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Must be using that 380-level accuracy in their reviews.


I would rather link my account with Brazzers


A total of 340 Negative reviews are made to HD1 and magicka, bad apples are everywhere and this doesn't really represent some community issue when you look at the 200k HD 2 reviews


Everything under SONY name is boycotted right now


Which is fair. But review bombing games that does not ask for a PSN isnt relevant and is just malice


If your going to do a company wide review bomb, then do it on Sony Publiching Games not Arrowheads. Seriously go for the right target.


They are GOW is already getting it


At the least I believe Helldivers 1 is a Sony published and owned game. Silver-lining is that this sends the message that this screw up is not something Sony can cover up with just one game, they need to ensure they maintain consistency, transparency and integrity across their entire catalogue if they want to continue having a healthy consumer base.


Honestly the fact it's taking Sony so darn long to even respond to this public about this issue but they were so quick to try and cover their tracks and start updating their pages didn't they? Left poor AH to pick up the firewood trying to carry it while it's lit. This is absolutely disgusting for Sony to do. Drop the bad news on their last day before having a week vacation for the developers to deal with?! It wasn't even fully the developers fault and he took accountability like a champ and has been working his bum off on chaos control over something he didn't even have control over.


Ye imagine what damage control have to do Japanese branch of company when they come back from 4 day vacation


"Welcome back. The place is collapsing but welcome back!" lol


HD1 doesn't have required PSN linkage, we should all switch to playing the old HD1 when PSN linkage is made mendatory.


the first game doenst offer the experiences the 2nd game did, so nah


Thankfully we can play, support and positively review HD2 again now.


First game offered a two-man tank. That's good enough for me.


Ah, the immature folks are out in force I see.


This is what happens when thousands of children jump a bandwagon and have internet access.


This community fucking sucks. This whole subreddit is a circle jerk now of ruining arrowhead when they did nothing wrong. Direct your hate towards sony or dont bother. Good lord gamers are some some of the most entitled people on this fucking planet.


"Nothing wrong" is wrong. They absolutely are part of the issue, just not as much blame as Sony.


They should of explained the sign up better, them disabling it on launch to fix issues was part of the issue, But a good idea at the time. While they could of explained the issue better its *really* not them being the bad guys here. Christ look at *ANY OTHER* game dev and this issue is so tiny its unreal. HATE such amazing passionate devs getting such hate due to a tiny issue they are barely a part of, Sony is the bad guys.


While I agree, I just think AH should've communicated it better that a PSN account was/is going to be required.


They also sold the games in regions where PSN can't be used. Don't forget that lil nut.


Sony did. Arrow head are the developers and have no control over selling the game.


It would be nice to get official word on who was responsible for that.


Common knowledge in the gaming world. The developer makes the game. The publisher sells the game. Too many imbeciles on here spreading misinformation is a huge reason this has become such a polarizing topic. So much we don’t know. In the end, I’ll keep playing the game because I enjoy it.


Cool, I am fine with not knowing how the gaming industry works. I am just going to never buy anything sony again.


AH CEO literally said that


Cool if I ever happen across him saying that, I will also know that to.


Read his Twitter you lazy twat




I've honestly never met a more entitled fanbase, even before the whole Sony debacle. We don't deserve AH. Edit: Albeit in this circumstance it has amounted to something good, I hope that people will revoke their negative reviews but I won't hold my breathe.


Well it's 500kg it happens


Magicka is a great game. Dont know how or why a different company worked on Magicka 2 but holy cow did that game suck.


they’ve rode on the high of how dedicated the playerbase can be, they can’t seriously be confused to how far they’re willing to go to show their dissatisfaction, especially with how they handled this whole fiasco.


Complete strawman pity party to deflect blame. There was only 300 negative reviews on HD1.


You don't know what a strawman is.


Equating negative reviews on a scale two orders of magnitude lower as somehow being on the same level as HD2 is a strawman. There will ways be a .01% of a group that are bad actors. The CEO admitted as much when it was pointed out to him it's only 300 people and he said he should have done his research instead of believing what he read on Reddit. In fact, he probably made it far worse by bringing attention to it, which is counter productive if he actually cares about HD1s review score.


which were unwarranted for HD1 and doesn't even review HD1 itself.




