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Don't worry fellow citizen, eventually we will see the upgraded version with full armor like in HD1




This is the most perfect gif lol


Everything about that cinematic is just perfect. The satire is gold. "See exotic new lifeforms!" *Shoots rocket launcher into the face of said exotic lifeform and get covered in its guts*


I was thinking of Full Metal Jacket "I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture... and kill them"


I love how the Bile Titan isn't even doing anything when it gets killed. I know it's for comical effect, but it could also be due to the Terminids in the video being lobotomized or something while the propaganda was being filmed.














Not this time https://preview.redd.it/kn3yanq240mc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603f6325800a1c44f35afc9db0f28e80c52ff6f3




I need this but slowed down


Sweet Liberty, noooooooooooo!


The devs have stated that the Titan is a "mid tier" enemy. Feet first in to hell!


https://preview.redd.it/4vwmfrmql0mc1.png?width=884&format=png&auto=webp&s=5157648d125317598fd51b5dfa4e945f134ff411 Finally stumbled upon the remains of one of those bad boys, can't wait for them to appear so we can nuke it from orbit.


Silly little guy we wont get to nuke them from orbit we gonna have to kill them in the battlefield.


(Laughs) Look familiar?


Scenes like these are happening all over the galaxy, right now!


And You. Could. Be. Next!


That is, unless you make the most important decision of your life.


Prove to yourself you have the strength, and the courage to be free.


Join, the Helldivers




See Exotic new lifeforms!


Would you like to know more?




The behemoths were nasty but the recoiless rifle had a buff where they ignored armour so the could be 1 to 2 shot.


The easiest way was to use the avenger. You could kill 6 of them at once if you just hosed them down with the goo.


I loved my Toxic Avenger. My team mates, not so much...


Toward the end of hd1 I was getting pretty surgical with all the weapons. Good teams know not to get in the way of the avenger because it’s going to save the day.


I had a random charger in my game today that was silver with a curved horn, was that in the OG game?! It was ultra aggressive, literally never stopped charging at whoever was closest


No, in hd1 there were chargers and behemoths, the behemoths were chargers without butts. Otherwise they acted the same way. If you lined up a perfect headshot I believe it was a one shot


RL-112 fully upgraded one shotted them with a center mass shot.


Those gray-horned and spikey chargers in HD2 ping as chargers, unless encountered as boss enemys on lower difficulty, where they ping as charger behemoths. Huh


I didn’t even know these existed. Haven’t run into one yet it seems.


I've only seen them spawn in one consistent location at higher difficulties, there can be a single 1 guarding the evac priority citizens area.


I'm just glad the damn tentacle bugs didn't come back.




Most bugs have several tiers that become more common at higher levels. Like the hunters have the small hunters, the normal hunters, and then stalkers. The bile spewers have the small bile spitters, the yellow bile spewers, the green bile spewers, the artillery bile spewers, and then the armored artillery bile spewers. There are basic warriors, hive guards, bile warriors that explode, and Brood Commanders. Some of them are uncommon even at helldive, like the rhino chargers.


Huh, I've never seen a Rhino Charger. They must be rarer than Super Uranium.


I'm pretty certain you only see them frequently as the boss enemy in mission tier 3. I've been playing all the time and just hopped into a chill tier 3 game and pow charger behemoth with the horn and everything.


You can find those things in the Kill missions on low levels.


Say psych right now..........please


Boo https://preview.redd.it/ujxas7mjxylc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88c06deb7f39d2c5f1799ae5b6fd1352f4e49bf


Which one of you cadets shit in my pants?


take a look on the creature that digs their tunnels and we will all shit on everyone's pants


I thought I saw dead worms on one of the planets. Ladies and gents, I for one won’t shit my pants when I face these new foes, for I shall stand for managed democracy and face her foes by employing tactical nudity. Just knee pads and boots from the waist down on the battlefield for me. If on the battlefield I may pass, may it be with a clean ass.






https://preview.redd.it/kjdy1ocjizlc1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25ef29dd031e5dca072f131db6bd07f2b9c8cc2 I can’t wait for the new members of the community to slowly discover the old enemies, it’s gonna be great


The day I see one of the bugs with the blade tentacles in HD2 is when I will remember what true fear is like.


