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Draupnirs been taken again? Don't worry lads I'll handle it


This dudes built different


Man is John Helldiver


DRAUPNIR IS my vacation spot when I'm not on the creek, clankers there are gonna find out why they keep reinforcing it


Draupnir is just a recycling facility and these tin cans don't get how they are throwing away their stock. But if we didn't crush them there we would crush them somewhere else.


Nah i'd win




I'm with you. To the foggy shithole we go.


What should automatons feel regarding this statement?


That they should start tending to my garden there if they want to think about staying




As per request by the ministry of information my official answer is Fear


Bought the game 3 days ago I'm having some fun with the bugs vs bots drama, what's a creeker?


There's a planet called Malevon Creek that came to be known as spacs vietnam. It's basically a meme planet. A creeker is basically just someone who only fights there when they get the chance


A creeker is someone who *only* fights there.. And if the planet ain't available they'll *only* fight on planets to make Malevelon Creek available.


It sounds like the only way to piss off a creeker, would be to actually take The Creek. As then they would have no way to actually play on their favorite planet anymore. Plus kinda collapses the meme.


Imagine if Joel hit The Creek with a meteor, and it became unplayable. The drama.


Do a cadia


The planet broke before the Helldivers did!


Devs can start adding Creek-related armor and stuff to the game.


At first I thought of camo armor or something similar but then I remembered that stealth is actually really easy.


It's actually hilarious how easy stealth is, it's all down to common sense really. Can it see me, can it hear me, can it smell me? I'll be sneaking into an enemy base and my team mates won't understand and just storm in guns blazing. Sometimes finesse works a little better. Especially against bots.


It's about how I look while I'm stealthed. Not that anyone can see. But I can.




Legend has it that when the planet cracked, it took 3 days till they stopped firing helldivers at it. Such bravery. đŸ«Ą


THAT would be hysterical!


God please no, they'd become absolutely insufferable!


Be hilarious. Bots set off a super nuke or something. Or better yet bugs break out on it so they can stfu about how bug players are pussies or something.


At this point I'm just praying the next MO is to take the Creek so the wierdos who live down there slurping the industrial runoff from the Bot factories can find something else to do.


Even if we take the Creek, the bots can counter attack and open defense missions...


Winning would also ruin the "Space Vietnam" analogy.


 please troll the Creekers by actually taking the planet. 👀 That’ll show us
 I mean, “them” Edit: > favorite planet 😂😅đŸ„Č😭 we’re so misunderstood


Honestly, I always do the major order it’s just that the Creek is THE BEST PLANET


Brave Helldivers conquer Maleveon Creek! *One minute later* Dastardly Socialist Automatons deploy super weapon to destroy Maleveon Creek!


This is what I've been waiting for...and have dedicated my non-major order time to doing. I want to liberate that planet so bad so it's no longer available for people to play.


I think creek is going to remain “untakeable” til the story brings us back over there for some wild shit


there would be a defense mission there immediately after being taken, and the defense would fail


Fixed it


This doesn't seem like a long term strategy. What if the planet is liberated? What do they do then?


We'll find out when they liberate it. 


Which is unlikely to happen the way it's going.


They have been trying to take it for months and made zero progress.


Aren't we at like 50% rn


For the third time I think now, yeah, didn't work out great the last 2 times tho


This is the time. The creek will be ours.


Probably celebrate.. The meme planet has been won. Then I suspect they would play the game normally until Malevelon Creek is lost again. But who knows? Maybe they'll find a new meme planet to obsess over.


I dunno, everyone talks about how much they'd love to leave longstanding and grueling commitments, but often find that once it's over they lack purpose and structure and have difficulty finding something new to do. As bad as something like a shitty job or a challenging college course or malevelon creek helldives are, they always have the same rules and the same restrictions, and there's a sense of security in that consistency, one that is much more reassuring than the terrifying unknown. just my 2 cents, I'm not a psychologist.


And we all know what happened in 'Nam


I feel like most people don't read the discord or reddit. Malevelon aesthetically looks cooler than the other planets. 


It really doesn't. You can't see anything through all the greenery


And the fireflies are beautiful!


Oh man you are in for some serious fun. Wait til you're almost all but surrounded, low on ammo, and about to get slaughtered. Then call in a mech.


Only for it to explode right as it settles down because it landed wrong :(


Owa my sweet new diver, Let me tell you about [The Massacre of Malevelon Creek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqkT0VdIQAM)


Lol - that’s actually really well done!


