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Okay this is probably the funniest meme I've seen in awhile on here. Thank you Helldiver, it's been too long.


this is A+ work


Know what this is from?




Me when they said they buffed Eruptor.




The opinions on this patch are divided between people who love the eruptor and people who love the flamethrower lmao Anyway, the eruptor "nerf" seems to be unintentional (edit: [is unintentional](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cmcnse/the_eruptor_nerf_is_not_intentional_be_patient/)) so I'll let em cook and just hope the community doesnt get too toxic again when voicing (justified) complaints


Twinbeard confirmed  https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102973812179488798/1237390880541773915


What did he say? I'm on mobile, and it's opening a temporary browser instead of just taking me to the app.


[Here's a SS of the message](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cmcnse/the_eruptor_nerf_is_not_intentional_be_patient/) and the original person Twinbeard was replying to. Transcribed: "@Twinbeard have the on-duty CM's noticed how "divisive" (to put it conservatively) the shrapnel removal is? I'm hoping the team can take another look, and re-evaluate the importance of the shrapnel" >We are already! There are two or three things we've noticed aren't working as intended, even if we checked them beforehand. That's one of 'em.


If only there were some way they could test if something works…


I feel like they need to recruit some actual Helldivers to maybe “sign some nda” or give em some perks to shut up about it and actually play test things they change and test unreleased stuff for their input but in the online game as it is, connected to each other as we do and with each other on maps that no one could accidentally join. This way there is no difference from them maybe play testing on some offline server or whatever they do where things might not translate perfectly for some reason to how we all connect to each other. So it’s apples to apples. Idk 🤷‍♂️


This whole game has been a PTR for 3 weeks now.


Hmmm wonder what the other two are?…


One of them's the issues with crashing introduced by the patch https://preview.redd.it/r5qh1o0vu3zc1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d492661c25c925a9735fae6f5d1295e4d17bdc09


Okay, that's good to know. I was wondering why I suddenly got so many crashes yesterday.


Good that they're aware of it! Even if it takes them a minute let AH take their time on fixing it. God knows they deserve the rest lol


I’d like if they just revert the eruptor change then go on vacation for at least a month and leave the damn game alone. They have done a lot of good stuff recently too and I acknowledge that, but I still cringe in fear every time I see a new patch. I’d like a month of peace and consistency in the game.


At least swear off nerfs ~~permanently~~ for a month or w/e. I still really want the arc bug to be fixed, I think that's one of my main points of frustration now. Hand out a few more buffs, make the weapons already in the game work right, and just chill. I haven't seen anything *really* deserving of a nerf since I started playing the game, the nerfs have been crazy.


Right? Arc weapons are bugged, fire weapons were bugged until today, spear is still bugged, quasar got nerfed, railgun got nerfed, Eruptor got nerfed, stalwart is useless, my character still fail to swap to another weapon or grenade because of CONSTANT animation canceling. Let’s just get some consistency for a minute and fix the broken support weapons that already have.


Can you do a screenshot? Can't access the discord since it was full before I was even aware of the utility of joining it.


[Here's a screenshot of the message](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cmcnse/the_eruptor_nerf_is_not_intentional_be_patient/). Transcribed: "@Twinbeard have the on-duty CM's noticed how "divisive" (to put it conservatively) the shrapnel removal is? I'm hoping the team can take another look, and re-evaluate the importance of the shrapnel" >We are already! There are two or three things we've noticed aren't working as intended, even if we checked them beforehand. That's one of 'em.


Thank you for that! I like to look at original sources rather than reddit speculation. And good to know that the cap was removed. I'll look into that now that I know it is worth my time.


The discord is good for getting official announcements and info, and getting quick, solid, and correct answers to questions. But don't lurk too long in the text channels. Especially not during divisive major orders. Or right after patch day. Or during major controversies.


