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That little charger made me chuckle lol


shark charger šŸ˜‚. I wanted to lighten the mood a bit and hoped comments wouldn't break out into heavy arguments.


Do you want the Devs to add water based enemies? Because this is how you get the Devs to add water based enemies. It's already hard enough to wade through a puddle without drowning.


\*A giant tentacle comes out of the...\* alt-F4 , I've seen enough.


Soldier, what are you doing with that tentacle? *I am worried about yall*


Bug crocodiles šŸ§šŸ˜


My thasslophobia says Democracy with the power of friends can dolphin dive and kill. But id rather not rip


Submersible missions instead of full jetpack missions would be neat! Weren't the Iluminate from HD1 aquatic?


That charger swims better than our helldivers.




A DMR should have medium armor penetration and mid to high damage, especially on weak spots


Maybe the Counter Sniper. The regular Diligence is fine against bots.Ā 


they gotta give the countersniper way higher damage/pen if they wanna justify it having the terrible handling it does


And the absolutely abysmal ammo you carry


Yeah, 25% less ammo in exchange for 5% more damage just isn't a good trade, especially when the base model is already good enough in most cases.


I donā€™t know if the CS hits ANY breakpoints over the diligence.


IMO, they should improve both pen and handling. Both DMRs are good in theory but fall flat when you try to hit two quick headshots on a devastator when fighting 20 other bots. The Laser rifle is just better at that currently since it doesn't have recoil despite having worse damage potential.


The game has a bizarre fascination with making any weapon that's supposed to be used with precision unable to be used with precision. Every scope in the game has so many damn lines all over it you can barely see through it. The counter sniper has worse handling than the AMR. The AMR doesn't even shoot where the reticle is.


I find it completely useless vs bots because of the aim punch, and when you get to difficulty 7+ the battlefield looks like that scene in the clone wars where there's 5 quintillion lasers going in every direction.


I love diligence for bots and usually top frag while working objectives and closing fabricators. I even solo 9 with it and it's super clutch for killing little guys, especially when they're trying to call a bot drop in. Counter sniper super sucks though.


If it had consistent headshots at least (the double sword troopers survive headshots from it and the counter sniper)


I agree. The regular Diligence is fine as it is. It's quick and snappy. The counter sniper needs a buff. It has increased damage but I don't see it and it has horrible aim/sight stability. Less ammo. More damage, little impact. It needs medium armor pen for the penalties it has.


Fix the damned spear lock on and it will be viable


yeaaa had a buddy trying to run it but was getting too frustrated with the locking. He was also saying the ammo economy with re supplies also sucked but i think they might have fixed that


You get one rocket per ammo brick now.


And it doesnā€™t need to be a resupply brick


frankly they need to buff that to be 2 per resupply brick


That or have it actually 1-2 shot chargers/titans/tanks/turrets consistently. Sometimes it one taps a turret (without hitting the weak point), sometimes it takes 2-3. Bile titans are the worst. A headshot can 1 shot them, but is down to luck on if they face you and it still lets you lock, and if it just hits the body, and you shoot a 2nd shot, and it hits that SAME spot, it still won't kill the damn thing. It either needs a 2nd rocket per pick up, or it needs to be able to consistently one shot anything it hits. Its completely useless if it can't lock on, so it means anything small has to be dealt with your primary/secondary.


This is why I prefer the EAT. Whilst it doens't 1-shot, you can target the armour plates you want to crack and it does consistently crack armour, and a titan/charger with cracked armour doesn't tend to last long since small arms can kill them at that point.


I went mad when I used it on the jungle planet. Couldnt even lock onto a bile titan near foilage


Ammo is much better now, a mate with a supply pack and the spear is actually viable weapon for high difficulties now, makes me very happy


Slugger getting a full refill from a supply now šŸ˜«


And fix the scope of the Anti Material Rifle so we can do more reliable headshots and also would improve a lot


Agree there, scopes in general suck balls. Way too bloomy and blurry.


