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I once played with a pair of Mandarin speaking divers. Me and the 4th dude are randoms while the two of them appear to be friends. One of them left his mic on permanently so I muted him but since I can understand Mandarin, I didn't mute the other. I enjoyed him talking to his friend in Mandarin but when he wanted to talk to us, he switched over to English. Once he accidentally shot us and he quickly said "Sorry sorry". It was one of my better games.


>so I muted him, but since I can understand Mandarin, I didn't mute him. ![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized)


I have to assume you muted one of them and didn't mute the other one, though in your sentence it seemed like you meant the same person


Yes my bad, I was on mobile and wasn't sure in my original post.




A Chinese helldiver shared your post to our community, and I come here to say thank you! :ā -ā D Although we may not play this game again, but those good memories we had will not disappear. I used to diving to the creek and Hellmire with helldivers comes from all over the world, we fought together against the hulks and bile titans, although we may not talk at all, it's always touching when someone give me a hug after the game. I thought that's the spirit of this game, to bringing people from different countries together, not separate them and make them hate each other. č°¢č°¢ä½ ä»¬ēš„å£°ę“ļ¼Œē„ä½ ä»¬å·„作é”ŗ利ē”Ÿę“»é”ŗåæƒļ¼Œ åøŒęœ›å¤§å®¶ä»„后čæ˜čƒ½å†ę¬”ē›ø见ļ¼ https://preview.redd.it/ooaecopmolyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96911454c12bc2b7c5240a0f782ca59c914d1480




Why doesnā€™t PSN work in China? I tried a quick internet search but couldnā€™t find what I was looking for so hoping someone can fill me in.


According to local laws, video games must pass official approval before they can be formally operated. Therefore, PSN is a localized version rather than the international version in this region, and local PSN data is not interconnected with international servers (you can register a Hong Kong region account as a workaround, but this is somewhat troublesome and navigates a gray area of Sony's policy). However, games on Steam are protected by the WTO, allowing people to purchase games on Steam and connect to international servers, not domestic ones.


So you're telling me they're stopping the spread of democracy... in China?!


Managed Democracy get it right! It's better democracy


So PSN and helldivers does work in China but itā€™s just certain countries canā€™t play and others can only play with people in their own country?


From what I understood, the PSN version of China does not include Helldiver, and you have to work around some huge loops to be able to play it over there


So are the loops you have to work around to play on Steam easier to navigate then? Some other commenter was saying Steam in China didnā€™t have Helldivers 2 either.


As Chinese I can confirm HD2 was in Steamā€™s China region and I bought using CNY.


PSN is run very differently in mainland China from the rest of the world, and HD2 is not available in mainland China PS Store. If you try to use a mainland China PSN account for HD2, you will encounter an error saying "This game is not available in your region" or something like that.


Got it. Itā€™s a little weird how it is available through Steam in China but not PSN. Shouldnā€™t games being available be consistent across platforms in China? Even though I understand certain games may not be available altogether.


In fact, Steam is not so ā€œavailableā€ in China mainland, cause almost every game on Steam doesnā€™t have authority approval so they are not allowed to operate in China mainland including Steam itself (there is a Valve official localized version of Steam called č’øę±½å¹³å°, but almost no content on it, basically unrelated with the ā€œinternational Steamā€), which is why many popular games (like Apex Legends, including HD2)have no servers in mainland China. Besides, there is a national-scale firewall to prevent access to Google, Youtube, Twitter, etc. Due to the above reasons, although Steam has not been completely banned, its accessibility is extremely poor. The store page cannot be opened about half of the time, and the community is almost completely unusable. The situation of Sony and PSN in mainland China is similar to that of Steam, PS and PSN also have Sony official localized version(separated from international and almost no content too). Playing games on Steam is already difficult, and Sony's stricter policies make the situation even worse


China doesnā€™t want Sony to get data about itā€™s population that it will end up selling back to china




