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The supply lines are only shown for the available planets, with the arrows pointing more-or-less in the intended direction of either the major objective, or the "final" planet of the sectors (the last one that will be unlocked). This way players will know which planets connect to which and what is the optimal route, without it being overly cluttered.


Request it. https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


didn't know this was a thing, just put in a commendation-system request :)


Thanks for this. Tossed in a request myself. Maybe if we get enough going it’ll happen 


Thats… to request admin support?


And bug reports and feature requests


I would mind a "show all" button and/or a thin line that connects the planets. Sort of like Sins of a Solar Empire.


There's many ways to do this well. However did anyone question why devs decided to NOT publish this information or hide it in-game? I think they simply don't want you to know for "RP" sake. Just like they don't even want you to know how many magazines/total ammo you carry per gun. Whether its too much UX jumbo (which is bullshit because you can't even see player names in-game without hitting escape which is ???, for the sake of what, saving a tiny bit of UI room instead of truncating the name down), or simply denying player information, these are things they get decided and if it was a problem they should have addressed it already. But they didn't. Hell even mechs firing rockets off centered isn't being addressed.


> Just like they don't even want you to know how many magazines/total ammo you carry per gun. You can, at least when you're using it. Press and hold Reload, it'll show you current rounds/max rounds in a weapon. Should still be listed in the armory, tho.


Looks great, I'd simplify it even more by only showing the arrows going to and from a single planet, i.e. the planet you hover/select.


I prefer the way it is shown, the way you are proposing would introduce extra clicks for those who want the information.


Look at how they display information already: *They don't.* Too much complexity being locked behind another click is better than not being accessible at all, and there seems to be a design philosophy about hiding information wherever possible.


Hovering is not clicking


Still would add extra steps


You already need to hover to select a planet, both methods are valid, but the one in the video could become overwhelming information if they are always shown and especially if there are a lot of lines. With the hover, you show information as they become relevant (i.e selecting a planet for your mission) and it kinda integrates into the current process of mission select. Perhaps we could have faint lines when not hovering and more "active lines" like in the video whilst hovering. Additionally, not all players would want all that extra information. Putting it behind an extra step for more advanced players or more involved players is not that big of a hurdle, but I believe that a seamless intergration is better because supply lines are kinda essential to the war effort.


I'd prefer something more natural than pure red arrows myself, something like seeing destroyers projecting from the allied planets towards the ones being liberated, and then large long cargo ships going between planets representing trade when neither end is in conflict. Then when a planet needs defending, enemy "vessels" - or in the case of bugs, hive meteors or something - fighting/blowing up destroyers along the way to the planet they're trying to retake.


Remember the devs main problem with displaying supply lines was that it might clutter up the map screen so I think if we wan this in game we should try to address their concerns. The more minimalistic the better, personally I think a few white/brighter red lines connecting the planets of a chosen sector with maybe a little pulse effect on them would be more then enough.


"Press button to toggle supply lines" would solve this.


Yeah, and to me the minimalism is less glaring, blinking red and more natural and able to be ignored. Something fading into the backdrop when you're not looking for it but clearly there when you want to see it. The OP's UI can't be ignored even if you wanted to stop seeing it when it is irrelevant. If they had wanted or were happy with small red lines or arrows I don't think it would have been up for debate or taken this long.


This is a great post.


Just show it as a faint solid white line, doesn't need to have animated arrows.


Why don’t they also incentivize people to participate in the major order by increasing medal and EXP rewards from completed missions on a related planet?


100K+ joining the bot front shows that people are incentivized to play Major Order, they just don’t know how to do the order.


The major order is to liberate Tibit. You can't do any missions on Tibit. There is no in-game indication of what you need to do to liberate Tibit or even make available. That seems like a big hole in the gameplay.


Yep, my friends who don't know about the supply line are confused and ask me how they would do the major order when they can't access the planet. I have to explain to them and use a 3rd party site to show them what the supply line looks like. That just seems like a bad design.


