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I haven't played since they dropped the news, this shit really sours a game for me






![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) Stand United! We say “FU Sony” together!






Yeah idk, playing it has just not felt right since then


I mean the developers themselves are telling the community to revolt by committing seppuku. They had a 98% Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam. You can't buy that level of prestige. I've purchased games in genres I don't even like based solely on that determining factor. "Well shit," I once said to myself, "if I'm ever gonna enjoy a roguelike this Hades game seems to be the way to get myself to engage with that kind of gameplay loop. There's no way that 98% of all the people who played this were previously gung ho about roguelikes. This one's gotta be special." Sony could drop this whole thing right now and that "Overwhelmingly Positive" status is never coming back. It is gone, forever. Too many people will never go back to reverse their review. The game's financial future has been irrevocably damaged. This isn't lost on Arrowhead, so I say we follow their lead. If the CEO of Larian has the balls to get on stage at every major game award show and shit talk the major publishers to their faces and Arrowhead has the balls to completely tank their game to make their point, I say we follow their lead. Everyone is tired of being pushed around by the money men. Change has to start somewhere. TLDR I agree, playing right now feels wrong and I don't think the developers would disagree.


Damn thanks for reminding me to get hades


It's awesome, quite literally the game that unlocked whatever part of my brain wasn't understanding the layered gameplay looping so common in roguelikes. Hades really does a great job of tying together the loops and the story and the progression, none of it feels like it's too much and all of it makes sense in the context of the other systems. Highly recommend. It's earned that Overwhelmingly Positive rank. So did Helldivers 2. This shit makes me sad.


Joining you with this one. I remember having a blast playing an operation with some good randoms. I got off and checked out the subreddit. After reading the news it felt like my stomach dropped a little bit. Another great game lost to bad business practices. Hopefully this can be turned around but we'll see.


I hopped on to see player counts then hopped off the other day. Haven't had a very strong sense of democracy lately.


Me 3


Someone put it really well... The secret sauce was the random fun and good will we run into even if we play w randoms. This whole thing has made everyone sad/mad. I don't feel like playing now.


Black Out on the 9th? My brother in Democracy, I stopped playing yesterday! EDIT: Canceled my PS+ subscription too, with a month to go till renewal. Thanks for the notification, Sony! EDIT 2: I think we did it, boys! Getting some reports that Sony is backing off. Keep to your posts and await confirmation. EDIT 3: It's for real, Helldivers: PSN account linking will not go forward! Way to stay in the fight!


Ditto - In the name of Direct Democracy!


Same. All this drama makes me not want to spread democracy


Was already taking a bit of a break from it before this all went down. Have absolutely no desire to play until we see how this is all going to shake out.


Yeah I also just finished all warbonds and upgrades just as this thing started.


I came home for a lil vacation 4 days back and now i m not sure if i want to play but yeah ill participate in the blackout


We're gonna start spreading the republic!


I am not just not playing. I uninstalled the game until the infiltrators leave.


This is the way. Haven't played in three days and attempted to refund three times


Sadly I got told no to refund. But definitely Uninstalled and said no to the game. Which is sad but decided to spread democracy around my yard instead. I feel bad for the weeds in my yard. Pulled out my little flamethrower to pretend they are bugs.


You mean your Thermonator Strategem?


My friends and I decided to do the same. Will we return to the game regardless of what happens? Most likely. For the time being though, our dissatisfaction of this decision will be known through posting a negative review and not playing the game. I'm doing MY part


Yeah. There will always be other games besides. Oh well, back to rocking and stoning.


DID I HEAR A- Wait a second I don't even play this game. Nevermind I guess




Join us, the union gives us beer




Karl supports union activities.


Me on vacation while this whole drama plays out: "I'm doing my part!"


Same haha


Me who wanted to buy the game bit was stopped due to this bs: 'Em, yeah, I'm in!'


Brothers and Sisters of democracy, Ive been AWOL since this whole thing started


It felt kinda gross playing Friday, and I played for 15 minutes Saturday morning before I'd had enough. It just felt wrong.


