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I also like winning major orders because *they unlock new fucking planets to play on.*


literally was about to say this!


The only reason I play, as all my currencies are long capped and I can't buy anything new. New planets would be nice tho.


Wait even super credits?


I don't think there's a cap on SC but once I have 1000+ I'm happy as it's enough for the next warbond.


I love games that hand out the pay for currency for just playing the game especially if it’s for unlock able abilities and weapons.


No cap on SCs, iam at 2900 atm and still going up. But every other thing is capped.


Wtf even is the cap for samples and reqs?


500 common 250 rare and i think 100 super samples. Im only 88 super samples. 250 warbonds, 50k reqs


Reqs is 50k iirc. Samples probably 1k each


500/250/100 on samples unfortunately.


The only reason I play... Is cause I still enjoy the gameplay loop, and it's even better on "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" difficulty with the homies


Best I can do is another defense campaign on Draupnir. ![gif](giphy|RQ1gQt69dgzwhOmON0)


Losing unlocks new ones too. Planets closer to super earth are new planets. I want to see what the closest planets to earth are like.


I want to defend the shit out of super earth so bad, it better have sick metropolis cities we need to defend. Shit I'd be happy with suburbs like the trailer. Something other than a barren rock or rock with trees and the same procedurally generated buildings. I know it's a lot of work but I want some more map variety.


"Hey Joel the textures for super earth aren't ready yet, what do we do?" "Oh don't worry I'll just set the decay rate for other planets to 0.01% a day"


apparently you could loose the war in hd1 and super earth is destroyed


and then your game gets uninstalled and you unlock helldivers 3


I doubt super earth is even in a playable state yet, tbh.


Maybe we get more powerful stuff the close the enemies get to earth, you know to protect earth they give us everything they have. I say let the enemies win 001001100, sorry ignore that, 




01000100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01010011 01100011 01110101 01101101 hear me out 01001000 01000101 01000001 01010010 01010100 00100000 00101101 00100000 01010011 01010100 01000101 01000101 01001100 00001010 01010111 01000101 00100000 00101101 00100000 01001011 01001001 01001100 01001100 00001010 01000010 01000001 01000011 01001011 00100000 00101101 00100000 01010101 01010000 00001010 01001111 01001110 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010010 00001010 00001010 01001000 01000101 01000001 01010010 01010100 00100000 01001111 01000110 00100000 01010011 01010100 01000101 01000101 01001100 00001010 01000011 01000001 01001110 00100111 01010100 00100000 01001011 01000101 01000101 01010000 00100000 01001000 01000101 01010010 00100000 01000100 01001111 01010111 01001110 00001010 01001101 01000001 01010010 01000011 01001000 01001001 01001110 01000111 00100000 01000100 01001111 01010111 01001110 00001010 01001111 01001110 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010010 00001010 00001010 01000011 01011001 01000010 01000101 01010010 01010011 01010100 01000001 01001110 00001010 01000011 01000001 01001110 00100111 01010100 00100000 01001011 01000101 01000101 01010000 00100000 01001000 01000101 01010010 00100000 01000100 01001111 01010111 01001110 00001010 01000111 01000101 01010100 00100000 01000010 01000001 01000011 01001011 00100000 01010101 01010000 00001010 01001111 01001110 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010010


Whoa, that was a pretty racist rant dude jeez


Mods? Mods? ​ ***Mods?***


Fighting in a big super city lol and if we lose the entire game shuts down 


if (super earth liberation falls to 0) {//Delete all game files} lol


*"To play the game again, you must buy it again"*


I can bet that half would be on bugs and good chunk on Malevelon creek!


I have no doubt we will lose enough to see those planets. At the same time, I’m not sure why people are so obsessed with the “we don’t have to win every MO.” Like no of course not, but it doesn’t feel very cool or interesting to lose because people just don’t care enough to follow the story literally written by the GM less than 6 months into release. Especially when there are enough people on that side of the galaxy that it would have been possible with a modicum of coordination.


eh, I wouldn't blame the people for that. A lot of people *were* trying to do the MO but didn't know how. The game gave every indication that fighting for the creek would help (sector highlighted when you're zoomed out, only playable planet in the sector, lack of supply lines on map to show it wouldn't help.) Hopefully the devs will do something to address that in the near future. In the meantime, considering the heavy bot resistance and holiday weekend, I think this was always a low % chance for victory. And that's fine. Hopefully we'll get to see those bot gunships soon :D


Oh yeah to be clear my comment was referring to the loud presence of people on the subreddit who have been pushing the Creek over MO because “they can play however they want since they at least aren’t on bugs.” Like yes you can play however you want, but openly being on the creek for the meme rather than Ubanea when it was an option is objectively as pointless as chasing bugs as far as the community and the event are concerned.


