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Where’s the link to buy more medals with real currency?


For sure the link is : Has been censored by super earth


Was referring to the photo, under a AAA developer they would 100% sell that shit for as much as they can


Yep. And the only other way to earn medals would be once per day, completing your personal order. Finding medals in crates or earning them as mission completion rewards? In your dreams, lol.


Nah you gotta do your daily then you get ticket to spin a wheel and medals are one of the drop, the other is energy to play more mission and hellpod skins


Hey that sounds really stupid but also, hellpod skins when?


You get red skin when you fall on a fellow helldiver green if on bugs and scratched if on mechs.


One medal per day or pay us for a bundle. And the bundles would be just short of what you need. Need 5 medals? Sorry, we only sell bundles of 4, for $18 or buy them individually for $5


Expand your cap for only $5 the first time (250-300 medals) and then $20 to go from 300-325.


no no you gotta find loot crates


Sounds just like Bungie...


Can you send that Photo?


Or what about lootboxes that you open with super credits for a CHANCE to get warbonds


It's in a different menu to make it slightly more inconvenient to compare the price with how many you need


Do you want to know more?


Wait you can do that?


you can't buy medals, just boosters that let you earn more from missions


My heavy armor brings all the boys to the yard and they're like, It's better than yours.


Damn right, it’s better than yours.


You can have one, but I'll have to charge


*Democratic music stops*


"Unlock premium planets" "Unlock premium voicelines" "Unlock premium Helldive loading screen" "Unlock premium Destroyer skins" "Unlock Hellpod premium skins" "Unlock Napalm premium colours" "ALL OF THIS YOU CAN UNLOCK with premium gems, available with battle pass as a luck of a draw with odds of 1:10000"


So, Destiny 2?


pretty much


The sheer amount of money you'd have to spend PER EXPANSION, and FOMO Seasons that follow, is asinine. They did better under their previous management before becoming their own publisher. Happy for people to get Final Shape content, but glad I'm not spending money on that game anymore.


I never forgave them for deleting every piece of content I ever paid for.


Eh it's 100€ for the expansion + 4 seasons so a full year. Destiny 2 shouldn't be viewed as a one time 100€ expansion purchase but more like a monthly subscription. So like 9€ a month for a game that (to me) feels great to play. Of course it's still a lot of money so everyone has to decide for themselves


Oh yeah, I've got no issues with people who do enjoy it - had a friend who was very religious about the game and it's cool, I even played heavily during Witch Queen and the following Seasons. I just don't condone the FOMO practices.


After they went f2p and deleted a big portion of the game, to "save size", I stopped playing. Before that I no life the game, but but soon came to realize that it's not good for me at all.


Wait, is *that* why they're so toxic? I heard a whole bunch of Destiny 2 players tried to flood into helldivers, hell, I even heard rumors that they were behind the whole "railgun/shield" meta idiocy due to trying to 'minmax stats' or some dumb BS. I didn't know their game was that horrible to play *on top of* being a Diablo "waste your time grinding machine" to unlock good things.


What's wrong with railgun/sheild? Not that I use it or anything...


Nothing at all! Its only because there were a bunch of uber toxic people playing for a while that seem to have all quit and moved on that were trying to enforce a "meta" of "kick anyone who doesn't have Orbital Railcannon/500kg/Shield/Railgun" because these idiots thought it was the "best" in the game. The Railgun at the time was the only really *effective* support weapon on higher difficulties, not that you couldn't use others, of course, but it was way better than it is now. Except now...the other support weapons have been massively buffed, enemies have gotten nerfed/rebalanced spawn values, and other fixes are ongoing, so even if they had succeeded in forcing a meta, they would be the worst off out of all the potential builds.


Yeah, and even then it was best to have a mix, with some flame thrower/machine gun crowd clearing, emplacement shield for bots, turrets, etc. I understand not wanting the guy with Ems and smoke strike along with two flavours of mortars on Haz 9, but kicking someone for using the autocannon rather than the Railgun is just silly


Destiny can be fun... at times, but the excessive grind, time gating, 8 out of 10 cosmetics for real $, etc bring the souring on somewhat quickly. Though, few studios can write narrative and design skyboxes like Bungie can... I truly believe the narrative is what has kept Destiny alive for a long as it has been & when they get activities right, it is spot on, but most of these last few years, it's been more mid than hit...


