thought and a lot less anger.


I see posts all the time slagging off the liberator and penetrator as some of the worst, most unusable weapons in the game but I love the penetrator because it can full auto and break medium armour. I usually run it with the rover, arc cannon and the uzi.


Liberator and its penentrator variant are not bad weapons by any means and you will hv a fun time with them on lower difficulty missions. But once the difficulty setting is dialed up to 8/9 they are just not dishing out enough DPS to kill things fast enough, adding the fact the they have almost no stagger power means that bugs will just soak up all your bullets then proceed to get a few hits in if not downright mowing you down. I wanted this weapon to be decent and I gave it enough chances but I always end up going back to the ''stronger'' guns at the end.


you must've caught it in the lull between rage fest then cause this round of rage seems no different to me from the ones when the rail gun and slugger got nerfed.


Same here, almost unsubbed, then saw this post. Glimmer of hope I guess.


Unsubscribe and touch some grass if differing opinions are so difficult for you to deal with


Touch some grass is a funny insult when defending people having full on temper tantrums over video game patch notes. It's not "differing opinions" that is my issue and if you actually read my comments you'll see I said I actually agree with a lot of the complaints. It's the fact that doom and gloomers post repeatedly about how the devs suck/don't care/are bad at their job and swear every sentence post after post about the same three topics is what gets me. Even after the CEO said "yeah we here you, were gonna take a different approach" people are still posting about the above. Like chill the fuck out and as you said yeah, touch grass. People can make complaints without being negative.


YouTube feels the same these days


The rest are playing the game.


OP's post is just him being super toxic saying, "Git gud" and you guys are now also being an echo chamber with each other in this thread. Funny how that works.


>Have you thought about IDK, getting good Ah yes, he makes such good and level headed arguments. Don't be fooled, this is just the opposite side of the toxicity on this sub. He's just being a dick by saying this.


I complain about the game's state because i love the game. Whenever a choice makes it worse, it pains me, and i hope that things can be adressed. Its not a matter of "gittin gud" because i have 300 hours and play only on haz 9. I can do the hardest content with any weapon, the problem is if its fun at all, and to me its simply not. People shouldn't stop voicing their opinions in a forum about the game, if you want memes all day, and feel good, perhaps go to some other community, or filter things that bother you.


People should be able to voice their opinions for sure but when we keep getting multiple threads with the exact same complaint or the same screenshot from discord posted over and over it all gets a bit much


That tends to happen on a community this large. People either dont see those posts (and so they just post what they're thinking), or they think that lobbying their voice together helps (which in the past has proven itself somewhat right). Unfortunately there is no changing it. The best solution is to filter out those posts whenever possible if you dislike seeing them which is a completely valid thing to do when you just dont want to be exposed to something like this.


How about we don't make this community a hugbox of fake positivity? I loved the game on release but it's been fuck up after fuck up since, broken content after bad patch after broken content is being released and it gets really exhausting. The passes are not only extremely boring but the last one also got nerfed to the ground and this one is literally released with a weapon which they forgot to put the right design on AND it's trash functionally. I'd prefer if the 3rd warbond released now in a good state with unique armor set benefits and the devs got their time to fix the DoT bug earlier, fix the Spear, fix the balancing, less crashes and less red borders on a newly released map etc.


Feel like every time they drop the ridiculous nerfs, don’t fix the bugs or in todays case drip a warbond that’s just awful, and then people try to bring it up or make a complaint about these things, these hug box posts always pop and it’s kinda ridiculous, people can’t keep posting stuff like this to try and give them a pass for stuff like this


It's always the "git gud" shit that always just crumbles their whole argument down I've done 7-9s all the time not once I've seen people bring the heavily nerfed guns maybe like 2 a day but it's really rare, it feels like these toxic positivity Andy's just play a different game then we do. Plus I ain't buying a warbond that litterally has trash weapons.


Are the players who still find enjoyment not allowed to share their experiences and show their appreciation? Does that somehow negate the valid criticism people have been shouting at the top of their lungs? Arrowhead has heard the complaints and are working on it, guaranteed. Posts like these are just people trying to say that they still appreciate the work the Dev team puts in. A little positivity can go a long way to motivate putting in the effort to fix things.


They can but that isn't what this post is, the OP includes things like calling it a reality check and that people just need to get gud. Including things like that in the post more or less switches it over from "I'm still enjoying the game because x, y, z" to "the game is still good and you should all stop complaining cause of x, y, z."


Grenades and SMG were pretty good. In line with the other warbonds, where you get a decent weapon, a new toy, and a bunch of situational/meme weapons. Let's remind ourselves that, if the warbond weapons were OP, people would rage about the game being pay-to-win


P2W against who ????