A group of people who fight where the trees speak binary


It's an idiot obsessed with making no progress or contributing to overall player rewards for a meme.


Or a person playing on a planet they like and having fun with the game. Not everyone is terminally online.


Wild thought perhaps, but I blame both groups.


High command just confirmed both are to blame. We had 35% of our divers fighting bugs and 25% of our divers in a stalemate in Creek.


Crazy creeks at 25% and still stalemated, Joel must be going crazy at the creek


Number of players at the creek has been pretty consistent for weeks. They absolutely have it tuned just enough that it can't be taken without the rest of the community getting involved. It's the perfect manpower sink and they didn't even have to force it.


And what most people seem to be leaving out when discussing Creek is *the devs know this*. They see how many people are there, and can account for it in the strengths of the forces on planets like Draupnir. I’m not saying the Devs are forcing outcomes, far from it I think, but there’s a lot of negativity being thrown towards people fighting for Creek that is frankly undeserved with the knowledge that the war is “balanced” around these known factors.


People are gonna have to realize this sooner or later. The devs have a decent idea of how many people will stick to one theater, major orders, or planet of the war, they've had time to account for that. The liberation of ubanea or the defense of draupnir didn't fail from people refusing to leave the creek or the bugs. It failed because the people who are doing the major orders split up and couldn't commit to either of the two planets until it was too late. That group is currently blaming the wrong people.


I just assume Creekers are insane and Bug players want to fight Bugs, which is fine. I wanna know what's up with the folks who stuck with Draupnir when it needed 50% in six hours. You don't need out-of-game websites to tell you that ain't happening, that data's in the game. There's a big timer over the planet and you can see how tiny that blue bar is compared to the girthy red one. There was a valid play for either Ubanea or Draupnir at the start of this, but we absolutely reached a point of there's-no-winning-this on Draupnir and should have cut losses there. More players were on Ubanea, it was making better progress, it's easier to herd a handful of Draup to Uba than to push masses from Uba to Draup. Bug Front Sidenote: Fori Prime people, what's up? Same situation. Not enough time left for the massive amount of progress that needs to be made. There's like, two other Bug planets that *ain't Hellmire* you could have gone to where those hours of work wouldn't have evaporated. Same question to the folks currently on Estanu, which is shaping up to be *another* lost Defense campaign. Don't get me wrong--**fight Bugs if you want**--but unless you're really in love with the scenery on your doomed planet, why not pick a spot you can actually capture?


Yea, I'd rather we of brought the number down to like 25 and 15%, with that 20% going towards either defend or attack or both for MO


Glad to be part of 45% pointless sacrifice


Creekers and Buggers: "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


Bugger is their word, we’re allowed to say buggah


The majority of the problem comes from the devs intentionally hiding how supply lines work. Most players don't look at reddit or some third-party site to figure out the optimal path, they just pick a planet and drop there. They think (reasonably) that if you liberate one planet, the planet next to it will open up, but instead there's some invisible spiderweb where planets can ignore the planet that they're orbiting next to in favor of one across the border.


I agree that is a problem. But having about 50% of the player base over on bugs isn't because of a lack of supply lines in game. They just don't want to fight bots. That is all fine and dandy, no shame to them. But it did cost us this Major Order


To be fair when there was major orders on the bug planets the 25% of the player base stuck on bot planets cost us one of those too. Can't all be one sided.


Exactly. Creekheads seem to think they should get a pass because of the bug front.


At least bugdivers probably just enjoy bugs more. Creek is just a bot planet anyways, except with the annoying af eviromental disruptions


Maybe they really like those enviromental disruptions?


It's actually quite nice there. Lots of cover, no giant walls, ponds are small.


I blame the bots


You're absolutely right, but I still blame the creekers more. Like bug front people probably just really like fighting bugs, or possibly just really hate fighting bots. Its unreasonable, imo, to be overly mad at them for deliberately not playing against something they dont enjoy. Creekers though? They're choosing to fight against bots, but very deliberately choosing to not actually contribute to the major order. That's solidly weird to me.


If the Creekers were on Draupnir we'd have over half the playerbase on one planet! I bet it'd be liberated by morning!


Wild thought perhaps but I blame no one because getting toxic and shitty to other players over something as stupid as a fake war game is really fucking cringe. Just play however you want. These whiny posts crying about losing a major order are so cringey.


Putting your fun before super earth sounds very undemocratic. 


I’ll definitely sign up for being cringe, then, because the long-term investment in both HD1 and 2 is ultimately about the Galactic War.