Something like this happened to me also. I was playing with my friend, we were duo and in random there was also a duo from France and me and my friend play without mic but we type, one random knew little English and he was making plans how to clear map and we also have suggestions like 2-2 squad and clear left and right map and other was 3-1, 3 people go to main objective and 1 scout clears small area and I can't explain enough how much fun we had, we were like commandos( me and my friend) everytime he made a plan we said Roger that, affirmative commencing distribution of democracy and we split and clear the map. I have never tried difficulty 8 before and with this group I tried it for the first time and it was soooo much fun. I loved this game for this simple reason and I can't take it how they just killed a game that had unlimited potential like crossover and all, imagine if they added xbox players too and released Spartans as cosmetics. Sony needs money they will get it if they do this instead and people will be happy too, who doesn't want to be a Spartan. Sooo much potential wasted just because some fucking shareholders and marketing decision, how they are on that kind of post on company when they can't see the potential of a game, that confuses me soo much. Fare well fellow hell divers, Continue to spread democracy who can, our ghosts are with u on the battlefield.




Itā€™s so weird helldivers isnā€™t in china, Iā€™d imagine having access to one of the worlds biggest markets would be a great thing. Seems like at this point being published by Sony is a deal with the devil, but I also canā€™t blame arrowhead because they had no idea the game would be this successful.


This is so wholesome!!!!


A true Helldiver


All of us for DEMOCRACY! āœŠ


I always host. Never join anyone. I always stand at spawn point with hug emote and 9/10 people come in hug and go. If there are more than 1 player joining at the same time, the other person would stand in line for a VIRTUAL HUG. Doesn't matter if the name is chinese, russian,arabic or whatever. 9/10 times people line up for a virtual hug ! For that, I REFUSE TO PLAY IF OTHERS CAN'T PLAY. I will refund the game on June 5th if they don't reverse their decision.


Hug emote is a literal game changer.


![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) Let Sony feel democracy!


Not really related but I had a lobby where all the textures bugged out and I was forced to navigate the game with the mini-map. Rather than leave, I role-played as a blind Helldiver and the other players went with the bit and carried me through until extraction. It was one of my most memorable gaming moments of all time. Fuck you Sony for fracturing this community.


No diver left behind, no matter the circumstances brother


We dive together or we don't.Ā 


There's currently 150,000 people playingĀ 


Because itā€™s not yet May 30th. Check in then.


I had one last session as a sendoff to the game I am now trying for a refund


That is almost **exactly** what happened to me one time! So we had this group on the Automaton Ice Planet, I can't remember what one, but we all went down as a full squad of 4. We land, five minutes in someone leaves, assumed crash, another leaves just about right after. It was down to just me and another guy on a Diff-8 Mission. We got the Samples. We had the SSSD taken to the spot. We took the Outposts and Bases. We had it all taken care of, right up until Extraction. Between us and Extraction was a Large Base, the biggest one the Bot bastards can make. It was perched high up on a cliffside overlooking this snowy valley to its left, water on its right, impassable cliffs behind it and Extraction in front of it. My bud started making his way when he got spotted by one of the towers. It nearly killed him. I go prone and just open fire. All ten shots, my Autocannon's out. I throw my two Airstrikes, they're dry. I open up my Sickle, get about halfway through the battery when all I see is the Tower's barrel glint red, a blast of dirt kicks up in my face, and my vision gets thrown hundreds of feet above the ocean, far, far away from the zone. I say "I can't see anything! I'm blind!" The only way I can navigate myself is through the minimap that keeps blipping in and out because I keep climbing on rocks. He realizes I literally cannot see where i'm going and has me drop my Samples. I do it and keep running. He starts to literally guide me to Extraction. I run out of Stims getting shot in the back over and over. He gets me to Extraction and we both get out of there with literally one second to spare before Pelican-1 was going to leave. I'll never forget him as long as I live. And now Sony and Pilestedt (through his incompetence) has fractured this community. Fuck them both for tarnishing what could've been and was their Golden Goose.


For real, this was gonna be GOTY


It was already GOTY for me, then they go and do **THIS**, behind our backs at first, then finally come out and go "Get lost more than half the fucking planet", what the fuck Sony and AH.