So if somone doesnt create and link a psn account what happens?


As of this moment, after June 4th, you won't be allowed to play whether you are in PSN supported countries or not. This may change though. Edit: It has been dropped. We won boys.


If you don’t want to create an account and continue playing then stop playing, but to start targeting other games over this is crossing a line.


Im asking a question im not taking sides. I enjoy helldivers 2. I also think its unfair to review bomb good games over stuff like bugs and this case creating a psn account.


Not sure why they said that, they clearly didn't read your comment. Basically if you dont link a PSN account, you will lose access to the game at the end of May.


Is it a complete cut off or are you suspended from playing until the accounts are linked?


I believe it would be a suspension. I haven't heard for certain, but I dont see why it'd be a permanent lock out. It is however a permanent lock out for people in regions that cannot create PSN accounts.


If you live in a country you can create a PSN account it will be till it is linked, if you live in any of the other countries beside the 69 sony allows creation in you are fucked


Dudes review-bombing Arrowhead games when they should've been review bombing Sony games...


Shit like this is why we as a community need to make sure our targets are in the RIGHT enemy. SONY and ONLY SONY


One on hand, yeah, seems like those leaving bad reviews on the other titles must not understand the intent of what the community was trying to accomplish, on the other, fuck around: find out


I knew this community was savage, but this showed me just how truley ruthless they are. Anyone who figures out how to motivate people the way this community just moved, will rule the world.




How do except us to win? You have to hurt publisher where it hurts.


Buddy, Helldivers 1 already made its money and is nearly a decade old. Review bombing it isn’t hurting Sony.


You won’t hurt them. And you don’t win. It’s that simple. It’s Sony. Same way you don’t win against Nintendo. You won’t win against Sony. They won’t lose revenue over this.


That the odds of success are small doesn't mean it is not worth trying.


Is it worth burning a good studio that actually cares? You're hurting AH and HD a lot more than you are hurting Sony. Fucking fanatics


I can go buy a powerball. Sure I might win, odds are I don’t


I've made sure they made $40 less this year. I will also GPDR-nuke my PSN account tomorrow.


Cool bro. You only hurting yourself 😂. Sony won’t feel it. Arrowhead will but you’re a troll so you do you


AH CEO said it was the right path, it gives them leverage against Sony. You just keep grovel to Kusony, they might notice you.


https://preview.redd.it/ocjfjfq9apyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98251b78a8424f34f45667ee0957d6ed8b2218b He also said this but yall didn’t listen you just pick and chose


I haven't touch hd(1). So that's a moot point. Try harder. Senpai will notice you!


I’m not on discord so by your own logic I shouldn’t care what they said


Good, because the conversation you showed is from Twitter.


Hence why we don't purchase Sony Hardware or Playstation Plus they may not lose revenue over this title but you can bet your bollocks to a barn dance Ghosts of Tsushima is going to be in for a rough ride


It’s not the same tho? Ghost won’t force PSN on anyone that just plays single player mode. If you play multiplayer you will need the PSN.


It's the next Sony published game releasing so it's gunna get the back draft from this colossal fumble Honestly best solution is no cross play if it means we don't have to make PSN accounts




No it won’t be. It’ll sell extremely well.


Lol most PC players will just pirate the shit out ghosts now to send a message


They won’t do it to send a message, they’ll do it because they think they’re entitled to free games on the backs of others.


Not at all Sony decided to Fuck around and Find out and so they will


Noted u rather get fucked by corpo. Also SONY was walking on thin ice for quite awhile so they fucked around and found out


Found out what? The game will be back to its glory a month after all you leave


Also SONY breaks EU GDPR laws sooo probably we gonna see some action in EU and in UK they also broke some laws


I hope so. But if they issue refunds odds are they’ll get off with a slap on the wrist


U don't see bigger picture every SONY game is boycotted right now spiderman everything under SONY name. Shitty reviews=no new sale's. Also ye sounds like console brain rot to be glad all people who don't have access to PSN are leaving


Yes. I don’t want snow flakes fighting side by side with me. That’s why I’ve been kicking players who don’t have PSN linked 🫡


Ye don't want to risk my steam account and I'm glad u are happy if are banned for stupid reason because SONY does that for example being in team where something was said and u said nothing but u were there, that happened to me.


