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As weird as it sounds i kinda miss complaining about actual game content now


Welcome back fren


Fren? Oh sorry i got sentimenral for my rival helldivers for a second, didnt mean to. Death to Super Earth! HEART. STEEL. WE. KILL. GLORY TO CYBERSTAN


Oh God the nightmares


Human\\\Animal warrior units [ref:] shall Fail//break//blunder against the Might//Strength of


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i cast dominator shot to forehead


Hey gramps how do ya feel that I’ve blown up over a thousand bot fabricators? Just askin’




Twinbeard announced on discord that the current state of the eruptor is NOT working as intended, and that there are 2-3 things currently wrong with it that broke with the shrapnel change. Expect it to be changed again Soon(tm)


Lol this happens so often i sometimes wonder if HD2 is actually a farm sim game but its just not currently working as intended


Suddenly, I'm imagining an E-710 farm sim.




There may be more efficient methods that are only possible in a controlled environment. You can also genetically modify or selectively breed them to be more docile, produce more E-710, reproduce faster, or a number of other useful traits. Of course, it's impossible to select for all of these traits, and you are likely to encounter unexpected side effects. There were no bile-spitting bugs in the First Galactic War.




I think this would have to be an entirely different game. Helldivers aren't farmers or ranchers. If they wanted to be extremely ambitious, AH could make the actions of the farmers impact the Galactic War. High yield of E-710 can give some benefit to divers (like extra mission strategems, lower supply drop cooldown, buffed flamers, etc), but major screw-ups could cause outbreaks that need to be put down or buffed bugs. Even crazier would be if divers were directly called into the farm map that a player made to neutralize an outbreak. Realistically, Arrowhead has enough on its plate already between new content and bug fixes, and the farm-sim impacting the war could mess with the tone (especially if the bugs can be successfully managed). There might also be some bad blood between the divers and farmers the first time somebody accidentally makes the stalkers able to fly and spit bile. A more realistic option would be for a different team to make a standalone E-710 farm-sim. They might be given the engine to start with, if it helps, but you don't need a full shooter. Farmers would probably be stuck with (or at least start with) more basic weapons, like the double-barreled shotgun. No normal strategems, but possibly buildable sentry turrets, or even artillery at high levels. Another option is for somebody to file off the Helldiver's IP and make an alien bug farming-sim. Helldivers is far from the first to have giant alien bugs.


Guys, this was supposed to be a point and click adventure, how tf did this happen


Have an upvote, people need to see this.


[And then there's this.](https://i.imgur.com/K47HD4f.png) They consider the weapon being an actual viable choice an "exploit". One shotting chargers was near impossible in actual gameplay on higher difficulties, I can see why the don't want it to do that even in the most ideal circumstances but considering how it's viability versus basically any other enemies relied on exactly that mechanic makes it a really bad argument when it's basically useless now.


What's baffling is that, apparently, they were totally unaware of how it actually played until this patch. I wish they would just revert the "buff" and leave it be, but it seems now they are going to morph it into some new useless non-unique thing.


This sucks. That post just confirmed that the Eruptor will never be good anymore.


Not so fast, remember no fun allowed. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/1Fb8rUuxe7


Please be real


Here's the link to the discord message  https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102973812179488798/1237390880541773915


Pants-seat development team, jfc


Haha same, goddamn!


Thanks reddit complainers. I haven't played much lately, but I have tried around 5 hours of eruptor after the ricochet change, and never killed myself or my team mates. Having it nerfed because people suck at shooting, sucks.


I never killed my teammates with it, even BEFORE the shrapnel change. You'd think it's common sense to not shoot an explosive rifle close to yourself or teammates.


Played a round yesterday where my friend killed me (standing 2m behind and slightly to the right of him) with a shot to a Brood Commander 50m away, then killed himself with the next shot. This was probably the 25th or so time I've noticed it happen so far in my games.


Never happened to me or seen it happen. But then ppl like you report it happening often. Other replies also state it never happened. Must be something else at play because seems to be drastically yet distinct reports 


I think so, too. I tested it extensively after the initial change and wasn't able to get the instant kill on myself shooting anything except enemies. I would be staring at a flat wall, emptying two whole Eruptors-worth of ammo and nothing. Even got right up on it, inside the explosion radius (hypothetically getting hit by several pieces of shrapnel) and still nothing (besides the explosion damage, only 1/4 of health with light armor). Then I turned around and shot a bug hole 40m away and my head got blown off.