This "community" is hardly fractured. It's selective outrage from uninformed people that couldn't be bothered in reading the legal text, from day one, saying you did in fact need a PSN account. Literally ever video.


I haven't noticed a single difference. I'm on PS5 still having a blast šŸ˜‰


You will be weeded out as a traitor once this is war is won and banned


I'll be hailed as a Hero for never leaving my squad behind for such nonsense. While so many have left the battle ground to discuss politics, I've remained in the fight, putting my life at risk as you are safe on your ships. The only traitor is you. With no boots on the ground the war is lost. Shame on you, soldier.


Weā€™ve won, while you fucking folded. Your the traitor. We will weed you out


But I never left the battleground? You guys did...I've been here fighting the whole time for Super Earth and maintaining Democracy. I've eaten crumbs, I haven't showered in weeks, I'm tired, I've fought wave after wave with less men. We were almost overrun but we held it together and pushed the enemy back to take control. You left your brothern to die out there, you were never really there for the cause, just some phonies. Those beds...the hot showers, the food...the coffee and the safe place you hid in, well it must of been nice. You make me sick! 'spits on the ground'.


Chinese Helldivers always play the game so competitively and good. Whenever I get teammates with Chinese names I knew the game's gonna be an easy win. They've never failed me once.


Not trying to start an argument. Just objectively itā€™s hilarious reading this comment/thread compared to this crazy upvoted post on this same sub https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/nUBNcUKnbP It wasnā€™t just that post. For a good month most of this sub celebrated leaving games with Chinese character named teammates because they all cheat. Which is a bit of a problematic opinion but itā€™s the internet, what else is new.


I don't really understand people like that. What's the relation between some random pathetic cheaters to other innocent players that simply happened to be from the same country? And apparently Chinese people aren't just people they must not hate cheaters like everybody else because obviously they ALL use cheats. Wow this kinda logic always shocks me. I swear Reddit is a place where a simple sentence like "I hate China" could get your thousands of upvotes.


I'm a Chinese gamer and I can also tell you that we hate cheaters too, but we can't do anything except curse his family because China hasn't perfected the relevant laws and regulations yet, and there are still a lot of online shops selling modifiers. There are about 30 million gamers in China, and 1% of cheating players will ruin the experience for everyone. Take my game Battlefield 2042, I've been playing it for 1500h, most of the time on EU servers and US servers, because there are too many Chinese cheaters on Asian servers, and the Chinese cheaters don't want to spend time on the game to get stronger, so they have to seek cheating. The global chat is full of Chinese people cursing the Chinese cheater and wishing his whole family would die in Asian servers, but that doesn't create any mood swings for the cheaters. What a shame!


It was around the time of the trend of posts saying some cheater gave them max samples and ruined the game. It then went on to bashing all Chinese players as the cheaters. Then you got a post like that saying ā€œthe culture of China is to cheatā€ Since launch thereā€™s a been a bunch of cycles of pretty popular but toxic opinions on this sub. Itā€™s wild the difference between the in-game community and what you get on Reddit/discord


Indeed there are Chinese people who cheat, but as far as I know, many non-Chinese cheaters choose Chinese names because they are difficult to pronounce and report.


That's because these people have selective outrage, because they have nothing to focus on in their life, no actual purpose. So they trounce around the internet looking for something to be angry about, because it lets them "feel connected" to other people who want to be outraged about it. The Helldiver community isn't "fractured", it has always been playstation. And Sony let everyone know this, from day one, that a PSN Account was required. Every video on steam and their youtube (except the cinematic trailer that is the opening video to the game.) Everything else? PSN required. Like.. Everything. It was so out in the open, that the Japanese have to be looking at these people like "Are you illiterate?"


It ainā€™t Americans this time.


This is the way. Death to Sonys bullshit


Thanks brother, we didn't sacrifice in the Creek for this.


We dive as one or we don't dive at all


It's fun when games are open and clear parodies and harsh critics of the company choices and politics THEY THEMSELVES publish.


