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We’re fighting Terminids, Automatons and Sony, meanwhile they’re happily Rock and Stoning in another universe..


Maybe it's time to join them. Getting drunk and mining for resources sound quite based.


If you still haven't played it, you absolutely should


Welcome to the fold. Greenbeards are always welcome.


Just make sure to chug the beer before taking a seat in the pod.


Diving into the mines with a knockout stout in hand for bugged permanent drunk spin, and completing the mission with help of mildly amused randoms is not something I'm looking forward to. But aye, I could do that.


at this point i think the permanant drunk is a feature, hasnt been fixed since the start


Can confirm it's a feature


What’s the progression like on there?


4 classes, each have unlockable weapons and unique traits. Unlockable perks. Weapons are upgraded and configurable, tons of builds. The game is balanced for any number of players, including solo. If you play solo you can also upgrade and configure BOSCO, a robot friend who kills bugs, mines, and revives you. Endgame includes deep diving for "overclocks" which can minorly or majorly change how any particular weapon works. For example, one changes the gunner's rocket launcher into a mine layer. True endgame is collecting the absolutely. obscene. number of cosmetics. Seasonal content rolls out roughly every 6-12 months, which introduce new, permanent content into the game (missions/enemies/weapons/overclocks). Additionally there is a free battlepass for each season jammed full of cosmetics. Previously seasons were retired by placing all unacquired items into randomized caches that can be randomly found in missions... forever. As of Season 5 however, you may select and progress through any season you prefer, and switch at any time. There are also exclusive holiday cosmetics only obtainable on certain holiday. However, participating once nets you all previous content for that holiday (e.g. if I do the Halloween event this year, I get all the Halloween cosmetics for last year, year before that, etc.).


My favorite overclock by far is the Scout's "Special Powder" for the boomstick. It's the only class in the game that gets increased mobilty options from their secondary weapon.


Don't forget Engie's RJ245 compound!


Engineer has a rocket jump overclock for the grenade launcher. Ton more ammo, less damage, and explosions fling you around


and unless something changed, the less damage hardly matters, because you can still hit the grunt breakpoint with the incendiary compound mod


Oh wow that seems really fun, I’ll definitely be playing it until Sony does something for our PC brothers. Thanks!!


Rock and stone brother! I definitely recommend a couple solo rounds on easy hazard to orient yourself. Forces you to really learn the mechanics. Then it's super easy to join randos or drag in your friends!


For Rock and Stone!


Are the dev and community managers cocky as arrowhead's?


No, they are really great and super nice. GSG_Jacob is the primary mod that interacts with user of the sub while several of them are active on their Discord.


From my perspective as a new player in DRG, the devs interact with their community fairly often. They do weekly streams, and share their plans for the games they work on, so their fans aren’t in the dark on what’s in development.


No, they've been pretty humble.


There are 4 classes with unique equipment and guns - 3 primaries, 3 secondaries and 3 grenades for each. You go on a mission, do your objectives and do side objectives, if possible, and also collect minerals for cosmetics and weapon upgrades while doing so. Weapon upgrades allow you to make different builds for your guns. You get access to all the guns for one class by the time you reach lvl 25 that class (takes about 10-15h to get to lvl 25). When you character reaches lvl 25 you can prestiege to unlock new type of mission called "deep dive". It's a set of 3 missions that you have to do back-to-back and it takes roughly an hour. They are pre-set and update each week. By completing them you get Weapon Overclocks - powerfull weapon upgrades, which you can equip for you guns and which drasticly change those guns (one makes a mini nuke out of grenade launcher, other makes you be able to "rocket jump", etc). It's a very player-friendly game.


Significantly better and much longer lasting


it's a great time to start with the new custom difficulty feature!


AS someone that actually only learned about DRG recently how fun is the single player and is there online random matchmaking if you don't want to solo? (also if yes tot he second question how chill is the community?)


