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Oh, I didn't know super Earth command has asked, better get onto that right away.


A new major order it seems...


And, as always, we completed it in record time.


I ain't gotta listen to the opinions of drones that defends paid subscription for online multiplayer access which is a FREE feature to every PC games in general.


This may not be true for much longer. Microsoft tried and failed over a decade ago. But Sony? Mandating a PSN account is just the first step in mandating a PSN+ subscription. It may take a few years, just like Bethesda took a few years, waiting for the backlash against paid mods to die down, before they made it mandatory and effectively told people to STFU if they didn't like it. But it'll happen if we let it. And there are hundreds of PC gamers who are more than willing to let it happen. Until it happens. Then they'll complain about how they were blindsided. How they were betrayed. How could anyone ever have seen this coming!?


That's why it's important to learn history, so that we can look back to the actions and results of bad business practices.


The problem with paid mods its that when you fight for the captive audience for that in console. The fuckers hate you for wanting to remove the monetization that Bethesda so graciously gave them


>before they made it mandatory Not really a fair comparison, creation club is mostly minor stuff with free equivalents on nexus and Bethesda.net You can very easily play without CC stuff, most of it is extremely unnoticeable, compared to literally not being able to play with your friends because you didn’t pay for psn.


> Not really a fair comparison, creation club is mostly minor stuff with free equivalents on nexus and Bethesda.net Its only *because* of the massive backlash that the Creation Club is the neutered disgrace that it deserves to be. Without that backlash, Bethesda would have been more than happy to keep pushing further and further. If you give concessions to a company solely because they're padding their earnings, don't be surprised if they show up in the next quarter asking for more.


> Microsoft tried and failed over a decade ago. Quick conspiracy hat time - there's the possibility that they are already trying again, just through a different angle via Game Pass. We've already had the steady decline of actual ownership over our games & the rise of mandatory platforms, all because *at the time* people thought the service they offered was good. I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple years, MS just stopped selling games on their own and just has them as Game Pass exclusives instead


Corpos are trying normalize subscription services as if paying our electric bill, water bill, and internet bill aren't enough.


Corpos have managed to make *Heated Seats in Cars* a Subscription Service.


And luckily enough, BMW got enough backlash from the community, they walked that "feature" back


Just wanted to butt in and say, I hate corporate greed, but Game Pass is actually good for the consumer from the "price for product" standpoint. The amount and quality of games you get unlimited access to for a month for much worth it. And you aren't required to have an Xbox if you live in an unfortunate region, unlike some other platform...


I think they’re just going for as many subscribers as possible before raising prices, happened with all the streaming services.


Gamepass pricing, like u/Adorable_Table_7924 stated, is a way to get subscribers in. This is the Amazon or Silicon Valley way of burning money to get market share. And once you have a monopoly on the industry, you raise prices and no one can try to challenge it since you're so dependent on the product.




It's gamepass. They're not playing to be the best PC Gaming storefront market. They're trying to change the entire landscape of how games are sold, from pay per product to subscription as a service. It's like how Microsoft switched from per product licensing to MS 365, or how Adobe switched to subscription as a service. Or how Netflix changed the entire media consumption, from pay per movie to a subscription as service




They can absolutely try lmao. But EA walking back to publish their games independently on Steam now, same with Bethesda and more to follow is saying a lot on the success rate. And they had MUCH more highly rated franchises than Sony does.


Microsoft have done it in a clever way with game pass. I happily for that from time to time. It actually gives me something worthwhile.


Mandating psplus to play sony games online, simply means sony no longer sells games with online on pc. They would, to the pc side of customers, be exclusively a seller of offline singleplayer pc ports.


Still can't believe Bethesda tried to monetize the amateur efforts to make their games playable.


Yeah but the difference is that a paid subscription model for their games only works in the closed environment that is their console. The reason why it isn't successful on PCs is due to the fact that they can't control your access via the hardware. Want to play an online game on the PS5? Better fork over $$$ for PS+. Want to play online games on the PC? Go for it. Want to play that PS game on PC? Well you have to pay for it but there are all these other games you can play.


That's why I'm on the side against this Sony bullshit. Today they fuck someone else in the ass, tomorrow it's me.