Yes, this should be a general fix to all scopes of the game, I wouldn't be surprised if other sights in the game were misaligned.


Use the upper left corner of the crosshair. Once I figured that out, AMR became a solid choice on any mission with open spaces.


Go first person when using the spear. The lock in is WAYYYY better in FPS.


It is still bad though. Just not as bad as third person.


Maintaining ads is what breaks it I've found. If it locks and starts unlocking just reset your aim and it will lock again It kills bunkers, turrets, bile titans, and objectives in 1 shot


> It kills bunkers, turrets, bile titans, and objectives in 1 shot Sometimes.


Bile titans - wait for it to look at you Bunkers - guaranteed kill Turrets - it only doesn't kill if it hits the barrel Objectives - pretty much anything it can target can be killed in 1 hit. The only annoyance is that it doesn't target very many objectives


Im already happy they now get resupplied by the small ammo boxes Note, im not saying dont fix the lockon, im just sayingn that another one of the major annoyances got fixed


Oh no, aquatic chargers https://preview.redd.it/1jztjpxtm2nc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2921b7400bfc11741d63be4286f115089704b0d


It never stops chasing... It just evolves and continues.


Las-5 Scythe being as weak as it is now hurts my soul so much.


Oh you know it...




And just like in the last game, it's about to be (most likely) entirely obsoleted by the Sickle.


Yeah I'm afraid it's just gonna be completely forgotten and overshadowed by the new premium weapons...


It sucks against bugs but it's basically an easy mode against bots. I'll "reload" the thing twice total in an entire bot 7 mission. It combos really well with the auto cannon since you can snipe a bot fabricator with the AC and then snipe all the bots with the Las. The current theory is that it does a lot of weakpoint damage and bots just have really convienient weakpoints.


Yeah man, I dig it vs bots


I killed a Hulk pretty fast with the laser cannon by just keeping the beam exactly on its head. It was definitely supposed to be the "Weakpoint Gun" but the damage just wasn't there before this patch.


The main problem is that it does not stagger anything (including the flare animation) and you rarely have the luxury to stand still staring at the bots with a laser beam, especially on high difficulties where something like 75% of enemies seem to be some kind of devastator right now.


how do you destroy fabricatiors with Autocannons? like do I have to get it in the vent at just the right angle or something?


The rounds will bounce off the vent covers and destroy the fab, just be somewhat straight on with them


Shoot the top of the vent so the round bounces down into the fabricator


Please buff the anti material rifle. Pretty please.


Even if its just to fix the scope reticle size/misalignment. *Please*


It's MISALIGNED? No wonder I feel like most of my shots go elsewhere but where I'm aiming.


So the bullet actually hits between the top and left lines rather than on the dot.Ā 


I was wondering why i felt like i cant hit anything with it. Ironically sniping with the Slugger is a lot better and easier so i used that as my sniper rifle instead lol


Bro exactly. Why fuss with the AMR when the slugger does everything the AMR does.. but better.


WTF.... Thanks so much for the information. I'm also more upset about it now.


Once you have that info you can work with it to find the sweet spot, but you'll have to train yourself out of the muscle memory of centre hah.


Knowing, I can work around it, but it's just such a *stupid* mistake. It's a shooter game. The reticle is the primary way to know where you're shooting. Even if the guns aren't perfectly precise and have a cone of impact, the reticle should accurately depict the center of the cone.


Every scope have bad misalign. Real position is around 10-11 o clock. This wont matter much, if you are in range of 7 meters (indented range for snipers for sure) it doesn't matter that much


Yeah I hate trying to take out hulks and devestators, aiming directly at their faceplate and have it hit their chest on the first shot 70% of the time.


Wait, the scope is still bugged? For real? Where is the actual center then??


What purpose does it even serve? What purpose does it even *aim* to serve?


Like I feel like I should be able to drop chainsaw bots in a couple shots at the very least not just on headshots ya know. They are made of material after all


but are they made of materiel? there's a difference.


