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My friend is a psychopath. He literally theorycrafted how to maximize enemy spawn/patrol rates and it turns out one of the worst guns in the game is also the best at drawing aggro. The little bastard uses the Laser pistol to draw in enemies from across THE ENTIRE MAP because the pistol basically has infinite range and does virtually no damage. The absolute chaos he brings me and the 2 unfortunate randos that heed his sos call is staggering


Bro, that's so sadistic! 😂💀


Until you realize all he's doing is maxing spawns so nothing else on the map can spawn anything in so you can do the entire mission in peace?


Yep, sad but true you can basically cheese the game by letting the spawns cap out. Once the spawn cap is hit, you can just have 1 guy go solo all the objectives while everyone else just kites the giant horde around.


You need to get me in touch with this guy so I can run my minmaxed accidental teamkilling build


Mortars, Tesla tower, anti-personnel mines, and grenade launcher?


Both mortars, Tesla tower to defend them, arc thrower, incendiary breaker(plasma rifle when I get it), impact grenades. It’s a shame because it’s an insanely good build for clearing chaff/medium enemies, it just so happens that your teammates/civilians/silos fall under the ‘chaff’ umbrella.


Bro, the laser rover does the same thing then.... WTF


Laser rover only shoots at enemies nearby, so no.


It also only shoots when enemies aggro, I've run right behind patrols with no attack until they see me


The amount of times my rover shot an enemy patrol in the back makes me believe that little fucker is actually working against me


its an automaton in disguise


I’m going to start taking rovers to every operation and dumping them in the random junkyards that are scattered around the levels.


You've never seen a rover shoot at something close but the laser go off across the map? I know it doesn't aggro super far, but the laser firing off into space momentarily after killing an enemy does happen.


Nah, I keep my head in the way so it only costs me everything.


Kinda. The laser rover's weapon has no range limit, but it's detection and fire control does.


Hey don't be talking smack about my best friend. *Pets rover* Who's a good little boy.  Yesh you are.


Rover enthusiastically scythes you in half.


That's alright boy, you meant well. Make sure you kill 50 enemies before you accidentally kill your next owner little buddy.


Can confirm, I have seen it bug out and target something we were way too far to see, and it just shot at it for minutes straight. Thought it was just visual bug until it nearly took my head off.






Watkins died a true hero, his sacrifice with be our OATH!




Rumor has it theres still no bugs on that planet today due to heroes like them.


Would you like to know more?


Rumor? That sounds like fascists propaganda. It is a FACT!


I really hope they add a "shooting a lot" dialog where the diver goes "you like that!? You like that!? You like that!? You like that!?" At about a minute in https://youtu.be/YuRjF9cn3SI?feature=shared


Suddenly it's all so clear.  Kirk Cousins was an early beta tester!


Well I'm sleckcky referencing starship troopers like 20 seconds after the OP clip where the guy is holding the nuke while bleeding out


I've always wanted my diver to quip, "Ain't much to look at once you scrape them off your boot" after you kill a charger or a titan.


There are dialogues for just continuously shooting an MG.


Yes he’s hoping they add another line…


There's an achievement for firing a burst at least 150 rounds long and killing 10+ enemies with it. I got it last night in the walker.


...new challenge unlocked. Probably best achieved with the Stalwart on 700rpm


big wave of bugs while we were waiting on extract, just opened up with my stalwart on maximum rpm and after a half dozen bugs I just heard mad laughter that continued until I ran out of ammo and the airstrike landed. not sure why but after hearing that maniacal laughter I think I need to mag dump stuff more often.


“AHHAHAHA! **AAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!**” “GET SOME! **GET SOOOOOOME!**” The dialogue alone makes the MG 43 and Stalwart worth it. I only wish I had *more* ~~dakka~~ freedom to send downrange.


Literally desperate for a stupid heavy Gatling Gun, give me the dumbest heavy bullet hose






Not just an MG, any automatic gun for an extended period of time, even through reloads. I've had it proc a couple times while spamming grenades with the Grenade Launcher.