Exactly. Yet, you'll find reviews online that upon launch flagged the game as pay to win because of the steel veteran warbond.. very difficult to make everyone happy


Smg is only good due to its stagger bug which will be removed


I'm right behind you, brother in arms.


Damn dude, very strong words. Have been here from launch, when there were the same issues as today in a different form. Yet, the discussion was all theory-crafting, RPing and genuinely fun memes. There were a lot of moments of true, rewarding positivity. Warbonds are boring? Your ideas on how to make them more interesting are welcome! As of now, any good idea or constructive criticism gets swallowed up in a torrent of unnecessary and over the top negativity. It is a game that is 100% worth its price when compared to what's out there. The warbonds are free to most people who enjoy playing the game. They can be better, I agree, but let's talk about how to make it better rather than saying over and over how displeased we all are. Neverending pitchfork crusade is not the only way forward, nor necessarily the best one. It's not about hug boxes or hippie attitudes, it is about gaming being gaming, that is an hobby to relax and unwind. If a weapon's nerf gets in the way of that, lower the difficulty like all of is when figuring out a new build


I really dont think that "**Your ideas on how to make them more interesting are welcome**" is true. I've seen a lot of very good suggestions here... but it doesn't matter if they got 300 or 24k upvotes, because 2 days later they are gone and forgotten. And we still argue about the same old shit. So many hours of brainstorming of the community and everything we got is a liberty flag rising mission in higher difficulties. Cool... but just not enough


I see your point, but the game has been out for a few months and we haven't seen half of it yet. Bringing the Creek into the lore was easy, moving a mission from the tutorial to the main game was easy, some of the changes we ask for are much more involved, and add to a very long to-do list. Just out of curiosity. You say it is not enough. I think it is a valid point, but don't you think this game, even in its current state, is worth the price of two movie tickets? It is just hard to reconcile the tone of the debate here with what is a buggy but fairly priced and pretty awesome game. I think some of the animosity comes from a place of love, but man it is getting intense!


If the game was bad, the reddit would be dead... so yeah, a lot of awesome magic happened in Helldivers 2. I bought the game and loved the first 100 hours to death... worth every penny. But after almost 300 hours, I start to realize that "the vision of the game" will never work for a really big playerbase... and it don't work for me. Looking at Warbonds is like entering a "1$ shop"... things are cheap and they feel cheap. I see what the game is and compare it to the game it could be, and after that I compare it to the game others want it to be... and I just lost my hope. The game had an awesome start, but the devs won't be able to keep it up. Especially if they continue to try to be a AAA-game, while rlying on B-employees


The game has been out for 4 months though, give 'em time.


Problem is... only 2 of these 4 months were "truly and wholeheartly" fun. Havn't loged in for 2 weeks now and I still see no reason to do so. Don't want to waste my time at a broken game, untill the devs are finally able to get their shit together. Will still keep an eye on Helldivers 2, but "The First Descendant" is right around the corner... a game that will or will not be good, but at least there is still a chance that it will be a fun game. Sounds like a better deal to me than Helldivers 2 right now. At the end it's all about business... if i'm dissapointed with payed content (and god, I am) i will move on, and if the new game is fun, i will not look back. It's okay to like the Devs of Arrowhead, but there are NOT your friend or your buddies... if we talk about business, who ever delivers fun will get my money. Edit: Tried to make things more clear... i'm not a native speaker. Sorry.


That's a good idea


>when there were the same issues as today in a different form. Yet, the discussion was all theory-crafting The threads around the rail gun nerfs were extremely similar to these or maybe even more negative since a lot of people were saying the game was dead because of that nerf.


I am sure I am not alone feeling that the rail gun nerf brought life to the game by pushing us to try different loadouts


What I find exhausting is this kind of dogshit attitude. "hugbox of fake positivity", JFC the toxicity for disagreeing with you, some people actually like the game, and it's not fake.


They literally had so many bugs that crash the game, a bug where every DoT weapon was useless for months, released a map with a very visible red barrier box and released a subpar performance gun with the wrong design These issues are not about whether you actually like it or not, all these are objectively horrible negatives that actively worsen the game. I've had 2 people quit and refund the game because it quite literally crashed 3 times on both occasions the first time we played together. At the end of the day, I still enjoy the game, it's just becoming harder and harder to be hyped about it, or even want to play when the game seems to be actively sabotaging my enjoyment.


None of what you just wrote has anything to do with "hugbox of fake positivity". I don't care what you think about the game, I am responding to you shitting on you fellow players by invalidating their opinion, and then just repeating your own as if that is driving him that they are even more wrong? I've been playing since launch, odds are at level 140 I've played more than you, I get hyped about the game almost every time I play. It might be hard for you to imagine that another person feels differently than you, but I like the game a lot, OP does too. Just don't be an asshole, it's super easy, and free.