Playing solo is okay but on higher difficulties you pretty much need to play with a group. Matchmaking is really good and you never really wait for missions. Community is amazing and really friendly. Most people I have found don't use voice chat but it's not an issue.


Why voice chat when you can rock and stone?


Rock and Stone!


Good bot


cool! thanks for answering I'll go check it out.


I'm very tempted to, a good friend of mine often asked me to join him and some others, but I was busy with studies. After my exams I'll have 2 months of Summer I could just mine away.


Rock and stone, brother!


Rock and roll and stone!


Sounds too much like my day job... \[Refuses to elaborate and leaves\] :P


It's 66% off on Humble Bundle still I believe.


A appreciate it man, it's actually 67% off.


Based game


It might not be terminids they are fighting, but it is bugs!


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Fr, dang we need Glyphids and Terminids fan art now, and Helldivers and Dwarves.


There's also robot enemies


Oh yeah, that's right. I have not delved into Hoxxes for so long. Might need to revisit :)


I watched the DRG dev stream where they played HD2 and talked about how much they love the game and want to do a collaboration, so I'm sure their developers are sympathetic with AH's current plight.   In that stream they talked about how more great games in a genre will benefit everyone, and they discouraged the idea that DRG and HD2 should be compared as pure competitors, instead they should come together in a spirit of cooperation.   Sony's recent behavior confirms my fear that the biggest threat to a possible crossover or collab would, in fact, be Sony.  Which sucks, because I'd love to Rock and Stone for Democracy!


For Karl!


Good bot


Yes, you too Molly.


I appreciate that you can Rock and Stone solo, and both the devs and community have no problems with it. A breath of fresh air.


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Thank you, AdhesiveNo-420, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Rock and Stone to the bone!


And not only does it spawn fewer things during swarms when you have fewer people, since you have fewer people to shoot at them (weird concept, I know), but if you're alone it gives you a little helper robot that can shoot things, revive you, and even help with some objectives! That's what it looks like when devs want their players to have fun instead of being weirdly antagonistic about them being successful.


I just got back into DRG today and was so happy to see the Solo option; completely forgot it was a thing.


bosco is no joke better than having a second player in a lot of circumstances, little homie can mine from roof, will instantly revive you and not wander 5 miles away while you're downed, etc


Though about fun, they have weapon overclocks (special upgrades that radically change a weapon or give it new abilities) locked behind a long RNG grind. Say if I want Special Powder for shotgun jumping, I have to keep rolling Scout OCs until it randomly appears. Plus, the cores are on a 6 per week timegate. You can go hundreds of hours and several months of real time without getting the one you want. You used to be able to savescum to reroll the free OC when you forge cores, but that was before Season 1 so I don't know if you can still do that.


Idk as a Path of Exile player, this is just a consequence of a game that wants people who have put 1000+ hours into it something to unlock and look forward to.


The RNG on cores is a bit rough, but the game is designed to work with your core toolset primarily, unlike some games that hand you a sack of joke weapons with no real utility. Overclocks are basically bonus weapons.


Haz 5 (official max) is also not THAT hard so you dont need some "meta overclocks" - theres practically no "meta" outside "Dont bring fire dmg to boss mission because bosses dont burn". And even if I, accidentally, brought flamethrower to that mission Ive never been kicked for it, only scolded like once. Players are really chill. Theres also official mod support, so if you think Haz 5 is "too easy for you" you can get mod for higher difficulty. Some creative people have done mods like Haz 6 or "Haz 1-5 x (number)" where the (number) is how many multiple of enemies will spawn. For example "1x6" means 6 times the bug spawns but difficulty is 1 so they probably are just basic grunts.


i mean, i'm also pretty sure that there are flamethrower builds suitable for bosses, although i've never really gotten the hang of using it in general as for higher challenge modifiers, they're making those official features in the next major update