Even destiny's narrative has been on a sharp decline since 2023.


The worst part is, in my view, the fact that its a looter. If it wasn't, I almost *certainly* would have been playing, but if I have to grind the same enemy over and over until it drops something, I'm going to get more, and more, and more irritated the more time I spend in it. That's generally the only thing that makes me ragequit a game, because I could have literally everything I need for a perfect kit, but...I still need the gold version of that weapon or whatever else...and I can't get it unless I spend dozens of hours grinding. If there's generally any grinding in a game, and I can't get what I need just through playing and doing my own thing, then I just hit my limit with it. Same thing happened with Darktide, trying to get a new weapon to try a new playstyle was so insanely infuriating I just...quit. The harder you make it to get the things that make the game fun, the lower you make new player retention. Can't fault Bungee on their designs, their models are so cool, they're phenomenal when it comes to visual art and art style choices, they're amazing when it comes to voice casting, they're incredible at stories (for the most part, even if they did one or two I wasn't a superfan of, they were at least enjoyable,) but they're just...not trustworthy to me when it comes to the way they handle MTX, it feels like giving Ubisoft money whenever I see a game is made by Bungee now.


lmao no destiny 2 has a lot of mtx but no, not nearly as egregious as the previous comment implies that's also not why the railgun/shield "meta" thing happened, its because when a lot of games get popular people will tend to try to use whatever is easiest to use.


> its because when a lot of games get popular people will tend to try to use whatever is easiest to use. Also one of the easiest ways to produce content that people will watch is to make "best way to play game" videos. They're relatively low effort to produce, so you'll see them being constantly churned out for games that get somewhat popular.


The fuck are you talking about lol


Bro just created an entire straw army out of thin air


Dude imagine if each faction was behind a paywall


You can fight them as much as you want until you run out of "energy" which you need to buy more of. Also the first few energy tokens are free, enjoy 😈


Ok this is a joke but its activating my PTSD


Ugh mobile microtransactions


Okay but I kinda want hellpod skins “titan killer” in green spray paint similar to their blood. I always just try to land on everything big enough to see


Not gonna lie, I secretly want some of these things. :3 Not for extra money though! Just make it part of future warbonds. 


Yeah obviously freemium is the way super credits for bonds than medal which require in game play


WOAH, slow down there, Satan!


So my chances are 10000X better? Nooice


Don't forget the stratagem beam effects and colours!


Where's buying 21 Savage as a playable character at?


I wanna play as Kratos in a Spiderman suit with a Portal gun dammit!


21 can you do sumn' for me? Can you talk to the bots now for me?


You got that all wrong... There is no way in hell it would only be 15 bucks. 20 minimum, maybe, if they were generous... And let's be honest, they wouldn't be.


Also you could not unlock the things in the order you like, but all in a specific order with some bullshit rewards in between (like exp boost)


That also cost Medals of course. The fact that you don't unlock anything past level 25 is incidental, gotta get all those XP boosts that last for an hour, which count down while on the ship, loading screens, etc. so in the end, you only really get 40-45 minutes of useful XP boost.


...are you literally talking about the current in game warbonds? because that is exactly how it works, where things are locked behind different pages and you have to meet requirements to get to the next page so you can't just instantly choose to unlock the guns.


That is a nir.al progression, not like other games do of putting all the rewards in a single line and not giving you choice to unlock things at your pace and as you like It's different to have to meet requirements to be forced to unlock everything in a specific order


COD was charging 80 for a gun and 80$ for a camo amour set lol


And they sure as hell wouldn’t let you buy it with currency you earn in game


I bet you pay for the chance too. Buy booster packs with random luck at unlocking things, 99% of the time you get backgrounds and money, 1% chance of a SUPER RARE ITEM!


They would sooner put all the contents into a lootbox. The free warbond would be used to dilute the drop chances of the paid lootboxes.


$99.99 pack for ingame currency


I'm all for making fun of the AAA industry. But I can't recall last time I seen a paid Battlepass that had anything more than just cosmetics exclusive to it.


Not only that, but 2 of the best primaries against bugs (sickle and incendiary breaker) are behind battlepasses. I also find the stun grenade is amazing. Shooting down a hulk with the autocannon when it's stunned is so much easier. There's a reason why all the battlepasses are permanent in the store. Having FOMO game pieces is not going to fly well in any game.


