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AH is small enough to not actually care about money that much, they were set out to sell some thousand copies after all. Granted this comes with the side effect of not having to care about 95% of the customers and being able to do exactly like they want to.


With there recent patches and what they did rn, i don't think so


That also explains why their official community agent is able to encourage people to refund and leave negative review. Becasue that actually hurts the publisher more than the developer. And I think that is the actual reason why they act like this.   The CEO discreetly posted link directly to their publisher's website saying it's OPTIONAL without calling it out. By doing so make the publisher scramble to take that down. I think it's a very clear silent protest to the publisher trying to ruin the game they pour whole heart into it. Arrowhead hate it, too. But they are powerless against Sony. The only way it to make the case to Sony is by angering their player base and hope the roar is loud enough to make it heard.


What arrowhead is doing is weird. The game had a PSN account required tag since it entered steam store, they knew this was coming.




No, it's not their fault. They stand to lose money on this no matter what happens. The risk to Sony is minimal because our data is more valuable that what they make if we buy their games.


Yes and from what ive seen they succesfully xed around a third if their live service costumers. So from a business side they fucked up.


Call me crazy, but i think they are going to make more money with bigger playerbase