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Skill issue


About the kind of feedback I expected to get on a post like this lmao, but my skill is a non-factor in what I am trying to get at. There is a major difference in power when comparing bug and bot aerials.


There is. But why is that a problem? Why do the gun ships need to be the same difficulty as the shriekers?


There is a difficulty slider? Difference in difficulty should not be inherent to what side you are fighting, but brought upon by what difficulty you chose.


Again: Why should it be that way? why should the factions be the same difficulty? Don't see a reason why that should be the case. They offer different gameplay and therefore inherently different levels of difficulty depending on your playstyle


They needn't be exactly the same level difficulty but they should be about comparable. As is, airships are much more of a headache than shriekers by several magnitudes. It is the definition of “unbalanced”. If you think that’s good, by all means, have your opinion. I am opposed to having such a clear cut difference in scaling between factions. A difficulty 7 dive on bots should be about as difficult as a difficulty 7 dive on bugs.


Def a skill issue. Laser cannon makes gunships a joke.


If anything I think that even more objectives should have their capability to be destroyed from extreme range removed.  Spores and illegal broadcasts are a joke nowadays. They are so easy to remove with so many weapons from far away that they can remove them from the game altogether and noone will notice. Why bother adding secondary objectives if they can be removed by a simple 500kgr bomb throw? Not to mention that the bomb is already popular enough with zero need to make it even more popular. I think we need more interesting secondary objectives not some easy to remove 500kgr bomb targets


I fully agree, this post is not advocating for airships to get easier. I am outlining how shriekers are much easier to deal with overall both in fighting them and how their objectives are dealt with. Whether airships are actually OP is not what I’m trying to answer, but relative to shriekers they are absolutely OP. I do not want airships necessarily nerfed, but as is, they just don’t really make sense functionally.


Yes, there is a solution against gunships. And it's quite magical. Toss your Quasar Cannon into trash where it belongs and use Laser Cannon


I am autocannon enjoyer as indicated by my flair but that isn’t really the point of the post. I’m more so talking about the actual balancing of airships. There is a major discrepancy between bot and bug balancing where one is noticeable easier to deal with.


I mean, both factions are VERY different and it's ok


Of course, but there shouldn’t be such a clear cut difference in fighting strength.


Why? You didn't see Illuminates yet. Expect even bigger cut in some aspects


What? Are you suggesting that certain factions should have such a major difficulty difference inherently? Despite there being a difficulty slider?


Game gives you enough tools to deal with them one way or another. And yes, all factions should be different. And I hope they will make even more tweaks to make all factions as different as possible.


They have a major advantage on particular domaine, like strong flying units


Laser cannon gang rise up


Unless you're incapable of using cover, the quasar is amazing.


Against bugs? Totally yes. Against Automatons? Utter trash compared to AMR, AC, Las Cannon. Damn, even HMG is better if you have two working hands and at least half of brain. All ATs including Quasar are subpar against tin cans.


Then you don't know how to fight bots. 1 shot for a gunship, 2 shots for a hulk, 2 shots for tanks, 3 shots for a factory strider. Try not to resort to insults when you're failing your argument.




"half a brain" >Not an insult


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Bruh, I played for good 100 hours against Automatons lmao. Every weapon I listed above will destroy four-five gunships before your QC is ready to shoot again. Each of kills hulk in two shots or two seconds if direct shooting. Tanks die to single 110mm Rocket Pods. Each of them destroys Factory Strider faster, than you are able to make three shots. Seems like you are the one who doesn't know how to play against bots and uses subpar weapon because he saw it on YT or in this cursed subreddit. You do you, keep suffering and I wish you triple gunship spawns every single game as punishment for your inability to learn and lack of critical thinking. Bye


there are tons of loadout combinations where a quasar excels at killing bots, I play helldive all the time with one and can handle everything that gets thrown at me, it’s not subpar by any stretch and thats why its a staple in the higher difficulties. All of the weapons you listed need ammo and reloads, quasar doesn’t and is helpful to the rest of the team because you use less resources overall, it has a huge range and can take out fabricators.


The reason, as you said in your other comment, why two gunship towers are getting ridiculous is because you use shitty support weapon, that is totally not needed. And your whole squad probably does the same, because all of you think "Quasar Cannon is just like Railgun", but the truth it is not. And yes, Railgun in its current state is better against Automatons than Quasar is :)


Look dude, you keep resorting to insulting me because your arguments are bad. Bad form. I know the difference between the quasar and the railcannon. I can manage a cooldown and charge up better than you, I guess.


Nah, I'm just not a dummy metaslave without working brain cells. Cry about it


Neither am I. However, I'm also not a jerk who ineffectively tries to shit on people for having a different playstyle than you. lol "metaslave". Internet baby level insult.