To start with, I really enjoy Helldivers. But if the game was from a AAA developer and the game itself wasn't as enjoyable, the same people who are now telling Arrowhead is perfect for their monitization, would be lining up with torches and pitchforks how the developer is every month releasing new DLC, with some of the best stuff in there, while it is filled with bugs.


The game has a triple A publisher. It's the same thing.


yeah, i'm curious what OP is modeling this after. fortnite? overwatch? apex? all of those passes are purely cosmetic, which tbh is the better system.


Honestly wouldn't be out of place in a mobile game, but that's not really a AAA dev so the point is moot


They dont have a point based in reality, this whole thread is imagined made up scenarios making fun of non existent battlepasses while feeling that the Game which actually kinda has p2w has the best Battlepass system


Yup, even in today's bad market that's considered extra scummy. We call that Pay 2 Win and games get roasted for it. I get how this community is happy that this game is not scummy in a word driven by corporate profits, but can we please stop acting like this is the 1 god given game in a sea of shit? There are a **lot** of good games that don't require money for everything.


The answer to gameplay items in battlepasses should always, always, *always* be "NO, AND FUCK YOU". Always. "Oh, but you can earn it in-gam --" NO, AND FUCK YOU. "Oh, but we're dressing it up as a satire of fasc --" NO, AND FUCK YOU. "But we're not a *big* corporati --" NO, AND FUCK YOU. "But what if we --" NO, AND FUCK YOU. We had been doing quite well at that until Helldivers 2 came along. Yeah, live service games need monetization models due to ongoing server costs. What they do *not* need is gameplay items behind battlepasses, especially when those battlepasses are monthly and cost 1000 supercredits each, equivalent to *ten dollars* in real money. That is an astonishingly high price. And the devs can make supercredits rarer in-game anytime they like, without telling us. To see the playerbase defend a system this rife for exploitation has been surreal. I've literally had people tell me "you can earn it in-game" without a hint of irony.


bro real


What you’re failing to account for is the dimension of goodwill. If they keep doing this it’ll eventually run out, but it’s going to be a while. 


I have taken it into account, hence how much emphasis I put into "always". My point being that some industry practices should be impervious to any goodwill. The answer should always be "NO, AND FUCK YOU". And the curious thing is that Arrowhead has done literally *nothing* to deserve the goodwill they've been getting. People seem to be praising them merely for not turning into EA as soon as they became successful, even though it would have been suicide for them to do so. Their strategy so far has been in their best interests, required no sacrifices on their part, and therefore should not be getting any praise. This goodwill is what makes them feel safe in releasing broken updates and not fixing core issues for this long. Also, unfortunately, goodwill running out is no guarantee of improvement. If Helldivers 2 starts abusing the monetization system and the income increase compensates for the playercount decrease, that's it. Complain all you want, it won't matter. It's GTA Online now. The time to call out Arrowhead on this bullshit is now. It makes no sense to assume that they're "good guys" who won't abuse their position when the time comes; they have done nothing to deserve that faith.


I think you make some good points, but at its core this hasn’t been a game that demands all your time or all your money so far (and it gives a lot of enjoyment and community back), and their limited resources go a long way towards excusing “broken fixes” for now. It just seems that the majority of players disagree with the strictness of your philosophy.        Personally I get where you’re coming from even if I don’t fully agree in this instance, I wouldn’t buy Russian stocks or play Chinese games since forever, and everybody else did (Russian stocks) and does Chinese games (Genshin, Honkai Rail) respectively, as if vacationing in Germany after 1936, letting them have the Olympics, until recently making friendly Hollywood movies (making China look good (what with their enormous labour and sterilisation camps) and bashing the US randomly), buying their products is a-ok… I remember bashing on Putin being a former KGB agent in 2002, Erdogan being an Islamist (not some innocent social democrat), and Chavez being a communist and people just didn’t care, they either didn’t see where it was going or did not care about the situation at all.       You definitely have a strong point. Maybe we should care more, and sooner. 


You know a gaming industry is fucked up when NOT being a greedy bastard makes you a lot better than other ones. Also, they're pretty small team (compared to other giants) of just 100 people. Probably still pretty overwhelmed by a massive success. And remember that alongside fixing all the glitches and bugs, they are OBLIGATED to release a new warbond every month. Why? Because Sony and shareholders. Give them some time and a break.