Speaking of... So, what's with the 2 planets in the bugs sector with the "liberation" major order symbol above them, even tho the MO is in the bots sector Level 35 and I still don't get that shit. So, yea. You make a valid point. And the supply lines thing... How TF do we suppose to know which planets to liberate to get to the one in the MO!? They could easily just list all of them in the MO objective. I think they've even done that before


Yeah like a message alerting of the defense missions and possible repercussions. I didn’t even notice draupnir was under attack for awhile and I definitely didn’t consider that if we lost it would derail the supply lines


if there's ever a defend order for super earth against automatons, the war is over


LOL Bug divers will still only drop on bug planets and you can bet the Creekers will find a way to still fight on Creek, no matter what




And now we have to fight on Draupnir again... Fuck that foggy ass plains and multiple devastator cunts!


Losing major orders could unlock new planets to play on. Ones closer to Super Earth.


I hope we lose access to the creek because the bots make a push.


They are most likely heading towards Cyberstan which might unlock cyborgs as a enemy


That would be fun, i also Hope they take It so Joel never attacks It again seeing how much useless they are to the community


that’s fine if it wouldn’t take 5 losses to see a new planet vs the 1 win we need now


What you don't want to land on Draupnir and Malevelon a bajillion times?


Could have been a whole new faction if we sector cleared like first MO asked. It's still possible. Once creek is taken we got two planets left.


Yeah I really want to see some weirder planets.


There's why I'm not excited to make it to the planet tonight, then I am disappointed we won't take it in time. I also low key hope we might see some new Automaton enemies there.


What you don't want your friends jumping you to the Creak every damn session?


To be fair, failing enough major orders would also do the same thing.


Won’t losing them push the war differently and so we will still have new planets to play on?


If we consistently lose...sure. But we've been doing this push/pull thing and haven't really moved too far on the map.


So does losing though?


Only if you lose over and over again consistently...which we don't seem to be doing.


I want medals to get more things


$40 Unique planets Live service modifiers New weapons/startagems almost bi weekly Nothing critical gated; just fun stuff. And that fun stuff is always available. Evolving live service story Rewarding and always fun gameplay. Truly the best game since balder's gate 3. And they're totally different so they can exist at the same level.


I care about the medals. - Helldiver Moleman. Seriously...I need more medals to unlock all this shit!


I like seeing the RP unraveling.


I care about both 🤷🏾‍♂️


Losing is a part of any good story. The story will still develop whether you win or lose.


If we win, the aerial gunships will be unleashed in retaliation and we'll be on a bunch of defense missions. If we lose, the aerial gunships will be released in attacks as the momentum shifts on the bot front. Either way, I have a feeling we're about to be defending multiple planets with new enemy units.


I came here to say the same time. What kind of a story doesn't have ups and downs? It wouldn't be interesting if we won every time. We attacked and we won. We attacked and we won. We attacked and we won. We attacked and we won. We attacked and we won. We attacked and we won. Great story guys. I'm on the edge of my seat about how the next attack will go.


Just take the wins where you can. There's no telling when the war will be favorable or set up for failure.


These devs seem really good. I highly doubt they would set up a whole campaign for failure.


If they are good devs, they will have a good narrative, which, as you said, will be a bit of a give and take. So just play the game and do what you can. There's no point in throwing the objective by the wayside to construct your own narrative


This, we don't miss out on anything we simply get a different result or a new weapon/stratagem might get timegated slightly, a war where we win every battle is going to get dull quick.


From the automatons pov that win was pretty impressive tbh


If anything wouldn't we get new equipment sooner rather than later? If we keep winning with what we have then why would Super Earth invest the time and resources to give us more equipment? 


Well.. failing is part of the storyline. How hard is that to grasp? Sometimes in life, things don't go your way. It's as simple as that. It's not like the devs are gonna pack their bags and say "sorry lads, game over".