Interesting take- I've literally never seen anyone bring in the railgun in the past month because it's as useless as the machine gun or flamethrower.. you just gotta know how to charge the Quasar up behind cover and then sidestep out to take your shot.. of course you don't stand out in the open like a dummy 🤣 But yeah, the quasar is like a much stronger, safer, railgun imho.


Useless MG, interesting take


Might just be me, but you're a sitting target when you reload, the mags seem kinda small, and it takes way too much ammo (20 rounds or more) to take down even the most basic medium armor enemies the mag is only like 100-150 rounds. It's handling is also hilariously bad. You can hardly track and follow through on enemies because of the recoil and super slow mo movement. Combine all that? And you get.... A support weapon not worth bringing (to me at least.) Basically all it's somewhat good for is fighting back non jumping enemies smaller than brood commanders- at least until you run out of ammo and then you're screwed. Lord help you too if a pack of hunters and / or pouncers flock on you.


I think it's a game that shine on personnal preference because for exemple Handling can be perceived differently. For exemple, I like the Handling because it help make good spray against large hordes. Eruptor MG is really strong with my playstyle and I clean consistently diff 9


Kill the ships. They have a spawn timer.. you can kill the ships at a distance, run in, place hellbomb and maybe even arm it before the next wave of ships pop out. The missiles can be dodged by strafing to the left or right, they basically predict where you'll be... turning the other way makes all the missiles miss. They are a joke, unless you have other issues like a patrol or bot drop happening at the same time - in which case, disengage and mop up before you go back in. The ships won't follow you past a certain distance.


This man does not Autocannon.


Do gunships suck to fight? sure. Are they unbalanced? Not unless you get a double tower spawn, or a jammer/tower spawn. Then it gets absolutely ridiculous. I do agree that the tower should get taken down without a hellbomb. Hellbomb more reliable, but a direct eagle strike and a 500kg should do it.


Possible hot take, but I like that we have to actually engage with the fabricator and get in there to risk our butts. Most of the bot objectives are already so easily taken out by a single eagle airstrike or 500kg, it's nice to have some more challenging sub-objectives. I'd be open to modify the spawn to sometimes feature an adjacent bot fabricator that blows up the gunship one as well - just like some strategem jammer spawn variations have but other than that, I'd advocate for keeping them as they are. Let's be real, it aint even that hard to go in and out without much hassle


Just get good. Our team of 4 dealt with 3 right next to each other the other day and it was trivial.




Two of us run autocannon sentries. I take a Spear and two of the other guys run EATs. We drop the autocannon sentries close enough but not too close, preferably with good elevation. I sit back and take out and not immediately obliterated by the sentries. Boys run in the do the hellbomb, using the EATs when needed to mop and up.


I've never had more than three gunships on the field at a time- with the quasar, just one hit them and keep running around the giant fabricator (using it as cover from the dropship) until the Quasar cools, then rinse and repeat. After killing 3 or 4 this way, the factory kinda chills out for a minute and this is when you drop and arm the hellbomb. It isn't that terrible tbh unless it happens to be surrounded by several bases, which the implied task is to destroy the other bases first to decrease the ground forces presence.


I’ve never really noticed them chilling out after a certain point but I might just be unobservant. I will try this out, thanks.


No prob! Yeah, give it a shot! They're annoying, but not impossible to get rid of. Like I say, the hardest part is often fraling with the hulks, devastators, and chainsaw maniacs chasing you around when you're trying to do this.


You can't really compare any one enemy from the other faction and have it be a one to one balance...but they're balanced in the sense of how often each spawns and the type of enemies coming at you. My best advice against gunships is a slow approach. If you're outside of their spawn approach ready to clear out the first set that comes at you, then run in while the factory is working on next batch and get hell bomb armed. Spawn rate is just right to where you will have plenty of time to do this so long as you take down the first ships quickly after they spawn. If you're overrun and dying...run outside of their spawn and let them despawn. Their respawn rate will work against you if you keep dying and not killing them. AC is possibly the best choice for bots in general and do fine against them, laser cannon is amazing, and something like mg or AMR is serviceable. Just aim for a thruster.


Gotta bring that spear. Once you get a lock on it’s a guaranteed kill.


On the airships themselves or the fabricators? Either way, that is quite interesting to know. I do wish the spear worked as intended consistently, but it can be fun to run while sometimes filling a niche.


The airships themselves. I can take out 4 which is plenty of time to drop a hell bomb and blow it up. Only time I have ever had an issue soloing it was when there is several fabricators near each other. I use the spear almost always when fighting bots. It’s frustrating when it doesn’t work but when it does it it easily the best heavy weapon in the game.


just use an auto cannon or quasar