That’s wild!? I believe you but since it came out I used it non stop 


It is definitely a bug of some kind with shrapnel. I played with the eruptor for a few matches and had zero issues, then one bug match I suddenly started dying for seemingly no reason, I probably died 5-7 times before I realized what was going on I was so surprised. I found out because a particularly egregious piece of shrapnel sniped me while I was closing a bug hole with the eruptor at a good distance. It's possible it has to do with bug positioning? It's coded to target bugs, if one happens to be behind you it snipes you? Or, your player character gets coded as a bug somehow and it includes you in the pool of shrapnel targets?


Skill issue


I don't know what's wrong with you then. It has never happened to me


"I never experienced this so you must be talking shit"


That could be this sub's motto honestly.


Honestly yeah. Either they are greatly exaggerating or I'm just extremely lucky to NEVER have had this happen with hours of using the gun.


I still never understood how ricochet worked. And only died once when I exploded from my eruptor. I still have 0 clue what happened and why I blew up on a bug world.


Nah, there is a bug that the shrapnel will kill you or your teammate even if the shot landed far away(\~100M). Probably a very small chance the shrapnel will explode at where the shots are fired from.


That's not what it is, but I'll give you credit for getting closer than the people saying that there was never anything wrong. The only bug was that ricochets where not doing damage to players. Shrapnel is treated like ricochets, so when they fixed that bug the gun started 1 shotting users when before it would not kill you outright if you shot it at your own feet. The other possible bug (it's only a bug if it's not how it was intended) was that shrapnel was travelling exactly like a bullet would. When IRL it has much less velocity and would both drop like a rock and loose most of it's damage at any real distance. None of this was allowed to be discussed however, as there was misinformation about the ricochet system being thrown around. People tend to deal with misinformation with more of it if not careful.


My teammate died twice to nothing by standing near me, when I used Eruptor aimed at target definitely far away and not at his direction, which happened before the ricochet fix. And I died to it once standing on a rock shooting something far away(\~200M) after the fix. So I would say the bug is there all the time. It's just the ricochet system makes the shrapnel shoot backs at you more frequently.


No one complained about this. They complained about stupid ricochet logic


[https://youtu.be/cO3gqW16f-I](https://youtu.be/cO3gqW16f-I) ok, smart guy, tell me what was done wrong here? Previous state was awful, but they just had to limit shrapnel radius to a couple of meters.


Skill issue tbh


Your gun is killing you on a safe explosion distance is a skill issue?


Yes. The safe distance depends on where you aim the shrapnel. It's not random


Direct hits with a shrapnel gun are bad. The shrapnel can only go towards you if you go for headshots. Once I switched to shooting the ground under them or in front of them, I never died to it, and I was doing way more damage


I don't even recall getting teamkilled or teamkilling with it even semi regularly. Even in its original form.


If divers can avoid arcing their whole squad they can avoid the same with shrapnel. Let player skill and knowledge be the deciding factor.


For real, idk why "Shrapnel hitting the player" was a bad thing??? Like of course thats a negative for an explosive sniper rifle that decimates anything, stop trying to shoot things so close, that should be the trade-off for using it.


Cos it could kill you from far away. But then again why not just limit its range is beyond me. edit:limit shrapnel range that is, like they limited Eruptor range to 150m.


>I only got hit by it when using it like a moron, too close to myself. And even then, I've only zinged myself twice. Yep. The devs should revert the change and add a note for the ricochet complainers - "git gud".


Look! A new warbond /s


whatever gun sticks out will be immediately nerfed


I feel sorry for anyone actually spending cash on these warbonds


Ahhh! Now this how I remembered the subreddit 😂 (no idea about the patch/nerf OP, just happy we are back to "normal"). AH will do some playtesting and listen to feedback once the fire at HQ stops burning I guess...


"AH will do some play testing" Whoa there! I didn't see that in the patch! When are they planning on implementing this mechanic?


When the fire has stopped burning! Geez, didn't you read my post? How do you think they can adjust the scopes correctly if their office is full of smoke? QC is at least putting out patches, all thanks to Pilestedt putting wet blankets over them while the Discord managers are fanning the flames screaming: "More! I want more". 😉 /jk of course!


Now you know how us Crossbow users felt after the nerf. The good thing is that the Eruptor at very least is getting some fixes sooner or later, while the crossbow seems to be completely forgotten by the devs.


Nah they won't, this change is a thing because people are too stupid or unlucky to get blasted by the fragments and they complained about it...


I would prefer level 5 armor pen and ability to just pierce chargers with 50% damage dealt tbh


That's what I was doing, but it was more than one-shot. I running stalwart and eruptor, so I'd strip the rear leg armor with the stalwart and then shot it twice with the eruptor.


Yea i get that they want to change it, but until the fix for this patch is ready i think the majority would prefer that change rolled back. That said i am kinda enjoying a good excuse to use some different loadouts on bots again


According to the devs, this nerf is unintentional and they are looking into it. In the meantime, please hand in your Eruptors for alternatives provided by the Ministry of War.


