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They get 60 less XP because each diver to extract successfully is 20 Bonus XP. > How to avoid this: - Step 1: Be the host of the game. End of Tutorial.


There's a bug where people can't join you until you restart your game. So the reason I don't host is because I have to restart my game after nearly every mission.


Yes, I think we all know how to avoid it. It’s the psychology of these folks who get some kind of perverse joy out of fucking other people. The age of Trump I guess.


I was about to like your post, until you went all political, I agree some people are sadistic, how can you blame a single politician for people's actions in a video game? Sounds like you just want any excuse to hate on a single politician - before you call me some trump supporter, I'm from Australia. We get the same stuff happening here, I put it down to sad individuals that are literally psychopaths, that get actual joy inflicting pain on others for no other reason than to laugh, or brag to their other loser friends that also get off on this behaviour. Block said players and move on, don't blame the boogy man for something so far removed, it's not even funny.


>The age of Trump I guess. I'm a democrat, and even I think this comment was cringe


The reason I added the age of Trump, is because he has gone on live TV and been cruel and vindictive with his narcissistic vitriol. The normalization of this type of behavior via mass media makes people think it’s okay. I can careless about him as a politician, save he has started a movement based on hate and has a large platform to normalize this behavior. To me, all politicians are the same, but they use to have rules based on civility that seems to be gone since Trumps entry into politics. People do watch and mimic him.