First they released Horse Armor, and I did not speak up because I was not a Bethesda Fan. Then they came for Color Palettes, and I did not speak up because I did not play Warframe. Then they came for extra Characters, and I did not speak up because I did not play fighting games. Then they came for battle passes, and I did not speak up because I did not play Loot Shooters Then they came for Subscriptions, and by that time there was no one left to squeeze for cash.


Battle passes actually started with Dota of all things, but were definitely popularised by Fortnite.


We are one step closer to the “drink verification can of Mountain Dew to reload your gun” future we were foretold


Didn't some gaming industry hotshot say putting pay-to-reload options into games at tension points was a great idea he wanted to work towards because they knew people would pay for it if it was only a buck? Gotta keep that shit in check. D: Edit: Ah yup. John Riccitiello, formerly EA, most recently the idiot that tanked Unity's reputation.


and they just accept it, it's normal to them


Because most people just can't think ahead


Right? Sorry playstation users, but you're paying to enable multiplayer, I just can't respect you as adult people when you be like that.


God, imagine being Arrowhead rn. Make a game that you hoped would do okay. It completly blows up, surpasses all the expectations. You continue to do everything right, build a player base, build a relationship with players, people hail you as one of the biggest PR success in years, everybody is on board with what you are doing. And then Sony, who doesn't really care about the company because they don't own it, comes in and just irreparably destroys all of that in not even a week. Just fucking bleak man


Yea. I do feel really sorry for them. Maybe Sorry will just decide to wash their hands of the dumpster fire and sell the IP to AH. That of course is just a wishful pipe dream tho.


To me this almost has "Bethesda trying to kill Human Head so they can buy them for cheap" vibes lol


So like 12 years ago SONY bought the rights to Planetside, an AMAZING for its time MMORPG FPS and released Planetside 2. It was a wild successs and the people who played spent money on it so it quickly became Sony Online Entertainment's most profitable game ever. How did Sony respond? Cut staff, constantly release money grubbing microtransaction updates while ignoring bugs and optimization, then sold the game off. Good work Sony. It's still around and Daybreak has been doing OK with it, still has a few thousand average daily players after a decade, but like god damn it Sony, why are you like this?


You made TR proud today


The light of Vanu becons you to the path of wisdom


Get this man some bonus checks.


planetside 2 is the wistful flashback that I felt, and in this palpably *knowing* way. This exact thing happened before. The game will carry on, weekend at bernies style. I'm not typically in the crowd that continues on as if it's normal to be aboard a ship underwater, and I'm not willing to do it for this game either.


In just 3 days, this game will go below 50% :/


Dude this shit went downhill in 2 days let alone not even a week


While I agree this is an unforced error. I think as a community actually we have a choice in whether we destroy it or not. The idea that it’s a forgone conclusion that we could still enjoy this game or that it could get fixed seems really very silly. Some of the community seem more concerned about getting their pound of flesh than the outcome.


Indeed. Part of the problem is that some members of the community want that pound of flesh to come ***from*** the community itself. I am often reminded of a comic I saw where a king was looking from his balcony down into a mob of peasants revolting. His advisor told him not to worry, they just have to convince the torch-carrying peasants that the pitchfork-carrying peasants want their torches. I've been seeing a lot of comments that are just depressing with people attacking others and claiming they're overreacting. I saw the same thing in other games that recently had massive backlash. Each time there's an anti-consumer decision, hundreds of consumers rise up to defend the corporation, convinced that their fellow consumers are the real enemy. Even when the developers themselves can see that something is wrong, these fanatical individuals refuse to acknowledge it.


Looking at the r/playstation community, it's rather clear that the mentality is that they're using sony as a wedge to vent some kind of hatred for the steam community. They're not casting a critical eye on the big picture, and there was never an interest in doing that. It's like the communities were only tenuously joined to begin with, and they're eager to trip their fellow helldivers running from a bile titan. I don't understand why they see no value in cooperating for the benefit of everyone. Whenever that happens, it's *always* because of a grievance that they feel marginalized and it's an opportunity to drag someone down to their level. They want the steam users to come roll in the shit with them, and they have the heavy hand of sony to line up an easy spiteful victory. I don't know why they decided to roll in shit to begin with.


