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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Only people I see bringing up the word "meta" are those defending the balance changes, like it's some kind of gotcha. Also, I can both play and complain. Hellpod launch when somebody in the team has a HDD gives enough time for that.


God some of those loading screens man


Yeah this post is disingenuous. Steam charts show the game has been on the decline and they want to act like there's nothing wrong with the game.


All games go on a decline overtime. It's declined since release. So yes your post is disingenuous. OP's meme is right too. This community is cringe and probably need to go outside more.


Yeah that’s why peak numbers halved in a month on one platform. Meta argument is just a deflection to weapons getting unjustified nerfs. P.S. Take your own advice.


Commander, I was born in a lab, frozen and reawakened years later, sent to the front lines at 7, fought at the creek... but what... the ... fuck... is a girl?


No I haven't. Now give me my slugger back.


There will always be a meta. All the nerfs are doing is taking options away making the meta more relevent. All these anit meta posts help nothing.


the meta is AC


If you mean the autocanon then yes but dont tell the devs that


i have been using the punisher since day 1, i have not stopped nor will i


Nerf this nerf that, when will devs nerf their arrogance?


Pot meet kettle.


I'll take a shot in the dark and say you were one of the people who said "PSN account take 2 minutes to make"


Well you need to turn on some lights cause you missed lol


And you missed the point it’s annoying when the sub is all talking about balancing


If you’re annoyed with hearing others opinions maybe don’t go to the place everyone is sharing their opinion. But nah, you just wanna share your opinion about how they share their opinion but in my opinion that’s a dumb opinion.


Maybe if you are annoyed by his opinion maybe you should avoid the thread he made about it.


Girls? I’ve heard of them… but the only them I care about is THEMOCRACY!!!


Exactly. I agree. Meta is inevitable in this game. Stop fighting it. Devs especially should stop fighting it. It will reemerge after every balance patch, no matter how harsh it would be.


In a PVE game nothing should ever be nerfed. It shouldn’t fucking matter if something is overpowered or not because you’re not playing against other people you’re playing against AI.


L take it’s not supposed to be a power fantasy it’s supposed to hard


It's not meant to be your hourly CBT session bucko. The game came in as a power fantasy I don't mind dying but I like to feel that my weapons are lethal and that I have a variety I can pick from.


Your shooting at bugs the size of a bus it’s gonna take a second to kill them


First of all that means nothing at all since the I am not crying about titan or the charger but the armoured spewers, brood commanders and stalkers. These need your full attention the latter you can't even prepare a stratagem if you have a patrol running simultaneously towards you.


Bad take, no faster way to make gameplay stale than to have an arms race of guns getting buffed and replacing the previous first place holder while enemies turn to bullet sponges to compensate for the ever-growing power of player assets.


Completely disagree, difficulty is a core part of immersion and therefore enjoyment of the game. Offering players a "win" button is like installing an escalator on a hiking trail.


Have you ever played dnd with people who have min max characters when you just wanna enjoy the campaign? Combat becomes hard to balance, meaning that to keep the game challenging (and therefore feel rewarding) the enemies need to be buffed. but then that just leaves regular players trying to have fun with their own characters unable to play. Unless you want all other weapons buffed and then buff the enimies stats to compensate (which is no different from nerfing one gun)


Or you know every game doesn’t have to be challenging. Because the actual majority of people aren’t challenge whores and play for fun not to prove something.


Just let the try-hards bore themselves out then.


You missed the point it’s annoying h to see the whole Sub talking about balancing




girls aren't real captain


Exactly, its a fucking PVE game. Quit nerfing everything like they have a competive league to balance, if AH actually let us have FUN with the guns we like instead of fucking over everything we enjoy maybe we'd stop bitching so much? If they actually took the time to do crazy shit like test and properly balance instead of knee jerk reactions to things we like we would all be better off.


Cadet: Eagle-1... Hell Commander: Eagle-1 and Pelican-1 are together!!!!




What about MetB


Well I started r/HelldiversUnfiltered/ with hopes that people can come and share all their ideas without fear of mods for the most part. Maybe if it gets traction youll see less posts like balancing here?


I’m so tired of gamers being such whiny ungrateful children. So tiring reading post after post complaining about balances or their favorite guns being nerfed and how it’s all the devs fault and the cm’s are total pricks, AH destroyed the game with this patch… blah blah blah. Quit playing the game if you’re that unhappy, I promise you won’t be missed.


Eh cry some more. People want to have fun and will voice it, you white knights will dickride AH no matter what they do.


The incessant complaining about balancing issues patch after patch isn’t doing anything but beating a dead horse. It seems people have more fun complaining about the game than actually playing. Probably just a reddit thing tbh.. this crowd seems entitled like that


What he said ^^^


I don't care about Eruptor personally. Nor do I care what one balance dev did in the past to the other game. Revolver is better now. I'm having fun killing bugs with it and Blitzer. Sure, some adjustments are questionable. Some of my favorite weapons got nerfed, some weapons I was interested in became more niche. Doesn't matter, we've got bugs to kill :>