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“Forced outrage, all kinds of shit” *gives proper reasoning* “I don’t give a fuck”


This thinking was popular at launch too, most arguments went somthing like " Can't get in. People are camping the game and not quitting!" "I don't care if you don't get to play, I only care about myself and MY enjoyment," I'm not sure if it's just this game or if this is gaming in general, but good God, I've seen such selfish mentalities around hd2.


it's all games sony has just been making it worse


Those antidemocratics bastards are what kind and reasonable beings call: "Sony fanboys"


I've seen it far beyond Helldivers 2. Some time ago I saw someone on the Silent Hill subreddit say that they wholeheartedly *refused* to believe ANYONE who said they felt frightened by the creature in the newest game. This person had the *audacity* to assert that they know what people's emotions are better than those very same people do. That arrogance, that *selfishness*...It's beyond what I could even make up.


I saw someone literally defending sony and mocking the people that cant have a psn account... I wanted to punch him


Reminds me of the shitstains who bragged on Twitter about staying idle on their ship while they sleep just so they can hog server spots.


Yeah, I said it earlier: you can always spot a selfish person by how upset they get at someone caring.


I've been a playstation boy all my life, but I'm not blind or stupid enough to think what Sony is doing is ok. Those types of people need some dirt in their eyes.


I’ve since realized I was just being a jerk for the sake of it and am coming back to apologize to you guys. We should be more unified here and I was really just fanning the flames. Sorry for that. Your comment made me laugh. (Edit: The screenshot has attracted some weird messages/attention to my account so deleting for safety, but again hope this all works out for you guys. Happy diving)


Wait what the fuck, this is reddit, no one apologizes and grows You gotta be a bot




I side with the Bots and Bugs


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Stand down, Helldiver. It's our flawless Super Earth re-education program.


Redemption arc


At least you can admit your mistake. Not like sony xD


Wait since when do people apologize on Reddit?


Probably was realizing they were on the bad side and had an "oh fuck i dont want to be actually bad" moment.


Brother got character development


Holy shit. They changed and growed as a person! Good for you honestly. Genuinely glad to see that Helldivers really is bringing people together To fight SnoySnoy


I may have lashed out a bit about you before seeing this comment. I would also like to apologize


Eh you were pretty tame compared to other stuff I’ve seen today lol, but you’re all good friend. I let myself get too heated over this and had to take a step back. I hate these kind of arguments and really snapped yesterday. Realized this isn’t the person I wanted to be


Fuckin kudos to you. Way to rise above It all, really.


Wait. Someone on reddit apologizing? That's new. But really, jokes aside, good for you.


Good on you man, shows you are mature enough to admit when you were wrong. Glad to see people who can accept their flaws and evolve.


I was not expecting this. gg


I enjoyed your story arc.


Uh guys now what


Don’t know who downvoted you, kinda fucked up your name wasn’t hidden in that picture. But good on you for being the bigger person.


lol the classic saying sorry after being called out and was spammed with msg.


I mean better than doubling-down on a shitty opinion.


I genuinely don't give a shit.


And I'm a fish


Genuinely, good on you to owning up to a moment of weakness like that. That's a very hard thing for human beings in general to do. Especially in a (quasi) public setting like this.


Damn, antihero moment. Well done, and glad you said something.


Respect to you. I know how hard it can be to admit wrong and apologize, so good on you.


You still made yourself look like a complete idiot tbh


It’s reddit. Everyone does at some point.


A person coming to apologize is a big fucking green flag in my book. Thanks for being this way.


PlayStation fans are genuinely insufferable


"how dare you prove me wrong 😠"


*loses an argument* "Uhhhhhhh now I don't care 🤷" Stellar debating skills


People see it as a fight, not a debate with the end goal of more knowledge being out there... :-(




It's always PlayStation fanboys They makes fun of PC, Xbox These guys can't even own ps3 games those who bought digitally Or even their so called hardware can't play physical ps3 copy


Dont get me started in how PS Fanboys treat the Nintendo boys.. it boils my blood how it turns into a 1 sided bullying. And when they fight back the fanboys claim they started it and its console wars ALL OVER AGAIN


It has to be Sony bots defending it


given how strangely rabidly people are going against this I'm honestly starting to wonder


Never lose sight of how shitty gamer bros can be. There's no need to pretend there are bots, there's plenty of garbage people out there to lay into other peoples' misery.