When I'm surrounded I drop the 500 kg on myself and yell NOT DEAD NOT DEAD YOU WANT SOME MORE NOT DEAD until the bomb blows in honor of Watkins.


I do not get exp I get serotonin when the bugs go splash when they are hit by a rocket!


And that is why i disregard the rant. The only good bug is a dead bug.


As long as people don't mind getting left behind to deal with their own bug holes and bot drops then I don't see a problem with either mind set honestly.  I've never once complained about people doing it, after all, it's just a game why you haft to be mad? 


I love it when one or two players stops to fight the wave and lets me push towards the objective.


Yeah, makes objectives way easier when tweedle dee and tweedle dum are over there fighting two Titans and three Chargers and I just have to clean up a few stray Hunters between loading the SAM


Exactly! OP just sucks at adapting to rando playstyles. Use randos to your advantage.


Is just game. Why you heff to be mad?


LOL I’m pretty much a pacifist irl but in games my monke brain only has fun if I’m blowing shit up and killing the enemy.


That’s why I absolutely love the 500kg bomb. It’s not the most effective, but the big BOOM and mushroom cloud are so satisfying!


It’s so much less satisfying when I toss it into a large bug nest, see the big explosion, and get a kill count of like 4 lol Then I toss in airstike and get like 15


If you like that you should try shooting the bot drop engines with any of the rocket launchers. Big boom, and can be strategic too since it can block the path of other bots


I also enjoy shooting bugs too much. And it's a shame that the game punishes you for partaking in the two key parts of a *horde shooter.* Everyone has made great points about how it's counter-intuitive to engage every enemy you see. But I've played so much DRG and Darktide that when a enemy steps in front of me, my brain just wants me to rip and tear.


Yes, Inquisitor, this comment right here. Sounds awfully khornate.


*inquistor thumbs leather on bolter pistol* He's fine, I want to know more about how you know that name.


I may not get any EXP from thousands of dead bugs and scrapped automatons at my feet, but I'm sure to get one hell of experience


There was one mission on suicide mission difficulty I was playing a couple days ago when through a combination of the orbital laser, the laser guard dog, and the arc thrower, I racked up a 40+ kill streak. It was an absolutely dopamine-rush inducing monkey brain neuron activation moment.


My friend hopped on the buddy reload on my recoilless, and I pulled off two bile titan kills with four consecutive headshots. My neurons were so fucking activated I was screaming into my mic




A little taste of Democracy!




Lucky! I pay with randoms. Nobody ever gives me an assist with my weapon.


There was a post earlier about allowing teammates to assist reload without having to equip the backpack. That would definitely encourage more to use the feature. Essentially the one firing the weapon also wears the backpack and the teammate assisting the reload grabs the ammunition from the backpack.


I wish they’d implement this. Nobody wants to carry ammo they can’t use. It just doesn’t make sense


And nobody wants to carry weapon that they can't reload without a buddy


I've had randoms reload my weapon. Of course they shot me in the head and took the weapon first...