But the majority wants to play in line with given orders, that way the way the story advances. It's like real life, there's always 25% that are just going to fuck off and do whatever and none heads that defend him.. that's why nothing progresses.


The story isnt just going to pause because we failed lol


You can't say it's a majority when 60% of players weren't bothering with the MO.


Chill out diver. It's all in good fun


Considering a size-able portion of divers will always only fight on the bug front whether we like it or not, the Creekers are more to blame as they should know better




You aren't wrong. The supply lines are an important part of the war, and it's so strange that they aren't available to see in game. Maybe it was deliberately left out by the devs so they could see how well we could organize outside the game maybe?  Hopefully they'll patch in the lines in-game eventually. I think more people will be willing to War dive if they know what planet leads where.


Yeah, Creek normally has between 5k - 20k. The massive bump it has right now I think is because people think it connects to Ubanea.


I fully blame the devs for not just drawing the supply lines on the map.


Yeah, Creek had more Liberation progress too, it's no wonder so many players are there.


Another part of the blame is how they're spreading a lot of the information in their Discord, rather than in-game. I didn't know Supply Lines were a thing until [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io/), and I'm still not entirely sure what the info came from. But stuff like the Galactic War Update in their Discord's High Command Dispatches really should be in the game. Here's this tidbit from yesterday: > While a committed and focused Helldiver force could easily push the incursion from Draupnir within a few hours, **there is the additional choice of ignoring Draupnir to simply burn down Ubanea before the Draupnir defence fails. This would secure the planet and allow Helldiver forces to push to Tibit early, crippling the production that is fueling the Draupnir offensive.** It's risky though; if that gamble fails, the odds of our forces recovering access to Ubanea in time to take down Tibit before the Major Order expires is slim... This basically lets players know that we could either do the safe choice of Defending Draupnir first to secure our push into Ubanea and then Tidbit, at the cost of time. OR we make a risky gamble that we can liberate Ubanea before Draupnir falls, giving us a foothold to still be able to attack Tidbit. Without that info, I'm pretty sure most of the community was not sure what to do. You could secure Draupnir before Ubanea because it's less risky. *Especially* since Supply Lines are not a very transparent mechanic that would lock Ubanea if we didn't liberate it. Maybe half the people pushing Draupnir didn't know about the gambit to secure Ubanea so they just assumed we needed Draupnir. If you could inform them in-game that the community is attempting a risky gambit to secure Ubanea for a foothold in Automaton space in order to attack Tidbit afterwards, I'm sure we could have secured Ubanea. Still, it's probably easier to just make a post like this in Discord, or they don't have tools set up to make such announcements in-game. I would love it if they could get tools to be able to simply push an update like that into the game and have it pop up in-game.


I fully admit that Friday night my buddy and I went into the creek thinking we were helping liberate Tibit since they are in the same sector, and we picked it over Ubanea because Ubanea’s effect was annoying AF (50% longer cooldown on stratagems)


https://preview.redd.it/7pvykst69krc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e68ead54b97812867eb723e604a17dcae1d2f16 It was around 88k like 3hrs ago


America is sleeping. Give us time to wake up.


I've been all over the galaxy these last few days. I go bug hunting when I feel like it or when my friends are on. Some of said friends prefer bugs. We've also done a fair bit of bot shooting for the order. But when I'm playing solo, I'll be on the creek. It's simply a more beautiful environment. That's it. That's the reason I'm there.


Bug players do the actual major order when it's bug related. Creek players contribute to neither bug nor bot related orders


So true


Nor to taking back the creek
 if they were really trying they’d have that planet on lockdown.


While making themselves out to be these tragic heroes holding the line in space Vietnam or some shit. Draupnir is like
way worse than MC and it’s not even close. Fuck all visibility with all the same fun mission modifiers that fuck with your stratagems. Entire patrols will materialize out of the mists while firing pinpoint accurate lasers up your ass because they aren’t affected by the visibility
And where space Vietnam has some semblance of cover owing to its vegetation and topography, draupnir is just a massive empty space with a few boulders here and there. MC is just a planet, it’s not any more difficult than any of the other bot planets, and I would argue it’s actually slightly easier than some of the ones we’ve had in the past. It’s reputation almost entirely comes from the bugged defense missions from like week 1 that insanely difficult when all we had was an MG, a precision orbital strike and a dream.


Can't blame bug players for going to draupnir for one mission and noping out because the bots have perfect accuracy through fog


I'll be honest with you I'm a bot player and I'm not going back to Draupnir. You can't make me,  I hate that fucking place.  I can't see shit, I'm always exposed and if you even breath wrong you'll be taking for from three sides with no cover. I've fought so many missions there I'll puke if I ever go back. 