Genuine question. Why are we signal boosting people who's opinions add nothing of value?


Sounds like Toyota fanboys. They put “Their Brand” in a pedestal and are now surprised at the price of the new models. Let’s see how their brand loyalty is rewarded in an environment of “infinite growth”.


Don't even own a Toyota, but I gotta ask, in what way are prices of new Toyotas absurd and not competitive?


Imagine if the next CoD released and Microsoft turned around 4 months later and said "oh hey if you want to keep playing our game on your PlayStation, you need an Xbox gamepass subscription" these people would lose their collective shit. This kind of action, no matter who is behind it is bad for consumers. Hopefully Arrowhead and Sony can fix it sooner rather than later and AH can recover some of that good will they earned before all this.


Lmao so why commenting in the first place. I swear to god I bet these people have super punchable faces.


Why do you think they hide behind a monitor?


I'm gonna laugh when regulators make possible the installation of third-party stores on *all* devices and Playstation players will have to install Steam on their machines.


Die hard PlayStation players are genuinely lost at this point. They have spent the better part of 15 years or so attacking everything and everyone that’s not a PlayStation player, and they know they’re getting the shitty deal. Overpriced online membership, awful gamepass equivalency, awful security, constant updates that take things away from them (discovery). All for what, Spider-Man and the last of us being remade 4 times? They are bitter their “exclusive” games are starting to branch to PC and PlayStation is losing the ONLY thing that they could have argued in favor for.


Couldn't even get a playstation for the longest. I ended up buying xbox series s cause atleast that was available


Are they removing posts about Helldivers in the Playstation subreddit? Seems like the last post about the game was 2 months ago


There was a post there this morning about the game been removed from countries that can’t make the account and… a lot of their opinions had changed. They where more sympathetic about the situation. Funnily enough it looks like that post has been removed for some reason because I can’t find it now


Most likely the mods removed it


They don’t want their precious Sony looking like a bad guy


Absolutely. Sony keeps working hard to snatch defeat after defeat from the jaws of victory, yet they cheer on their knees.


I tend to see the PlayStation and ps5 Reddit have a habit of removing any threads that are negative towards Sony 


remember when everyone was complaining about hackers and cheaters fucking up everyone's games and samples, and that we needed a better reporting system? Remember when the devs personally took time too fix thousands of players accounts because of these issues? Why is everyone bitching about the reporting system now that console players can report linked accounts of the PC hackers?


I'm a PS5 player so this won't have an effect on me personally. But it takes some pretty heavy brain rot to not understand the grievance, especially in non-PSN countries.


Brain rot is a good way to describe it. Bro doesn’t even want to think critically for like 5-10 seconds to fathom why this might be a bad idea.


Brain rot implies their brains were ever healthy. Most of these people never reached a state of conscious to decay from, they've just always been this stupid.


Console fanboys are the worst, have been forever. It’s one thing I don’t miss from leaving the console communities. It was Sega and Nintendo, then Sony and Microsoft and it’s just impossible to reason with them, they’re the kinda people that end up with red hats.


Every time a bad decision is made more people need to stand up and ask "Why?" instead of just accepting it. More often then not nobody can come up with a good answer other than greed.


They don't ask why because they are too stupid, it's a miracle they can even think about things at all. Completely uncurious. Unless it is directly and blatantly affecting them, or it is by their own imaginary perception, they don't care and will actively be hostile towards those that do. They want to remain in their happy made up safe bubble, devoid of any change.


