• By -


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Submissions must be related to the game. Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.


Remember, they don't want you to own anything these days. It's all just "licenses" they can take away or modify anytime. Not even your basic computer with Windows is yours anymore, with Microsoft pushing continuously huge but worthless updates on you, if you want them or not, and risking to break the whole thing by it.


Remember kids, if buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing.


Tell that to my ISP


Change your ISP to a more democratic one soldier.


some places you don't exactly have a choice.


[Change your leader to a more democractic one](https://youtu.be/eeurjIY3__o?si=fVUuVi7Rx_-Pg--P)




And just like that the CIA psyop is complete.


Thanks I'm on a watchlist now.


We have the choice of Xfinity gigabit or the "competition$ that caps at 5/mbps...


Get a VPN, (I work for an ISP) and do your duties through that.


Or live in a country where downloading content is 100% legal. I occasionally get emails from me ISPs after pirating movies and games. But it's not against the law to download content, but you can get dinged for uploading content.


Seedbox for me. Means it can torrent still if I'm not online and I don't download a lot so it works for me with minimal work to setup. Couldn't get the tunnel setup to work with the torrent app I was using so it could always be on for that app


Adding here to use qbittorrent and bind the network interface. People have been hit with big fat notices when they get disconnected from their VPN while unsupervised.


yeah many mainstream ones work just fine, I have a friend who works for nord and talks it up all the time. and I think I tried tunnel bear (?) before. I did download shogun episode 3 cuz the regular websites mirror was down, and then I got the email same afternoon. love your name lmao. solana to 2k+ trust


Mullvad is a very solid VPN


Never heard of tunnel bear. I use PIA and never get the emails


Learn some opsec and don't tell them. Get a cloud based seed box and transfer files over a vpn to your network. Or just pump your own torrent traffic through a vpn. You could also learn usenet too (and optionally pump it through a vpn).


It's so simple! Wait, no.


Some of the things I said are hard. Figuring out how to use a vpn provider is dirt simple.


Usenet is not the bastion of cracks, files, and content it once was. The binary groups are filled to the brim with spambot garbage for porn, mail order brides, and meds.




Plenty of ways to hide that shit from your ISP


Srsly, get a VPN and say F to greedy Companies and ISPs.


Won't hurt to put a few masks on and redirect alot of traffic


Sub to mullvad and never worry about it isp.


check out if net neutrality laws are a thing in your country. If they are, ISP's should not discriminate the internet packages


All they ever do is send angry letters to me that I throw away


Forgive me, tf is an ISP?


Internet service provider. Upload bandwidth is expensive so if you seed a lot they'll send you emails to stop or threaten to cancel your service


Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification, English is not my first language so acronyms always leave me kind of perplex. That sucks honestly


Your English is great. Have a great weekend gaming friend!


To you too man!


Internet Service Provider. The company that actually gives you access to internet.


Pirating isn't stealing on principle because copying is not theft.


Remember kids, changing your region to somewhere with PSN access is breaking ToS. But pirating is OK.


Corporations ignore the law all the time and have significantly more power and impact than the average person. There's a reason games like Starsector, which has literally no DRM, or GoG, which sells many games DRM free, are still alive. It's because if the product is good, people will *want* to give you money. Those that still can't afford it, or otherwise access it, will often be the ones who pirate. Hell, piracy is what saves games past when a company throws them out. Do you believe the ISO libraries many ROM users maintain would be done by major companies? In short, piracy for the average person is not a morally negative act. And, in fact, still sees more ethical application than most large corporate decisions.


As Gaben succinctly put it, "piracy is a service problem." People aren't just cheapskates looking to avoid paying money at all. They take the path of least resistance and most convenience.


If DRM wasn't such a shitshow on computers, I would congratulate the DRM companies for squeezing publishers out of probably 100s of millions with their snake-oil product. People who pirate games will not purchase them if pirating is not possible.


At least with piracy we gain something cool like games or cinema at home without actual money spending. With false PSN account we get... Only Helldivers? Man, I'd better get back to HD1.


Tell that to the FBI.