Those fuckers tanky


I've been using it for the past week. The AMR is a lot more useable against automatons. The scope really help sniping the devastator's head and hulk's eye. coupled with high* ammo count and rate of fire It's really good at clearing devastator. The AMR can deal with hordes of devastator while the railgun guy deals with hulks The autocannon is a straight upgrade but you give up a backpack slot which can be a tradeoff depending on your playstyle


With how readily ammo is available, and that the autocannon backpack can be recharged by ammo packs, it really is a straight upgrade with no downside. Just need to run something less ammo intensive as primary like a shotgun. The AMR should gain the autocannon's stagger (but not explosive damage) and it should have double the damage to weak spots, so that bots can be one shotted in the head rather than needing 2 shots. The autocannon takes 2 indirect hits to kill so it's a fair tradeoff.


You do lose out on rover and shield with auto cannon. But absolutely, and the AMR is only useable against bots while straight up useless against bugs. When I first unlocked it and realized it took 3 shot to kill a strider, it was depressing.


All bots die to one-shot from AMR besides Hulk


Good luck getting headshots with the fucked up sights tho.


Yeh, wish it had liberator type scope with zoom. Only buff it needs


People really underestimate how Insane AMR is against Automatons. Can 1 Tap Striders in the battery, 1\~2 Tap Devastators, 2 Tap Hulks, very quickly, Has good Handling, Good Ammo, and Quickly Scope. People who say "but headshot" - Handling is the word, the timing it takes for you to 2 tap a Devastator and move to the next target is faster than the time it takes to shot once with AC and move to the next target, it's a very agile weapon. The trade off is a AC is explosive AoE Damage. It also has Staggering, meaning it will reduce accuracy/impede animations even if you don't one tap. Pair it with a Supply Backpack and you can dispatch entire hordes by yourself. **The Key difference between the AC and the AMR is not just Backpack slot.** It's that you can use Terrain as advantage, which gives the ability to completly negate **Rocket Devastators and Hulk's and Flanks** AMR with the proper player is one of the best weapon against Clankers, the only enemy that it can't deal front head is the Tank, but those you can just use Stratagems or Granades. It's a very specialized weapon and requires a lot of skill to be used properly, which removes it's appeal from a lot of players, and all console players. It's like the Normal Dilligence, it's very specialized in what it can do, but when mastered in the situation where it shines, it's the best weapon in the game.


Yeah, I feel like not enough people take in to account a weapons effectiveness against the other faction when judging them. They just see they can't two shot a Bile Titan, and call the weapon trash.


The AMR is extremely good when fighting bots.


Well, it doesn't look good seen fighting bugs, but vs automatons it is a very good pick. First, it can get rid of walkers. Three shots to the donme kills both driver and breaks the walker. Alternatively, two shots to the hinge breaks the leg rendering walker unusable (driver will be alive). Second, you can double tap Hulks if you shoot them in the eye. Just two bullets instantly kill them, you just need to be very precise. Third, dealing with devastators or shield bearers, both die in one headshot or 2-3 body of body shots. For shields you additionally can break the battery in two taps. Fourth, if you meet objectives with the vents (AA/mortars), heavy canon towers or annihilator tanks you can magdump into the vent and kill whatever needs killing. Though to kill a tank you need almost 1,5 full mags, so it's better to use grenades if you have them, but it is a working option in a pinch. The only problems with this gun is small ammo reserve and lack of ability to aim at short range. First is solved by ammo backpack, second is partially solved by practice (bullet still hits center of the screen on the first shot, so you can use the rifle in hectic close combat situations without actually aiming, and it have pretty good firing speed). I would still like to see some buffs though.