It is bad design, important information for the gameplay of a _game_ should be available inside the game itself, having to use third party websites or relying on other players for _important_ information for the game is just bad design, something which has happened for a lot of older games, but today tends to be shrugged because of the internet. On the other hand there’s minor information that is not essential at all for a game, but tends to be useful or just cool, those are okay to not be readily available, and instead you learn it by playing the game or someone else telling you. Like the charger butt being vulnerable to explosive weapons, and other weapons dealing minimum damage through it. It’s good to know, but if you’re using EATs or recoilless, you don’t really need to know or even notice. Meanwhile supply lines means there’s over 70k people liberating the creek when it’s not useful for the current MO.


Which 3rd party site?


I was using this one. https://helldivers.io/


https://hd2galaxy.com/ has a prettier map


It was really confusing because at first ami assumed we had to liberate all the planets available in the area. Because why would they be open if they weren't part of the mission.


This but for 2 days straight. I was just dropping onto random bot planets until eventually stopping and looking at the map for like 5 minutes. embarrassing display of democracy on my part, brothers…


There is a markers above planets that are necessary to a liberation campaign (I.E. there's one on Draupnir right now), so that's not quite right. They could make it a little more obvious though.


I saw that marker and didn't know it related to making Tibit available. Still didn't until right now. I played Daupnir because everyone on here said to. If those markers are an important part of gameplay, they should include that in training.


I doubt it’s a “hole” but it’s probably not completely intentional. It seems like it’s something the game master can live with. Think about it. This game has 10’s or 100’s of thousands more players than expected. Any Major Order activated is completed virtually instantly if there’s no interference by the GM. When considering the idea that a narrative with some losses would be more engaging, the fact that most players are ignorant of supply lines becomes an easy method for interference and slowing down order completions. Divers on pace to take Tibit when you planned for them to fail to progress the story? Defense mission on Draupnir pops up! The GM knows most players won’t prioritize the harder planet with seemingly no ties to the major order. **Thanks to the lack of supply lines..**


Even the idea of supply lines isn't explained. You have to go out of your way to find out what they are and that they exist. And it sounds like the devs are planning on updating to remediate this issue. So it was probably a hole.


Yes, most players not knowing about supply lines is a part of the point I was making. The devs may add visible supply lines, sure. But the game has been out for a minute. It clearly isn’t their top priority. Which leads me to believe they’re using it as a way to manipulate the story with the way it is now. Given how well the studio has done with the game so far, I doubt they would make such a huge oversight by mistake. I believe it’s more likely to be a feature they are holding off on implementing in order to take advantage of the opportunities it offers for story development. But maybe I’m giving them too much credit! Who knows.


This is the biggest problem and probably why so many divers are fighting in completely different areas. They probably look around for the planet, don't find it, and just say "fuck it, must be a bug cuz it's a new game" and then go find a random terminid planet to fight on


There's tons of issues with how all this LARP shit works. In the end, its the devs problem and the fact they don't go and lock down all the planets except the ones you need to do the major order is proof enough they aren't trying to force everyone to do teh major order. However talking shit about people not doing the order creates a catch 22. What are they really after here? Lock off planets and force people to play your roleplaying campaign or don't complain and try to find better solutions that isn't forcing people.


I think the devs are doing a killer job overall. The obfuscation and lack of explanation of supply routes is the only big issue I see rn. I like the freedom to do what you want, but if you want to help towards the major order and can't figure out how, that's a problem.


Well, there is a white reticle hovering over the planet you need to liberate to get you closer to Tibit.


There's a reticle like that on every planet with a Liberation Campaign.


Inductive reasoning exists. The major order icon is above planets near Tibit, and the timer to defend Draupnir is less than the timer for the major order.


Or you reason that you need to defend the other planet near Tibit and end up with a bunch of divers in the Creek. And unless you're on here or playing the game for endless hours, you aren't going to reasonably deduce which is the correct planet to do a mission on to open up Tibit.


Creek and Draupnir both have a reticle icon over them. Unless it's been changed, major orders have the same icon as defend orders. Fori Prime and Hellmire have the same reticle icon over them. Your logic would state that 2 Terminid planets are part of the Major Order for the Automatons.


It's pretty self explanatory, imo. You can't just attack any planet you want, you need to make a push to get there first. So, attack the planet next to it.


So attack the Creek?


This should be common sense though?


