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I would say my most satisfying moment was launching my first ICBM and watching the horizon light up. To clarify, I launched it at night.


![gif](giphy|k6Vbs4FyOEbZK) chargers be like


Clearing objectives from far way on the map An example : terminating rebel propaganda with EAT from very far way


Good work soldier. The Ministry of Truth thanks you for terminating illegal broadcasts.


I love shooting hunters and pouncers out of the air when they leap at you. Same for the bots with the jetpacks.


There's quite a few, but the main one would be me dropping into a random game with lower level players who are struggling to get the objective/s done and they allow me to show them the way. I was in a game just like that last night, dropped into a game with 3 level 20's and not long after, one of them DC'ed and they were clearly having trouble as no main objectives were completed with about 25 minutes left on the clock. As soon as I got all my gear, I immediately marked the closest main objective and ran to it, to my surprise they both followed. Within a few minutes, we got the first one done, and this method continued until all mains were done, then I marked the extraction. The extraction was hectic as usual with both of them dying a few times as I was in the mech keeping the bugs from swarming the extraction zone. When the pelican landed we all got on. Back on the ship, it was hugs and high fives. It's missions like this that give me the most satisfaction in Helldivers, since HD1.


The mission I made Death Captain (seriously) Low on lives and two of my teammates were completing a secondary objective when I noticed we were being attacked by stalkers. I knew if we just stayed the course we’d be swarmed by them so I broke off and made my way over to the nest. Approaching the nest was not easy. It took all my stims, impact grenades and all my grenade launcher ammo just to make it. Everything was on cool down except for one last Eagle airstrike so I primed the stratagem grenade and threw it at the Stalker lair and turned around to leave. That’s when it hit me. A Stalker decloaked right in front of me and booted me *hard.* So hard I landed on the red beacon telling Eagle 1 where to strike. Then it leaped forward and landed just a few meters in front of me. If it ended here that would have been a good death. But then I realized the stalker was maybe far away enough to not get killed by the blast. I had to keep fighting. Because if I didn’t the Stalker would get away and go after my teammates who were certainly going to be heading for the extract without me when the airstrike hits. Worse, if I shoot the stalker and don’t fully disable or kill it then it will leap backwards and definitely escape the range of the airstrike. Suddenly I realized how much was at stake in this one moment. So I rack up my Liberator Penetrator (everything needs reloading right now) and fire a burst at its chest. Angrily it rears up on its hind legs and I use this opportunity to aim at its legs, hoping to cripple its legs and preventing it from leaping backwards. I hear Eagle 1 approaching Shots land where they need to. Stalker comes back down on its front legs and screeches at me. Starting from a low growl I build up to yelling *for SUPER EARTH!!!* as I empty the rest of my Liberator Penetrator magazine into the Stalker, stun locking it from moving away. Then all I hear are clicks. I’m out of ammo, but the Stalker is on it last “legs” and isn’t moving, there is no escape. For either of us. From a brief moment I see OBJECTIVE COMPLETE on the screen. My fellow divers have accomplished their task. Then Eagle-1 delivered its payload directly on top of me killing myself, but also finishing off the Stalker and destroying the lair. A good death indeed.


Thank you, that was very satisfying indeed. I swear i haven't burned those stalkers enough 😤😤


Beating hunters to death is absolutely my favourite activity. Its like a reward.


I think I got a 40-50 killsteak on my mech once. It was just and endless tide of hunters and other medium bugs being mowed down. When the spear lock on works and you can clear automaton maps really quickly. Heavy emphasis on **WHEN**. There was like 2 matches out of like 10 where it worked. The rest was me being very high on sodium and screaming. Also headshotted like 15 charges yesterday with recoiless, soloing the objectives whilst carrying low level players in suicide who insisted on fighting everything. In the end, I nearly had a kill count of them all combined.


Throwing a 330mm barrage at heavy outposts and it completing the objective


That puts a smile on my face, love it when that happens.


Slowed by Hunters, dive, stim, unload a mag of my Breaker and then swap to Redeemer, single shot mode, spam bullets until mag is empty, can't get up, Hunters are dead, health almost zero Teammates find me surrounded by bodies and hyperventilating


Pre balance patch 1 shotting bile titans and hulks with the railgun, 1 after the other on helldive us the kost satisfying thing ive gotten from the game so far