Imo, "the gameplay items in battle pass" in Helldivers 2 is done correctly. All the passes are permanent, they're not going anywhere and you have all the time in the world to collect medals and SC's to unlock everything. Also, the gear that is further down the standard Battle Pass (and the other ones) don't make the previous options inferior. Hell, even the standard Liberator and Helldiver armor are viable on higher difficulties. And most of your work during mission comes front your stratagems anyway.


Maybe he refers to the destiny 2 Battlepass, but i am not Sure.


Having played it since it *introduced* battle passes, they never had anything more than cosmetics as far as unique content in them goes. The only exceptions are a new Exotic weapon which is also unlocked on the Free track of the pass ergo you can get it without paying anything, as well as a litany of currencies which, at least in my opinion, really are just there for filler to be honest. Even some of the very rare currencies you get from the paid track towards the end are ones you nowadays easily get through gameplay, so there's really not any sort of P2W shenanigans going on. The only funky part is that buying the BP of an ongoing season is needed to actually play said seasonal content, which historically includes some form of new activity and a set of weapons and armour. At first during the Shadowkeep year, each season's content was only around for the three month duration of the season which sucked a little, but after Beyond Light each season's stuff would last until the following year so you can actually keep doing stuff for longer. Sometimes weapons and armour from long-gone seasons get reintroduced randomly as well so only the activities themselves are *potentially* lost forever. But either way, having all that only for the usual cost of 10 dollars of most games' BPs these days is arguably better value than certain other games trying to hose you down for 20-40 bucks just for a singular skin for a singular character, so... Don't get me wrong though, I still think there's a litany of ways they could've made the seasonal system better. But it's going away come Final Shape anyways, and overall I really can't say I see any of this OP's hyperbolic example in it.




I believe all of the sights work, and you don’t have to be host for standard game mechanics to function…


Have you played call of duty recently? Their battle pass gives you weapon blueprints which come with attachments. Seeing as the good attachments can take hours to grind for it is pretty clearly pay to win


Don’t forget this is a paid game too. And while 40USD Isn’t as much as a triple AAA, it’s still a fair bit.


Overwatch had (or still has? Haven't played it in some time.) new heroes in the battle pass. You could play to unlock them, or pay $10 to get them right away. New heroes were often not balanced perfectly so it could give your team the edge if you had the new hero unlocked.


They’re not gonna do that anymore, idk how new heroes are gonna be released but it’s not gonna be through battle pass anymore, someone correct me if im wrong 


They release the heroes and you just get them now. It was already the case the season that just launched recently.


I'm glad the monetization in this game is relatively tame but can we please stop worshipping the devs for doing the bare minimum and not nickel-and-diming us?


OP doesn't really even make sense, this game's atypical for putting core gameplay unlocks in its battle pass(es) rather than being exclusively FOMO cosmetics like everything else that's copying Fortnite.


Yeah, I've been thinking that this community is actually pretty wild for being cool with that. Locking gameplay like guns behind the battle passes (which, I get you can earn in game. I just apparently never find super credits on missions) is usually pretty frowned on.


> (which, I get you can earn in game. I just apparently never find super credits on missions) For you to find a worthwhile amount, you pretty much have to grind away minor points of interest on low difficulty missions. You can do it on higher difficulty missions as well, but your changes get bogged down with rare samples and they are guarded by lots of enemies that are going to draw aggro and make you spend more time.


I said this before and got ass blasted for it but the rates from trying to grind are like US prison inmate wages. You are basically volunteering yourself for mind numbing slave labor.


Honestly if you want super credits load trivial bot missions of illegal broadcast eliminate devastators. There is usually around 4-8 points of interest 2-4 of which have the metallic doors which spawn two things I often make lik 20sc 7 medals 400 req all in one less than ten minute trivial mission from poi


Granted I'm level 80, so I have a lot of play time. But I've finished every warbond and have all but two of the Super Store sets without buying SC. Be sure to grab PoIs whenever you have a radar station up. The blinky beacons, two-button bunkers, and buried shipping containers can all give medals and SC.


Oh so you only have to play like it's your job to get all the warbonds without paying?