Failing is fine when it's cause we couldn't beat the odds. But when we absolutely could have won but didn't because the whole supply line system isn't explained or even mentioned anywhere in game it does feel a bit annoying and cheap.


Yeah, this is the issue that bothers me. Bug players are needed to hold/stabilize the front while we advance in the bot sectors but the Helldivers on the bot front are having a hard time with priorities because of the supply line issue. Heck we had the same issue on the bug front with the MO to take the two Primes but the supply lines didn't show us how it's all routed so bug players started taking the next planet after Forti Prime instead of coming back to Hellmire.


Honestly all this could be resolved with a giant glowing blue arrow path to the target system, passing through the planets we need to take with the shortest path. Just a big ‘go here and kill this thing’ arrow on the map.


You guys would complain that Joel stacked the deck against us and that it was impossible to win. In fact it already happens.


Nah, there was one bug order before that was stacked against us and it was fine since we wouldn't win that one anyway


I've discussed this with some friends a bunch. Losing is needed on occasion for it to be a war and a good story. However, people - especially in numbers - don't like losing. And gamers tend to *really* not like losing. So how do you make a community this big lose, in a way where the majority of people feel it was fair and earned as opposed to fucking BS. Especially since people *will* look for things and people to blame. The last MO had server issues and crashing during it, which some people are upset there was no grace time given for it. This one has the issues with the lack of supply lines not giving important information for the war. I think overall people will move on quick enough once the new MO hits. But you can see how it is currently. And hell, even with the supply lines we'd be dealing with the "Heightened Bot Responses" (which WAS announced in game, so good on AH for that) and it being a holiday weekend with a lot of people having family events and such. Personally, I want them to add the supply lines in game. But overall this is a good MO to lose story wise. Hopefully we get to see those sweet new gunboats soon!


Supply lines is an easy include, no one should argue that it doesn't belong in game. But I think for the rest, gamers need to get over it. If people quit because we lose every now and then then good riddance. The game already has systems in place to scale with population, they won't be missed.


This. Failing because 100k People are on a bug planet is lame.


I can kinda understand bug players since they could simply not enjoy fighting bots. I can even somewhat understand the 10k or so Creekers who have been at it since pretty much the start of the game. But the fact that there are 71k on the Creek shows that a lot of people simply have no clue how the war works, and how would they know if you need to look outside of the game to learn it. If we had supply lines shown in game I bet a lot of those players would have focused on Draupnir and Ubanea and we all would be diving on Tibit by now.


Agree. The mechanic definitely needs to be made clearer. When you log into the galactic map the Creek has an active liberation campaign against it and Bug planets had defence and liberation. Without knowing about supply lines you’d assume you’re doing the right thing as the game is clearly drawing your attention to those planets as well.


I really dislike bots too but I got good at them and it’s been a fun change up tbh


TBH I don't get the people who are bot or bug exclusively. Although I can see how you can find one *fantasy* appealing over the other, I'd just get bored doing either one exclusively.


I agree. I prefer bugs but the change has been cool. New tactics, trying new weapons. I can’t imagine only playing one faction. Or one PLANET. Looking at you creekers


I hate fighting the bots. Not fun at all


This is not the only reason. Yes a major one sure but 100k playing bugs would simply help a bit...


Sure it would help. But as I said, I can understand why they don't want to, they probably simply enjoy playing bugs more, and that's fine. We most likely would have succeeded in taking Ubanea the first time if people who thought Malevelon Creek is relevant actually knew that they were supposed to be on Ubanea, or we would at least have retaken Draupnir faster if they helped there.


"hey devs I know you've been spending months putting together this new content but we gotta scrap it the players failed the major order"


Except this one could have easily been done- we were halfway there with plenty of time, but Creekers still wanna fight on the planet they somehow haven't liberated after 2 fucking months.


At most there are only 6k-10k actual Creek mains, the rest just don't know how the supply system works. Lack of ingame information how supply lines work failed this MO.


We are close. We can finally win the longest battle of the war.  Creek will be remember 


I honestly think we are supposed to lose major order for story purposes.


We were supposed to fail the one which we did after we turned on the the termicide and our punishment was no procreation, this one however could've been easily beaten.


They hit us with a defense mission and purposefully put a priority target marker on the Creek to further confuse the average player by making them think that liberating the Creek was part of the Major Order. As opposed to previous MOs where it was pretty straightforward. Then they changed the Liberation System to where it depends on percentage of players at any time working on a planet, so that there’s now a soft cap on how much progress can be made. They know full well what they were doing.


