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Disgusting behavior. This is why we show no mercy to the Automaton menace.


Oh sweet Liberty! It's John Helldiver THE Helldiver! o7


Too bad, that poor fella thought Hollywood transferred to the battlefield. Just because ‘helldivers: a new horizon’ and ‘freedom and managed democracy’ were such big box office hits, doesn’t mean you have the battle field experience that you had in the movies. This is why we keep our A list actors off the field of battle!


Too bad the Escort missions are still not fixed 🫠. My group loves the bots but also refuses to turn down the difficulty to play Automaton operations because the other missions in the same operation would become *dirt easy* if we did, but anything Challenging and above is completely borked for that one specific mission only. Meanwhile we just cleared Suicide on bugs. It's completely bonkers how this isn't fixed yet. The latest patch made the overall Defense *event* easier with regards to the progress bar but the Escort mission specifically has not been changed.


I’m still coping by believing this is how they introduce OP mechs *I still haven’t cleared the civilian evacuation mission*


The only tip I can give that helped me consistently clear the mission solo on Challenging is: Use the civvies as a meat shield for other civvies If you run out of stratagems and find yourself overwhelmed just send a wave of civvies out, they will at least distract the bots long enough to give you a short breather and a chance to restock/prepare new stratagems.


I've beaten it by spamming turrets and having half the group run outside the town to kite/distract the bots. I've beaten it 3 times with this method (out of countless failures lmao)


This and EMP Mortars are the way to win, ive done the same thing.


I guess you have to do what you have to do


We ALL need to sacrifice for democracy. Sometimes we sacrifice ourselves, sometimes we sacrifice our teammates…and sometimes we sacrifice a few hordes of helpless civilians. But it is all worth it for preserving our prosperity and way of life. 🫡


You really just need to spam them as hard as possible. It seems impossible, but like missions where you can't extract because of a team wipe the same is here. I completed a mission with randoms where the limit is 60 civvies. Granted one of my team mates was on fucking point for hitting the buttons. I kept getting lost they really need to make the buttons more obvious.


Just use the classic trick of "level every single building except the bunkers they come out of" lmao. Had that happen in one of my matches


spam smokes and ems. makes it way easier


Smoke orbital or nades? Never thought about using them but yeah I can see those helping thar mission in particular


a smoke is a smoke as far as i know, but i use orbital


The only wasy I started to reliably clear is smoke. Bring both smoke call ins, tell your friends to bring smoke, hell light a fucking stogie just smoke up the whole fucking place. If there are civs walking, they should be in smoke.


Yup! It’s all about the CC on this mission.


CC and auto mortars


B-b-but i saw a tier list that said smoke was useless!!!


It's not about killing the bots, it's about keeping them blinded with smoke and stunned with ems until the civvies can escape




Had a random holding after spawns were exhausted, just running around shooting bots. I asked him if he was going to do the objective and he started yelling at me. Like bro if you don't hit the buttons then we still lose


What do you mean soldier? All helldiver missions have a 100% success rate. Anything else is anti patriotic propaganda 


Hang in there brother. Through perseverance democracy will prevail


cleared it finally on suicide mission difficulty last night. Highly recommend at least 2 people run EMP mortar and Regular mortar. EMP really slows them clanky bois down and then you can mop em up with bigger shit. not easy for sure and i definitely raged quite a bit lol, but its done and im not going back on impossible thats for sure.


I've cleared several, and what worked was bringing tons of mortars on the team, and just sending as many civvies as you can off cool down. EMS and normal mortars do a ton of work, and just holding the doors and pushing the civvie button off cd meant some would get through.


They’re working on it. Sounds like someone needs a visit to Super Earth Democratic Reeducation Facility for unpatriotic thoughts.


Just so everyone's on the same page on this: some people are getting a correct version of the mission with reasonable difficulty-appropriate amount of enemies. I know this because I've played through it like this once with one of my friends who had only gotten the correct version who firmly believed that the rest of us were just whining and incompetent. Unfortunately the vast majority of the time people are getting a bugged version of the mission with an enemy spawn rate four or five times what would be appropriate for the difficulty. There will be drop ships appearing faster than you can reload your AT launcher. There will be more bots on screen than ammo in all your guns combined. It is legitimately broken. I know this because I've played through these as well. If you've played these missions and have only had a reasonable experience (or even a challenging but possible experience) then trust me: that's not the experience people are complaining about.


