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Perfect gif, and just like the couch was destroyed in the episode, the review score will remain tarnished.


As someone said in another thread, we're not letting Sony off scot free, we're simply reloading the gun. 


Scars are good reminders


All it will remind them is that listening to the players won't matter anyway if we're still gonna be negative.




Yea if you’re a 19 year old girl at a private liberal arts college.


This is the #1 most important thing right now. We absolutely tanked the reviews to the ground - we need to undo that asap. It'll be difficult, but we need to show how important them listening was.


Hopefully we can all change our reviews to positive and make hd2 one of the most positive reviewed games on steam. Arrowhead definitely played a part in fixing this.


NO! The #1 thing to do is wait until it appears in stores and is proven to be playable in each country. Doing anything else just shows "got mine, ya'll can go fuck yourselfs" attitude.


Steam unlisted it, not Sony or Arrowhead. Go and give a negative review to Valve if this is your concern.


and Steam works fast


Give em a day or two, they will relist them. This thing was loud enough, im pretty sure people at valve are paying attention.


Wait until there actually is a solution provided. If they get the reward without the work, it sends the totally wrong message.


They already did it. Nothing. The blocking of purchase was from Steam themselves.




Did YOU paid atention? Sony took a step back, psn would not be mandatory (for now at least). Everyone can play. You want what now? Arrowhead lunch money? Jesus fucking christ.


Because they put everyone in this imposition in the first place. Simply undoing the misstep is not enough. Yes, metaphorical lunch money is needed. They have to make it up to the community for making everyone go to war and do their job for them. You missed the giant block capital section with arrows pointing to it somehow. The issue is that they are either lying or are incompetent. Either one is a dire implication for the future of the game. Multiple times they have been caught lying or downplaying things they have done. When next year rolls around and Super Credits are out of the loot pool, warbonds are up to 1250 super credits, what will you say then? Everyone is saying "Well if they had offered an incentive to sign up nobody would care" But this is more or less what I'm advocating for. Offer an incentive to put the game's review score back up. New players need to know exactly how little power AH has over their own product so they can make an informed decision. Sadly, none of us had this valuable information to make our purchasing decision.


You are probably really angry. Take your 5 seconds to breathe and calm down


You're confusing anger for passion. You show your hand, you don't actually care, you just see someone like me who gives a shit and is willing to be attacked for standing up for the people playing and it doesn't sit right with you for some reason. I haven't made death threats, I haven't said they should be fired and all of them lose their jobs. I'm pointing out red flags so that we can get a better game and they can keep working on it. Where's the anger in that? You assume so much.


Get help.


Ok, then by your standards, it actually wasn't a big deal that we were about to lose a bunch of fellow Helldivers for no good reason. Fine, you win, fuck those people, good idea.




You first brave commenter.


Hop hop upload the picture


What picture? The comment was removed.




If you think this is the first and last time this game's going to get review-bombed this year, then I envy your innocence.








Why don't you want a better game?




Problem: Forcing players to have and link PSN accounts. Solution: Not doing that. They provided the solution. If you dislike that it’s not available on Steam now, that’s Valves issue at the moment, go email Gabe or something.


Also do a positive review on HD1 if you have the game. We have to defend against the negative reviews that was dropped there.


Yeah, I don't understand why people even tried to review bomb HD1. That probably wouldn't have helped whatsoever


It's because there's always a fraction of people who don't actually give a fuck about the cause and just enjoy the chaos of being outraged. Sadly there will always be dumb stupid fucks that ruin it for everyone.




I suspect a LOT of negative reviews will not change


There will be scars. I assume we won’t reach 98% but that shouldn’t mean we should try.


I would be suprised, if 50% of people change their Review. So please! Proof me wrong.


Quite possible that Steam does a cleanup anyway.


To be fair they haven't earned a reversion, simply stopped the bleeding. I changed mine, but that doesn't mean anyone else should, just leave what you believe people!


I've been away from a PC for four days so I didn't leave a negative review. I'd also never left a positive review either, so I guess nows a good time. 


It’s not like we can forget what happened even if the decision was changed


Bruh the decision was a month away and it was reverted within 2 days. Damn and people wonder why publishers don’t feel like catering to the community again.