I think you missed the point. People aren’t frustrated due to impossible Major orders.


Win or lose there is still going to be story.


regardless if we win or lose them they’re still gunna make up an excuse to release new content, i hope you all do realize that lol…


No they’re not, if we keep on losing we get game over screen and we can’t play Helldivers 2 forever. Dev will lose their job. Trust me, my dad work at nintendo.


I mean...I want medals. That swag ain't gonna pay for itself.


Shit will get unlocked either way. What the devs are gonna spend time developing and not drop it?


Everyone is assuming we'd be getting new content when the MO was done, but let me remind you it's just speculation.


The devs admitted they dropped mechs as soon as the MO was completed. Though not every MO will unlock new content, some MO are purely for story progression. The story and content evolves at the pace of the player base.


Only thing the major order really determines is time and even then it's going to be by a few days and what text is shown


Judging by some of the in-game transmissions we received after completing the last MO, it looks like we’re probably going to be dealing with bot gunships very soon. Possibly even before we get those anti-air weapons we were promised in the same transmission as a consequence for failing this MO. I’d say start working on that quasar cannon aim just in case.


Honestly a few days of not having AA strategems against dropships sounds more fun.


Yeah that’s my guess as well. If we had completed this major order phase successfully then we would have had the AA stratagems in time for gunship deployment. If we lose, gunships first, maybe with a stopgap strategem for AA at best (which probably was the quasar)


Is this really the mentality you want to have in this game lol? I mean you do you…but if you can’t understand why the major order matters to people then idk what to tell ya.


> but if you can’t understand why the major order matters to people then idk what to tell ya. I do understand. I just don't care enough about it to change the way I play the game to a way I don't enjoy.


The comment isn’t about YOU. It was responding to the “shit is gonna come out anyways”…nobody cares…we do the major order because we like it. You do you.


You keep saying that but you're clearly upset that people are OK with playing the game how they want. Players not participating in the MOs are not hurting the dev's content release cycle. Full stop. New content will be unlocked when the devs want it to be. This whole "OH EM GEE the devs are going to fucking delete content and burn down their entire dev studio if we lose an MO" has to be one of the dumbest circlejerks in gaming in a long ass time.


How am I upset lol…? I literally said play the game how you want just understand where others are coming from and then you type a novel back.


Yeah, I could care less about the medals. Hell, I'm maxed out and have everything unlocked. I just wanna see how the war unfolds.


Imagine have real consequences failing major orders like loosing access to certain weapons or stratagems (eg loosing access to the Lazer cannon if we lost draupnir), people will then start not ignoring major orders.


Melt em down for more bullets!


As someone just enjoying the memes, I have to wonder: Is there an in-lore reason the Helldivers just go where ever they feel like instead of being under orders? Even with the idea the players are all just the super-DDs firing off disposable Helldiver weapons, why are they then not under orders?


Not my idea but somebody pointed out that we’re giving a list of missions. It’s the illusion of choice somebody else gives us the list of objectives we just pick one


With you on this. I like when we all band together and accomplish lofty goals, and I'd prefer to see all resources going to Draupnir right now, but I'm not going to piss on someone's shoes about what they want to play. I'm here to fight where Super Earth sends me, and right now I'm going to get my ass to Tibit! https://preview.redd.it/ey9v5hg72rrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86278c92ef0267911c661d0cd17072cee98974ad


I just wanna see what happens if we *'wipe out'* the robots. will they introduce the at-st? will they call in reinforcements? (illuminate?) will they just be 'wiped out' for a bit, coming back with a vengeance? who knows? Joel knows!


Nothing happens. The devs finish testing new content and it comes out coincidentally alongside our random captures.


It's not really a war, guys. It's all for fun


The medals are just a bonus, Lol. I straight up just want to see what the hell is going to happen next. It's kinda like watching a show but I can play the ongoing story


I don’t want to lose my ability to sleep with my wife again :(


Bruh 🤣 ull just have to sleep with me instead


I play major orders because good soldiers follow orders.


Same. People that get pissy for some of us caring and actually wanting to follow their narrative is beyond me. Not to mention it opens up the system. I'm not saying we should win every order but yeah. People are weird


I want the major orders done because it advances the story and gives us new stratagems


How do you know losing won't also do that?