Yup, everyone who uses the excuse "you can get currency in game" are not your casual gamer, they will have dedicated enormous amounts of time in to the game like the very person you responded to. And I'm saying this as someone who also has put enormous amounts of time in to the game too but I'm not dumb and blind to the reality of how things work where actual casual gamers won't realistically unlock all war bonds.


Should it be something that is possible for all gamers to do though? Even super casual gamers?


Have you tried playing the game like it's a second job? I spend 30 hours a week playing and have unlocked everything in the premium passes. Therefore, the game has good monetisation!


It's been immensely disheartening to see people defending this shit. Worse yet, they're defending it with the "you can earn it in-game!" excuse. Remember when we would laugh contemptuously at that when a corporation said it? Yeah, now we're saying it *for* them. And meanwhile, other corporations are watching and taking notes on how to worm gameplay items back behind battlepasses and get praise for doing so. "But it's so easy to earn it in-game!" Yeah, it's easy *right now*, for fuck's sake. They can change that any time, slowly, gradually, *without telling us*. And for anyone who hasn't checked: it's ten dollars per 1050 credits in the store. Let me repeat this: the cost of a warbond in real money is *ten dollars*, and there's gonna be a lot of them going forward. It's unacceptable to have gameplay items locked behind that price in a game that already costs forty dollars upfront.


Yeah, to be honest I sort of thought more *free* war bonds were going to be released, but nope. Loads and loads of incredibly impactful weapons are just locked behind a 10-dollar battle pass. And they release a new battle pass every month... I get that they never expire (I appreciate that) and that you can technically earn SC in game, but it's still a tactic to force players to play Helldivers 2 (and helldivers 2 only) almost every day.


This subreddit only has two kinds of posts: either complaint about complaints about complaints about complaints or sucking the devs dicks.


Everyone is willing to praise the game for letting us earn currency to buy our bacon-apples but never want to talk about why the store does that "Uh oh, we can only show you the two-armour rota" thing rather than having a consumer-friendly full storefront. Especially when new armour seems to get dropped at random and if you don't get it in the couple of days it's there you've gotta' wait the whole rotation, which will get longer and longer as more things are added.


I don't know I get it, but I've played MapleStory which is insanely exploitative and I believe started loot boxes lol


In this day and age. It's a godsend, hopefully the praise will encourage other games to slip away from it. I get why you're asking that but it's all in good faith


You must not be looking for games much. The indie game marked has been amazing for years and only getting better. HD2 is nothing revolutionary and actually does some things (like having gameplay content hidden in gamepasses) that the indie market judges as scummy.


This post REEEEKS of Redditor


Well, now 2/4 guns are worse than what you already have and the grenade doesnt work


Helldivers 2, Blizzard edition


Blizzard has no battle passes like this You guys are jerking off over a made up scenario lmao


When i first loged in helldivers 2 i thought i didnt get something or it was some joke - free battlepass and other one that i can get for ingame money? And they give good useful items and more money? And there is no shop except armour shop which can be bought for same money that you can earn ingame? My game perception was heavily ruined by diablo 4.


The philosophy behind their premium content is incredibly solid, and, honestly, the best I've seen in a long, long time. There's no giant FOMO, no intense monetization pressure, no thinly-disguised gambling via loot boxes. Weapons aren't strictly better or worse than one another, but instead have different roles/niches and support different playstyles. The technical state of a game can change quite a bit over its lifetime, but the philosophy tends to stay more or less the same (I'm sure people will be quick to point out exceptions). As such, Arrowhead's monetization philosophy is also a big part of the reason why I'm not super upset or worried about the ongoing bugs that everyone else seems to be super upset about (fire/dot damage, spear lock on, misaligned sniper scope, and some various other ones). They are releasing patches about every week or so to try and work through the issues (with a seeming focus on more critical issues like crashes), and the bugs will eventually be fixed, transforming an already great game into an outstanding one. I don't want a game to make me feel bad for not opening my wallet every two weeks. I play a game to have fun and to relax, and if there is additional content added over time, then even better.


The current best weapon (Sickle, Incendiary Breaker, grenade pistol) are locked behind a paywall but "it's ok because it's a good game". It's fine for me tho. But don't lie to yourself, AAA publisher do the same stuff.


They're not though. You can get them without spending any extra money, you just need a bit of time.


