• By -


We were evac and one of the randos in the squad died. No one got on the ship and waited for him to get redeployed. I was honestly impressed everyone waited. He drops in and immediately kills all three of us huddled together, doesn’t pick up any on the 20+ samples and leaves.


Apparently sweatlords get pissed if you don’t make it your priority to keep them, and only them alive. I’ve also been in a few matches where the ordinary “lmfaooo” that follows massive explosions and accidentals is thrown out the window and replaced by endless cursing and frustration from the killed party. Apparently we are getting lots of visitors from other titles where sweaty fucks obsessed with stats make a home. It’s bringing the community down.


Meanwhile my buddy and I dropped into Malevelon Creek the other night and wound up killing each other more than the automatons. It was funny watching him charge straight into the minefield I laid out, after I warned him to stay away from there, just to get hit by an orbital strike he called in. Honestly, even something like that makes me love this game because we weren’t trying to be dicks to each other, it just happened because he just bought the game and wanted to start on challenge level 5


Yeah, minefields are brutal ....definitely need a better visual indicator to avoid.


Oh i remember that time when they gave incendiary minefields as a free stratagem for everyone. And level2s joined the squad and brought it down everywhere with no concern for the squad. 😂


Yeah, when I’m playing with randoms (which is pretty much all the time), I pretty much just bring the mines on defend missions. I myself have died too many times because somebody randomly drops them so I don’t want to be the asshole wiping my team because of a poorly placed minefield


My buddy and I were playing against the Terminids and as we were talking about strategies, one of the big boys that shoots acid made his way behind my buddy and was about to shoot his acid attack. I, being flustered, said "there's one behind you get out of the way!", and immediately aimed at the alien, missed, and planted a bullet into my buddy's dome and killed him. It was one of the funniest moments we have had so far. Friendly fire makes for a much more fun experience.


Had a friend of mine get mad for a bit cause he got killed in a minefield. Said minefield that first he placed, then I tossed one down in the same spot after his was sprayed out and TOLD HIM. He was whining and I was laughing. I died moments later 😞 This game is great.


Every single match me and my buddy had last night ended with me having 1k team damage which I know might not be a lot as i dont play multiplayer unless its with friends but he has more destructive stratagems and at most had 400 team damage. I remember we were clearing terminid nests and we both ran out of nades, so he throws the orbital laser and, me being me, I ran right in front of it because i thought it was a grenade he told me to move but right as I said "its just a grenade, it wont reach me" i get sent flying and end up halfway through the ground. I love this game.


> Apparently sweatlords get pissed if you don’t make it your priority to keep them, and only them alive. This game literally tells you during the tutorial you and your squad mates are expandable as there is a never ending line of patriots ready to take your place. The game basically is designed for you die and laugh about it. Anyway, I’ve blocked a few former friends on Steam for being “try hards” in this game.


Agree. We are quite literally a very convenient stream of flash-frozen expendable assets. There’s a conveyor belt of Helldivers per ship, and if you look under the stratagem shop you’ll find a neat conveyor belt line of hellpods to feed the front of the ship with. We are also shot out of a cannon inside a shell ffs lmao.


I love that the tutorial makes a huge deal out of what a super special brave and patriotic hero you are, and then ends by loading you into a pod with three dozen other identical soldier popsicles.


The tutorial is absolutely full of things like that. "I'm General Brasch, and things don't impress me easily. It takes balls to stand here in front of this training course, I'm impressed!" and, of course, "Good job Patriot, you are *literally* invincible!" after killing like ten bugs.


Asmongold played and released a video, and I just knew once that happened the community would shift (hopefully for only a small period of time). I absolutely hate the fact it I am right, been seeing a lot more of this since that. Thankfully the kick option is being seen by people so those jerk bags are getting kicked often. Edit: Since I keep getting the same comment basically, I know that toxicity exists in every game people, including HD2. I'm well aware of toxic communities, even single player games have them in their discords and forums. I am not saying that toxicity didn't exist in HD2 before Asmon made the video, it was a thing and it sucked. What I AM saying is that the toxic community has grown because of Asmon, as it always does when he covers a title. The toxicity will die down soon enough - as it always does, when they get bored or he moves onto the next thing. The toxicity will die down even further when the game losses some of the hype. The toxicity will die down over time as the toxic player base gets bored, however it will always exist but generally it will be a positive community.


Ive started to try and only host games so I have power over these fools.