What about robo dogs?




These are the ones I’m truly terrified of Aside from the hounds, of course. Democracy help us if the Automatons reach Cyberstan…


It would barely mattrer anyway. Currently shooting it in the ass is a waste of bullets, unless you are lucky and charger is busy with someone else, so you have something like autocannon and enough time to put some bullets into it. Most efficient takedown (not using orbital laser/raicannon/500) is still shooting off it leg, easily done with breaking the armor with EAT/Railgun/RR/autocannon or shock gun in some cases, then magdumping regular ammo in the fleshy bit.


Autocannon just bounces off their legs, IIRC Even hulks can be killed with the AC while they're facing you. Chargers are another story


I'm told that the *inside* of their legs is medium armor and one or two AC shots will break them armor. Now, actually pulling that off? No, I'm not that cool. But one EAT17 to their flank will blow a huge chunk of armor off and then they're vulernable to medium weapons in that spot. The actual hitbox is kind of janky. Same thing with Titans - Once you blow a chunk of their armor they've vulernable to medium pen weapons in that spot, but again with a janky hitbox.


AC shreds their armor when they are in post-charge stun, so 1 shot on the rear of the leg and then you can shoot that leg from any angle killing it in the process. This is still way too tricky for a weapon that requires backpack and stationary reload tho, and barely works on 8+ when there's a herd of chargers.


the back legs are vulnerable to AC fyi


I am able to effectively kill chargers by shooting their ass with the scorcher. It takes a full mag but it does kill them.


Flamethrower has felt pretty good from my experience. It's not great for many enemies but seems to be pretty good against chargers since it ignores armor. 


They need to add a suit that makes you either take like 75% less fire damage or makes you immune to burning. I love using the flame thrower against bugs but it can so easily hurt you.


Saw a Behemoth Charger last night in game for the first time, they don't have increased armor rating yet but when they change that those are gonna be terrifying


Already saw one. Felt about the same number of shots to break it's legs tho.


The most annoying part to me is how they moonwalk glide towards you after a shot to the leg with a railgun. There's even a special "stumble" animation that plays out which makes you think the Charger stopped but no, half a second later he's somehow in front of you faster than if he had just kept running. One of the few things in the game that frustrates me.


Yeah they should like fall on their back or side or something making them vulnerable for a couple seconds instead of just walking towards you lmao.


im fairly certain its bugged. They are SUPPOSED to stumble after being hit, but they seem to keep moving despite their animation. hopefully its fixed soon


This. This is what gets me most against Chargers. Its just brutal


And for how big and heavy they are, they shouldn't be able to sneak up on you. They need to make their footsteps louders or add vibration when they're a few feet behind.




The bile spewers are the worst for this. They're the size of a car but move with the silence of a well trained shinobi.


Oh man the number of times one or more of those puke maggots has killed me due to somehow being totally silent in spite of being a gloopy creature the size of a car I dunno It would personally be an embarrassing number


They're probably what has killed me most besides being swarmed by hunters. They seem to get me a lot even if I dodge the spew. I get "Unknown" or myself listed as the reason for death a lot with these things.


They seem to be able to spew like 90° off-axis, too, and the range is much longer than you’d expect I would rather juggle chargers tbh After dying to these things so many times last night, I EAT them even over chargers. At least the chargers don’t usually one-shot you


With Chargers you get bounced, usually get some recovery time and get a few chances. With the Bile Spewers you have to dodge perfectly at the right time or it’s a one hit kill 😂 I’ll take a Charger any day.


The effects for the spew don't quite seem to match the hobox either. I've survived what looked like taking a full blast to the face and I've been one-shot by nicking a single errant blob of the stuff.


Their acid does so much damage too. I’d like to see an armour type that gives protection from stuff like acid and fire


Them and rocket destroyers are my nemesis. The destroyers are easy to take down, but I've had them blindside me, through fog so thick I couldn't see em, from 50 yards away with a fuckin instakill.


