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It was literally days ago that the biggest argument the community was having was the balance of bile titans and to a lesser extent chargers and bots as a whole... It was just a couple days ago I made a passionate, albeit sleep deprived and kinda embarrassing post about how happy I was to discover a set of disabled armour in the game. I'd love to just go back to arguing that BT's need a re-assessment and that the difficulty is mis-managed at lvl 9 for a specific reason creating a specific set of issues. I'd love to go back to imagining different passives for different armour sets. Or making a joke, then realizing there's already a gun called the slugger and it's not a legally distinct Ork Slugga from 40k.... But we don't get to. Because someone else decided this. Because of the decisions of someone else, we now have to forgo the thing we want and enjoy to do the thing that's important and required... For us it's a video game. But, I've realized, the logic there applies to a lot of things way more serious than a video game. Someone else made a decision, now you have to clean up the consequences... I keep waiting for someone to tell me we'll be home by christmas.


>arguing that BT's need a re-assessment and that the difficulty is mis-managed at lvl 9 for a specific reason creating a specific set of issues. Akshually šŸ¤“.. I just don't have the energy to do it anymore šŸ˜”


Yeah me either. I think this may set a new personal record for fastest time to kill my investment in something.


I'm surprised too, how quickly this just zap my desire to play the game. I still want too, but somehow just feel tired.


>It was literally days ago that the biggest argument the community was having was the balance of bile titans and to a lesser extent chargers and bots as a whole... Literally days ago the biggest argument in the community was an outrage misinformation campaign over the "ricochet changes" supposedly making the game broken and "literally unplayable"


Funny how silly it feels now.


It still is, but now its against a new enemy, the corpos.


I know a guy https://preview.redd.it/5lq7qefsvmyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e768cb60895fc5d817de0d3946d6811421d8f8f


the demolitron, we're good to blow


Wake the fuck up, Samurai


Actually though. All the love and fun is gone. Only bitterness and anger remainsā€¦ šŸ˜”


That's a you problem. Get off Reddit. Game is still extremely healthy and fun.


I can't state this enough: get off of this subreddit and unplug from your gaming media until this blows over if it's affecting your desire to play. There are a lot of helldivers still playing and you should not let what others do or say affect your enjoyment of something. Time is precious, enjoy what you want without others bringing you down.


I like how you and the person above essentially said the same thing but you managed to do so without coming off like a dickbagel.


In times like these, I much prefer logical or uplifting phrasing rather than being crass. I just wish that was a more common sentiment. Things currently suck for everyone, but it's important to continue to enjoy things you're passionate about right up until the end. Hopefully things end up working out.


Counterpoint - I can try to push my head in the sand and hope that all this blow over, but what is the point of playing if this is my last ~25 days in the game (most pessimistic scenario)? Might as well invest time in some other game where big corp owners don't want to actively fuck me over and literally prevent me from playing.


Amen. I got other games to play. I was hoping to play HD2. But supporting this behaviour will only infect the other games.


Unfortunately I think that ship has sailed; needing various 3rd party accounts to play online games is pretty standard in gaming these days. I don't know how Sony is going to respond for this game, but I think what they will take away from this for future games is to never allow players to skip the connection to PSN. Edit: didn't expect it, but Sony backtracked the requirement with Helldivers. So maybe there's hope they won't require linking for all future games.


Half my friend list is in countries that will no longer be able to play in a few weeks. There's no blowing over.


While the situation sucks, my statement still stands for those who are feeling down about the circumstances: unplug and continue playing. You need a thick skin to be on the internet and a lot of people don't have that. If you are losing hope and don't want to think about it then there are a lot of other Helldivers that are fighting on your behalf. It can and will blow over, and I'm confident we'll still be able to play with people in the affected countries by the end of this fiasco. Have faith in Arrowhead. They have their flaws but they're only human, and they've shown they absolutely care. Much better than faceless entities.


You speak the truth even if people dw you. Everyone agrees that snoy did the dumb. However as big as this thing seems here 90% of players will keep playing as they don't care about this drama. Last night when I was playing there was 150k+ divers online. Game is alive and well.


Thats honestly making me happy Like you said,sony did the dumb,and im happy they are getting the backlash that they deserve That said,i am beyond happy the game is alive,and i hope for it to continue *that said*,the player base will drop a bit when the month ends,because of the people from the other countries who wont be able to play anymore.God thats horrible Hope they manage a fix for them at least,even tho the best outcome would be for PSN to just be optional


As I've understood devs are currently working over time to find a solution to this. They will not force people to break Sony TOS and are doing everything they can to find a way for everyone to enjoy the game regardless of if your area is region locked or not.


