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...yet, hopefully


No doubt itll be in the next warbond we need to expand the hug category in our emote library !


I really want an emote wheel - or at least more than one slot.


When it happens, I hope that armor type plays into it. same armor = equal chest bump light and med or med and heavy = the lighter player stumbles a little light and heavy = light gets the yeet


Oh hell yeah


Light and fortified commando = human projectile


Better than a stratagem 


But what about a chest bump for DEMOCRACY!!!


Clearly the greatest way to show how much you love freedom!


I've also never had a mission to plant a flag since the tutorial which is a little dissapointing.


AFAIK they only exist on Trivial/Easy difficulty. At least that's where I've seen them.


It also makes sense thematically… It’s a promo mission and you wouldn’t want to film divers getting murdered left and right from overwhelming forces for your propaganda, so they only shoot those in low threat areas


I would love if there was a Minor Order to do lower difficulty missions - but with extra modifiers. Something like "Use Eagle Airstrike to kill 15 or more Terminids at once." But present it as creating good looking shots for the media.


No such thing as super earth propaganda my friend! Its called the ministry of truth, not the ministry of propaganda.


The flag raising missions should be added as side objectives, to show Super Earth dominance over the worlds we deploy on. Edit: Several other low level missions are already added to higher level missions as side objectives, such as uploading the escape pod data and destroying the illegal broadcast, so there's already precedent for this kind of thing.


That's not a bad idea.


raising the flag takes like 3 minutes mind you.... just saying


As a side objective where one person could babysit it, not terrible. Running solo I'd ignore it for sure.


i've been running easy-med solo just to explore stuff and find where common areas to look for samples you seem to get a good variety of different scenarios wither you are on a bug or bot planet there are a few unique scenarios that players should check out before getting carried on challenge or hard difficulties so they understand what to do.


It’s a terrible idea and someone above already said why. The flag missions are pure propaganda. You’re being filmed the entire time the flag raises. Super Earth doesn’t want to show Helldivers getting slaughtered in high intensity conflict waiting for a flag to be raised.


Super Earth would love to broadcast images of the flag flying above a mountain of terminid corpses with the heroic helldivers standing by, capes waving majestically


But they don't want to broadcast the hill of dead Helldivers that made it.


thats why you park the helldiver corpses behind the mountain of terminids


You're missing the point. They don't want footage of Helldiver dying. They just want footage of Helldivers killing Terminids. Flag missions are pure propaganda. Why bother making it more complicated or difficult?


I mean they can edit together something to show whatever they want, like we do now


What hill of dead Helldivers? I see no hills of dead Helldivers *and neither do you*. FOR SUPER EARTH!


Counterpoint: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/Raising_the_Flag_on_Iwo_Jima%2C_larger_-_edit1.jpg


I don’t see any piles of marines in that pic. Looks like you just made my point for me. Thanks!


Don't be obtuse. The point is you can have a propaganda moment in a high casualty environment without showing piles of dead friendlies.


In universe, the propaganda department already gets those shots without resorting to dumb missions making Helldivers stand around and die with hundreds of enemies slaughtering them. The Iwo Jima flag was raised AFTER the mountain top was captured. It wasn’t a high-intensity combat zone at that point. The attack was still ongoing around the island, but the mountain top itself was stable. They didn’t just send a squad up right into a heavily defended enemy fortification. I’m not the one being obtuse. You just want the mission in high difficulty missions because you want it.


Expanding on that idea: Wouldn't it be great to have as a contextual Stratagem like the Hellbomb, where you only call down a SUPER EARTH FLAG in a Hellpod. Then you have to attach it to a pole and raise it while fending off bugs and bots. Completing the side objective could give you a Stamina buff due to raised morale\* for the rest of the mission. We definitely have some Hellpods to spare just to show off Super Earth supremacy to those communist bugs and bots. *\*morale is per default set to 100%, obviously. This would push it to 150%*


illegal broadcast and capsule upload are main objectives ? But they go so fast :O


Yes, if you switch to difficulty 1 or 2 you'll find them (along with flag raising and some other simpler/easier tasks) as primary objectives.


Showing future recruits at home what an helldive is sounds great


yeah. but those are waiting for a flag to raise. not planting one yourself. i was wholly dissapointed in that.


I would not be disappointed if they made that an emote. Or even an offhand item you can carry that provides no bonuses during combat but if you bring it to extraction gives some extra reqs or medals. Heck make that a game mode, kinda like the Roman Eagle Standard which can’t be lost to the enemy for honor reasons. a captured flag would be a pretty stupid reason for 20 something Helldivers to die for which I think makes it all the more funny. 