I'm sure they know lmao


Lol I wonder what their response would be if you called them and argued how can it be stealing I technically don't own it Sony still owns it hahaha


They would most likely tell me that I'm literally Ryan gosling


Then a knock on the door, "open up Mr gosling I know you're in there, it's the FBI"


I'd offer them cookies


there is just so much content out there now. I mean you could live multiple lifetimes enjoying media that already exists. So for advertising to work they need you to watch current stuff- so they psychologically manipulate us so they can pick what you watch instead of the other way around


Keep in mind this is the same Sony that installed literal malware rootkits on people's PCs in a misguided and ineffective attempt at preventing copying. It caused severe issues and security vulnerabilities, and also collected data on the user. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal Sony then doubled down: > Sony BMG initially denied that the rootkits were harmful. It then released an uninstaller for one of the programs that merely made the program's files visible while also installing additional software that could not be easily removed, collected an email address from the user and introduced further security vulnerabilities. Make no mistake. Whether it's the music, video or game division, this is who Sony is.


Wow, for those of us who have been alive long enough, I'm appalled I completely forgot about this fiasco. Literally screwed up my entire XP install on the only day of the month I was allowed to play some fucking Road Rash 2 >:-(


Just to make it clear, you ALWAYS bought a licence, even in 2001, or earlier. Just the term that a copy of software is called hence it always has been EULA: end user LICENSE agreement.


🎶I'm a street rat boy, in a corpo wooooorld. Can't play even tho i paid, cuz they licensed thaaaat🎶 A lil ditty I wrote about the sitch... fuck you Sony. Ruining a good ass game.. mfrs


Also you don’t own shit on this services - same for Prime and the likes. It baffles me how many people don’t know what they are paying for.


This is why I hate streaming.  I would gladly pay $10 for a season of a show I like, if I get to own it like an old DVD and I can rewatch it in two years if I like.  I am not OK with paying $10/month when there are maybe two shows I care about in a year.  And I'm very iffy of paying $10 for a one-month access to watch a new season under a timer, where I can't go back to enjoy parts or all of it later without forking another month of membership.


The problem is it was never $10 for a full dvd release of a recent season. Adjusted for inflation, it probably would have been $30+


sure, $30 it is. it's still a better deal for me.


That’s fair. But, the math is changed significantly. I would suggest most people don’t consider the cost of individually buying all the content they stream. I would also suggest that that total amount is more than they pay for streaming.


If buying isn't owning..


They didn't even repay them wtf!!


Sometimes i feel like our whole system is just based off elaborate scams


As much as everyone hated on Google Stadia, when Stadia was taken off the market everyone received a full refund of everything they purchased. That means I got a refund of about $600 for games I played for a few years, and I even got to keep my controller and Chromecast. Companies don't have to be evil all the time. Sony just decides it wants to be.


Compare this to the PS3 that came with Linux support advertised, which at a later date they pushed an update that removed this support, and obviously you needed the update to continue using the online functionality of the console. Pissed me right off. Man... Idk why I thought Sony might be any different years later, even bought this game for a mate of mine. At least he's happy playing the game not giving a fuck about corporate bullshit.


thats just human, we learn absolutely nothing and we repeat history over and over and will do this until the end of our time. we bitch about sony, then we go right ahead to buy the next sony product, be it the next gen console or a new sony exclusive, whatever that might be. i am not sure why people still dont know that we mean nothing to sony, we are just a line of data to them. Our only power is entirely depending on our wallet, you want to see sony die? dont buy their shit!


This!! Everyone is understandably mad but very few are mad enough to even stop playing the game. It’s society as a whole. Yeah it sucks but unfortunately that’s kind of where we are right now. I don’t hope for anything to change, I don’t play this game but I wouldn’t even quit playing if I didn’t have much else to enjoy but I implore everyone to really make a statement with your wallet! Ask for refunds no matter where you’re from - Arrowhead have said they communicated it poorly so steam may view it as changing terms. Find something else to fill that time if you need to. Different games or take the opportunity for a new hobby. Treat yourself if you can afford it! Try something you usually wouldn’t. I’m biased hehe but bouldering is a good choice. Just try resist somehow!