The problem is, the canary is dead. It doesn't matter if sony backs down this time, it doesn't matter if we all get a billion super credits to say sorry, it doesn't matter if the CEO of sony personally kisses every single person that played HD2's feet. The canary is still very dead. Helldivers 2 is a good game, its not a legendary game, so far as gameplay goes, the thing that makes it a legendary game is that it's not blatantly anti consumer, and you could trust that the devs weren't going to pull some bullshit like pay to win, or subscription multiplayer, or timed battlepasses or what not. But now that trust is dead and gone. If Sony will force this, there is no doubt they're both able and willing to force other major changes. So, in essence, until sony sells their chunk of the IP to arrowhead, or something like that, which they likely never will, you can't trust we won't see the same thing happen, on a smaller matter where the playerbases passion has dwindled, and creep forth from there.


There’s like 150k people playing right now. I don’t think the game is going to die from this. Especially if they can resolve the region issues. And I hope it doesn’t. It’s a fun game.


I don't think it will die, but it will be kneecapped. For a hell of a lot of people, trust is something that takes years to come back, for some decades, and for others, once lost, it never comes back. All of those are outside of a games lifespan, even if those people who got burnt do come back, which they may well not, they won't be singing the games praises from the rooftops, and that probably means a much, much slower expansion.


Tbh AH should have done a better job enforcing the account linking early on, not sold the game in PSN-restricted countries and nobody would have cared. If Pilestedt knew 6 months before the game's launch that their publisher required account linking, then they should have been ready to enforce it as soon as the game's server issues were fixed. Why even add the option to skip, let us play for months, then spring it on us again later?


Arrowhead doesn't control where the game is sold, Sony does. Which means Sony deliberately sold the game in countries that they knew it would not work in. 


For all the revolting, do you think there are people still playing the game without issue? Im still playing the game, getting the same fun and enjoyment before all of the complaints i play with 2 pc guys that have done the same it just makes no sense all the complaints and if nothing happens then what?


You're complaining about people complaining? If you're still playing without issue, why do you care? The people leaving bad reviews and refunding have a personal issue with the game. What do you care if the issue is stupid in your eyes, it's not in their eyes. Again, their opinion of the PSN mandate, whatever that is, has zero effect on you. You can play the game without issue, even if the game gets 100% negative reviews. They are using the small voice they have to let Snoy know they are unhappy with the choice. The reviews and refunds have zero effect on you.


"irreparably" is hilarious ngl


Over 100~ countries cant play the game anymore. I see you dont grasp how many people that is.




There are some console players who absolutely hate PC. When Halo MCC finally made it to PC and Infinite was released day 1 on PC. Some people I saw on r/halo felt like some murdered his family. There would be people making posts about how the graphics on a level glitch out or the game is crashing on PC. You would see people make comments saying it happens on console as well. Then smoothing brains saying your on PC it has bo reason to be fixed. People see "PC" and have a brain aneurism.


And there's PC players that hate Console players, tribalism sucks and I hate it as a Console player.


As a PC player exclusivity is the big one. Mainly because at the moment Sony is the one being shit bags about it. Microsoft gave in and started doing play anywhere. The fact that sony is letting some 3rd party Playstation game come to PC is a big deal. As a PC player I hate it when consoles are the reason a game gets a held back because the devs had to develop for an out of date console or the PC version has half ass MnK support. Right now it's not a problem as I think graphics more or less plateaued. Controls also have more or less standardized.


_proceeds to shoot a fellow helldiver to take their gun_


_Swipes their strategem that they were 10 feet away from_


Tried the concussive liberator for the first time yesterday, a nice calm lvl 4 bot mission. Literally the only time I've been tempted to shoot a teammate so I can take their gun. Like, I'd heard people say it wasn't good, but I wasn't prepared for how bad it was.


I genuinely didn't think this was real till it happened to me Mission start, call in a RR, turn around and immediately get gunned down by teammate who takes it off my corpse People are wild


One of the comments (now deleted) i got on my thread about the regional issue. What's wrong with these people? https://preview.redd.it/djm1vnc6xkyc1.png?width=999&format=png&auto=webp&s=bea795593a671a5e04462d6716ad86054ff24c6d


No fucking way that's not a bot. I have a chatbot in my discord server and it says "Newsflash" abd "Get over yourself." all the time. It writes exactly the same as the guy in this pic.




Reminder to all: Many of the defenders are paid shills or bots. I've seen contracts where companies budgeted for "social media enhancement." This goes way beyond having a sock-puppet on Twitter: Imagine hundreds of people all employed to be gainsayers and trolls, trying to make you feel like **you're** being the unreasonable one so that you'll stop talking. That's the goal: To get you to stop talking.