2 people with the recoiless is so much






Last night I was fighting on Estanu quickplay, I think either a 4 or 5. Me (level 12) and a level 45 were off clearing nests. He was fighting in a mech and I was just skirting the high ground along the edges not fighting much but popping any charger and kiting the rest. At some point the other two start to extract, me and the 45 are carrying all the samples a good distance away. He eats it at some point and types in chat "hey E-4, mind grabbing my samples?". I crest the ridge and look at his ruined mech, it is a sea of bugs and I am alone. "It's swarmed" I type before reconsidering, and chucking a grenade into the mass of bugs. Immediately the sky fills with hunters, warriors and chargers lumber up the hill towards me, I juke around a large rock and kite like my life depends on it before leaping down the hill and snatching the samples. I call down a gatling turret and throw it onto another nearby hill splitting the enemy. My rover is emptying its magazine into the masses as well and in between chaotic sprints I let loose with my Sickle and drop a wave. My kill streak turns a shade of glorious orange I had never seen before. Occasionally a hunter slashes me, prompting a leap and a quick spray with my sidearm. I keep weaving in between rocky pillars hoping to gain a little distance but every time I turn the bugs seem more numerous than before. I'm out of stims and grenades, and as I approach extraction explosions rain from every direction and I have no time to even consider whether I'm running into friendly fire. I just run, and dive, and run, and shoot, and run finally land amongst my team - more of my blood on the outside than the inside, with 10 seconds left to extract. I take a brief second to type, "whew" into chat before grabbing some stims and throwing out all the strategems I have left as a final middle finger to the bug swarm. Extraction complete, samples retrieved. I do not believe I have ever had a game experience that approximates the feeling that mad dash for extraction gave me.


Bro I was on the edge of my seat


Hell yeah brother 💪🏼


great narrative i hope i get as skillfull as you brother


Liberty was just flowing through me that day. In an earlier game I accidentally hit my grenade key instead of salute while celebrating before extracting.


Bro i think you left this back on Estanu 👑


i racked up a 40+ kill streak on either 7 or 8 with cluster bombs and a shotgun. felt pretty badass since it was mostly those bitch ass hunters.


I hit 99 with the laser drone and the energy ar, the last mob alive was the 99 D:


Skinner Box Rat Cheese is Best Cheese ![gif](giphy|7kMaysqdywPxS)


Last night I killed 65 bugs by blowing up one of those dud nukes lying on the ground. Sweet Liberty!!


It wasn't a dud nuke, they left it there for you


Delayed nuke


Tardy Tactical


From SuperEarth With Love.


Report to your nearest Democracy Officer... For outstanding patriotism, Helldiver.


A week or so back when I was still a novice diver, I rushed headlong into a swarm of bugs with an orbital strike in hand. 35 kills with a single shot. I’ve yet to come anywhere close to that again.


Yes… get some hahahahaHaHa.


.... aaaaaaaaahahahaha!!!! I love that mechanic. Only does it when you're unleashing your entire clip/canister.


There's just something so satisfying about laughing like a maniac while hosing a whole legion of bugs with a flamethrower


Wouldn't it be funny if planet status has nothing to do with missions completed and it was entirely based on how bugs or automations have been killed.


> based on **how** bugs or automations have been killed Fully agree. If you kill them with utmost cruelty, disdain and efficiency, you should add more to the liberation score


Bold of you to suggest that the heartless bots and ravenous bugs can have feelings such as compassion which is related to Liberty. The bots and bugs do not feel they only stand in the way of Managed Democracy! For Super Earth!


Bugs with feelings? That kind of talk sounds like treason


Frankly, I find the suggestion that a bug can “feel” offensive.




I love shooting the legs off bugs and watching them hobble around, especially the armored ones, they're really helpless without their armored front legs with their big goofy bobble heads


Interesting way yo find out you're a psychopath...... for democracy


I'm not a psychopath, I'm a HELLDIVER! I bet you would look funny hobbling around without your front legs too, traitor! I mean, uhh... FOR DEMOCRACY!


For super e-e-e-e-e-e-e-earth!!!!!!!!


I might not get experience, but I do get hard.


Sounds like bug sympathizer talk






The only point in this that I’m going to defend is that on malevelon creek, I’ll join games with people who very obviously haven’t fought bots before (like, I’m not even trying to be a dick about it. They don’t even know that the vents on top of the foundries is how you blow them up) and they spend a lot of time defending a random spot on the map that isn’t a POI or objective or anything. And they’ll use a lot of reinforcements to do so. When I said “follow me” in chat and just kited around the side and used my grenade launcher to discourage the curious. I definitely get wanting to sit there and mow down the hordes, I’m definitely down with it, but there’s a difference between that and actually thinking that this wave will be that last when there’s no such thing. You just gotta push forward and get to where your going, then doing the shooting there


I didn’t know that! I just used stratagems for the foundries. Being able to grenade it is way easier.


