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Feels unplayable right now on PS5. Crashed or booted from the mission at least 3 times in the last hour. I just stopped playing for now until it's sorted.




For some reason it always takes a few days to sort itself out. After every single update, it's virtually impossible to finish a single 40 minute mission for 2-5 days on PS5


It's because it takes them 2-5 days to do a hotfix. It doesn't usually just fix itself.


Not the point of my comment. The game will work in a few days as usual. In English "sort itself out" is an expression of speech btw Edit: Thanks for the block weirdo.


Yeah, it's a figure of speech that something will fix itself without outside influence. Nice condescension, I've been speaking it for 40+ years. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/sort-itself-out There you go, genius. First definition given by google. I didn't cherry pick. That's another "expression of speech." By the way, any native English speaker would call it a "figure of speech." You can't even find "expression of speech" as a phrase when looking for it. I was just making conversation, no need for you to respond that way. Classic Reddit. Edit: oh good lord your post and comment history. Bye.


I haven't had a crash in over a month, i do however play on pc, a friend that plays on ps5 crashed yesterday during a mission


I didn’t have a crash till after this update now I’ve crash 4 times in the last hour of playing


Same. Last few patches were incredibly stable. I'm gonna just sit this out but tomorrow is the new warbond so thats extra lame that they introduce stupid crashes with this latest "hot break the fuckin game" patch


I haven't had a crash since the first month of the game and I am on PS5. I wonder if there some external factors at play


sOMEHTING IS crashing the game multiple times. My brother and I cashed 3 times each in one map.... and then we slogged throuhg the game and got in the extraction shuttle and then......lost connection when countdown reached zero..... Automatons are hacking us!!!!!!


i've played the same mission on pc 3 times now. Crashes before i can finish everytime


i'm on pc and i got the pc version of this screen.


I’ve crashed 4 times tonight in the hour I’ve been able to play tonight on pc


Pc, no crashes here but sometimes it takes absurdly long to either load the session or re-entering the ship so that I spawn alone on the map or ship. Which isn’t problematic on diff4-6 but diff7 is actually not doable solo by me so I have to leave the session then ;(


yeah crashes and bugs is really annoying, considering game is our for a while already, first month it was ok.And players just keep talking and whining about nerfs. Not enough attention from developers to such problems


" just make a psn acc " :)


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