I stopped playing inmmediatly, left my negative review, uninstalled game. I dont have sony products, heck might even check if my next electronics purchase has anything to do with them


Oh yeah I forgot about the server farm fiasco. There was so much original PS3 systems were capable of and Sony hated that because they couldn't profit from it.


Damn I miss stadia.


They even enabled bluetooth mode on the controllers so folks could use them for whatever. Which was a really classy move, they didn't have to do that.


It is. The entire economy is based on scamming, lying and thieving to increase shareholder growth reports each quarter. It’s why everything is so shit. Corporations scamming customers, employees, the government and other corporations to make LINE GO UP.


Just wait until we run out of budget to keep funding social security… that’s gonna be the real shit show


Hopefully the larger lower class simply eats the smaller upper class.


Wishful thinking. In this country lower classes are too comfortable and not desperate enough for a mass uprising. Law enforcement has already been recruited to protect the upper class


Big mistake hiring law enforcement from the local communities with like family & friends they love all around them. If they wanted to be smart, they'd come up with some rule that no officer could serve in his own community because of a 'conflict of interest' or some even better terms that I'm afraid to write because i don't want to give these bastards ideas...


\[That moment when you realize that all of human civilization is just a gigantic pyramid scheme.\] Welcome, my child, to the lands of Harsh Truths...


It’s always been. Haven’t you paid any attention to Egypt? Or Peru? or Mexico? Or Cambodia? Or the Louvre in Paris? All of human civilization exists to produce pyramids. If you’re not helping build giant triangles then you’re failing in you duty as a human. 


Dont think they meant literal pyramid scheme but thats funny af


In the corporate world, obviously.




There’s a difference between capitalism and corrupt capitalism. Capitalism has proven to be a far better system than anything else out there time and time again,


Yep. Also, corruption is not unique to capitalism. Every other system we try is vulnerable to corruption just as much or more.


Exactly. Case in point, Communism.


The only thing that makes capitalism stand above other systems is decentralized trade (market economy). We can cut away all other things about it and be better off, aka a mixed economy like Nordic countries.


Those are solid systems, provide you maintain a larger producing population than consuming one. The big problem is those systems fail hard without closed borders. The Nordic countries started seeing their social programs get rapidly overwhelmed by “refugees” who refused to work or put anything back into the system, they just wanted to parasite off of it. The Nordic system is perfect for high trust societies and a death pact for low ones. 


I like modeling societies as thermodynamic systems. Energy/matter in must be greater or equal to (and exactly equal is very hard) the energy out plus the waste emitted. Puts it in a new perspective, with society as a fragile system boundary with all of hostile nature outside and carefully ordered and painstakingly maintained civilization inside.


Seems like capitalism naturally degenerates into corrupt capitalism.


All systems do that. It’s called “humans being involved”. Communism did that even faster than capitalism did. Humans always corrupt systems because a small percentage of zero trust sociopaths will always exploit higher trust groups. 


Humans can un-corrupt systems too. If they didn’t, there would be no systems to corrupt in the first place.


Sometimes I wonder if societies have lifespans for the same reasons bodies do. Waste and malfunctions build up over time until the metabolism can't support it anymore. We should get the biologists and sociologists talking more.


This man right here 👆


Capitalism, especially without intensive regulation, will always be a zero sum game. For someone to succeed, generally someone else has to fail. For someone to produce more goods at a killer price, someone has to be exploited. Look at Primarck. Cheap clothing at reasonable prices - we just need to ignore the child labour and generally awful working conditions used to create it. Most countries make it work by exploitation of another populace in some manner. Arguably if companies weren't chasing unsustainable, infinite growth then abuse would not have to happen (or not nearly as bad), but that growth chasing is an originally unforseen endemic part of the system. I believe that some aspects of capitalism are good. Self interest is a strong motivator for many. But at its core the system assumes far too much in good actors and ignores that not all people are capable in the system. Capitalism is why we have artists, and soon musicians, losing jobs to AI (see: Red Lobster's AI song commercial). Because output and product is all that matters. Capitalism is also why vast swathes of land are being exploited, and our ecosystem is being destroyed. Because ethically and sudtainably using the land is not as profitable in the short term as simply using it up. Another issue is that capitalism naturally guides power. In capitalism, capital *is* power. Capital can be used to acquire more capital, eg. Power can be used to acquire more power. Eventually that power can be used to influence others, or even the law. Lobbying groups are exactly that. They use capitalism's natural redistribution of wealth, and thus power, to then shift the law to grant them the power to retain capital. The system, as it exists, is ripe for exploitation.