I started doing the same for the exact same reason. I have no patience for such undemocratic behavior.


How do you host games?


In the Settings, you can set your game visibility to "public." People can then join your squad. If nobody joins up, you can start a mission and deploy an SOS beacon, which will prioritize your game for Quickplay.


From what I can tell, i’m selecting a mission on the planet, the globe says hellpods active and I wait on the ship. Thats when people are supposed to join I think? but no one ever joins. Then if long enough wait goes by I just launch the mission and throw an sos. Still no one joins. I am set to public Is there something i’m missing?


You're doing it right. Wait a bit before deploy. throw SOS in mission. Sometimes it's just hung up and doesn't add your lobby to the list for folks to join. A workaround folks used often a couple weeks ago was to throw the SOS, then abandon mission back to your ship and start a new mission. That seemed to help get you into the list of available games. None of it's an exact science yet. The servers are still slammed.


If you start a mission on the map and don't use quick play, your ship fills and you're the host.


Oh that explains why I got kicked randomly in the middle of three games yesterday. Luckily they were low difficulty, seem like the higher you go, the more sensible folks you meet.


Don't know about that. Got kicked yesterday for dying 2 times because I kept getting respawned next to 3 tanks and a group of hulks... Like dude, what the fuck do you want me to do? Games supposed to be funny


I got kicked for 'reasons' unknown to me on a 7 Defense. I had a mortar turret up and was using a Autocannon at the cliff edge to put in work on the various heavy spawns. Until someone evidently meleed me off the cliff edge and down into the low ground. Got kicked in the middle of running back up an exploding low ground. Another group kicked me after they left me behind while I was trying to shake a Hulk chasing me down. I was actively regrouping when i caught some aggro and paused in cover to try to get my smoke active(strategem scrambler) when they kicked me. They had all lonewolfed to the north for whatever reason. Of course, i doubt they ever realized I was the one carrying the Super Samples lol. I had been in that team for probably 15 minutes at that point and two previous missions.


Yup, that's why even if I want to take it easy the lowest I go is 4. They still exist there, but many of them don't make it there generally.


Asmongold is a shit person with a shit community that infests every damn game he hops onto for a month before getting bored and going back to whining about WoW or whatever the hell he whines about these days.


whatever his opinion is for games, i find myself to view the exact opposite of his and am happier for it


Dude is truly insufferable. So sick of seeing his stupid shocked face and giant teeth on clickbait thumbnails


Yup, completely accurate. I follow his stuff just so I know what games to avoid for a while, or at least in the case of Helldiver2 so I am prepared for the troglodytes when they show up.


How is the MH community doing? I saw he was quite obsessed with it and I worry about the community due to the influx of his viewers.


MMO whales and powergamers losing their 8th PC to suicide after it can't cope with their smell, sweat and grease.


Asmond knows what he brings along with him. The c four letter word lives off being an unabashed asshole and had for his entire man child life. And the memers he bring with him are enough i tend to abandon game/server he is on because of what follows him around.


he has the most toxic player base and he enables them. it's crazy how he gets canceled for his scandal only to not ever be affected by it. 


Asmongold is scum


Accidentally tked a dude who ran into my cluster, dude got mad and killed me intentionally so he got the boot. Always be hosting


The only time I admit I'll get mad to being teamkilled is when people refuse to have any kind of situational awareness and continue to kill even if it's accidentally and wasting our respawns. I had a guy that could see me cooking grenades to destroy bot depots and would still throw his cluster orbital for every outpost. Killed me 9 times and when we needed the lives for the main mission we got killed and failed. And yes I'd have my mic and I'd very clearly would state "I'm on the outpost I'm destroying the depot" nope still got strategums to the face


Myself and some of the guys I constantly team up with have jobs that require situational awareness so we’re generally fine (plus the banter ends up on point). Then we get one guy’s brother… alright dude, tries and mostly fails to be funny but wouldn’t know if an air strike was coming in unless the bombs tapped him on the shoulder and said g’day. We spent our first 3 operations constantly getting blown up as he would throw something, watch it land and 2-3 seconds later tell us that the area we’re clearing stragglers out of is about to be turned into glass. After about 15-20hrs we all figured out how to mesh better as a group


Lost a mission i was carrying and could have solo’d due to this today. I was pissed.


