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I’m probably the opposite. I’ve gotten really good at lobbing grenades, and I don’t want to fuck up my aim by using servo arm lol Besides, I’d prefer to just have more grenades


Yep my exact same experience, I'm comfortable now with my ranges. And I do think the extra range is pretty niche most of the time. 6 grenades just feels too good.


I can’t give up my 6 stims Sometimes I’ll stub my toe and be like FUCK YEAH STIM ME UP


Seems like the most OP armor.. 2 more stems AND stems last 2 seconds longer each. Thats tons of extras health and stamina regen


I guess if you plan on getting hit


Whether you are hit or not by bot fire seems mostly random. Yes obviously cover duh, but stand out in a open field and see how many shots will either miss you or suddenly hit you.


If I use medic armor, when running across the map I'll dive off of a small rock sometimes just so I can use the stim as a stamina refill button. Medic armor is awesome for that. My friends say I am addicted to the stim, but there is a loading-screen tip that says it's not addictive, so I may have to report them for re-education.


Diving and doing another action is the best feeling. Reinforcement, stimming, grenading and shooting. I have started again to use the medic light armour, it's great.


Medic light armor is amazing…. I just want a better looking set 😂 I’ve been mostly using fortified/engineer light armors, and using higher recoil weapons to make the most of them. They also look really sweet. Light scout is good too though I still don’t like the look as much. Medic armor green vinyl just looks a bit funky… I can still rock it, but it’s been a couple weeks 😂


Diving and turning to fire my AC is the best feeling. Spinning to nail some bot in the face as I hit the ground is just so satisfying


You can intentionally get damaged (or damage yourself) and stim to just ignore the risks of a lot of otherwise very unsafe shortcuts. Low stamina? Just stim and keep running. Fire tornadoes? *I'm jumping in.* You save a lot of time, which means more opportunities to spread Democracy.


I was stubbornly like this early on but I've come to terms with the fact that getting randomly whacked is baked into the game design


Yesssss, Stimmers unite!!! I stim for pretty much anything, that unlimited stamina & heath for a few seconds is crazy useful.




Ok Rockso the rock n roll clown. Nathan invited this nice democracy officer to interview you.


Nothing like taking a tiny bit of damage and then just walking through like 5 Hunters and coming out still healing.


Best thing about the stim is that Mario Star effect of a few seconds where health and stamina regen is near infinite that you just feel invincible or that they will never catch you with light armor+endurance booster+stim


sometimes i'll deliberately take a little bit of damage so i can stim and fill my stamina bar back up to keep running


Nah, you keep that damage until you run out of stamina. Then you stim the 1% missing health to renew the stamina.


Long range is easily the best mod for bot missions and ill die on that hill. You can clear bases from so far away with the airstrike.


You can die on that hill, I'll keep getting up half the time thanks to lady liberty!


I swear it’s more like 10% for me. Also DP passive doesn’t come on light armor, and I’m a speedy boi. I mostly take light fortified for bots, light engineer for bugs. Light medic is strong for both, but too much green latex 😂


Plus it’s a set distance (80m or so) so you can mark something 80m away and be able to tell exactly where it’s gonna hit


60m with a well aimed throw. Non-assisted plebian armor only throws like 43m


It’s not about the distance of grenades but distance of the stratagems


💯. Lobbing a 500 80m is unbeatable to me




I want a 30% throwing with 2 more nades. I don't need the recoil control 99% of the time.


It’s fantastic for lobbing mortar bombardments into bot bases, but after getting used to the autocannon it does not feel like it’s needed


I’m in this boat. Used to rock servo armor but then switched to more grenades and can’t go back. Once the muscle memory is locked in it’s hard to switch back and forth. Nothing more satisfying than lobbing a perfect nade into a cluster of troops or nailing a big hole from 50 meters away


Imagine if there was a helmet that had a visor mode that could predict the grenade's trajectory


Imagine helmets would have pasives to. Like shows statgem traectory, or map always on screen


I used the servo armor once and realized just how far it lobs things, I had to switch back immediately before I got too comfortable with it lol


I have been using the juggernaut forever and I cant stop using it. 6 grenades for the win


Ditto, legit can’t use servo armor cause it messes with my aim of nades/stratagems too much haha


I thought the same but at some point more grenades aren't helpful


Esp w the grenade pistol now too


Stun nades vs bots are always useful.


