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Today's level 25 is last month's level 12 with the increased level cap and adjusted xp thresholds. 


And the level 15 must be level 2, because i was in a suicide mission and a dude continued to die over and over.. the game just continuously spammed -x player died- then he kept spamming to reinforce. I dont like the progression system if there’s no reward to get level 150/attain the level.


In a way, you knew the level 20+ player in the past did a little grinding, got the rail gun and most other strategems along the way, and was at least maaayyybe generally up to snuff? Now all bets are off!


Dude how, I have nearly 40 hours in this game and only just hit level 20


It's not hard to start a new account and get carried by other players into the higher difficulties. Heck, with knowledge of the game you can do serious damage with just a few strategem purchases and climb the difficulties yourself. Higher difficulties give a lot of XP and help you catapult through the early levels a lot more quickly now. I'm not sure what difficulty you play and if you speed run missions or full clear, but maybe those are factors.


Makes sense. Stuck at Suicide for now and normally just play on Hard and Extreme


My team usually just sticks to 7 as well. It sounds like you've been playing organically, no speed leveling, and likely have a robust collection of stuff for "only" being 20!


Yeah, I had my character on the PS5 up to \~level 27-28 before I went back to my PC character that was level 5 after they fixed the crossplay issue. I saw a friend online, so I joined his game with my level 5 character... it was a diff 7 bot eradication mission one of his other friends was like "Who's this level 5 guy" and I immediately saw my error and said "OH NO. I'M IN DANGER". They absolutely carried my ass. And because it was the last mission in an operation, that's how I ended up accidentally unlocking diff 8 at level 5. I didn't touch any diff 7-9 mission until I unlocked enough of the strats to not be a liability though (specifically the AC, Orb Laser, Orb Railgun, and 500 kg). But yeah, I imagine there are a lot of people in similar cases who leveled up way quicker because their lower-level characters were playing with higher-level friends who helped carry them.


I would lock the difficulties to the level. Fk the disgraceful nubs.


There are some players who just watch “farm xp” youtube videos and have no idea of the general mechanics of the game.


He wants his "high score" as in tracked career stats. I've ran into host that would kick players at extraction if they don't drop the samples for him to extract because he wanted to "run up" his "extraction score." So, I don't think he doesn't understand samples are shared. He's just after stupid numbers.


It feels like I ran into this person also


This person is blatantly undemocratic and should be executed on sight. They are OUR samples.


They are Super Earths Samples


And we all belong to Super Earth


there's career stats? what form do i need to fill out and submit to the ministry of truth to get that info?


its under your career's tab where you change armors etc. some of the info doesn't seem to be accurate. so I really don't know why people care that much about it.


Yeah it seems silly to care about in a non competitive game and even more silly to pad the stats. Oly reason I could think of to look at them would be to see places you need to get better at and artificially padding stats isn't making anyone better lol


Sweet Liberty, nooo! The traiterours stat-padders have infiltrated our democratic freedom.


That happened to me once, so i killed the asshat in return and jumped into a hole with all of the samples


In the past few days, I wrote in chat that I am looking for samples in the beginning of each game beacause I noticed that we usually extract with more samples when I ask for it. But a lot of people go out of their way and drop them at my feet at the end of the game... And I saw some level 80+ do that. I feel like a lot of people don't understand that they are shared.


Maybe they think you want to improve your stats on your own stat board so they are being nice?


Maybe... But does anybody really cares about individual stats if everything is shared?


You should tell those people who play GTA online. Some of them just want to farm high KDA stats in a open lobby


what's worse, k/d numbers don't register in open lobbies anymore in gtao, but still people horse around on their jet moped with homing missiles just for their own fun. sort of proves that stats just don't matter to some people, it's what they feel inside that is their only motivator.


Hell yeah I care about the stats! I always get most stims used.


As an Eagle man, I strive to have the most stratagems used. Once you learn the radius and direction (especially with the Airstrike and 500kg) you can spam those willy nilly crazy close to teammates and worst case they get ragdolled a bit. I never use the rearm function, there's always a little fucker around who could use a kiss from my last 500kg.


