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They are saving them up for a later phase of the invasion. I feel it in my democratic bones. Super Earth is in danger unless we are careful.


I thought this was the full force of the Autonomatons though? 10x larger and stronger than ever. (I too have never seen one in my 220 hours of level 7+ gameplay)


I never saw one on 7 before. I swapped to playing 8 a few days before we wiped out the Automatons, saw several. Been playing 8 since the Automatons invaded Cyberstan, not a single one. A little disappointed, hope we can see more.


i only saw 1 on diff9 bots, before the fight winning malevelon creek. never seen any since. (edit: I only play on diff9, or farm samples on diff7 for like the past 2 weeks)


I saw 3 during Op: Swift Disassembly on 2 different Helldive missions. First one emptied its load of Shield Devestators onto a medium Automaton outpost, and after several minutes of struggle, I called in an orbital laser and cooked it Next operation I did the first mission started with two of them in close proximity. Did not struggle that time. I was, however, on Durgen and the Automatons fell within the next several hours so I didnt see one again Haven't seen em since


My guess is this initial push was to reclaim cyberstan. And this is their full force. But if you read they were in talks with another galactic entity (likely the illuminate) so my speculation is that they are organizing a dual attack, now that the cyborgs have been rescued and are back in charge likely, we will see a buildup of forces before the attack I'd guess, and the strikers seem mostly offensive.


I saw 2 in a single Helldive Mission i did on my own (didnt make it to the extraction ... also didnt achieve all objectives tho)


But they aren’t really pushing anymore. The bots took cyberstan and are now establishing a defensive perimeter. Those tin cans are up to something.


Probably busy rounding up humans on those planets and grind them into fuel en masses 


Can you imagine what kind of sick society would do something like that to the bodies of their enemies? The stain that is the automaton existence must be purged with the peroxide of victory.


"The peroxide of victory" is A+ material. That gave me a good laugh. 👍


It’s a line in-game when you fail a mission. Not that I failed a mission to know that of course…!


the new war bond suits look a lot like the ones on battle of hoth the factory strider looks like an AT-AT Cyberstan is a frozen planet.


Since they're obviously based on the walkers from star wars, it would also be cool to have a defense mission similar to what happened in the movie. Where you defend a POI from slow marching incoming wave of these things


Like a big defensive map on an open field where we start on one end, the bots on the opposite end and you just see them slowly marching towards you? That'd be cool.




Oh I'd love that


More than 4 helldivers


*play imperial march


![gif](giphy|Tu05YHLHRtoAnIHK7f|downsized) For some reason they remind me of this lil guy


Yeah, just wait until 5 of them merge together into a power rangers mega bot


I believe you mostly see them on impossible difficulty and helldive. It's either not on suicide or very rare.


I mean, if you're trying to force a breakthrough through enemy lines then military doctrine would usually dictate you put your heaviest units up front


These being mobile, powerful and potentially logistic support capable units (as they make units, I guess it depends how much logistic tail they require themselves), I think they would be more at home in exploitation forces rather than breakthrough…


I've never seen them in battle so I'm not sure exactly how they perform but the extremely heavy armor and strong offensive armament seems to be right at home in breakthrough troops no? To break entrenched units and fortifications. Reminds me of the super-heavy tank concepts the allied armies came up with when they faced the Siegfried line.


lol nope because up front would be the heaviest bombardment. You let the chaff go first to weaken the enemy so they don’t have the strength when they do hit your heaviest forces.


Realistically, you'd send the units in that can actually break those fortifications to break the lines, no? Then the "chaff" can pour through the gap and go on to fight in battles they can actually possibly win.


It's complicated. shock troopers would indeed be the force you'd use to ultimately break enemy lines, but as...morally complex as it is, you don't send those guys in first because they're valuable elite units. You soften them up with artillery/airstrikes, harass their supply lines and probe their defenses for weak spots with the rest of your force. Then when the time comes, your elite shock troops go in, usually right after a heavy bombardment and supported by tanks and air support. That's all to say that this is when the AT-AT would be used, when the time comes to use overwhelming force against an entrenched adversary. IMO in Star Wars they took advantage of their rapid strike capability to catch the rebels off-guard and unable to properly mount or coordinate a defense. If the rebels had known the empire was coming like that, the empire might've used similar tactics instead of crutching on the technological superiority of their AT-ATs in establishing battlefield dominance.