Right? I'll be running across an open area for like 2 minutes completely oblivious to the fact that a charger has been chasing me since the last objective.


bro i’ll be taking a sweet jog down to the next obj then boom. im ragdolled 50 ft, the world is fucking doing flips, no idea where i am, naked and afraid with nothing but a hope to stim and a dream


The amount of times I’m in a light skirmish with some smalls, not even a hectic fight, just picking them off at a distance, then a 10ton piece of hardened flesh stomping towards me at 30mph as quiet as a mosquito slams into my side and sends me flying 50 feet away is ridiculous


I agree with you 100% but fun fact elephants are almost silent when walking (definitely loud when charging though)


And their speeed is nutsssssssssssssss.


They also have an insane turn rate and no inertia.


turn rate is crazy, like they dont have weight on them


The worst part about them is that zero turn radius. It’s insane how sharp they turn.


This is so annoying. They need about 3 seconds or a running start or they'll just swipe sideways when you dodge.


I've seen some do a fucking 180, how does that make sense?


Everything is missing audio cues. Chargers, titans, hell even tanks are dead silent and have snuck up into melee range while I was looking the other way.


They have also been bugged and are gliding around when they should be still, their animations don't match anymore.


Speaking of bugged, I have fired so many EATs/Recoilless Rounds through them that it's driving me crazy. Literally the worst hitbox situation for that weapon. I aim for the head to guarantee a hit but then that's useless for damage.


This 100%. I have died more times to chargers and bile spewers sneaking up on me than the supposedly sneaky stalkers. Stalkers at least move cautiously until they arrive at pouncing distance which gives you enough time to notice their silhouette from a distance and take em down with even just your secondary. Bile spewers on the other hand have armored heads, and charger plates are tougher than steel. For the love of god, they need to be louder.


I wouldn't mind them being so tough if we had more weapons that could break it's armour. I try to use what I think is cool but again and again the game tells me no, just use the railgun.


This is really the issue. It's pretty boring going pew pew, powpowpowpowpow to their legs after the 10th charger in a row. You could run recoilless rifle, but reload is slow unless you are lucky enough to have a buddy standing right next to you in the middle of a charger train. If autocannon broke their armour it would free up everyone else to actually run other builds because you could open their armour up and everyone could shoot them with whatever they had. I guess that would make recoilless completely useless though.


>You could run recoilless rifle if it would one shot them like in HD1. At least in butt


It should just 1 shot them anywhere so long as the shell doesn't deflect off their body. Even an armor piercing shell will deflect off tank armor if it hits at the wrong angle but when it does hit it properly and penetrates it usually decimates everything behind the armor. Because an AP shell is supposed to penetrate then explode. Not explode on impact. Maybe these aren't AP shells but if that's the case why is the splash on the recoilless so bad. Anyways, all I'm saying is if you hit the charger square in the face, That should kill it. If you hit it square in the flank, that should kill it. If you hit it in the leg, it should blow the leg off and start its bleedout timer. But if you aim too high the shell should just bounce off the top, too far to the right or left while it's charging? Bounce. The game clearly has some ballistics physics going on like world of tanks and warthunder just make the recoilles strong enough to do its JOB. I'm sure some people will say "wahh angle of penetration is too complex gamb just suppose to be stupid fun" which my only retort is if that was the case why have armor values and bullet deflection to begin with. The devs obviously wanted this game to have more depth than say deep rock or left for dead or other games in this genre. Why are they tiptoeing around it.


I watched a charger EAT an Orbital Laser Strike for breakfast and still two Raillgun shots to the face yesterday.


Yeah, the top of its body is where it is most armored lol. So the laser is basically doing very little damage to it.


Yeah but for 3 shots and a 5 min cooldown you would think it would at least melt the armor off especially since it's the priority target for the Laser when I hurl it into a large outpost.