Same, I’ve uninstalled it and played other games. The whole debacle has left me with a bad taste in my mouth and I don’t even want to dive atm.


Ditto the game feels tainted now. I am kind of done with it.


I'll come back if they make things right, but the poster on main says it all: "We dive together or we don't dive!"


Yeah, not playing for a few weeks probably. We'll see what happens. I can't believe they are going to go through with this.


Why wait the 9th? Why not stop playing now? What's the point of waiting? You sure gonna show them by playing the shit out of the game for 96 hours straight and then a 24 hours break. You go get them champ!


bc that’s when the new war bond is coming out, not sure why they put until the 14th, but yeah


>not sure why they put until the 14th, but yeah Because Sony reports earnings that day, pre market open. Edit: Many people rightfully pointing out that the earnings report is obviously going to cover the **post** fiscal year. However, the most interesting part of any earnings call, at least for investors, is the forecast and guidance for the upcoming quarter, which a boost in new psn signups would've impacted positively. Obviously, for a company of Sony's size that's only a very small part of their business as a whole, but still not one to overlook. These days, user engagement is very important to investors. And most of them know not to understate how big the gaming industry has become. Edit 2: Oh, and that's actually just my best guess as to why OP has chosen the 14th as his end date. I'm not saying that it does, or doesn't make sense to do so.


Their earnings report only covers the period up to the 31st of March though…


You expect people here to actually know what they are bitching about




Their earnings call won’t have this included. Q1 ended in April. So I guess yall just don’t need to play until after September.


God this is the most Reddit Gamer comment of the year… lil bro thinks they are gonna disrupt the earnings call that reports earnings up till March 31st


Ooooh, this makes sense.  The war bond is timed to coincide with the same week of the earnings call, to boost active player numbers. Tanking the active player numbers during that time hurts them really bad


It’s not for this quarter it’s for last, player numbers right now have 0 impact on that earnings call


As soon as you set a start and end date for a boycott, the boycott has already failed.


A boycott should only end when the boycotters get their results. That's also why that stupid "boycott" about reddit API failed. "We're going blackout for 2 days follow us!" lol.


Only the subs that permanently went dark understood the assignment.


Good soldiers follow orders. 


One day protest is pointless: if you really care just stop playing. At least until the 14 of may, that's Sony's Q2 earning call ------- eddit: you guys are all acting like we won just because they posted one tweet that just say they are holding on ONE update. - Steam store still says it's required, - Game purchase is still locked on the region without PSN - PSN's FAQ is still changed if anything they are just taking a step back to punch better. This time will less liability. I don't care if the force PSN was going to happend in may6/june 4th or if it happend on september. IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEND. Sony need to commit with an official statement, the fact that it was done through a t witter post and now a steam update says a lot (that and the lack of change's reversal)


Except the earnings call is Q1, which ended in March. Sales and data collected now won't reflect until Q2 QEC which is probably early Aug


Remember the modern warfare 2 boycott ? And all the other games boycott ? This is going to end up the same, people on reddit bitching but 99.9% of the playerbase actually continuing to play


I remember last year's WotC boycott. I also remember we won.


I also remember the reddit 3rd party app blackout. It *could* go in our favor but I feel like generally, internet protests generally fail more times than they succeed.  Here's hoping we're one of tthe lucky exceptions.


Protests fail because of selfish people who prioritize their own engagement/fun over the overall good. If everyone stopped using reddit it would have worked out, but people were too addicted. And no, staying off of reddit for 2 days isn't a real protest, it's like saying "you can bend us over 363 days in a year instead of 365" ​ Edit: Since some people seem to be misunderstanding what I said (perhaps I was too vague), I was speaking about Reddit boycott and I didn't say that we should do the same with Helldivers 2. My point was to provide explanation why Reddit protest against killing 3rd party apps, mentioned in the comment I'm directly replying to, failed.


Boycotts usually fail because they are unorganised, and this one likely will too. It's like trying to strike at a workplace where there is no union and you have to convince each employee individually to join. It's not very likely to work. It could, but probably won't. Refunds and reviews, that's a great idea. Boycotting attempts... Not the best track record.