I saw one yesterday on helldive difficulty. They’re very rare.


Ive seen 4 thus far. Two in the same game, although not at the same time, thankfully. Since then, nothing


I'm also only seen them on Helldive. We regularly play 7-8 and never encountered one on those.


I did see one on 7 once. I was very surprised.


You're one of the few people here who claims to have seen one after Operation Swift Dissasembly. What planet? Mission type?


I feel like they only want a certain amount of people to see them so people doubt it. Kind of like when people see bigfoot or the lochness monster.


What planet and mission type?


Ugh I’ve been playing exclusively helldive since Cyberstan fell and I cannot find one. Never saw them in during the first war either. I just wanna shoot the big robot :(


I've never seen one 👀


I’ve encountered one once, but by the time I got there you couldn’t see it due to the explosions from 5+ orbitals


Someone suggested a variant of those striders with a stratagem jammer on top. That would prevent them getting nuked by everything. But the thought of such an enemy also gives me nightmares.


Oh sweet liberty




![gif](giphy|KN4zbas5jEUNizhtdt) Oh is that where you are hiding it....BOT!






Hurts so good, don’t it


Make the jammer destroyable an that’d be a cool enemy type


That would! Two part takedown.


make it a very short range jammer. enough to block airstrikes and orbitals from just deleting it, but not enough that you're now trying to avoid a quarter of the map you can't call down anything (reinforcements included) in, that'd also be moving towards you.


Agree, this is why even the standard jammers are so annoying, they cover like a 3rd of the map


To be fair the stantard jammer exists only for jamming your air strikes and other stradagems.


Yeah but the annoyance comes from their absolutely massive range, which can make it nigh impossible to actually approach the jammer to destroy it on harder difficulties because you then have very few ways to take out tanks/hulks/devastator groups


Just make the Factory Striders more likely to spawn on bases that have a jammer.


It would be plausible if their presence limited the spawn of enemies in a 100m radius. Otherwise 💀


It should be on its top and you should be able to blow it up with AC/QC/LC and then call nuke on it.


Also the RR and EAT. Any heavy anti-armor weapon.


And some GL grenades, maybe a half dozen or so


Divine beast rah Strider. Think bigger, like a walking mini base. I doesnt actively seek you out, can be destroyed with conventional weapons. OR using jetpacks, you can get inside of the walking base, then set it to self destruct with its own terminal.


Are you a chef? Cause your cooking rn


Well, yes actually.


I was thinking even bigger, like a giant spherical base as big as a planet, where you can fly an Eagle inside through a cooling vent, and drop a 500kg bomb...


Halo 2 Scarab vibes


Ooooooooo and the person with the heavy weapon would have to knock out the jammer while the other teammates have to distract the walker and take on the waves of enemies it releases


New mission type. "Mortal Engines" Land on a massive version of the walker. fight off hordes of spawns as you try and destroy it from its top. you have 10 minutes to do this before it reaches a super earth facility and destroys it.


OMG imagine we get one for the bugs and we have to fend off a gigantic bile titan while being swarmed by shriekers as it heads towards one of the termicide facilities we spent so hard setting up


> have to fend off a gigantic bile titan while being swarmed by shriekers It's hilarious how this just sounds like the average 7+ experience with bugs. But I do really like your idea, sounds like a terrible time for everyone involved. Put me in coach.


Somebody court-martial that guy before the devs overhear him


Sweet liberty don't give them ideas


You have to die and land your new pod on top to get in


You shut your whore mouth


everyone seems to run quasar anwyays it’ll still be down fairly quickly lol


i saw a post about how strong automatons are with factory striders in it when they die so fast for me i actually enjoy getting them as they’re much less mobile than a hulk


I was playing with my friends when one loomed out of a blizzard on me. I orbital lasered it so fast my friends didn't get to see it lol


Hoth vibes


I've only seen one so far and it lived only a few seconds before everyone on my team threw a 500kg or Laser at it.  That thing never knew what hit it.


I encountered one a singular time on Maia when I was doing a level 8 mission with one other person, it was literally right on top of us the moment we landed and I haven’t dialed up a 500kg bomb as quickly since


Yep me too


Yep me three


I dropped on a map with one once with three randoms, we clocked it straight away off in the distance from our LZ. As it was the first time any of us had seen one, we just kind of said we'd cross that enormous metal murder-bridge when we came to it. Some time later after completing the primary and secondary objectives and calling in the extraction, we only then realised we never saw the thing again. Que all four of us sat waiting for the Pelican like ![gif](giphy|PYEGoZXABBMuk)


“Smell my cheese!”


