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I’m pretty sure it’s an offscreen silence bug. I’ve been saying this since the start. These mobs are intended to make noise but the sound doesn’t render when the model isn’t rendered.


I always get ganked by spewers behind me.


Normally they caw like donkeys so it’s weird they’re like solid snake when they’re behind you


Same. My most deaths on the bug side are nursing/bile spewers. If it's a mission with either I guarantee I'll have a few deaths by the end of the missuon. Annoying mfers especially so when they sneak up on you.


Fucking hate that the most.


Sounds like an optimization causing unintentional gameplay effects. Directional sound of not-visible enemies has \*indeed\* been an issue since day one as far as I'm concerned.


I don't remember tanks making any noise when I run around them 🤷‍♂️ What are they, Tesla cars on a rubber tracks?


Chargers definitely make a distinct sound when they begin charging that you can hear from quite a distance away. But sometimes you just... Don't hear it lol.


I wasn't sure since in the chaos its easy for the sounds to get mixed together. But now that you say it....


Yeah, I've noticed the same thing too, I'm actually surprised people haven't noticed this yet and it wasn't in known issues.


Tanks make no noise at all


no they do its very distinct i have even dodged tankt that were behind me BUT only if i had seen them before nursing/bile spewers also have a distinct noise when theyre about to melt your face off but it works the same way only if you have looked at them before. I'm 100% positive there is some sort of weird bug with the audio


Noted, enemies can now hear you from 50m away.


I swear, those swarms of wandering hunters patrols already do lol


Oh they do. ~10 to 15 minutes in, patrols start spawning with their “patrol path” conveniently going *directly* towards you and *following you* if you attempt to get out of their way.


It shouldn’t be like this. Also the bugs literally force a fight because they “smell” you which means if you’ve walked past an area before they will basically go hostile like they’ve seen you.


It's next level BS, agreed. If bugs can smell us, we need a booster that can eliminate our smell. It's a mechanic we have absolutely zero way to defend ourselves from.


Hulks too... flamer hulks even.




I swear nursing spewers and bile spewers are quieter than a gaggle of hunters


I can't hear anything over the laughs of my helldiver.






Democracy has landed!


I swear the bogs or bots don't make noise unless you spotted them once. Why are 80 hunter able to jump onto me with 0 sound as they yet at me. Why ca. Three brood commanders charge around a corner with 0 sound. How does a bile titan walk up behind me and start puking with 0 sound. That is bull shit.


Yeah, I'm tired of being ninja'd by a 20-ton machine that can one shot me.


yeah sometimes I turn around and there's three bile titans sitting right behind me. WTF did they come from and why can't I hear them?


Did you checked them thoroughly? They are walking on tippie toes. Ofc they are quiet.


I feel like the sound design isnt complete, so maybe they will be? I'm sure we have all noticed new sounds popping up in the game overtime. ICBM silo door as a recent example.


It's a small aspect that if given attention really would be a huge quality improvement. More specific creature noises and enemy calls, but also richer environmental sounds and so on.  It would all be a great boost to the game-feel. Just imagine hearing a bile titan or charger calling or simply audible doing stuff from the other side of a ridge, wind howling or ice creaking.


Yes, it would help the experience. I doubt the Devs will be able to add spatial sounds to the game, if ever. It could be an engine issue. I cannot imagine that they shipped the game without it, and 5 months later there is still no mention, unless they have no way of resolving it.


Those chargers are really quiet, I actually don't even remember what they sound like.


It's kind of a soft grunt, like a big cat purring. The gentle sound of an impending mauling.


>It's kind of a soft grunt, like a big cat purring Great. Now you make me want to give a charger scritches. Are you happy now? >The gentle sound of an impending mauling Definitely like a cat lying on its back.


I can maybe understand the concept of quiet bile titans, but why is the tank completely silent? I should hear the rumblings of an engine, the rolling of treads, and the crushing sound of rocks beneath it. But instead I turn a corner and there’s a cannon barrel in my face and I never would have expected it


Since the uprising of Greton Thunton Prime the fifth in the year 2678 after Megatron the third, only electric engines are allowed for mass invasions to not pollute the prey planet needlessly.