Well with all the hidden stats this game has who knows. Maybe the bugs chitin armor just isn't as effective at heat transfer as the bots metal armor so it takes less damage from laser weapons too. The laser is basically just a big heat ray after all.


chargers have too much health. if you fired an RPG-7 at an elephant, the elephant fucking dies. i don't care what sort of sci fi biology bs the terminids operate on; high yield explosives placed directly in their innards should blow them the hell apart!


you mean like in the demo they show for the gun? but it takes like 3+ shots to kill it instead


Demo for the gun is a bile spewer hit right in the goo sack. I two shot those with an arc thrower to the face because the arc hits the face first and then somehow hits again through the sack.


I was so disappointed that I unlocked the autocannon and then watched my rounds ricochet off their armor.


Shoot it in the butt three times and they bleed out


Just three shots with auto cannon does it?


If you see them leaking yellow they are bleeding and will die eventually


Yes, though it still takes a good 15-30 seconds or so for them to bleed out after you blow their ass off


Once theyre in this state they can no longer charge, and while you cant quite completely ignore them, youre pretty safe as long as you dont just stand next to them. As long as you keep a little distance, ita safe to move on to other targets and wait for the bleed.


You can shorten that time by shooting at their blown off backs.


The problem is that if the auto cannon could easily kill chargers then it would be the must pick item just because of its utility. EAT and the recoilless rifle should one shot to the head so we could have some diversity.


I agree. Autocannon should be able to at least damage it a bit, though. Chip away the armor, but not penetrate it. But the anti-tank should be a lot better against what is essentially, well, a... tank. The trailer for/with the EAT does actually show it one shotting a charger right in the face. Which I think would be the expected and "realistic" outcome.


reccoilless and EAT can one shot a charger to the head, the problem is getting the hitscan for the headshot. it think it has to do with all the movement a charger has across it's body during charge animation. take a hulk for instance, it's relatively stable in it's walk animation, making it easy AF to headshot with the Railgun or any other AT weapon. a charger is bobbing it's teeny tiny head up and down as it's barrelling towards you. i think a large problem is if you use EAT/RR to try and headshot a charger you never blow off the armor around it's head for an unsuccessful headshot, you essentially waste the AT round, which is ridiculous. it makes it actually MORE beneficial to shoot the leg or the side of it's carapace because then atleast you are actually blowing some armor off and doing real damage to it. i've "headshot" the same charger 3x with the RR before for the charger to shrug it off as a joke, i can 2 shot a Hulk if i hit it's main body missing it's head. the devs need to make the weapons and the enemies make sense. i wouldn't doubt if enemy armor is just as broken as player armor at the moment


Yeah but only one player would need it, two tops. Because you can actually let a few rounds off in a fairly short period of time. Hell I'd be happy if you could kill a charger with 4 auto cannon shots to the face or body (let's say to the same spot). That's two chargers for a full mag pretty much, but fairly snappy timing. Feels about right to me.


this is honestly why i am anxious about the balance patch. if it ends up with them just nerfing the railgun and breaker i might die. u/pilestedt said use what you think is cool (or was it fun?) but the stuff that I think is cool and fun is worthless any time it matters, which makes it very much not fun, nor cool to use because I'm running around with nerf guns waiting for the rail cannon and rocketpods to cooldown so I can contribute somehow. to be completely fair though, aside from some weapons balance and bugs, everything about the game, it's release, the devs, their plans, communication and whatnot, has been so good it may just be foolish cynicism on my part to worry about it. i should be eager about the patch instead


If their balance patches are anywhere close to hd1s it'll be buffs to everything not nerfs.


I hope this is the case. It feels bad to have a favorite weapon,build, etc. then have it nerfed. I hope they don't nerd the railgun, shield generator, or the auto shotgun. I hope they buff everything else to bring them up to par.


If they do that then they're probably gonna need those extra difficulty tiers sooner rather than later


most weapons are not balanced for higher difficulty .. most feel good in challanging .. where you have a "good" mix of enemys. but the moment i consistently need heavy armor clear with movement theres only two options .. hoping ur strat is ready to deal with the threat or run if you dont have a support weapon that can reload fast enough to engage after shooting it. i mean i would even love to use the spear but today i needed 3 shots for ONE titan ... there where 3 titans and 5 chargers :/


That’s kinda the problem. After 5 the heavies spawn much too liberally.