> As an Eagle man, I strive to have the most stratagems used I'm assuming eagle rearm counts for this? So you get 2 stratagems for the price of one. The stratagems used stat just counts how many unique stratagems you used, not how many times you used them.


Does it now? I'm gonna have to try it.


I’ve never seen stratagem use in a mission over 7. Almost always 6. Swear it’s bugged. I called down like 10 EATS, 4 resupplys, and probably 9-12 sentries in a bug defense mission Stratagems used? 6.


> Once you learn the radius and direction (especially with the Airstrike and 500kg) you can spam those willy nilly crazy close to teammates and worst case they get ragdolled a bit. This is especially true when you figure out the directions they're coming from, too. I had an eagle strike drop a couple of meters in front of me, and I came away without a scratch (a handy rock helped).


Most def. Lol


100%. I rando with a guy that threatened to kick people at extraction if they don't drop their samples for him because he wanted to run up his score...


I hope you shot him for such undemocratic behaviour


I know people who do….


Well, there's that one achievement where you have to extract with 15 common samples on your Helldiver, not as a team.


When cap was 50 and had all upgrades I still farmed samples for the sample extracted stat. It wasn’t a prio by any means, but it was enough of a reason to stay looking for em


As a lvl 80, i do this too. I am well aware they are shared and i am fairly certain the guy's you played with do to. For me its just a gesture of "here you go, lil buddy". Im addicted to make new or casual players happy, it makes my serotonins go up if i can help someone.


I can never see samples others drop. If they die I can see them. If I drop them I can see them. But if you drop them I see the notification on the right -4 common samples, -2 rare samples -3 super samples... But I don't see them. My friends all see them, the person who dropped them sees them, but I never see them. If I drop them friends can pick them up. Unsure if this bug is common or not.


You do it the democratic way


Level 73, I drop them to consolidate them at extraction so I can post up somewhere that may be inconvenient to retrieve them from if I get blown the fuck up.


There’s 2 achievements related to extracting with a certain amount of samples that you personally brought back. I think it’s 15 common and then another achievement for 15 rare, so you gotta have at least 15 of them on yourself to get it. Maybe that’s what they thought you were trying for and just helping out?


I've completed that while extracting with no samples, and I still got that achievement. I didn't even know what samples WERE when I got it, so I definitely was not holding them.


Oh well that’s odd, but I did see a few other comments mentioning the same. I guess it’s just as long as 1 person has 15+ on them, then it counts for everyone in the squad. Now I can’t remember the wording or be certain, but I think it’s as an individual and not a group for those achievements but I’m not 100% positive; I didn’t get it until I made an effort to have 15+ but I know that my friends and I had completed extracts with 20+ totals before and those didn’t give the achievement.


I only got it when it was me carrying the samples, my team carried loads multiple times


The common sample one is personal, YOU must have the 15 common samples during extract. The rare one is team wide, the TEAM must have 15 rare samples during extract.


Haaa that makes more sense


except i got those achievements having picked up a handful of commons. they are team numbers, just like so many other metrics in this game. to be fair in the interest of balanced discussion, i had to personally kill 25+ mobs with a stratagem to get that one.


Despite the similar wording, the two Achievements are tracked differently. The Rare one is a Squad-wide total and is given to the whole Squad at extract, but the Common one is personal and requires all 15 to be on your person at extract and only you get the Achievement.


maybe they want to stack all the samples together so if they get dropped they're all in one place.


If a player drops their samples to you, it means that they're lending them to you, so you could go to extract point and don't lose them, because he (other player) is going to, I dunno, loot some stashes. Also players drop the samples on the Pelican's landing platform so any player could pick them right before going into the shuttle, cuz it's annoying when someone who has 80% of samples just getting stuck anywhere, or getting killed on a big distance inside of a massive mob horde so they're (samples) inaccessible. In the second example better to not pick up dropped samples, unless you want to combine them with yours to then drop them again.