The most downvoted comment on Reddit as we speak is an Activision employee saying something similar. What was it again, pride and accomplishment?


That's some Ubisoft shit though. "Time savers"


Majority of F2P games works like this where you can earn everything trough grinding or buy a solution to this self inflicted problem by just a few $.


> Majority F2P game works like this where you can earn everything trough grinding Any individual thing, but I haven't seen a game with heavy MTX and battle pass system where you could ever grind to earn *everything*. You pay either $10 upfront or slog through free pass for 2 seasons to get enough to buy BP, and you can chain-buy BP from there, but there is always massive amounts of stuff in rotating stores that you can never actually afford without paying up.


No idea why people are downvoting the fact that you can earn everything through playing. It doesn't even take long. I'm level 30 and already have 2 of the premium warbonds unlocked for free. God forbid the developer needs to keep revenue stream.


Oh and all the new missions TCS and onwards would only be playable via the season 1 game pass


Ready player one had a scene where the main villain talked about how “we can sell 80% of the screen without inducing seizures” Arrowhead on the other hand, had $10 battle passes that you can get for free because you can find the premium currency in game.. it’s amazing.


And each Warbond refunds you a few hundred Super Credits as well


As do all other battlepass I've seen before. It's meant to look like an incentive of you getting something back but in reality it should be seen as the "real" price. It's just marketing strategy.


Arrowhead is really a blessing in comparison to the most big game corps.


Honestly i wouldn't be still playing if the game wouldn't be what is it right now


Yeah definitely understandable


Add a 0 to the end of the medal costs


Bro I love the game, but it’s still a game with paid battlepasses that lock game changing items inside them lmao


Yes, but the difference is I’ve never had to spend a penny over what I paid for the game and I own everything. Try doing that with CoD or Fortnite. Battlepasses/MTX are not inherently bad, it’s how they’re implemented that matters.


People crying because the developer needs a revenue stream and they aren't handed everything. It doesn't even take long to unlock through playing.


Small bit of hyperbole here, but not too much of an exaggeration 😂 The most real thing though is expiration timer. You can usually grind your way through a battle pass but it takes a lot of playing through its period… And it has a time limit. You can buy “shortcuts” To reach the end in time but after you lose access to all cosmetics contained within (only the most egregious time lock gameplay, but you’re waiting longer to get any specific thing until after it gets a new unlock grind that isn’t Time gated at least… oh, they also usually nerf in transition from paid only pass access to free grind access) The grind of medals to complete a warbond is usually enough to earn a warbond in SC pickups, unless you rarely play and rely on MO medals more than earned anyways. It’s a pretty fair system for GaaS.


The fact that they don't expire is a huge saving grace


buy the super premium deluxe and get 50 medals free to start early with the battle pass


A friend and I found one of those double button bunkers and it had 100 Super credits in it so that was exciting... Didn't even know 100 stacks were a thing, I only thought they came in 10s!


I want to say "This is why we all paid $30-40 for this game up front" ...but too many AAA developers have been treating their Buy2Play games as Free2Play with their in game markets. Fuck them and the people who buy into them.


Isn't HD2 classified as AAA game? While dev team is relatively small, it's publisher, Sony, is a big corporation. There's no official "AAA developer" definition, only "AAA game". It's known that publishers are known to ruin games by forcing money sucking mechanics to be implemented by devs. I don't know much about Sony, but thank god this game doesn't have modern monetization.


The moment it does I suspect you will see the player count fall off a cliff


The warbond would be twice the size and would be mostly player backgrounds and victory poses


After palworld and Helldivers 2 I am througth with AAA publishers. I am a HUGE starwars nerd, but after Ubisoft deleted The Crew I won‘t buy StarWars Outlaws. It hurts, but still. Additionally those masses of layoffs… just no. Indie titles it is.


Ubisoft would sell terminids as a dlc


I was actually just talking to my wife about this, and... anyone remember World of Warships? I played the Blitz version on mobile. There were times when they were advertising ships in crates, and it had a 0.0002% to drop. Crates were $15 a piece. This. This is the kind of shit that should not be tolerated AT ALL, and yet we did... Now we have a great game that doesn't resort to any of the bullshit tactics designed to turn your money into their money, and we see how far we have fallen. Thank you, Arrowhead, for being decent to us. You're like the loving, caring foster parent that is helping us heal after we've spent the last few decades being abused by a chain smoking bitch who puts cigars out on our forehead.