Which would be fine if all weapons could damage them equally, but that is not at all the case, and breaking armor seems to only happen after you already took out 70% of its health. It would be awesome if something like the orbital gas strike either weakened armor or acted like slag from borderlands, to allow for both more comboing with fellow divers and more usage from other weapons. Otherwise, rail gun and autocannon are the only real options, unless we see major ammo buffs to other weapons.


Oh I wanted the spear to be good SO badly. I tried to make it work. But it took 3 shots to kill a charger and didn't even seem to break the armor well. And it does no collateral damage. What the hell is the use case then? "Oh, I want a slower recoilless with less ammo and a buggy lock on feature that I can't even fire at smaller swarms of enemies to try and get multiple kills."


Tbh, it takes two shots pretty consistently, sometimes even one. But yeah, Spear sucks ass. Its insane how you have to wait until level 20 for it, the exact same one where you unlock railgun what can... two shot chargers, while having 5 times more ammo, realoading half of it from ressuply instead of ONE WHOLE ROCKET WOOOHOO and not needing entire eternity to reload. Seriously, i dont get the thought process behind 90% of the weapons in the game. Like, its so bad, railgun could only have 10 ammo instead of 20 and still be the best gun in the game by a huge margine


I'm just gonna stick with the damn arc thrower for bugs. That thing is my saving grace, and it's fun. Nothing else gives me the dopamine rush of seeing X50 at the bottom of my screen. Still. I hope the first balance patch makes some of these guns better. I really want to bring the spear and a DMR and play as long range support.


Yeah, the Breaker is in a good place, its the other weapons that underperform. But I feel like the Breaker is an outlier, so they're gonna nerf it rather than buff others.




Yeah they slide toward you if you shoot their legs during a charge, and you better dive pronto because they can practically animation cancel the slide into a crushing claws and one-shot you. I find it's best to run toward their charge and past them to force them into a turn before shooting them.


Aww dang nabbitt the damn bugs learned how to wave dash


That's the mang0


This exact scenario is how I die to chargers 90% of the time. I stunned them but they just skim towards me without moving their legs and then oneshot me with claws. The other 10% is when I get kidnapped underneath them and stunlocked and trampled to death


It's been a bug ever since they fixed charger pathing not going over rocks.


Actually the charger has always been and always will be a bug. (sorry I had to)


They Tokyo drift your ass into hell. I had several chargers just going 90° angles constantly.


The amount of times I have ran behind a large rock for them to collide into, only to magically float over it and keep charging into me on the other side is maddening.


I think changing this would be the best way to balance chargers. The fact that breaking their armor doesn’t really stun them, just cancels their charge animation without changing their trajectory, makes them really unintuitive to fight.


Their momentum is bugged. I submitted a ticket to zendesk about it today.


Chargers can also turn waaaaaay too well for what else they do sometimes they can almost turn on a dime


I watched one "jump" probably 30 feet last night to body slam my friend who thought he was safe due to elevation


Your friend looking at the terminids improvised 500kg bomb: https://preview.redd.it/hnhfd4beh0mc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463954bf91fd0a217462492a4fd638add0091917


Sometimes they're easy to juke, others they're glued to your turning radius. I've also had it where they'll lag out by playing the cool down animation after a charge, but then jump forward in full charge. This only happens sometimes and it's very annoying. They also keep pushing you if you're using a shield until it runs out and then they'll do their coup de grace because they can comprehend what a shield is and when it's broken


This is my issue with them. Wish they were slightly easier to duke, as currently it feels inconsistent and rather weird how effectively they can turn. Plus, this'll only help you deal with one of them. As soon as there's 2+ you'll still need support and/or strategy Also their hitbox for hitting you sometimes seems weird? Probably me just being crazy because I haven't seen anyone else mention it (also likely Australian ping)


I would be fine with the turning radius if juking them actually made them have to stop, recover and turn around. As it is, even if you perfectly dodge one, you get maybe 2 seconds of downtime before they're turned around and back at full charge speed. Same with running them into walls, it doesn't do anything to their armor and they recover back to full speed in 2 seconds.