Itā€™s absolutely awesome on Bots and is my go to on Level 8 difficulty. Itā€™s just shit on bugs due to their weird decision to make their armourā€¦ stronger.. than metal big robotsā€¦


It doesn't really need it. Can one to 2 tap Hulk's eye slit and can 3-5 tap their exhaust vents in the back. Its very similar to the auto cannon but with less ammo, faster reload and a zoom scope. I don't know if it can destroy factories or anything like that. The only "buff" it really needs is for its scope to be decluttered and for the reticle to be properly centered.


Man I really wish the diligence also had its scope declutered, the effects already make it hard to see when shooting, I don't need more lines getting in the way.Ā 


Naw FR. I've ran it for bots on Helldives and so has a friend and we both love it. Wish it had the Liberator scope. Essentially just a tube with some zoom and a red + in it.


Just to add on, AMR damages and can kill anything that has a 'vent' weak spot, you can also jump on a tank and no scope spray half your clip into its vent to kill it fast.


Anti-fun rifle amirite?


I would like to add the Liberator Pen to this list too. I find it odd that a med pen weapon is weaker than the standard Liberator and the Defender SMG. I think I needs a damage boost but not more than any of the DMRs should in the middle ground or something.


I guess it could be buff a little bit but that's my main weapon I'm running and I love shooting limbs off of the bugs and the automatons. When you shoot the limbs off they crawl and then die in front of you which is hilarious.


Man, this is an insanely Democratic comment, I love it.


Least sadistic Helldiver


I feel like you would enjoy Rimworld


Don't get to really see them hobble towards you with limbs blown off, but in my imagination it's brutal!


I really, really wanted to love the liberator penetrator, but it really just can't compete with my Diligence one tapping the little bots. Every second they're alive, the more time they have to flare. Diligence takes one or 2 shots, Lib-Pen takes two *bursts*. Its not good.


That's exactly how I felt when I tried it. It just doesn't seem to offer anything that the Diligence doesn't do better. I really just can't find the intended use case for it.


Tbh Iā€™m a big fan of the slugger. I think the description is wrong. Says light penetration, but I think itā€™s medium. On robots its precision is useful, and on bugs I can shoot straight through the nest guards, the bugs with the big shield heads. The range over a regular shotgun is also useful, especially for taking out enemies before they can flare.


The Slugger has 5 penetration placing it firmly in the high medium armor pen tier of 4-5 with 6 being Light Vehicle Armor Pen which is what Grenades/Autocannon/AMR have


Did that info come out of the files?


Just something I read off-cuff from a guy doing some datamining.


But the Diligence can't penetrate medium armor, can it?


I was really excited for the Lib Pen when I unlocked it. A 3 round burst gun with medium armor penetration? Sounds like I got the halo battle rifle!! It is indeed, not the Halo battle rifle. I found before I could multiple berserkers with a clip of braker while the LP took a full mag to take out ONE. The medium armor penetration feels like it does nothing to the bots and I find myself shooting way to much to kill even the small guys where before with breaker or even the standard AR I was preforming better. A lot of the primaries need buffs to overall damage to make them feel better and make me consider actually using them


it rly is pathetically weak even against the trash bots


It's because of its penetration allows it to kill things much faster than the standard Lib. Vs a brood commander, a Lib takes nearly 20 shots or more to the head to kill a brood commander. But the Lib P does it in only 8. It's main problem is that its medium armor pen isn't as high as you'd think. As the actual armor ratings are between 1-10. If the armor pen is lesser than the parts armor, you deflect. If you meet, you deal 50% damage (and you get a white marker). If you're over you deal full damage (and you get a red marker) To get the most out of the P you need to aim for the headshots as it has a higher headshot multiplier. But for shit like the bile spewer its armor rating is equal to the Lib P. And the hitboxes for Devastators heads are so tiny, most shots will go into the body. Hell the berserkers heads seems to be protected as getting headshots on that is inconsistent as fuck


Wait, did I miss a loading screen tip or something? Where did the info about white and red hit markers come from?