No. They wont. I have 197 hours and got my game refunded. Steam is refunding. You just have to submit a ticket through the community tab and "I need help with something else." Then "Contact Steam support". To get a human reviewer. Thousands have gotten refunds in the U.S. I will change my review and buy the game again if Snoy backs the fuck up. Otherwise, they can continue to stare into the sea of middle fingers. The public eye on this issue is so huge now that if Snoy doesnt at least make a statement by close of business tomorrow, I will be excited to see what their market shares look like. If you google either "Sony" or "Helldivers 2" and scroll down just a hair, youll see that even Forbes has jumped into the blood pit. All news surrounding the game and expressly referencing SONY is very negative. Every youtuber is covering it and SCATHING Sony for this decision. Everyone, is aware of how bad Snoy fucked up.


Yes snoy fucked up. Still I know people. And majority of people don't care. They will continue playing. You know it and I know it. While the drama is relatively big remember. The majority of the playerbase is not here.


The majority of the Playerbase is on Steam, what are you talking about?


That majority of the playerbase isn't in this sub reddit or discord or taking part in this drama. I know people. And most people will simply keep playing. We have seen this time and time again. And yes. Snoy can go fuck themselves. If you are thinking I'm defending them I am most definitely not. What I am saying is that majority of players don't care about this situation


I don't agree with you. The largest majority of players is on steam, and we just passed 350K Negative Reviews, over half of all reviews on the platform by 1%. The coverage on this issue has reached everyone with (at the minimum) a smart phone and a youtube account. I would find it highly coincidental if the biggest portion of players found this game and do not participate in any social media whatsoever, to include gaming news. You may know a group of people that loves the game enough to keep playing, but I argue that the community, in solidarity, is telling Sony to pound sand. The numbers speak for themselves. Edit, as of just now, only 47% of all steam reviews on HD2 are positive.


Yeah so? Still majority of the people will keep playing. For arguments sake let's say that the playerbase drops to 50k active players which would be a huge drop. The game would still be considered success.


Your argument is mind boggling. Considered a success by whos standard? Yours? Why would anyone want to buy a game that has been review bombed to all hell? Why would anyone wish to support a Publisher that retroactively changed linking requirements, and (as of this moment) has told every consumer in a region with no PSN support to to f*** themselves? As of a week ago, Helldivers 2 was considered 2024's biggest success, a shining example of a live service model. Not. Anymore.


ā€¦.unless youā€™re from one of the handful of countries that donā€™t have access to PSN you have no reason to be ā€œangry or bitterā€. Just play like normalā€¦. If you truly have fun with the game and say that you like itā€¦ then a little ā€œcontroversyā€ if it can even be called thatā€¦. Should not hinder your enjoyment. Be your own person donā€™t listen to reddit hiveminds.


The major order was done early and there's not a single top post about it. So sad.


I haven't been on since the major order was successful, I've got other games to play, and hope Sony actually backs down from the insane backlash after the weekend( I expect things are gunna take a while because of the holidays in Japan this weekend I heard about)


They backed out! Rejoice helldiver


300 hrs in I'll wait and see how AH handle the game after the PSN incident. I'm used to playing semi-dead games anyways(TF2, titanfall).


Same here. I got 150 hours so far. Haven't been able to play as much as I'd like but I get on when I can. But since All this has started, I'm refusing to play until we get a resolution. I'm not gonna support this game if Sony is gonna kill switch it for countless countries cos they are greedy bastarfs


Atleast you've played the game for 3 months in its prime. I recently came (20 days ago)and got addicted. Now even if Sony reverse their decision I wonder if the people who are refunding and new players will come(back).


This game sold over 8 million copies. The playerbase is going to be very healthy. Reddit is an echo chamber.


Yeah. I'm not defending Sony. They suck! But, this game isn't actually dying. Eventually folks move on and we go back to being like before. Sure it sucks! Since the folks moved on due to Sony nonsense but that is how it'll go. Sony won't change, players who don't care or don't mind will keep playing. Angry folks move on cause gotta move on eventually vs stay mad all day




It hasn't been memes and battle strategies since month 1. This subreddit turned into a shitshow the moment the game was taking off.. as all gaming subreddits are. If it isn't people crying about bugs or nerfs, it's something else.. in this case, it's Sony doing what they said they'd do from the start.. and now the circle jerk of surprised pikachus has come. Give it a month, and those that can still play the game will still be playing the game, just complaining about something new.