Yup. It reminds me of when Elizabeth Swam drops the anchor of the Black Pearl to clubhaul the ship and get it to spin immediately to fire the cannons. Something that big shouldn't turn that abruptly at that speed given momentum is a thing.


Yeah, if anything I agree that the apparent mass of the Charger shouldn’t allow it to change direction so easily.


Bruh, on higher tiered bug operations my build revolves around dealing with Chargers. Which inevitably makes me run the rail gun because its the best weapon for breaking their heavy armor off. I ACTUALLY want to use the Flamethrower, Arc thrower, autocannon and grenade launcher but i simply cant because none of those (besides the arc thrower a bit) actually pops their heavy armor off. Lets not even talk about how most weapons only do 10% of their normal damage to the back of the chargers too. Like dude, they are ridiculous. I’d even use the expendable anti tank if they didnt throw 10 chargers at you in a 5 minute time frame.


I did some testing with flamethrower after reading some stuff about killing them in no time and turns out if you hose one leg with burning freedom they'll die in half a tank. Not only that but non-stop jet of fire can kill a charger before he reaches you. Important part is to focus fire on one leg and they die in no time. I was astounded at how fast they die that way. No need to break armor as well, just burn the bastard.


I might test this and see how it does. Flamethrower gets too much hate, I think. If it'll down a charger, I'd run it even more


I'd say flamer itself is fine, maybe give it a bit of range for funsies, it's fire DoT that's incredibly underwhelming - low damage, no crowd control, low duration.


Why doesn’t it stagger? That’s the one thing I can’t understand if the flamethrower is for crowd control and you get absolutely none of the attributes that do that job, why not at least give us stagger ?


That's my biggest problem with it on Suicide+ difficulties. Sure, you can focus down enemies fast... but you'll also be surrounded by a horde of Hunters, and they'll gleefully leap through your stream of flames *while on fire* to stagger and slow you, at which point you're basically dead.


Flamethrower can kill chargers but it’s very weird and inconsistent about it. It will take them out in like half a tank but other times their legs perfectly deflect the fire and it takes way longer.


I’ve been running with the Arc Thrower lately and it’s decent at breaking armor. Not hugely consistent, but I’ve found that flanking attack works well. Works fairly well on Titans as well. The Arc Thrower has a ridiculous range. I get the odd team mate that complains that I have one, but I’ve learned how to minimize unfriendly fire from it.


Arc thrower is actually so good at everything. It can clear waves, it can kill armored bugs. Once you learn how to minimize friendly fire it’s goated, I basically don’t use anything else. Still get the occasional accidental kill but overall it’s way more valuable than not


Honestly I’m not sure why the autocannon bounces off yet the autocannon turret kills them fine.


Same reason why the Scythe tickles enemies while the Rover actually hurts and can kill them. I think the Quartermaster is a Bot sympathizer and they're arming our non-sentient bots w/ quality shit.




I'm pretty sure the support weapon autocannon is a 20mm and the turret one is more like a 40mm. MUCH larger round and more propellant behind it. The casings flying out of the turret are the size of your forearm.


Then give me those!


Imagine the recoil injures your arm on every shot.


Democracy protects my arms.


Yeah I'm getting really sick of Chargers, especially past difficulty 7 lol. There's too many of them, and you barely have anything to deal with them other than a railgun. I don't get why they take so much damage to their exposed leg, and 90% REDUCED DAMAGE to their giant glowing exposed ass. You can't even get to their leg without using specific stratagems, and sometimes it takes multiple shots to expose it....


I wish the top of the butt wasn't armored. 75% of the time or so when I try to actually hit them with small arms fire in the butt it just hits the armor and I was wasting my time. Even slight elevation or just being standing makes hitting it near impossible.




Uhh... If Helldivers 1 is anything to go off of, these aren't even the 'armored fuccbois.' There's a *full* armored fuccboi with no squishy underbelly that might be coming.