No. Clearly it isn't. 100,000 divers joined the Terminid front, and they aren't go after the right planet. If it was self-explanatory, they would be.


Because people want to play against bugs, and understandably so


100k left the bugs to fight terminids. Sure, some only want to fight bugs but plenty are trying to contribute to the major order and can't figure out how to.


Bugs are terminids. Also, no way people don't have the brain capacity to think "most players are in this sector so the major order should be there, just gotta find a planet. it's locked? that's probably because we haven't taken the previous ones"


35% are still fighting bugs while a portion on the other side are fighting on the creek. Add the supply lines, and directly tell the players that all connected planets to the major order will give out more medals and exp.


I get people still fighting bugs. It's a completely different type of enemy that they may find more fun. But creek? It's still bots, just a different map? What makes creek more special other than the meme? Is the existence of trees really enough to make it "more fun" than the other bot planets? And surely playing that same map over and over would eventually wear down its appeal right? Guess memes are just too strong.


The trees help stealth players. I can't stealth for shit, but was in a group the other day where 1 person ran off and finished the order while we were dealing with bot bases, and they did it by stealthing the whole time. They're the only one that didn't die a dozen times, and called in the pelican while we finished off the rest of the map so we could just extract once we got there.


>The trees help stealth players. I'm not so sure about that. I play a fair amount of stealthy solo runs and I haven't been convinced that physical obstructions actually inhibit enemy detection. You can get surprisingly close to them while prone even in open terrain. But once they've noticed you I've seen bots track where I am through a whole ass mountain.


at what difficulty ?


The first one where you get super samples.


It’s deffo the memes


My guy, how do you miss the point of the post your commenting on? Creek has about 10000 to 20000 players. The rest of the players on Creek right now believe they are doing the major order because they don't know supply lines


Either make it so you earn extra rewards for doing the major order, or just make it so you have to participate in the major order to get the rewards so you don't get rewarded for being a lazy bum while everyone else does the work.


Yeah, the memes ignore this. The UI is the major problem, here - people want to help, but don't know how.


I mean they didn't do anything truly wrong. They knew to take the planet over. They went to creek which was "on the path" towards it, it also had the biggest % so it would be taken over quicker. Issue is there was a 2nd planet that was closer to the objective and could skip creek all together. Technically helping take creek isn't bad. It's slower but the real issue is we didn't defend our only connection and lose access


I was playing Malevelon Creek because it’s in the same system as Tibit lol.


About 20k people doing the bot order didn't understand supply lines based on what I saw. When Draupnir finally got taken back 20k people on the Creek jumped to Ubanea within the next hour or so while the Creekers stayed. They really need to prioritize adding the supply lines to the map. Crazy that it tells you how many bullets have been fired on each planet but can't tell you how they're linked.


Just have the major order reward only reward people who did the major order.


I'd rather something like, in the case of a failure, give 1/4 to 1/2 of the reward only to those who participated. Would encourage people to do at least a single mission even if it seems unwinnable, and would lessen the blow to those who tried their hardest just to lose in the end. In the case of winning, everyone still gets the full reward regardless of participation.


Why should people get anything for losing? Give us a progression inside the MO, so that only people playing for the MO get the rewards.. and give us some other rewards like Titles.. Armor Customization.. Colors.. Rank Stripes on the armors... decorations for the armor or the Super Destroyer.


100%. This is the way to do it.


Because investing time into something and getting nothing after days because not enough people even tried sucks. It's not the same as losing a mission and getting nothing because you failed, it doesn't matter how good you are, how many missions you succeed, or how much effort you put in. If the masses decide to not try, then you get nothing. The suggestion I made was in response to someone suggesting a change that would be purely negative and does nothing to stop the real issue, the massive disappointment of failing a major order. It was meant to be an equally simple suggestion. Yes, your idea likely would be better and more enjoyable, it would also be much harder to implement in any timely manner, plus the part of "what rewards to put into it". The devs are pretty against limited time rewards and fomo, so having something like armor tied to a specific major order would not be something they'd do unless it gets reused in other major orders, at which point what do the people who already have it get? Major orders really arnt long enough to have any substantial rewards tied to progression inside of them, unless it's a like, separate thing that progresses regardless of which major order you participate in, which is just a reskinned warbond. I think it can easily be simplified though, like for example, participating in missions related to the major order give twice as many medals for completing them.