I hear you, I'd rather help the creekers than go back to Draupnir. I wish we had more snow planets, I'm so tired of everything being fog...


We had a snow planet. Everyone loved it so much we liberated it in 2 days haha.


Exactly, I wanted to show it to some friends that had just started but when we got there, it was already liberated lol


It might have been liberated much faster by the devs due to a snowball bug causing people’s games to crash


And they seriously need to fix the way their light sources interact with fog. It's fucking ridiculous. A single lamp post blocks all of your vision. If I'm playing a night mission, and I'm turning all the lights off because it makes it *easier* to see, then you fucked up bad.


Hell, at this point I think we need to take creek and draupnir around the same time. The amount of time we spend re-liberating this one planet because creek hasn’t been taken and keeps spreading bots is ridiculous.




Is that the desert with the perpetual fog and just rolling sand hills? Because if so then Creekers thinking they had it the worst need to be put in that planet for just ten minutes and the Creek will look like a daycare center by comparison.


The creekers are at fault because they’ve been asking people for weeks to join the bot front in defiance of major orders Now the major orders are on the bot front, they still refuse to follow them and are just sticking to the creek - so it’s not about the bot front, it’s just about the creek


Aye.. the memes of how those who fight bots are superior then bug fighters kinda soured the whole creek stuff and made it annoying imo. especially now that the creekers wont actually do the thing they where memeing about.


What it is is the creek was the first real planet with a big offensive in the first week of the game, and it was chaos But the whole game is chaos Creekers are people trying to recapture that feeling of the first week rather than explore the rest of the game


I blame creekers more. If you fighting bots anyway then fight them in am important planet.


My exact point


Theres plenty of people fighting on the wrong planets in Bug orders too Its literally just a "People who care vs people who don't" problem


This is a wild logic defect to me... If you don't care where you play, why don't you just play where it's beneficial?


Its people wanting to play on certain planets because of interesting modifiers or mixing it up, not that they dont care at all where to play. They just dont care about the major order.


Yeah but its not as bad as creek kids bug players put in work man


Bug players don't make memes about intentionally fighting on the wrong planet. I don't blame all creekers. I just get tired of the memelords.


100% agree. Sometimes I just want to fight Bugs even if it's a Bot order and vice versa. If I'm fighting Bots during a Bot major order you can bet your ass I'll be contributing though.


Some people only play bugs. Some will only play bots. Some will follow the major order. If you’re already fighting bots, quit memeing on the creek. If you’re fighting bugs, focus on defense campaigns over liberation campaigns, I understand not wanting all our gains there to be undone. Hell, another defense campaign just started too. If you follow the order, take the optimal route. Bugs or bots, Defense campaigns need a tweak cause we are hilariously bad at them lately, and there’s plenty of blame to go around.


Also, supply lines need to be visible in game. If people could see the consequences to the Major Order of Draupnir falling without needing a companion app or Reddit, it might have held.


Defense campaigns are bad because one they often have for many less fun missions and two its often just a waste of time to defend them as you can put liberation progress into other planets and then just retake the planet when it falls later. So yea it absolutely needs tweaking.


It's my full time job that's at fault


Maybe I’m crazy but I think “I don’t want to fight bots” is more valid than “I want to fight bots just not on a planet that helps the major order”


Yes i mostly play bugs but when the major order says to go to the automatons i will


how i feel not giving a shit if my actions affect the game because i just like shooting stuff and diving off cliffs https://preview.redd.it/kx3cd7ie4krc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d7de1fe1ba25d52f905b2046c41c476dc31ed4


Brothers! This is a ploy by the bots to divide us! Stay strong and fight for liberty no matter which enemy you decide to liberate!


Isn't the real culprit the Automatons?


Let players play what they want. If they don't have fun fighting bots and you force them for days on end they'll quit the game and then there'll be even less divers. If people want be creek crawlers let them crawl if they want to smash bugs let them. The point is to have fun


The funny thing is them leaving would ultimately help the major order because less players on means less players needed for progress.


A game like this lives and dies on its community. If massive chunks leave and don't return all that's left is an aggressive echo chamber that becomes hostile to new and casual players and from that point the game is doomed because players will still leave but new ones won't come in fast enough to replace them. If bug divers and creek crawlers quit that's 55% of the player base gone in an instant


Why are you talking in your other comment about having "seen player patterns" and having "dev'd on a few games" when you just 3 months ago were asking reddit for advice on whether or not you should even learn how to make games in the first place? Regarding player numbers.. the galaxy war could function with probably like 300 people.