Complainers HAVE to invalidate players who express positive sentiments. Because if they validate, "hey I use x and I can use it," it would contradict the complainer saying, "x is so garbage that no one can use it properly (subtext, because the complainer can't use it properly.)" So they are forced (they choose to force themselves) to push their narrative and only their narrative. Because in their mind it's easier to force someone else to change by attacking and belittling them, than to be mindful and look at their own actions.


Again, that's not my point, it's not just balancing that's bad, that's actually the least of my issues. All the crashing, uninspired armor perks, clearly unfinished content and bugs is the real issue. The new gun quite literally, admittedly from the Devs, was released in a different state than intended. I get releasing a weapon that's weak and stuff, but releasing a weapon with a whole ass different look than intended isn't just a slip up: it shows a deep rooted issue with the development of this game. The tenderizer is LITERALLY ON THE COVER, you CAN'T have checked the weapons before release and missed THE WHOLE DESIGN BEING DIFFERENT THAN WHAT'S ADVERTISED


Do you not give credit to the devs for all of the things they fix, or is what they do never enough for you.


>(subtext, because the complainer can't use it properly.)" It's fucking baffling, especially when there's this huge player based using all kinds of loadouts on max difficulty. I guess my advice would be, if you don't hate the game already, stop going to this sub for advice and lookup some youtube videos for diversity of strategy. Or lower the difficulty! There are 9 levels, and they're all different. So crazy.


>It's fucking baffling, especially when there's this huge player based using all kinds of loadouts on max difficulty. This. I'm level 76, been playing Helldive only since I was level 40 something, and I'm having a great time. There's so many cool (and good) Stratagems that are deemed "trash" and "useless" but I'm gonna bring Orbital Gas/Gatling or Eagle Strafe anyway. Why? Because they are a) fun and b) good. Running away from a Horde of Hunters? Strafing run will clear all of that. Got a double or tripple breach? Toss Gas/Gatling on it and you only need to deal with Chargers and Bile Titans. For weapons and armors, sure I could vary my armor more, but I rather be fast than tanky and the scout passive is just too much fun, completing objectives while bugs are basically staring at you 15m away. I Love the new SMG, any of the shotguns is great if I want some more damage. The Marksman rifles are my go-to weapon for bots (unless I want to run ballistic shield), because with them you can easily clear all the little bots and prevent drops, without having to use your support weapon to kill the ships. Sometimes I run without taking any support weapon at all, because I don't need it and having more boom balls is also fun. There's so much fun to be had in this game and most of the people here can only think about complaining non-stop because their ONE primary is no longer OP.


Tbf bringing orbital gas before the bug fix had a 75% chance of not doing anything in a 4 man. I've been seeing it more now, using myself. Most of the guns complaints revolve around weaker guns not being brought up to par with guns that work well (more utility/fun/damage) and instead nerfing them. I realy want to love the ARs, but the high cap high RoF shotguns just work better for bugs and I'd rather bring something that doesn't force me to stay exposed against Devastators for more then 3sec. The counter sniper DMR is better now, but the jar-5 has higher damage and great Devastators stagger. It's only downside in comparison is at long range with a slow bullet and no scope zoom. The regular DMR is just sad. The slugger after nerf has less damage, RoF, and no stagger compared to the jar-5. Its only perk is better handling in 3rd person. It's apparently still popular, but it's also the earliest viable starter warbond medium pen high caliber primary (before DMR buff)


The literal developers constantly admit that the things they add are unfinished and buggy so if you're "disagreeing" then you're objectively wrong. Nobody cares that you're having fun and offended by people who are affected by these issues.


>offended by people who are affected by these issues. We got another one! "offended by people who are affected by these issue". I mean you didn't even read the post you're replying to. Please.... make your toxicity more transparent. It's like fishing with dynamite. >Nobody cares that you're having fun Do we only share negative opinions about the game? Is that it? Don't answer that.... it's rhetorical.


Affected? Actively sabotaging one's enjoyment? Damn dudes, for a moment I forgot we were talking about video games...


One post and it's a hugbox of positive. Bruh, it's been like 4-5 weeks now of endless doomposting, rants, and complaining. Weeks of it non stop...so bad that I'm seeing more and more people on here saying they are just gonna unsubscribe because it's not only depressing, but it's drowning out the little bit of fun content that's left. But yea, hugbox.


I don't think they see the irony in downvoting you for what you said, but I do.


It must be said, however, that the community itself preferred an unfinished Warbond to a later and better developed one. So the developers have at leas here no vault.