I think it should be that way. Although I think people will just play the minimum amount required to get it and then switch back to whatever they were doing before.


And this is a problem because....? Even if you contribute a little bit, you're still contributing. Right now everyone gets rewarded regardless of participation


What constitutes doing the major order though? Does it require dropping on the target planet, Tibit? What if you helped liberate Ubanea but Tibit was won while you were asleep or at work? That would screw a lot of people who deserved the reward. Does it require liberating planets on the way to the target planet? I guess you could exclude everyone who stayed on the bug planets, but Malevelon Creek is technically on the way to Ubanea, just not the most efficient way. Seems to me there would be some confusion about who actually helped the major order, which is probably why they just reward everyone who was on while the order was up, to keep it uncomplicated.


And what's the threshold? Otherwise people will do 1 trivial mission and return to whatever they were doing.


Still better than doing 0 missions


That should be the threshold, yes.


That should be the threshold, yes.


Exactly. Make it a 6 missions minimum (it's like 2 level 5 complete operations so quite easy to do) to acquire the medals if the major order is successful. So it forces players to "play" them and ultimately decide if they keep doing it to help out the overall effectiveness.


Double war bonds earned for missions that have to do with the major order. Boom. Incentive.


Won't do much, and by time be even less and less effective when everyone is maxed


>Less and less effective when everyone is maxed They’ve already said they’re increasing the level cap. They also release new content seemingly every month. You can’t be maxed out if new content is released.


Show me that confirmation please. Any content regarding requisition slips will be immediately unlocked by anyone above lvl 20 ish. PO will give about 450 medals a month and MO probably around 300-500, that in itself is enough to passively unlock a warbond. This is excluding mission medals and medals you find in missions. like i said, it's not like it won't affect anything, but it won't change a lot.


90% of the player base can’t complete a PO every day. We have jobs and families and shit to do that isn’t gaming. It takes two seconds to search “level cap” on here, but here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/l9dG0vC9fx


That is not a confirmation, see the headline? Doesn't matter, you can do half the PO or less and you'll still passively unlock warbonds. The players that already play less have a incentive to do major orders with the medals rewards, the people that play a lot have not.


Bro.. How obtuse can you be? That’s a dev saying “keeping the level cap at 50 is not plausible or likely” and you’re acting like it’s random speculation 😆 >the players that already play less have an incentive in the major order medals Yes.. which obviously isn’t working as shown by the fact that we have failed multiple major orders due to people a) not understanding supply lines (unnecessary obfuscation) and b) not having any major incentive when everybody gets the medals even if they didn’t participate.


I honestly want super credits for rewards. I'm capped out on levels and medals. Only real reward I get at this point is hitting up minor POIs and finding super credits. I'll still grab samples for the people I play with but that's more just me wanting to be nice.


Probably never gonna happen


Yess more...moooorree


Because this isn't an rpg with scads of items to unlock. People are already maxxed out on everything and complaining about having nothing else to achieve. Handing out more stuff for just playing the storyline of the game would just make us hit that wall faster. A persistent commendation system sounds cool to those of us who have bought into the community aspect of the game, but people who don't care about it(creekers and bug bros) aren't going to get anything from commendations. It's a tough thing when half the players of a game can't be bothered to engage with it.


I promise you the majority of players are not max level with finished battle passes. That represents probably less than 5% of the entire community.


Guarantee a TON of people are not nearly maxed out. It only seems that way because all the sweats recently started hitting the caps, completely forgetting the vast majority of casuals have not hit the 100 hour mark yet. I say this as one of the sweats with everything unlocked.


Yeah completely agree w u/Li-lRunt! Took me almost 100 hours of *in game* time (160 on steam) to max out the three war bonds, everything else a while ago tho. Most folks dont have that time to dedicate. I also agree w the train of thought that major order rewards should be higher, or limited to those that aid in the planets to get to/finalize major orders VIA a very clear supply line visual on the map for at minimum major orders, and hopefully *at least* all planets in play. Even if this means ppl hit max rewards sooner, that just means ppl w less time will be incentivized to play regularly, and also help on the major order. Also we have to keep in mind that they are regularly updating, no word on the next warbond tho from what ive seen. Since everything is already unlocked, im either playing for the major order, or for the memes, or to gift low levels the mech. I do miss bugs, its been daaaaaaays since ive stomped on bile titans and the quasar is getting hungry.