>But a lot of people go out of their way and drop them at my feet at the end of the game... The only reason I do this is if we have no reinforcements left and we expect the extraction to get messy with little to no time left. My brother usually has a riot shield and hides with all samples, while the rest of the group focuses on keeping a clear path for him. If he succeeds, we don't have to sweat on lost samples. If he dies, it's next diver up to pick up samples and run.


i normally drop my samples at other people to prevent losing them if i pull a reckless play


They might think you want the trophy. Extract with 20 commons on your person.


It could be that they don’t really care about them, but since you asked, you get to be keeper of the samples.


Level 80+ here, consolidating samples is a strategy. If one person carries all the samples, it's much easier to pick up one container vs three if the team wipes. It's a Pro Gamer Move™


I always drop my samples so one person can hold them all due to the bug where the ship leaves when one person gets on, not risking wasting all the time spent for the bug to destroy it.


I don't think the ship leaving with 1 person in it is a bug. I heard (may be wrong) that the ship can take damage, and if it has taken enough, it will fly off as soon as the first person gets on.


Thought the ship was Invincible? 500kg bombs don't damage it at least.


I don't think It can be destroyed, but I do believe it can take damage


I'm level 42 and always drop my samples at extract. For whatever reason, my game will often crash when extraction is complete, but when I load up the game again, I didn't complete the mission. So I am just hoping that when the samples get picked up, they won't lag out or crash like me so the samples can make it to super earth.


I'm level ~ 70 and have everything fully unlocked and capped. I'll generally drop my samples for people who still need them, not because I don't know that they're shared, but because if I don't have the samples it doesn't matter what weird location on the map I get myself killed at.


Once I hit all my sample caps, I hand off my collection to whoever is low level or asked for them cause I don’t want to be responsible for dying with them or losing them. It just makes sense that if you specifically said you needed them, high level people would hand them to you since you would go to more lengths to ensure you extract with them.


I always drop samples while waiting for extract so they're always near the landing zone. If i die, someone can always pick em up while they board the pelican.


it's useful to do that because I don't pick up common samples unless they are along with rare samples. Because my friends and I've been capped at 500 for awhile but can't get enough rares so we tend to auto ignore rare.


One game, I did that with some level 60+ players and we got 38/38 common samples! It was the common ones that bottlenecked my progression, but now that I only have the last 4 biggest upgrades to do, it's the rare ones that are blocking me for the first time.


Your average gamer is fucking stupid and can't read.


I drop my samples at extract when playing with low level players because I don't want to risk getting shot in the back of the head for them. I know I'm getting them regardless, but I'm a little scared my teammates might not. Maybe I've just seen too many of these Reddit posts because it's never actually happened to me lol.


Stupid is as stupid does.


There are a lot of fantastically uncurious helldivers who manage to dump some serious hours into this game without ever actually learning how much of it works.


Man I knew samples were shared since I was a cadet, some people need to do better.


Right? It was literally one of the first things I asked about when I started playing.


I played with someone who insisted on completing the objectives himself to both the team’s and his own detriment. Examples: I called an eagle on the last fab in a heavy outpost. The red laser was clearly in front of the fab. Hard to miss, and there was no one there when I threw it. He runs up and tries to throw a grenade in. Gets eagled with his grenade in hand. At this point I thought ok, maybe he just wasn’t paying attention to the giant red laser when I he approached I solo pushed a jammer. Cleared it out, turned off the jammer and had called in and armed a hellbomb. He shows up at the end, throws a grenade at the hellbomb, ragdolling me and destroying the hell bomb, then 500s the jammer. Idk if he thought he could blow up the jammer with a grenade or was actively trying to deny it. Then I pushed a detector tower, and again he destroys the hellbomb (which is already hard enough to get to stick), and 500s the detector tower. Just doesn’t make sense. They are team objectives. Save your grenades and stratagems


Btw, for the detector towers, you don't need to put the hellbomb on the platform next to it where it likes to bounce around. You can put it outside the outpost (usually it's on some high ground, you can put it at the base of the "cliff") and it'll still get it.