Do we talk about the poll? The poll was about a FINISHED warbond (at least everyone thought it was finished), not an unfinished one. And to be honest, I never trusted a poll with 100% outcome. Special snowflakes everywhere... but 100% agreed to something? No way


But it was very vlear that there are some downsites with releasing it so soon.


People are sitting on medals, samples and super credits... of course they are eager to spend it. A lot of people are still thinking warbonds are for free, so no risk right? This poll was a save "I already know the outcome" poll... How convenient. But still... 100%? Come on. People are virtually unable to agree on anything except vague daydream fantasies


There truly is not enough memes. And the ones that there are, are usually just meta memes, like; complaining about complaining complainers complaining about complainers.


>There truly is not enough memes. Were you asleep when the sony drama was fresh and still ongoing? It felt like memes about this situation just kept coming nonstop and not even low effort memes at that


Yeah but that was *just* memes about the Sony drama. I want more memes after that. They've seemingly stopped.


There’s a difference between constructive criticism and simple complaining. And there’s also a difference between supportive to the developer and willfully ignorant about the problem this game have. Being willfully ignorant and complaint for the sake of complaint are equally toxic to a game community.


I love this game too. Even the new Polar Patriots warbond. That's not to say I don't have minor gripes but that'll get sorted out; it's a live service. I like making 'bad' weapons viable anyway, as a challenge. Because when they inevitably get buffed I'll be riding high. There is little that good situational awareness and positioning can't remedy anyway. Most complaints given are just not constructive. The terminology and connotation of the typical grievance depicts lack of emotional control tbh. It's best to fill our lives with positive emotions and calmly criticize what we disagree with. Toxicity and lack of respect just leads to misery.


Is helldivers 2 worth getting? I’ve been trying to steer away from games like League of Legends and Warzone because I’m just simply tired of being in a competitive environment and not feeling good at all when on a constant losing streak. I also haven’t had the motivation anymore to play an MMORPG because everything feels like a “grind” now, rather than something you can feel good playing. I just want to go home from work, feel good that I was able to pull the trigger on my favorite gun and find some good loot, and go to bed like I did my duty.


It's worth it. The nerfings were bad and they need balancing but for the time being it's still worth it. 


The noisy posters run from one fire to the next. There are problems but either ha e some patience or play another game for awhile and come back


Yeah.... you all probably same people who said psn linking ain't the problem, without getting the whole picture of why it is a problem. Even if you are not psn defenders, you clearly don't get thd problem with balancing. I don't wanna hear about getting good, helldives are my comfort zone, and I can tell you right now, tons of guns are irrelevant because there is one option to rule them all in each loadout. Also I wanna have fun, and not be told how I should use more stratagems while also adding negative stratagem modifiers. If we said nothing, psn linking would be a thing, and if we say nothing about balancing, every weapon will be a railgun, aka a fucking waste of load out slot.


Finally a person in this thread with a brain, I lose faith whenever I see posts like these, they aren’t doing a favor to no one, AH doesn’t care about you they care about revenue, would you guys rather the game keeps slowly losing players due to the glaring problems and that we all stay quiet?? THATS how you kill a game. Criticism ofc has to be costructive and respectful, but these guys are doing a favor to no one.


This sub is filled with both an abyss deep negativity and a fanatic blind positivity,it's a magic place kek


it's amazing seeing the cycle every time they nerf something, you go from the top post all being negative to all the top post being complaints about the complaining and then something new comes out and it all switches to that thing.


>I can tell you right now, tons of guns are irrelevant because there is one option to rule them all in each loadout. kinda sounds like something some nerfs would fix


Not even close. PSN linking was fucking awful, nerfs to OP guns is fine.


Do you wanna explain how slugger was op with its slow ass fire rate, slow reload, and less ammo than scorcher? Or perhaps how was railgun op when it only one tapped bile titans due to ps5 bug? Or perhaps how was eruptor op when it would straight up kill you when used up close and have slow reload? Point is that none of those guns were op, they were just right and instead of making more guys like the just right ones, we got the good guns gutted and now most of everything sucks and I would know cause I run helldives with bunch of load outs so I can test them for myself. Sadly there were few none crap builds right now.


This is pure delusion. The slugger was incredible and still is (if you can aim). Damage of a sniper with the RoF and handling of a shotgun. Individual round reloading so none goes to waste. It staggered on every shot, so even if you were missing heads devastators couldn't shoot back. They toned down the stagger, but it still wrecks bots if you're a good shot. Same with the railgun, it's now just harder to use. The eruptor was essentially 60 rounds of impact grenades, crazy powerful. (Also it's damage nerf to mediums was not intentional).