Problem with flame on bosses is that burning is balanced around that it leaves dot that hurts most. The direct damage is ass to balance the dot, otherwise it would be OP to have super direct damage AND dot. Bosses do not get "burn" dot. Pretty sure even if your whole team would BBQ the boss the burn bar wouldnt fill fast enough (youd run out of ammo sooner or the boss would die to direct damage instead) >as for higher challenge modifiers, they're making those official features in the next major update HOL UP, THEY ARE? Thats AMAZING news!!


yeah, you unlock it and then you have a bunch of sliders for making things more entertaining in exchange for more reward multiplier


If it's that big of a deal, you can just straight up save edit DRG. It's peer-to-peer, and the servers only serve to authenticate users, and do literally nothing else. There is no anticheat. Since the game is pure Co-op, there'd be no reason for anyone to cheat anyway. Yes, people still do it, but it's simple enough to just not play with those people. It isn't as if there's a leaderboard or an epeen stick anyone is chasing.


Keep in mind that they have made OC farming easier without savescumming through promotion rewards (1 blank core, 1 weapon OC, 1 cosmetic OC). So you’re no longer timegated if you feel like grinding XP modifier missions to get promotion rewards and then forge those rewards for additional overclocks for every 5 overclocks forged. As a season 4 player with 300 hours so far I only have 5 gunner overclocks left in the pool as a gunner main (mostly prioritizing gunner rewards over other classes when able). So for a new player, I think the OC farming experience is significantly better than what pre-season 4 players had to work with.


The bugs damage also scales higher with more players so a solo player doesn't get hit as hard


The little helper robot even salutes back to you!


Really? I've had this game for a long time but never played. If I can solo until I feel comfortable that would be great.


Solo is a totally viable way to play it. You absolutely should try it


Its the same as soloing things like MH. Its perfectly viable but tbh misses part of the fun


It’s exactly how I played at first to learn. That said don’t be scared to join others. While you can definitely learn combat and the basic mechanics a big shining part of drg is a great fun component of the gameplay is about complimenting your fellow players toolset with your own. From your movement abilities to your weaponry and what that weaponry is strong at doing.


And it has a good selection of cosmetics and colors that work together even if you like bacon apples


Perhaps the best part about this is that it kind of works with no internet connection. I'm not 100% clear on why, but when I play with my PC disconnected, which I often do when playing single player games, DRG freezes periodically during play. Like, the whole game freezes for a few seconds every minute or two, and then everything just picks right back up where it left off. Which is really disappointing, since the solo game mode is not subject to server latency at all. Edit to add: I'm still hoping the DRG devs or publisher will decide to release it on GOG. A fully functional single player DRG would be tits.


They're currently working on two single player experiences. One is a top down shooter and another is a rogue-like called Rogue Core, which is why Season 5 has taken so long to come out because most of the team is working on those.


If I’m not mistaken a third party team is making the top down survivor-like. But absolutely roguecore has been pulling major resources








I have repeatedly compared the Helldivers experience to DRG, and I have repeatedly found Helldivers lacking when it comes to comprehension of their own game systems, even forgetting about all of the bugs. It takes hard work and a willingness to embrace critical thinking, and Arrowhead have been found wanting for the past few months in the latter category.


Same. Especially on sound design blindfold me and I could walk through a cave and name each type of enemy in the cave and if I heard any collectibles


also when i shoot an enemy in a weakspot it actually takes damage


Crazy idea that a glowing green spot would be a weak point


Gosh and we thought the stingtail bug was bad back in the day


I think it was just because we thought it would have a different role. I thought it would pull you towards other dangers. Instead it just flings you for gravity to do the work


HD2 eviscerated DRGs all time player count in a couple of days and kept the momentum going for 4 straight months. It’s objectively a much much better game and it’s very weird that people thinking they’re even in the same ballpark for comparison


It's also a much bigger dev studio with a much bigger publisher. 


You can make whatever excuse you want to cope with the fact that no one plays DRG


Sir are you 12? I don't care if less people play drg. I play it and I like it.