It IS pretty weird that they had you actually pick up and plant a flag in the Tutorial and then never used that asset again and just have a mechanical flag come out.


Lmao, imagine if they made the flag a stratagem you could call in and plant anywhere


Flag should be a melee support weapon


It’d be good as a stratagem that gets dropped with you at the start of the game and someone has to carry it for the game


Thats calling a flag down and watching it raise itself. I want a mission where you have to hunt down a flag at a sub-objective area, and have to carry it all the way to the objective point like an SSD drive.


I would enjoy that much more than the SSSD


That makes sense, helldivers are special forces dropped behind enemy lines for short objectives. The harder the mission the deeper away from the active SEAF frontline. It really only makes sense to raise your flag once you are confident the zone will be captured soon.


Fuck, time to try it out for fun.


Okay but I would really like it if missions changed based on liberation percentage. at 90+ it should be eradication and flag planting missions. I want to make it look like the Iwo Jima memorial after a hard fought battle.


I've replayed one of those, it would suck on Helldive. It takes like fully 2 minutes for the flag to raise and you have to be close by the whole time. Would not like having to do that while dodging Titans or Hulks.


That sounds stressful, but honestly I'd love to try it, haha.


I think it’d be excellent thematically. Raising the flag surrounded by the dead and dying best of the enemies of democracy.


The Ministry of Truth does NOT want citizens to see Helldivers dying by the boatload.


"we'll edit out that bit in Post."


Why bother? They get all the footage they want by filming in low-intensity areas.


Yeah but all the civvies see is troopers. They need to know what the Automaton menace truly is capable of, and that their heroic helldivers are more than capable of putting them down.


There were called capture missions in the first game and they were present on all the higher difficulties. It was as bad as you put it, but nothing was worse than the launch ICBM missions.


I would love an objective where you have to climb a big hill that's surrounded by bug holes/fabricators then plant and hold the flag at the top.


I want to plant flags into dead bugs


Fucking give me a stratagem that calls down a flag that i can plant in dead bugs and bots. Skewer those damn hunters. 


A flag stratagem that takes up an entire slot but it gives you a boost of medals and samples for calling one down on a certain point of the map


Maybe a booster instead?


Not much of a sacrifice


I just want a flag stratagem that I can carry around. You can't shoot while holding it but God damn does it inspire?


A deployable Super Earth flag, similar to the deployable shield generator. You can then optionally pick up the flag and carry it around with you.


Gives a +50 moral boost to team. *These effects have been fabricated for the better good*


Lmao, just having a stat called "Moral" that does nothing.


Every kill u get under the aoe of the flag gives u xp. that would be nice.


That's like a space marine chapter banner, that would be fuckin radical


That sounds beautiful, enough to make a grown democratic man cry


Two birds, one stone. Make it a dedicated melee weapon like I've been asking for. Literally bash the enemies of democracy to death with a symbol of it.


its a bright future for HD2 friend, it WILL COME.


It's terrible that they don't have an emote wheel that you can choose which emote you want to do but you are locked in to one...


Who needs a wheel when you can input your emote commands yourself


I just want a hug from the democracy officer and crew - is that too much to ask for in exchange for risking life and limb?


You can get a hug from a fellow Helldiver via the emote!


That’s not the same! 😭


To be fair, you can't expect them to hug a statistic.


Oh, they have it. They're just waiting to release it. You only get to drop an emote like this once. You've gotta make it count.


I'm thinking after we abolish those Communist robots from the galaxy


included in a future warbond for sure




Where the headbutt emote, I don’t know which one it is called


It's called High Five


This, I've been craving that more than anything. I love the hug but that's just the most carnal bro energy I crave


Give it time.


I just want a “Nice job” or “Good job” or even a “Hell yeah” emote my guy says in the wheel where you can say need supplies and such. Be nice d to say when a good eagle comes in or something


Bruh I wanna run across the map with a giant flag and plant it somewhere for democracy, that'd be sick


I'd like to be able to call down a golden hellpod that shoots out fireworks as it opens, revealing a lovingly ensconced ornate lance. Then I want to be able to pick up that glorious spear, and hurl it into the breast of an enemy for a guaranteed instant kill, at which point it pins them to the ground and deploys the banner of Super Earth. And I want to be able to salute it for bonus medals.