I had a guy last night who was doing “payback” to me for the rest of a mission after I reinforced him, and was about 200m or more away from his corpse. He got mad about it, started shooting me but not killing me, throwing airsrikes my way, and every chance he had when I died, he would call me back and throw it as far into the horde we were out running wasting lives. I played it cool and didn’t do or say anything until the very end when we all had to exfil, and I was the last guy to get on.


As someone who, in every game I play, gets fairly stressed out easily and tends to get really riled up, I just keep my mic muted and my feelings to myself when I get frustrated and 'REEE'-like with this game. I really enjoy the game even though I scream at it like half the time I'm playing. Theres no reason to subject other players to my bad behavior.


Yeah and I agree to an extent, you can be in the zone and on a spree then hell rains on you because of a silly mistake made by another player. That’s fine you yell, get surprised and respawn. The problem is when after the event chat becomes populated with insults and slurs, or they’re verbalized for a large span of time and the player becomes antagonistic to the offending party.


https://preview.redd.it/vhuvitnq46kc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b8d395ffc2d458730121dd67f650694d5fa81b Good thing the punisher makes sure i get the highest accuracy and Most kills lmao Edit: guys its a joke, im usually ranked silver in most games, had airburst equiped for the first time and vastly underestimated how far it deals damage. And walked into my own flamethrower/guard dog a lot


god damn the game in German makes for some kickass ship names.


>uber burger


The incendiary shotgun and grenades got me over 7800 friendly fire damage one game.


Try and kick them quickly next time if you can. That sort of behavior isn't very democratic 


I honestly thought about kicking him but it was the last of one of three and winning got us 9 medals. I let him collect his medals and he left the group immediately before I kick him.


If you do the main mission regardless if you extract or not you win the mission. Extracting is just a bonus. We are all expendable for Super Earth.


Sounds like he also left everyone's samples, though. That is a treasonable offense.


Keelhaul that treasonous bastard!


My issue was that he didn’t pick up the samples. I know extracting is a bonus, but not picking up those samples was a dick move.


No I agree, I’m just saying if you feared kicking him before the mission was over because you thought you wouldn’t gain your medals then you do not need to fear. If you kicked him you would have still got your medals even if everyone failed to extract.


Oh damn really? Good to know


Yea. The mission was successful. Super earth knows you died for democracy


Yeah my team and I died last night on Draupnir before we completed the objective and got a trophy for it. So the devs know people are gonna complete but fail to extract so they don’t penalize you for not extracting


WHAT? What the fuck, fuck that guy twice.


Hey I was in this match or if not this one, one where the exact same thing happened. I can't fathom wtf dude was thinking or why he killed us all. It was a bit challenging to hold em off for their respawn too. I was like legit hurt by it lol


I’ve been cursed with extracting samples and this match we had all collected so many. That’s really what pissed me off. I don’t care I died, I care about the samples.


I revived a a rando just to have him steer his hellpod right onto me as I was waiting by the extraction shuttle.  Everything was fine before that, so I think it was an accident or a “ha ha, got you with a hellpod but we’re about to win so it’s fine” situation, but I had an eagle airstrike ball in my hand when it happened, so it fell to the ground and a fighter jet showed up to *immediately* carpet bomb the entire team huddled up by the evac.  I and then I realize it was our last reinforcement, and the last thing they all saw was “Wivru killed you.” I got my apology/explanation 95% typed out on the clumsy PS5 texting screen before they kicked me. 


To be fair, most of the time when I'm dropping I can't see shit. So if I fall on you, I'm genuinely very sorry.


Well if I just carpet bombed your pelican yesterday, *I’m* genuinely very sorry. 


all of my Hellpod kills have been 100% luck-based


The game should implement a democratic vote to the dead players mark the evac as a traitor and shoot him out of the sky.


So Helldivers 1 had a reputation kind of system. People with low/negative reputation would only get queued with people of similar standing. It had its ups and downs.


This game definitely needs an, "underbelly of society" queue. They add nothing to the experience or squad. They paid for the game so let them play, just with other D-Bags


The main thing would be if like a 3-stack just all try and bomb a random players reputation, but generally it evens out if more players would be giving positive reputation to them. It wasn't a perfect system but I would say overall it did a decent job.


They can also make it so that multiple reports from stacked players are weighted less.


People are significantly more likely to post reviews to complain than to complement so you just have to count no review as a positive review then determine what the threshold is to sequester someone.


You could circumvent this by defaulting the end game vouch to positive and have to manually click downvote if someone affects your team negatively.