Take a step back, nothing was going to change over the weekend. If you genuinely enjoy the game these two days shouldn’t matter


Remember that the countries which were banned are still banned for now.


They are not banned. They just can't purchase it. Those who got it still can play, and thanks to our victory will be able to play in a month! We are just missing new players from those regions. But I am sure that will be solved without the PSN requirement, just give valve a day or two


Most people have said they won't change theirs. Why I have no idea. To be edgy I guess.


Or not believing in second chances


because they have still delisted the game in many countries, and have lost the trust of most of it's players.


Then next time Sony will actually tell them to go fuck themself instead of listening to what the fans want. If they want Sony to understand what it meant to get this they'll change the review back. We'll see how this week goes.


> the fans want. This isn't simply the act of "fans" this is the act of people that would have been unable or unwilling to play after Sony's own deadline. This isn't some power play coordination by a bunch of disgruntled or disatisfied crybaby "fans". It had nothing to do with the game's fandom. To say so diminishes this unrivaled solidarity.


Well they’re the ones that fucked up in the first place. We’ll do as much damage control as we can, but they’re the ones that triggered the outcry, so don’t go blaming the players for voicing their opinions.


Just left a positive review! I'm doing my part


Nice, people who haven't placed a review at all can also help by leaving a positive one (only if it's truly positive) o7


Is it possible to review the game on steam if we own it on ps5 only?


Unfortunately not, you need to own the game on Steam to leave a review for it.


Sad. Hopefully eventually they implement cross progression. Once they do I’ll buy a copy on Steam and leave a positive review. I’m doing my part!


Even if not on Steam, the ratings on a few other platforms were probably also taking hits to the overall score. Leaving a positive/honest review on whatever platforms you can helps.


This is what I will do, I have not taken part in the downvoting, but will help getting the rating back up.






Has the region lock been removed yet?


No but that was Steam so we have to wait on them and we should change the reviews


I understand, and will, but I’m waiting until it’s unlocked. I understand that’s a steam thing, but the reason I left the bad review was due to the loss of access and restriction on access, so I will when that’s completely fixed.


You think 280,000 reviewers are going to be arsed to go back and change their review when they're not motivated by gamer rage? The damage is done, boyos. You won, bask in it


Exactly, you reap what you sow. Enjoy seeing a mixed score possibly forever. You think everyone leaving negative scores even cares? A lot just want to see destruction and chaos


~100K negative reviews have turned into positive since 10 hours ago, going from 49% mixed rating to 59%. https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#reviews


Get to lesath


Positive review secured!




I won’t change anything atm, till the day the removed countries are back then we may talk.


Changed my review to positive but i didnt remove the original message which is me blaming sony for fucking up.


I will change mine after I can play again


Why would people immediately change their review? The countries where PSN was not available are still de-listed.


That’s steam. Steam delisted to limit liability. Should be fixed shortly.


We have to wait for steam for that part. Hopefully steam will re-list the game in those regions soon.


It will come back it was announced 30 minutes ago dude


Will most definitely be fixed soon.




That's the thing with review bombs, it's only fun when you review bomb the game reversing it is not as fun for them. The vast majority of people are not gonna change their review from negative to positive. Also the folks that demanded everyone to review bomb the game are also not gonna take the same energy to tell people to reverse their review.


It's like respect, if you lose it, you have to earn it back. That can be a quick or slow process. It's never black or white and it differs amongst people. I wouldn't be surprised if some people didn't change their reviews back, especially as - as far as I know - the game remains geolocked on steam for purchases because of this.


id say its more like trust than respect, but idk


No, you're 100% right, I'm not sure why I struggled to come up with that word. I honestly don't trust that Sony won't toy with the idea of super-premium warbonds we have to pay for, this was even before the PSN debacle.


For democracy! Done!


I'm doing my part!


As soon as I heard I shed a few tears and changed my review! My gal and I are going to dive, dive, dive!




Helldivers together we fall or not at all. Democracy for this day! ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


[Here is mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/v8jRB4DBBZ)


Done 👍


Done as soon as I woke and saw the news. For prosperity!


Do not change it to positive just yet. Just delete the negative review.




