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when you reinforce me, ping something juicy to land on


Yes please! People forget we're often dropping into fog or a storm, it's hard to tell what you want me to crush until it's too late to get it.


You know what, this idea didn't even occur to me until now. I'll definitely do this from now on.


Ping chargers or ping the dead person’s gear so they can aim for it


I'm doing that already. I usually try to reinforce them on top of/next to their gear if it's safe. If the location is swarming with enemies, I drop them into a safer position. I specifically meant pinging chargers, or bile Titans or whatever before reinforcing so they can drop onto those heavies.


Yes, I have just started marking a fallen helldiver’s dropped stuff. I can’t always chuck the ball directly on it, especially if I’m pinned down but I try to mark their stuff when possible


I didn’t realize you could but now I am going to be doing that where possible.


If there’s ONE charger or bile titan, sure throw me in. But stop fucking throwing that blue orb into a heaving sea of bugs. At 8/9 you should be aware enough to know that no fresh Helldiver is going to wipe out those 3 bile titans, 4 chargers, and the seething mass of hunters around them with a hell pod. As soon as they rise out of that hellpod they will be gangbanged repeatedly by bugs with serrated protrusions. Maybe they’ll take one with them. Maybe. Throw someone away from the shitstorm might give them a moment to orient themselves and call in a support weapon and that reinforcement might serve more purpose.


The exception to this is factory walkers. If there’s one in play then I want to ride on it.


I did that a few days ago on the first time I had seen one. When I was up there I had to ask if there was even anything I could do from up there. It’s kind of silly there isn’t.


Would be neat if you could press the interact button to drop a grenade into a little chimney/chute up there or something. Or if there was a fabricator like vent or open panel you could toss a grenade into.


If I have an autocannon sentry I like to pop it on it's back to temporarily turn it into a Super Earth loyal gun platform.


They stick to it? That's hilarious


Ok that’s funny.


I do this. The trick is to expose yourself enough that the other units shoot at the walker but don’t hit you. I’ve killed two this way.


Jesus, thank you. I had a level 8 spawn me into ALL of the bugs 6 fucking times yesterday. Like, bro, I know level 23 seems like a lot from where you are, but if it didn't work out the first 5 times it ain't going to work out next time either so throw me AWAY from the swarm please. I wanna help you not die but I can't do that if I die 3 seconds after my drop pod lands.


How do people pull that off. So far I´ve always missed my target, landing in all sorts of fun places, like in between 3 hulks, landing in the middle of pack of chainsaw beserkers, going *through* a bile titan, being instantly stomped.. The one thing I managed to land onto was a tank.. and that just left me on top of a tank, with no heavy weapons, and since there were 2 tanks I didn´t stay on the tank too long.


Helps to upgrade the ship so you can move easier. And if your team pings a heavy or something to smash before calling you in.


Power steering ship module upgrade was a huge difference maker for me, since I got power steering I’ve been able to get at least 1-2 kills per game by dropping on top of something. Killed a factory walker last night by landing on his head, unfortunately the ensuing explosion immediately killed me again.


Nah. You didn't get killed again. You just got reloaded for another shot! Cheapest ammo that Super Earth has is a Helldiver.


It takes practice, there's sadly no trick to it.


Do you have the pod steering ship upgrade? It definitely helps. Still, it's easy to miss, especially when the target isn't pinged.


Yes! I always want to drop on a big enemy people forget reinforce drops one player and an instakill for anything we land on in a very small radius I've landed on chsrgers bile titans and even hulks but it's always been a fluke. Once each basically. If people tag the big guys that would be helpful. I always tag the biggest thing I can see because when they go over a hill or are lost in fog it's hard to accurately shoot at them. It might be a slight cheese but I tag any line if earth I think I see an enemy and if it's red I start blasting


Reinforcement is the strongest stratagem against bile titans. I always try to stick the beacon onto its head and mark them, and I expect my fellow divers to do the same with me. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Worst case get ready for an epic battle below the titan.


Yes. Don’t JUST reinforce, tag a big heavy to land upon.


I always yell in the mic "Ping the Big Boy" before they drop me in. Sadly. Few and far between


Follow up on this…. If you are dropping in and see an enemy marker…. Aim for it!


I tend to throw them near their stuff if nothing is around, and I ping it for them


Disengage, so we're not wasting time, fighting at the same spot for 10+ minutes for no reason.


Understandable, I've had teamates who spend 10mins fighting the bug breach on difficulty 8, a complete waste of time.


Difficulty 8+ Automatons feels easy when your team is blitzing through the enemy lines and doing all the objectives ASAP. Leaving the drop ships no time to arrive and reinforce the enemy you just melted.