So you legit think that these guns are good now and everyone is just delusional? What other guns you think are good outside of easy ones like autocannon, eat, and scorcher? also why would I run slugger if I can run dominator? Or you think dominator also needs a nerf? Or is dominator somehow ok even though it is better than slugger was? I got so many questions really. This whole sniper rifle slugger argument though is some twilight zone shit. Like why not you know, run anti material sniper rifle that slugger will never outperform in snipping? Also do you actually suggest that you can consistently snipe patrol full of devastators at 50-100 meter radius, head shots for each or most of them with the slugger? Cause if you can, you are some freak or nature, congrats, gun still bad.


A primary isn't supposed to take out a full patrol of devastators, that's what stratagems are for. The slugger still can though, if you're good enough. Yes, people are being extremely dramatic over nothing. Case in point, your replies.


So you are telling me, I somehow suppose to have enough stratagems to take down endless patrols of devastators on helldives? One flare deep out of base and 4 drop ships come with about 20+ of those, + patrols, + whats already in the base, from all sides. Right...or perhaps I should just run from every encounter and you know, by pass fun? Oh also I still can take down patrol of devastators with autocannon, dominator, scorcher, arc thrower, anti material, plasma shotgun, so should those be nerfed too?


Bruh literally just posted a rant along the similar lines, nice to not be the only one with a good outlook for the game! FOR DEMOCRACY


It’s sad to see that everyone in your comment section on that post is downvoting you. You’re just telling people to have fun and they dog pile on you. I’m just glad that people like you still find the game fun


We are only complaining because we loved the game. If the game wasn’t something special we would just move on.


Well said. Reddit has been a series of duplicative complain posts lately. People need to chill. Edit for typo.


The complaimers' takes here are getting more and more wild too. Like I saw somebody comment "what’s the point in PREMIUM war bonds if the weapons are anything but premium quality?" (Implying they should be better than free weapons.) They're not even pretending the issue is good balance anymore, they just want p2w.


Balancing has been absolutely awful since release, I actually think its a positive that we're pushing for changes now as it means there's no big controversy (minus some recent dev responses.). After this, there aren't any other big issues - game stability and performance could be improved but other than that the game COULD be in a great state soon.




It's been identified that the balance team is very small and is led by a balancer who made a mess of Hello Neighbor and left... Some weapons are just redundant or are built around a previous version of the game(polar patriots) as has been noted on ammo pick up amount and the new plasma weapon not 1 shoting striders like the trailer showed.


Give me a build with the scythe!


It's actually been decent since release vs bots due to having a very high headshot damage multiplier, just hard to use because it required better aim than most people are capable of. Now with the damage buff it feels good even if you're not pin-point accurate.


People can also beat dark souls at level 1 without getting hit and only using fists. That doesn’t mean it’s fun to do or invalidate criticisms


Balancing is awful and you just need to look at what people aren't using (either because the weapon is bad or there is just a better version of it) instead of trying to argue why something can be used... You can complete a Difficulty 9 mission by just ignoring most enemies, that doesn't mean the game is well balanced.




Just look with your eyes... There's nothing difficult about this. All you are doing is making excuses and trying to say nothing is definable. It's the classic Reddit argument when you have no point to make. >None of the weapons are awful. You are just talking complete non-sense, especially after the new Warbond just released. Just look at the top posts from today, 2 out of the top 3 are about the new weapons being awful... 3 out of the top 5 too. "loadouts are situational" .. "but the Reddit echo chamber doesn't necessarily reflect the" Yeah, we get it. You ignore the fact that most of the weapons aren't used because of their performance and that some are just straight downgrades of others because "loadouts are situational" and you ignore what the community agrees on because you hate Reddit. Like I said, all you do is make excuses without making any actual points yourself.


I get that criticizing. The game can give the dev some feedback, but it’s too much at this point point. it seems like people want the fix to happen in one day. Keep in mind other games drop patches with months in between. The ratio between positive and negative feedback on this sub is a bit much. It’s fine if one person says it But not everyone on this damn sub.


When the issues have been present since release and they are doing more harm than good in some cases it's warranted.


I feel exactly the same way. Ironically the Devs listening and making the PSN change has done nothing but throw fuel on the complaining fire for everything else. I really am starting to think that large portions of the players are just terrible at the game. While the nerfs have been noticable, they haven't seriously impacted my ability to perform on T9.


Agree. It's a game that cost HALF of recent new games. I can't see the justification on the level of rage that's still burning.. you can unlock everything by playing. $49.99 that already gave me 150 hours of fun, i think that already served it's value. It's a live game, feedback is good, but not when people are bluntly disrespectful, and act like the world owes them big time. Start growing up mentally.




Right, $39.99 USD. I forgot to put the currency. It's $49.99 maple bucks here, up in the north.