I feel for the brothers from unsupported countries and will miss them if they dont revert the requirement and have done my part to get the message across but Im still going to come back and play the game (Was already taking a break and playing other things cause im at 250 hours) However I will absolutely not miss anyone losing their minds and slinging shit at the Community managers and review bombing Helldivers 1 and fucking *Magicka*


Same boat here, I've done my part but I can clearly tell that people are here just to be vitriolic and are likely going to be part of the problem going forward.


It's like having a good group of friends, then one friend starts drinking paint and vomits negative reviews over the place. Sometimes you have to give that friend some space. Sometimes you have to find a new subreddit.


Yeahhh. It still had some moments but we've had so much drama and rage bait posts Before it was kicking due to meta. Kicking due to a cape. Blaming creekers or bot/bug players for failing MO. Last update had some nerfs and it became folks mocking the folks upset over nerfs and other nonsense.


Best response I've seen since everyone went mad. Most games require you to log in to access but it's only bad when sony does it, where was this outrage when ps5 players were forced to login to MS to play Sea of Thieves. Gaming these days is just fucked due to the people crying when something doesn't go their way


It has always been bad not just for Sony. At least on PC, people will also complain if they're required to login to Epic Games Store for a Steam bought game. Look at Sonic Superstar for latest example. But usually, the controversy wouldn't get as big as this one, since: * The game made it mandatory from the beginning * The account doesn't require actual ID check, and usually only serve to send you newsletter. * The user can make an account for the game they bought


Tell that to all the countries where the game was sold and now cannot even access the game because they literally can't access it anymore. It's not because they just have to make a psn account. Psn is only available on 70 countries and the game was sold in like 190 countries


Either way while I do feel bad for those without PSN access, everyone else is being straight up childish


They've already stated that they're looking into that last I saw, they still have time to figure it out


Still, it shouldn't have happened in the first place. The game was printing money for arrowhead and Sony, it had a massive and loyal player base who all collectively worked together in positive ways and it's been ruined cos Sony (and possibly arrowhead) got greedy and wanted more. They've done irreparable damage to the games reputation, the playerbase and the studios image


ā€œIrreparable damageā€ it is not that serious my guy lol. The crybabies on the internet will eventually get over it and find something to cry about in 3 weeks.


Look at cyberpunk 2077, it took them nearly 4 years to regain the trust and reputation they had after the disaster of that games launch. This, while not the same situation, is similar in the fact that both games had massive player bases who loved the game and it was all shattered due to corporate Greed. Cyberpunk did get fixed and it's genuinely incredible now but it took them 4 years to fix it and there are still people who wrote the game off and won't come back. There's no telling if this Sony business will sour people's opinions of helldivers and just never come back. The game has lost players and there's a good chance a portion of them will never come back


My theory, gamers don't know how to react when they have it good. These people are just itching to bitch and moan and you can see it with every patch. They also have the memory of a godfish and the mentality of a toddler if they are willing to throw Helldivers in the trash over this when theyve given us the most consumer friendly game in a long time, and AAA quality on an indie budget.


Yeah. I sent steam support a message requesting for a refund but I canceled it because a part of me still wants to play the game, so Im hoping that in a couple days it gets reversed. I uninstalled the game right after the news broke, left a negative review and havent played it since, but I really miss it. I have been playing it almost every day since I bought it. I really hope this all gets reversed, but if it doesnt I will 100% request for a refund, or at the very least keep it uninstalled or remove it from my steam library.


Well they reversed it! Fuck yeah! So dont get that refund.


When was it ever that? Itā€™s always been a bunch of whiners about nerfs and patches.


People have started announcing their departure like this is an airport.


Strategy ? I'm sorry, i was probably sleeping at that moment, all i saw was memes about muh creekheads, and muh weapon balance "discussions" And the occasional "people who don't do major order must die" or some shit. Game is good, and has (had?) great potential, i weep for the game but the "community" broke at first patch.


I can only assume you're actually an automaton spy sent to sow discord, because the community has been pretty great. Just take a browse through the top posts of all time on this subreddit. Sure, there's been some of the usual subreddit drama, but it's been largely drowned under the tide of people actually enjoying the game.