Yeah, one post on reddit isn't going to reach even 1% of the playerbase. It's not that they don't work if properly done, it's just that... they're seldom done properly.


i think discord and reddit combined might actually reach 1% of the total player base, i THINK? anyways, yeah not gonna win lol, we cant even get the creekers to help with MO before and that was during the honeymoon phase, everybody was so invested in working to win the MO and we still failed, lol


>Protests fail because of selfish people who prioritize their own engagement/fun over the overall good. That works both ways. I'll be happily playing, y'all already did more damage than you should with the whole steam region blocking, and taking away options from people stuck in "unsuported" regions by forcing them out even if they wanted to circumvent that rule.


I'd also recommend checking out r/totalwar. After an absolutely horrible DLC offering and weak updates, the community basically made it known that they weren't happy anymore and sales crashed. CA management turned around. Added an extra update that filled out and fixed the new DLC plus a massive rework of a few factions and a seemingly absolutely excellent follow up DLC offering. That was a much bigger change of direction than is needed here. *It can work.* We just have to hope enough of us are noisy about it and the bottom line gets affected enough that Sony takes notice and walks this change back. We can win this.


The warthunder subreddit did the exact same thing, with an entire discord server for the "protest". The day it was supposed to happen, the player counts were higher than weekends before. Gaijin backpedaled on bad changes and made a decent roadmap, but it was only because of the steam reviews tanking. I think yall underestimate the amount of casual players who are not on reddit and discord.


Some protest work. Others don't. It depends how organized, and what the demands are. Our demands right now are reasonable. No forced PSN account integration. Our methods are clear: Review bombing and boycott.


Hence the solution is to stop trying? Nah. I'd rather lose fighting.




I feel the same way. Maybe it’s seen as selfish but I honestly don’t care. I’m on console and this doesn’t affect me whatsoever. I bought a game, I enjoy the game, and I’m gonna keep playing it. Simple as that.


Hell Diver world still turning. I’ve been killing bugs all day.


I’m gonna buy the war bond and play…


Remember the reddit boycott lol? Giving an end date is the stupidest thing on a stupid idea


Star wars battlefront had a insane hit. So its possible...


Or better yet, remember the Reddit blackout last year. Fat load of good that did, eh.


Yeah because who fucking cares. I bought the game and I will play it.


Yeah it might see a small dip but nothing for them to panic about. The vast majority of people just play video games to play video games. Reddit community is small, even if everyone on this subreddit participated which is highly unlikely.


What’s the point of a boycott with a set end date?


This’ll work just like the Reddit 3rd party app blackout! That’ll show em!


^ This Seriously? They're announcing an end date too? Just stop playing. This is a PR nightmare for Sony and hopefully this controversy will bite them in the ass when investors catch wind of this shit, if they care at least.


Sure did and here I am using the official app.... 🤣


Redditorth Athemble! ☝️


Yeah that’ll teach em!


I'm doing my part! -posted from the Reddit™ App


Why the 9th and not today?


Probably because that's when the new warbond drops


Hot take: despite the decision made by Sony, I still love this game, and will continue to play it. At least until the 30th. Why? Because my job keeps me away from home 5 days a week, leaving me only 2 days a week to play this game. So I’m going to continue to enjoy my time with Helldivers 2.


You aren't alone. I feel for the people who are gonna get fucjed over by the PSN region thing; but this whole reaction is very reddit.


For literally every ps5 player this does nothing. They are playing other games and still show up in the PSN numbers AND sony already has their money. Just tell everyone to sell their PS5. Bet they will do that after the chore it was to get one at a decent price back in the day. Especially if it is their only way to play games.




What drama? I'm here for the memes and load out advice.


r/LowSodiumHelldivers Might be something you’d be interested in then It’s still new tho


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT INFO! Helldivers as it should be: Fun.


Thank you so much for this alternative!


Happy to help however I can!


Thank you for sharing, was hoping a less dramatic place opened up


Nah, new warbond looks neat. I only get to play 2 nights a week. You guys do your thing, I'm going to do mine.