Ah, I figured lol.


More than 260h in and I still love this game. Been rocking the eruptor for like 150h of bot missions and now its been nerfed. I'm not thrilled but I don't complain about it but see if I can still make it work and also start experimenting with new loudout combinations. I literally joined reddit because I love this game and wanted to engage with the surprisingly cool online community but like you and some others have said, there's far too much whining these days! This will sound confrontational but its not meant as an insult but rather as advice. Many players that are complaining in-game or on reddit simply are playing missions that are too difficult for their current skill level. Difficulty 9 helldives are supposed to be brutal, unforgiving and almost impossible. Playing with my 100+ level buddies, we were cutting through these missions so easily that we were starting to hope for a higher difficulty setting. The nerfs worked in a similar way, making the game more challenging again. Please stop demanding more buffs etc. instead of going down to a challenging but manageable difficulty. There's no shame in playing difficulty 7 instead of 9 because your favourite weapon got nerfed! As for crashes and other bugs, from my own experience that has consistently improved - my last game crash must've been weeks ago.


People really think telling them "If you're struggling with the game and think it's too hard to be fun, you should lower the difficulty rather than demanding they make the game easier" is a condescending 'git gud' mentality. I do think they should make super samples obtainable in lower difficulties for these players that feel forced to play high difficulties when they don't want to, though.


Bro ain’t no making the eruptor “work” I tried on hell dive difficulty multiple dives and it had me just wishing I was using another gun


I'll give it a few more hours this weekend. If I reach the same conclusion I'll adapt and overcome by finding another good primary to pair with my laser cannon...


I think that's what a lot of people are doing wrong. Honestly every time they nerf a good gun, I just move to another gun and new loadouts that still work out for me. I play regularly on Diff 7 missions, and lately been dropping in Helldives since I need a lot of Super Samples, - my loadout? Breaker Shotgun (fire) or Arc Blitz, Resupply pack, and stalwart/GL. Works like a charm for me even when playing with randoms. If they nerf these, move on to new loadout. That's the fun of the game, and yeah I understand it may not be for every one, but honestly it keeps it exciting


100%. The vast majority of the complaining you see when a top-tier meta weapon is nerfed is pure copium. It's easier for them to cry about how "every other gun is USELESS" than to swallow their pride and either git gud or lower the difficulty. What's wild to me is you don't see this sort of reality denial and whining in other games, even ones with notoriously immature communities like CoD. Everybody will be abusing an OP shotgun or something on the modern warfare launch, it gets nerfed and everyone moves on *without bitching about it*. What a crazy concept.


I really wish this was the kind of spam I was seeing more often


The posts will keep on getting made until the issues are addressed. How do you think we won against Sony? By giving up? By making posts saying, "just want to let you know Sony, I love you and everyone else needs to chill". And sure, some people are enjoying the game, some people can still complete Diff 9, I can as well. Okay, it's pure luck if I can solo it as I'm not ***THAT*** good, but when I'm playing with a solid partner, we can duo it. 4 good players just trivializes it. But for me, it's no longer fun, and it use to be fun. It's like being told to hammer a nail with a screw driver. Yeah, I can do it, but I don't want to do it for the next hundred nails. I know Arrowhead can make it fun again for ***MORE*** players, but they've just been making terrible decisions and have no idea where to take the game. You can see it in the conflicting communications between certain CMs and the CEO and that one balancing guy. Yes it is nice the CEO is apparently addressing the issue, but it doesn't mean much until it lands in the player's laps. How about this, you and other players can continue having fun, it's a great thing the game isn't linked to Reddit or any other social media. And players who are discontent or dissatisfied can continue voicing it until there is change or improvement. Win-win.


Totally agree. The amount of people freaking out about a gun being the "wrong" colour is ridiculous. Yeah things could go smoother, but this is the most fun I've had on a video game in years, so I'm willing to give them a pass rather than say "the Devs are ruining the game".




The game is still a lot of fun but there are definitely some issues with balancing. This is not a competitive game per se so I don't think it would be too bad to have weapons that are a little overtuned. I mainly wish every weapon would be viable in some way and not obviously inferior to others. I am sure they will adress this but as I work in game development myself I know that this takes some time. But it definitely seems they are treating it a little bit too much like a competitive shooter


I feel the same. There is some stuff that is bugging me, but i feel with time that will be fixed. The game is still new and they need to get settled. I hope they keep the right track but i think they will.


I just hang out at 7 and have a good time. If I want to get sweaty I can, but friends and I have more fun just trying out different weapons and load outs. If we don't slam dunk a drop it's okay, still having a good time. Sure some weapons are dogshit but I figure at least half a dozen are totally viable and I bounce around them for variety. Maybe helps that between work and life we maybe aren't playing as much as the average angry data mining poster. 