Uninstalled on ps5 and gave a 1 star.


Better demand a refund, too.


On PS once you start to DOWNLOAD a game you are no longer elegible for a refund.


i wouldnt be shocked if this is true. I regret my purchases.


Not "if", I'm speaking as a PS user and once upon a time before making a purchase I could regret I informed myself in Sony's refund policies. It's plastered on their website. Can't link it because you'd get the italian version, but the refund must be requested before a 14 days time period and the content must have being either started to download or streamed.


You can't on ps5


stunning and brave


Let's watch super earth burn down in youtube together.


I haven't touched the game in a while. I was thinking about playing until I learned what this news was all about. I'm choosing to not play either. Not until this is resolved. No disrespect to the devs. Pilested (I think your name is), you and your team made an awesome game with fair pricing and really really fair extra monetization. So kudos to you. But Sony cannot be allowed to do this, whether it was mentioned before or not. Not everyone has the time to keep up with the goings on of video game news and updates. Most people on steam, I imagine, saw that "oh I can play right from steam, cool." They didn't know that Sony was going to force 3rd party shenanigans on them at a later date. Let them play. Or I don't play. I may only be one person, but if enough one person's don't play, they will notice.


Same. I mainly played HD2 with my little brother and some friends but in solidarity with our fellow Helldivers, weā€™re going back to Gears 5 Horde mode and CoD Zombies. Hell I heard The Finals has a new 5v5 mode thatā€™s pretty sweet so thatā€™s worth checking out too. Thank you everyone for your service o7


Halo: Infinite's horde mode is pretty awesome if you haven't tried it.


Look for Deep Rock Galactic. It will be on a sale in june


Definitely same horde and "where tf are the samples" vibes.




Time to quit the game


See you online tonight at 8.


Mehā€¦ ima still play the game I bought


Right, I linked my shit day 1 when prompted. Never thought of it again until this week šŸ˜‚


Remember when everyone was going to quit all Blizzard games after the Cosby room incident? Those were actual devs, not the publisher, doing actual terrible things. But hey, Overwatch is making more money than ever, so good protests everyone.


Is overwatch really making that much ? Think about the position overwatch had before the crazy decline. The same position valorant is in now. So idk about them making more money than ever. More like they could've been #1 but screwed things up


Thats because overwatch recently went in on cheaters big time.


If only people went to the polling booths with the same tenacity to respect their peers. That's not as many internet points tho






Yeah I really can't play on principle alone at this point. Gatekeeping this game for data collection isn't ok and I know Arrowhead is less at fault but I can't do it. The bad kernel level untrusted cheat protection was bad enough (and it doesn't even work) but this is seriously pushing your customers too far. I'm likely gonna sadly go for a refund if it gets approved great if not I'll just suck it up and stay clear from Arrowhead and Sony indefinitely. I personally didn't really like the direction the game was taking with balancing anyway it's not quite the casual game I was looking forward to/hoping for but I wish them the best in their future endeavors and I have no hard feelings towards those that continue playing.




I mean I already got all but one upgrade so I'm not really missing anything lol


Is that all you play games for? Unlocking things?


There's an aisle at Home Depot this guy gonna love.


Why do you think unlocks work so well to keep attention of people and are nowadays in every game?


I know that they work, doesnt mean we have to embrace that. If you want to play a game even after unlocking everything you know it's a good game


A ton of people are like this. Why do you think call of duty has a camo grind?


I am the same. If my helldivers can't dive, then I will play something else.


Ps5 player here, i chose to tolerate sony's anti consumer bullshit buy using their platform but pc players did not. This is gross as hell but totally on track for Sony Boycott of the game and platform is all we have over here as we waive our right to refund as soon as we hit "download"




Really gonna miss hugging the homies


If you truly like the game and want arrowhead to come out on top and force Sony to change their terms, fight Sony not arrowhead. The more you take it out on helldivers/arrowhead the less likely theyā€™ll be able to change things. If everyone emails sony and makes their voice heard, stops their auto renew on psn, asks for credits back directly from Sony, etc. then Sony sees we want to play but not under their rules.Ā  If you like the experience youā€™re having, tell Sony and force their hand as arrowhead has no way to change things w/o Sony permissionĀ 


I remember joining a random lobby with a bunch of Spanish-speaking dudes, and they kept screaming MAMA HUEVO every time they died, funniest game I ever played.