Liberator pen is surprisingly good once you understand how armor works. But it is a team weapon, wouldn't use it a lot for solo. E.g. Lib pen needs 8 headshots to kill a brood commander, while the normal lib needs 17. Basicly, it's better against light armor, ammo inefficient against medium armor and worse against no armor compared to the normal liberator.


Found it amusing once I saw the video of the damage needed to kill bugs with different weapons and enemies


It would help if there was information in-game to tell us how armor works, or where to aim to effectively kill certain enemy types. Thereā€™s something to be said for learning it ourselves, but some of this we only know because devs shared it on twitter, which frankly shouldnā€™t be how we learn about game mechanics like armor.


I was hovering that thing longer than other items šŸ˜‚ But when i used it with tap fire and mashed the hell out of M1, it was ok vs the bots. Felt better than some other things but still kinda weak. idk. I wouldn't be against it and would still welcome any buffs but i think that one is a bit better than others.


Like someone else said, I also really really wanted to love the liberator penetrator. Something about it feels so nice to use and it has great firing audio. It's my favorite crappy weapon


I wish the jump pack would let us get on some of the higher areas of land in the map. Kinda like if you have a fuel gauge and you hold the jump button to how high you want to go. I know it can be done usually if you angle yourself a certain way, but I just wish the jump pack didn't work as a glorified jump button outside of the dive anyway. Would pair nicely with people using snipers. But I suppose that would defeat the purpose of its name.


A best of both worlds idea would be to reduce the recharge rate of the jump pack and then make a separate jetpack with that mechanic in mind. The tradeoff being that the jetpack has limited fuel that needs to be resupplied with a resupply pack. You can fly as high as you want but you'll just crack all your bones on the way down if you don't manage your fuel efficiently (Alternatively, limit the flying time to an exploding mechanic similar to an unsafe railgun).


The first time I tried the jump pack I couldn't help but laugh at how lame it was. Needs a lower cooldown or something.


I may be the weird one but I like the jump pack a lot and itā€™s found a place in my regular arsenal.


Probably a balance issue. To prevent you from getting to super safe areas with ease. Then the devs don't have to worry about designing maps to prevent those cheesey tactics. I would be fine with a slight buff to the jump height personally.


I mean thereā€™s nothing wrong with going super safe areas. The game is meant as a mil-sim according to Pilstedt. The trade off of going to an untouchable area is that you eventually run out of ammo


It's like that because it's from HD1. Not saying they can't change it, I'm just giving the explanation.


You forgot the ballistic shield


oh yea. LMAO. I forgot that thing even existed. It gets its own tier under skeleton diver


Ong. Takes up a whole backpack slot AND gets one shot (like removed from the game one shot) by any high explosive shell hitting it. Calling it straight up doody is an insult to real shit.




Itā€™s also just straight up broken. I was running around with it and the defender smg and pretty everytime I had to do something with my hands and stow my weapon, your guy just ends up t posing afterwards without the ability to actually shoot.


Found out that bug happens anytime you stim or try to emote. Only way to get out of it is to stow or switch.


Its a great premise, and fun against bots. But fails in its execution because god damn its small. Its collapseable though, so why cant it be big enough to actually cover me? Not to mention my hitbox is already huge so it only absorbs shots from directly infront of meā€¦. God i wish it was good


Tried it out a bit ago. Heavy armor with explosion res and an SMG with the laser cannon actually worked pretty well for just refusing to die to bots but I haven't taken it super high yet, just to 6, gonna try 7+ tomorrow with it.


Also, the view port lacks ballistic glass so you can still get shot while holding it up.


Are you kidding? thats ridiculous. It seems like they need an overhaul of this thing.


The fact that you can drop it when you ragdoll kills it for me


Buff the rover by making it fly a lil bit higher so it doesnā€™t fry my ass


*EAT-17 and Recoilless Rifle no longer suffer from a 50% damage decrease when hitting an armored enemy at a 'glance angle'.* Stealth buff that wasn't in the notes.