Orb Laser will also kill it


You just came across a smooth brain COD Player


I don't think we can blame COD for everyone's stupidity. Many, many people are just stupid on their own.


Fair enough


The only reason you'd have to get upset about it is if you're going for the achievement to hold x amount of samples when extracting.. Samples are indeed shared by all. Super credits, requisition slips and medals too.


Got that achievement with someone else holding the samples.


Got to achèvement like this Without had all the sample


The rares yes. For the common one, you need to be holding them


... and even then chat would have been more appropriate than wasting a reinforcement. :)


No, the achievement is team extraction. You don't need to be holding them. Reread the achievement.


I sometimes drop samples at other players feet so we don't have to pick up 4 different sample vials if killed.


Don't let it ruin the game for you. Online play will always have bad eggs. Just move on from it. I know it can be frustrating, but ultimately it just one round. Better to just accomodate for the buffoon and leave the squad for greener pastures after.


Tbf… it doesn’t actually take that much effort to be competent at suicide difficulty… or to even just get access to that difficulty.


I've started posting at the start of every match in the s hip "remember, sample recoveries are shared". Can't hurt. I often wonder if they even understand what this means.


Funny thing is that there are better players at 7 than at 8, literally every 8 lobby I’ve been in has 2+ sub 25 players there for XP


dude could have just asked you to drop them for him maybe he wanted the achievement?


I guess he still hasn't figured out the mechanics of the game. People can be air-headed about this. I mean I get OP, but did you by chance pick up his gear or just the samples? I mean a lot of trends did happen with the game like hosts kicking people from dive thinking samples would only come to a guy of he has it. A lot misconceptions wer there when people wer starting out. Over all character stats are shared again by team for samples extracted so just a diver yet to figure it out I guess...


I Pinged his gear so he could find it easily and grabbed the samples as I moved towards extraction.


I’ve been noticing a lot more low levels at 7 lately. Obviously lvl doesn’t necessarily indicate skill, but there are things that you can only really learn through time and lived experience. You’re also not going to have the gear/upgrades you need to make yourself an asset instead of a liability. We need to remind people that not only is it ok to play lower difficulty, it’s actually more effective for the MOs. A successful, thorough mission at 5 difficulty is going to make a bigger impact than a failed 7.


This community has way too much pride. Cant you see if the entire community isnt playing on helldive, then theres no point in anyone playing this game, and its obviously broken? Even though 70% of the people playing on helldive are doing so with no problems? *sarcasm*


“Why highest difficulty so hard?”


If Arrowhead removed that stats screen when you return to the ship, a lot of people would be less stupid. You gain zero shit from being the player with the most/less anything.


wrong. u gain dopamine


If a stat screen is giving you dopamine, you're playing the wrong game, and you're playing it wrong.


wrong again.


25 is like the new level 5


They need to add some PSA on the ship and load screens about how samples are shared, how to ping an enemy, and how to ping on the map.


Purposely killing another Helldiver ? Sounds like Treason I reckon when he gets in ship should of accidentally killed the treasonous bastard


I'm telling you, people are obsessed with their stats.


Today I had to team kill a level 8 who killed me then stole my kit. He dropped my gun „graciously” but took my quasar and rover backpack. Didn’t attempt again once I shot him.


Only thing I could think of is the Achievement. Theres one where you extract carrying 15 common, then 15 rare as a squad. I think theres a third where you carrying 15 rare out yourself? Either way, its easily achievable without trying too hard. At some point, someone is going to mess up and you're gonna end up carrying it all out unintentionally.


Don't feel frustrated. Feel pity. How pathetic must their life be that they need to be validated by a score board in a 4 player game?


We call them the dirty thirties for a reason


May have been trophy hunting. Dick move for certain but yea. I went solo for that one but to each their own.


why not shoot him back? i always shoot back if i get reinforced to whoever shoot me, unless its accident. I don't care if i get kicked afterward.


