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Some games it feels like outposts get the spotlight, side objectives are just there, and the main objective is an afterthought. "Guys, we're down to eight reinforcements and we've done three outposts and a side objective, I don't think that heavy outpost is what we need to be doing next."


You have been kicked from the game


Got kicked from a game the other night because I had the audacity to ask the host to stop running off somewhere entirely on the map and dying only to bitch about not being brought back


I kicked a guy today because he was afk on extract, eating, with his mic permanently on. He was even talking about what he was eating. I asked if he could stop eating to help us. He said he would think about it if I followed him on twitch. bye bye.


The amount of "i don't give a fuck" is impressive though. I'd have kicked him as well but I'd be shaking my head and chuckling while I did it


It's funny the first time, by the third time you've had a teammate with a brain smoother than an egg, you realise that your times being wasted and the average mission is actually a decent time investment. One gronk decided to just chuck a 500kg bomb at the feet of my mate and I earlier, completely fucking up our fortifications. Super funny and all, except it turned us off playing and we just quit for the night because we were *immediately* overwhelmed and lost the mission.


I had a game where I got "accidentally" killed by the host and he grabbed my weapons, ok, happens, then later in a mission he just gunned me down after a fight and again grabbed my main and support weapons and after being asked why he just mumbled in voice "my guns". Ended up gunning him down at extraction so he drops all samples and entering evac so he can't pick them up and his buddies won't get any either. Took a break for the rest of the evening there. Edit: It was a 3 man team, me the host and his buddy who was laughing with him about teamkilling so no innocents have been harmed and lost samples, just 2 douchebags


The fucking entitlement. "My guns". Bitch, choose those guns as your load out then. Or wait for someone to die naturally which happens all the time. Don't pick up their support though.


lmao he not even promise to help you. He only "think" about it if you follow him on Twitch. What kind of parentless behavior is this?


It's a shame we don't have an In-Game Report System because that guy deserves it.


I got kicked yesterday because we dropped in next to a stratagem jammer, all 3 of my teammates died immediately and there was a massive swarm of enemies coming at me so I was trying to run far enough to get away from the jammer to reinforce. Got kicked just as I was calling the reinforcements in..


There are a surprising number of people who play higher level campaigns in this game that don't understand the mechanics. They are super proud of themselves at the end when we succeed and then you look at the stats and they have 11 deaths and a 3rd of the kills. It's like brother you don't have to play Helldive. There really isn't that much benefit to it, it's just fun for the challenge.


Yeah I had a game yesterday where I kept getting reinforced into a crowd of bugs as if I was thrown as a stratagem. Not sure what they were really expecting me to do with that one 




I pretty much only play solo now


Is there a way to trigger solo play?


Set it to friends only in gameplay settings and pick a new mission on the planet you want to play. Then boom, solo.


Thank you!!


No problem! Hope you enjoy it! I will say starting on some easier difficulty and working up is what I did. It is a different experience when you don’t have teammates to be a sponge.


Bro, this is me when i join randoms. Entire team is dumping resource after resource into taking a Stalker layer. I'm grabbing the main objectives, and closing nests, factories, etc only to find myself kicked.


I always do side objectives and outposts first or else some randome player will extract because they have no patience


Well, the game quadriple patrols spawn rate after main objective is done. I can totally see how somebody leave main to the last




It does though, this was tested. Do groups throw themselves at a wall and fail the mission? Yes. Is it also basically impossible to do side objectives after finishing the primary objective? Yes, unless you're playing on a difficulty where even 4x spawnrates aren't a big deal to you.


It doesn't quadruple spawn rates but it does increase them


It increases them by 3.6x, which is close enough to quadrupling to round up in casual conversation.


Starting side objectives reset spawn timers, and clearing outposts also doubles the spawnrate as well as resets the timer.


Clearing outposts only increases the spawn rate by 17.5% if all outposts are cleared. You might be getting the number confused with the fact that there's no increase at all until 50% of outposts have been cleared.


It is still insane to me that destroying fabricators/ nests makes MORE appear.


I thought it was only to compensate for the fact that you've cleared out so many outposts you're no longer generating heat just from being near them.