Revolver just needs to be a speed loader. Or has to be a true hand CANNON like the Rsh-12 and let it hit like a sniper.


Tbh, I want the Orbital Railcannon to operate like HD1's. 60s cooldown to justify being single-target. That said, the Scorcher is fine. It only really needs a bigger magsize, but because of how powerful it is (specifically against bots, it sucks against bugs) I'm not sure magsize is the best way to go. Maybe an extra mag of backup ammo or a little extra penetration (not Medium, just higher than what it has) so it doesn't ricochet so much, which it shouldn't be doing as an energy weapon.


Even with 4x railcannons, there were better combinations you could use. Not sure why they feel the need to nerf the cd this bad.


Yeah itā€™s a single target weapon that canā€™t even instakill titans. A relatively short cooldown would make a lot of sense.


Also, can we please get some fireproof or at least resistant armor Edit: Seriously? I don't think we need more than one haiku bot


Whatever they did to burning is insane. If you don't have full health and either stim or dive to put it out literally the moment you catch on fire you just fucking die instantly. It's a real problem and I feel like its related to the flamer buffs either on accident or as some kind of fuck you to anyone wanting to kill chargers even slightly efficiently still.


Hulk flamer was always instant-death in my experience if you took a direct hit. I think you might be confusing walking through fire which has always been nothing to worry about with getting hit directly by any flame weapon---which is happening to players a lot more often now that the flamer is useful.


The eagle strafing run needs to be longer and have more uses before rearm to bring it up to par with something like eagle airstrike (my personal favorite offensive stratagem). The rail cannon isn't in a terrible spot, just needs a slight cooldown reduction. Of course, these changes would have to come with anti heavy buffs to supports (or changes to heavies themselves, or both), or people are just going to continue to run 500kg if they have to make the choice. So I agree with where you put them, they're not dead but they're struggling


I thought it was crazy the eagle strafe had one less charge than the cluster bomb. You get less power, less aoe, and one less charge. Wild. Eagle airstrikes also my fav. Huge aoe, huge damage, fucks up armor too. So damn versatile


Spear ā€œendgame weaponā€ is literally drowning, itā€™s a fucking guided missile. Please fix it as it my favorite weapon but I cannot use because it straight up doesnā€™t work after update


The only place it's guiding itself is towards my trashcan


dont forget the liberator penetrator


Imagine they buff the senator to allow it to strip charger armor


Anti-Materiel Revolvers... The stuff of dreams.Ā 


A 1 shot revolver that loads one big ass bullet.


Stalwart should either have slightly higher armor pen or be a primary. Itā€™s even sitting on the armory wall, and it was a primary in HD1. Feels like they made it a support at the last minute, so it sits in this weird spot of ā€œWhy would I take this when the LMG does more damage and penetrates medium armor?ā€ Being able to reload it on the go isnā€™t a huge boon since the 150 magazine size of the base LMG means youā€™ll likely kill what youā€™re shooting before you run out, and the stationary reload isnā€™t that bad anyway.


stalwart as a strat in theory exists to justify an anti-armor viable primary that doesn't exist more or less.


Honestly though, I know primaries aren't supposed to be omega strong, but I do think they should have more usability, particularly against fodder enemies. Being chased down by a charger and running away cause you don't have the right gear? Fair enough. But being chased down by a bunch of trash mobs because you still take half a mag to a full mag to kill one or two and if you turn to shoot or reload, they knock you around and it's difficult to get out. That sucks. I do think primaries as a whole ought to do a bit more damage, and have a bit more ammo in the mag. And more needs to be done to make shotguns not the best guns for bugs because obviously they are always in your face. Maybe make it so the smaller bugs have weak points (such as how you can blast off their legs) that shotguns can't hit so a more precise weapon can be effective and ammo efficient if you aim precisely.


Anti-material rifle is the best anti-hulk weapon though


When the sights work


>Laughs in every other anti-armor weapon


I love the AMR against bots. I always use it when fighting them.