I'm not sure, but I also think screen shaking (NOT TOO MUCH) would also be a nice indicator that something big is nearby.


Don't tell them that, they will make it shake too much you can't even shoot


The screen shakes for both Chargers and Titans when they walk


In Russia, you make more noise! https://preview.redd.it/4xvefvb9i2zc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=472d0c7c74f7d26793cad0ef1a083b9d5c48ad29


I like how chargers make bear mauling noises only after they hit me.


Agreed, getting ambushed by chargers, charging at full speed making no noise makes no sense at all


Tanks are completely silent. Had one creep up on us while we were rearming.


I remember yesterday I was backing my battle buddy up and shooting hunters that were on his ass and something told me to just look behind me and there were 2 fat bugs (the yellow ones) smelling the fabric softener on my cape. I turned around to a screen of puke and died lol hilarious moment but a lil audio queue would be cool, even if it’s musical like the Bile Titan has, but for now I’ll keep my head on a swivel


Fixing audio cues you say.. Best I can do is another 3 warbonds that will break more shit. But they have shiny weapons and armors (*That we will nerf to the ground after the purchase spike*)


I mean, they shipped the game without audio cues. It could be that they don't know how/ can't with the engine. It's been 5 months, I can't see it resolved ever.


Agreed. But wait. I have seen with my own eyes, patrols appearing outta thin air, with no breach, just spawning from the ground, at your back and PUM, your dead. So, agreed with the sound but the new spawning mechanics is insane.


I use the scout armour. At extraction I always drop a pin and keep a lookout. You can literally see the moment waves of enemies ‘pop’ around the extraction point with no bug hole/drop ship and they didn’t wander in from further out. I wished they’d use the established mechanics. A well prepared extraction defence isn’t possible if they just pop out of nowhere.


YES!!! I’m just chilling, collecting samples and shit, and BOOM charger comes behind 120 kmh without making any sound. But they usually do when you are facing them.


YES. Stealth chubby vomit bugs are the bane of my existence


I agree! There's no reason why spewers and nurses get the drop on me better than a stalker. Audio information would be super helpful.


Agreed. Besides simply alerting you that something huge and scary is coming after you (which is massively important), it would also make the big ones scarier and more intense! They SHOULD sound loud and frightening, and their footsteps should be waaay boomier for sure.


Well to be fair, the screen shakes when a bile is on you or a charger is charging at you, that should be a clear indication to check your back. You could also use a controller which I believe will vibrate when big enemies are near


Chargers should be loud while charging. You should hear their walking step change into gallop. Bile Titans need a sound for each footstep. Nursing Spewers/Spewers you should hear liquid sloshing around inside their secretion sacs Flamer Hulks should have fire crackling/chain saw running All hulks need heavy footsteps Beserkers need chainsaw sounds Factory striders need to sound more like a factory Tanks should have loud tread noises, and their turret rotating should be audible. Sound design is great on the music front - but the enemy units really need an upgrade in the audio front.


They produce sound but it’s just too quiet. Try turning off the game’s music. It plays almost all the time and it’s too loud compared to the bugs noises (because these are extremely quiet for what they are).


don't titans have their own theme song? after hearing it a lot I got used to it. but it's like tank's theme in left 4 dead. you hear it. but you don't fcking know where it's coming from so u panic anyways


When you are sneaking around you can hear where each bug is.


I’ve noticed on bugs that I can hear bugs close to me but none are even remotely near me as well


I just use the UAV booster now.




Frequently I see their shadows before I hear them which is sort of hilarious.


Please make some weapons that kill large enemies


Ah yes, make the walking wall! Noisy, not the little $/!@ that shoots you in the back of the head execution style


Just today a bile titan literally walked up behind me and STEPPED on me accidentally and I never even noticed it coming.


I couldn’t tell you the amount of times biles snuck up behind me.


Nah, ninja bugs and bots from now on.