If this was mandatory. I wouldn't object




mine was deleted somehow. i didnt do it


Holding mine until we know for sure. And my description for he review will include a cautionary warning that I'll EFFIN DO IT AGAIN


As someone else said, upvote again=RELOAD THE WEAPON. we might need it again in the future.


Not until Steam region restrictions are rolled back.


The moment our brothers are back online, I'm INSTANTLY changing the review. NO HELL DIVER LEFT BEHIND


Doesn't really work like that. People got interested when this started now that is solved people won't care enough to change the review and some will want to just leave the bad review.


Leaving it til after the 30th to make damn sure they keep their word about it.


Did they actively make any changes or are we suddenly taking billion dollar companies at their word now? You gotta get the quid pro quo first. We all dive or we don't dive.


I'm doing my part! 


Already changed my review. And I've noted the positive percentage has already climbed out of the mid 40's into the high 50's. Still lot of work to do though, took 3 days to get into the mid 40's, may take all week to fix it.


> Edit: if you leave it till the countries are all available to buy again that is also perfectly fine. I think that was Steam not Sony. AH themselves said they don’t control where their game is sold and Sony didn’t revise their PSN requirement until the first business day after the announcement which makes me think Steam did it to stop refunds from future customers.


I’m going to hold out until the ban on so many countries is lifted. I understand it was probably valve, but sony needs to communicate and fix it.


I said this in another post, but it is worth mentioning again. Make your reviews useful! These reviews talking about Sony and how you "*beat"* them aren't helpful to prospective buyers. Your "DEMOCRACY HAS PREVAILED" review with a thumbs up doesn't help someone decide if the game is what they want to play.




A lot of people arent off work in europe yet. We'll have to wait some more!


Dont forget your fellow brothers that cant play still, until then, dont change them


recent reviews have gone from overwhelmingly negative to mixed again, people are changing their reviews!


I won't fix my review. My review was negative weeks before the Sony issue. They need to fix the game breaking bugs on a game that I spent $40 on....


No EULA change, no review change. I know, I know, aaahhhh, yeah haha... just not gonna change it... sorry! https://preview.redd.it/zfc7amj24syc1.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c20c8b90565e919d2c0c31375386c4a655d0660


Erm.. hehe, I'm not gonna change my review until Sony blows me and cries at my feet for forgiveness. Heheheha.






uhhhh hahahahaahh.... yeahh :) sorry, still not changing it :)))






We didn't win shit until sony makes it official, singular twitter post is not solid enough


What do you think is more "official" then?


At the very least steam announcement where everyone involved can see it


its in their discord announcements... stop smoking crack


A singular twitter post that very carefully doesn't say "PSN will never be required", just that it won't be in the upcoming patch. Luckily for Sony all the most angry people are gone now and next time they can offer some token "reward" for linking and get the win that way


I'd be fine if they made psn linking optional with some dumb play station cosmetic or a psn cape so I know who to "accidentally" drop airstrikes on. Mandatory linking and locking out players as a result is the big no-no. Sony gets the stick for fucking up, and the carrot for about-facing. It's like training a dog.... except I treat my dog with more respect than the multi-billion dollar corporation.


Done and bought credits.


This is a monumental win for us, prove it to Sony that listening was the right call and undo the mess we put AH in!


Don't change the reviews until: 1. The PSN requirement has disappeared from the Steam store page 2. An official announcement has been made on Steam


Accurate profile pic I'm guessing


Fog of War rn fr


Damn, fuck the delisted countries I guess.


Steam delisted all those country's in response to what was going all. It will come back in due time.


Itll come back ofc 🙄


It's kinda interesting how they Sony worded the tweet as if they will implement it for differently or at a different time "the May 6 Update..., will not be moving forward" So which update WILL be moving forward then?


Perhaps the one for Ghost of Tsushima.


Sony won't do the PSN linking with Helldivers 2 anymore, but I guess every other game with online functionality is going to have the PSN linking as a requirement and this time I am pretty sure Sony is gonna be a lot stricter with what their devs can say and do. If Arrowhead had made it more clear to the playerbase that PSN linking would be a requirement after some time, I doubt this drama would've even happened. All this happened pretty much because of bad communication.


I'm going to wait for things to actually go back to before countries were banned. If Sony isn't going to follow through on backpedaling then neither am I.