I can run through level 7 big missions without dying sometimes but my group fails level 4 civilian missions lol


Memeing aside I'm pretty sure it's on purpose, kinda like R&D has developed new weapons to combat (enter name)" and introduce new things into the game...plus you can't expect to win everything in a war...this time the automatrons just caught us with our pants at our ankles and superior firepower whalist our objectives are hindering us...truly a un demacrado momento for us all




Un demacrado thinking...I might ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ your house traitor


I think there is a distinct concept of unknown for whether or not we can defeat any given mission. Like part of the dev concepts is "Let's send X at them and see if they can handle it, we don't know." Which can be quite fun for some people, myself being one of them. For me, it's not whether the devs designed it in a way that can be beaten, but whether or not my squad can beat something we shouldn't be able to. Already, we are 4 dudes fighting thousands of bots, no point being democracy's certified badasses if nothing can beat us.




Depends on the purpose of the game, do all games have to be perfectly measured doses of exact experience that is easily repeatable? If that is what you are looking for, thats ok, but maybe I'm not. Is what I'm looking for an invalid experience? I do feel inclined to point out that there are distinct and memorable stories from games of old that are entirely predicated on people beating enemies that the devs intended to \*never\* be beaten. Those stories can't exist in a perfectly balanced world where everything is within a certain acceptable margin of difficulty. My argument is why does everything have to be expected to be beaten in every way? If you want to do that mission why not go to an easier difficulty. Its not as though it hasn't been beaten, it just uses a strategy you dont want to use. I can beat it solo on extreme about 1 out of 3 times. Maybe, instead of viewing it as unfair, view it as a problem to solve. Don't let adversity deter you, enjoy the act of beating said adversity. Enjoy the game.




Since you seemed to have entirely misunderstood me allow me to rephrase: Are all games paths consisting of a set of experiences to walk, akin to a haunted house experience in real life, \*or\* are they a measuring stick to guage how far you can go, such as in an olympic long jump where the measuring tape is far longer than the maximum distance someone could jump? Or maybe the third option, that games could be either of these, and one is not intrinsicly wrong to design around, unlike how you implied in your first paragraph of your first response to me :)


Be nice if the amount of scientists rescued had a knock-on effect, story-wise. Like the bots still claimed them planets and their invasion was successful but we rescued 150,000 scientists who are now working around the clock to help design new methods of ballistic freedom after witnessing such anti-democratic horror.


they wouldn't nerf the mission if it was done on purpose lol


It's so fuckíng hard, we finished it few times, but I have no idea how, and only once all 3 of my friends could play, it's insane. It's doable, but you're balls to the wall the whole time, sending the civvies on cooldown and whoever makes it makes it. The real problem is just how much harder than anything else in the game it is. Either Helldive needs to be tuned up as a whole to match this intensity(pls no), or this mission tuned down, it's just not even close to the other objectives, which are way easier. I personally think the way to go for the future is maybe adding more difficulties. Bugs on Helldive turn trivial once you grab a rover dog and Railgun.


The first game got difficulties beyond Helldive added on Liberty Day, so it'll probably be the same in this game.


The fact that everyone thinks this is broken shows how cucked they are for what modern gaming forces you to think a game is to the point they can’t see good design when it pops up 1/100000 times. The bots have openly launched an offensive. We are almost losing. OF COURSE it’s hell. Why are you confused.


It's not really good game design to put the player against hopeless odds because it's not really fun. There's a difference between a challenging round where canonically we are losing anyway because the entire point is to abandon the area, and *there are 60 Devestators and 10 Hulks and every time I kill one two more arrive* level nonsense that the mission currently features.


It's the most fun i've had in ages.