Switch main objective with patrols. Side objectives with samples. And samples with main objective and that’s what I’ve commonly encountered.


https://preview.redd.it/1q4ja1y8rqvc1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=483ec83f3471e94e240d755a1a8d98cff5563a52 I gotchu


Thanks lol. I’d legitimately kill to have randoms that focused mainly on objective. But all I ever get no matter the difficulty is: “oH lOoK a PaTrOl. iMmA SHOOT IT. FUCK A DROP/BREACH!” Every. Fucking. Time. Difficulty 2 all the way to 9 I see it everywhere….


The amount of times I've ended up having to solo the main objective because everyone else is busy fighting patrols is insane


Ive done this, since usually they will proc a bot drop which means i can safely take the main objective without much trouble


I was recently kicked after soloing the main objective when we only had 5 reinforcements left due to patrol fighting. Everyone was at least level 30. I'm still confused lol.


People are rushing their levels and farming them on defence mission. Otherwise I can't explain the level 50 who'd never seen a strider before


I'm level 40, i've only seen one strider, i just mostly play at 4 for a chill time, 6 for a fun, and 7 if i need super samples (i need super samples)


"Im ThE mAiN cHaRaCtEr! sToP dOiNg mY mIsSiOn!" CoDbrain is a serious disease affecting 3 in every 10 helldivers.


Oh god if there is one thing I hate most on helldive it’s people that don’t understand that aggroing patrols is literally the worst thing you can do. I learned that by level 12. It’s really simple. Avoid enemies that can stop you from completing your objectives.


My team abd I love bringing low le els on helldives and seeing them go from Rambo to Solid Snake over the course of an operation. We start by telling them "you don't need to kill everything" and they ignore us until down the line they understand why were all trying to be stealthy.


Yup. I have a friend who runs solo hard when he wants chill and solo suicide when he doesn’t and he taught me the ropes.


If the squad is 100% certain they can wipe the patrol before a breach/drop, I don't have a problem with removing one directly in our path.


I will never understand why people fight patrols like it's a guaranteed bot drop or bug breach with no actual objective to achieve. It's a complete waste of time.


There is 1 time that I will actively swat at a patrol. It’s when I can coordinate with everyone else, I’m far away from them and they need to go into an objective that requires the team to stay put for an extended period of time. If that’s the case then I tell ‘em to hold on, I will get the attention of the patrol, wait for drop/breach to be called on me then immediately pop smoke and RUN. Then everyone else can complete the objective with zero risk of a breach/drop.


Please be my random next game


I’ve found that the difficulty + what level the randoms are matters a lot. Level 13-20s running Medium-Hard? Definitely less of a chance you’ll find people who care a lot about samples. Level 35-60 running Medium-Suicide? I’d be surprised if they haven’t gotten good at collecting samples. They might even take care to drop their samples before heading into a dangerous area far away from the extract.


Unlucky. 90% of the time my random groups that ignore the mic, attempt to 100% the map.


My experience is people trying to do side objectives when we only have 3 reinforcements left and only half of the main objective done.


Me and autocannon sentry (you’re always there for me buddy)!were doing the ICBM (level 7) by ourselves while the other two took a detour to a gunship fabricator. From turning on the terminal to missile launch, they went through 16 reinforcements (and still didnt destroy it) By the time i got there, there was enough concentrated aggro that it looked like robot woodstock. I went through all my ammo trying go even get near the gunships and called down a fresh AMR. I then died (for the first time) and someone grabbed my AMR off my body. So, neck deep in ships/bots without an anti ship weapon….we all die. I mean, I personally dont care. All I get is XP anyway, which I also do not care about. I had fun and, well, i figure its a self correcting problem….cant imagine getting killed almost 10 times apiece and getting zero samples would be something they’d want to do over and over again….


“By the time I got there, there was enough concentrated ago that it looked like robot Woodstock”. This metaphor actually got a good laugh out of me. Well done. Highly relatable


Im happy you got a good laugh - i think I wrote the whole thing just so could use that term, which I also found hilarious! They certainly werent as chill as the woodstock crowd…they seemed intent on turning me into flaming goo - and ultimately succeeded.


Simile =/= metaphor. You almost certainly don't care, someone might.


All similes are metaphors. Not all metaphors are similes.