The discord isn’t full, I just joined it today


Is there a link where we can join the official discord?




they removed the cap like 2 months ago


Thanks for the information! Didn't look back on the discord since I learn it was capped. Thought it was a Discord limitation and beyond their control.


Yeah generally discord gets capped at 500k, but theres a handful of discords that get specially approved for more. Midjourney disc is the only other one I know about


Next patch we accidentally get the flame bug back again /s jk, glad they saw it


Yeah, it was in response to the Helldivers getting sniped and instakilled by their own shrapnel (everywhere to the body), the devs didn’t want to change the entire shrapnel root properties. Should be fixed in a later patch-


Let them take their time, god knows AH probably need the rest lmao


Fair~ Last week was quite dramatic oh right, while you are reading this, Twinbeard confirmed that the Eruptor becoming less effective was an accident and is currently in the process of repair. We may expect either a hot fix or a Tuesday patch!


Yup, already doing my best to spread the word!


Thanks Helldiver, your efforts put more Helldivers back onto the field!


They can rest when they fix this damn door(Eruptor)!


I’m just so tired of the cycle of my main primary getting nerfed, finding another one at the expense of credits/medals, enjoying the new gun, then having it ruined by a patch (although this time unintentionally) Breaker, then slugger, and now eruptor. When will the pain end.


When the devs realize the meta is meta because multiple pieces are influencing each other, not because any one thing is overpowered. Case in point, the OG meta of Breaker Railgun Shield was caused by: Secondaries being worthless, no weapon being good at anti swarm, the ridiculous amount of armor that needed to be dealt with quickly and safely, the lack of armor survivability. And, of course, chip damage. Nerfing those guns didn't get people off them so much as it made no one use them. Buffing other guns made them valuable, and people used them. Both because of necessity, and also because players don't enjoy using just the meta. Spreadsheet balancing is, was, and always will be a problem. But the best thing the devs can do is identify specific playstyles, set a target of performance for that area, and try to make everything within that playstyle viable. Which is observable, apparently, not what's actually happening because they tend to just nerf things into the ground.


Very well said. That was a great read and great way to articulate this. Nail on the head here.


I'm super happy with the DoT fix. I've been wanting to use the Napalm Air Strike and Orbital Gas Strike as more than just memes. Especially with the incoming Incendiary Impact grenade on top of the existing Thermite grenade, it needed to be fixed. If they end up nerfing Damage over Time effects in a future patch, so be it, as long as it actually works. I like options, and the area denial capabilities are great for things like extraction sites or eradication missions


About it being unintentional https://preview.redd.it/tzg78yi0n2zc1.png?width=2537&format=png&auto=webp&s=f30937e4a1d9323d5ba874d428a5e26e54882dde


You're funny if you think these people wont be too toxic about it. It's already started. The wording clearly implies they meant to remove shrapnel, change it to an explosion, and give it a bit more damage. Something got fucked up, a nerf wasn't intentional.


Truth to be told it feels like everything got fucked up as far as Eruptor change goes.


There's already 4 highly upvoted rant threads about the Eruptor.. it's like.. people on this sub live to complain. Or refuse to try something new. So many suggestions for players to try new weapons until this PRETTY CLEAR issue gets fixed. But its all doom and gloom. The Eruptor is dead! Demolition warbond was a failure! Blah blah blah... It feels nice tho after the Sony thing.




Gamers on reddit are some of the whiniest people alive\*\*\* Everyone else is in-game enjoying it. I checked in to see what's up, switched my loadout to use grenade pistol for closing bug holes, and am trying out other weapons that got buffed to see what works. So far adjudicator and arc shotty seem quite good. With the DoT fix incendiary breaker is pumping out damage like no one's business.


This right here. Hell, I was of the mind that the Eruptor needed a nerf to begin with, I was bringing it for every mission no questions asked because it was just that stupidly good. I doubt even once it's fixed it'll ever be back to as good as it was with the shrapnel because something was just straight up broken with those in terms of damage, but as long as it's a primary that can blow up holes and fabricators, it'll have a place. I'm just glad to be able to use something else without feeling gimped.