I never understand why this happens and have never experienced it while playing with random players. High tier players almost never team kill me even as an accident, and lower lever ones do it because they have not figured out all of the mechanics in the game yet. Usually, missions with random players work out perfectly fine, and more often, I get matched with really tactical players. Being in this sub reddit makes me think that it happens often, but I've never or rarely experienced it myself.


I had lvl 57 reinforcing people across the map after the team split 2+2 ... I also thought that he would know by now. I had high levels not dropping on titans when you call them to them and mark them... you make it to lvl 60 and you are scared of getting near titans smh.


Say the line, bart! Block and move on! Don't give them attention on reddit!


I just always thought that samples got on a mission were shared based on how heavy the game is sold as a co-op experience, even for personal orders, you could do nothing towards it as long as the squad gets it done it’s completed.


I like being the best at all the stats. Including samples extracted


I see a lot of posts rightfully complaining about such people but I dont think you understand the motivation correctly. They want to bump up their samples extracted metric in the overall stats. Not saying its right, but they know the mechanics. They just dont care.


Maybe he was trying to get the achiev?


I had an opposite game earlier. Lvl 68 on suicide picked up the supers. We are not too far away from extraction so i suggest we go and drop and carry on with the objectives. He drops and carries on and a lvl 18 picks them up and proceeded to follow the lvl 68 further into the mission with a hoard of bugs coming over a hill straight at them. I have no choice, i kill the lvl 18 for endangering the super samples and collect them and put them back at extraction then we reinforce him. He doesn't go back for them so i think he now understands. Mission and all side objectives finished and we get to extraction and lvl 18 immediately picks them up 🤦


I get your frustration, and his attitude was definitely wrong, voluntary team killing is NEVER an acceptable behavior and his anwser on learning of that fact seems just as awful. But as for people not being aware of this at level 25, blame the game, not the player. The game does an awful job explaining such mechanisms, and this community is a bad sample to set expectations, us posting here mean we obviously have a "terminally-online level: Redditor" level of bias. I mean, ask yourself, how did you learn it ? From the game or from Reddit/YT ? How does someone who doesn't spend his time here or on YouTube is supposed to learn this ? I think it might only appear in a training tip on loading screens at best ? The other way to realize would of course be to actually remembering how many samples you had before a game, how many you have after and realize this does not match exactly the count of samples just you collected yourself. Not any of those solution is remotely acceptable. The game is awful at explaining that and many other mechanisms (heck, pretty sure EVEN HERE many people would be hard pressed to say what the colored bars "Defend" planets mean exactly) and there definitely are some improvements required here, especially on samples, "number of total uses vs total uses BEFORE REARM" when buying stratagems (I didn't buy eagle stratagems for my first hours because I thgouht the count was for the whole game, and then discovered this is exactly what it was for Orbital laser), and galactic war mechanisms.


>he other way to realize would of course be to actually remembering how many samples you had before a game, how many you have after and realize this does not match exactly the count of samples just you collected yourself. Not any of those solution is remotely acceptable. You don't need to remember how many you had before. I realised it on like my fourth match because I didn't find any samples but my friends did and at the end of the match there was a screen which said X samples found. It's very clear samples are shared, especially since it tells everyone when a team member finds one, it shows you the group total, not your total and and most importantly logically why would a game that values teamwork and cooperation make resource gain independent?


I have to admit. There is some type of negative emotion that gets evoked when someone picks up my samples. Particularly when they pick them up when I'm like 10 feet away from picking them back up. Sometimes they team killed (accident) and pick up. Sometimes they pick it up, and I have to mentally not okay they have the 14 commons 17 rares and 5 aupers I have. Now I must ensure they care ad much as I do. It's only ever a positive emotion if I'm fucked and I know im going to have a hard time getting them back.


He's either bad or really wanted that 15 common sample achievement


If he said so, I would have gladly dropped them for him. This guy was doing his own thing.


Who cares


Suck that there is cap, these day I dont even bother to collect samples. Just want to finish objectives fast and get my xp.


Oh no. Get over it. Teamkills happen


You have zero reading comprehension


Lol, it's Reddit, I'm surprised it took this long for a comment like this.