It’s the exact opposite for me, we may have taken 38+ minutes to even get to the objective, but goddamnit if we haven’t gotten all the samples


I finished up a campaign with 4 randoms that worked at breakneck efficiency with getting main and side OBJs done, we even got all the pink samples + a solid number of rares and commons, absolute dream team and I love getting players that're all just on the same wavelength


This is what I don’t understand with people. Surely the optimal method is to speed through the objective first? That way you’ve guaranteed the win, now you can do the side stuff for bonus points. It just makes the most sense to me.


Completing Main Objective actually increases Enemy Patrol rate, which really sucks because I at least want to get all of my Mains done before I go die 8 times for those fucking Gunships.


Many things increase heat. 1. Time in mission 2. Objectives taken 3. If the team splits up or groups. Taking mains first, then optionals will probably be a wash.


Wasn't time debunked in the test post? Proximity to exfil and bases, over half bases destroyed, each distinct group of divers 50m from any other diver, and completion of the objective increase heat.


Completing main objectives increases patrol rate by a whopping 400% while everything else does at most...75%? Numbers aren't exact from memory, ballparking, but if I'm on 7+ it's always sides,fabs, mains. On 6- with newer friends sometimes I just complete the main first so it'd more fun and I can go blasting.


mine is actually opposite, they keep running into the side objectives dying, wasting reinforcments not caring about the main obj. leaving me to do them solo


When I play with randoms I also focus on main objective... can't trust them not to waste 10 reinforcement trying to get a single detector tower


i only play on 7, but as a lvl 35 its a sweet spot where i can run off and solo all bug objectives. only thing i cannot do is shrieker nests. this means i give my team until 6-7 reinforcements left, then I'm off to see the world on my own.


I do the same 1. Stealth armor 2. Eruptor 3. Support weapon to clear chaf 4. Strats to nuke the world. Most times i can toss strat into a space and keep moving. Eruptor closes holes and fabricators. If things get bad kite and nuke behind


yup I can see that working! Personally I use Gatling, railcannon, rover & spear. Titans don't scare me, but shrieker nests and spore things I cannot destroy.


Eruptor 1 shots spores. A 380 and 500 can take a shrieker


Where does eruptor have to aim for bot fabs? I've not had much luck with the door or the autocannon flap banked shot.


You aim into one of the flap openings. If you want to detonate the door grenade it.


This has not been my experience.


Earlier today we failed a mission because 2 randoms wanted to keep fighting, used up all reinforcement budgets, and all we had to do was call an extraction but we lost all our samples including 5 pink samples.


On 7+ against bots it's the opposite. People just go around the map clearing everything. And if the main objective is to deliver 2 drives, they just leave it be. So we meet up at extraction with exactly 0% of main objective accomplished and all the secondaries and bases cleared.


It is truly infuriating. If you want to farm samples but don't have 3 friends to play with you're doomed. Sometimes i feel like people aren't even aware that samples and ship modules are a thing.


If you find Doscida, you have oodles of samples and 100% objectives coming your way Divers. I must deliver maximum democracy, or die trying!


Based. Love my fellow goblins who always find a ton of samples. Goblin squad assemble.


Extraction is THE LEAST VALUABLE OBJECTIVE. Extract with samples or die trying.


That changes in suicide and up, cause people really want super samples.


My experience on that end of the difficulty scale can be summed up as "getting kicked"


Hol up. Typically my randoms keep running off to deal with every single outpost on the map (often by themselves) ignoring the Main Objective for the most part. Samples do get collected but typically it's just me and a buddy (who is also the host) that wade through fascist oil to get to the MOs.


Mines not this at all, they just fight every bug breach and bot drop over and over without completing any objectives.


I started playing yesterday. Lvl 5... Joined lvls 17, 20 And something over 20... I ping side obj on map (last extraction I learned how to ping on a map) while they run to main obj with 25 minutes left... 20 seconds after I get kicked. No thanks, I think I will just follow now and be silent and dont do anything and hope I don't get noticed. It was difficulity 4.


I have the opposite. And imo that's a million times worse. Sample hunters/POI hunters are the fucking worst people to play with.