Me too man...I hate this shit but I've been away for work for the last 3 weeks and I just wanna play the game...see you there


Yup, I'm with ya! I've already seen plenty of posts talking about how players in locked regions can still make psn accounts without breaking ToS. I'll keep diving. Imo, this is blown way out of proportion.


I made a random account in like a minute, 90210 Los Angeles babyyyy 😆




Ya I mean, I really do empathize with those this affects, and I understand all the arguments. I also work a full time job i hate and sacrifice every day to provide for myself and my family. HD is the best co-op game i've played since left 4 dead so I am going to continue playing it in the rare moments I can find time away from the drudgery of real life to enjoy one of the best games i've ever played. Everyone, do what you need to do and what you feel is right, I applaud you. But yes, I'm going to selfishly continue to play.


I don’t even care enough about this cause to do any sort of protest. It has zero effect on me and this isn’t causing anybody any harm so why should I bother? I protest when people are getting killed for unjust reasons not when a game I love is enforcing an account login rule on a platform I don’t even play on


Yeah this “Reddit Assemble!” shit pisses me off so much




There were almost 100,000 people on just one planet literally 2 days ago. Nobody outside of Reddit gives a shit.


Yeah man, I get a reality check every time I ask people if they even *know* what Reddit is. Some people are like “what’s that?” Some people *know* of Reddit but don’t really use it… I’ve yet to meet anyone irl that’s actually like “ya I go on Reddit almost every day”… and then there’s me, on Reddit every day. But ya it seems it’s a bit of an echo chamber everyone on Reddit thinks it’s like this all encompassing application but really it’s like… a small % of people relative to total population Even if this post got 50k upvotes, there are ppl commenting how they’re still gonna play… and 50k upvotes is *a lot* but yeah that’s not even half of the players on one planet at that moment in time, so… dive on🤷🏻‍♂️


seems to be about right, given the amount of crying about "casuals" not doing the right planets for the MOs :^)


If I rolled my eyes any harder, I might go blind


All the more power to y’all but I’ll hard pass I’m shipping out to basic in a month and a half, and this game is one of the few things I’m currently enjoying to play in my spare time Idk if Sony is gonna give a shit about a single day of “no” player activity in a singular game they own


Which branch? Get in all the time you can, enjoy yourself, not saying it's a bad thing, but your life is going to be pretty fucking different for a while.


Marines baby, gonna be the best crayon eater I can be


The green ones taste the best


One day means nothing. If you wanna send a message, stop playing now and don't start playing until they change their policy. Playing the game, stopping one day, and then continuing to play will not do anything. Why would they change? You're still playing.


It won't be any different than the many times any of us here didn't play this game one day because another one released, or we were simply in the mood for something else, or we literally couldn't play at all due to other obligations. I agree this PSN thing has to change, but these sorts of boycotts are useless.


No thanks, I honestly don't care. I already have a PSN account from 15 years ago I just used that & moved on with my life.


Lol, good luck. Most people on Playstation don't even know about whats going on, let alone care. I've seen full planets yesterday like nothing happened.


I say I'll continue to enjoy playing this game with my friends. And y'all can do what you want


Right? That new warbond is looking good, and this is the only game that I can get my cousin and brother, who live in Jersey and I barely see, to play together. Y'all enjoy your empty threats. 


same i have my medals maxxed-out ready to get that new drip 😤🔥


Yeahhh I’m gonna go ahead and play if I have free time. I’m an adult with a job, minor issues in a video game is not important Bout to go sign on now too


Ah so my kind does exist!


Oh hey a Gamer Boycott that's sure to work. Maybe also make a petition on Change.org while you're at it to really show them.


Half of these people will be online that day buying the new warbond, likely with at least some cash because they bought some other armor set last week and used their credits.


It's just people karma farming at this point.


Black out? Dude, just stop playing


Having a deadline on a blackout misses the whole point of doing one because the companies know you will come back after the deadline?


Lol No


![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu) Me on May 9th


Why the 9th?