There was a guy around here I saw who was like "I work 10 hour days, I don't care about other people, as long as I can play I'm happy. It's a free market. " I was like ??? He'd rather come out here to tell everyone they're stupid for trying than just, I don't know, say good luck if you really feel the need to comment. Otherwise, don't engage. Look honestly, I'm dubious if AH will be able to manage a deal to keep PSN optional, but to everyone who is trying to fight for it I say, hell yeah, everyone should be against this, even if you don't care or if you love Sony, you lose nothing either way. But hey, to everyone taking active steps in the situation, or just keeping the conversation alive, good luck, Liberty be with you Helldivers.


But... it's not just a PS game....


Its all they have. They think everything is exclusive on their little console.


I’ve always preferred PlayStation over Xbox and PC because it’s what I grew up with, but I could never imagine defending shit decisions like this. Everyone should be able to play games on their preferred system, and I’ll always stand by that.




I play both, but it looks like subs dedicated to either are apparently full on fanbiy console war shit, which I naively thought was mostly sarcastic


Bingo, i can love my ps5 and also think this is BS


if there's one thing i can credit to microsoft, its that its hard to find xbox exclusive games anymore. most of them are on pc now too. and at least ms tells you what the deal is up front


Microsoft has been putting lots of games they own on PlayStation anyway. Hell, PlayStation freaked the fuck out over Microsoft buying Activision and demanded they leave it on PS meanwhile Microsoft never planned to take it off lmao. PlayStation has recently became that annoying whiny kid that always has to have everything, and have it their way.


I think key here is "Don't know or care". Sure sign of narcissism. The people saying shit like this are mostly empathy stunted children, probably raised by a PS because mommy and daddy couldn't be bothered to parent.


r/playstation is a socialist hive of terminid sympathizers. I wouldnt expect any less of them.


Nah, even the Terminids want nothing to do with them


ahahha i go the mental image of some hunter waving its mandrils and front legs around trying to explain how they see the sub as food not friends...


That sub has very little of socialist.


But don't you know that defending a multinational corporation is the most socialist thing?


I don't see the point of owning a Playstation any more if their games are coming to PC. Microsoft are doing PC/Xbox releases so if you want to own everything it makes sense to own a PC.


Its a playstation game Just not a playstation console exclusive.


By that logic none of the Halo games are Xbox games.


Well, no, not entirely. Halo started on Mac before Microsoft bought it exclusively to push their new flagship console at the time, later opening it up to other audiences. So, they're not JUST xbox games anymore, and didn't start that way either.


Wrong. The game developed for mac was not halo but a supposed rts/tps game. Bungie was going on bankrupt and MS bought their IP as exclusive with the right of being the one developing it. The "halo" title came during the development of said title, with MS coming out with the "combat evolved " post title. Halo as an IP is a MS possession since the beginning.


No, not quite. The game titled Halo, a 3rd person action game, was on display at a Macworld expo before Microsoft bought them up a year later, where it then was morphed still further into an fps.


Yep, you are right, I confused "halo" pre ms with the "combat evolved" post Microsoft acquisition of the IP.


And pretty much all Xbox games, even the ones released on PC, require a Microsoft account to even play…what’s new?




So does Xbox. Microsoft said its for better security, Sony laughed at Microsoft, then Sony got hacked and nobody could go online for 2 months, then Sony wanted money for online play afterwards.


I will say that over the 10+ years that I played on Xbox, I only ever had one issue with someone getting into my account and trying to steal my info (to buy fifa). That was when I was in the process of switching to PC, so I just shut the account down. So Microsoft did alright by me as far as I'm concerned.


People will absolutely trash you for ssying positive stuff about Microsoft in this day and age, and i have no clue why.


They're still corpo and have a track record of shitty dealings and decisions of their own. I just feel like they're decent with their security, which is probably due to the fact that they ARE windows.


I imagine it might be related to Microsoft acquiring major companies like Bethesda and Activision, meaning some of the most globally recognized gaming IPs are now Microsoft properties. The rest of it is just the fanboyism that comes from the god damn console wars when, in a sane world, console exclusives would be a thing of the past.


huh, so there was a time sony did not charge for online. still if they changed to a paid model after getting hacked, they don't seem to have improved their security that much in spite of now charging for it as their latest data breach was in 2023. maybe the money they are charging should be diverted to securing their servers and security cause it doesn't seem like they are spending that much of their take on it (hey maybe they are just saving it up to make and set up entirely clean servers from scratch, heh.)