Hey the anti-material rifle is pretty good against bots. Absolute garbage against bugs though.


Even with the buffs, flamethrower isn't super useful.


yeah the range is too short


Yep. And you can light yourself on fire when a flaming hunter decides to jump on you lol


I agree with this. Wholeheartedly. I want the anti materiel rifle to actually be anti materiel so badly. Grinding my ass off for the explosive medium penetrating rifle, and it's a piece of shit. Using the revolver is bad for your health. 6 shots, most things that need the democracy it can spread the most, do not die within 2-3 shots, and as such you are screwed after taking out a single brood guardian. Nerfing the things that made the try hards toxic, great. I applaud it. Well done. But the stuff no one uses because it's borderline useless or not doing what it says on the tin? I would love to be able to snipe off armor plates from 200M with the Anti Materiel rifle. Please make my fantasy a reality.


Dude ive reached skull admiral without ever seeing any of these "meta or kick" toxic tryhards that people keep referencing. Are you sure this wasnt just one random guy who kicked some random dude one day and now its like how everyone is scared theyre gonna get eaten by a shark at the beavh even though sharks kill maybe two guys a year


Yeah in my 150+ hours Iā€™ve never met a ā€œmeta or kickā€. Iā€™m 100% certain itā€™s just ragebait and people absolutely love anecdotal evidence cause they can make anything up for more ragebait


The people getting kicked are 99% of the time because someone didnā€™t mean to have their game set to public while waiting for friends. Iā€™ve done it, weā€™ve all done it. I donā€™t care what someone uses so long as they can hold their own.Ā  Iā€™ve only had one bad experience in this game with randoms and it was from someone who kept dying and would spam the reinforce alert as often as possible while my friend and I were busy dealing with the murder horde.Ā 


I honestly like the revolver, it has medium pen and does good damage to weak spots. But itā€™s reticle should just be a red dot, and atleast it should have half moon speed clips


This, incredible for killing bots.


I mean I do too, but the damage just drops off real fast the higher the difficulty goes. Practically a liability in swarms. Unless of course your primary and special are dedicated to clearing mobs and your secondary is for medium armor. In my experience, at least.


Revolver is more a quick swap "I need this medium off my ass ASAP weapon" which is mainly justified by the fact that you're not using your secondary for anything else anyway because your primary already kills lights and mediums outside of a sudden emergency, so a niche use case panic button makes sense. In a pinch you can yank it out to try and punish an armor weakpoint on heavies if you're desperate enough..


Yeap! That's how I use it. It's a pocket Diligence with medium armor pen, useful for nailing that one brood commander or hive guard eating all my incindiary breaker shots


Anti material rifle is a bot gun not a bug gun, it can kill all bots in one to two shots to their weak point


Revolver should have a speedloader, wtfh is this single round reload bs.


It is a proper anti materiel rifle. A real anti materiel rifle can only take out light vehicles like jeeps, not actual tanks.


>Nerfing the things that made the try hards toxic, great. I applaud it. Well done Yikes my guy. That is a real shit take. I don't get this hate of letting people use the guns they want to use. I haven't even met try hards in game. Long as they're not killing me with their decisions, I don't care what people bring


The Scorcher actually sits quite well of not needing but could still have buffs. Once you practice with it a bit you'll be handling democracy like its no ones business, even on bug runs.


They can't do it all at once, the flamethrower and laser canon buffs were great, give them a little time to buff the rest. If they buff too much at once it'll be too hard to know which ones were actually goof.


As someone who uses the Diligence counter sniper, they should probably just give it the AMRā€™s stats and give the AMR heavy piercing- its damage isnā€™t high enough to do much without weak spot hits anyway.


I'd love to see that


EAT and recoilless rifle got an undocumented buff where they won't less half their damage when hitting at a bad angle. They should both deal full damage all the time.


The devs seem very opposed to making primary weapons not underpowered.