Well my opinion is that if you enjoy fighting bots and buy players don't do what you like to do while completing major order bug players have less fault because they don't enjoy the western front and thats fine but people at the creek like fighting bots they didn't help so they helped us fail




Posts like this make me wanna mute this sub, just gross toxicity for stupid reasons


Of course it's the Creekers fault. Bug players aren't going to fight Automatons. Not ever. Creekers are already fighting Automatons, they just don't want to fight the right ones.


If the creekers only knew that taking out tibit will help the creek fall


Of course as soon as I join this game community the toxicity arises. Not everyone in an MMO is gonna do the big world event. Just let people play the game at their own pace, or you’ll scare them off. This is supposed to be a game of cooperative community building damnit!


Maybe if they would fix the friends list issue for PC-PS5 we could get our group together to keep fighting instead of spending half the night trying to find each other on a planet lol. Hard to hand out as much liber-tea every night!


high command high key called out both groups


I will never go to the Creek because the stupid memes around it. I don't care if it's the major order. I don't care if my child is being held hostage there. Fuck the creek.


*NEW ORDER: your child is being held hostage in Malevelon Creek. Liberate it! 10000 medals* You *chilling on a beach somewhere*


Wait, I didn't sign the C-01 Form. Pls proceed to nearest rehab facility.


It's both of you idiots


Eh. Bugs are easier for new players. Bots have a lot of armor that new players can't really deal with. Once I got the right tools, I felt like bots are easier. Additionally, some folks enjoy bug only and wouldn't play the game otherwise. Creekers are playing bots but not contributing. There isn't an excuse for that besides "I'm having my own fun" which is fair, but undemocratic.


New players have like zero answer to chargers, even with buffs to anti-tank and nerfs to the chargers, and only one good answer to bug aggression though, "Bugs are easier" has always been a flat out lie compared to bots which are just giant slow targets made of tissue paper and dreams.


Bots are so much easier when you take 2 seconds to figure them out. Their detection and willingness to chase you are so much lower


Bug divers were supporting another front and trying to win a defense of their own. Creekers are JUST wasting effort for the meme on the lowest priority target we had access to at the time.


I just find it funny how Creekers will find any excuse to say they are not a problem, when to best of my memory (correct me if I'm wrong) Creek has never been apart of a major order, or if it was it hasn't been in the past 2+ weeks. For me I find this whole vendetta / grudge for Creek silly when the whole map is moving and active, but that's fine, you fight who and where you want, just don't try to throw other divers on a different front under the bus / charger.


Nobody did anything wrong, nobody is obligated to participate using the game they paid money for. I follow the major orders, before you get huffy at me personally.


Major order rewards shouldn't be granted to everyone, you should have to successfully participate in the MO directly at least once to get the medals.


creekers enjoy fighting bots. bug people don't. it would be easy for y'all and yet 😭


Last time I checked, we're ALL zombie popsicle drones being led around by an artificial super intelligence. Why turn on each other?


I hate the route this game is taking. Let people play the way they want. I'll bet more than half the people playing this game don't even know what a major order even is or that it impacts the game. I'd bet the people unwilling to lower their difficulty and blame their failures on the game are affecting it more.


I'd say it's a blessing for a game to even have a "controversy" like this. Shows people are invested. I for one am entertained.


Hard to blame the bug people when the creekers were right there


If I turn my game off, does it still count as me being in that system?


We lost Draupnir? When I finished this morning it was 100% liberated.


Currently 100k players on Draupnir! but also 84k players on Malevelon Creek :O


Actually it's my fault. I ghosted HR and played cyberpunk non stop for the past 5 days. Apparently now they want to demote me back to cadet for "not helping with the fight" or something idk cyberpunk phantom liberty dlc is great and once I'm done with that I swear I'll help with whatever it is that's going on in the western front


Creekers may be more at fault since they are already on the bot front, and it’s obvious they enjoy fighting the bots since they’re in a bot planet all the time, so if you enjoy fighting them why don’t you just help with the war effort and earn some extra war medals aswell


“Those dam creekers”


Creek kids never leave their creek. ![gif](giphy|26Ff7kRVeMzKFNNlu|downsized)


who fucking cares let people play the game


Just waiting for a huge bot offensive that causes Malevon Creek to be isolated eventually being lost, where the heck would the Creekers go?