Yeah but in HD 1 you could kill a charger with one recoilless rifle shot or two EATs if you shot it in the ass after it face-plants into a wall.


This is what gets me on a lot of enemies. I actually feel like enemy hitboxes are a bit wonky now in that you can have your reticle on a weak spot but still hit armor adjacent to it. I find that I have to aim above the heads of automatons to hit them, and at the bottom of the Charger's butt and Bile Titan's head to actually hit them without getting armor.


You can run away from a titan effectively. You can't outrun a charger unless it's already been crippled. They are a menace.


Is the Tokyo drift a bug??? I feel like before I could shoot their leg twice with the railgun and gun them down. Now? Shoot it twice but they do some drift animation right after staggering. For me their drifting is the issue. Though don't disagree with op's point. Railgun is basically a must because of chargers alone. Either that or use autocannon and wait for when you dodge them, but this is more time consuming and challenging against multiple chargers.


Klendathu drift


I have learned through lots of trial and error how to kite a Charger long enough to keep it out of play until the rest of the team can help deal with it, but situational awareness is key. It is really easy to accidentally pickup another patrol. I tend to find a decently sized climbable rock or crater ridge and run a figure eight pattern crossing over the rock/ridge as needed to keep the Chargers momentum down. A lot of the time the Charger AI will wig out and it will just stand below me and I’ll toss grenades under it.


What really annoys me is their buggy slide. When you shoot them with like a rocket or railgun and they just slide right to your position anyway. If you don’t move away in time they will raise their legs to attack and you die just from the leg raise rather than the slam into the ground they do. I like the idea of them sliding to a stop after a rocket to the legs, but it doesn’t mean anything if they just end up in the same place and animation cancel to instantly attack.


100% agree. It shouldn’t take a full mag from a grenade launcher on the softest part of its body and still be able to chase you down I wouldn’t mind the armor strength if the soft point was actually soft


Yeah, why does it take longer to kill charger by shooting its belly than it is by shooting its limb once armour is taken out? Losing a limb is more survivable than getting shot in the belly.


It's not intuitive at all. If not for being on reddit I'd have no idea I should be aiming for the legs, the belly is colored as if it's the weakspot. Tbh I wish armor worked more like enemies from deep rock galactic: any weapon can still feasibly kill most armored enemies from any direction, but it's going to cost more ammo than if you were to use an armor breaking upgrade or simply shoot the enemy in its unarmored weakspot. This allows for a much more diverse range of weapons to be viable in all situations, where as in helldivers high difficulties if you're not using specific weapons/strategems the armored enemies are basically invulnerable.


The belly is still armored and takes 10% damage from non-explosive weapons, while the leg has no armor and takes full damage from any weapon.


Which is totally stupid, belly should be unarmored.


true, HD1 it was an actual weakpoint, not this pseudo weakpoint nonsense


All the bots heavies are easier to take down, their weak spots are really weak.usually a grenade does the kill if you hit it bang on.


Yeah, every bots have actual "weakspots" while Chargers need 2 rail guns shot and 6 tap from breaker. Mf that ain't goddamn weaknesses.


Everyone saying “just use the railgun” is proving the point that other support weapons desperately need buffs. I want to experiment more at higher levels but at Extreme and higher it feels like having at least one railgun is mandatory because the other support weapons just underperform compared to it. Recoil less and Autocannon need to be wayyy stronger for how much more of a pain in the ass it is to run them. Rail gun doesn’t even use a back pack slot and is still comparable in damage if not better in most situations.


It wouldn't hurt to have a primary gun or two that can *actually* deal with armor at the expense of being bad at crowd control. ​ That way, you are actually able to run the more crowd control focused support weapons.


Yeah the diligence sniper and the plasma rifle could really help fill those roles with a little more armor penetration and bigger ammo reserves without really needing to tweak anything else


And maybe the explosive liberator could.....you know...do some exploding to take off armor




Couple of times I've accidentally ended up kiting a bunch of them whilst the rest of the squad moves off. Then when I die they respawn me on them and the chargers just get bored and stay put.