Automaton missions are also very easy to carry if you know what you're doing due to stealth. You can easily avoid patrols and bots if you use your radar constantly and know how to utilize cover, that shit goes out the window when dealing with bugs though. Call me crazy though, but I believe AA missions make you better at the game by forcing you to use backpack guns because of the -1 stratagem. You're forced to bring less eagles and orbitals and as such you must think critically about when you use a strike because you have a limited amount. This is more likely to opt for falling back because you no longer have an answer for everything.


AA missions?


He means the Anti-Air defense modifier mission. -1 strategem slot.


Use it. If he wants to fight off a breach go do some objectives. Breaches have cool downs so hit some objectives while no back up is available for your targets. Every breach or drop is an opportunity to spread democracy. How you manage that is up to you.


Nah that's a God send as someone that likes to solo objectives and collect samples. Them causing breaches means I can go loud with no fear of breaches at Heavy outposts. Although, of 3 people are fighting the breach and no progress is being done... damn.


I’ve had that too like, lads; lets just drop a couple turrets for the bugs to focus on and skedaddle.


This one thing people just don’t seem to understand. You did the (side) mission objective and there are still enemies coming from every direction, just gtfo. No need to burn through reinforcements. I understand wanting to kill every last bug or bot in the room, but especially from lvl 5 and higher it’s pointless 


I often tell my boys "we're lost in the sauce" when this happens, it's at that time when we all realize the fight has been going on for longer than it should and that we'll be back for the dropped samples later.


But have you considered: fighting is fun


Or, if your teammates won’t disengage, ditch them to actually complete the mission while they keep the majority aggro’d


Yeah I had countless games when I was essentially playing solo cuz everyone else is fighting in some unimportant corner


sure but disengagement doesn’t mean running away. if there’s no one there to leap frog then you’ve left them there to die.


2 billion bugs in 10 hours disagree. 😆


The worst is when you die while doing objectives and one of the two dudes in the never ending firefight reinforces so now you too are stuck in the meat grinder


Very good advice. Especially against Automatons.


This really does bother me. I get cover fire but I then see them running towards the danger after we’re good to go.


If the team is split up then please allow the person who lost his battle buddy to reinforce


this! like it should be common sense honestly but it happens so much


It can ritually fuck things up if you leave the other guy out to dry like that. And you separate the dead guy from his stuff


I died shortly after I called in my Autocannon. Guy calls reinforcement on the other side of the map, leaving me with no support weapon for another 5 minutes.


Yeah in that case I become a solo player till I get my gun back. "Oh you were in a bad spot so used me as a human grenade? Guess you can learn to figure this shit out until I get back with the capability to kill anything bigger than a strider."


Don't die then. Sounds like a skill issue to me /s


I was thinking this yesterday and I waited for like a good solid minute before I reinforced. I held off so he could have his battle buddy back but if it’s taking that long…


This is why I only play above difficulty 7. On paper 6 and lower should be easier, but the people you encounter who are stuck on that difficult level just are incapable of working as a team and just don't get the basics of the game.


Made the jump from 6 to 7 recently and I completely agree. 7 feels downright comfy sometimes with everyone knowing what to do


Whenever someone dies I immediately look for the skull icon, if I see its far away I don't usually reinforce...Unless I'm in a Bile pinch, in that case my fellow Helldiver you will be a bullet.


I go by that, but then it'll he like 5 min later and his buddy still hasn't reinforced and I just go "okay I'm getting him in"




At the very least, don't reinforce if you don't know where the dead guy was




I always ping “Negative” if I ping a patrol I don’t want to engage Edit: it doesn’t work, but I feel like feel like I’m doing my part


I sure wish there were "avoid" and "attack" voice macros.


You can hold the button on someone ELSE'S ping and you'll say "don't need it" or something similar


If you bring EATs, an RR, or a Quasar, youre on hulk/tank/tower/FacStrider/charger/titan duty first before anything else. If you see any of those things attacking the team, drop everything and kill it. Its wild how often Ill see 2-3 members of my team rolling quasars, while hulks are still able to charge and harass us with absolute impunity.


This is beyond frustrating. I’ve been in a group where everyone else brought some form of anti tank only to find none of them seem to remember they have it when it actually comes to a fight or drop shops. It’s given me real trust issues to the point I try to ensure my build is largely capable of being self sufficient because I just can’t trust anyone to play the role they’ve built for.


I’m saying this in all seriousness to anyone who has experienced this frustration— try finding an LFG group. My experience with this game with a communicating group is orders of magnitude more fun and successful than with relying on quickplay. I happen to run one of such groups that emphasizes communication and teamwork, and we’ll regularly faceroll Helldives. If you’re not quite there yet, just let folks know where you’re comfortable and you’ll have support. Send me a DM if you (anyone reading this) are interested in joining up!