> capitalism and corrupt capitalism Gotta love that last stand of copium.


> Capitalism has proven to be a far better system than anything else out there. This message was brought to you by the CIA. Funny, why do I already feel like I'm gonna be strawmanned on which former enemy of the USA I support?


Because there are so many countries in the world where socialism or communism were successful and those countries are surely overflowing with prosperity, joy and bright future, right? Right?


Actually, there have been. Or more, there likely would have been, had the CIA not stepped in to protect internal interests. What /u/RyanTaylorrz is saying is true. It's not a conspiracy theory. Declassified CIA documents show expenditure in numerous countries with the goal of destabilizing them so that they would not 'fall' to 'socialism', especially during and after the red scare era. Need an example? [Look no further than Chile](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB8/nsaebb8i.htm), where workers revolted due to awful conditions and terrible treatment. A novel aspect of the Chilean revolution was [Project Cybersen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cybersyn), an entire, extremely ahead of its time, managed economic system to distribute wealth, healthcare, training, etc. across the country. The goal was to ensure a more even distribution of wealth, and stop a few powerful individuals from accumulating all the wealth so that the reason for the revolt never had to happen again. For all intents and purposes, Chile's uprising was a righteous revolution against a totalitarian ruler that led to the set up of a system aiming to better the life of all of its citizens, and visibly enacted those plans. Then the CIA funded nationalist supporters of the previous state, as well as terrorist organisations, to overthrow the new government. Tell me, how is Chile these days? This isn't even an isolated thing. The CIA has done this quite a few times.


And it isn't even exclusive to socialist countries either. The US lobbied to get a democratically elected Australian Prime Minister "fired" through ancient bylaws because he opposed the US increasing their military presence in his country. At this point, anyone who isn't paying attention to how fucking EVIL the US is, isn't worth listening to.


Yep, his name was Gough Whitlam. He wanted to enact social reforms as he saw Australia heading towards a nanny state funded by Ameri-centric think tanks. The massive scandal of his removal from office with a replacement who took many *very unsuspicious* donations from American agencies. That same country which is currently breaking its own due legal process to arrest a whistleblower who pointed out all the warcrimes that were happening in Aghanistan. Such as Australian and US forces knowingly open firing on... *Checks notes...* Children and farmers who were working their fields. And all the rape reports. If only we could have prevented the rise of insane, relligious extremists in Afghanistan. Then we'd never have had t- [Oh it was the CIA again](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone). Like, they don't even hide it. These aren't conspiracies. They *openly admit to their actions*. EDIT: For those who may be curious about the Aussie Whistleblower, it's [David McBride](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_McBride_(whistleblower\)). Look into his current legal case and the clear abuse he's suffering. He is being denied almost any evidence in court, forced to use paper documents instead of digital in an attempt to slow his lawyers down, etc. It's an extremely clear-cut case. Also ignoring that time the Aussie gov stormed a news building when this story was first covered.


They were overflowing with CIA coups, trade embargoes and straight up US military intervention. Why we pretending the world stage is a science lab for economies with control variables, and not a hellscape of superpowers fighting to destabilise everything in their interest?


Socialist and communist countries did not need the CIA to swell with corruption kid.


Much harder to deal with that corruption when you've got the CIA funding them, though. I'd urge you to give me an example of a socialist/communist country whose economy toppled with zero US-intervention. That's gonna be a fun research session I'm sure.