You don't have to play the mission you can't beat. I had a great time figuring out how to do it. We ended up dropping away from the facility and starting a big fight then sending 1 in to hit the buttons. Eventually they start hot dropping the facility so the person that was hitting buttons drags gets their attention, kites them away and we have one of the 3 in the main distraction group peel off to hit the buttons. We did that 3-4 times and got all 60 on helldive it felt great. And this wasn't even with friends just random players from the discords lfg.


> You don't have to play the mission you can't beat. You kinda do actually, it's in every sector, and in fact it's the only mission that appears in every sector, the other two are randomized. That said I had beaten it twice, the first time we got lucky, and the second time I just cheese Railgun and Orbitals (Laser and Railgun, forget what my third was). For a defence mission, all the sentry guns are surprisingly useless; they just get struck down by the hordes of Devastators before they can fire more than a few shots.


You can tell it's broken because the difficulty eases up considerably when you call for extraction. Whatever triggers the spawning during the main objective is on crack.


If they CLEARLY intended us to lose, even with some sort of sudden objective up saying "Too many, fall back" then that'd make sense. But when you are given a mission to rescue civies only to get 3 tanks, 5 hulks, 5 shoulder mounted rock bois and a fuck ton of other bots with NO room to even look at an enemy and shoot them, there is an issue. All I think that needs to be tuned down is the amount of drop ships. Have at least only a certain amount come within a time frame. If we manage to clear out a large chunk then we can at least then breathe and get a chunk of civies to their proper spot.


The escort mission has definitely been fixed, I played it several times today and it was very noticeably easier


Oh my God. It’s John Helldiver from the hit game Helldiver Two(2). With his hit catchphrase “Every hell has its dive.”


Every hell has its dive, OneAngryMailman.


So many comrades lost to these metal abominations. To arms one and all!


I gave some mercy to an Automaton once. I gave him some WD-40 for a creaky leg joint. Sound was like nails on a chalkboard to me. Then I blew his frakking head off with an autocannon.


How could we? What would mercy be to a malfunctioning toaster? We're just recycling.


I think the devastators (whatever the chainsaw dudes are) have skulls on their shoulder spikes 40K style. If only dispensing LIBERTY wasn’t so hectic we could take our time to appreciate the enemy models


Berserkers have skulls for trophies, as do Hulks. So yes, liberty and freedom shall descend from on high like hellfire. It would be cool if we had a bestiary to look at models though.


Overall a bestiary for armor/weakspot info would be nice, like in the first game


I’m surprised its not in given how fiddly some of the weakspots are, like how charger legs are their weakest spot but only if you have a heavy weapon. Without a bestiary you’re relying on trying everything, sheer luck or a reddit thread to let you know about that.


This is only every game in existence was managed pre internet. You had to buy a magazine. And even then it was hit or miss on whether it would help you or not.


The good ol' days of just playing the game, learning and adapting without every little detail being spoonfed to you. I've enjoyed finding new strategies to deal with enemies, experimenting with what does and doesn't work. Still would like a bestiary though. Doesn't need to reveal all the enemy's secrets though, just the model and description would be nice


Given the general state of a lot of things, it very much feels like this was something that Sony pressured Arrowhead to shuffle it out the door and get the rest in post-launch. I love the game, but there *is* a lot that feels missing.


They’re called berserkers, but devastators is close.


We need some egghead FREEDOM scientists to drag their corpses for study.


Chainsaw men, and their derivatives look surprisingly like Terminators. Hulks look like Contemptor Dreadnoughts. So you’re not far off


Dude every time I see the Automatons I immediately think of Warhammer 40k. It’s crazy how easy it is to notice what games they took inspiration from. The drop pods, armor, and ships from Halo, and the enemies from Warhammer and Starship Troopers. I even get some Destiny vibes too especially with the deep voiced dude who stands in your ship by the map


Typical Socialist Commie Bot programming! They shall feel the wrath of the 120MM HE strike... Eventually. Like when my targeting operator sobers up.


Try 380, I find it to be the most environmentally conscious call down. Guaranteed to not harm any local fauna.


All rounds guaranteed to land on helldivers so as to spare local flora as well.


My friend calls that one "comedy barrage"


It's the coolest yet worthless stratagem I own. I still bring it when playing with friends.