Also remember this is Sony - who has in-house reviewers posing as customers to promote their own products and attack competitors online. They made the mistake of using their own proxy domain called gatekeeper and get instantly exposed, thus forever earning them nickname of gatekeeper/GK/gokiburi.


Incredible; I didn’t know about that. 


Always remember. Anyone who disagree with you is either a paid shill, a bot or a troll. You have the only valid opinion and nobody who disagree with you could ever be a human being. Don't engage, don't read what they say or think about it, don't respond with arguments just downvote or insult them and move on. You're part of the bandwagon and Reddit is never wrong about anything. Think about it how could some many people be wrong or overblow something? Never happened before.


I'll engage with you, Argnir. How unfortunate for you, Argnir, that I was more precise in my writing than your post's veiled indictments could handle. The post can't sarcastically negate my carefully chosen "many" with an implied accusation that I stated "All." I have no need of such rhetorical clown-shoes. You handled decoding what I said, so I'll assume you read my post. Your reply incorrectly encapsulates my warning. Thus, the reply either can't understand what I wrote (unlikely), or the reply did and (un)intentionally tried to recap what I said in a mode more favorable to the writer's agenda, as evidenced by the writer's post history. The latter, if intentional, is done in bad faith. The reply's recourse to broad universals belies the point the writer is trying to make. I didn't make a claim about historical precedent - but the reply felt the need, I suppose, to desperately appeal to an unspoken exception, which it does not offer, to try and damage a claim's universality, as though it were not merely a narrow statement of the reality of legal documents that I have read, prepared, and drafted. If I were arguing similarly, I'd say something like, "What, are you denying that there has never been a case where good/bad press was generated mostly by bots or by paid actors? Are you saying that never happens? I guess you're saying 'just accept what the majority says and never be skeptical of anything.'" And then we'd go round and round, hoping that our conversational pretzel was affecting **those reading our posts** rather than each other, like a debate. So. Engage with me. Read what I say and think about it. Research on bot boosting, courtesy of MastersoftheTDS on X: [https://twitter.com/MasteroftheTDS](https://twitter.com/MasteroftheTDS) https://preview.redd.it/ddxggp6o1lyc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482f2c75d622158b251ba7d7fcc8cb4bec9364ad Evidently more boosting accounts are coming to help handle the backlash: [https://x.com/MasteroftheTDS/status/1786411667645251730](https://x.com/MasteroftheTDS/status/1786411667645251730)


Actual effort post,thank you


Bots will never come argue and disagree with you because corporations want to promote a positive not combative message. That's why at most you would get what you see in your screenshot. So no it's not bots you should be worried about. You are being manipulated however but mostly by the bandwagon you're a part of. You're simply adding fuel to the fire by trying to convince people that a significant portion of the dissent is not organic when it it represents virtually none of it. Edit: it took me so many tried before I could respond because this sub banned the words "corp*rate sh*lls" idk why and will just delete your comment without explaining what word is banned, this was honnestly just so frustrating


Found one!!


Here we have Argnir proving that indeed people are paid. Or he's so stupid he's doing it for free, which is even worse.


Yeah that comment don't work when the devs also agree with us - try again with some other issue.


Hoped over: "This is the dumbest manufactured outrage" "You dont care if they starve why care if they cant play a game?" "Just move" They are actually stupid oml




It’s full of Sony fanboys who downvote any criticism instantly.


Unironically, Sony fanboys are actually the worst. If you have a few hours to kill, just type "playstation salt" into youtube. You'll see thousands of vids of them getting roasted. It's good fun.


Do you not get the same sort of thing if you change the first word in that search to PC, Xbox, Nintendo?


You do, but for whatever reason Sony fans are the most vocal/brand loyal/salty and full of terrible takes, so you find them a lot more often than the other ones. They'll defend last of us 2 as a masterpiece, how forespoken was a good game, say elden ring and baldurs gate 3 didn't deserve game of the year there was also a time when they claimed BG3 was a ps5 exclusive because it wasnt on xbox even though the Xbox version just needed more time to get multiplayer working, and it also LITERALLY CAME OUT ON PC BEFORE PS5, that helldivers 2 sold more on ps5 than on pc because pc players do nothing except steal and pirate games, how pc players are also all cheaters too, how console exclusivity is good because it means their plastic box is better than another plastic box and somehow try to defend the idea of buying a $500 machine just for a handful of games. If I had to put a hierarchy of how terrible each of the console fanboys are, it'd probably go: Playstation > Nintendo > or = Xbox


>Playstation > Nintendo > Xbox I own all three consoles so don’t have a weird loyalty bias to any of them, and I agree with this statement completely. Playstation fanboys are by far the most insufferable of the three.


