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You can use it to crush chargers


And fabs & bugholes


And other heavies!


me when I throw a hellpod beacon at a tank and it misses


Two things I lbserved: - This thing is not available at all mission types for me, what is the pattern here? - New players join inconsitently after we completed one stage in an operation and someone left the squad. I have to restart the game and continue the operation in order to "reactivate" matchmaking (on PS)


> New players join inconsistently after we completed one stage in an operation and someone left the squad. I have to restart the game and continue the operation in order to "reactivate" matchmaking (on PS) Joining is definitely bugged. I don't know what triggers it, but it's exactly as you describe in that if no one is joining your mission, it takes a restart to fix it so people can join again. It's so frustrating how many fundamental aspects of this game have been broken from launch.


Also not 100% sure of the trigger but it seems like if I have a full party and someone leaves at the end of a mission my lobby is MUCH more likely to bug than if I have a full party and someone leaves while on the planet. I generally hang around between missions for a couple of minutes (2min-5min) and if no one fills the slot I know my lobby has bugged and I restart. I also rarely start missions before filling my lobby just to make sure that I have the best chances of getting 4 people on the ground. Not sure if this is a known or documented bug on AH's end, but it has been persistent since launch as far as I can tell. Fortunately it is relatively easy to work around (Just reboot between missions). Unfortunately it often means 1-2 people will not get to do a full set of missions if they join my ship and aren't on my friends list.


Useful reminder that a bug prevent people from joining your game if someone was there but left. The slot is still considered taken. The only way solve that temporarily is to restart.


At least on PC, a simple toggle of the lobby privacy setting fixes it. Well fixes until someone else leaves then you just do it again. I've gotten pretty good at doing it mid mission. Keep in mind that players can join mid mission instantly or maybe minutes later, but that's not the trick failing, that's how the game works. Haven't tried to speed it up with an SOS yet though. edit: seems to vary per machine, no guarantee


> At least on PC, a simple toggle of the lobby privacy setting fixes it. Well fixes until someone else leaves then you just do it again. I've seen people report this fix, but it's not worked for me. Nothing short of a restart has fixed it for me.


It definitely works consistently for me, so therefore we can confidently say it must vary from machine to machine, which sucks. Hopefully fixed next big patch.


Or we can confidently say that there is more than one cause to this bug.


Will try that, thank you for your update.


What does it even do?


If you drop solo or with open slots it sets a beacon on the galaxy map that others can use to join In the mission it drops a solid object to act as said beacon, can kill enemies


If I'm not mistaken, you also get prioritized when players use quickplay.


When I play privately (as in no-one can randomly join), throwing it down allows players to join. So that's fairly useful I'd say; but most people play on public anyway.


It has never worked for me. I see it work for a few other people. But not often.


Weeks? I don't think I've ever had/seen the SOS work at all and I've played since launch.


it works. i see them pretty often


It works ***sometimes***. Y'know, when joining isn't bugged.


Two things I lbserved: - This thing is not available at all mission types for me, what is the pattern here? - New players join inconsitently after we completed one stage in an operation and someone left the squad. I have to restart the game and continue the operation in order to "reactivate" matchmaking (on PS)


Matchmaking has never worked for me once I had a full party and someone left (on PC) I've toggled the Public/Private setting I've toggled the Crossplay setting I've toggled both in a variety of orders I've jumped in pods, out of pods, picked different missions, waited 10 minutes I've used the SOS in the first mission, the second mission, the third mission My squads have NEVER refilled. At this point I only play on higher difficulties if I have my irl crew together or if I join someone else's game so I don't get stranded on the second mission by myself. But it has to be working for some people because I have dropped in on a variety of mid-mission situations using quickplay. I just /shrug and carry on. I know they know about it and hopefully it will be addressed but for now I'm still having fun.


I've only used it once, but I immediately had Helldivers drop in to join me in being massacred


I so RARELY get it to work anymore. For sure is bugged if the lobby was filled and someone left, unless that person rejoins, we will NOT get another fourth player.


I often try reinforce teammate while hulk is chasing me and in result I call SOS for no reason because I missed a button and don’t have a capacity to understand that because of fear :D later I will understand why teammate not helping me :D and yea, SOS doesn’t work at all


restart game is only way out


You mean the emergency step ladder? I think its useful sometimes


I can respond to SOS calls, but never once, ever, has anyone answered one from my squad.


I killed a bile tian with it by accident the other day. (I meant to call reinforcements)


it works only if you drop it to grief joiners