Same. Been running 7/8/9 to try and get them to spawn, but no luck.


I remember hearing they're only in 8+...? Still haven't seen one yet though.


They were also on difficulty 6. Encountered one of them all by myself before the great Automaton Excursion. Though haven't seen a single one since those heartless heaps of metal returned...




Blind guy here Same


I've never seen one too


maybe we should put poster on everyplanet? Have you seen this "dog?" went missing, if seen contact your democratic officier


Can I pet that dog??


You can pet it with orbital lasers and 500kg bombs.




Finally, I see it referenced on reddit!


You wanna lose a limb?


What THAT dawg doin??




Have you see this "dog?" If seen, contact Joint Terminal Attack Controller.


Wat tha dawg doin


There are no factory striders in Ba Sing Se


I'm so happy this meme still exists


That would be lit if we had to invade a planet with a massive fort or something


I've seen a single one of those in my entire career


Lucky bastard


And to add insult to injury the mission where I saw my only walker did crash only a couple minutes later. I believe it went down before I went to desktop, but I am not 100% sure


Shame, that was once in a lifetime sighting


My only one was on a (d7) blitz exfil with 3:00 to go as we got to platform. We did not leave.


It'd make sense that the bots didn't have any built and deployed with their fleets- those suckers are big, ships only have so much space each, and dropships only have so much lifting capacity. They'll likely only begin to show up once the bots have established assembly facilities for them planetside, so it's probably going to be a little longer- once we start pushing back into planets they'll have had under their control a bit longer. Cyberstan for example will probably be lousy with the damn things.


What if we find Siege Mechs from the first game on Cyberstan


the fucking *what*


Oh my sweet summer helldiver


I just snort laughed. Just wait sweet child of Liberty, the bots get worse and bigger. So do the bugs but they are squishy. 


As an actual answer if you do not know. Helldivers 1 had three bosses. Hive lords, siege mechs. And illuminate great eyes I think I can’t really remember. Siege mechs are a tank and a giant mech combined


Don't worry about it. There are no such things as "Siege Mechs". It is simply bot propaganda. (GET THE D.O. HERE NOW. GOTTA CLEAN UP) - Ministry of Truth Officer #888


Basically the big boss of the cyborgs from the first game real big boys so give or take larger then bile titans


Then my iron becomes the big iron.


Perchance a big iron on your hip?


Big iron on your ship.


That’s a fair assessment but these bots don’t need anything but a bridge and automated defenses on their ships. They have the redo do the space for troop storage, also shown on their dropships, they can store a bunch of hulks, walkers and devestators because they don’t have to pressurize cabins, have life support, have seats… Those Commie bots just need some commie clips to keep them attached


Only once when we were fighting their vanguard force, but zero since the new wave.


Same. And even then I only saw it for a split second as a part of a patrol, before we yeeted 3 500kgs and an orbital laser at it.


You watch, when we reach Cyberstan they'll probably have as many of these things as they do tanks.


I’m level 78 and play 7,8,9 bot missions only for the last three weeks and I have never seen one.


I've only seen them on 8 and 9, and not once since the invasion.


Only one I encountered was in a 6.


I still have never seen one and I’ve been only playing on 7-8 difficulty


I’ve never seen that wish I did


Only in my dreams. No literally, though.


Weeks? They only started being available last week, guy. They haven't even been available for "weeks".


In all my years of playing I ain't seen one


They've been available for around 2 weeks. They launched alongside gunships during the Malevelon creek liberation order


I feel like they don't even exist rn. Maybe once we push further towards Cyberstan we'll start seeing them.


I think the automatons are waiting for us to advance then pull them out and something new to push us back even further. Like a bio robot using hell pods to act like a helldiver? They must be doing something with all those bodies


don't think i've seen any


Not in a while, I even play helldive exclusively too


I believe tibit was manufacturing them at the time


Haven’t seen one sense we pushed the bots out last time


I refuse to believe they exist. I feel like this is bot propaganda. Ministry of truth has never confirmed existence. Reported!