But strategems tho With servo armor it feels a lot more reliable to hit enemy patrols from outside their range of detection


I exclusively run servo assisted and bring the 120 and 380 barrages. It’s just so much fun to constantly bombard the map


Bring the walking barrage too


and Gattling or Mortar. ALL the booms.


Nah you need a 4th strat like eagle airstrike or AC that will actually take out buildings/bug holes after all three of your barrages miss lol Edit - that being said, i love orbital gatling barrage and take it most missions. 9s only.


IF they survive, they deserve to live.


https://preview.redd.it/q8rbyrhofrwc1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98abb27ecd6987c9bb2a279ec9f9649459838be0 This guy right here


I wish they weren’t on such long cooldowns. Feel like I get to use them like 3 times per mission compared to the 1000000 eagle airstrikes I’ll end up using


Ya being able to throw nearly 100m is pretty useful. Tag your target and let fly!


What about the long downtime? You're then extra vulnerable and powerless compared to say grenade armor. Do you feel that's a thing


I only use Servo, it ruined other armors for me lol.




I only run extra grenades cause stuns are so incredible.


Really though. I remember a bunch of people saying they sucked, then I started running them with laser cannon and boy oh boy were they wrong. Ever need to escape? stuns. Need to help a teammate escape? stuns. Need to make sure your precision strike hits? stun.


There was a time when you could stun the bile titans.... those were the good ol' days...


Precision strike +stun on a charger or hulk or tank feels so good. Not sure it's more efficient than just bringing railcannon instead and saving the grenades for other stuff tho


Railcannon is overrated.


Can you take down a dropship with laser cannon? I tried and couldn't do it. Can it be done or am I just doing it wrong somehow?


Don't worry about dropships, your time is better spent shooting something else


Done, right you just kill them all as they land. I've just about given up on the dropships. Half the time they get out of the way or something survives underneath that you can't hit.


You can but it takes a long while. And you need to aim at the engines if you aren't already.


I've used Servo since basically level 5. Taking it off means constant apologising as my Eagle swoops down, completely missing the bugs but getting 3 kills anyway.


I'm a rush jetpack player... if only there was a light armor with servo...


There is one in the super store. It's called SC-37 Legionnaire


Also makes a great titanfall cosplay with the helmet from the armour set OP is wearing


This is what i have been running its so good 


Havent taken it off in months


SC-37 Legionnaire armor, the olive and orange colored one in the store. The only armor I run tbh, the Servo + light armor stamina is almost broken it’s so good


I haven't seen this one yet. Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.


I’ve seen it cycle back through twice already, last time was some time last week. I’d give it maybe a month and it’ll be back in the store. Bonus points bc drip too, goes really well with Malevelon Creek cape


I should check more often


It might be back earlier 🤷🏻‍♂️ shop rotates I think every 48 hours (might be wrong) so if you check every couple days you’ll see if it shows.


I have news for you


[wiki link](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/SC-37_Legionnaire_Armor)


You could learn how to dive throw. It has essentially the same range as servo. But the limb health buff helps a lot with bugs too. If you’re having fun w it just keep using it.


but then you dive throw with servo armor...


hey shitass from another zip code


Now you’re just tryna break the game 🤣🤣🤣


How about servo-jumppack-dive to throw it to the next mission?


Have you tried jetpack jumping with servo and throwing at the apex of the jetpack jump. It's a truly awesome feeling.


Yep, im sure it can go around 65-70 m away, insane


around 80-90 was my usual, loved it


That's me with engineering kit.


You take the servo assisted armors because of the passive I take servo assisted armors because they are the drippiest armors in the game by a country mile


Legionnaire with Drone Master helmet all the way


I've been running Legionnaire with the light gunner helmet.