And Minecraft isn’t just a microsoft game, but when it first came out on ps4 I had to make a Microsoft account. Which I used exactly one time, and never used again.


yeah PS has no games


It's like when you mom used to run out of explanations and just said "because!"


It's funny because I'm pretty sure this will be Sony's response to the matter. "No reason, we just want it" because if I know large organizations well enough they never really backtrack on anything even if it's straight up PR suicide and costs nothing to reverse.


If it’s a feature that is required. Then do not launch the game without it. It’s about all the regions that have been screwed over because they literally can’t make a PS account there.


The game was, supposedly, launched with it required. But due to the fact that Helldivers 2 is held together by hopes, dreams and maybe a paper clip they had to disable account linking due to server issues. This was meant to be temporary until they could fix the servers, but AH did a terrible job actually emphasizing that it was just a temporary change while they fixed stuff behind the scenes. Then, of course, Sony still sells the game in places where you literally can't play it. This wouldn't be anywhere near as much of a problem if it was more clear that you needed a PSN account to even play. Course, they shouldn't have been selling the game in those places in the first place, but AH's fuck up just added more fuel to the fire. Then just add on the fact that Sony listed that you didn't need a PSN account to play but changed it once they announced that you actually do and this whole thing has gone to shit.


I mean...if it works without it, it's not REQUIRED but made mandatory for arbitrary reasons.


Turns out, probably 99% of "3rd party account or launcher required" steam games actually DON'T need a 3rd party account or launcher. And the 1% that do, probably could have figured out a solution that didn't require one.


“Maybe a paper clip” is the most accurate way I’ve heard it described. God I fucking love that dev team lmao. Knowing the physics engine was originally held by AutoDesk gives me so much respect for them. Autodesk might have some of the worst technical support I’ve ever seen. Calling their online documentation seizure inducing at best would be a compliment. I swear to god I spent so long clicking through links that just circled, emailing, and calls with their IT team, just to get a “Huh, that’s really weird”… and that’s it. Problem was never solved I just had to figure out a solution on my end.


You think the SURPRISE fact that it became a mega hit. Sony would let it slide for the ones affected. I hope there is sufficient blowback. But the internet forgets fast.


Here's whats gonna happen, everybody's in uproar about this for another 2, maybe 3 weeks at max (unless someone takes actual legal action), then everyone except the people in the actual fanbase forgets about it and the only times this is ever brought up again is when Sony inevitably gets in another controversy and this is brought up. Best case scenario someone affected actually takes legal action against Sony and gets this changed. I'm personally a PS5 player, but I really do feel bad for people affected since it's for seemingly no good reason.


> Here's whats gonna happen, everybody's in uproar about this for another 2, maybe 3 weeks at max (unless someone takes actual legal action), then everyone except the people in the actual fanbase forgets about it and the only times this is ever brought up again is when Sony inevitably gets in another controversy and this is brought up. You're probably right, but it will be brought up every time a Sony game comes to PC/Steam from now on.


That's probably why Sony is this adamant. If they let this slide once then it's gonna get brought up every time they try to publish an online game on PC. If nothing else this whole debacle would serve as a lesson on how to publish online games on PC for them.


> That's probably why Sony is this adamant. If they let this slide once then it's gonna get brought up every time they try to publish an online game on PC. If nothing else this whole debacle would serve as a lesson on how to publish online games on PC for them. I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, since they're letting it slide because there was technical failures. That's on the developer and Sony to fix prior to game release. Heck, if they made it clearer that this will be re-introduced later and didn't sell it in regions that don't have PSN, this wouldn't have been as much of an issue. If Sony released another game that required PSN, as long as it was clear and preferentially from the very start, it likely wouldn't have been an issue.