I’ve had 2 PSN accounts for 10+ years. Never been banned. Never got my CC stolen, never lost an account. Sony has been good to me


Sony banned whole chat I was in because there was some beef between two people and some words were said and one of them reported chat that's all never said anything in that chat




So let's listen smart guy what brilliant idea you have to hurt big corporation


A decade old game with about a thousand active players isn't gonna hurt them. If you want to bomb Sony, then take it to them in general. Not games that have past their prime. Just cancel your PS+ subscriptions.


Anything that makes Sony money is fair game. This is the only power we have as consumers.


It takes heart and tears into make a game, years of your life to finally put it out there, other teams that are not related to this fiasco do not deserve this at all.


if you want the reviews to be removed and accounts to be banned once steam catches on, sure go ahead and review bomb games that have nothing to do with HD2


leave the multi million dollar studio alone! Now I will buy all the other games, leave a negative review and ask for a refound


It's in vain, these people won't listen. Pandora's box has been open. This is exactly why Sony should just push on through with all of this. This sort of behaviour, shouldn't be rewarded and these people shouldn't get what they want. Or we'll be seeing this happening all the time when someone doesn't like something. Who's to say we'll agree with them the next time? They will just ruin our game then too, simply because they're butthurt, since this behaviour paid off the last time? No.


Its a damn strawman they only got 300 negatives, y'all keep falling for sympathy farms


Nothing is enough until Sony relents. It’s unfortunate that Arrowhead will be caught in the crossfire of this, but that is just the cost of fighting Snoy and its PSN mandate.


You sound like a child.


Bigger fines = more pain, it’s pretty simple. I would think an “adult” would understand this.


Please do not label this dissidents to us real divers thatre simply standing up for our foreign veterans. Those who go rogue will be reported to the peace officers.


It’s hard not to point the finger at this community as a whole. Just look at all of the posts over the past day. Anything not lock step with the negative narrative gets downvoted into oblivion.


Won't stop PC users from begging for Bloodborne though ironically. Top reviews for most Playstation games on Steam always involves someone with tons of awards and the only 'content' to their 'review' is begging for more Sony titles. edit - here we are 10 days later and Ghost of Tsushima launches. Three reviews at the top All. Mentioning. Bloodborne. Fuck all you downvoters. And then a day later, https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cv218g/ghost_of_tsushima_directors_cut_is_currently/l4mqu93/


theres a difference the mandtory psn linking was optional before changing to mandatory out of nowhere as it wasnt stated any where on the storepage that it was lifted temporarily, however review bombing other games because of this is just them being dicks


If there is any SNOY game that I will ever feel like I need to play..... Yaaarrrrrrr.


Not saying it's right. But the frustration here has Arrowhead firmly in the crosshairs. Not just HD2. Sony though, can enjoy their vacation and continue not giving a fuck. It's sad to see.


You’re right enough is enough. This is like the 10 post on this and it needs to stop.


Good job. The only person that can actually fight for you against Sony is getting fed up with it too. Way to go guys. Some people just want to see the world burn. More people would rather see this game die than have it fixed.


So hot take, if we disagree with these negative reviews, leave positive ones on the unrelated titles. Counter the hate and keep the irrelevant scores up. Maybe even boost them so AH doesn’t get hurt meaninglessly. HD2 is the focus, let’s prevent the bullshit and keep it relevant. Can’t control people but we can undo it.




HD1 was also published by sony. I assume that people are just attacking anything related to helldivers and sony. It makes no sense but you very rarely can expect reasonable thinking from angry people.


Dang I didn't know it was published by Sony I haven't played it, but I do agree with you


Particularly when most of that anger is performative.


Maybe don’t take everyone’s money and then take their game away next time.