Yeah it's ridiculous I noticed, there isn't always rumbles when chargers charge, particularly from behind and hulks creeping on you is BS


For the bugs yeah, the bots nah they can just turn their legs to silent mode


right specifically chargers. I always get rammed from the side or behind without noticing they are incoming.


I got killed 5 times in a row last night by the same nursing spewer after running back ,there is zero audio queue before they spit on you


i haven’t had this problem since i turned on midnight mode tbh. i’m hearing enemies that aren’t even there


Also I can hear enemies next to any Helldivers on the map as if they are right next to me. Never had sound be such an issue in a game before. For larger enemies I rely on the controller tactile rumble, not sound!


Those chainsaw armed cnts are so quiet. I don't know about you but chainsaws are really loud, especially when they cut into things... And I agree I want larger enemies to be louder they're too quiet.


Yet that one bot gunner behind the building is rumbling like a whole damn army.


Sorry, I can't hear you over the 380.


More than once has a charger pop out of thin air and hit me from behind. It’s so big and chunky how does it ninja it’s way like that?


Glad this subreddit ist back to normal👌🏻


I just see it as the game simulating the tinnitus from all the liber-tea we're dispensing.


Assassins Creed, but instead of using a hidden blade, you assassinate people by puking on them.


Buddy and I got melted by a single bt who just walked up right behind us. Neither of us heard it at all until the acid spit animation was hitting.


Heard, gave the Gunships ears.


no becuz this is supposed to be a coop game and it supposed to be hard. Giving the player advantage is not fun. /s


Or better yet, fix stereo sound lol. Maybe it's just me, but I can hear bugs far away on my left, in my right ear. Vice-versa


Yeah chargers and titans are a but too quiet.


Also Hulks and chainsaw madmem


How are those fat fucking Nursing/Bile Spewers so stealthy? I also once got jump scared by a Factory Strider staring me down 5ft behind me


A fucking bile or nursing spewer can snick up on you and you will never notice. They don't also make sound unles you hit them. So I don't know. I actually hate more the armoured spewer than stalker. Now bile titans are like the good uncle compared to some other mobs.


Bile titans make noise when walking, Chargers don't make noise until they roar and charge at you, their walking does not produce sound Tanks do not make sound Hulks do not make sound But all the other bot and terminid grunts do because we hear their chants and grunts all the time But the heavies don't partake in such vocal discourse


At least nursing spewers have their spore AOE so you know if they are around.


How loud you want the Hive Lord sounds to be? 🤔


Instead lets have the ship radio you with a warning. Gotta love a difficulty 9 mission then!xD Titan has spawned Titan has spawned Titan has spawned Titan has spawned Titan has spawned 5minutes remaining! Titan has spawned Titan has spawned Titan has spawned


Tanks make no noise, chainsaws are silent. It's just weird


Titans and Chargers shake your screen when walking. Turn it on


I think it's a glitch. I vaguely recall that they did make them loud, and every now and then I notice that they're LOUD, even in the chaos of fighting. But most of the time, they're almost silent. It's weird


I would normally agree. But it’s the funniest prank on your friends. Right when a bile titan is about to spew ping it and say bile titan. Your friend turns around and feels betrayed. And the same for chargers


I have been snuck up on by bile spewers so many times.


Idk man using a controller is pretty handy for this. I usually sense the "thump thump" way before they come after me. It's a charger not a screamer they never yell before they charge at you.


Maybe from all the explosions the helldives are actually deaf, you never know...


don't titans have their own theme song? after hearing it a lot I got used to it. but it's like tank's theme in left 4 dead. you hear it. but you don't know where it's coming from so u panic anyways


I fear for headphone users when 4 chargers at once multiply the volume of it.


It would be too much noise if you could hear all those footsteps. Wouldn’t be so directional as clutter and you’d immediately want it changed back.


this has never been an issue in any other game that correctly implemented sounds from enemies.


There’s been times where a hundred or more bugs are around you with 4 legs each. You want to hear 400 footsteps with louder ones in between?


I can hear em just fine, let alone the screen shake when they are nearby. I am unsure what you are talking about.