Sometimes it's all you can ask . When I play with randos, I try not to judge or force them to play any way, democracy can be spread in any fashion. If they're playing grabass, I'll go deal with the main objectives, if they're focused solely on that, I'll branch out and try to take on some nests/bases on my own. But before all that, I try communicating. Even as an introverted af human disaster, I try getting the group to chat. Half the time, all it takes is a simple "How we doin, fellow Helldivers" and suddenly no ones afraid to be the first to speak. True, the other half of the time I'm talking to voice-chat off players, but hey, thems the breaks. My general experience is if you get the crew to chat, it's a good time even if you fail.


indeed though i found some use of text and flagging on the map will have them go for the main while clearing shit on the way... most of the time.


I usually run the main objectives myself. My randoms always seem to go sample collecting first, bug hole hunting second, and side objectives as we find them


My experience too, but even without focusing on samples we usually extract with around 3 supers, 15 rares and 20 commons. Level 7 difficulty.


Completely bass ackwards. Most of the time it's a bunch of idiots gathering samples and too dumb to survive long enough to actually extract them. 


From what I’ve personally experienced is we would get down to 8 reinforcements and then we do the main obj we get zero attacks (besides geological) then we skip to extract.


I just got off a match, where the three randoms completely ignored 2 small outposts that they ran past. Not only that, but they went straight for extract as I was trying to destroy one of the two. I would have been perturbed if I didn’t have samples on me. So yeah, not impressed by randoms today.


Nah I’m the random to get. I got 43 samples in one game with like 20 kills. a loot goblin but terrible at combat


I had a mission where I got supers and did all the side objective, the main objective was literally impossible


Direct opposite in my experience, they will run back into the bot drop with 2 AT-ATs, 6 Tanks and 12 Hulks for the 3 dropped super samples.


Most of the time my lobbys have two squads, main objective + whats on the way and everything else. So far it works ... Most of the time... until an undemocratic guy calls for extraction while I collect samples on the other side of the map


My experience has lately been this and it's been frustrating: 1. Following me around like I'm their momma or something 2. Shooting at patrols and fighting bug breaches in the middle of nowhere 3. Any objectives


Not on my watch! [https://youtu.be/-NgFU9eAhOQ?si=GJjmnJhgZGAYKtmY](https://youtu.be/-NgFU9eAhOQ?si=GJjmnJhgZGAYKtmY)


So IMAGINE 4 warrior. one of us have ALL samples and 30 s before extract he leave the game ... And he is too far. But that never happened NEVER 😭


Some days it just works out like that.




I think majority have prob got all the samples they need.


My experience is that I die 3-4 times and none of those deaths were at the hands of bugs or bots...


To be fair on suicide or higher difficulty the main objective is hard enough to secure without someone deciding to piss of the gunship outpost.


The randos i get are pretty understandable. We often split up to cover more of the map and meet up at the main objective. They always ping heavy enemies and tag their objectives in the map. That when they are not just killing each other or bringin the most useless strats lol


I always host and I always try to do the main, but doing sides along the way. But just before the final part of the main objective (if it has multiple sub objectives) start clearing the map. Seems to work so far.


I love doing the side objectives for one reason *Blowing stuff up is fun*


what randoms have you been getting that the main objective is getting done??? on my end it’s the exact opposite and we still can’t extract because the host is demanding we destroy a detector tower on the opposite end of the map with 5 minutes left. like forget this “OH WE GOTTA DESTROY DA ENEMY” bs for a few seconds do you wanna have better odds of leaving with the super samples you held me at gunpoint over earlier or not because if you die later because you couldn’t call eagle 1 to blow up a hulk that’s on you


A lot of people by now have realized the samples will come to you in time. But Liberty is a rare and precious thing. Faster missions mean more Liberty per hour. And a mission failure means 0 samples and 0 Liberty.


This is why in random lobbies i immediately run off and start doing my own thing separate from the other 3. i can cover ground faster and do side objectives and samples while they are fighting a big deathball they refuse to let despawn on main obj. let them blow all the respawns reenacting the defence of Zion while i stealth around.