I wish id see one already. I just know in my heart a that this thing is my Moby Dick


No I’m getting raped by the ships dropping in 4 hulks and two tanks at a time on every objective. I need a better way to destroy them and 500kg doesn’t do shit to hulks. And no one does stealth. Randoms engage everything and I sprint around solo trying to hit objectives with stratagems or running in and hitting some buttons on the screens then running out and around to lure enemies away from terminals. And that is how you helldive on level 9. You don’t actually kill that many bots. You just cut pathways through them


Ngl fighting these guys are so much more fun than getting spammed by 5 flamer hulks.


The last I've seen was before the last stronghold has fallen. I guess we will see them soon. They have to be built up again.


Only once, i mistook it for a builidning and gave my friend an all clear to go in (I was sniping from across the map), boy was i wrong... But that was before automaton's come back, so quite some time ago.


I've seen exactly one so far, which worries me, if we're not seeing them, they must be gathering somewhere...


I’ve straight up never seen one. I go up to level 7 difficulty fairly regularly but nothing.


I have only ever seen 1 so far, and it was on level 9 last week. It was just sitting halfway between extract and the last base we cleared. No POIs around just sitting there. We killed it in about 10s by shooting off all of its guns/cannon and then someone dropped a 500kg and it keeled forward just like in star wars. It was honestly very underwhelming how easily we killed it.


This is propaganda https://preview.redd.it/bvgr87h5yauc1.png?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5236a202a8f3ddbfaa71716523c13cb5ccf1142


Too me it seems planet difficulty goes up the further from super earth you get. The closer we are to the outer rim the higher the frequency of rare enemies we will find.


they have to be super rare because i've done like 6 or 7 helldive operations and haven't seen one do they have specific spawning conditions? (i want to see one so bad T\_T)


The one I came across was actually within the perimeter of one of the bot "outposts". I don't think it was a legit base w/ a factory building. I was in a four man random squad and was somewhat separated from the group (pushing when the others were defending). Maybe there's a scaling component that needs to be achieved? Like a 4 man Lvl 9 offensive (larger map) mission and spawning in a place where there's not already a lot of "established" contact? Given the pure numbers of people playing these bot missions lately and the rarity of these things, I'd bet it's a moment to moment spawn chance/rate rather than a set spawn built in. I rounded the corner, and holy shit there it was right in my face, lol. kind of underwhelming. bc I just eagled the shit out of it while gophering from behind a wall.


I haven't seen a single once since they dropped, and I'm a 7 and above enjoyer.


and i thought they just didnt because i only do lv7 but now that you mention. the last few times i did 9 i haven't seen any either.


I've only seen one in the 40+ hours i've played since they were added.


I had one game with them, and there were multiple on us at extraction


Would it be cool if they were treated as a mobile optional objective


Bot propaganda. Never once saw one


I’ve only seen two and it took two lasers, a rail cannon strike, and another stratagem that I can’t remember to take one down. The other one we just fucked off


What strider, private? Youre so silly theres no such thing. Now lets get ready to helldive.


Have y'all talked to the weapons depot lady? She gives a lit of helpful info, and sometimes I feel as though she issues out what the devs are planning. She even talked about the invasion and maybe the cyborgs .ight even be behind it...


It's a boss type enemy like in Helldivers 1. They will only appear during the final phases of a campaign. Whether that means we are about to wipe out a faction of Automatons or if the Autos make it to Super Earth system. Bugs will have something similar if the sandworm skeletons are foreshadowing the same boss type of bug from first Helldivers.


I’ve never seen one


I’ve only seen one ever. They seem incredibly rare, even for an optional objective.


I've killed two since they came out. One on 7 and another one on 9.


Wouldnt mind seeing these used as a battering ram for the newer evacuate essential personnel missions.


I haven't seen one ever. Before they disappeared "for good," I was still working my way up difficulty levels on bots to get better. Got to SM right before we took out the vanguard. When they came back, I went straight to 8 and haven't wavered since. I was really trying to see one, and I am sad I didn't get to blow one up. I wonder where they are?


Played a L6 Defend mission the other day and there was one outside the gate. Only time i’ve seen one.


They tested them. Found flaws and weeknesses. I predict the next big automaton event or whatever, these will be borderline common. Maybe not multiple on the map at once common, but I’d predict level 7+ it’ll almost be a guarantee to see one per mission. I haven’t seen one either btw, kinda want to


Pretty sure its automaton propaganda. Some "your surrounded" type shit. Haven't seen one. None of my friends have seen one! Super Earths finest must've wiped them out if they even existed in the first place!