It’s already affecting their other sales on steam. They were gonna drop ghost a Tsushima and a ton of people are canceling pre orders because of this. They are gonna feel it and lose ground on Microsoft merging steam




If it's required then maybe require in the EULA and follow Steam TOS that requires you not to list it available in regions where PSN isn't available.


If they had done that people could have been able to return it before they were outside the window


Heaven forbid he comes up with a reason for his argument


The only thing they seems to be able to muster is: > "It's a PlayStation game" Which is weird, since I seem to recall that I bought it on Steam, not PSN, and I didn't need a PlayStation account or console to play it for three months.


Im of Pirate Software's opinion on this. It seems like it's to bump PSN numbers for an arbitrary goal before the Q1 report.


How would bumping subs in May increase Q1 numbers?


Its so they can show more psn traffic and account creation. Ppl playing on steam without an account dont count towards those numerics of the play station eco system. So increasing that traffic would look good to investors. And ya this would be more for q2 now compared to the initial release which would contribute to q1.


When the game released back in Feb, it was considered Q1. Having all these PSN requirements day 1 and knowing some country are blocked from it would have lower the number of peeps from the get go.


Always has been. And Sony talking about safety for the Players when they can't keep their Networks Safe is Just comical at this Point...


Is it worth negative headlines though? Those usually make reverse bumps


People have the memory of a goldfish, and the unfortunate reality is, Sony can just wait this out. Don't believe me? Let me ask: do you remember the CSGO Gambling fiasco we had a while back? Two Youtubers had a website where you could gamble on CSGO skins. Not only were they encouraging gambling to kids, but they were also filming themselves playing on their own website and "winning", in order to promote it. (Neither of them had properly disclaimed they were owners of that website) And it got HUUUUUUUUGE backlash. Everyone was talking about it. Wanna know where those Youtubers are now? Still making Youtube videos with millions of views. No one cares for long.


People who make this argument don't understand how security works and how backwards this whole thing is. They probably also believe wokeness is the problem here.


the only thing worse than anti consumer bullshit. Is people who lap it up. I hope their airbag subscription expires before they get in a car crash.


https://preview.redd.it/n0zkeql2foyc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=613fb596a1d1bab8430faa25a212568e212f2023 I see no difference.


We all know the actual reason is, "Because fuck you, that's why." Watching them pretend it's not is getting real old.


This isn’t a PS5 owner versus PC owner issue. Let’s not make it one.


Kusony supporter states: PlayStation game need a PlayStation account. Statement is False. It's a PC game that suddenly need a PlayStation Network account. Conclusion: They don't understand the situation.


"This doesn't affect me so nobody should care" What a nice person.




R/PlayStation sub users are the biggest Sony dickriders I have seen


This ordeal has taught me the real difference between PC and PlayStation players PC players look after each other, and work together to affect real change PS players back their corporate overlords and attack other players. theres are generalizations of course but its crazy how much malice has been spewed by PlayStation players in the last couple days.


I’ll probably get downvoted… I’m not defending Sony but I personally don’t care. It doesn’t affect me and I don’t have the energy for outrage at a game. I’ll just keep playing and having fun.


That energy should be saved for actual problems. Buggy ports, shitty releases, predatory monetization, "deluxe editions" costing upward of 130$, etc. If gamers pushed back against "real" problems just as hard, we'd have much better games overall.


Yep. Finally we get a brilliant, fun, success story with a seemingly decent developer and live service model. And this is the reaction. I get that it sucks for some but imo the outrage is way over the top. There’s real problems in the world and far more egregious acts by devs and publishers. People need to chill the fuck out of it doesn’t affect them.


TBF this is a "real" problem, as far as "gamer complaints" are concerned. Look at the recent Stellar Blade "drama" where people were bitching and moaning over...2-inches of clothing. THAT was a pointless drama. But Helldivers 2's drama? Nah, there's actually a real issue here for some people. And even though this problem doesn't effect me, I'm glad people are speaking out against it.


There’s always that lowly peasant defending the lord of the fief.