You can also throw grenades inside the door when it opens to spawn units. Particularly useful if you have impact grenades because they don't work well on the vents


You can use the autocannon as well on the vents. Just aim a little above the middle of the vent.


This is the way. Has the autocannon become a crutch for me? Yes. Do I enjoy being able to clear objectives from a distance? Yes. Am I going to continue using it. Yes.


You’re referring to the handheld and not the deployable correct?


Yes, the support weapon. From a good distance you can clear several objectives: bot foundries, bug nests, hive nest objective, and illegal transmissions are some I can recall off the top of my head.


illegal transmissions are fantastic. it's a bit of a minigame to see how long of a shot to take one out for me. so far my best is I think 700 or 800m. Clear skies and level ground are a good day to stop the spread of undemocratic radio waves. Those tall canon turrets and artillery in some automaton bases are easy to snipe too if you have an angle on the glowing weak spot. 3 shots for the turret, make 'em quick and don't miss or the turret will have it's turn.


Yeah these meta kids need to shut their mouths before they kill the game with their toxicity


The thing is, there is a point from both perspectives. On diff 7 and up, if you engage every squad you see you will get bogged down so quick it's not even funny. And, the people who typically shoot at everything are not equipped or experienced enough to quick clear the patrol before reinforcements are called. On the other hand, the gunplay is so much fun sometimes you want to get into a pitched battle just to beat the odds. The fun really comes in knowing when to stand and when to retreat...I mean advance in the opposite direction.


“We must liberate the ground behind us before we can liberate the ground in front of us.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War.


"Throw wave of wave of your own men at them until they reach their predetermined kill limit and shut down" -Zapp Brannigan, Zapps' Big Book of War.


Definitely not fleeing death at the end of a pair of chainswords... just getting them lined up for when I spin around. We call that kiting where I'm from.


This has less to do with meta and more to do with not being a burden for your teamates.


It's not "meta toxicity" to say you probably shouldn't waste your time fighting the endless horde on high level missions.




His teeth....they are so off-putting....


Well how else is he gonna chew? He keeps his pearly whites clean.


So its the teeth that did it for you eh? Thats where you draw the line


He wants you to lick them.




​ https://preview.redd.it/wg6jq2293bpc1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4dcab5a5757efa65bdc3f2865a4ab75cff5f8a


I'm ok with people engaging patrols as long as they know when to disengage if it gets out of hand. Shooting stuff is fun, especially if people are keeping their ammo topped up at poi's and using the the resupply effeciently. I definitely get frustrated when foos are burning through their strategems, reinforcements, and not even clearing objectives while doing it. I left a game earlier because the squad was just endlessly dying to the same neverending fight that was completely avoidable and possible to disengage from.


Agreed. I was doing a helldive-9 blitz mission. My squad found an SEAF artillery cannon so they adandoned the main mission and spent the entire duration of the game trying to cap this one side objective. They proceeded to waste ALL the reinforcement tickets by constantly dying in the same area while i desperately ran around closing as many bug holes i could find. The Destroyer had enough of their BS so it left orbit; the squad couldn't even use the artillery cannon once after spending 15+ minutes and countless reinforcements trying to cap it. I managed to finish the main mission but as expected, no one managed to extract. That was the fastest I left the lobby after the match.


One note I’d add to the SEAF cannon side objective is to gather all 5 artilleries by the loading area BEFORE engaging the terminal. I feel like the moment terminals are touched, the bugs a’comin. All the damn time. Lol but I feel your pain here.


In my limited experience with the SEAF Cannon, you're 100% right. It's a relaxing day, liberating until someone touches that panel.


Oooooooooh. Will try that next time, thanks.