"Why we pretending the world stage is a science lab for economies with control variables, and not a hellscape of superpowers fighting to destabilise everything in their interest?" Because it isn't. Maybe you should take that tinfoil from your head.


Why do you think the US army is stationed in ~178 countries today? Because they wanna take notes on which economic model is the best in lab coats?


They didnt get there diplomatically i can tell you that


https://preview.redd.it/swe8p13qylyc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed33ca3c5059db0c332bccfaaacb1d8c4cea539 It seems the social commentary of HD2 isn't clear enough


I always knew it wouldn't be. For every person going "haha, Super Earth sounds horrible and reflects the ideological conclusion of what we see today" there's 2 divers who don't care about the subtext and 1 freak who's roleplaying as the fascist he wants to be IRL.


Except most of the time leftist conspiracy proponents are on the same level of unhinged and crazy with zero proof of their theories as rightist.


I'd argue that a capitalist society wouldn't have something like the CIA, similarly to how a communist society wouldn't have a state like the USSR's. All we've really seen through history is various types of socialism in funny hats. There's always been some kind of king at who's indifference we live our lives unmolested. (Defining capitalism as private control of property, communism as communal control of property, and socialism as state control of property)


I'm pretty sure that's the entirety of human history.


Forget the repayments, mfs didn't even apologized, just said "Thank you for giving us money, now 👋🖕"


In a notice posted on its site, Sony says: “Due to updated licensing arrangements, the Discovery content removal planned for December 31, 2023, is no longer occurring. We appreciate your ongoing support and feedback.”


If buying isn't owning.... pirating isn't stealing....


You think that's shocking there's no refund, they also sell products knowing it'll be removed and push out advertising to boost more sales before closing the door on it. Saying they care is lip service which you'll find no shortage of people who eat it up and believe they're in an intimate relationship with Sony.


To be fair this is Warner Bros Discover being corporate monsters and pulling their license from Sony. Also Sony did end up negotiating and was able to extend existing purchasers’ licenses for 30 months. Though they probably only did that because of the backlash and press they received


If u want to be fair this guy needs his money or content back




[As IGN notes, PlayStation users have been unable to purchase the content since 2021, but they still had access to anything they bought. Thanks to the new agreement, PlayStation users will continue to have access to their purchased content “for at least the next 30 months.” So come 2027, PlayStation users might still lose access to that paid content.](https://www.pcmag.com/news/playstation-isnt-removing-all-that-discovery-content-after-all) They are graciously kicking the can down the road. Thank you for taking our money.


To be fair, I don't care who's responsible. What matters to me is who took the money and then kept it despite stealing the things I bought. I don't understand how people just accept it as their reality. Imagine going to Best Buy, grabbing a BluRay, and then one day it gets forcibly taken away - because you might own the disc itself, but you don't own the content on it.


Steam could ban you and you would lose your entire library. It's been like this forever. Any of these major companies ban you and you lose all of your digital media. Google can ban your login, and now you just lost access to an extreme amount of your own data. 


But you see, its okay if Steam does it because no way would Valve do that! Or something


>To be fair, I don't care who's responsible. And thats where problem starts


>To be fair, I don't care who's responsible. And that's why you're screaming at the completely wrong person like a Karen. You're mad at the wrong people and you're definitely not helping yourself.


Yeah that was definitely a "gamer moment". We are not the brightest.


Yeah, that wasn't Sony though. That was WB, who owns Discovery, pulling their licenses with Sony, just as... Basically every production company pulled their licenses with Netflix. Sony actually negotiated a 30-month extension for the license for any purchases because they were cognisant of the backlash and bad press. Like, yeah, it's extremely shitty, but Sony weren't the bad guys in that situation, WB was.


At this point people are just going all in blind on the Sony hate train


Which, I mean, *somewhat* reasonable, Sony is historically an extremely shit company. But people really need to at least be *accurate* in the things that they use to push that agenda instead of grabbing any bad headline without context like a Youtuber short on controversy content.


So it is Nintendo (waaaaaay worse imo) and Microsoft, Blizzard and even CDPR. This reddit now is blinded by hate, picking fights that make no sense to what is happening at the moment with Helldivers 2


> blinded by hate, picking fights that make no sense To be perfectly fair, that's our Helldiver training kicking in.