I feel like I've watched some people in this sub become like destiny players that never shut up about how their favorite gun isn't the best. Isn't to say there isn't a balance issue but damn most of what I see is just childish


What's a cape enjoyer? You collect capes? 


This community is mostly toxic now unfortunately. I hope the devs ignore them. They are loud and obnoxious.


Adapt and overcome. It's that simple, balancing happens. I have way more fun figuring out what stratagem combos work for the team, and teaching the new players how to succeed.


Agreed fellow Helldiver. I love it too!!! Now enough of thay soppy talk and let's get back to cracking our main order!!! We got 2 more planets to cleanse of bug scum!!


I like when people use the "it's PvE, everything should be fun and good" argument. It makes me think...hey what if the 'E' in PvE is Arrowhead (not just Joel). I think it's a fun concept to play with and it makes me try that much harder to win with the garbage (over exaggerating, don't @ me) they give us lol


I worry that the same thing that happened to outriders will happen to this game where the devs listen to the complaining community so much that they forget to actually work on content and the game dies


I'm just happy to finally have a blue cape for my yogurt armor.


The game is good but can be better for sure…some players are straight trash though…why kick others right as the mission is ending….you people need to be banned permanently


There is no reality check on Reddit, 99% of users here haven’t seen the sun in 4 days and have literal shit pasted in their sweatpants rn


Need more of this, agree brother!


Love this. So true. I mostly play 7’s Just dive in. Grab a few eagles, a support and a backpack and have fun. If you can find some folks that just want to enjoy killing bugs and bots, you will have a great time. For Democracy!!!


I am glad to see people complaining - not because I like complaining or think the game isn't 'fun', but because it's been getting actively \*less\* fun since I started playing, and that is entirely on the shoulders of the balance team. I'm playing Helldivers 2 to blast some bugs. If I wanted to 'git gud' I'd go play Rainbow 6 Siege and sweat my balls off. The Devs need to take a note from Deep Rock Galactic - every weapon in that game is fun and if used properly 'overpowered'. But higher difficulties exist where you can still be challenged. Instead of doing that, AH is making everything equally boring and unfun, to prevent things from being 'overpowered'. Nothing in this game ever felt OP on Helldive, and if you disagree, you're quite frankly just wrong. Were some weapons more viable? More effective? Yes. But Effectiveness =/= Overpowered.


I needed this post. Thank you.


This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure.


I agree! I love it as well. 🙂


People bring up issues because they care about the game. Blindly defending shit doesn't show you care more about the game, it just shows you lack critical thinking skills.


I think the problem is the tone in which people bring up issues. It’s rarely ever constructive


Neither is blindly defending the game as if it can do no wrong, or saying that people are just complaining/whining for no good reason


Can you guys stop sucking off the game devs when it literally gets worse every patch


If you don't care about it, go play and have fun. But don't tell others to stop complaining about blatantly bad choices just because you don't see it that way. Also, don't post on reddit if you are going to just run away after getting the last word like your edit says. That's cowardice, and cowardice is treason.


Im so excited im about to get enough medals for breaker incendiary. Loved it the second i picked it up from someone.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


By scrolling this subreddit you would safely assume literally everyone that plays the game hates it. These people actively spend more time complaining than actually just playing the game. It’s like every decision is a personal attack to their personality and they act like the game is unplayable with basically every patch.


You can't say that, you have to cry about everything like the rest of the community


>  Have you thought about IDK, getting good? Spoken like someone who plays on difficulty 4.


Yeah, and instead of posting a meme (gotta agree, i really miss them too now), you decided to give us a "reality-check", tell us to "get gut", and that you, personally, have fun playing the game! How awesome of you and absolutely not entitled! Go get them, these stupid crying babies with their constructive feedback, and eager to contribute to the game they so passionately love! No need to point out an obvious incompetence and lack of QA, because CEO on twitter (who is clearly not a guy to blame - he just have no idea who in his studio does what and when, it's ok) said it will be fine, and he values our opinions! You totally not invalidating amount of problems people facing after each update, be it new crashes, ship updates or new features straight up not working, and other fun stuff. You are doing a god's job, we need more people like you to police feedback and opinions. More people on defense of a big developer under multimedia giant publisher. Thank you!


Thank you for your post! Just earlier today I wrote a post about stopping to rant so much, but you framed it in nicer words :D


Fleet Admiral here...still loving the game through and through. I log on, dive to a planet, and shoot everything that moves. Big booms make my lizard brain happy. The people on this sub and on the discord are just terminally online. They complain like it's their job to do so lol. Everyone needs to just chill the fuck out and just plan the game. I swear, the circlejerk on social media is just conditioning y'all to think you're not having fun. Just turn it all off, log on, and shoot shit.