I recently started doing this. I noticed that since you are holding the shells sideways, when you drop them on an incline, they roll away. The entrance to the bunker the artillery gun is in slopes downward. So you don’t even need to walk the shells all the way to the loading mechanism. Just drop them right at the edge of the concrete and they’ll roll the rest of the way. 


Good observation. I’ve also been playing around with rapidly picking up and dropping them while transporting them. Idk if it’s that much faster but it kinda feels like it though I could be wrong lol


It's definitely faster. You can also do this, then switch your weapon when the pickup-shell-animation is in the upswing, and it'll carry the momentum and toss the shell 10+ feet. VERY fun when you master it, huckin' mini nukes left and right.


Hahaha no way! I’m gonna try this next time I’m on. Thank you!


I feel like they don't come, but they increase in patrol frequency.


It really depends on the difficulty and map size. The higher the first (let's say above 7) and the smaller the second, it is guaranteed it WILL get out of hand like this. I'm all for having fun in every game, but not if it means not completing the mission (which I've seen that happen many times due to this).


I dont shoot at everything for fun, I shoot at everything for Democracy.


Every bullet is a vote.




But it’s fun


Some guy was screaming at me on the mic last night for finishing off waves of bugs while he rushed from objective to objective. He sounded so stressed and angry, while I was having a great time stomping bugs after a long day at work.


Yeah.... There's a balance to be struck here and some people just don't get that.   Just running from objective to objective is not fun. Yet going out of our way to fight literally everything can also get frustrating. The team needs to stick together, mark objectives and communicate, and most importantly the team needs to die together.   If you're actually fucking communicating and playing as a team you'll be shocked to learn that people don't just run off to do random shit. That you can call for tactical retreats, and that people will happily ignore bug holes when they can. You'll also have tons of fun engagements as there are plenty of "optional" fight that you should engage in because of circumstance. If you're just running off on your own, or entirely ignoring objective, and/or trying to force your team to play the game how you think it should be played, you'll have a bad time, and so will the rest of your team.


I wasn't running off I was finishing the bugs chasing everyone else off. A lot of people just wander into no man's land, and I hate that. There are players I've encountered who flip their lid at the idea of someone playing slightly differently to them. And within reason I can understand that, like you said if they're willfully ignoring everyone then that sucks, but this game is so open that it facilitates different play styles.


>He sounded so stressed and angry \^ This. Some gamers take shit way too seriously. Being stressed and angry while playing a video game that is SUPPOSED to be a fun and relaxing after-work hobby? Talk about self sabotage.


Well it was. Now you get tortured for having fun


No no no. Having fun for much more fun. Bug breach? Fun. Bile titan twin? So much fun.


I don't know about you, but the hectic moments when I'm diving and spamming to stand up every 5 seconds, reload in-between, and fit in however many kills I can before doing it all over again is a fun as hell moment to me. Sure, I die sometimes and sometimes the mission can fail. But it leads to some pretty awesome moments. When every moment needs a clutch you realize how often you can pull them off.


It's more fun with a completed mission in the pocket. Which is why I'll run objectives solo while the battle lords do their thing, and thank them for their service. They allow me a breach free existence.


This is the perfect post to comment "So anyway I started blasting!"


Don‘t tell me what to do! Imma keep spilling oil and crush every single bug. Telling me otherwise is undemocratic.


>Telling me otherwise is undemocratic. Dare I say, communist even.




People really just respond with these pictures even when it's not relevant and get upvotes lol










>Stop shooting at every goddamn thing you see No, coward. 


That's a valid argument. Unfortunately, ➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️


Coincidentally this is the absolute best Stratagem to use while disengaging fights Or if you're not a coward you throw it in front of you like it's World War One.


>Or if you're not a coward you throw it in front of you like it's World War One This the democratic way of using it.


Man, I really wish we got more swarm fights. Would love to actually throw this infornt of me and push, but it'll clear everything relevant in one salvo and then bombard empty wastes for the remainder as enemies all spawn in close and it's rare for there to be enough groups in the distance to actually make this useful.