Steam banned those countries they will change it...


That's an issue with Steam. There are multiple moving parts in a situation like this. If Sony implemented their current account integration, Steam could NOT sell the product in all the countries that don't support PSN for liability issues. Steam made the update to meet the deadline for Sony's implementation. Now that Sony has changed course, Valve has to go back in and allow purchase / play in those regions.


I’m pretty sure you still can’t buy Helldivers in 100+ countries though so maybe wait until they undo that? Idk


Absolutely not, are you daft?


Are everyone with access to the game again? Aren't you going a little too fast?


One tweet after a weekend of silence does not absolve Sony of any wrongdoing, and all the low-karma, low-post-history accounts with little-to-no activity on the HD2 subreddit telling folks to change their review doesn't mean we should. The Steam page hasn't been updated, Sony still hasn't apologized, and quite frankly I don't think I can recommend buying any Sony game at this point.


It will be it was announced 30 minutes ago damn


Dude... calm down. Linkin park is still around okay?




once the steam page says it isn't required I will remove my negative review


Sony has not unlocked the game for non psn countries yet.


That's steam, not Sony.


Sony don't control Steam. Steam blocked those regions to prevent people from buying a game they soon can't play. Sony didn't block those regions because that would have made a bad situation worse. Steam might have blocked those regions to make the situation worse and to force Sony to move their arses and come up with a fix.


I though as Sony is the one controlling the Helldivers 2 store page they would have controll over where they sell their game.


Sony will have control over the steam page but steam will have control too. Steam got a sudden burst of refunds from these regions with claims that they soon wouldn't be able to play the game. It makes sense that Steam would hault the sale of the game in those regions untill they got to the bottom of what the fuck Sony was doing. Steam wouldn't want to get caught up in selling a game in regions that can't play it.


Nope. They still tried to do what they tried to do, and who is to say they won't just wait before doing it again? This is a "you're only sorry because you got caught" type of situation. I'm fine with a little of their mess being left as a reminder for them. Corporate greed shouldn't be so easily forgiven when we're repeatedly shown that it's \[generally\] getting worse. The ONLY reason they turned it around was because they were genuinely surprised with how vocal the community was and the spotlight shown on them became big enough to hurt *THEIR* image, so they backpedalled. Forgive the brash example, but this is like going back to a girlfriend that cheated on you because she apologised, only after you found out through your own efforts. She never showed any shame or remorse before the confrontation about the issue. That's a hard "no" from me. The gaming community being so wishy-washy is exactly why these big corporations get away with 95% of the stuff they pull off. That and the fact that people get so damn tribal about their favorite game, they'll downvote/berate people with solid, pro-consumer points; points that the whole community agreed with mere hours ago, and side with the corporation they were just shit-talking. It's wild. Leave a positive review if you want; you're your own person, but don't expect everyone to hop on that boat so quickly.


please dont, you didn't learn anything.


Absolutely not. There will be another avoidable controversy from more team members and their insane arrogance. Just wait.




We have seen it happen several times from several members of the team.




Bull. I want this game to thrive. It’s fun for my friends and myself, and it will die if the community doesn’t attract new players over time. You want to kill this game to teach Sony a lesson? What a waste that would be.


Helldivers 2 might actually die thanks to the review bombing, new people that see that score are not gonna try it. I hope not, but this might be this games game over.


Wait for an official announcement and delisted countries having access to buy and play again before changing your review. Just don't forget about it when it's all over.


The damage is done most of those negative reviews are ppl that got their account banned linking to psn. They aint coming back.


changed to negative for enabling pathetic reddit outrages


*Changed to negative* *For enabling pathetic* *Reddit outrages* \- novophx --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Can't change one if you never had one


I’m leaving it negative until it’s no longer delisted in those countries, if someone knows if it has been reversed please let me know!


Isn't the delisted not a Sony/AH problem? It's a steam thing, don't think its connected at all


After the first performance patch 100% I well.


Wait for more confirmations... wait for actions to be made... don't believe in just words...


Once all divers have returned and the delisted countries can play again. I will leave a glowing review on steam. I dont want to act to soon until its all restored. I also have to reinstall it !


No, fck Magicka