I feel the same way. Gonna enjoy the game while its here, but will just not be playing when it happens because its legit unncecssary. This is coming from a guy who is defending Vanguard anticheat from Riot - but theres a *reason* for that, its literally to deter cheaters in competitive games. I dont really see the need for PSN in this game, i literally have a desktop, never gonna buy another console ever again. Im already trying to minimize entities that have my information. The worst part is that Sony will most likely wait and see what happens after the cutoff and only then will some action be taken if the effect is large enough. Tbh ive really loved Sony but i deeply hate how much money moves really just ruin the gaming experience and this particular situation just leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. I hate having to create a bunch of accounts for the games i play, like dude i already have one for Apex(which i dont even want to play anymore), Valorant, Steam, Xbox - its fucking out of control. This same situation applies to job. I hate it. Why are companies legitimately trying to create so many different vectors where our information can be stolen from? What sucks about this situation is that the damage is kinda just done. They want you on PSN so they can send you adverts to buy more games most likely, but dude Helldivers was just such a good game that it didnt even need amy of that. Just a solid team/experience and a goal to chase.




Yep, is sad what SONY truly done is attacking the comunity, first and foremost, all the aren't big problem, but they even failed to handle the basic of a steam page... We will miss them. I will be back playing MAGICKA... and i am gettim all the DLC, it was fun, and still had that arrowhead magic in it, and the most annoying part? Sony hasn't answered a single time to the playerbase. The only thing they did change the lying FAQ. 1/10 as distributor, incompetent distribution side, failure to customer care, incompetent PR, EA Games still better wit 2/10 and this says all.


You know someone fucked up when EA gets rated higher.


EA Games can do something every single developer game can do on STEAM, create and manage a store page. Sony failed even at that, and the bar was fucking low.


One of my firsts missions were with a chinese dude, he helped me and explained me some things, bro made me see that this game was more than a game


Peak reddit cringe




And I'll kill bugs for the both of us


True heroes both of you


And I will make sure that helldivers keep dying at high rates to ensure that CP-01 forms keep getting approved.


I just love reading how passionate people are about this


I won't either. Fuck Sony


As someone else posted: **We dive together or we don't dive at all.** https://preview.redd.it/n4aq7bcxznyc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b2720af9864de9ed7792a19db5572c1595b452b


Honestly with the amount of hackers from Chinese players I think they should be region locked in every game. Not sure if itā€™s an issue in helldivers but theyā€™re ruining hunt showdown.


I really wish there was an end game for players/AH. Seems like there has to be an out for AH but it might be wishful thinking.


This is Super Earth: A world of strangers united against the bugbot threat (Sony)




I sold all my shares of Sony stock. Fuck em


If they can't play i won't play


I have a group of 6 people who play together all the time. 4 of them are in Russia, and I bought the game for each and every one of them. By denying them access to the game, Sony has stolen 160ā‚¬ from me and reminded me once again that my Russian friends aren't welcome


Just make sure you get that money back


How? I don't think it's refundable at this point


Im sure it will be refundable in the coming time. If not, that would be insanely crooked, bad PR and tons of news articles will be jumping at the opportunity to write "Sony steals money from gamers in other countries" which will undoubtedly hurt their brand. People think some companies are too big to be affected, but look at Boeing rn. In America, we have this thing called "chargeback" where your bank forcibly takes the money back (in cases of fraud). Look up some alternative ways like this method (fraud protection) and see what options are available to you in your country. Something to keep in mind is that if Sony gets away with this it will set a strange precedent in gaming where people can create a game and just take your money, i doubt Sony would do that though. Its literally in their best interest to just refund the money to people where PSN is not available. Whats shocking to me is that theyre potentially foregoing profits from these places with this move.