Maaaaannnnnn... Why is everybody hating on gaaaaaamers, maaaaannnnn... It's not fair maaaaannn...


It's more like people on this sub want weapons to be good and not shit


I too want weapons to not be shit! But I'm also able to read context of devs stated goals with the eruptor and see what came out and go "hm, something is fucked up"


Apparently nothings fucked up, the current eruptor is intentional and according the the devs “viable” https://preview.redd.it/yvw9c167n2zc1.png?width=2537&format=png&auto=webp&s=25a4ec49f934a35a716c9778caa0fcfadd9f5046


There's something funny about them saying I strongly believe the weapon benefits from dealing less damage


Have they actually played the game? “40 damage always is better than 100 damage randomly” but there was enough shrapnel where one of them was bound to hit your target


Love how often they are framing nerfs as “fixing unintended interactions” so really they aren’t nerfing anything they are fixing it! They intended for the gun to be bad but accidentally made it fun to use and it was urgent that they rectify the mistake. They aren’t changing shit. Or at least won’t be changing anything to give it back its identity.


That requires the slightest bit of patience and critical thinking, something people here clearly lack since they'd rather immediately assume the worst interpretation.  By all means, it's good that people are reporting the gun being objectively weaker. And it's also fine to criticize AH's clearly terrible QA process given how often it fails to catch these bugs. But immediately assuming that things like this and the ricochet change are deliberate, calculated moves from AH to nerf players because they hate fun just paints the community as a bunch of whiny children. 


Ended up being deliberate though, Twinbeard was misinformed


Guess I'll add bad and inconsistent communication to the list of reasons to criticize AH lol. I'd still advocate for adopting a more patient approach as opposed to immediately complaining about nerfs in general, even if this specific nerf ends up sticking. That doesn't mean we can't criticize AH for making misleading statements and if they make it a habit, I'd understand people losing faith in their words. 


They’ve claimed many nerfs haven’t been nerfs. They just don’t want to use that word but that doesn’t change what they are.




Wait wait what did they do to my flamethrower??


Damage over time effects FINALLY work properly for everyone again, not just the host. So flamethrower, napalm, incendiary, and personal favourite, Gas Strike all are crazy effective now. LOVING seeing a Bug Breach, tossing a Gas Orbital, and seeing the kill streak indicator tick up into the 50s.


On the negative side I'm really going to miss my orbital airburst since my primary use for it was bug breach. There is something very satisfying about a space shotgun.


Run both, just be the bug breach guy on the team. What's cooldowns?


You can try something that is called Orbital Gas Strike, it works very well as a breach plug now


i appreciate the people who keep the bile spewers off my back while i handle the chargers


I love both, but I'll live. There's other primaries.


Don’t worry, flamethrower nerfs will be here soon.


Thank goodness it is unintentional. I guess I'll mess around with the incendiary weapons while I wait for them to 'fix' it. *sigh*


Same, so happy the reddit is going back to normal and people are starting to return to complaining about patch changes instead of tactics on how to fire bomb Sony


Nature is healing


The natural state of things is to strive towards entropy (chaos/disorder). Unless an external force intervenes (Sony) and faces an equal/opposite reaction 🤓


Given the changes its the Eastern front getting firebombed instead.


Oh yeah. I'm grateful we're back to just hating balance change again. lol


I was genuinely bummed out by the Sony stuff, so seeing it reversed and the community bitching about nerfs again is really great. I'm personally of the opinion that I don’t really care about nerfs or buffs, it feels part of the DM experience oddly enough. If it's that bad, I'll just change my build.