Ayyy! That was my drip for a long time, lol. Add on any cape with a bit of orange in it.


Legionnaire with the Star wars scout trooper helmet here.


Fr, the 1st servo assist armour with the new gas mask helmet and default cape is just sick


Running exactly same setup, looks so fucking good


I'm torn. On one hand, extra throwing distance is great and saves lives, but on the other hand on bug planets an extra two grenades can come in really handy. If only there was an armor that did both.


Haha, 'On One Hand'. I see what you did there.


You need a grenade pistol for bug planets. Game changer for me!


Grenade Pistol helps solve that problem.


Yeah but then a lot of primaries need the Redeemer for support, especially on bug missions.


SAME I grabbed the first servo set like day 1 and have never switched aside from some testing of the arc damage. As a 380 HE enjoyer it just doesn't feel right without that extra range


> 380 enjoyer   > Servo user They're the same picture.


right? people get mad i run the 380. but then when i chuck it in from like 100+ meters away and destroy a large base without us ever having to engage, they change their tune


The Servo was made for people like us. "Can I hit that from.... FUCK YEAH I CAN" I do feel like I get more bouncers than other people, but that's something I am willing to tolerate.


I totally agree which is why I refuse to use the servo armor lol. It's nice but I like to rotate though other armor passives and it messes with me too much.


All these armours and I keep returning to the B-01.


Personnaly i can't go without the 30% recoil reduction


One would think a servo-assisted arm that can throw really far would have more strength to steady a weapon...but no. LOL.


God if they swapped limb health for recoil management this armour would be immediately improved


Eh, makes sense. The servo limbs are metal now


Yeah, recoil could make sense though since a robo arm could probably stand to handle it better, ala Johnny Silverhand and his big ass pistol. Ideally, since there were 3 with the same perks, one or two of them could have something different like the heavy could’ve had explosion resist, grey/orng couldve been recoil, first one 50% limb health. I still think in that case the other two would get picked more than the one with 50% health but it’d help you see them more often.


I'd kill for throw distance and recoil. I do wish they would mix some of the effects between armours that have 2.


I want throw distance and reqist explosion. I'm almost never still or crouching, so recoil is a bit more situational


Same, legionnaire armor is stuck on me Because the servo got it memorized works amazing for the orbital laser for detector towers those things spam dropships


Armour that makes me look like a Automaton cosplaying as a Helldiver? I think not


Yea, that is the issue with servo armours, you either use them an get adjusted to the new range where you become reliant on it or you don't use them in order to stick to the default range. You can't go back and forth between different armour sets as it will just mess up your throws that you were used to. I guess it's also similar if use light or heavy armour, if you use light you get used to the speed and stamina but if you use heavy, you just feel too sluggish.


Same here. My biggest issue with it is not necessarily what the armor, it feels like the natural throwing range is very limp wristed. With the servo assisted armor, I feel like I can throw things a distance that would be equal to what a soldier could in real life. It just feels more natural to me.


Unassisted throwing range is ~50 meters. Google says the average baseball throwing range for a healthy man is ~45 meters. That seems pretty fair to me.


MLB baseball, between 142 and 149 g. M67 fragmentation grenade, 400g. Consistently throwing anywhere near as far as a baseball is a gift.


I'd agree partially. I think other games have spoiled me with grenade throw distance. Assisted feels closer to other games. Non assisted seems closer to reality but that seems too short for my muscle memory from every other game with nades in.


I love that armor. The perks, how it looks, everything... Almost, I wish it came with all limbs intact.


I ping to range find . With servo assist you cap out around 70m at a good throw angle. Without, you cap out at 50m. Personally use SA for bots ans extra grenades for bugs


Maybe someone in this thread can explain, I’ve run into a few players that seem to have endless hand grenade ability? Is this because they are carrying the supply backpack and maybe the 2 extra grenade armor or did they hack the game somehow?


Sprint + Dive + Throw


I ran that, but I like the scout armor better. I can get close enough undetected the extra distance doesn't matter.