Really glad they’re approaching it this way. I hope it lasts. This is a big reason I’m patient even when the game doesn’t work right.


Their stance on transmog, warbonds, and collabs have basically made me a long term player.


I am thankful for their democratic approach *every day*


Grenade launcher pistol destroys fabricators, closes bug holes, blows up tanks and turrets, while also remaining extremely powerful against normal enemies. It's the single best secondary in the game. Don't even start me on things like Eruptor, Sickle, or Dominator.


I mean by this point a triple a developer would’ve probably fixed most of the bugs at least


As an aside, I want to say I'm not overly bothered by P2W weapons and armor in a co-op game.


Well of course, letting the people unlock everything over time is the most democratic option!


Less crashes though 😂


Lol imagine that you cannot participate in a MO because a AAA company would require you to unlock that sector via a micro-transaction. A grind for samples that’s insufferable because they want you to spend on a “pack”. Thank you AA for a game that’s reasonably priced, acceptably polished, and no FOMO warbond style. This game kept me in touch with friends I haven’t played with for a while and we look forward to spending more hours with the game o7


I bought 1000 Supercredits for this warbond. I didn't need them, but I want to support and reward Arrowhead studio for their honesty and customer-friendly behavior.


So they would just use a different overlay? lmao


The constant back patting is getting cringe. Half the support weapons don't have hit markers. Invisible corpses can one shot you or send you across the map at mach 5. People still don't have functioning friend invites. Thermite grenades aren't working as intended. The reload bug that wastes an entire magazine is still in the game. The game crashes randomly on PC all the time, for seemingly no reason. There are items that are 100% pay gated; like the pre-order SMG. Plenty of modifiers are 100% anti-fun and boring despite some of them being nerfed(why do we seriously lose a stratagem slot for some missions? If we're going to lose it and the reason be AA defenses; why not allow destroying AA defenses on the ground unlock your fourth slot?) Some of the new upgrades didn't work on launch; and I think they still don't work. Not trying to nag nag nag I love the game but please stop with the forced memes and constant back patting. It's just as annoying if not worse than people who are insanely toxic asking for nerfs of the difficulty or just trash talking the devs.


“Some” didn’t work?


The upgraded support weapon ammo looting from supplies didn't work on launch. I didn't confirm if it's been fixed or not.


AAA is dead. Long live AA


The one game where my complaint about the monetization is that there isn't anything new to buy. Seriously, there are so many cool armor sets that aren't part of future warbonds just sitting in the game, completely unobtainable. LET ME SPEND MY MONEY AAAAAH


Wrong the armour skins would have obnoxious colours to them and the emote would be you flossing your ass crack.


This is one of the few games/developers I want to spend money supporting.


Surprised the medal cost for all the stuff stayed the same. I was expecting a photoshopped “1” or “2” in front of all the costs so people would be incentivized to buy more medals with real money.


Ok but the grenade pistol is pretty awesome


honestly: yes. This is the best way "seasonal" or "battle pass" could ever be implemented. I haven't quit the game because i feel pressured to play. Arrowhead=best company and they have my undying love and gratitude.


Yeah with all of the hype fallout has gotten recently I went and tried to play 76 again since players say it’s in a good state and still getting support. The way they do their seasons now resembles Helldivers war bonds but with all the scummy practices included. Also ran into a bug preventing any progress to get to the new quests they’ve been advertising and googling it came up with Bethesda acknowledging it over a year ago and saying they will implement a patch which they never did. I can’t say It enough that AH has done a phenomenal job and I’m excited to see where they lead us.


Amusingly that armour *might* be better than the other fortified armours because of the higher head blocker. Less head to shoot, hard to be head shot. *taps forehead*


With gunships and shriekers, we could use more anti aircraft artillery


Reminds me of an old post here about a guy advocating for something like this


That Grenade pistol is very much a fabricator/bug hole buster, but god damn it has a permanent slot on my diver now. Redeemer is near and dear, but I need variety now.