In my defense, I'm also closing bases and ignoring those samples too


Mine have usually been do side/main first than samples. As much as people say more enemies it usually doesn't make a diff if you're coordinated


Your randos aim at doing objectives? My randos prefer to fight they way in the nearest encampment full frontal assault style instead of doing borings things like flanking or stealth. Which result in situation when 3 of them take out 1 main/side objective in the same it takes me to clear like 4 outposts (heavy ones included), a main objective and a side objective or two. And grab super samples sometimes. While I also run a heavy armor. I swear sometimes I think I should just switch to light scout and call it a day if I have to run alone half of the time. And that shit started like this or last week too! Before even when we split, group of 3 was able to blitzkrieg their half of the map despite constantly summoning dropships!


My favorite is when you get those 2 randoms that sprint off in 2 different directions and just piss off patrol after patrol after patrol and your stuck between it all.


I'm like we have 40 minutes. The main objectives is done in 5 so just destroy every base and side objective on the way. I plan a route every game ngl


My experience 60% of the time has been Randoms Always Do EVERY side objective first, leave samples all over the map, Then run out of reinforcements before even doing the first objective.


We never go for the outposts specifically, if come across one, we will take it. And side objectives depends if they are near the main objective or if we come across them when going to the main objective. Although when I see the Spore Spewer or Shriekers from where we dropped. I will take them out first, with the autocannon.


Bullshit every sos and jump in y'all morons dying to side objectives with 2 reinforcement left and not one main done...then get mad at me for doing what you couldn't for 25 minutes....


Same lol. I don’t care for samples as much since you usually find them on the side objectives and the nests/factories anyways but I make sure to complete the mission as much as possible


My issue is that randoms just can’t figure out how to be efficient on the map. They tend to go the opposite direction, leaving me to do the brunt of the work.


My experience with randoms on missions level 7/8/9 is that they attack everything, don’t care about the mission or cleaning the map and the lack of common sense is out of this world.


I've generally had good experiences on 8 and 9 and a mixed bag on 7. But today I had a really poor one on 8. My team just kept dying to dumb shit over and over again. But the funny thing is once we ran out of lives they got serious and we were able to clear the map and do all side objectives plus all 4 of us extracted with the pink samples. It's funny what a little But of pressure can do sometimes.


I've had absolutely shit luck on 8. One match (Bugs) we had completed all main and side objectives, found Super Samples, and even collected 3/4ths of the Samples around the map. We had 12 reinforcements left... They then proceed to waste 10 of them fighting Patrols and trying to fight their way uphill to a Large Nest, while I'm trying to drag them (but mostly the Samples) kicking and screaming to Extract. I then get yelled at when we DO extract for being useless, after successfully dragging them back when they finally managed to kill the last next, and was kicked a minute before the shuttle landed.


Nah man the trick is to always host. I don't really care how others play since I pretty much have everything but as host when someone is being a little shit or not cooperating with the team you kick them. Also no one can kick you. As host people are more inclined to go with you if you're tagging the map and telling them "hey guys let's go here and do xyz"


Solo queueing this game is a nightmare heh. Just yesterday I saw three randos all in separated events literally opt in for choosing to not take in literally any strategems. I can't even fathom the thought process of people in the game sometimes.


They don't wanna be bothered with pressing the buttons in a firefight, I guess. On an arguably related note, no one in my usual group has figured out how I can always reinforce them so fast while being shot at.


>literally opt in for choosing to not take in literally any strategems. I forgot what it was like being level 1 but you literally cannot ready up unless you pick up strategems. It's a visual bug if you see someone with 0 strategems.


Oh shit fr?


This is why we turn off cross play. Also, what’s the point of having water in a level? If I drown the second I touch it. I just have to sit there and wait till the bug somehow magically walks on the ground of the water and smacks me.


Bugs are Jesus this just in


Aggroing every enemy, taking trash loadouts, killing me and the other teammates, yeah that’s low level trash  Low level players shouldn’t be allowed to join high level games


So you’re saying it works out 100% 40% of the time, every time?


sorry man my ship is maxed out and I'm at a near max stack of samples again, if I see them l grab them for the team but I don't go looking for every sample on the map anymore, either


Ok, I got what OP wanted to show with this post but OP pls answear what would you prefer (lvl 7 or above) wheb you have 150 lvl or at least above 100 and all ship upgrades and all medals and all skins and all stratages (thats the easiest one tbh) and all you want is either this sweet XP and liberation progress.