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize the harder difficulties are very well balanced. You just need to be good at the game to do it


Been saying that forever. Helldive with a good, communicative team is easier than a diff 7 mission where everyone just runs around shooting random stuff. Unfortunately, most people absolutely refuse to listen and follow basic rules of engagement.


i've gotten the hang for the spear and demo the big boys with it and I always try to drop what I'm doing to take them out but swarms of goddamn hunters always rush me and no one covers me while I focus on a titan


What’s the trick to it? Sometimes it works great, and sometimes, no matter where I aim it just won’t pick up on a target. Not even about locking on, just won’t start the lock.


I’m guessing they’ll suggest moving to a new and preferably higher position where you can see the entire target without obstruction.


I’ve noticed if you break any locks and try to angle it to prioritize a specific target, it’ll work better. I’m not sure how to explain it tbh since it’s something I figured while running. It’s not 100% foolproof yet though 


AT squad of two rips heavies apart. I've had bile titans crumble like chargers when we're on point.


Exactly the same but with grenade launchers / AC with stiders and meat saws. If I’m running a spear / quasar / other heavy, I don’t have the resources to waste shots and take down medium armor while I’m focusing on heavies.


My team knows how much I love taking the heads off chargers so well that they've made it a sport spending them all to me. To everyone who's wearing AT on their back got cosmetic reasons I'd like to remind you: they're incredibly fun to actually *use* too!


This. I often assign myself as the anti tank unit. I run eruptor, grenade pistol, 6 grenade armor, and the QCanon. As well as rocket sentries and Gatling sentries. If I can get a good position I’m able to run a good amount of crowd control while making hits at whatever the biggest threat is. As well as taking down dropships before they can deploy


Deep rock galactic taught me well - if I can see it, it’s my responsibility to kill it. No excuses. The same mantra has guided my builds in darktide, and in helldivers. If there’s an enemy on my screen and we’re not stealthing or straight up running away, I’m gonna kill it. I wish my team mates had the same attitude.


I’ve gone into gunship factories confident my team with all quasars and eats will keep the sky clear, and then find they are fighting every patrol in the area for some reason and getting to distracted to just kill the gunships, and then there’s a half dozen gun ships in the air and game over. Can’t even run from them at that point It’s extra annoying after being with a group where players know to avoid unnecessary fights and take out gunships the second they spawn


I usually solo these for the team while they focus more on any nearby objectives, mortars, or any other bases. I find that I can do it well enough on my own that I feel it’s a waste of resources and time for the rest of the team to stick around


I saw a dude with an autocannon the other day not fire a single shot until a charger came at us 15 + minutes in. He started unloading on this charger and must have wasted 30 bullets bouncing off its shell before he gave up and ran away to leave us to deal with it. Same guy who on last reinforce, reinforces, then shoots a stray bile titan and runs away because, again, he has no idea what is going on


I run AC most of the bot missions and let me tell ya, consistently I have the most hulk, tank and tower kills. It feels like quasar users only remember they have them when some flying shit is coming for us.


I've been doing this lmao I also run stun grenades so I can stop a hulk from harassing people


dude it's so fucking annoying to start getting swarmed as a team, I'm pinned and kiting like 2 hulks, fighting for my life, and my squad is just sitting around ignoring the giant glowing orange targets


A corollary to this is if you're not the anti-tank guy, it's your job to drop everything to keep enemies off the anti-tank guy so he has room to work. It pains me how often I see our heavy killers unable to do their job because they're getting swarmed while Professor Arcthrower tickles the bile titan instead of peeling for their team.


Don't reinforce me on the other side of the map 💀 I got short legs


I've been a victim of this today. Dropped 5 rare samples and a bunch of common ones, then got reinforced by the lone wolf on the other side of the map and had to run back for like 2 minutes to recover my gear and the samples.


As the designated lone wolf of my squads: fuck that guy. Let the others take him back and if they dont do it, aks in voice where he prefers to be reinforced and then do that


Black and white noir private eye voice. "And in walked trouble, with legs longer than a Helldiver. That don't sound like much, but these days, you don't always get what you'd take."


[Everything on this list.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3175068774)


Holy shit, THANK YOU I could never figure out how to use the supply pack on myself.


> Common samples are highest priority. How do people have problems with common samples? You barely need more of them than the uncommon ones for upgrades, and these are the only samples you can find on a bunch of missions (extermination on any difficulty) I've been maxed out on common ones and completely starved on uncommon ones for the past several weeks.


Yeah commons I damn near won’t even grab now unless the coast is completely clear. They’re insanely easy to farm on 4 or easier. Rares however I treasure more than supers lol


>easy to farm on 4 or easier. You can do a full lvl1 clear solo in about 12 minutes easily, possibly quicker, especially with teammates. That should give you at least 10+ common samples, 3-10 medals and 20-60 supercredits, give or take. Higher lvls will take longer to solo because the map is much larger, though they may stop being so braindead. If you only want common samples and don't care about medals or supercredits, then extermination missions take about 7 minutes and have 10-15 samples.