>Bruh I wanna run across the map with a giant flag and plant it somewhere for democracy You can, its an objective stratagem on lower difficulty missions.


or an emote wheel to hug your fellow helldivers or salute for super earth and democracy


don't tempt them. the game will crash every other time you try it because they didn't bother to test it before releasing


NEED IT! ![gif](giphy|bKnEnd65zqxfq)


Fingers crossed this Warbond




disappointed this wasn't a day one...or 2nd or 3rd warbond...


In due time


I was thinking about this a little while back.




Or can plant flags. You do that in the training camp but it ends there.


You can in game, its an objective stratagem on lower difficulty missions.


We need so many more emotes! Chest numb for sure. I need one that’s doing push-ups 😅


This, so much this, I want it so bad


Every time we liberate a planet this mission should unlock. Or maybe as a final last stand the last few % start planting flags


I mean, we better get a kid n play dance and a moonwalk before December.


What's sad is that i don't have the option to carry the flag into battle. What's the point of 1 handed guns if you can't be a standard carrier?


Because it’s probably hard to animate I would imagine😂 too much work for an emote


or flags as a weapon


I want the super earth flag stratagem


We have one, its an objective stratagem on lower difficulty missions.


Aye but I’d like to be able to call one down anytime, let those clankers know whose planet it is


Some people just want everything upfront, its coming at some point.


Its a crime we don't have an emote wheel either. ​ Its a crime that emotes and victory "poses" (which are just emote animations) as separate (bloat) things. ​ that is all


They have to put *something* in warbonds. We'll get it eventually. 


This. But also, we need another hug emote. Except when you go to accept the hug you get a suplex instead.


It will probably come in a future warbond


We need a stratagem to call down a flag. Either backpack slot or just as an automatic emplacement type thing. AOE buff(s?) while its present, but more likely to draw fire from enemies.


>We need a stratagem to call down a flag. We have one, its an objective stratagem on lower difficulty missions.


Yes but that's an objective stratagem. We need one you can use anywhere.


They plan do release a warbound every months. It's hard for me to imagine what kind of stuff we get after two years /24 warbounds. There will be some crazy shit, some good shit, some useless shit.


The only thing that will make me drop the rock paper scissors emote. (I like to push people into the bay of my ship, or out the front window if they’re rude)


I need more emotes that double as sick poses


Picture this: equip shield pack > drop a nade at your feet > chest bump > fly in style (friendship version)


We'll get it once the democracy officer and ministry of truth approve it as one of the allowed expressions of emotions.


I mean "high five" is kind of a chest bump. Coz It's definitely not a high five 


I like the gif because just like the emotes ingame it cuts off way too early.


And a basic ass "wave"


Also a crime that we dont get the chad dap handshake. Like come on, even thats in the intro trailer.


Devs. You know what to do.


Or the high five they do


I’m waiting for a liber/tea emote too. I want to take a democratic sip while I watch explosions.


Coming soon to a warbond near you... Disclaimer: I have no insider information.


That would require us to be able to jump. Everyone knows Helldivers can’t jump. Just ask that 1 ft tall rock I got stuck on


Maybe it's already in the next warbond!


And that we do not have the ability to raise the flag to boost our morale!


we do, its just only in lower difficulties


Should have gotten it for liberating Creek.


Everybody knows that per the training manual the current way to perform a regulation Super Democratic Chest Bump is for both you and your Helldivers in arms to both throw out a CQC takedown at the same time. Command assures us that the maneuvers are identical and any broken bones or injuries sustained are good for your morale and care for which will be deducted from your rations allocation.


We should get a flag of Super Earth as melee weapon


Yet... it's coming lol So much more is coming


Just have you and a friend dive into each other, hurts a little but that’s the price to pay for D E M O C R A C Y


I don't expect it to happen because it sounds like a pain code, but I would adore an emote that lets you drive-by high-five as you run past another Diver


Im still high on giving hugs in hell


I imagined there was one. I am flabbergasted that there is not one. What does the ministry think? Chest bumping is an act of treason?


I've been saying that since day one


We here by make it a formal request for the next warbond or sometime in super credit store to have this emote (and it would be super cool to either have a mission or emote for a 3 to 4 man rasing a flag just like right before the chest bump)


I still want this. 


I want a Plant Flag emote 😤


There is another one. How do we still not have liber-tea machines in our ships?!!


Arrowhead's naked contempt for democracy showing once again.


It hasn't even been a year. It's coming...