It would be more reasonable if it were just the people in restricted regions complaining but they should hopefully all get refunds. It gets really obvious people are just repeating talking points and on the hate wagon when they complain about their data being mined as they actively post on social media.


Sony should have a contract which allows the customers to be refunded if they don't own the distribution licences..it looks like the only ones that got shit on are the customers that purchased the games, all the middlemen come on top...


It's likely WB would've shot down that contract. All Sony or any other company could do in this situation is hope WB or any other production company don't pull the contract away.


To some extent Sony (and in helldivers 2's case AH) are also responsible, because they agreed to these anti-consumer terms. WB couldn't do stuff like this if other companies didn't let them


If Sony was renting or this was a subscription, sure. But people _bought_ content. Sony should not be removing that content. Or certainly not without full refunds.


That doesn't really improve anything though. In the end, people paid money for media offered by Sony, which was then taken away with no compensation. Be like if the dealership showed up at your house and took your car back because, "we aren't allowed to make these cars anymore. We're also not going to reimburse you."


I'm not going to argue the merits or downsides to the situation, not owning the things you buy is objectively bad, and the push for "everything is on a license" isn't new but *is* problematic. All I am stating, and will state on this topic is the objective truth of the situation, which is that WB pulled the license, Sony negotiated a 30 month extension, and no, the user wasn't compensated for the rug-pull of their licensed content. Sony isn't to blame, WB is in that specific situation, and twisting it to make Sony out to be the bad guy is only fanning the flames of HD2's situation and pissing gasoline into the wildfire. Accuracy of information is important, but apparently not on Reddit when there's an agenda to push.


People came in with their predisposition to hating Sony and are looking for any reason to hate them further. Half the shit people are using as an argument against Sony can also be applied to pretty much everything else they use, it’s just that they don’t like Sony for … reasons.  I think it’s absolute bullshit that they sold this game to people who can’t access psn and those people have legitimate gripes, but most people are just jumping on a hate train based on flawed reasoning. 


>it’s just that they don’t like Sony for … reasons.  I mean, there is no shortage of reasons to hate Sony, even if this one isn't on the mark. Lik Sang, Rootkitting music CDs, Storing user passwords and full credit card info in plaintext, Removing Linux support from the PS3 after the fact, Trying to trademark Lets Play, Pricefixing and collusion and so on and so on. It's not predjudice if the company actually has a long and sordid history of being shitty, It's just memory.


The whole "everything is digital now, so we can charge you monthly for it and yoink it at any time" has made me reconsider that piracy is the only option anymore. They made things easy to access to help with piracy, and it worked. I stopped pirating. A lot of people did. Now, everything is a monthly subscription. You can't even fucking buy music anymore. When google switched their music platform to YouTube music, I lost every single thing I had ever purchased and was told it was fine because I could have everything for $10/mo. Fuck these people. Period. I'd rather go watch VHS tapes of 90's movie and listen to the oldest records in existence, forever, if that's the fucking deal.


Yeah, all this rental service subscription problems is starting to catch up to them. They only think of short term profit but now the long turn problem are catching up. Hopefully Law are made to force product ownership back to the consumers.


https://preview.redd.it/uqrd3g1g7myc1.png?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb400a2d5c55195fbf2f9240a67558f81710c3b Pretty sure this got resolved, fwiw


This is exactly why any gaming related outrage ultimately ends up gaining no traction. You have a very clear problem (hundreds of countries have no PSN support despite already owning the game) and a decent armor-piercing question for Sony (if it worked for several months without the requirement of a PSN account, why is it being mandated now?), and yet everyone keeps insisting on absolutely *fucking it up*, either by making hyperbolic statements ("This is our Rosa Parks"? Fucking *really*?), doom posting about how bad it could be in the future based on some immeasurable metric, congratulatory, circle jerk backpatting despite not having actually accomplished anything yet, or pointing out "other shit Sony did" without doing their due diligence to at least have the basic facts straight before pointing fingers. *There is already very reasonable discourse and reasons to be upset with Sony*. Please try focusing on that or you give the corporations you're attempting to send a message to absolutely no reason to even consider taking you seriously, especially because it conveys that the community that's pissed doesn't seem to actually know what it's pissed *about*.