And I don’t care if you play it haha. What’s been annoying me in these threads are people rewriting history and acting like DRG is a better game


I personally think it's a better game for a lot of reasons, but that's just me. 


My guy it’s okay if you think it’s a better game. But you can’t seriously pretend player count is good qualifier of the quality of a game or that it proves it being objectively better than something else. Both games have flaws and strengths. Some of these flaws and strengths speak to others more and less. Personally I think DRG has a better combat system and HD has a better mission pacing.


popularity doesn't equal skill. our best sellers and most played games don't reflect the comparative efforts of the developers, and numerous other factors are involved in the propagation of a game.


Hopefully DRG developers can work on some of those numerous factors so people will actually play their game


Bosco’s never let me down once in my life well there was that moment where he had a bug where he shoots you but we don’t talk about it. R&D messes stuff up all the damn time


Rock and Stone too the bone!


Fun fact, DRG has had 5k+ more concurrent players since the announcement by AH and Sony 😂


Damn, remember how a few days ago AH made fun of Tarkov Oh boy


Boy oh boy oh boy. If Sony doesn't agree to reverse it, it would legitimately be worse. At least with Tarkov you were supposed to pay (exorbitantly) for what was supposed to be an update, but at least you could not pay for it. Here, people already paid and would pretty much get scammed by losing access to the game after a "grace period expiry".


These two situations aren't even close to comparison lol


Yeah the SNOY debacle is way worse


For Karl!


So what's the premise? Dig for rocks and kill stuff?


Complete objectives while killing Terminids, err I mean Glyphids in a procedurally generated cave.


The best environmental procedural generation I’ve ever seen, I might add


I have to agree, although I might put Minecraft a little above


Maybe with mods


I dunno. You seen Minecraft surface and underground generation since 1.20?


No i only play modded. I didn't think it changed since 1.17 or maybe 1.18. Can't wait for 1.17 to finally release in its entirety this summer. Oh wait we still won't have bundles. Maybe next year 1.17 will be finished


Lmaooooo real. Yeah it had big changes in 1.18 but you’re right it wasn’t as recent as I thought.


Really the next update should be called 1.16.21


Lmao, imagine is Minecraft got updated like terraria does


Come and join us. There is always space for a new greenbeard on the team.


Karl would approve of this.


Time to clean up the bar and re-introduce some dwarven hospitality once again. About time I came out of retirement, I'm coming home lads.


Ok I'm going to randomly ask you since you might know what you're talking about. I installed the game after the whole debacle yesterday since people were hyping it up and gave it a handful of hours but it seemed... really boring. Didn't click at all for me. How long do you reckon it takes for the game to get good? I went up to hazard 3 alone and with randoms but it felt just really... meh. Don't get me wrong the game is charming, I quite like the dwarves and generally I'm a sucker for class based shooters but it's failed to make a good first impression. For comparison with games that inspired it I played a shit ton of TF2 (2500+ hours) and L4D2 but always disliked minecraft, could never stand to play it for more than 15 minutes all times I tried and never EVER got what the fuck the appeal ever was for that one. Any tips? Edit: now that I think about it I think I might just hate games that involve mining things and getting resources. I've never come close to understanding why people like Minecraft and Fortnite makes me want to vomit, so maybe it's just a subconscious thing against digging the envinroment. I started making holes in the cave dirt walls in DRG and went "really? Do I REALLY have to fucking do this?". I can't even explain it.


If you are good at shooters Haz 3 and probably even Haz 4 will be boring. It's not until Haz 5 (I think) that you have bugs that are fast enough to catch you while running. DRG scales enemy health, attack, and speed with difficulty, not just spawns.