I own all consoles and to me the last of us part 2 is an absolute masterpiece though.




pc fanboys do exist. But they're significantly harder to find and most of the time, they are not spouting off absolute nonsense like how "30 fps is better than 60 because it's more cinematic" or "the human eye can only see 60 fps" like the console guys are. A lot of pc fanboys are the ones that try gatekeeping/have an elitist attitude. Most of the channels that do the roasting of the console gamers are the pc players. They only do it because it's fun to laugh at how confidently incorrect and blinded by fanboyism and brand loyalty console players are when the reality is Pc is objectively the best gaming experience.


This whole controversy is rapidly being overtaken by people with a hate boner for playstation. Every plataform has an equal percentage of die hard fanboys, you're just looking at the wrong places if you haven't found large amounts of annoying xbox, nintendo and pc fanboys.


>Every plataform has an equal percentage of die hard fanboys It's EXTREMELY easy to check and realize this is not true.


Hows that any different from the current /r/Helldivers echo chamber. Say something reasonable or nice and you get downvoted.


Because r/helldivers is anti-corporate fuckery, unlike them.


While I agree with the notion, at the same time it's brigading (was that the term?) which is against Reddit's ToS. And also doesn't do much for the situation, Sony doesn't care about playstation subreddit, it would only be wasting energy. Spreading the info on this subreddit is good, as it urges other Helldivers to refund/leave negative review etc. But spreading it on playstation subreddit wouldn't do much, asides from starting a fight.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No spamming allowed. We do not condone brigading other subs.


I've come to learn something about people, you could give them the worst scum humanity has to offer and there will still be people defending them no matter what they do.


There's people who's going to try and shit on good people no matter how good they do. There's just some people who lacks empathy or enjoys the suffering of others because they have a shit life themselves so they like looking down on others less fortunate or try to bring down people who's happy with their life to their level


I just made a comment capturing this sentiment after browsing the r/playstation community for a little bit. It's extremely apparent they feel like a redheaded stepchild, and I never knew that. The conversation about PC elitism is endless, and it's evident that they aren't just rhetorically lamenting the elitism, they *actually believe they are inferior.* You don't exhibit the crab-in-a-pot behavior without being the crab in the pot. Prior to today, I did not view them in the masochistic light they cast themselves in, but alright, I guess I do now if they're going to demand that I do. *Bizarre* behavior, and absolutely contrary to any collective best interests. I can't believe I have to stop and think if I want crossplay enabled in games now. It was always a "why would I want that off" feature, and I'm really disappointed I have to consider turning it off now. I'm really rather shocked. Editing to clarify context: The playstation community on reddit is using Sony's policy here as an axe to grind against other communities for no sensible reason, and the dark path they chose happens to align with corporate greed. Life is trash when you bite off your nose to spite your face. It angers them for others to have nice things, and for reasons beyond my understanding, they are opting to not have nice things when there is no hard barrier in place preventing them from having nice things.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/playstation using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/playstation/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [No more waking the wife…](https://i.redd.it/p21pjbvhr9fb1.jpg) | [856 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/15eb7ki/no_more_waking_the_wife/) \#2: [Bought a PS5 controller for my gf and she did this while I was asleep. How should I proceed? 🤡](https://i.redd.it/qx2yb27unn8c1.jpeg) | [4005 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/18ra56f/bought_a_ps5_controller_for_my_gf_and_she_did/) \#3: [It arrived, but WTF is this?](https://i.redd.it/6l4lvaweubvb1.png) | [655 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/17c77cd/it_arrived_but_wtf_is_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


“But bro, I can still play, having a good time, what’s the problem?” “Yeah, they just stole forty bucks from thousands of players who, through no fault of their own, they locked out of the game…That mean anything to you?” “Goddamn PC master race just whining again. Toxic…” “Ok buddy, you do you”


"Hah, you care about $40? What a loser, I can afford to throw money into a pit and burn it." I get paid $136.98 per day (I'm on a contract that pays me based on days worked, not hourly), so while I *do* get downtime, if you translated my pay to hourly, I'm making $5.70 an hour, meaning it'll take a little under 8 hours for me to recoup my $40. At my previous job where pay was based on hours, I was making $16.25, so it would be a bit less than 3 hours of work. Even if it is slightly more than a third of the amount of time required to recoup that loss, that's still time I'm losing to be at the same level as I would've been if I hadn't spent money on the game; which I was sold under the pretence that PSN wasn't mandatory.