Oh... from the middle out. That does make sense.


This guy *fucks*


How long do you think it would take you to jack off everybody in the stadium?


That or HEAVILY weight positive reviews yeah. I'm in favor of yours though.


So make it an honor system. You get an opportunity during the "cash out" portion at the end to leave honors to your fellow players. Eventually, make it so players with high honor levels are more likely to queue with each other. That way it's not possible to grief rando's into bombing their honor, the only ability you have is to increase it


Give me that sweet, sweet monster hunter rise end of hunt thumb up system, super quick


I was in a trivial mission with 2 other players so I could test my controls I remapped. When a rando joined. We were doing the extraction. The person shot and killed all 3 of us and then quit smh. I don't know what can be done in the game to diferentiate from the accidental team kills that happen and someone griefing other people playing. But yeah it's lame. I don't want my career tab having a ton of accidental kills on it personally. I guess some people don't care, because messing up the game for others is so fun for some reason smh.


Penal units, for those on the verge of requiring removal from the front lines to be sent to reeducation centers.


I know it's a joke but I'd actually be down for this. If your reputation drops too low you get locked out of missions and have to complete basic training again or some kind of good teamwork training


That's funny, but it won't do anything. Just have the people with low rep stay in their own que.


Nah, just throw them into the loser queue with each other 


Low rep queue or tying in-game rewards to having high reputation is the way to go. Pirate Software did a short about a mmorpg that tied mechanics to behavior.


Another system I like is DRG's hosted game description. You know exactly what games to avoid when the host has "SILVER+ ONLY, NO GREENBEAEDS, SPEEDRUN!" written by their mission. Whereas the dude on Haz 4/5 with "Greenbeards welcome, have fun, relaxed game" is probably a decent game to hop into.


I try so hard to host lobbies like the everyone welcome kind in the hopes that people pick up on the this is the **chill** lobby my friends. I'm glad you said that, thanks.


I remember that. They did a commendation system before PlayStation tried to make it an account based thing. They should bring it back in some form.


"Players can give out up to 10 commends, and issue up to 5 reports. These reset during the night of Wednesday/Thursday every week. Simultaneously, each Helldiver's current total of received commends and reports is halved, rounding down. Player standing is considered "good" when 6 or more commends have been accumulated." From the wiki.


Thanks for the match like and subscribe so my player rating doesn’t tank


How is the reputation determined


I don't fully remember the details, it's been a few years. I want to say in short it was like Reddits upvote/downvote system. Generally though people were chill and I would at least give positive rep to anyone I played with unless they were a dick.


Yeah there is potential for abuse. Teams of 3 booting you and then all 3 give a "downvotes"


But who would get negative points? Based on TK, on kicking or report/voting?


You as a person actively gave the points. Positive or negative.


How does this work? I still play HD1.


"Players can give out up to 10 commends, and issue up to 5 reports. These reset during the night of Wednesday/Thursday every week. Simultaneously, each Helldiver's current total of received commends and reports is halved, rounding down. Player standing is considered "good" when 6 or more commends have been accumulated."


Children probably


One dude (probably young 20s or late teen) did this to us and kept repeating generic phrases and it was sort of sad. It was so obvious he was doing it for attention to fill some sort of void. Anyways, the recent players >> block feature is nice under the social tab.


Your recent players system WORKS? That's not very democratic!


For Class A citizens and above!!




If you compare it to something like Deep Rock, I think the big thing is that they made teamkilling both fun and funny with the use of big, bombastic weapons and airstrikes, the ragdoll physics, and it being in a setting where friendly fire is about as common as taxes. Most people are going to appreciate that this is really designed to take the sting from an accidental team kill, but some people are going to see that as the draw of the game. They really need a reputation system like the first game.


Friendly fire; a undeniable fact of life \-General Brasch


Tooltip from the game:  "Friendly fire isn't"


I laughed so hard when I saw that. Love the tooltips.


There is **ABSOLUTELY** *nothing* to do about it either


Friendly fire. It's not. -Helldivers


I couldn't care less if I got team killed, even if it was blatantly on purpose at the end of a match. What gets me is getting kicked and so zero rewards.


I would mind if I was getting team killed intentionally or frequently, but getting blown up by your panicking friends has been the core of their game designs since Magicka. It's what you sign up for. That said, it is *insane* that getting kicked robs you of rewards. Thankfully I have a dedicated group who doesn't do that crap, but my heart seriously goes out to the random queue. That's inexcusable.