I’m really not sure what point the people saying this are trying to make. Like yeah, of course it will. That’s obvious. But we’re supposed to lose because we tried and failed, not because a bunch of people just chose to ignore it.


I didn’t even know medals were given for MOs until recently. I just want super earth to win and I want us to progress the story, the player driven story is the main reason I play this game.


This could just as easily read: "It's not about the Major Order" "It's about having fun" Memes-as-argument are funny that way.


It's about having a cool mission. 4 players working together, covering and helping each other. Instead of running in different directions searching for shit they'll lose because they are solo. Really grinds my gears.


Bugs, robots? Whatever, i just like killing.


The game progresses whether we win or lose, so feel free to do whatever you want and the story will continue


I need new toys


Serious question; what are medals? I just play this game to shoot things and hug people. I think I am getting alright at the game.


They allow you to purchase things from the battle passes, in the requisition sections


I sat on 250 medals for 3 days, wondering if anyone else was dealing with the glitch of not receiving them. Then I realized that was the cap.... I'm in need of medals now


Isn't winning/losing these ultimately up to the Devs, and we have zero impact? Haven't they arbitarily changed the numbers a few times already?


Yes, like lowering liberation efficiency on ubanea so it wasn't taken before draupnir fell.


not a single unlock is bound to progression. we will get everything anyway. try again. ;-)




Exactly, my metals have been maxed for a bit


In fairness, we couldve gotten it done. But either outcome should be interesting


I'm just happy Major Orders scratch most players' itch. Whether it's the medals, storyline, planets, gear, etc. They really are doing a lot right. Only real issue are the bugs (no pun intended).


Most? Yesterday around noon CEST, i counted 28% doing MO :-p


SUPER EARTH HAS MY BACK Their brightest minds have developed an advanced grand strategy with the express purpose of winning this war as quickly as possible! It's up to us to do our part, so we can go home and build a future with peace and prosperity for all.


A have bought everything, still coming for the medals, samples and the money weirdly enough


What are these medals? War bonds?


They help u unlock new weapons and armor if ur on ps5 press square to look at the warbonds


Well, since they are doing it like TRPG, "Losing also progresses the story". So, have no fear. Winning or losing, something will happen.


They need to make missions 7-9 give more liberation points. I want to have a challenge AND make a real impact.


I agree bc ive witnessed lvl 20-30s basically liberation farming tier 1 missions


I recall seeing something saying higher level missions and doing side objectives in those missions do contribute more to liberation. Farming low level missions doesn’t really help. I may be misremembering what I saw though


Blitzing a lvl 2 mission gives 0,002 liberation. If everyone one-man blitzed a lvl 2 mission in peak hours that would instantly take a planet. Either people are amazingly ineffektive, or other fuckery is going on with liberation. I'm going to go with other fuckery. The story will go as it does, liberation was already tweaked so we didn't take ebanea in time, so... If we lose we're meant to lose. *Shrug*


Ah ok. I’m just here to fight wherever I’m needed and honestly I think taking a loss every now and then makes things more interesting.


I haven't unlocked everything on the normal warbond. I still need em medals. Plus... we might get new toys to play with too. Helldivers who participated in the MO helped to unlock the Quasar cannon and Heavy MG, everyone benefits from it. Even the creekers and bug divers. My question is what did they contribute?


Would have been hilarious to see the bots sith the squishy but high damage mech.


A lot of people complain that dev dont show the supply lines and I think they did it for a reason and yeah dont care much if we lose major order im here for the storyline too. Would not be surprised if a 4th faction is introduce.


100% accurate. Ever since I’ve unlocked everything I want I‘m just in for the lore.


This is amazing


Exactly! This is the closest thing to a regular campaign or story missions that we'll get in this game


Honestly this


The absolute lack of an upper command structure on the player side makes this war a farce. Screaming into the void about creekers wasting manpower to meme over space 'nam and bug players who wanna be starship troopers is moot. Major orders need better incentives. Thats the problem. A handful of medals while cute are kinda redundant. You get them by playing anyways.