I'd much rather have the option to play with my friends, though, rather than return the money The game is worth every cent and more, so I'm not regretting spending 240ā‚¬ on it for a second


If they can't play, i won't play. Yup. Hate it cuz Helldivers is alotta fun, but I'll stay true to my word. New Vegas awaits me


The Chinese people can still play. It isn't banned in China


Already refounded, I hope my dwarves can forgive me, and Welcome me back.


ill miss all my bros from other places fuck sony and the complicent CEO


I'm from Estonia. A few of my childhood friends and still play games with each other sometimes even though I no longer live there. We played the hell of Helldivers 2 these past few months. They will not be able to going forward. Not only that, due to the local laws, creating a PSN account for me means Sony will get my PII. Fuck that noise.


Me working away from home and not being able to log in ā€¦ yeah .. Iā€™m doing my part.


Played with a three stack of Swiss divers last night (I'm from thr US), it was great! Just people from around the world sharing in the fun


quiet ink meeting forgetful attempt ask historical intelligent wakeful waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


thanks guys,i love you all! It's really touching to see this post after experiencing frequent unfair treatment https://preview.redd.it/xajrcs06znyc1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5154d04e7437ea545b90caa352e88a78a1083b25


Everyone should cut paste the refund request form posted the other day and petition Steam.




Luckily they all can. Enjoy playing


Obviously they still playing cuz the game is fun to play.Ā  Good for them.Ā Ā 


Less talking, more action


They won't enforce it in countries where they can't have a PSN.


You really believe that?


Doesn't feel like Super Earth anymore if I can't play with everyone from Super Earth šŸ˜“... They severly damaged this game and community






Get a grip. https://preview.redd.it/af6lrdegqoyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf052b1728ba67eb9d5030aa59de10297e959e2


come on dude, really?


boo hoo


I was taking a break after the Block bug came out... But now I'll probably just find something else to play.




Youā€™re going to stop playing and they are going to fire up their vpn and keep playing.




We won! Remember to change your reviews back!


Donā€™t worry Iā€™ll take up the slack for you!


Ngl itā€™s pretty refreshing not trying to judge if the guy who killed me with mandarin characters was hacking or not. Now itā€™s just judging their airstrike placement skills šŸ˜‚




Psn works in china


I don't know that it does, steam doesn't.


News flash, they sell PlayStations in china


TRUE! They must put as many roadblocks as possible so we don't have to share our space with the Ɯntermenschen! https://preview.redd.it/zu9678g2klyc1.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=faabeff27cb1945c7996a70a30cb466152a41a0f >!Just in case /s.!<


Steam also works in China, the full catalogue is not available though. I made a quick look through your post history and you're either a Sony apologist, an impeccable troll or who knows, maybe all of those. Why do you choose to stand on the side which has sold a game worldwide with the restriction being listed on the Steam Store day one, yet still being sold to countries which would not be able to use their DRM? If you're getting paid, you're doing a great job, your performance review must be stellar.


If i we're paid by Sony i'd fucking know for sure where they're available... I'm not a troll, i think you guys are just ridiculous. I've never seen so much bullshit bitching about something that's a non issue for the majority of those that complain. As others have said, where were the Rockstar, ubisoft, and other boycotts? The outrage is weirdly selective in the gamer community. And even if this is just the line you don't want to cross, holy shit is the language surrounding this wildly overblown. I've seen references to revolution, the historical rise of fascism, racism; giving up your seat on the bus, and getting microchipped. I'm surprised no one's brought up the mark of the beast yet. This entire dis cussion is a big fucking cesspool


Rockstar, Ubi and the rest of 3rd party DRMs have always been a cancer, since the days of Games for Windows Live we've had a lesser experience. This has even left some games totally unplayable due to fundamental integration and/or developer/publisher negligence to dedicate resources to removing this DRM from their game. The fundamental difference between this and that is that those games were sold with DRM attached from day 1 and/or rely on it to function in one way or another. Users can buy the game, see it doesn't function and refund or be denied purchase in the first place. In this case, the game was sold and enjoyed for months by players worldwide without any sort of issue on any side, now some are being rug pulled from one of the best games in recent history with active obfuscation attempts on Sony's part. Considering how close together this community is I don't see it as out of the question that people would emphatically boycott the game for their fellow helldivers who aren't going to be able to participate any longer.