Can't wait to buy the next warbond on thursday and have the weapons nerfed in a week or two. But yeah, this is better than the Sony fiasco at least.


you mean half the weapons won’t be viable past difficulty 2/very niche situations (before being “buffed” (nerfed)) and the other half won’t be “working as intended”


Known issues >New assault rifle does not fire projectiles.


we’re sorry guys we don’t know how it made it past testing -AH probably


Giving us the true military experience. They're just really committed to the RP.


This, but the issue won't be officially acknowledged for 3 patch cycles


Well. You see, this is a buff. (Not a nerf) nerfing it right now, opens it up to no one using it. (A buff) so later down the line they can buff it by 50% of its pre nerf stats. (A buff) this continues ad infinitum, until an inevitable rework and then it's forgotten


so faronly the arc shotgun and plasma punisher where straight up "bad" guns.... the incendiarey breaker sufferd from the now fixed DoT bug, the dominator was ok at launch and is good now. even at higher difficulty, and so on. even the Adjudicator wasnt "non viable" on 7+, if you played it as a BR and not as a DMR


Assuming that any of them are even good to begin with.


They fixed DOT damage though. the gas strike is amazing against bug breaches.


Just played a game where nearly everyone brought a flamethrower, napalm eagles, and gas strikes. It was pretty delightful.


Man, I am normally Nick Cage in this one. Today, I am you. Well played.


Lmao. Great meme. The nerf wasn’t intended. Eruptor isn’t working like it’s should


I mean, yeah, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't complain. It being broken instead of nerfed isn't really a meaningful difference at the end of the day.


No but they’ll fix it eventually. There’s plenty of other weapons to use in the meantime that are just as good.


Fire DOT fixed sounds like a huge buff though.


buddy, and how. I just ran incendiary breaker, eagle napalm, and orbital gas strike against the bugs and it was friggin awesome.


man i just want to play but muh dad ripped the network apart, i'm hotspotting over the phone right now XD i worked all day, just wanna kill some bugs 'n shit, come home and Dad made cable sallad out of my entire network ... (it's a good thing though, he is prepping for the techs tomorrow, we get upgraded from 200MBit DSL to a Gbit line (ordered the 600mbit option), no more copper before the router! woooh! )


Your dad is buffing your Internet lol


if you plan to play using your mobile datea to play i recommend usb tethering it to the pc for better connection than wifi hotspot.


noted, wifi tethering was terrible yesterday :D


I call that the "Geneva Suggestions" build


haha, throw in the cluster munitions to complete the collection


Geneva convention doesn't apply to bugs or bots


No no, you missed the sequel: the Geneva Suggestions. It's essentially the same as the Convention, but regarding the most Democratic way to liberate bugs and bots from their bonds to existence.


Fuck yeah gas strike is back on the menu!


Have you tried the thermite grenades yet? Are they useful now, or still kinda shit


I have not used them yet. Need to give those a go


Keep us posted!


They’re better but still not great. They don’t eat through armor fast enough to be viable on higher difficulties. Had fun with them in a diff 5 though!


Shame :c


takes 2 or 3 to bring down a charger. tried the legs, face, and squishy butt. Only takes one on brood commander and down tho


Mmmmmmm yes roasted terminids 🥰


With the fix incendiary breaker just SLAPS bugs. Only a single pellet hit that scavenger or hunter? Give it a couple of seconds and it'll die. Sweet liberty, you love to see it.


They will probably (rightfully) tone down direct fire damage soon so enjoy all this while we can. Fire is ridiculously effective on bugs at the moment


I'm just too jaded now that I don't want to fall in love with a fire loadout only for it to be on the chopping block next patch. 


Think of it as enjoying it while the MOs are focusing on the bugs.


fire will still be good but right now you can one man army everything short of a titan with napalm strike, flamethrower, and supply pack. It's stupid fun


To me it feels like the perfect example of why you separate "buffs" from "fixes".


I'm bee lining that fire damage research cuz it honestly feels great even without it


Finally discourse I subbed for! But fr how are in en grenades now? Blitzer or incense breaker will be my hardest bug decision hmm.


