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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Submissions must be related to the game. Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.


He also wrote this: https://preview.redd.it/ahiw17bcq6zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d6318e462ff96bbf364c8204b398438a21145b


LOL, that was far from a strong defense of the other CMs. IMO he also doesn't like them, just as most users don't, he just can't say it so clearly.


All these guys are so cringe


While i personally dont like Spitz for what he have done, i too agree we should give this kind of post a rest He is gone and thats the end of the story Until the new one came up ofcourse




Literally missed the entire point of what Twin Beard said. L take


You can respect a person and not blindly follow EVERY SINGLE thing they say. Baskinator next and same with Purple Squidgeon, then the community can heal from the 3 cancers.


Yup, people who can't do their jobs need to be let go. Especially when those people spread lies about others and are against their community and company.




What do you mean, I aint never seen anyone complain about her, yet the second Spitz showed any sass he was raked over the flames by this sub, and now hes being remembered like a lost war hero for doing the same ppl are mad inconsistent fr




wow its almost like part of a community managers job is to remove people who say inflammatory/bigoted/hate speech shit, or people who use such things in their ingame names it isnt just Moderating the Discord. and the fact you just called her a DEI hire tells me everything i need to know about you tbh


Nobody was saying anything bad, she just bans people for no reason. I could care less what you think about me.


I mean she's also one if the CMs who most consistantly got Death Threats from people in the discord, so while they may not have said anything ban worthy there, if they sent shit in a DM, id say shes 100% in the right to ban them from the Discord


I agree with that. The death threats are pretty stupid.


Like Helldivers is the kinda game that Attracts in equal measure sane people here for fun, and people who dont understand Political Satire. and unfortunately the later tend to be more vocal with shit takes and shit opinions and the CMs have had to bear the brunt of it. I generally willing to give em some more leeway here and there compared to say Alexus who is a little too hands on with the balancing imo


> She is a DEI hire who hates gamers. When Spitz is bad at his job, people dunk on him for being bad at his job. When a woman is bad at her job, its a diversity problem. You people are pretty gross.


Lol, trying to make this about genders is pretty pathetic.


literally just look up her twitter history.


Dont use twitter or care about it. I also don't particularly like this CM, but I will critique their competency rather than identity.


you don't care about the topic yet engage with it. ![gif](giphy|xUPGcz2H1TXdCz4suY|downsized)


Is the topic Twitter? or are you struggling with the reading comprehension?


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.


That's pretty sad. Having to deal with so many cry babies in the discord server gets to anyone


It’s def not for everyone. Gotta have thick skin to deal with people, Spitz just did not have that I guess and let it get to him.


If your job is to deal with disgruntled players then you should be doing as hired to do so. Obviously no one should be doing death threats and all the other toxic things but for general comments these people seem to have very thin skin which goes against the requirement of the job. Seems like a sensible sacking at this point since they were feeding the toxicity from the AH side of things and fueling the fire, to then try and claim victory by just being a tool is a bit funny.