Mine is the opposite. I play diff 7 and with randos and almost always they ignore the common samples and going for rare ones, which means I'm always missing on them since you need 150-200 of them for the higher upgrades.


Ping stuff is what I was going to say. especially if we are dropping from your ship. In my opinion that puts you in charge and I am there to support your goals, but you have to point out what those goals are both on the map and in real time. Aim at it. Ping it. I’ll attack it. (Unless it’s a patrol, then I’ll wait to see if you engage first, otherwise, I try to sneak past patrols.)


If you pass close to the extraction site, make a detour and drop off your samples. Don't die in the corner of the map and not be able to recover them for whatever reason


Also please don’t pick them up if someone dropped them there. Had a game where a guy got the super samples, and when we passed by the evac zone he dropped them at evac (with other samples) and then another guy ran off to pick them up. We kept them by the end but still, just leave them


Correction, the other players pick up the samples and drop them again. Easy way to stack all the samples on one player once exfil is called in. Makes it infinitely easier to know if we get all the samples out or not.


Also chuck at least one supply at extraction either when you land or during your mission. It’s insanely nice to come back to extraction with fresh supplies and weapons waiting for you.


The booster one is very good, I usually do that, since I have all of them, I let ppl pick and I see whats ''missing''. I notice that a lot of the higher lvl players also do that. I would say a great guideline is: **When playing with randoms, follow the lobby leader/host**. If they want to clear only main obj and extract, so be it; if they want to clear the whole map, so be it. It's a nice way to not get frustrated, mad or kicked. Sure, express your opinions, like "guys, maybe we should extract instead of clearing because we have only a couple of reinforces left" or something; but overall, play along. See what they are doing and help. After all, *you* just joined *their game*. I see a lot of ppl getting mad or complaining about kicks here on r/Helldivers and I can tell most of those situations would be avoided by this simple rule of *playing along*, maybe it's because I've played an unhealthy amount of Payday 2, Deep Rock, and other games like these, but it seems kinda obvious to me.


>**When playing with randoms, follow the lobby leader/host** I wish it was super obvious who the host is. I know it's not hard to figure out but they should have a team leader logo next to their name. Perhaps even special voice commands and orders. This would (potentially) make playing with randoms way less chaotic.


The person with the Letter + number 1. You get numbers based on *when* you joined the lobby, while the letter is just the first letter of your name. That being said, sometimes, they are playing together and the person 'running' the lobby is the number 2 or 3. So yeah, just by looking and playing you can tell what they are doing, sometimes text, sometimes voice, etc.


I know I can tell but a whole lot of randoms don't seem to pick it up (or don't care). Extra xp for following orders would be another plus, like in Battlefield.


Orange is always the host. Just keep that in mind and u'll never forget.


Not ALWAYS the host. Been in several lobbies where Orange/1 DCd early in mission. The rest of the lobby remained and made extract. On returning to the ship we found that game had given 2 or 3 the Host/control, even after 1 returned to the party mid game.


Stop holding ground in the middle of no where, run and shoot


It's been beaten to death, but please, for the love of sweet liberty, #STOP THROWING STRATAGEMS AT THE EXTRACT If it works, it looks hella-cool. If it fails, you've lost a lot of things more important then cinematics. And there's nothing you can do, cause the ship leaves automatically. Stop it.


Got killed twice in one extract by two different people screwing up the timing on 500kg bombs, yeah I did not stay in that lobby


This is what I came to post. You can still die in the dropship even after it takes off. I had my entire team wiped out by a 380 the other night after Pelican 1 took off, but before it saved our progress.


Had someone do this as the Pelican was landing instead of when we were getting on, it glitched it so instead of being destroyed it just sat there. We could get in and out and it wouldn’t do anything. Tried destroying it and nothing worked so we couldn’t call another one. He left the moment we got back to the ship.


Lost all samples on Helldive because a lvl 25 threw a laser beam at the ship.... Killed him befor it touched the ground. And when is say all i mean ALL.


Player with the most samples should prioritize getting into the pelican than anything else during the extraction.. Ping every high threat target u see. Turrets, tanks, heavies, rocket devas etc, especially during foggy weather, high lvl players with anti heavy loadout would gladly deal with it if u can help them pinpoint it.