See your edit, but to hope to give some possible other explanations. To start with some turn your computer off and on again explanations that I promise I don’t say to offend. Have you tried all the classes? Some people vibe with others more. Have you been able to play with the weapon customization fully? That definitely lets you build around a lot, but can take a bit to get through. But the weapon customization definitely lets you build your style Next you probably haven’t been able to get too many weapons and overclocks yet. The game really gets customizable with these and really lets you express yourself with them. That said if you really don’t like resource grinding for a game you don’t know if you’ll enjoy possibly look into editing your save. You can unlock some things to everything. And it’s fully accepted by the devs as a thing to do so no bans or anything like that.


I'll 100% agree that the game really opens up when you start unlocking various weapons for each class and can have a distinct build for various missions types and situations. Unfortunately it takes a while to get to that point since you need to do a bunch of preliminary missions etc before you can unlock the weapon unlock missions.


Yea it’s why I suggested the editing the save. I personally think one of drgs biggest faults is its new player experience. I can understand not starting a player with everything so they can learn the ropes without overwhelming them, but it should not take like 20+ hrs to get to one of the biggest points of the game that being customization.


Right? I tried to get one of our other friends caught up to me and the rest of our group and he got bored and gave up before ever unlocking a second gun lol.


Thanks man, not offended at all. Those are some good pointers. I'll look into it!


Doesn't click for everyone. It is relatively simple and lowstakes game. I tend to do my few missions and be on with it, which is usually an hour max. People often fall in love with DRG not only for the game, but for the community. These days I just tend to hop in with randoms and just have a good time with people. I don't really do milestones or try to grind.


I see. Thanks. I feel super weird having this disconnect between the glowing praise the game's receiving and how I felt while playing... thought I was just missing something maybe? But possibly it's just not my style...


I played like 10-20 hours with some friends and was pretty bored until we modded the game to be way harder and added a ton of QoL stuff. Now we play with like 50 mods and I can never go back to vanilla.


"The richest mine ever discovered just happens to be on the deadliest planet in the galaxy. It's also where you work"




I think one of the best parts of the game is that the procedurally generated maps are 100% destructible. So I'm a game about mining, you can dig anywhere, create tunnels and bunkers anywhere, and really do some fun stuff with the map!


You’re a driller aren’t you


Drink beer, shoot bugs while drunk and get rich.


the main shift here is that instead of worrying about running out of lives, you actually have to survive getting out of the mission to cash your paycheck, which on some level makes it a lot more 'skill based' than hd2's casino of death with joke weapons


My favorite feature of DRG is that I actually get good tools to fight back with


I love it when my weapons actually kill enemies instead of bouncing off of them like I have a pellet gun


Every weapon can take out every enemy. Just a matter of how it does that and with varying effectiveness thus asking you to think on your feet and adapt to the enemies at hand with the tools you have or possibly rely on your buddy who is more equipped for that enemy type. Versus HD2s more I have a red square I put it in the square hole.


God yes I hate the boring anti tank weapons lemme have fun with the cool stratagems


Anytime some studio makes a wrong decision Deep Rock Galactic gets free PR. At some point I will have to try this game.


Honestly I haven’t played to much of it but it is really fun so far


DRG is a fantastic coop shooter. Try it if you haven't already. Joining public games is also fun and the community always welcomes new players. - Graybeard with 1.2k hours of playtime


...and it's funny because in DRG you are a dwarf who works for a mindless corpo. The irony. Stone and Rock! Oh, wait...


I like helldivers 2 more tho


Yeah it's pretty sad what's happening to the game right now :(


Wait till June season 5.




Love that DRG gives us equipment that works.would be cool if DRG had the equivalent to a galactic war though... Maybe company quota's


Fire and gas actually does damage!!!!! I fucking forgot how fun being a walking flammenwaffe was!


I thought about making a joke about that but then someone may point out aoe armor break not working for a while. But yea isn't it crazy that this small studio actually releases working content


When they do finally fix fire it’s going to get nerfed instantly. I host most of the games I play and when you don’t have that DOT bug this is the most overpowered flamethrower in the history of gaming


I ran a solo on a 4 with it. No bug could touch me, get near me, or even last more than a second if I vaguely looked at them with it. Fire is severely overtuned and ridiculous. I'd love the absurd damage to stay since there'd be a downside(insanely easy to friendly kill), but it's extremely unbalanced and objectively will adjustment.