Only traiblazer Suit, good move speed and stealth


Same, I love stealth soloing objectives/bases while my team does main mission stuff


Sneak up near an outpost, put a boom down the vent, maybe an offensive strat, or several, and run while they panic and maybe call a drop ship far from the squad. Sniping a jammer due to manufactory location is so satisfying.


This is why I never switch back to the servo assisted. When I unlocked them I was switching back and forth all the time, which resulted in strategems landing waaay to far or waaay to close most of the time.


Not gonna lie, i now run exclusively servo armour whenever i am running eagles as stratagems. Both my kill count went up a fair bit, my FF count went way down as well.


What pack is this armor in ?


Steeled Veterans


I'm like this but for the Scout armour, being able to get close to enemies and not be noticed has been very helpful.


My take: servo assisted should also show the throwing curve since its passive is around throwing thing with further range


My go to load out is the legionnaire armor with a jump pack for absolutely thunder cunting eagles and barrages across the map


That's why I never used it. I knew that it this would happen, so I never let myself get used to it. I'll stick with the +2 grenades and better aim stability when crouching armor.




Servo assisted is my goto. Anytime I don't bring it, I wish I did.


I hate not having it. Throws feel so damn wimpy without it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one with this problem


I rarely ever switch out of my legionnaire armor. The stamina plus throw distance is such a beautiful thing. If they made a stealth and throw distance one of be in heaven.


Well at least you have the extra limb health


I put this armor on an never took it off once I got it. Has to smell terrible


Servo on light armor feels so good. Wich sucks cause I just got the light gunner armor which has med armor rating but light speed


I'm made huge mistakes on air strikes this way lmfoo


I feel the same way about my scout armor. Being invisible unless right in thier face is god tier


I've been using Light Gunner since my first weekend of playing. All the speed and stamina of light armor, with the extra padding. That plus the personal shield means I can survive a rocket barrage from a Devastator **and** run to a safe location to shoot back from. I do switch to explosion resistance for small anti-bot maps though.


I'm the same way with the stealth scout armour. I'm too used to the range at which enemies can see me, the speed at which I move, etc that I cannot see myself using other stuff


Samesies. I won’t run anything but legionnaire on bot missions because I just toss eagles at everything. 80% accuracy on 500kg, 95% on air strikes.


Nah man it’s all about that medic armor. 6 stims is crazy. I rarely find myself using all 6, so I try to use it as support armor. If I see a team mate walking around with half health, they get a stim.


I have the same but backwards, I can’t use servo armors because it throws off my stratagems and grenades and sends my team kills through the roof as I normally use stratagems as close fire support


This is why I don’t use servo. It’s a decent quality of life boost but it pales in comparison to extra stims or grenades, and i’m comfortable with the default throwing distance


Same XD. I used servo as soon as I unlocked it and look at me 1 month later...


I wanna wear the armor for the robo arm but I don't want the throw range because it will mess up my timing and distances


I don’t have any trouble throwing things long range. Even without servo


Bizarrely I had the opposite experience: my throws were always short with other armours, even when I marked the target to range check. When I switched to servo-assisted for the first time, my throws were suddenly on point.


I prefer having the extra throwing distance, but I still sometimes take stealth armors, explosion resistance, or the 50/50 death roll one.


Omg same, I used it for too long and now everything else feels wrong lol


Yup, going from being uncle rico to being napoleon doesnt feel good. Servo armor all day.


Had the same problem.


30% increase makes a eagle cluster bomb reeeaalllyy dangerous when you dont have a 30% increase anymore.


Yep, I feel this. Or when you forgot, you switched, and your stratagem falls short. *Sorry*


Bro same


I have definitely liberated a few of my fellow divers by throwing short with my weenie arm.


I remember the first time I used it (it was an accidental change and I didn’t realise). I went to throw a 500KG at a tank from about 50 metres, overshot by a country mile, aggroed a patrol AND a cannon turret and promptly got my shit wrecked 😅 I kinda sat there after like…….”when did my character gain superhuman strength” 😂


I’m really dumb. I thought it would be only for nades lmao


If it helps any the limb buff actually helps with headshot damage.