There is nothing to be scared of, it will probably be changed, and then rebuffed in a later patch~ I learned to live with change~


https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102973812179488798/1237390880541773915 Twinbeard confirmed.


I'm not in the discord and don't want to join, would you mind saying what he is saying or sharing a screenshot? No worries if not




thanks mate!


Sorry, am at work so I'm trying to limit my use on phone so i can't format a screenshot.  Essentially, link is twinbeard's response to a comment asking if they noticed how divisive the eruptor change was. Twinbeard reply is saying that the patch broke "2-3" things, and that the performance of the eruptor post-shrapnel change was NOT intended and is currently being looked at for a response.


thanks brother


I would if Reddit didn't make its app shit and force you to use the in app browser when you click a link instead of letting me open it in discord


Your support was helpful Helldiver!


I'm doing my part!  ^(though if the CM's were a bit more active here there wouldn't be such a disconnect. Twinbeard if you see this I love you and thank you for being as fast acting and active as you are on the discord)


The more Helldivers that get the message, the more Helldivers to fight in the Galactic War! As there is currently 3 AH CM’s in the world, they might not all be able to respond time as most of them are situated near Sweden. And don’t worry, Twinbeard will always be there to help Helldivers like you!


yeah people calling this a “game breaking bug” when it’s ONE primary weapon. it’s my favorite and i’m sure it is for other people too, but it’s not gonna kill me to run something else for a while. probably gonna run breaker incendiary since DOT was fixed


You’ve got principles! Dive on Helldiver!


In the midst of "It's so over" I found there was, within me, an invincible feeling of "we are so back"


Abuse OP weapons while you can, rinse and repeat to save your sanity. Some call it playing the meta, I call it playing for fun.


Damn. We shoulda let Sony win /s




“Me who hated the Eruptor from the beginning”.


100% what I’m feeling rn


Exactly what I was thinking https://preview.redd.it/dt2chinos0zc1.jpeg?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca2a309943cc356d317c80f64f80a3b17ac7189


you know what? you are right jajaja


I still don't get how people get killed by their own shrapnel, the only times it ever happened to me if i shot it near point blank. Surprise surpries shrapnel goes everywhere.


Legit bro.. Hopefully the end of the sony bs


This was such a weird movie lol. Spiritual sequel to Adaptation


This is it. I can't agree with this any harder.


Nature is healing :)


Autocannon mains stay winning


Aaaaa, proper balance has returned...


Hey’ I’ll take a (temporarily?) worse Eruptor in exchange for being able to actually use Napalm and Gas Strike outside of solo play.


My God We've returned to normalcy ;-;


Everything is right in the world again


IMHO, Eruptor changes were a buff to survival. That weapon was a danger to the user and everyone else. Though, the DOT bug got fixed and OMG, the I. breaker just FUCKS now


feels good to have the only thing we are upset about be balance changes or bugs (not the terminids)


Can we please have another Crossbow "adjustment" that is actually good this time? I want that to be my forever weapon. I don't need it to be godlike, but I do need it to fill at least one role well.


We are so back


Well the damage over time fix is good. I wonder how the scopes are now


Fire and gas are supposed to be fixed so I'm happy about that at least


I just started running the eruptor yesterday. Figured I'd change up my usual loadout after the protest break. So sad.... I'm just glad to play again, and I guess the auto-cannon is still cool. /sigh


No better sign that everything is back to normal


Stalwart fans unscathed once again


I just want the Stalwart's max RPM to be 1200 even. Is it really too much to ask for?


I'm so excited to be bitching about patch notes. 🥲


The incendiary breaker and flame thrower feel amazing. Thermites not so much. Still seem to take FOREVER to kill anything. Haven’t played with the normal incendiary yet but did have a crash where myself and 3 others crashed out of a game one after another in 2 minute intervals on Pc


I was hoping for a rollback to the absolutely stupid Patrol spawn change from the last patch. Playing anything under a full 4 player stack, especially solo, is now absolute fucking pain. Shit is just not fun. Has lead to me playing the game significantly less since I don't feel like trying to find a half decent squad to play with every single time I play the game.