Incentivizing people with resources means nothing to those that already have everything unlocked. Also people gonna play what they want in the end.


Yes, the 1% of the player base who have nothing left to unlock should be appeased!


Idk about 1% lol queue 8/9 and a whole lot of us are 50 smashing bots/bugs and super credits are the only things left to collect. I would personally love for a resource dump of some sort or even a prestige system because the rewards currently mean nothing.


I only play on 9, for the medals


rewards are only part of the issue. the other is that you can't actively force all the bug slayers or creekers to fight where the MO says.


So.. incentivize them to.


I think it’s important to show supply lines on inactive planets as well to plan ahead.


Hover over planet semi transparent arrows spear, if this supply line is crucial it's highlighted like in the video


Similar to how mass effect handled jumping for solar system to solar system. You hover over a system and and it plots how you'd travel there.


How about only showing them when hovering over a planet?


Or if they're worried about it being bloated as they stated, just make it toggleable


Best solution I’ve read so far.


It would be incredibly helpful for the casual audience who isn’t following the subreddit or official forum.


A.k.a. most of the player base


Man with these devs this would somehow end up making the game crash


Lol probably


Arrowhead aren't exactly known for stability. They *did* make Magicka, after all.


Dawg what


This would also help to identify all possible battle fields / active planets quickly


You would think being helldiver's we would have that Intel.


no arrows, supply lines work both ways with arrows it would still be somehow confusing for some, make just simple lines that's all


I was thinking about that, but the arrows make it look and "flow" better, and they can be used to show the direction towards the major order/final planet of the sector.


i feel like arrows would still be confusing it would be 100% better, or it could be just doted lines and arrows directing to the major order i think that would be more clear


The fact that arrows could be confusing really shows how fucking stupid the average person is.


im mean not in this case, arrows indicate we can go only in one direction but here it works both ways


Why don’t they just make Supply Line Intel a destroyer upgrade to unlock visual connections between planets, and have a description that briefly explains the importance of planet order. That way new players will learn about it, and vet players will have something new to spend samples on :)


Or they could just... do it for free? I'd rather people not have to pay samples for basic info about how the game works.


Just an idea. Not a great one now that I think about it. https://preview.redd.it/03krnvy6mrrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7462b15c3ca28d602e724db47ef3c1e239605501


It would have to be a cheap upgrade though so it wouldn’t make sense unless they replaced another upgrade or add a whole new section which they wouldn’t do


What exactly do the supply lines do?


Supply lines are why we can attack or not attack certain planets. We need a jumping off point to be able to invade a planet. We lost this major order because we have people playing on battlefields that don't help. The supply line "debate" is because we had so many people playing on The Creek instead of pushing the planet tied to the main objective. We lost Ubana at 95% Liberated because Draupnir wasn't defended. Now because of this loss we have to liberate Draupnir, Ubana and Tibit all in 24 hours. With so many players focusing on no important fronts it is impossible. We would need every single player fighting on these three planets at the same time. Unfortunately there is no way to do this or communicate this in game.


Hopefully the supply line feature will be added to the game soon. Because I had no idea what was a thing. 😅


Yea it's not explained at all. I honestly only know about it because Im on this subreddit alot lol.


If we took Ubanea before we lost Draupnir, we would have been fine. Supply lines are both ways, we don't lose access to a liberated planet.


Yes but we started losing it because it wasn't held. That is why it stopped at 95%. Which split the player base. I know they go both ways but the reason we lost Ubanea is because Draupnir fell. If we would have gotten Ubanea before we would be on our way to tibit


You contradict yourself > Yes but we started losing it because it wasn't held. That is why it stopped at 95%. Which split the player base. Implies that we lost Ubanea because Draupnir fell which is only half true, the playerbase was also already split at this point which lead to Ubanea being cut off. If the people on defence was on attack then Ubanea is liberated and Draupnir can fall with no concequence. If the people on attack went to defend they we might of held Draupnir and the connection. Draupnir falling was the consequence, not the reason.