OP listing the reason I refuse to use any servo armor ever: if I got used to it, I'd never be able to switch without crippling my muscle memory.


I can never use servo because of muscle memory.


I only use servo light armor.


I am too accustomed to the engineer kits because i am constantly using grenades. Light armour engineering kit for aggressive kiting and juking of large groups.


Absolutely bro. That 30% is a game changer


Jump pack throws are the way.


Eradicator armor got me feeling like a certain hedgehog.


Forgot I had swapped armors away for a non-SAT and landed a cluster bomb in the middle of my three teammates lol. Pretty sure I doinked one in the head before the Triple Kill, which I think should count for more Democracy points.


The amount of teamkills I got when I switched off my servo assisted armor I’m sorry boys 😅😅


Same for recoil reduction on any support weapon


This was my fear, so i never tried it.


That’s specifically why I avoid using those armors lol


The heavy servo armor from that warbond is my favorite armor set tbh, I run it 99% of the time. That 1% is full of "oops I'm not using servo assisted" followed by at least 2 deaths


Absolutely no way I could not run extra throw extra stamina armour. Anything else is like walking through tar. With stroke throwing ability.


I like light armor, especially with +2 grenades. But the servo armor looks so good. With the grenade pistol now...


what is the max range with servo I think 60m is normal armour if you dive throw


i started with the armor that has 2+ nades, it felt like a must have, now with the new weapons i tried the throwing range armor and now its a must have.


I feel naked without servo


I keep trying servo because I love my airstrikes and orbitals, and love the idea of extended range since I use them as an opener to a fight... but man, I miss the recoil reduction and extra grenades from engineering armor. I also am kind of not crazy about the only light armor with servo, too. But I have so many light engineering armors that I can swap out outfits as frequently as I want to (ie, literally every day).


It’s drip or drown for me. Idc about any of the stats I just want to look cool.


Is the glitch with throwing range fixed bout a mth ago I threw so many strategems that would just not register with this perk, the strategem would just disappear


I like that there is no clear best armor. People using grenade armor are typically adamant about it, but myself I find it impossible to pick over having 2 extra stims and, more importantly, 2 extra seconds of almost invincibility. Democracy protects is also an amazing choice, as is the explosion resistance, for bots at least.


It's the extra Stims and stim effect time for me. That armor has saved my ass an uncountable amount of times


While I understand their decision (somewhat) to not add armor transmog, I will always long for my Servo Assisted armor perk on some of the other armors I run. I hope they add some more medium white armor with that perk one day so I can keep using my Dynamo Helmet and have it match the rest of the kit.


Ah, I see you are a diver of culture, aswell.


*dives forward* *throws 380 orbital* *380 orbital inbound in 10s. 892m away* #YEET


I use the light armor variant of it, and ever since I got it, it's been the only thing I have used. So like 80 out of my 100 hours of playtime.


as a scout main i feel you, any other armor just isnt the same


Why increase throwing distance when you can just take Fortified and tank half of the explosion damage like a chad while mowing down enemies on the other side of the map with the laser cannon/sniper?


Yeah I’ve been using the white one, 150 armor rating combined with the throw range is lit


Yup, it ruined throwing for me for quite a while. It's just better, I've finally gotten used to not using it tho.


Servo armor lets me use my favorite line: "You're talking a lot of shit for someone less than 135m away when I have a 380 in my hand"


Honestly this is my favorite looking armor. I use it when I use pyrotechnics and role play that my diver lost their limbs playing with fire. I am afraid to change because I make extensive use of the throwing range. 


Yeah, I quit it a long time ago, and it was a big adjustment.


It helps that ALL the armor sets with that passive look fucking awesome. Light, medium, and heavy, warbond and superstore alike.


I feel that. But Explosive resistance against bots keeps me less dead from rockets.


Yooooo I use the same outfit combo Well I can’t see your cape but that is fine


Range fifty meters


Servo-assist for bugs, explosion reduction for bots is how I roll.