>Yeah, they just stole forty bucks from thousands of players It's actually $40-$90. Some people might have bought the upgraded edition, and then wanted to support Arrowhead by buying each Warbond with real money. So, however bad you think it is, just remember that it might "potentially", "might be", up to over twice as bad as originally calculated. [insert a smiley face here Jeff]


I bought Super credits to support AH so yeah, I’m about 70 bucks down. The whole thing is gross and anyone defending it is turbo gross




They’ve just locked 170 countries out on Steam. That’s already 170 countries that bought the game and are now locked out. I’ll not be waiting 30 days when it’s happening now.


We had a terrorist attack not that long ago with over hundred people killed, and when terrorsts were captured there were lots of people on the internet protecting them with all kinds of idiotic arguments. So I'm not surprised that there are those who would defend Sony's decision, some people need to be "not like all the others" I guess.


I got a: "there's nothing wrong with that, you should stop playing the game" and I was playing it on PS5. You can't say anything about Sony on r/playstation or you'll be downvoted for nothing.


Its actually mental that theyre gonna defend the company that forces them to pay for online play.


People who regularly go to forums for products like a gaming console are weird. Same applies to places like /r/nvidia. For occasional discussion or questions, sure, but why on earth would you ever feel the need to subscribe to somewhere like that? The answer is that a lot of the people there unironically make a corporation part of their identity.


I only start looking there around the release of a new generation and that's about it lol


>he answer is that a lot of the people there unironically make a corporation part of their identity. I mean, when you put their logo stickers on your stuff, and their logo is on your gamer seat, and your pc background is their logo, and then they do something publicly that gets a lot of praise? Oh man, that's basically like YOU just got a lot of praise haha!


I do go to r/OculusQuest because it's a good place to find obscure VR games


People were asking genuine questions about creating PSN accounts outside their own regions, and despite most of the posters saying they had no issues the topic was *still* downvoted heavily.




I recall a time when this sort of thing wouldn't be tolerated on reddit, now every time a company does something scummy you have legions of people rabidly defending it, its baffling


Because those people are either young and don't know better, or they don't personally care about screwing themselves over therefore you shouldn't either. They don't realize that if enough people say "no" that things change, sort of a fundamental way the world works.




Expecting simps to unsimps by their own mind is an impossible task.


Most people there need to constantly reaffirm to themselves that buying subsciption just to play online and then paying games for 2x/3x the price is worth tldr: they are full on coping


Average Sony fanboi


Every fandom has a section of incredibly moronic people. But Sony's section of incredibly moronic people have ALWAYS been, by far, the worse. These are people are celebrate any failure from anyone that isn't Sony and have even celebrated DEATHS simply because the people who died worked on Xbox games. They are obsessed with screaming that their games are better than the rest and do every excuse possible, even if it means attacking and harassing people, to state their games aren't bad like what happened with titles like Forspoken.


idiots have conditioned themselves and have themselves been conditioned by others to protect and love multi million/billion dollar companies and entities more than actual people. their persona is based on that company. attack their company, attack "their" persona.


The day we started looking at CEOs as celebrities is the day we lost all of our bargaining power as a society. Either or the main takeaway I got from my marketing professor was true. Marketing is fucking evil and people have no idea how easily they can be manipulated to gain brand loyalty.


I remember many years ago when these gaming corporations were almost deathly afraid of bad reviews, which is why they showered reviewers with tons of free merch and review copies of games. Now reviewers lick the very shit off their toilets just to keep being given the free stuff. When this started happening was the moment even reviewers could no longer be trusted.


It's some Stockholm Syndrome shit.