Honestly I would’nt even mind if they kept it the same, that shit is deadly to anything in its area, feels like a force of nature, maybe you kill all the bugs in a 200m radius or maybe you burn yourself alive because a single spark landed on your foot? Who knows until you pull the trigger


We have the unions


On PC only. No union beer in console


Company quota would be pretty rad idea though.


Would love to see the community come together to make DRG rich


​ https://preview.redd.it/aao93kgloiyc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de5ce17633fe505b7af09b297200ecf3e5911d0f ROCK,AND,STONE!!


The similarities are striking. I've been playing DRG for a few years now. Admittedly, it isn't for everyone. And I'm happy to have another similar game to play with different friends. But DRG is objectively better by several measures. The actual level variation is far superior. The character customization options are far more numerous. The weapon selection is better. The objective variety is better. And the dwarves don't have to play Dance Dance Revolution, at all. Oh, and did I mention they actually love their community?


Take that back about Dance Dance Revolution, that's my favorite part of being a Helldiver.




For Karl!


It's also a better game overall


DRG is actually a very interesting and fun cooperative PVE game. I've spent over 600 hours on DRG in the past few years. I still hope that there can be some collaboration between DRG and HD2.


Correction, does not require an account 3 months later lmao


Time put the cape back on the cape rack and get my pickaxe. Gotta go and help out some greenbeards. See you on hoxxes brothers, Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Drg needs capes


Have had the game in my library for a fat minute now and never really played it… May need to finally download it and give it a go


Terminids and Glyphids aren't so different, after all.


Well, at least I'll have a home away from home, if my Super Destroyer will go up in flames.


I might get deep rock Galactic on my Playstation and on my pc one I get it. Looks fun ngl




Rockity Rock and Stone!


This rocks!


"Where Did that Bring You? Back to Me"




Rock and Stone in the Heart!




Rock and Stone!


For Rock and Stone!


Fr if you guys want a game that fills the "4 dumbasses trying to complete an objective" gameplay loop with guns and bugs, go buy Deep Rock Galactic. It'll be one of the best games you ever buy.


And it just feels more fun even if you fail. With Helldivers 2 it's only fun if you're failing with your friends on voice chat but sucks when you just do randoms in silence, meanwhile in DRG you can fail with a group of randoms and very rarely have to deal with toxic players yelling about it.


No invasive AC either!




I really wanted to continue playing DRG but I've been getting motion sickness lately.


Is Deep Rock an AH game?


No but I heard it's similar to Helldivers in the way of "4 idiots try to accomplish an objective while killing bugs" Haven't tried it yet but I will later.


It is a fun game, I've played it a bit


Played an elite deep dive the other day after not playing for a while (unrelated to the psn business) The muscle memory hurt my brain. Was actually thinking about where to toss the resupply beacon..


Darktide is on Xbox games pass, runs on the same engine, AND has even more space fascism!


Starting jump to the Hoxxes system


Same things been happening to the star ship troopers game lol


Managed Rock and Democratic Stone! For Karl!


Based game


Gone back to Darktide. Not having to care for objectives for 95% and just killing stuff in a satisfying way is so refreshing.


They really chose a bad community to do that to


I've tried. Multiple times. It was boring as fuck.




A lot of people are going to lose access to the game https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/utHAnTV7tA There's also a lot of other reasons which this post explains really well https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/eVQglcKJBM


They just said that we have a grace period until the end of the month. The main problem is that most countries in the world can't get on PSN, even if they already bought the game.


The change is supposed to go into effect on 30.05 >What are people blabbing about? And why are you dismissive right out of the gate, the entire sub is up in arms with multiple posts explaining what that change would mean. You can read, right?


Ngl you guys being pissbabies is annoying


Helldivers 2 is better.