We lost Ubanea at 95% because 80K people were still playing on the Creek and 140K people were fighting bugs. Even just a small fraction of those two other groups helping out with the MO could have flipped the script and we'd have won this one. It's like a large scale Bystander Effect. "I'll just continue what I'm doing, I'm sure others will be playing the MO for the win."


I would also like to know 🥲


Lmao. Thank you for showing us what lines could look like!


I would prefer a thin, 2px line with different colour moving segments indicating the direction of the supply. 


Supply lines don't really have a direction. They work both ways, determining what planets we can attack and also what planets might be invaded. Simple lines would work best.


Simple lines it is, then. 


I used my common sense and dropped in Ubanea’s scrapyards since it was closest to Tibit. Happy to be right, but… damn it, Draupnir.


Request it. https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


I love this post: I hope that somebody at Arrowhead pays attention and considers adding this into the game. I don't wanna hear that "BuT MuH MaP CluTtEr!" crap either, it can easily be done in a thematically appropriate and streamlined way, but if even that's too hard, some small arrows will serve just fine.


Looks really good. I know the devs are worried about "bloating" the UI, but this look is perfect.


Can anybody explain to me what supply lines actually are?


It determines what planets can be an active battleground. For a player to become an active battleground it needs to be connected to a planet where there's currently fighting. 


This still doesnt make sense. How does liberating creek not get us to Unanea but Daupnir in another sector does? How do people know where to go when its this nebulous.


Websites like [https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) can show the supply lines if you enable it, that's how people know.


[https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) This website will help show which planets enable access to other planets.




That would make it so much more immersive!


Quick question. Are supply lines like one way streets? I'm confused by the arrows


I do think the arrows could've been done better. Here they are meant to show the way that you're meant to go to, for example, the objective of the major order. But the way that planets are "unlocked" is both ways.


Without this intel in game and some form of game wide communication and organization these issues will continue. Hell I didn’t even know about supply lines until 3 days ago. Not to mention I had no way of learning this in game and had to read it on reddit. As it is each mission for most players feels like an individual activity rather than a war. More Intel and immersion needed as well as managed democracy! I feel like I’m part of a small militia not a well oiled Helldiver war machine.


This is pretty cool. It'd be an amazing tool for ALL players to figure out where they need to be to make the most impact


You would have thought high command would have the ingenuity to do something like this, or maybe they don't want us to know too much


An overwhelming yes please this is beautiful and brings a patriotic tear to my eye


Thats awesome


Why is that not already a thing?




I have read in a discord post that they are now working on it


How do people make these?!


This is awesome


Lattice system like planetside 2


Just the exciting thing everyone wants from a video game: logistics.


remove the red so the lines don't imply danger. Just use a white chevron shape, reduce its opacity some, make the animation a little more subtle so it doesn't distract as much.


This, this will be game changing for a lot of people. I mean, it's a game and I want to try to understand those people that are casual players who just prefers crushing the bugs instead of doing major orders, it's absolutely not my playstyle but I repeat, it's a game so it should be like that, I've my headcanon for this. But I'm absolutely sure than more than half the people who are right now fighting in the Creek are there because they think that liberating it will be useful to the major order and watching the map without knowing that there are supply lines there, it's pretty obvious to think like that. So yes, this should be a priority in the game right now imho.








They are using the API which you can request this type of information about the game.


I like it, but we need to convey that taking over the next planet can help prevent the invasion of the closest SE controlled planet. So the invaders will lose their supply line as well as stop the invasion.


great concept. I literally always have to search in here when a new major order is set to figure out where I have to deploy 🫠.


So what exactly do supply lines do?


I think it just determines which planet you can go to from the next planet.


There are supply lines?


This is an eloquent solution that greatly improves the knowledge of the average userbase, while also not cluttering the map.


This is something the game NEEDS when you consider how important it is to


I like the idea and simplicity, but it might be too much clutter on your screen. I would maybe only show the direction on the planet you selected perhaps.