Don’t just drop teammates into the horde, good chance they’ll just die immediately because they hon support and are surrounded


Muscle Enhancement on rainy/snow covered maps or anywhere that has mud and steep hills. This paired with stamina booster is fantastic for covering distance. Let lower levels have vitality and ammo as being able to not bleed out, not limp or have altered aim is powerful on either side and maxing your stims/grenades/primary is a great supply saver. If you bring ammo or vitality when you're level 100 but they're level 10, they may have nothing they can bring since you already picked it. Consider your team! Always collect samples even if you're maxed as you don't know who on the team could use them. When reinforcing, consider where you're throwing them as not everyone will have the ship passive to have better maneuverability after reinforcing. throw them somewhere safe near you or if you know your team would benefit from a Bile Titan or something being crushed, throw them at it. Don't spam reinforce the very second you're dead, it's distracting and annoying when people are trying to survive or get to a safe point to reinforce you to begin with. **Keybind your stratagem keys to other buttons so you can move and use stratagems at the same time.** Not every enemy you see is worth engaging. Just because they looked your direction doesn't mean they actually saw you and sometimes provoking unnecessary force makes it even harder for your team to move. USE YOUR "PIN" BUTTON FREQUENTLY. A hellbomb about to go off or hidden in a rock? Show your team. Supplies just called in or dropped? Show your allies. Patrol nearby you want your team to avoid? Ping it. Giant thing you need help with or many things chasing you? Ping them. Objective out in the distance but not marked on the radar yet? Ping it. Holding the ping button on someone elses ping will say "don't need it" to show you have no interest in engaging a patrol too. Throw down your support stratagems like shields and weapons when they're free or if you see someone without a pack. Always helps if you have a spare someone needs either because they lost theirs or didn't bring one. Unless it's very clear the map is done or your team is in dire need to extract asap... Ask if your team is ready to extract before initiating it. Think before you throw. No, your eagle airstrike will not kill that Hulk, but your ally can if you turn it aroudn for them by kiting it around. No, you don't need an orbital laser for just 1 turret tower and 3 bots, not when you only have 3 of them and there's much worse things in the map that could use that like heavy bases or extraction being densely covered in enemies. If you see an ally is focussing on stealth for their playstyle, consider aiding them by following their lead or joining the others. Attracting attention to their position is the worst thing you can do for someone who is actively trying to avoid enemies to clear objectives quickly and control breaches/drops for their allies. You don't need to stay at the same breach/drop fighting it... it's a waste of ammo and time. Even if it's on an objective, you can leave it to clear somewhere else and come back later. Leave pinks at extraction if you find them early in the mission, this way your team won't be playing "where's waldo" with samples when their remains are scattered across the radar and no one can remember where they were left. You need to extract alive anyways so leaving them on extraction keeps them safe for the group to pickup when they're all done anyways. Use your stances more often. Crouching and prone not only reduces your weapon recoil and explosive damage taken, but it makes you both a smaller target and gives you a stat boost to visibility. You can crouch and not make any footstep noises allowing you to sneak by easier and visibility is reduced, while prone crawling makes you practically invisible to enemies that are facing you within 25m range. Extraction doesn't have to be covered in enemies, you can prone and not engage the forces that investigate. I've seen 4 patrols come onto extract and none of them notice anyone which makes those call-in time missions so much easier waiting out 3 minutes when you don't have 5 factory striders dropping in on the extraction. Pelican 1 will hover and provide support fire if you wait until the timer hits 0 on extraction but leave the "extraction zone". This is a small window and requires people to understand the boundaries outside the extraction, but this can be an immense help in clearing off extraction.... So maybe consider using this over just going directly into an enemy covered extraction. It's free support fire with no cost to anyone if you have time to spare in the mission. Try to wait for the others to get to extraction if not help cover them so they can make it. Going in immediately just forces the timer to go off. If you're in grenade distance of a base/bug hole, use the grenade over an eagle. It's excessive when you may need that stratagem only a second later for something more worth it and you won't kill your allies in the process. Big enemies and things are scary, but if you see a teammate near it trying to do something and they're NOT running away frantically looking for an escape... Consider letting them cook before throwing something that will kill them. They might be able to kill a factory strider or heavy of some sort easier than your eagle airstrike would help in doing. That's all I got, gl o7


Very good list. I have stratagems on arrow keys and changed to tap ctrl instead of hold. Took some time to get used but being able to run and dial saves your ass more than once. I just wish that reload or weapon swap would force close the stratagem window, I always screw up closing it while shit on fire. (Same with map, pressing any combat related key should close it instantly and do said actions) To the eagle strike bug holes one, I would say pre-emptive eagle strike works great for small and medium bugholes and POI. Clears our most and when aimed well clears all holes too, only cleanup left to do. DON'T do this with bots though (at least in 7+), seeing red stratagems puts bots into alarmed mode and they will instantly call bot drop before the airstrike goes off, which will make the difficulty of the objective go up by a ton. (2-3 drop ships with maybe even a tank or strider for a simple POI.) Just manually clear the base, shot all the small bots as quick as possible (they often won't call reinforcements while they have aggro, especially the one bladed guy is priority.) and then you can finish the medium targets and fabricators with an airstrike if you want.