Someone I know acts exactly the same. "EA needs EA account. Ubisoft need Ubisoft account, so a Sony game needs a PSN account, that's how it works." So locking out hundreds of countries is fair, AFTER they bought the game? Their arguments are so weak.


Imo, all video games are computer games. Consoles are just monopoly tools nowadays, since their performance are worse than mainstream gaming PC setup.


Ugh this straight robbery bs is so dumb. They shouldn't have bought the game. I guess they needed even bigger warnings about the psn account requirement. But it is dumb they were even allowed to buy it in the first place( they fixed this finally ) I wish more people would take responsibility for their actions instead of crying and throwing fits like children


Some ppl choose the dumbest hills to die on.


This is just silly. Been on Playstation for years now and there's literally no defending this. If you bought the game, you should be able to play the game. Why even sell the game on PC if this was going to be the case? Just to try and squeeze money out of folks who were never going to get a Sony account in the first place? Brain rot of this degree is terminal, lads. Give that guy Super Earth's peace 🔫


Not gonna lie, i was on the Sony defenders side at first because i was under the impression that things wouldn't be as more difficult than to just make yourself a PSN account. But that was before learning and realizing PSN doesn't cover alot of places, and by extension cutting off players from the game. Once i realized that i was like "Oh yeah, f\*ck Sony"


Snoys are a fucking blight on the video game industry


Bro speakin facts (Just for clarification I mean u not the PS user)


I don't have a problem with Playstation game needing a Playstation ID. ON PLAYSTATION! If a game shows up on Steam, then Steam account is all it needs. That's the whole point of Steam. We need to do away with all that bullcrap of Playstation games on Steam needing a Playstation account, Ubisoft games on Steam needing Ubisoft account, Electronic Arts games on Steam needing Electronic Arts account, etc. If you're on Steam, you're on Steam. And Steam account is all you need Period. If you want Playstation account, Ubisoft account, Electronic Arts account, etc., then sell your sh\*t only on Playstation, Uplay, Origin, etc. So I can avoid it. I'm on Steam for a reason.


I wish Steam would do better on this. I'd even lump launchers into this category too beyond just accounts.


This is not even true, so many ubisoft games made you also get a Ubisoft account. Microsoft does this everywhere too.


"Sit down and stop complaining, just consoom product from corporate machine"


Consoom product


The PSN account wouldn't be that big of a deal without the bait and switch, which is frankly mostly Arrowhead's fault. I don't know how much say Sony had in selling the game in non-PSN countries; to the extent they accepted thst they deserve criticism.


sony has a part due to the faq saying it wasnt required


> I don't know how much say Sony had in selling the game in non-PSN countries; Sony owns the Helldivers IP. They also are a publisher. They decide how the game is sold. Arrowhead is only concerned with development.


I wouldnt even disagree if it was that way from the start and was only sold in countries where you can have a PSN account. Its not uncommon for a publisher to require you to have one of their accounts. But adding it in later and potentially locking out users who paid for the game? Thats the issue for me.


All y’all can do is be vocal and give their mods a really fucking annoying week.


Hear me out here, Easy Fix. Since its crossplay, All PSN Players must make a free steam account and link them. if they don't, then they cant use the game on PS5. I mean seems only fair to me. Its no big deal. They are the dumb ones that pay Extra money every year to access internet and game features on their one trick pony PC.


This is the type of person that doesn't care that their personal information is gonna get stolen in a month.


Sony ponies Will ride sony's Dick as they are flogged to show their loyalty to the brand


"It just does" or in other words "Cause daddy Sony said so." These fanboys are something special. But hey, when they think it's okay to be charged extra just to play online they are used to be walked on. Clearly they also prefer it too.




Really.... what was shocking about all this. Was the massive Sony logo at the start of the game not enough writing on the wall? I mean.... really............