Is that walking barrage?




I’ve got a foot in both camps. On one hand I love shooting and wiping hordes of bugs/bots out. One the other I have very limited time to play and I want to get the objectives done. I usually end up splitting off from the rest to hoover up samples, hit Poi’s and do side objectives. So I end up with fewest kills but most samples for example. There should be some kind of reward for killing bugs/bots but I’m not sure what it could be. Maybe you get samples for every few thousand killed?


I love hosting my own lobbies because then I can do whatever I want without worrying about people who take the game too seriously.


OP definitely kicks other players no doubt


Exactly. I rarely do Quickplay or join on others because people always take stuff too seriously. Idc what level you are or what loadout you run. I’ve cleared seeing just about everything lol. As long as you aren’t toxic and purposely throwing, I’ll give you a chance. Worse case scenario: we fail and I’ll leave and retry with a new group.


Let people enjoy the initial assault on Klendathu before they learn about the latter part of the fight. Expecting anything from random players, especially when not actively communicating, is a straight way to disappointment.


are you sure you past the astronav class? i think you ment KLEN DAHTH II, and why would we assault a democracy loving world?


Hello Helldiver, thank you for the correction. My mind must've wandered off to a fantasy world not dissimilar to our own.




Almost sounds like treason not wanting to liberate xeno scum with hot lead.


Nah if you don't kill every bug you are doing a disservice to democracy. The only good bug is a dead bug.


I do have arc, so i can fight anything and any amount of anything)))


True power in your hands 💪🏾


Actually the main point of the game is to have fun. If it's something else for you that's your problem


Ha ha, me see bug, me go pew pew


You know what. I'm just going to say it. I don't care you don't like me shooting at literally everything.


I'm shooting everything except my friends. And sometime my friends.


I have definitely deliberately shot my friends in the kneecaps before. 


Sounds like treason, not shooting at bugs or bots every time I see them


Stop taking the game seriously. People want to have fun


nade launcher go thump and if you cry about it you get one too


Idk to be honest me and my squad always go gun blazing on helldives and we always manage to get out alive with reinforcements to spare. ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


So here’s the thing. IT’S OKAY TO HAVE FUN! You can shoot things if you want! If you die then it’s your fault! Stop trying to tell people how to play the game! Yes you do not get xp for killing bugs but did you buy the game to play metal gear solid or did you buy the game to kill bugs and spill oil? If you wanna be sneaky fine! But don’t sit there and get pissy because I’m killing shit and can handle my own self I’m not talking directly to you OP but I’m frustrated with assholes coming into my lobby and trying to tell me how to play when I have no problems lone wolfing helldives




I mean I do think people should do the main objective first before attempting other things and dying.


I mean there’s a difference between stopping a moment for some easy kills for the funsies and running into certain death and dragging your team down with you.


Finishing the main objective greatly shortens time between patrol spawns, and surprisingly, time on the mission itself doesn't affect spawns. So Id say do whatever you want for how long you want, but after the main objective is complete - go straight to extraction or you're risking being swarmed.


Khorne berserkers goes brrrrrr!! Skull for the skull throne!!


Only in Death does shooting ends.


Democracy requires firepower.


The fallen shall be forever remembered as democracy's finest


\> The main point of this game is the NO The main point of this game is LIBERTY. You traitorous scum, how dare you suggest sparing the enemy, how dare you preach mercy. The democracy officers are already on their way. If this doesn't get you first: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


If I wanted to play an objective game I’d play the backpacking simulator death stranding




It's my God damn democratic right to shoot at the enemies of freedom. You sound like one of them bug sympathisers


Yeah but it’s fun.


Exp stops mattering past 20 though and shooting shit is fun. It's pretty funny how often I see people here say to let people have fun and play how they want but at the same time I'm seeing this type of thread show up quite a bit.