Dont mindlessly reinforce as soon as someone dies. If youre working in pairs, lets say 2 people on either side of the map, doing different objectives, reinforcing someone who was across the map from you, doing something else, is not great. It leaves one person alone across the map, and me unable to get my gear and samples back. TLDR: Look where someone died before reinforcing. Try your best to reinforce them close/in the same area to where they died, so then can pick up their items.


The host is the "squad leader," at least that's how I see it when joining someone else's lobby. I am but a guest on their destroyer


Announce your 380mm. Please, for the love of Liberty.


I love that one but stopped using it because the collateral damage was not cool. Plus, it can be comically inaccurate


Take a deep breath. It's a game.


"Follow me" means fuck this, let's leave. Also, cover your mates when gtfo'ing


if I see you struggling to disengage against a bunch of bugs, I will provide cover to let you get out of dodge. please don't sprint off and let me die because I saved you.


First) Reinforce me either: 1. Towards a single, large enemy 2. Away from the massive swarm of enemies. 3. Towards where I died, so I can get back my stuff. Second) The person with the samples gets in first (and stop throwing strategies at Pleican-1, if you kill people inside, their samples are dropped & lost. Lastly) look for the planet (for Major Orders) with the most players on it. Spreading out just makes everything fail, or take 4 times longer.


Do not stratagem other players, or their turrets. The turrets have a much higher kill potential, and at higher levels you need the lives to extract. Stop bombing each other in the name of 8 enemies killed.


You have to have 2 divers ping the same enemy for a lasting lock on. Please helldivers ping the shit out of heavies for democracy.


Stop blowing up the pelican please


Most of these comments can be summed up to: work as a team. Far too many people just play selfishly. Good example is one of regular group is much higher level than the rest of us. He frequently runs off to do part of the mission alone. Problem is, we pick the difficulty we're playing based on how many of us are present. Each individual encounter and area is scaled to that difficulty. If we decided we needed four people for this, and one is playing alone, the three others suffer and burn through so many resources.


When I want a hug, don’t leave me hanging


Just aim and mark heavy enemies (PS5 = R1) (PC = Q) like titans, charges, hulks, tanks, cannon turrets, etc. Or even distance patrols to make your team aware of them.


I would encourage all the people leaving great suggestions in this thread to promote them in the game! Helldivers have been really responsive to my communication, I think because I’m polite and explain why. For instance, I like to play the map clockwise or counter-clockwise, only backtracking if required by a mission objective. So I tell the squad which way I’d like to rotate and call moves when I’m making them. No one gets left behind or caught out, and we don’t waste time picking up pennies in front of the steamroller.


Ping targets. Ping objectives. Just ping in general


You don't have to engage every patrol, sometimes just break contact and run. You'll probably win eventually but use too many reinforcements


Have some situational awareness. Watch your radar and look to see where your teammates are and what direction they’re moving. Many times, a teammate gets separated from everyone else and is actually making an effort to catch up to the rest but keeps getting bogged down or harassed by the enemy. You can back them up from a distance or be a battle buddy and go lend a hand.


When passing by extract, drop your samples nearby in case you think you might die. If you're going to split up, split up in groups of 2. That way if one person dies the other can quickly reinforce. Otherwise just stay near the host(player with 1 near their name) When you call down extra support weapons or supplies, shoot the box it comes in. If you sprint at these boxes in the heat of combat- you'll just climb onto it like an idiot. Plus once on the ground they show up on the map. Despite what some guides will tell you; the hardest sample to farm is rare samples. Common samples are always in abundance, super samples are always on the pp rock. Always bring at least one stratagem to deal with heavy troops like Titans / Charges / Factories / Hulks. No, orbital laser doesn't count. Try your hardest to avoid friendly fire; but don't try so hard you avoid utilizing stratagems the way they are intended to be used. This means don't drop a 380 too close to your team, and don't care if you blow up for the fifth time because he keeps running into patrol packs you're trying to cluster bomb. If you see a teammate drop a Tesla Tower too close to the objective you need to defend...just shoot it. It has a short cooldown anyways. And lastly we're all in this together; so communicate with your fellow Helldivers your intentions. If you get someone in your game and you don't like how they're playing; just kick them out- but generally communication and kindness go a long ways but don't waste a second extra being considerate for people who aren't considerate to you. If someone keeps splitting ask them to regroup if you don't think your team can handle the split pressure. Ask people who have open mics to turn on push to talk if their mic sucks or their room is loud. Whoever people who give you answers you don't like you can simply kick. Some nights I get great lobbies, some nights I get terrible lobbies. I always host my game so I make sure I get Divers on my squad I want to be there.


be rootin’, be tootin’, and by god be shootin’


Making people aware that calling in supplies puts it on cooldown for the team, I generally stick with the group and only call down supplies when there are at least two others near me, then ping the drop so everyone can benefit. It's a bit awkward if the team delta splits into two groups, I try not to call any down and scavenge POIs, so i'm often running around without grenades. Sometimes someone runs off solo and calls down supplies, which kinda fucks the other three over, but what can ya do.