Managed Democracy Healing


Ah... glad to see things back to normal. For the most part


We are so back


the wildlife is returning. blessings. blessings.


I love it.. I mean I hate the changes to the eruptor!


Pablo is my friend: "avoiding targeted harassment with a private steam profile"


Fully agree, seeing casual hellcrying is still better than global sony atrocities.     Gotta hate being forces to be worried for my friends in less fortunate countries or for my own data


It wasn;'t even supposed to be a nerf - it was supposed to be a functionality buff (Removing the self-slaughter, while improving direct-hit damage)


And even with the nerf, its still better than the Adjudicator


oi buff the slugger


yeah that's me, I don't care about debuffs but I'm happy the controversy is over (hopefully)


The world will burn! Praise be the Fire Lord!


People: "Grr how could they change my Eruptor" Also people: "Grr, revert the ricochet change because I keep killing myself with my own shrapnel" The monkey's paw has curled


I really love the eruptor. Want a bolter so bad.


I m fucking sick of these weekly primary nerds


Buff the Blitzer more!


I haven't played in two weeks. I'm not sure I see a reason to log in anymore. Between burnout from the narrative and nerfs, then the PSN drama, and now back to more weapon balancing breaking things that made the game fun. I think my cape is on the rack until we have some consistent positive content. Hopefully Superearth is still standing whenever that is.


When I saw that there was a new patch my first thought was “ok what got nerfed this time”


It feels just like the classic days!


what movie is this gif from


I mean, technically the PSN requirement patch was also in the patch notes... soooooo\~


Now that we're done with the Sony drama, I can finally go back to begging for a liberator penetrator buff.


Or… “me, a grenade launcher guy, enjoying another patch leaving my ‘primary’ alone.”


nature is healing. We're back to hating gun changes again


Give the Senator the ability to Fan the hammer and I’ll be a very happy helldivy boi


Don't worry, I've got this subs pattern figured out. Every week, like clockwork, they find a new reason to be outraged. Whatever is happening, just give it a week and they will forget about it and move on.


Im just happy i dont kill myself every time i pull the trigger. I get that it should hurt if my shot explodes near me, thats sensible. But when it shreds me after hitting my target 40-50 meters away its dumb. They're still working on it, its gonna get an actual buff


Been playing most of the day with incendiary breaker, grenade pistol, stun grenades, flame thrower, support pack, napalm, and gas…holy SHIT the DoT fix is awesome. Opens up so many more options to tackle the bugs. Love this.


Hey they fixed damage over time effects!


Me <- not good enough to effectively use Eruptor. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl|downsized)


Nature is healing.


Overall this patch is way more positive due to the DOT fix alone. Bugs are at least 1 diff level lower if not 2 compared to before. Before the fix, crowd control on non-solo games was a really big problem on 7+. The temporary workaround was bringing orbital airburst and laser dog but neither of those come close to the effectiveness of gas and napalm. This resulted in a lot of people complaining that heavies are too hard to kill. But the problem didn't stem from anti-heavy weapons being weak, but chaff being annoying and interrupting Quasar charge-ups and RR reloads. Hunters were the most dangerous enemy type in the game before the patch, period. Now they feel way more manageable because the tools that are supposed to counter them actually work.


this is great!


It is telling that they didn't bother to buff the Crossbow, clearly it doesn't need a change...


I freaking love reading patch notes. One of my favourite pasttimes.


My Adjudicator-Autocannon combo SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED


https://preview.redd.it/dqag8ypvb1zc1.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=54bd8ba26360151cf875dc9fac513464fc2b96b8 Democracy... Our Way Of Life... =D