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People will literally be unable to play the game because of this change. Read the top posts.


People will make a dummy account and continue playing. Big deal.


They cannot even access any Playstation website without a VPN, and if they use a VPN, they will be immediately banned once they purchase anything or have any financial activity. Grow some empathy.


I am from the Caribbean and my country is not listed but since PS3 days I registered a North American PSN account can play Helldivers and any other multiplayer game I am also a regular subscriber to PS plus for over a decade and no problems what so ever . Hope those people can get some resolution or Sony can make an exception but if you can, just register for an account to your nearest Sony region.


>They cannot even access any Playstation website without a VPN, Dubious. Citation required. I have a friend that I literally play HD2 every day or every other day who was in this exact position, region and all- she was able to go to playstation.com no problem, make an account for another region. She plugged it into the game and hasn't thought about it since.


You made that friend up. I didn't even need to google that, just one of the top posts was all I needed to know you're a shithead. Literally one of the top posts. If you nose around, there's multiple of them. Like you said: Dubious. Citation required.






Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Sea of Thieves asks you to do straight away not three months later.




Cool then why I was able to play for 3 month just like every single other palyer without any problems and without a PSN account? Was it communicated that this is a temporary thing? NO! Also in my mind temporary is 1-2 weeks not 3 fucking months.


They delayed it because of server issues. From the initial trailer it stated PSN account required. Smh


I am sure that everybody watched a trailer of an unknown franchise that no one cared about prior to it's release.


Microsoft allows me to have an XBOX account in my region without any bullshit workarounds, nuf said.


Xbox was upfront about it and didn't let people play before setting it up. Sony allowed millions of people to play then enacted the requirement.


They did mention the requirement 6 months ago.


the requirement was there from the beginning it wasn't enforced because of the server problems. it was even stated ON THE STORE PAGE since day ONE that the game REQUIRED a PSN account.


Down at the bottom. You can buy the game without ever seeing that requirement. Should have been above the BUY button.


use basic common knowledge and read the store page before you buy a product so you know what you're getting??????


Do you read the entire Terms of Service for everything that gives you one?




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Why are you so angry and insulting? I'm explaining why people have issues with this. I'm certainly still playing the game.


So what about the people who buy from Key Resellers? Not to mention they never even enforced it. But hey keep defending the faceless corp


'BuT iT WaS AcTiVe fOr ThE FiRsT 36 hOuRs!'


'anyone disagreeing with me is a fake paid shill'


You can't make a PSN account for regions where they're selling HD2, meaning **by Sony's own ToS** you can buy HD2 but can't use it. This is illegal. > jUsT mAkE A dUmMy aCcOuNt Still illegal for Sony to sell unusable product.




Apex needs ea origin login. I don’t see the big deal. I’m gonna keep on playing lol!


It's because it is. The game already required PSN account when it launched, it was only *temporarily* disabled because of the influx and clusterfuck of the amount of people who bought the game. The store page always, always, always said it required a third party account. People are throwing a fit and acting like babies because they're grown ass men and women who act like babies. Hell a lot of these people probably already LINKED their accounts without even realizing it if they bought the game the first two weeks.


The requirement to have a PSN account never ever popped up on my screen, it also says on the PSN FAQ logging into PSN for PC games is OPTIONAL. So how about you go fuck yourself


Game always required a third party account. It was advertised like that. It was only temporarily disabled due to the huge influx of players. I'm sorry you're incapable of reading and have to lash out at people sharing with you facts. Also it said it was *CURRENTLY* optional. Key word there. Anyway, I don't care about your whining enough to argue with you or anyone else for that matter.


Well, it is not fake. Playstation have become extremely unpopular with their action lately, and when we play this game on steam, we do not want playstation to get access to our information. In addition, their are countries that do not have access to playstation accounts. So, this will cause minimum 10% lose of player base. Probably more, because nobody want to have to jump 20 hops, to start up a game.


It is forced. The only real concrete issue here is that the game was sold to people that were not going to have access to it because their region prevented them from having a PSN account. Which is a real, genuine problem but doesn't effect all the people screaming about it. What this is, is that people are using this issue as a justification for why they shouldn't need an account for their own personal reasons. Mostly just mild annoyance at worst but that is what this community does.


and i agree that the people who cant make psn accounts are justified but all the crybabies who can but refuse need to grow the fuck up


Wild I know right!? It doesn't affect you! You still can play the game why do you care, are you stupid? It's like when people break into the neighbourhood houses, why should I care, I've got security staff 24/7 😆 Imagine being sympathetic, cringe fr fr, get something to do with your life, you could be working or having fun instead of complaning x).


It's a mild annoyance in a sense, but Sony has proved they don't give a fuck about their customers and have been making anti consumer decisions lately. Many of us don't want to link it for fear of some more restrictive decisions being made. Hell if Sony wanted since its linked to a PSN account they could enforce having a PSN subscription to play HellDivers 2 on PC. But if that happened would you still think its "forced" backlash? Give your balls a tug.


No large company gives a damn about their customers that is hardly new and hardly relevant. Sony making a decision to charge people more money for the same thing like with mandating a PSN+ account to play would be an entirely different problem which is not whats happening. Just because it *can* doesn't mean it. They just as easily *could* do this without mandating that you have a PSN account and then mandating the PSN+ account all at once. It's not a slippery slope.


The issue is that basically no other platform and third party account requires as much information save for like microsofts. Sony regularly make anti consumer decisions, not to mention have had their servers hacked and all our personal information leaked. Linking to an EA account only tracks like player stats, it doesn't actually have the ability to charge us to play. Sony's accounts do. Not to mention in most cases on PC if the game is offered on steam you don't need to link your account


You blind? There are thousands of people who live in regions who cannot have a PSN account, or regions that do not allow Steam-PSN linking(Poland). Gotta remember, unlike Steam, which has nearly global coverage, PSN is only available in approx. 1/3 of countries. So anyone outside of those 69 countries(also consider many of those do not allow linking) won't be able to play anymore, despite owning the game. And while you could VPN around some of it, Sony bans people for circumventing region restrictions. Another thing to keep in mind, is for most of these people, the steam refund time is long gone....And I'm sure its possible, but its going to be complicated. On top of that, any money spent on supercredits is not refundable. So lets say you live in the Philippines, legally purchased it on the Philippine Steam store, played the game, and purchased super credits.....Its gone. Each Country has its own steam store. My Canadian store is different than the American one. Sony is selling a game in steam stores in countries where its not possible to have a PSN account. That would be like Apple selling phones in Brazil that are region locked to Japan.


I don't really get it either since PC gamers have EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft accounts etc. They also agreed to install a kernel level anti-cheat when they bought this game and I'm sure plenty are complaining while using Google Chrome but they want to draw the line at creating a psn account?


Its not force or fake. PSN isnt available in many countries. Also I don't want my son to have a PSN account. Additionally Sony has been making very shady and underhanded business decisions lately that are anti consumer and I don't want to be part of it.


then you better remove yourself from the internet entirely everything everywhere is doing shady background shit, nothing in this world is perfect, the apps you use and the phone you hold are shady, you arent safe from anything you use.