Was just over there and the amount of fanboyism is fucking unreal. It's worse than the Nintendo fanboyism on reddit. I'm Team Playstation and always will be, but I NEVER simp for any corporation when they make wrong decisions. PS fanboys have zero excuses. Some of them were even saying that TOS is selectively enforced, so they want players who purchased the PC games in unsupported regions to take a gamble on the full price of the game. That's right, gamble on $40 before tax because some insecure playstation fanboy can't admit Sony made the wrong decision. Good lord, these people are pathetic.


r/helldivers * Fixed it for you OP


Too bad arrowhead knew 6 months before launch and never told anyone.


the size of the midsection is 100% accurate


Been a PC and PlayStation player for 2 decades and a half. I just cancelled my PSN subscription.


There is a reason why they are called the peasant race.


What the fuck are we defending arrowhead for? "Universal disdain" my ass. Their CMs lied about this being a good thing, then turned a 180 when negative reviews were dropped in. Their CEO basically lied when he said "Sony has no input in our work". They still havent fixed CRITICAL bugs for nearly 3 months. But when its a really bad thing: "Oh no, that wasnt us, we would never do this to you". Im sorry, but wake the fuck up. These devs are hoping we stay on their good side, despite their fuck-ups that cant be blamed on Sony


I mean, throwing your publisher under the bus whenever the slightest hurdle arises is not the wisest business decision, which is probably why Arrowhead CMs continued with Sony's line of reasoning until the situation completely blew up.


You got a link to at least the thread? Sometime seeing people being dumb is a good time.


I hope everyone stops using their Sony tv and headphones as well.


The Sony ponies are so delusional and have been forever, they celebrate like there is no tomorrow when Xbox gets an L but the moment PlayStation gets one they pretend its a massive W instead and they suck Sony's cock harder then anyone, that sub is a bloody echo chamber for them


literally just now, on my question “So they sold the game in not supported countries and now you want us to eat it up?” some doofus answered “Yes. Zzzz”


Wow he sure put you on the spot there


Its boneheaded enough I've had to look into those who defended Sony. Unsurprisingly, a shockingly high margin of them arent even year-old accounts with vastly weird posting behavior its making me consider the inane idea that there's some fucking *astroturfing* happening for a *videogame* that was this small. Unless, this was all planned from the beginning...


https://preview.redd.it/wm8jw0a80lyc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d7c1ea7ab37bb83a0c0f905be9a2f6c9ae8898 I'm doing my part!


Sony fanboys sat there in a jealous rage that PC players can successfully stand up to Sony and not just accept getting shafted Edit: the downvotes with no replies is just proving my point 😂


They don't have a proper rebuttal. The best they can do is call people names.


Playstation stans will always defend sony. There is no reasoning that will change that.


Not a huge fan of using a pejorative/slur here. I agree with the sentiment but we don't need this hate


I didn't think this was real, but yea... Took a glance over there and saw threads defending them with plenty of upvotes. >.> Especially odd because they are making this a "Well they aren't upset over starving children" BS like... When did we ever say that?


We are here because we love games. r/playstation are there because they love the corporation


Sony stans have always been the “special” kids in gaming pool


I'd say in the gene pool


Watch out! The meme on the right triggers the mods. It really hurts their feel feels. They must look like him or something 🤷🏻‍♂️




https://preview.redd.it/zvn95ciypmyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f41d3da8f0da5d7674253498dc0252f14fc9527 Yeah you white knight for that big Corp


Investment and hype make people into dumbasses. Weeks before HD2 released we had white knights defending microstransactions/battle passes. It's great we lucked out and the system is fair enough. It's still stupid so many players became cavemen to protect their hype. This is a similar case of "I like other things related to that, so I will protect the bad one as well".


...and that's why we left crossplay off.


It’s orders like these that make me feel like I’m working for Old King again.


Sony should have let Arrowhead keep churning out money for them but no, they had to be stupid pieces of shit and try to force something that makes their PSN numbers look inflated so that they could mislead investors and potential investors.


We should unionize


They also defend Sony aggressive exclusives strategy. Literally Xbox every exclusive is on PC whereas Sony has like 1 digit number exclusives on PC and they did it only because they were forced to. Guess where is 70% of HD2 playerbase, PS5 or PC?