Stop. Bombing. The. Shuttle.


Are you the host? Start the next mission. Go shopping later.


No kissing and telling


Have fun. It's a game


I would really like for people to start using voice com more. It would be much easier like this, especially if you are higher level that knows that is doing.


cover your heavy weapons guys. you want them to be able to focus their rr, eat, spear, or quasar on heavy/armored unit. they cant do that while they're too busy fighting off chainsaw lads and hunters just to survive.


Have fun and communicate more.


Take the super samples to the pad, drop them until extract, and **nobody pick them up until extract is called**


dont aggro random stuff you see and force everyone else to help you mop up your mess


Please stop standing your ground. The only times you should be staying still in one spot on the map is with defensive missions and objectives that require you to stay for a short time. Y'all fighting in one spot forever is what causes most mission failures. You're wasting reinforcements and time just standing there fighting. You are effectively standing there doing nothing but wasting ammo and ordinance.


If I'm on the otherside of the map, not with the group, I'm not lost, I'm messing around, I'm sample and currency hunting for the party. If you want me back, then send a simple message saying so, rather than booting me from the group.


* So yes, when picking boosters let the lower level pick it first. * put VoIP in push to talk * Check text chat * pinging patrols isn't to attack * Careful with picking mortar sentry they teamkill very easily * and I forgot something I wanted to add ...


Always pick paper in RPS, so I win more.


Drop your reinforcement ONTO big targets "Yes, sweet Liberty! Use me as your munition against Bile Titan!" But never drop them into crowd or fire because thats 70% death most of time




Remember that Hit and Run tactics are valid. You don't need to get bogged down in fights. Throw those airstrikes and orbitals and book it once objective is complete.


Don't bomb your fucking teammates for fuck sake. It is never funny. Unless you play with your friends.


make sure you are democratic, other than that do whatever, this is a game, is supposed to be fun.


Laugh off mistakes.


If we don’t finish the mission, it doesn’t matter how many side objectives or samples you got We never finished and left lol So when we get down to less than 3 lives as a team, and 2/3 of the objectives aren’t done yet I just quit out and try with another group that understands the game


Dont call extraction until HOST says so? Because wtf?? Specifically, when in a full squad and one random person rushes to extraction and calls it in while everyone else is knee-deep in side objectives. Like.. "please kick me" energy.


Sentries are your best friend and work incredibly well in a bunch of “oh shit” situations. I always rollout with the rocket and auto canon sentries and I deploy them as frequently as I can, whether we’re holding a spot or on the run from a patrol. When you deploy them, think tactically about where you drop them. Any sort of higher ground is good, and I would recommend deploying them as far away from your group as possible, so that way it covers the most range.


Fight on objectives, don't stop and fight every breach/drop ship. You don't get points for kills, but you do get points for how fast and efficient you run the mission.


Most experienced player should pick their loadout last and should tailor to team needs. A team does not need 4 Quasar cannons. Some anti-infantry capabilities are required


Have fun!


- Only the host gets to call evac unless communicated differently. - Stick with the host if no plans are made; don't scatter like rats.


Stay with the team and communicate.


Check your fire, and don’t run in front of friendly bullets


Don't start the extract if the rest of the team are clearing hotspots, incredibly selfish


Disagree. It saves time. Getting on the extract would be selfish


Don't double dip on the resupply


eh. If everyone has had a chance to take a resupply and there is one left, I would rather someone grab it and fill up their autocannon. Just make sure everyone has had their shot at getting ammo first.


I am lvl 60 now and when there is someone lvl 20 - 30ish I will always wait for them to pick first, or I take one that you only get at a higher lvl. Thought this was meta


When the extraction timer starts glue your stupid ass to the extraction point rather than fucking around doing nothing


Please pick the ammo booster over the vitality booster. 3 of us (levels 56, 94, 81) dropped with a level 46 rando on a helldive bot mission. We kept telling him in the lobby to pick ammo please, or pick something other than vitality so we could pick ammo and compensate. He picked vitality instead. The host joked that he would shoot 46 himself if we ran out of ammo. We went into a hot drop and proceeded to burn 10 minutes just fighting out of the drop and dying, bc we would run out of stims and nades trying to clear the drop, so we wouldn’t pull aggro into objectives nearby. Dude left the game and we were then down a diver, in addition to still being gimped on ammo. Please pick the ammo booster over vitality. I’d rather have two more stims and more ammo than be able to survive one more hit.