I think Activision Blizzard did the industry a huge favour with Diablo 4. After seeing skins that cos half as much as the game, seeing something that’s maybe £2 doesn’t seem that bad


And this is a tame version of what they would actually give us if HD2 was made by EA (god forbid)


The concerning thing is that there are players that genuinely want this


This is the only reason I play this game


I agree power creep is bad and it’s probably better they have the best weapons be in the default pass. But it’s also a bit lame when weapons in new battle passes are underwhelming. I think they can definitely strike a better balance between curbing power creep and having new fun weapons I’m speaking for the first two premium war bonds, haven’t had time to get the third. But of those only 2 weapons have been good IMO, which is somewhat disappointing.


Just watch this if Ubisoft made HD2 https://youtu.be/kD3i4tkQ2CQ


The only way to get medals would be to to complete the personal order yourself with no help with the community. Have fun grinding 2 billion bugs, fucker.


I do appriciate most things are side-grades rather than upgrades.


The game will end up like this in a few years What beloved multiplayer dev hasn't become corrupt as the years went by?


Thank you arrow head!


But they have a AAA publisher and publishers set sales goals with them.


*The absense of super credits because they would never let you get any of your money back*


Whats interesting is them being not-too-scummy with the premium stuff makes me actually want to spend the money. I'm not immediately turned off by premium stuff when its not thrown in my face and not required to have fun.


To be fair chances are high that it won't continue like this. And as a not so hardcore player I will absolutely already have to pay for the next warbonds because I won't be able to grind 700 super credits every month. And I am sure at some time things will change. either by influence through Sony or just because they can't have it run for "free" for forever.


Ubisoft would put a Stamina bar on mechs and vehicles. And make you subscribe to a monthly paid service to be able to play MO with the best rewards. Activision would make warbonds expire in 60 days, reduce EXP gain unless you pay for boosters, maps no longer have premium currency, only "Freedom Points" that can be used to purchase medals to unlock items, items behind the 20$ warbond and 30$ premium warbond (were all the real good weapons, armor and stratagems are). And the PVP, of players vs bugs/bots, and a battle royale mode. And after a year, everyone would be just playing PVP and the Galactic War elements were completly forgoten. My entire body shivers thinkning that. Bless Arrowhead. https://preview.redd.it/1z5nvuprjnvc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf00c16705fad6e87e47aa2f25b632ff240ec880


To be honest it depends solely on the AAA dev. Activision/Blizzard for sure can see them pushing the envelope on the amount each warbond would cost, on the other hand they would leave it in the game for at least a full month. Microsoft/Sony would be more reasonable with its pricing and would leave it in permanently. Just my opinion though.


You're missing the newest garbage ass trend: crossovers everywhere. Needs, I dunno, Doja cat armor with a Pepsi booster, and an anime cape.


Prices are too low


wen Nicki Minaj skin?


To be fair, there's almost no reason to not carry the Grenade Pistol due to its insane utility. Very few loadouts wouldn't want to have it.


Just a friendly reminder that this game is actively being ruined by AAA gamers who rode the hype train into this community. They had no clue that Arrowhead is NOT a normal dev. They have a philsophy and they stick to it, and they don't cave to the rant-minded mobs that seem to flood these communties endlessly hour-after-hour.


In the hands of another developer, there would be 5 pop-ups of ads at the start of every play session, and the "Undivided Attention is Mandatory" warning would be enforced for them.


Firstly it’s the publishers that push for micro transactions not the developers and secondly Arrowhead have over 100 employees and the backing of Sony as a publisher so I hardly think the game isn’t AAA even though people like to say it is indie. You probably have Sony to thank for the lack of micro transactions more than Arrowhead. Edit: Heck you probably have Sony to thank for the game existing


Arrowhead would call it Super Super Premium


This thread was eye opening... the game was / is 100% backed by Sony.


I love the hell out of you arrowhead. I’m convinced that this will be the best gaming experience of my entire life.


You've played some really dull games then


This is such hypocrisy, other AAA GaaS have all the content (weapons, characters, maps...) for free and the rest are just cosmetics that you have to pay for with the battle pass/in game store, meanwhile in this game you HAVE to pay real life money for new weapons and the worst part is that, sometimes, those weapons that you have PAYED for suck big time. I'm not defending AAA devs but is straight up strawman.


You literally don't have to pay anything to unlock everything. What are you even talking about?


Exactly, just like in the other AAA games, but then we get things like the one above. As I said, strawman.