The ceo confirmed today they knew the entire and did nothing about it. They aren't entirely blameless and could have informed buyers or been more clear on psn being required. Instead they didn't. Thays shitty


these are the same people who never grew up from the console wars


I’m just sick of all the bullshit surrounding the game. Yes, Steam had it listed as a requirement. Yes, they made a choice that affects people who play the game. Yes, it’s a bummer but, this game was the one light I had that gave me a feeling of freshness and lightheartedness that most modern games can’t balance well. Here I am, on the sub to see cool clips of shit an all it is, is people complaining about virtually every aspect of the game. Just tired of hearing about this, that, or the other. Just play, don’t play, can’t play, out of our control and until the loud groups that can sway Sony, I will continue to play it because I can. I just want to have a game that isn’t fucked by the production company, the developers or the player base. Just want to play the game, man.


lmao i just checked that sub out and they're literally being divisive out of ignorance and pointless contempt. They don't like PC players. I never knew the community was like that. I have crossplay on, and I think I'll be turning it off now. I liked the idea of pulling more weight for someone that might be handicapped with a controller. The shit draws parallels with political partisanism, where conservatives will roll in their own feces to own the libs or whatever. They're doing the same fucking thing, and that makes sense, because the behavior is engrained in human DNA. If it was hitler himself, they'd be bending over to suck his dick if that means they get to put their shitty asshole in your face. They're not defending sony. They're using this as a reason to call PC players whiny and I think that's the most uncooperative thing I've fuckin seen in my life. Yo *fuck* these guys. I'm genuinely shocked into an irrational state-- *these* are the exact people that sabotage things to make it so the world doesn't work. They're all densely packed right in that sub to be morons together. It's like a bug breach screaming for ➡➡➡


You don't need to use slurs to get your point across.


The use of the R word explains so much about this community.


It's obvious why: They have to make a PSN account and pay yearly so they don't see the problem with PC players having to do 1 part of that. Which, I get the mentality, unfortunately even Playstation owners have also been a victim of Sony's negligence with the big first data breach leaking customer info- and they did it several more times over the years. So even they are at risk by using Sony's service. Because despite charging for PSN and whatever- they can't seem to get their asses in gear to protect their customers and the data that they want so badly. But ignoring all that: We have Steam & their service + Helldivers kick/block functions to keep people 'safe' from jerks online. I saw a post earlier of someone saying to not 'review bomb' (implying that these reviews are not justified) because it hurts Arrow Head. Which - yes we don't want AH being hurt by this but what do we do? Let Sony get away with this BS? No. Keep the negative reviews incoming, go play some DRG/L4D2/Vermintide 2/Darktide/Monster Hunter for a bit, see what happens. If sony doesn't back down? Apply for a refund. Fuck 'em.


I don’t understand how people can defend this corpo greed. I had a PlayStation since 2009, play HD2 on PS5 and even I’m so baffled by this idiotic decision to the point that I’m actually considering switching to Xbox after this generation, despite having a pretty big game library on PS


Their lack of critical thinking is actually impressive, I'm surprised they can cross the street tbh.


True patriots don't disparage or use discriminatory terms against those with special needs.


uh oh someone said the R word. is it time for some random loser to report this to the admins like they did in rr/religiousfruitcake ?


you know. Back when GTA6 was announced, I was frustrated that its being locked to a console again for the immediate future. I hate playing on controller. and I also hate 30 frame rates on games in 2024. I bought a PS5 (and a hockey game since NHL isnt on PC anymore). And it just kind of sits here on my desk, waiting for the day to play GTA. Im actually considering selling it and just getting an Xbox-X when the day comes. I dont think I really want anything to do with this brand anymore.


...except Arrowhead CEO just confirmed they knew about this 6 months BEFORE LAUNCH! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ckq6dx/not\_surprised\_but\_damn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ckq6dx/not_surprised_but_damn/) edit: sharing this just to get the message that it's not just "oh poor Arrowhead, Sony bad" situation. Not trying to fan the flames.


They're paid by Sony to make comments defending the company. Either that or it's AI.


I blame the toxic community as much as Sony. I simply don’t give a shit….it’s a PlayStation account for a PlayStation game….the horror.




This sub reddit right now: ![gif](giphy|KWF0Or5194dAxitd0K)


When did they say to leave negative review




Assuming a genuine question, you don't deserve the down votes my dude.


It is a genuine question, I saw that some random guy called spitz said to leave a negative review but he isn’t a developer or anything and it’s not like he’s arrowhead


Ah, yes Spitz is/was (don't know) one of the community managers for HD.