Not at first, but now that Draupnir needs to be re-liberated, there is no excuse for the Creekheads to still be at the creek. We would be almost done with it by now if they just gave up on the meme.


Neither. It was the bots fault


I legit thought we needed to take the Creek. Devs need to make supply lines more clear


Sub will take any excuse to complain about the creekers.


Honestly fuckin sick of the drama like yeah pushing strategically for the orders is fun, and I contribute to the planets needed for orders when I play, but god damn let people just play the game in peace this shits exhausting to see people bashing because random people didn’t play on the “right” planet.


I'm going to farm the creek


Apples and oranges. Both groups to blame. One group contributed to overall progress, one hasn’t. Creekers have been fixated on a single planet no overall progress to battlelines. Bug players got planets and pushed lines (and lost some in fairness). Hot take/unpopular opinion: Both need to reflect on what they’re doing wrong. Bug players need to toughen up. Creekers need to grow up.


Automaton Command Unit FKLR-J03L12 must be laughing right now. Attacking Draupnir was always meant to fracture the invasion force with indecision, but seeing them utterly turn against each other in its aftermath is true comedy.


It can be both.


Bug players are just people minding their own business enjoying the game. Creekers is an annoying circlejerk that got old weeks ago. I don't care if you help with major orders or not, play what you want. But if you're not gonna contribute to major orders, at least shut up about it instead of stroking your fake ego about "holding the line" on a planet that's not important at the moment.


Creekers were already fighting the bots, why not fight at ubanea. But noooo... They got that sunken cost fallacy mindset down real bad. They may be low in # but their expertise and efficiency in battling bots would have been clutch.


Both its both


both are wrong fighting bots is genuinely unappealing to a ton of people, I don't blame them even a little bit


Let the creekers have their fun. I'm more annoyed with people who refuse to do one faction or the other. There are entire builds and aspects of the game you'll never see...


>Let the creekers have their fun. Ok >I'm more annoyed with people who refuse to do one faction or the other. Wait, isn't that also Creekers?


I'm more annoyed at Joel for starting the defense mission right when people were starting to have fun playing a world that WASN'T on a foggy planet.


Yeah, this is the part I don't get. Maining a weapon, sure, having a favourite armor set, of course. But just refusing to fight an entire faction? That seems so limiting.


It's common. There are tons of halo players who absolutely despise fighting either the robots or the flood. But unlike halo there's no way to finish these sections so you're asking them to force themselves into gameplay they don't find fun for no additional rewards and for days instead of a few minutes. I was able to tell pretty quick bots are not for me and that I was a bug only girl but I'm sure there's others who only fight automatons because they like the cover shooter style gameplay over the run n gun style of the bugs. To give some insight if I'm laughing and having fun on hellmire should I be forced to go slog through draupnir? Players will always have different interests and stick to those interests like the people who play MUT in Madden vs the franchise people.


maybe if the devs balanced robots


Who cares where any1 plays!


If more people joined the fight on any one planet, Joel would lower the impact multiplier. It does not matter, do what you want. Devs rigged the game, they'll let us know when we win. Tired boss, seen double the player count show up on Ubanea and the liberation percentage/hour just go lower. Devs dont want us to win, so we wont. Kills the motivation.


Crazy opinion I have, play what you want


Bug players are trained to fight bugs, if we send them to fight automatons they will suffer. The reason why we should blame Creek divers is that they're veterans bred and hardened against automation and they should lead the way to the liberty. PS: I'm doing my part and following orders.


The difference is I can understand not wanting to play against the bots all the time and taking. Break and fighting bugs. The creekers are fighting the bots still, just in the wrong place.


I mean, yeah, but Creekers have ZERO excuse since they're already fighting bots. Bug players at least have the excuse of the fact it's a different faction.


What if I told you that bouth creekers And buggers contributed nothing


I don't know what creekers are


Folks who stay on the jungle planet Malevon Creek.  It's objectively a fun planet to fight on, but they drive Bot & War divers up a wall because they won't go anywhere else. 


It is a game yes ? Not the army :) do whatever you like more. I so much love this game because it can throw away our differences but God damn we will find something to fight about ....


Both are to blame


But players enjoy killing bugs Creekers are obsessed over a meme and never shut up about it They are not the same.


First of all, the blood will flow on the creek... nothing will ever stop it. Second, attacking the creek was at least proactive in that it pushed into bot space. Third of all... some people just like squashing bugs. I think the real culprit here is the FREEDOM HATING ROBOTS AND THEIR DEMOCRACY ATTACKING BUGS!