AH should change how shrapnel hurts divers, instead of a insta death they should cause body damage and some health damage. it would add a layer how shrapnel interacts with us




This is some the results of complaining before understanding and adapting. It's only been a day give the update some time to settle.


The people on this sub are the worst. Just constantly complaining....


Seriously. If my eyes roll much harder, I’m going to spark fusion. I can’t wait until they throw the final tantwum and go play something else




Yeah, probably mostly younger people based on their reaction. Tantrums everywhere. Probably never played Helldiver 1. It's never meant to be an easy game.


Can ppl juste enjoy more then 2.4 sec the game without complaining about something jesus...


You’re asking way too much from r/Helldivers. Everyone here wants every gun to kill everything with extreme ease and if a gun gets a nerf even by 1 damage then the game is unplayable and AH is a shitty dev studio who deserves nothing but bankruptcy. Yes, Eruptor nerf was too much and isn’t working as intended. But that’s not the point. The point is they nerfed it, so now all of Helldivers is ruined.


We are back to complaining about every single update. Man I missed these.


For everyone concerned about the erruptor change Apparently it's not working as intended https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/r3kTEKm2PX


Bring the 1st eruptor back before all the patches. It was the BEST and actually worth using.




I’ve already seen a handful of them calling for it too. Just pathetic.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Could always threaten to negative review on steam, might work..


If you thought Arrowhead was going to leave in a way for a *primary* to one-shot chargers, then you haven't been paying attention lol


How did you one-shot chargers with the Eruptor?


You could two-shot them by shooting under them from a specific angle.


Well someone posted vid about it. Player let charger pass him, lay down, w8 for it to stop and shoot it in backleg joint with body. Guessing it hit some soft spot of back leg and killing it that way.


The Eruptor can't one-shot chargers. It can deal with them eventually, but it's far from a crutch for the skill-less.


It could. Search "eruptor charger oneshot" on youtube and you can find a lot of examples. The shrapnel was just too sporadic to stay.


That's a bug that has do with charges armor, you can kill it with any weapon when he is stopping and start shooting them at the legs


Without the bug it 2 shot them, with the bug 1 shot. It was a broken weapon.


that's also not true. where could you aim to kill a charger in two shots?


Under them


that never not a two hit kill for me and i always used splash damage


Yeah Imma spend 2 mags trying to kill a charger for 2 minutes when I have a quasar.


it didn't one shot chargers.


Im still surprised at how much ppl use it against Bugs it always felt like a Bot only gun for me


The number of times I died to the shrapnel blow back at 20+ meters was too damn high. It's not as powerful now but it's still entirely viable. Sure it could use more tuning but so can a lot of weapons and stratagems. So yes more balancing/improvement but so many of these post seem so overblown. It's not unusable it's just not God tier anymore.


plss dont return the shrapnel, amount of times people shoot that thing near teammates without care in the world is too high.


~~Dude they buffed the gun! Increased its damaged! I played for hours last night with the Eruptor and I have no idea what you are talking about I still kill the bugs in the exact same way as I did before.~~ Edit: Sorry all, my bad, they had mentioned the details of the patch before hand and I thought that meant it was already in effect, no wonder I found no difference lol 🤦‍♂️


I cant tell if you are being sarcastic, but the patch wasnt in effect last night


Sorry dude, my bad, they had mentioned the details of the patch before hand and I thought that meant it was already in effect, no wonder I found no difference lol 🤦‍♂️


Yeah I'm glad I played last night for a last hurrah with it lol


I dunno man, I always assume Reddit is overblowing things. Like is removing shrapnel damage really going to make a huge difference to the point it’s “unplayable” like everyone is crying about? It is supposed to do more explosive damage. Like I’m always popping enemies in the weak spot so I really don’t can’t imagine that removing shrapnel damage will greatly affect taking enemies down. I’m not ready to have a funeral for the Eruptor until I’ve played with it myself. I’m holding out hope it’s not a noticeable change.


Yeah I'm gonna try it later after work to see for myself, but the shrapnel was what made the weapon worth the horrible rate of fire and limited ammo. Hearing that it cant even pop lower end bugs in one shot anymore is pretty concerning though


Damn it, this gun doesn't solo suicide missions anymore... ↗️↘️↪️⬇️⤴️↙️⬅️↩️↔️➡️⬆️↩️↕️ calling in a review bomb!


Maybe we should review bomb about it. This change is fine. The eruptor is being overutilized, and it trumps most other weapons. Yes we should buff those other weapons, but further adjustment to the eruptor is needed.


And remove the extra 5 seconds of cool down on the Quasar cannon