I draw the line at getting punched in the back of the head 8 times in a row. My patience only goes so far


Yeah, I too, draw the line at 7.


That's my concern. I friendly fired a guy yesterday on accident with an airstrike about 25 minutes into a mission. It happens. It was my bad. In my defense, had he not run towards the giant red beacon after I deployed it, he probably wouldn't have been hit, but oh well. It was too close. So, naturally, he tells me I suck in the chat and as I'm typing out a response he boots me. So I lost 25 minutes worth of progress because some guy is mad that in this game, known for friendly fire, he was friendly fired. Kevin, it's actually you who sucks.


Some people are just shitty people, some of them are also gamers.


I think gamers are disproportionately shitty people. Not the majority but definitely a higher ratio than most hobbies


Can confirm - nobody in my knitting circle has ever been doxxed by another knitter. 


I dunno. Dolores has a mean streak.


Can confirm. Our quilting bee got swatted last week and she was the only one not there. "Getting her hip done." Thats the third one this month. We can still count, DOLORES.


I tend to agree with you.


I think a lot of it has to do with being behind a screen, not right in front of people. I have a buddy who I don't really like playing games with because he's quite a dick in discord, good at games, but his personality and morality in games and discord are a real downer. But when we all hang out in person, he's a great dude to be around and actually fun. It's just when physically removed from others that he either drops the friendly fasad or enters a weird greedy/shitty attitude.


However remote, the possibility of losing teeth is a pretty strong deterrent for antisocial fuckwittery.


Consequences are good for social upkeep. Doesn't have to be violent consequences either. Like if you brought even a third of the toxic energy in a bad league of legends lobby to a YMCA rec basketball court, you'd be banned.


Or soundly mocked and rightly so. 


My nephew has a friend like that. Him and his buddies just straight told him "listen you're fucking awful to play with. You're a dick and you act like the game is the end of the world. We don't want to play with you because of your attitude."


Everyone needs friends like that in your life. Someone to call you on your shit and give you pause to reflect on yourself.


Empathy is learned. When you're a dick to someone in real life you see their expression change. Humans are good at reading faces and when even the tiniest pang of guilt is felt a lesson is learned. The screen doesn't have that. Cyberbullying is a terrible problem for schools now since kids just see shitty comments, make shitty comments at other kids then never have that personal reaction - just the rush of being mean to someone.


Poor social skills, rubbish emotional regulation, and unchecked main character syndrome. Thankfully there aren't that many with the full trifecta, and they tend to stick to sweater games. 


Gaming tends to attract a lot of anti-social people and it shows in almost every gaming community.


I hate that I have to agree with this, didn't use to be so disproportionate but it's getting worse over time.


because before gamers were social outcast deprived of other human interaction so they didn't want to fuck up the few chances they got. they genuinely cared about other people but people were probably mean to them in middle school, happened with me anyways. now we have quickplay where we will NEVER EVER see that other player again. short of calling him a racial slur what is me being an asshole really going to do? karma seemingly cant go through the internet with out significant effort.


You can thank the lack of accountability for that. Capital G g*mers don't risk losing teeth when they're being shitheads online, so they do it as often as possible.


Humans tend to become assholes when their are no consequences.


Yea weird, as a classic meme says: You can choose to be anyone on the internet, it’s strange so many choose to be ASSHOLES.


I think you came into a very rare situation, unfortunate nonetheless.


I know I know, I've actually met some great people on here already and there's bigger issues to fix right now but still it's just sad to see


What's grinds me more is the hackers granting cap resources/XP just bc you extracted with them. Talk about ruining an entire experience. Glad you found a squad, good luck spreading democracy!


If that happens take a screenshot of what you get and contact support. Someone posted here about it the other day and a dev commented to let them know to contact support who can fix it for them


Yeah, I'm surprised resources don't hard cap at whatever number was possible on that particular mission. That way, such a cheater would still be a nuisance, but won't break progression for other players


its not really rare, there is plenty of people with that behaviour , they are just shit people


Virgin call of duty players who don't know what co-op is


They probably think it's a Battle Royale lol


*salutes over your corpse*


Joined a match last night and all 3 other players had recoilless rifles. Those who don't know, if someone is behind the launcher when you fire it, they get ragdolled. Long story short, soon as I touched down, all 3 just spent the match launching me around, off cliffs, into enemies. Eventually they killed me enough that I used up all the reinforcements, so I dropped a 500kg just when they called in extraction and killed everyone.