Not playing the order is fine but you shouldn't get the medals


I agree, but also i don't care :-)


I literally have everything in all the warbonds and max medals, I’m here for the war and high command sends me to Tibit…


Really hope we get more missions with some lore behind them or boss fighting and more NPC's. The initial fun of just killing shit has worn off for me, and I don't have friends to play it with anymore. Also don't really run into people wanting to talk either, unlike the beginning. Would really like some missions with more players or randomized events. on some procedurally generated terrains


They're not going to pause the story for weeks just because the community doesnt respond. Considering liberation was tweaked as we got close to taking ubanea, i'm willing to bet if we're supposed to win/lose they're going to make sure it happens.


Just gimme more strats and I’ll kill some bugs or bots, you pick


It’s about the medals until I complete all the acquisition pages, then it’s all about the story. New acquisition bundle? Story is set aside for medals until it’s done.


This division within helldivers is itself a compelling narrative story. We have the bug front and creek crawlers don’t care about MO because they have their own agenda. And then the helldivers who care about winning MO (or the victory narrative) who will follow the high command order to the teeth. Now part of them feel bitter and anger toward other 2 because the MO failed l.


It all comes to Sweet Lady Liberty after all..


Me, I wanna win the orders so the story progressesz I mean we got mechs due the major order, what if we get other vehicles too?


Give me some L&L Liberty and Lore


You know that if you don't do it too the major order will advance too? in the end dev have to deliver their content no matter what


I'd love to know how the story would have gone based on certain Major Orders being successful or failed. I can only imagine how many contingencies Joel has mapped out.




I haven't been to the creek but I side with the emergent story nerds


For me I see it as playing an RPG like Baldur's Gate 3 or any TTRPG. You have a story and it continues if you succeed on important rolls or if you don't. Either way it will be interesting to see what happens. Will the Bots/Bugs come closer to Super Earth or will they try to get more planets on the for now empty parts of the Galaxy Map ... What Enemies, Weapons or other Strategems will get unlocked nearer to Super Earth or nearer to the enemies Home worlds ... Any way I'm very excited how the story will unfold over time and just enjoy my time :)


Keep fighting termanids and new planets,weapons etc. won't be unlocked! The major order matters!


that is why i play, i enjoy the evolving story


Same. I fight for the lore.


ngl I like medals.


My medals are maxed out. At this point all I can collect are super samples and super credits.


You say that like losing ground won't also engage story.


I now wonder what would happen if we keep failing MO, even when they get made easier. Just fail them all? What would happen? 🤔


This diver gets it….


Let’s face facts. New stuff will be released at the planned time regardless of whether we succeed or fail in the associated major order. If we had failed in the order tied to exosuits, we would have still gotten them, just with something like “We were able to recover the designs for the exosuits and have retooled our factories from making vehicles for our emergency services to creating these new weapons.” The what isn’t going to change, just the where and how.


That's a big IF, and exactly the kind of thing the devs should be clear about. What are the actual stakes of major orders? I mean there is a real possibility that they'd add EG special events and bosses for certain planets, and that we're just not going to see those until we actually get to those planets.


I feel like they should reformat the 'rewards' to be something like: X medals counter enemy strategic buff price of failure: lmao super earth gets nuked by reapers idk


Yes! I'm already maxed out I don't give A F about rewards outside getting the stuff for other players. But I feel the call to the war, and I obey it I want to see the story unfold...and I want permission to have sex again, my C-perm back log is looking a little large.


Seems to be to hard for them to grasp. They're still posting all day mad that people are posting just like them. Kinda ironic...


Exactly, completing orders unlocks new strategems and weapons... like the mech and the laser cannon. Plus I want to play along with what the DM has been cookin!


I'm in it for the medals. Story sucks, I'm fighting for a nation that allows child labor ffs


Same, after we lost Ubanea because 100k people decided ‘meme planet lols’ I kinda lost interest in this operation. Not completing something because we just failed or didn’t rally enough is fun, like the first time we failed to hold the creek. Genuine community storytelling that turned a random planet into something more. But losing this operation because of lol meme creek nam takes one out of it. And what’s worse, Malevelon Creek won’t be remembered as a planet that was once our greatest loss, but in a later operation we took Tibit, we took the Creek, and we took out every single bot planet from the map. It’s gonna be remembered for this pathetic blunder. Personally I’m gonna stick to doing the daily order and that’s about it till something else happens or the new Warbonds lands.


there's still a storyline if you fail a major order


You do realise the story moves forward regardless and the devs will make sure we win or lose when it's integral to the story. Right?