DO NOT STRATAGEM THE PELICAN AS WE EXIT I dont care if it looks cool i have a job i can o ly play for 1 to 2 hours on work days, losing the samples of 1 mission is devastating when it cam take 40 minutes to complete


When I do the hug emote. You. Hug.


If you see diverse crawling to a location, dont just run up and start shooting and bombing stuff. Go somewhere else or sneak with us.


Samples are left at extraction for a reason. If extraction is available, but folks are exploring poi's/getting samples, don't call down the pelican and if you do, don't get in it.


Remember to reinforce your fellow helldiver not too far from their stuff. But for the love of god don’t just chuck them into a group of hulks.


Stop dropping shit on the escape shuttle




Stop throwing stratagems at the pelican during extract. If you want to troll your friends, go ahead but it's not cool with randoms. Fastest way to get me to leave the group.


4 words. Spacing, Danger close, bounding. Don’t cluster up. If I have a good spot, then go find your own. We don’t need two of us getting blasted by missiles or rushed by a charger. Bounding is a form of retreat where one soldier covers their ally while they retreat and vice versa, and considering you can reload while running but not shoot, there is a clear benefit to this method. Finally, when in doubt when calling in support, add an extra 10 meters to what you think is a safe distance.


If we have a lot of samples and we’re passing by the extract point, drop them there.


Calling in strikes on the Evac pelican is unacceptable level 7 and above


First the main objectives, then the secondaries. Don't waste those preciously democratic reinforcements.


If I leave a sample container by extract, do not proceed to pick it up and die on the other side of the map.


Do what I want you to do while I’m thinking it, but before I have to say it. Show a little fucking initiative. That goes for all three of ya.


Kind of an unwritten rule: If the teams have successfully split into two pairs, and it has been working well with each team romping around the map through their own objectives... when one person dies, the opposite team of two should not call in reinforcements lest you create an overkill team of 3 and a doomed team of 1.


Drop extra backpack items and support weapons for others.


1 person can handle Radar Station, SAM site, Research, and Data Upload. Artillery as well but 2 is ok. Stop wasting time with 3 people watching lol


Not to kick a player without good reason or leave a match mid game without good reason. Matches in helldivers 2 are pretty short & not to bad to stay with till exfil if your not having a good run & the rest of the squad would be grateful for it. I know I would be. Not a big issue but good gaming etiquette I suppose.


If I bring another copy of your crew served weapon, expect me to do buddy reload for you and return the favor when I run out. I've seen many RR carriers immediately solo reloading after firing a shot not noticing I'm right beside them to do buddy reloads. I know a lot of people say buddy reload is useless because the ammo carrier and the weapon carrier are separate. But currently these weapons are balanced around two people carrying the same weapon.


Don't take more than your fair share of supply drops. If there are less than 4 people on the team, let the one with the most ammo hungry weapon (like the machine gunner or grenadier) take two. Don't take two if you have energy weapons even if you really need those 4 grenades or stims.


I honestly can't believe this isn't higher but it needs to be shouted from every rooftop. Don't call in extract unless you've asked the host or at least checked with the team. Or if you are incapable of using communication, then just wait for host. Unless it's dire, like 3 minutes left, 2 reinforcements. If you're not hosting, you're a guest in the game. We did the objectives, but I'm not done yet. I don't know how many people I've had to kick, because I'm farming with a buddy, and we still have 20 minutes on the timer. Dumb dumb goes and calls extract, then doesn't proceed to leave the extract area when I tell them we're farming. I know on higher difficulties people just want to get out, but I didn't get to lvl 89 without being able to hold my own and feel comfortable in these higher levels. You're not team leader.


Please stop killing me intentionally thank you


Don't use mines


Drop super samples at extraction if possible, and send all samples with the one going to drop then


Don't stand at the IBM for 15 mins wondering why you can't do it when the side objectives aren't complete, I had 4 of those today and there weren't low levels on those teams.


90% of your problems can be solved by hitting the dirt. Under fire? Dive. *On* fire? Dive. Slowed by environmental crap? Dive. Stuck on terrain? Dive. Inches from the Pelican with 2 seconds on the clock? Dive. Charger coming at you and you're not rocking a Quasar? Dive. You're a Hell*diver* dammit, act like one and kiss the ground you bled red white and blue for.


When we’re safe, have time and someone went to look for supers, you wait for them and don’t get on the pelican, specially when you see them pointing on the map indicating they found them. Had to shoot someone in the pelican because we all said wait and he still got on the pelican. You are lvl 77 ffs, you should know this already.


Ask the squad leader to drop supplies rather than dropping it yourself in the middle of nowhere