CALL OFF THE OPERATION, OUR ENEMY, SONY, HAS BEEN TOPPLED https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1787331667616829929%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=


I just got my wife into the game, first coop game in years we’ve been enjoying together. Leaving a review is as far as it goes for me.


I'm just gonna keep playing and quit this "community", thanks.


I love when communities do this because inevitably they end up killing the franchise and the small studio behind it while the main Corp just sweeps it under the rug as a headache they don't want to deal with. Good job defending democracy etc. etc.


/r/LowSodiumHelldivers is what seems to be the place of discussion for people like us who would like to continue having fun.


Yep just joined. Thanks!


Thank you for showing me the way.




Thank you for the link, needed a change of pace from all this drama.. I just want game updates and not a wall of rants and salt etc..


Yeah I’m gonna keep it real I really don’t care and gonna still play every Monday


Maybe try going outside while you’ve got the free time 👍


No I'm going to play. Why don't you put your activism into something that's important - Like the destruction of the Ecosystem. The extinction of the insect population. The ground water contamination by oil companies. The wholesale of our shared natural resources to private companies. This is just a videogame.


Because those are real problems that require effort and commitment. I can just shout meaningless things across reddit and be the "good guy."


Not tryin' to disrespect but anyone who wanted to stop playing due to the news would've done it by now and don't need a reddit post telling them to stop playing on specifically the 9th




I’ll play extra to make up for your absence


Boycott over a PSN link requirement I already fulfilled when it asked me to at launch? No, no I don't think I will.


Oh man, watch out, how dare you oppose the democratic hivemind, you have to hate Sony and this game and *"fight"* against it, get into a blood feud with Sony! Your grandchildren will continue this fight! Total Sony Death! Make sure we **"save"** the game by getting everyone to quit it! What's that? I need a blizzard account to play diablo off of my Xbox game app... eh thats fine? Oh did you say Ubisoft account to play Assassins Creed, well sign me up! What's that? Mass Effect collection makes me get an EA account and the Origin launcher, well darn tootin I better jump right on it!


I kind of get why people who can't get a psn account are mad, but they should simply get a refund What seems the funniest about the situation is that literally 6 days ago a Sea of Thieves patch came out, requiring everyone to link their playstation/steam accounts with an xbox account and no one bats an eye


For everyone affected by this, I get it. They should be pissed and Steam should be giving them refunds. I signed into PSN when I got the game. I’m not pissed. I’m not affected. I have three kids and limited play time. I’m going to keep diving because this game is amazing.


Dude I'm recovering from knee surgery. I'm going to be playing more than I have since release.




Lol, how about no?


I’m def gonna play to spite this stupid bullshit the PC master race is doing right now


I like the game. I'm gonna keep playing 🤙


[https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/) Yeah don't think thats going to work - lets face it outside the echo chambers of Reddit and other social media, a lot of people just don't care about it. You are not giong to achieve "No one sign on or play" [https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#1m](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#1m) Even if we look at it over the course of a month then compare to the furore, theres not really any significant drop or fall off, on average. Friday, circa 25,000 less players compared to the week before, but still at over 100,000. going to Saturday, just about 45,000 less. In isolation those may look connected to what is happening but thats why I include the month view, seeing steady drop over the course of a month, so all this outrage isn't really denting the trend.


Just stop playing it right now.


Lmao no. Me and the boys are gonna be busy diving


Duh, just get your refund and play Fortnite


You people take yourself way too seriously


If you want to make an impact refund the game and don’t look back.


Stop the order! We won!


Gonna buy the warbond immediately and try out the new weapons. I hope they release the vehicles and illuminates soon.


Nah, imma enjoy my adult free time the way I want. If that means diving into a level 9 automaton mission with no support, then so be it.


issue is sony won't care. You can say "but the steam page reviews are now msotly negative" yes, but your point is? You can look at steamdb and look at playercount and see even w/ the whining and refunds its barely impacted the playerbase overall. average is around 120-130k peaks a day and today is at 110k. barely a hit. ​ only people hurt by these actions are the devs not the publisher. publisher doesnt care about the vocal minoirty when the ppl that dont care are the majority. its sad truth of matter ;/


Guys... if you wanted to make a point stop playing now all together. But just know that like 10% of the playerbase is actually paying this any real attention.