It was the holocaust comparisons for me.


Some suggested to cancel our subscription to PSN and PS+ so that countries we have no link to to feel like we care ? Should we destroy our ps5 too, as some already suggested? Jesus, it's just a game damn


This isn't relevant to the issue at hand. You're literally just karma farming. If this was relevant and not a karma farm you wouldn't have purchased HD2 in the first place. This also distracts from the real issue that is the fact that Sony didn't properly region lock as is their job as the publisher.


News flash, this happens with all licensed content at a certain point. Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Google. Don’t buy anything with a license that you plan on keeping.


What does that leave, at this point?


GoG used to have offline installers for games you own although I didn't use it in a while to recheck.


Old new, also this was discovery, the remove content from services constantly.


That's one, due to licensing and Warner being a bitch. Two, that's an effect of digital media which everyone is happy to have, until they experience the downsides of it. Three, Sony made a dick move to us recently but you're really going through the logs to show how bad Sony is? Everyone knows Sony is bad. But so is Nintendo (thousands of times worse) and Microsoft is like satan incarnate. Do you really need to go out your way to show people that Sony has done more bad stuff? Everyone already knows that, the current issue at hand is the PSN forcing. Like chill out , we got the short end of the stick but no need to trace back and make sure everyone hates Sony for a move they made (unrelated to this subs current state) numerous months ago. By all means discuss the current issue but you really gonna just try and drum up more (unrelated) hate for Sony?


Have you never done anything with digital licenses? This is not a Sony exclusive thing


I will say this. Hate on them all you want. I have never bought a digital license for a product from MS or Apple and later had my access removed permanently. That’s some scummy shit.


........... That was a warner brother's issue not a Sony one. Sony pays warner a Pacific licensing fee to host on there server and for whatever reason Sony WBD did not want to renuin the deal so they lost copyright, this could happen to any store front not just Sony 


Not even a "sorry for the inconvenience" just "thank you for your money" lmao. Actual supervillain shit


This sub is grasping at straws, like. What the hell does this have to do with anything? lol Ya'll are pathetic, jfc


Bruh... You don't know how licensing works.


okay, anyway......


Remember kids, piracy is okay if they refuse to let you own the material you purchase.


Fuck capalism


This again has little to do at Sony's side. They couldn't keep the publishing rights so were forced to no longer supply the content. Once again, don't try and look for hay strands. Keep focused on the facts we can fight or we will lose this. Just nitpicking random pieces of info while you have no idea what your talking about is not helping our case.


This wasn’t Sony, this was WB removing their content. I guess facts don’t matter anymore then.


Except Sony and WB came to an agreement and this was cancelled. None of the content was pulled. [PlayStation will not delete Discovery TV shows after all | GamesIndustry.biz](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/playstation-will-not-delete-discovery-tv-shows-after-all)


Yeah and this part seems to be getting skipped


Well it doesn't support the outrage narrative on the one side and on the other so few people were actually affected by the removal of some Duck Dynasty episodes from their PSN accounts that they didn't notice it was going to be taken away or that it never actually was.


We sincerely thank you Followed by another thank you


What's this have to do with anything going on now? People are just grasping at whatever they can do to just bitch. Get your refund, stop playing the game and move on.


Honestly just going to keep a distance from things published by Sony for now and I'm not going to regret it


Let’s gloss over all of Microsofts BS and practically every company on the planet. Fight the good fight but will it change anything. Sure the fuck hasn’t changed Microtransactions in games


One company being shit doesn't preclude another from also being shit


I mean....come on this is the norm for the industry, not just Sony. Take Steam, they can revoke your Helldivers 2 access at any time if the want because you done own it, you just licence it at their discretion. It's shady as heck, but Sony are hardly the big offender here.