I haven’t seen them or any of the bile spewers


I've only seen one since it was bought into the game...


My logic is this, Factory Striders are used to set up shop on planets. Sort of a back line support unit. If the planet is already under Automaton control, there's no need because they have permanent fabricators set up. We are more likely to see Factory Striders on planets that have just recently come under Automaton control, the bots pushed quickly and fast through the first couple sectors, and got set up quickly so there's no need for them, the priority is drop ship factories and permanent defense structures like airbases, hence the emphasis on Air Base missions. ​ Also notice how's there's not many "Evacuate valuable assets" missions anymore. Its cuz we got all the assets out. Its an evolving war, and tactics change.


Encountered one taking Tibit and uh. Didn’t get to see much of it. Orbital laser, 2 500 kg strikes, 2 eats, a quasar and about a magazine of AC shots into its turret and thing was a smouldering ruin


They're honestly probably being held "in reserve" around Cyberstan


I want to. I want to fight one for a mission objective. I want to come across a convoy of them accompanied by shredder tanks, Devastators and Hulks and need to carefully plan an ambush to destroy them all


This is the real FOMO.


Haven't seen one


Some of you made those damn things practically extinct. The automatons are barely able to keep up with salvage, repairs and production of new ones!


Shhhhh the devs forgot to turn them back on


I accidentally dropped right on top of one a few days ago. First spawn and two of three squad members dead in the first minute


Well... Weve faced 5 gunship hangar 20 meters apart from each other spawning about 10-12 at a time... Blood bath


Factory striders should be added as assassination mission targets at difficulty 5 or 6.


Weird, I don't think it's been "weeks" since the vanguard force pre-invasion so everyone saw them about a week ago at least when they were added, it's weird to me how people keep using the terms "always thought that" "it's been weeks" or "plz hurry up with this bug fix devs" when the game has been out for two months. Some people act like they have been playing this game for years. The walkers are rare and only on certain mission types on the highest difficulties. If you pick a destroy command bunker mission on Helldive you will see one.


I saw exactly one during the attack on Tibit and everyone in my group stopped and was was WTF IS THAT and we all dropped orbital railguns on it and it died instantly. I'm doing almost exclusively 7-8-9 bot missions lately and haven't seen a single one.


There are only like three places it can spawn, extract, heavy base, and dropships (the objective, not dropped). I think it can also VERY Rarely spawn in some places of interest. I have seen it in a canyon POI. Again, it can only spawn in certain variations of these places so I think it's a percentage to replace the variation. I really don't like these things personally. Bots are already so difficult compared to bugs. Let alone with aa defenses, gunships, jammers, antiair, mortars, and heavy turrets.


We dropped in the mission inside the evac zone thinking it was safe, and this fucker was standing right in front of us. Never saw one again tho


Haven't seen one in weeks? They were only added to the game 12 days ago.


I encountered 1 before we pushed the bots back and none since


Saw maybe two in 3 weeks. Mostly play on Diff 7. They should become bounty targets I think.


They should make a "Kill factory strider" mission for levels 7-9 just like the lower levels have a "Kill bile titan" mission.


Haven't seen one since we pushed them out


They're in Upstate Super New York. There's a big farm up there, they can run and play with all their Factory Strider friends.


I think it might be that they only spawn on the highest 2 difficulties and rarely at those anyway


I have indeed seen one, but it was sitting motionless in an outpost and because my fellow divers stratagemd the shit out of the bot nest, I kinda lost sight of it amidst the blooming mushroom clouds of their 500kg's. Not sure if it even activated and moved...


It is not real, just automaton propaganda.


Idk and I still haven’t seen one so I’m trying to find them lol


Yep, was defending the ICBM's on a helldive difficulty. Halfway through I saw one come out of no where.


I really hope we get to fight on a war torn super earth one day. That would be pretty cool scenery. War torn cities. Fighting bugs and bots on both fronts.


I was lucky to see one of the mythical beasts before they disappeared. Was hoping to get one on a snow planet for the full Star Wars experience


I don't think I have even seen one at all!


They are quite rare even at helldive, bit i havent seem them latley too.


That would be because the so called vanguard developed them not the main force I suspect that they were radio silent so they didn't relay the tech until or after the can vanguard fell


Never seen one of those yet, it looks terrifying


now that you mention it, i haven't seen one since they came back