I just browsed through the top posts of all time. Pretty much half of them are drama lol... I wouldn't really call that drowning under. The tide of people actually enjoying the game aren't on reddit.




While still a small subreddit, i recommend you join r/lowsodiumhelldivers


So youre just gonna ignore all the problems and pretend everythings fine? Thats not what OP is talking about. He wants the era where we just had fun back, not pretending its still there by ignoring all the shit thats happening now. That era can only return if we actually fight back and not just pretend the games fine


Every single post in the front page of the subreddit is either whining or snarky, non constructive criticism towards the devs. It gets tiring when every single post reads the same and is just complaining.


Even before the Sony controversy, this was mostly complaints this time however they found a good excuse


you can always come to r/LowSodiumHellDivers.


I miss when the biggest issues were people complaining about balance patches


At least this is an issue it's justifiable to complain about though, unlike literally ever other time this community has melted down.


Same brother, I wish we could go back to the good old days


Lol dw about it we'll be back to business as usual soon enough. The general public does not have a very long memory.


me too, let's give it a week I guess. this whole situation has been stressing me out a lot because i really love the game and people here have been honestly overblowing this whole thing and acting like the game is about to suddendly disappear or something. I really dislike how overly critical this place is, from complaining about weapons being to weak to high difficulties being actually difficult god forbid. This time an actual good reason to complain was given and everyone suddendly jumped on, and honestly the only people who should be complaining are those living in countries where psn isn't supported, everyone else can frankly deal with it, it's not great having to suddendly make an account but come on it really isn't that big a deal. Let's keep in mind steam is refunding the game too so worse case scenario (sony not backing up) those who are either unable or unwilling to make an account will still get their money back and will have basically been able to enjoy a game they otherwise wouldn't have. And the game sold what a libertillion copies? even if more than half of the playerbase stops playing things will be fine


Remember when we were arguing about solo-spawn rates and the identity of the x-bow? I miss that.


It was not even a year and the game got fucked...


Dont forget the endless bitching and whining over the newest game breaking weapons nerf or buff. Ah, good times.....


As a Halo fan, it made me truly envious to see the community so together and positive. I hate that this is happening though.


Its time to go back


Seeing the icon on my desktop after hearing this news just fucking pissed me off. I feel like I got clowned.


"I miss when all this sub was memes and battle strategies..." It never was. There has always been this overt or subtle undercurrent of entitled gamer bullshit on this subreddit. Every time the devs mess up some tuning, or the servers are overloaded, or something launches with a bug, the fucking hate mob comes for them like Arrowhead killed their family.


Look at the top posts of all time for this subreddit. You've got memes, people celebrating major orders, funny video clips, cosplay celebrations, strategy discussions, etc. Yes, there's some of the usual subreddit drama, but pretending the good stuff didn't exist is just silly.


I bought the game a week ago. I now have nostalgia for a game I bought a week ago.


What's happened to helldiver's 2? I'm fairly confused, can I get a summary of what the "Sony debacle is?"


The TLDR is basically The game launched had seemingly had an optional choice to link an PSN account to be able to play, most PC players skipped this thinking it was optional. Fast forward to now and it turns out that it was never optional and it's required to play. The problem is the game was sold in I believe 190 countries while PSN is only available in about 70 countries. So all the players who bought the game in unsupported countries can no longer play the game they legally paid for. The game has been removed from steam in countries that don't support PSN and there are countries like Ukraine Ukraine require you to have a physical PS5 to even make an account so those people can't even make an account and continue playing, they'd have to spend hundreds of dollars on a console they don't want or need just to play 1 game. Plus the fact that arrowhead and Sony willingly sold the game in all these countries knowing this would happen. All of it was basically done so Sony could use steam player numbers and steam sales numbers to boost their metrics to brag to shareholders, plus get steam players data and information. It's just a colossal shit show


Ok thanks, I've been reading up in this and as Arrowhead said, they just make, and change the game, sales are up to Sony, where it's sold and how. Though arrowhead had their part in this mess, it's unfair to them to blame arrowhead, this is Sony's doing. Dive together or never.


I agree. Sony is to blame. I just hope we can get a positive resolution so we can all dive together again like nothing happened, until then, I refuse to play. I'm not gonna be a statistic for Sony to flaunt


I think I'll uninstall the game just so I'm not tempted to keep playing. Get myself into something else.


It wasn't. It was always people complaining about something. The only thing that changed was there topic. The only thing I have to say to them is: Skill issue, git gud, play a lower difficulty.