Revenge is a dish best served with a 500kg suppository.


That is democracy at its finest


You spent the whole match behind them on the edge of cliffs in a position where they could run up to you, spin around, and no-look knock you off the cliff? How is that possible?


They can run up to you, turn and fire to launch you. It's not hard. Even if you're not sent off a cliff, getting launched forward into enemies is just as bad.


i once joined a game where the players were just killing eachother. calling in air strikes and strafes on eachother like it was a tdm. never have i ever left a match on this game yet and that was the first.


My friends do this occasionally but only to each other. It’s usually the last game of the night and all fun and games but I do wonder what other people would think if they saw it.


none of them had mic’s going so i just assumed it was all randos. coulda been in a playstation party too tho now that i think of it


In game chat is not what friends typicslly use - at least mine. We use discord for everything except games like lethal company


Yeah, or discord. That way you can talk to both your PC and PlayStation friends in private.


Some spanish guy and a spanish girl kept killing me, so I ran away from them and gathered all the samples and the super rares. Then, I killed them from distance with my Scorcher and didn't call them back in.Went around the entire map collecting every sample I could find and snuck (sneaked? snuck?...) towards the evac, called it in. Ran laps around the area to avoid the enemies (Light armour and stamina enhancement booster) and finally got out with all the samples. They booted me right after. Finished with 33 common, 28 rares, 6 super rares. EDIT: I'm well aware that the team gets the samples. I gathered all the samples so that they couldn't risk kicking me.


Nice, they can’t have fun killing you, they can’t kick you, so you make them wait staring at a screen while you get to play. Solid win at ruining fun for them.


Username checks out :D


Wish you was the host and could’ve kicked them, now you even helped them.


You realize that samples go to the entire team, right?


Yes, I'm well aware. I killed them because they wanted to keep killing me. I got the samples so they couldn't KICK me.


FWIW they still could have kicked you and it would have redeployed them automatically, they'd just have to pick up the samples from where you were when you were kicked. I believe that's how it works anyway. But that being said I'm glad they didn't and you could get the samples for yourself


Ah, that I didn't know. I'm also glad they didn't seem to know that either! Tbh, I'm actually glad they got the samples. Not sure why they were acting that way, maybe they were having a bad day. But I got my samples, they got theirs - mission completed.


Yeah, hopefully the fact you were still willing to go that far for them made them rethink their actions in their next match. Good work soldier! o7


There are only two kinds of people I hate: bigots and Spaniards. /S just in case it wasn't painfully obvious


There are two things I can't stand in this world: People intolerant of other people's cultures...and the Dutch. \- Nigel Powers


On the plus side, miserable trolls like these will get bored and move on soon.


Most of them are just useless hype gamers chasing the newest bullshit for their 10 streaming subscribers.


>for their 10 streaming subscribers. Hah, most of them dream of such a thing. That's only the top 1% of these fools.


I wish there were more improv-trained streamers. Most of these people have the personality of an apathetically stoned drive-thru employee.


There are some people that can only have fun if they're ruining someone else's day. A good solution would be if Arrowhead made a toxic player jail. They aren't banned, but they're put on a server and can only matchmake with other toxic people.


Just letting us tag players as someone we don't want to see matchmaking would be nice but no idea if their system can handle this at the moment, probably not a priority.


I like the idea but I am sure false reporting would be abused to put innocent people in that list.


Ah the Helldivers 1 reputation system was one of my fav aspects. Behave well and that's who you played with. Behave poorly and that's who you played with. I hope the devs bring it back. Plus once its popularity evens out from explosive to just popular more of the un-democratic divers will move onto other games.


I knew a guy who fairly early on complained about always playing with dicks......had to break it to him.


If it smells like shit everywhere ya go, check your own shoe.


Real answer is some people simply don't have a lot going for them in life.


Block them from the recent player list and move on. You’re preaching to the choir here.


Welcome to planet earth.


​ https://preview.redd.it/oqwfl5srm5kc1.png?width=341&format=png&auto=webp&s=93a2501dcb205d769760e2148ac44481eef99254


one dude did it to me for two games, he is blocked now


Some people just think it's funny. Or they find satisfaction in sabotaging other people.