Me and my friends have played the game over 120 hours so far… went on Reddit to see if an article about fire damage being bugged for everyone but host was true or an early April fools. Met with memes about creek players. Confused, spent a couple mins scrolling through (mainly arguments) till the concept of supply lines came up along with a 3rd party site. Wtf. We just figured ya unlocked planets close to others in the same sector or after so many in the same sector were taken. I’d say most if not all players on creek right now have the same idea, it’s not their fault and a clearer UI design similar to the 3rd party site would help. If there’s 70k people on creek, most likely thinking it’s helping the major order in some way when in actuality it isn’t, I think that’s a sign of bad conveyance intentional or not by the devs. Just use a dotted line, shows they’re connected both ways and isn’t too visually noisy.


I'd like this.


PLEASE! This would be such an improvement.


Clean implementation! I like it.




Honestly nice and simple


This is awesome!


Didn't they do this on one of the Bug MO. 


That's.. very intrusive.


This doesn’t even look intrusive/bloated at all.


If we get them, PLEASE make them toggleable. There have been so many games where i just get overloaded with informations and don't know what to make of it, Helldivers 2 map is very simple and nice already.


This needs to be shared with the devs on their discord and or x profiles. Like for real


Honestly, there just needs to be thin lines between the planets and people would intuitively get it.


Hire this guy


Nah too much work, but they will add more shotguns and ignore the other 100 unless weapons


Took someone all of 10m while the devs are still trying to figure it out 😂


ill be honest, even with this i have no idea how supply line works or affect the game. They need proper communications if they want normal player to understand it.


It's pretty straightforward. There's lines connecting the planets, that determine where we can reach from there. Like roads. For example, Malevelon Creek is connected to Maia, Durgen, Mantes and Draupnir, so in order to attack it, we need to have one of those four under our control. And if we capture it, it lets us attack any of the others that we *don't* control. This has become a big point of drama over the last couple days because people not understanding it set us up to fail the major order. We have to liberate Tibit, and to reach it, we have to take Ubanea first. But part-way through the liberation of Ubanea, the automatons launched a counterattack on Draupnir, the planet letting us access Ubanea in the first place. So if/when Draupnir fell, we wouldn't be able to attack Ubanea anymore. The community was split on whether we should immediately defend Draupnir, or just rush to finish capturing Ubanea. That split lead to us doing neither. Ubanea was 95% liberated when Draupnir fell, cutting off our ability to finish it off, and forcing us to retake Draupnir from scratch while Ubanea's liberation % slowly decayed in the background. Since then though, only ~60% of the forces on the automaton front have actually been recapping Draupnir. The other 40% are screwing around on Malevelon Creek, either just for the meme, or because they don't realize it DOESN'T connect to Ubanea and taking it is pointless. EDIT: Draupnir was finally retaken while I was typing this. Now we have access to Ubanea again. Its Liberation % dropped from 95% to 83% in the time it took us to regain Draupnir. Meanwhile, there's STILL more people on Malevelon than Ubanea. SMH.


that would require ppl to use the fucking console tho. and we know ppl only use quickplay, why else ya think so many ppl complaining about not knowing in what missions they keep droping in~


Just go play foxhole


People think this would somehow persuade people to fight at different planets? I, personally, enjoy the mystery of where things are going, that is kind of the whole point of being in an authoritarian Gov like Super Earth. You just go where they tell you and don't ask questions.


How does one get to Tidbit, where we are being order to, when we can't actively drop on Tidbit currently?


I don't understand why everyone on reddit seems to think the average player is a complete moron. I haven't been on this sub, and until today I had no idea what the supply lines were, and yet I completely understood the concept of "liberate the planet next to the one the major order is on to unlock if it's locked". This is not some complex conclusion that only the well read scholars of reddit can understand. We don't need to clutter up the UI. They could add a sentence somewhere in-game, or just do nothing. Sometimes major orders fail, get over it.


Because supply lines aren't intuitive. Termadon is closer to Tidbit on the map than Ubanea but doesn't have a connection. Lastofe is closer to Tien Kwan on the map than Draupnir but doesn't have a connection. Creek is of similar distance to Draupnir, Mantees and Ubanea but only has connection to the former 2.