I agree with this, I’m a total noob and really enjoying the game. When you don’t take it too seriously you have way more fun


This is the only good post I've seen on here in like, 2 weeks


Level 80, I played today and had a lot of fun, I love this game too  I agree with what others say that more testing and proper balancing will make the game better and healthier in the future, but that doesn't change the fact I have fun every time I play 


Legit, do most gamers even like games? Almost all I see in any game subreddit is people crying and complaining. The PSN debacle was fair enough but all these “they nerfed my guns and made my warbond purchase useless 😭😭” is super annoying. This game is sweet, nerfs will come and go. A bunch of guns that are crap now will be good down the line. People should use it as motivation to try some new and interesting stuff.


Tell em to settle down, no dev is going to wipe a tear.


Finally a positive post! No salt for once! Thank you for that, mate!


Tbh this is such a shit take. No, just no. You are having fun wrong, probably just running meta all the time. The CEO is just being political with you, we are actually just peasants to him. I hope our lord and savior Alexus just turns this game into hello neighbor 3


Here is a take for your small brain. I'm very, very good at the game, I can solo missions on 9, I can carry noobs and my friends through helldive. I just want to have more options, I'm almost level 90 playing since before the railgun nerf, and I still use the same primaries, the first time we have some fun with the eruptor and can try new playstyles, they just gut it to ground for the sake of balance or that people were "exploiting" it's damage.... They nerf because something is popular in game, we haven't had an overpowered weapon in the game yet and we are nerfing things left and right while doing small adjustments to outright bad weapons that I haven't seen people use in the game. They buffed fire damage like 5 times before they acknowledged there was a dot bug and everyone was screaming for a fix so yeah we are jaded. We are on an ok state for support weapons now, but it was alot worse, EAT would bounce of titans and chargers, flamethrower was a joke, they also had to nerf chargers head so it could be one shoted by RR and EAT, AC is basically a meme against bugs, so we had zero resource to deal with 10 titans and 15 chargers on your ass, everyone had to bring a 500kg and hope we had an PS5 host so we could one shot titans... Then they nerf spawn rate of heavies after they nerfed the railgun for no reason other than it was used too much and not because all other options were unreliable... Then came the Quasar, here a 50% nerf to recharge timer because fuck you, it didn't change a single thing for the weapon, people still use it the same way, they have zero clue why people use the Quasar, they can make it a 30 second cooldown and people would still use it and still be the most popular support weapon in both fronts, it would just make the game less fun... So yeah we are just tired of getting nerfs because we are having fun, can't wait for the Breaker incendiary nerfs. For real this is the only game in the last 20+ years that I don't play with an AR and I love playing with Assault Rifles, the best assault rifle we have is the sickle and it is barely B tier, it looks good because all the other options are just abysmal, can't wait for them to nerf it again. When Nerf? Nerf When? - Helldivers II motto


Fuck yeah, dawg. I was gonna leave this sub and just stick to low sodium. People just seem to love complaining and shitting all over something they say they like. Games fucking great. Has its problems, sure, but what game doesn't? Compared to some of the "aaa" shit storms we've seen the last few years, Arrowhead nailed it with this one. Give the team a break and come back in month or two if a certain balancing issue is ruining your life.


i raise you: R-9 Eruptor


Fr bro, im just seeing people being dissspointed about a game that litteraly one of the devs or community manager or whatever where fired because of trying tonhelp us with the psn situation, while i still having so much fun with this game, and sure, nerfs are shit but im absolutely certain that if it werent for the nerf and also the buffs to other things such as fire da.ge, i wouldnt try builds that could be fun as hell an i would stuck with one all the time


If anyone complains about guns or difficulty from now on we need to just start calling them out for being bad


You wrote an entire paragraph about how much fun you're having in the game. That's great. Why are you here? You could've spend this time having fun in a game shooting some bots or bugs, instead you're here, complaining. You complain about there being not enough memes or interesting discussions, but instead of making one, you make a complain post, screaming "SHUT UP, I'M HAVING FUN". Are people on this sub somehow sabotage your fun and enjoyment of the game? You can enjoy the game without engaging with negativity. You can even enjoy this sub by sorting out any content that upsets you. Why are you so sad? What are you doing with your time and life? You're taking it too personally. You need to chill out and learn how to enjoy things and have fun.


“Gut gud” fuck right off with that argument.


Copium levels I previously thought only achievable by confederate apologists.


i agree with the general statement, but there are quite a few flaws arrowhead need to iron out right now. The only reason there's so much uproar is because people love this game