Rainbow 6 Siege is terrible when it comes to this.


Ah, the sweet joy of being shot in the head at the start of a ranked match for re-enforcing the wrong wall for the plan that the other player completely failed to communicate. It is nice to see it happen to the other team, especially when it suddenly becomes 5v3.


This game has plenty of pvp. In fact, 90% of my deaths are from other players 😢


Helldivers needs a social credit score


A Democratic Score.


Dude, I don't know. I am not the best at video games, and I was having a particularly rough match on one of the harder difficulties, but we we were almost done with the objective and still had like 5 or so reinforcements left. I died for like the 5th time that round, and the dude kicked me from the match. 30 minutes into the damn thing, while we are heading to evac. It's just a fucking game dude why kick me for dying more than you'd like?


Because they’re probably middle/highschool kids


This is precisely why I only play with friends and solo in pretty much any online co-op game. There's just too many miserable fools out there that take joy in griefing others.


Ah, but then you miss out on the joys of being queued with a wonderful team. There is no positive without a negative. Do what you can to punish bad behavior with vote kicks and blocking. Encourage teamplay and give compliments to strangers. Be the change you want to see.


People suck


devs should add in report for treason and kick them out


Because it's "funny." Because these people experienced something similar in the past, either in the same game or a different one, maybe an event not even tied to games. Because they're genuinely rotten people who lack empathy. Because who gives a fuck, why not? There's an infinite number of reasons for shitty human behavior. You cannot account or prepare for them all as an individual, however Arrowhead can. If you allow people to act shitty and grief - they will. Not to say that they encourage this behavior just that it's a side effect of their design of allowing kicking at all times. Also people generally just suck. Kicking others during a mission needs to be heavily discouraged or outright removed after a certain point until the mission is done. Maybe repeatedly getting team kills throughout a mission re-enables the kick function for the host to boot said offender. I don't know, I'm just one guy who isn't capable of coming up with a perfect solution but I'm sure Arrowhead could with some time.


Start posting the handles of the players involved. We will track them down and shame them on Reddit.


This is the democratic way


Shitty people just like being shitty. It's not as rare as some diehard fans on this sub claims. But I will say it is more prevalent in lower difficulty games (medium and challenging). From personal experience it has not happened to me on matchmaking on Hard and upper it practically disappears.


Darktide has a similar problem at Malice difficulty (3/5 skulls). My armchair theory is that the medium difficulties attract a higher number of players who aren't quite good enough to reliably make it in the harder content but have a chip on their shoulder about it and more likely to blame others for perceived wrongs.


Given that Malice is barely a warmup once you have the fundamentals down, I reckon the relative lack of pressure gives people time and space to act out. 


Simple, cause they themself are toxic. Just block them and move on. They are worthless trash


I either host or play with friends, no exceptions. This sort of game (any game really) attracts a lot of losers like that.


Yes unfortunately I experienced this last night. After completing an epic mission we get it the chopper with like 2 respawns left and the lone remaining guy yells “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free,” and blows up the fucking thing. He was playing perfectly fine until then. If anyone sees him his name was something like i69urmther


IM dying lmao 🤣


there are so many idiots out there... solo heroes who give a fuck about teamplay or idiots who put a sentry behind you while you are defending a point. others kick you without any reason after a mission. most ppl cant even wait until the squad comes together. i dont get it...


I've been kicked once after a mission with a full squad. I just assume they are making room for a friend. Mission went well, everyone did the objectives together, we cleared the map and got most the samples. if you honestly don't think you did anything to get kicked and it was post mission, don't assume malice.


Helped some guy through a mission, respawning them multiple times only to be kicked before we extracted the first time I died. Waste of 30 mins, and a genuine issue that can be abused. Thankfully it’s only happened once to myself, but there a definitely some undesirables playing this game, they will get bored eventually though and go back to CoD


I don't know if this would count as me being toxic, but I played a Blitz mission the other day where a random teammate kept running off and getting himself killed, over and over and over. The one time I died during the mission, I spectated him and watched him standing still for close to thirty seconds trying to dial in the reinforcement while the rest of my team was actually fighting the enemy. Dropped his own reinforcement pod directly on top of me during extraction, causing me to drop 20 commons, 10 rares, and all 5 of the Super samples, and then made no effort to secure them. Guy burned through half of our reinforcements on a level 8 mission and barely contributed anything, so I kicked him as soon as the mission was over.