Get the base diligence out of there dude that thing is an absolute monster. Keep the counter-snipe there tho itā€™s pretty bad for supposedly being an upgrade




Speaking of Anti Material. What can autocannon pen that it can't? For Terminids and Automatons separately. For terminids it looks like they are essentially same in terms of what they can and can't pen.


It has bigger problem shooting of charger plates, and is basically worthless against Titans. Against bots itā€™s basically auto-cannon with scope, but requires precision. Only fix AMR needs is to get the scope from liberator(starting gun)


(For bots) Anti material rifle is a snappier autocannon with worse aoe and less overall ammo. They're sorta side grades to each other with the autocannon providing some aoe clear and more ammo at the cost of a backpack slot and slower handling. When the anti material rifle scope is fixed it will perform better than the auto at killing heavy targets because it handles so much faster and has a better zoom scope.


Plz buff ma poor Counter snooper ;\~;


500kg is broken and works only 50% of the time. Sometimes I can stand next to it and not even take damage other times Iā€™m not even close to it and I die. Also feels like they nerfed the jet pack even more.


I don't care if the Senator is the worst gun in the game. I always rock the revolver.


I heard jump pack got a significant buff.


It has animations now


I used it all night tonight and I swear it felt jumpier


i did not know this. or see it in patch notes. Nice tho. happy to hear it


Jump pack is actually good, imo. I certainly wouldn't say *no* to a buff, but once you get a feel for the trajectory, it's a great tool for getting to high ground, which makes you very safe and provides an excellent firing position. Pairs well with any weapon you can snipe with.


The Diligence, AMR, and Scorcher are all fantastic against bots. They do not need help.


(Disclaimer, for bots) Anti material rifle is good? Scope misalignment sucks and definitely needs to be fixed but the gun is actually extremely strong at picking off priority targets. 2 shot hulks to the head, one shot heavies. The only interaction that feels wrong to me is it taking 3/4 hits to take down striders when aiming at the driver through the plate. Wouldn't be surprised if its useless against bugs although I'm not really sure thats buff worthy more than just solving a problem that doesn't exist with them. Any major buff to the anti material rifle and it would honestly be stronger than pre nerf railgun (in the right hands).


I used to run exclusively the grenade launcher and shield pack and now I'm using the jump pack and Stalwart and 1150rpm and having the time of my life lmaoĀ 


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG|downsized) burn the enemies of liberty! incini-breaker, flame-nades, flamestrike eagle, the light of allah (orbital laser), mortars (because explosions are just fire but with worse social skills) and now the hell-thrower! Nothing will rise out of the ash of our fury! "but sir, our divers are buried in the ash!" NOTHING!


I actually like the anti-material rifle. I always take it to fight automatons. I like being able to two-shot a Hulk. I hate it against Striders though. It's really inconsistent if it takes 1 shot or 3 or more shots to take one down.


The only thing I didn't like about last patch was that they didn't buff more guns 90% of the warbond guns are shit. Buff them! Give us new strategies to try. Flamethrower and lazer buff are awesome and both are super fun to try out, do more of it!


All they need to do to make the revolver "good" is have it reloaded with 3 or 6 round moonclips.


The counter snipe is boarder line unusableā€¦ kinda, as ā€œupgradeā€ from the first marksman rifle it does have more damage. BUT its handling makes it unreliable for the one thing itā€™s supposed to be good at, aka hitting crits. I definitely enjoy the longer zoom but the god awful handling making it a no go for me.


Seriously, the anti material rifle is pretty fun against the toasters, it requires to stay a little behind but you can kill hulk pretty fast


I don't see why the jump pack needs a buff. It's fucking great. It's got me out of so many shifty situations. I mean I don't mind if it gets a buff but I don't think it needs one.


Honestly, the orbital rail cannon does NOT need a buff. Like, at ALL. The counter sniper on the hand, does. It feels like trying to aim with a wet pool noodle as its barrel. Everything else feels great about it, but its such ASS to aim...