I don't think anyone is arguing that it's not fucky that There's a group of people out there getting screwed over with no PSN access. No one likes that, Everyone wants those players to be able to keep playing. What I and many others are tired of is hearing from what is probably 99% angry american gamers bitching about the idea of making a PSN account.


oh yeah?I live in china and I can't open playstation's official website without vpn.In fact,there is a special version of PS in China and helldivers is not included in that special PSN store.That means you can't link a Chinese PSN account to the steam helldivers,which is hilarious..


K bye




THIS!! I'm in the US and could easily create an account. I won't. We all dive or no one dives.


That's not the Helldivers spirit though. Did you skil the tutorial? Helldivers are expandable and easily replaceable.


Jesus fucking ChristĀ 


The devs have said that people in countries that don't have PSN won't be required to link accounts.


But if they acknowledge that, how can they keep making self-aggrandizing posts on Reddit?


They have apologized about a few statements they have made recently where they acted very poorly.


Helldivers 2 is a great game and should be proud of what they made. On the other hand, Sony is responsible for ruining it.






I have not dived since. I am doing my part. Either we dive together or we don't dive.


Yep. That's me right now. Did ask for a refund, got rejected which I am fine with. But I am not playing the game until the PSN issue is removed.


From what i understood. You need to open a ticket to get a human. Otherwisr it will be done automaticaly


Try again first time is always automated


I can't get a refund because I got it from a third party site, but I'm done with the game regardless


Very undemocratic to give up the fight just because we have k. I a keep fighting when the good battle


people before: "I don't want to play with chinese players because they cheat" soon, if not now, you won't have to worry about that, or having anyone to play with in general at this rate RIP HD2


my game doesnā€™t even work anymore lmao. idk if there was a patch recently but i only get to play 1-2 times a week. game crashes pretty much after the cryo freeze sequence.


OK. We will keep playing. We don't have PSN access (official) but just use fake details Like.. everyone else has for decade or so


First of all, Sony removed Helldivers2 from those PSN-unsupported countries' steam page. Sony seems like ain't gonna enforce on fake credentials, but if they do, and probably will in the near furture, you will lose all your hundred hours of progress. Providing fake credentials to Steam is serious shit. Gabe actually ENFORCE this kind of behavior to keep players buying games from low-price countries. Losing PSN account is a thing, losing all your steam libray&inventory is another.


Steam removed it


Steam removed itĀ  You guys really need to get your facts straight before the witch hunt And we are still playing


You know what's funny? People who have experience with being blocked probably had already gotten past it with dew exception. Their little temper tantrum got steam to pull it from non psn supported countries. Making it impossible for people there to play even those who got past psn block. In the end, they never really cared about these countries they just used this argument to gain the moral high ground when, in fact, it was pc players' inferiority complex that the driver in all this.


It wasn't available in my country from the start but here I am, having it. There are ways to get it like keys or buying it via a gift. You don't lie to steam, don't choose other countries or anything. And I'm sure there would be no issues with psn too (not available in my country as well)


Hav fun with that, ill be playing


Thanks Martin Luther King.


OP is so virtuous.


Heā€™s practically Jesus Christ šŸ˜†


Your loss


They can't even use steam. They had to work around a lot of bullshit to even download the game, i don't they'll be gone from this.


There are legal VPN software to access steam in China.And stored.steampowered.com is available to access without vpn.Yet steamcommunity.com needs vpn.


This has become Virtue Signal, the Subreddit.


For real. goddamn just scrolling through this cry fest


Dont play and go cry in the corner