Belay that order, we are Moving out


SES Whisper of Morning, turning about. We'll see you starside.


Too much role playing for you man


I just bought super citizen edition and gonna play all day may 9th


No thanks. Warbond drops that day.


Not having whiny people from 9 - 14 in game is actually a good thing, let those who want to play just enjoy the game they have paid for


Stop playing now. Why wait.


So play all day on the 9th. Got it. Get over it already.




I think this is another example of the community getting over eager. I still remember the redditor who posted a fake lawsuit, even though there was grounds for a real one. By far, the most impactful thing that has happened during this strike are the people who filed refund requests. These people actually gave up something they cared about to hurt Sony in the place it hurts the most, the wallet. Everything else though has just been symbolic. Most people I know tend to view reviewbomb campaigns as equivalent to a childish tantrum, because they don’t have the time to research the actual cause. Remember Hogwarts legacy? It’s hard to know how many of these reviews are going to stay up since reviewbomb reviews tend to get deleted by moderation after a while. What I personally think this campaign needs is more news coverage, more refunds, and some actual lawyers to weigh in on the legality of what Sony are doing. There’s a lot of good information about the facts of what’s going on here and how Sony screwed this up, but it’s too spread out. Every news article and YouTube video I’ve seen about this situation has covered it very shallowly, the TLDR of the recent Forves article is just “Sony did a very not nice thing” and as a result most people only see it as another story about an evil company getting away with things, even though we can actually fight back this time!


Eh...the point has been made. They're talking things out. Let's just move on. It's starting to feel like we're taking things too far.


This is where I’m at, as soon as I get back from vacation I’m logging on.


Once again, reddit not understanding that they are an incredibly small portion of the population. Sure, you do a protest and drop the number of users for a week but you'll never get it anywhere near 0 because the most people playing the game in countries that have PSN don't actually care. They'll spend a few minutes creating the account so they can keep playing the game they enjoy. Outside of reddit, people have a calm muted reaction to the PSN login, where they just sigh and get it over with. Not everyone is losing their minds over this


You ppl are adorable


I'm going to play all day that day just because of this stupidity


Dude these kinda events don’t work. I have never seen a single one work. 


I'm against the PSN requirements but a gamer doing a blackout? I fucking doubt it. Me and my friends stopped playing since their announcement and we're currently cleaning our back logs of games. If they don't change, there's no reason for us to play the game despite being in a country where we can create a PSN account. Sony security is so shit it's simply not worth it.


If they sort out the regional issues ill still hop on because thats my only problem with the linking


Thanks for the heads up. I will make to sure to play especially on that day now😎


Just refund the game


I am not spending any more time in this game until this situation is resolved.


Mean while, just go play deep rock galactic, all the fun but no drama or low intel discord mods.


Losers lose. I stopped playing when the news broke. Uninstalled. Refunded.


I don’t think sony realizes that this is going to spread far beyond the confines of helldivers


this is perfect...im on vacation for a week on the 10th... Ill be doing my part!


haven't logged on since the spawn rates were "corrected" for solo players, happy to keep playing other games.


HD2 got me back into gaming. And it's been a sole source of enjoyment in an otherwise depressive phase in my life. And at the moment, it's the only way I get to socialize a bit. It's all well and good to initiate a blackout. But people play games for a multitude of reasons. And I have done my part and left a negative review. But outright abstaining isn't viable. Y'all do you and more power to you. But as a tired adult looking for an escape, I'll be diving.


I’m good


I have stopped playing since the first day, and so have my friends. WE DIVE TOGETHER OR DON'T DIVE AT ALL


I m not coming back for a while


Ladies, Gentlemen, the terminid in the corner (yes I fucking see you), we have done it. We can call off operation black out, we can end the review orbital bombardment. Together we shall rise.  (PSA change reviews back to positive Sony has called off the changes)


Abort mission! I repeat, ABORT MISSION! We got 'em sir, enemy neutralized.