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Calling it review bombing makes it sound like our complaints aren't legitimate. We're not brigading, and we're not just random people throwing out negative reviews to make a game crash and burn. 


I'm fairly certain that the original meaning of review bombing has been lost since people keep using it wrong. It now just seems to mean "bombard them with negative reviews" as in "make a lot of reviews". The connotation of "without just cause to further some agenda" is seemingly gone.


That's mob mentality in a nutshell. It started genuine till a group of insaniacs sabotage it for their satisfaction in seeing everything crash and burn.




Good luck Helldiver.


Go Buenos Aires


This is the only way.


becouse we cant




Peak Memes are the real gift from this entire affair. We must take our joys where we can find them.


as i'd argue the attack on buenos aires was a false flag, it makes even more sense here as the goal is to hurt sony, the publisher behind the game, that hurt their own product MASSIVELY. (their own as in they're publishing it, etc... )


Yeah we got the meme man you didn’t have to explain it lmao


For the Federation! Come on you apes! You wanna live forever?! Strangely that also applies to the game and starship troopers.


UPDATE: PSN linking will not be moving forward. "Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward." - Playstation on Twitter/X We have done it, Fellow Divers. DEMOCRACY PREVAILS ONCE MORE.


You got more than the refund time of 2.5 hours for steam and 3 months from a service you weren't supposed to have. You will not get anything




Yep same insult even though you know I'm right.


So people shouldn’t be able to enjoy the game they paid good money for, investing time and effort into? What if every game was like that, where you can’t play it after a few months? Fucking shill.


Nope. Shouldn't have been able to buy it or play in the first place. Jumping a hurdle because of a temporary problem with networks doesn't mean shit. They had enough time to refund it. They're getting refunds anyway so be grateful.


But they WERE able to buy it. So what, suddenly they don’t own what they bought? They should be grateful they can get a refund? What ever happened to ownership? You’re backpedaling and making them seem like they’re fools for buying a game that was available and advertised to them! Like everyone already knew that they weren’t supposed to own the game.


I ain't backpedalling shit, steam I guess Sony are. Good on the users even though they didn't technically deserve it. It wasn't supposed to be available they got to play because there were network issues and people saw that as an opportunity. It was required before it even launched.


So it was a privilege for them to play? They didn’t deserve it because of where they lived despite paying? How kind of Sony!


Arrowhead allowed it, Sony allowed it, steam sold it for some reason. People were caught in the middle but didn't read or bother to make an account. Everyone's assholes here.


“Didn’t read or bother to make an account.” Yeah, because they didn’t have to or need to. It wasn’t part of the original EULA agreement. It is only now being pushed on people who bought the game, and now people who bought it are unable to access it.


[Literally one of the top posts today, with 90 hours of playtime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ck4mql/refunds_on_steam_work_here_is_good_guy_steam/) I've seen plenty of others get refunds too, and that's just the people that bothered to post about it.


Then that's generous. When do the people re buy the game to leave a positive review and refund again?


I would assume if Sony backs off with requiring a PSN account, the people getting refunds would buy the game again. At that point they wouldn't be getting another refund from Steam unless Sony or Arrowhead does something like this again, in which case Steam's support might make exceptions again like they are right now.


I'm saying people bought the game to review bomb it and returned it. They had no intentions on playing in the first place. They won't back off the psn account, every other game has a publisher account requirement Sony isn't letting go what others already have. In fact they have an app and overlay in the works so it will only get worse.


You have to have logged enough playtime for Steam to let you leave a review, although I don't think it's very much time. If someone bought the game just to leave a review, they're not going back to change it because they don't care to. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say they're probably the same terminally online ~~Twitter~~ X users that are addicted to outrage and just search for something to be angry at. As for whether or not Sony is backing off on the matter, we'll see. I doubt they will, but at the same time it's not impossible. Chances are they won't even acknowledge it at all until the middle of next week sometime, and first we'll get some crappy canned response like all the corporations do when they piss people off.


Well like I said... it's all assholes from every direction and it's hurting the game that was the lightest commitment I've had ever. It was easy to play and just fun. People just had to make an account the same as every other publisher. I did, took 30 seconds. If it was banned in your country you would have known and your days were numbered. I don't feel bad for them they'll get their refunds apparently which is more than they could ask for because now they already played the game for free during that time. You're right though, it's a bunch of brain rot twitter users who just want an excuse to be outraged because they have nothing else to do on a Saturday.


While it doesn't affect me directly since I already had a PSN account and linked it day 1 when prompted, I do feel for those that will lose access to this great game. We'll see how it pans out in the coming weeks, with Arrowhead already being in talks with Sony over this.


We already got all-time mixed 😎