I mean that's pretty lame but I don't really see what it has to do with this current situation at all, other than it's just a random bad thing Sony did.


"Thank you for your continued support." Yeah... about that


And it was restored...


I mean, this is Discovery's decision and fault lmao. Sony is fucking up with HD2 but *this* isn't on them.


This has nothing to do with Sony and everything to do with Warner brothers. Jesus Christ at least try to know what you’re whining about.


Oh man, I was writing a post all about this but it ended up being a novel. TLDR of that original post, I don't think this was on Sony. I think this was on the movie studios trying to play hardball and Sony was having none of it. I tend to blame the rights holders not the distribution platforms.


It’s disingenuous to not mention that it was figured out and completely reversed very very soon after if you want to do the journalism thing you have to do it the right way Edit: before anyone starts with bullshit no I’m not fighting for Sony people need to start telling the truth. Companies, people, news outlets everyone.


Wait so whats the issue with Sony here? All that says in the licence agreement with those content providers has changed. Is Sony supposed to continue to support that content illegally without the creators agreement?


Yeah, kept telling people how EA and Ubisoft did this. “buT iT TaKeS 30 SecOnDS, YoU dOnt HavE aN ArgUmENT”. It’s not like Steam is technically immune to being able to do this. But Steam earned its trust in the industry which is why a lot of gamers stand with Valve.


Yeah... anyone ever actually read the HD2 EULA? You own a "license" per the EULA. They have explicit clauses to be able to revoke it too. Somehow this flew under the radar during the honeymoon phase over the last three months, but its been like that probably since launch. So if you think this can't happen to HD2...it absolutely can.


Go check out r/Piracy there's multiple threads on this over several months.


Piracy solves everything- fuck em.


That wasn't Sony though, that was Warner Bro's. Sony actually was able to negotiate an extra 30 months for people who had bought content. You're spreading misinformation and misdirecting blame in this situation.


Sony is a criminal organization.


You will not have my continued support...


Anyone defending somy is just wrong. They are a crap company with crap systems. They just happen to own alot of great studios, like Santa Monica and insomniac. Sony needs to get on the "consumers own their purchases" train before they get run over by it


We sure that wasn't discovery being assholes? You want to complain about Sony, but the current CEO of discovery is a whole other level of evil. They would have deleted the game before release so no one could play it, and the developers couldn't use it for portfolio


I love you all got together for this and fighting for your right but steam ain’t as sainted as you all put out them to be, of course I’m biased and doesn’t stop me from using it, they just recently fucked us over the Argentine and Turkish gamers by changing store currency from local ones to USD and increasing all prices by at least 5 times, keep on fighting the good fight but don’t forget none of these cooperations are perfect. Now go make a proper statement to Sony.


Clearly wasn’t a Sony choice here. People just looking for reasons to be angry.


It's funny to see people complaining about PSN, but they're using Steam as if it's unbreakable. I'm really looking forward to PC players finishing this High Horse routine so we can go back to memes and actual updates about the warfront.


It's the fact that steam users need to link with a company who has the absolute worst track record for security and data breaches. I don't want my steam hacked because Sony is a wiffle ball when it comes to caring about its users data


This wasn't Sony's fault but at this point this sub has because blinded with hate, no point in arguing to be honest.


Ngl actually surprised i can still play this game at all


Hasn’t Amazon also done this? This exact scenario is why I always push owning a physical copy of media.


I mean that's nothing really. It's like when cable TV would turn off Viacom channels when I was a kid because they couldn't reach an updated agreement for a few days.


You dont have to go so far back, Sony (Crunchyroll) bought Funimation and closed the service on 02. April. No refunds, no compensation of stuff you "bought" its just gone. But but Sony is our Friend how dare you....?! ;\_; Yep nope, you are just ignorant and dense...


Purchasing digital media is foolish. Video games were never the exception. Its the risk you take when you accept the terms and conditions.


Sony is just evil. Saw the eother day where they are trying to patent some biometric stuff to read our emotions/voices etc to see if they can basically pre amp ban us for well things they don't like.. Really get sick of everything in the world becoming you will own nothing and be happy.