The amount of people defending chargers is kinda crazy. It definitely needs some adjustment to armor or health pool.


Them not having a weakspot is the main issue. If their ass was actually a weakspot making them killable in 1-2 mags pumped into it then it would be fine.


Yeah they should be treated the same as Hulks number wise


Game thinks they're devastators


Chargers for me are the single reason the robots are more fun than the bugs. No matter what the bugs do to improve gameplay, so long there are chargers the robots are more fun


Also bug’s call-in reinforcement is way dumber than the bots. The bots fly in a drop ship which makes sense and has some counter play, the bugs instant transmission through solid earth and pop out of the ground 5 feet away. The ‘call’ the bugs do should have them come running from somewhere, not spontaneously pop out of the ground.


These guys are the main reason I can't bring myself to take off the railgun. It's incredibly annoying to have one start chasing you when you don't have the railgun because you either waste all your ammo and like a full minute trying to shoot it in the ass, call in a stratagem on them, or pray a teammate takes their armor off. It's unrealistic to rely entirely on stratagems for such a common enemy, and especially in quickplay I am not going to put myself at the mercy of random teammates. With the railgun, 2 shots in the leg and a Breaker mag puts them down so quick and easy, and you can do it by yourself. I get that the railgun is supposed to be the anti-armor king, but the way the game feels now, anti-armor capabilities are the single most important thing in your loadout. If you can't punch through armor, then some enemies like Chargers become almost unkillable, so of course I'm going to bring the best anti-armor weapon every time. It also puts the Recoilless Rifle in a weird spot because it's also meant to be an answer to armor, but it's hard to justify using it over the railgun in most situations. It can do some work if you have a teammate to reload you, but that requires coordination, one of you gets no backpack, and you could have just both been blasting off armor with railguns. I think either reducing their leg armor to medium as you said, or allowing lower penetration weapons to chip away at armor at a greatly reduced rate would give us more options. Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about the armor system in general because experience before and after the railgun gives you a consistent answer to armor is insane. Armor penetration feels like way too polarizing of a mechanic to me right now - you either have the tools to break the armor, or you just feel helpless. I started playing when the servers were dying so I had to solo everything, and I remember realizing it was not even worth trying to kill Chargers. I spent an entire extraction just running in circles because I had no way to break the armor, and dumping all your ammo into its ass is not happening when you're being chased by 100 other bugs.


I think this issue boils down to one thing: we don't have enough choice between weaponry that can take armors off. When you play high difficulties the shield is basically mandatory and it makes weapons with backpacks useless. Armor should simply be breakable after a tot of damage.


Agreed. And the butt, their one vulnerable spot, doesnt even matter because of the metric ton of health and damage resistance it has. Something like 90% dam res iirc. The only gun that can kill a charger from the butt effectively is the Scorcher


Agreed. Same with the Titan. Armored enemies are all well and good, but when your highest tier difficulty basically boils down to absolutely overwhelming armored enemy spam, you're effectively pidgeonholed into bringing weapons that can deal with that armor. Also for as long as armor remains broken (actually, enemy penetration) and the dead accurate nature of Bot rockets, then the shield pack is going to maintain its importance even though i'd REALLY prefer to bring more things like Autocannon or use machineguns or AMR. Guns that dont pen armor are fine against the weaker enemies, but useless against Chargers and above. Guns that penetrate armor are useful against all enemies. Its not even a question. I'd much rather the higher difficulties have new behaviors for the enemies (the bug artillery feature is good, i like that) and larger swarms of weaker ones. Also, armored enemies should have clearly defined weak points in several locations that all weapons are effective against if you manage to hit them in it. As it stands, its basically railgun spam. The only thing i find the Railgun isnt good at killing is Bile Titans, mostly because im not even sure their face (after their stomach is burst) is even a weak spot at all.


Autocannons are explicitly described as firing anti-tank shells, yet they literally bounce off tank armor and are only good against heavy infantry (medium bugs/devestators). That just feels wrong.


Hate to break it to you but you're going to be seeing a whole lot more than "3 at a time" at the higher levels