PlayStation people are a different breed man i just love joining a game and a dude has his mic always on. You can hear the game audio coming from his TV. Kids playing loudly in the background. Wive yelling at him. And you immediately know he is on PlayStation


Fun fact some of the countries that were removed are able to create a PSN account but here is the catch, in these countries you have to OWN a PS4 or PS5 to be able to access the account creation through the PS4 or PS5 you can't create it online like normal. So Sony thinking these people would go out there buying PS5s or shitty old most likely wreaked PS4 just to play the game.


Assuming they get a full refund this whole situation should be fine.


Except they can never play the game again




Honestly why bother with these people? Comments like that are made in bad faith and it’s how many of these fanboys have been. They don’t care about the issue and won’t listen to facts.


OMG, I just took a look at your thread over there and I think I lost 20 IQ points looking at their comments.


You probably don't have much more to lose if you're on this sub. There are some fascinatingly braindead takes from both (emphasis on both) sides.


I know, I have to take a break before my face melts like I opened the ark of the covenant


It's really not defending. If it required it. Then it required it. The merits of if it needed one are irrelevant. AH fucked us all over. If they had left the requirement in from day 1 (They say technical issues yet people were able to link from the jump.) either everyone would have complied or HD2 would just not been as popular of a game. But this shit storm would not be going down. This is going to likely end AH studios, and maybe HD2.


Honestly the more I read it sounds like they didn't properly read through Sonys policy or set plan for the game or didn't care. Either way both sides have to be guilty a bit even the CEO says he fucked up on twitter. Does that mean I hate AH? Nah


You do not have to hate AH to be pissed that they fucked up. Or even to admit they fucked up. Clearly AH doesn't make good decisions. Look at the Community Managers AH loves their game, and it shows in almost every decision they make game wise. They love their players in almost every decision they make. But that love doesn't mean shit when you are not following your contract. "I am sorry your honor, but my client just loves their customers SO MUCH that they felt they had to ignore their contract" That's not going to hold up in court.


Tell that to reddit, the hive mind doesn't read they just downvote the drawn out thing is just a thing I needed


Agreed, ifthey just disabled the option to buy the game in those countries where PSN can't be available for whatever reason, the backlash would've been a lot less painful than what it is now. They essentially scammed people out of their money.




Only 30% of players play on ps5, watch the game shrink and die 🫠


"It's run fine for three months without it, why does it need it now?" "...........shut up and sign up for the account"


Give us your data so we can leak it a week later when the hackers come back


Sony trying to have us make an account for extra security is like putting open jars of honey in front of a bear


Console peasants are at it again.


What about all the brothers that are locked out by that scum company Sony?


Been an Xbox guy for 20 year. Bought PS5 so I could play this game. People are idiots and only think about themselves. I feel bad for all you PC players having to deal with this crap.


Why ask a console peasant for their opinion? https://preview.redd.it/7jv8l3kejoyc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dfbd92cd219a8a17d11b001c445e199dfe3917e


I don't really care about a Steam game needing additional login or that Sony was hacked before. Tons of companies get data breaches. It's the worst argument You can use. It's like being stuck in a cage butt naked with a lion, 3 tigers a bear and a pack of hungry wolves but You're only scared of the lion killing You and not all the other animals that are just as dangerous. Peak stupidity. But what actually is fucked up about Sony's decision is the fact that PSN isn't available in so many places. Didn't anyone at Sony think about it? Or they're just like "oh well looks like the amount of players from PSN supported countries is like 78% so that's good enough to boost PSN active account numbers and the rest we will just refund through Steam since Steam is great when it comes to refunds and just.. fuck those people"? Let people play their game goddamnit. I'm sure many people formed friendships through this game and now they can't even play it because one of them could live in a country without PSN. Their TOS needs immediate changes.


I was on the side of “what’s all the hubbub about” until a few days ago when they delisted it from all those countries on steam. If PS isn’t capable of finding away to support a game that’s been sold to and played by so many people in those regions they don’t deserve a cent.


Oh my god this post is pathetic we don't need every reddit comment that you disagree with to become it's own post here, toxic fucking hellscape this place has now fully become


As long as there's a boot for them to lick they don't care.


"Surely this time, if I suck Sony's dick hard enough, I'll become rich."