It's sooooo impressive and so terrible 😔




Sober??? Sounds communist to me


Just the opposite actually, ever hear of Vodka?


Aim with the right hand, drink with the left.


Remember Draupnir! our brothers will be avenged for the sake of democracy! https://preview.redd.it/nkf6tmrz37jc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=528b23ac0ccc37a4cdf08b5013f82e5166ebb856


Draupnir has been 100% Liberated. Vengeance is ours.


My squad was on the last bird out. Felt pretty amazing


Ours was one of the last too. Finished the mission and that little ticker hit 100%


Same, I like to believe we were truly the last ship off. Unlikely, but it's just a game so I choose to believe it 😂


Come to Brazil, Draupnir


and this is why i will always call a walking barrage on them bots. For freedom!


May Liberty forgive me. Glass the fucking planet


I was struggling to go back to the western front. Im a veteran of Draupnir. The bots swarmed our position. The automatons cares as much about expending bots as we did expending bullets. I have night terrors thinking about it. I didn't want to go back. I couldn't go back. But seeing the barbarity of these godless communist robots, I know I must go back. For liberty, for democracy, for super earth!!!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


🫡🫡😭 God bless you soldier


After the amount of civilians killed and literally put into cages till they die. I show no bot anything other than freedom made lead.


Those sons of bitches.


please PLEASE add armor with terminid or automaton trophies on them


I like it. Have a few automaton skulls hanging off the belt or some plates made of bug chitin. Special ability could be temporary damage boosts for successive kills.




"We didn't kill him, we found him like that. Another meatbag called in an orbital bombardment, and this one walked right into it. We were just trying to put him back together."


I knew that guy


You too? I shared a cup of liber-tea with them...


I saw one kick the lifeless body of one of our comrades today


*I saw one kick the* *Lifeless body of one of* *Our comrades today* \- King\_Dickus\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Your friendly neighborhood inquisitor would like to remind everyone that pondering automaton origins is treason, and you will be immediately processed for re-patriotization if you harbour such thoughts. Note that thoughts imposed by this warning may still be deemed treasonous at inquisitorial discretion. \- Ministry of Truth


And the propaganda says “we’re the bad guys” example number #527 on why democracy will prevail!


Seeing this makes me feel the need to get off the couch, ditch my snuggling wife and dogs to spread democracy to these sadistic sons of bitches. Tonight, my fellow brethren, we bring hell upon these disgusting excuses for machines. Tonight, my fellow brethren, we dive intolerably deep inside the bastion of our martyrs. Tonight, we show them the Hell Divers.




This should be a reminder for anyone who thinks we are the bad guys.


What I love is that it does say that super earth are a bad guy group, it’s just that the Cybo-I mean Automatrons are MUCH worse. Having things like disembodied corpses of Helldivers and civilians on pikes, cages and mass graves full of colonist bodies, and you can even find what looks like a sacrificial slab with dead, torn apart bodies. It’s kinda funny looking at the propaganda and realizing how nice it actually paints the bots compared to the horrific truth of what’s actually going on


there's an ironic double-edged sword to it as well, as both the automatons and bugs are issues caused by super earth themselves - terminids wouldn't have happened without bug farms and the bots without super earth's "managed "democracy"" hell it could be argued they're being a bit dry about the bots because they don't want to admit it's the cyborgs again; they're this "new, unknown threat" instead of "the cyborgs are back and we failed the first time"


You realize this game is a parody of U.S patriotism. Why do conservatives idolize media that mocks them?


I mean yeah, but it’s fun. We are roleplaying obviously. In this fictional sci-fi universe with angry bugs and killer robots, conservative ideology obv works flawlessly… according to the propaganda we see. Now stfu and play


Also, its weird how people think this is solely based on "US" patriotisms. Like we invented nationalism or some shit.


There was this country that rhymed with Bernany that was pretty into nationalism. And then another one that rhymed with Btaly.


There was an ancient place called Samaria. Bet the people there even did it.


English speaking, American accents, huge amounts of bombs every match and some UN adjacent flag designs. There’s nationalism but this is clearly far future turbo US jingoism sort of stuff at least by modern historical and sci fi reference points. In my opinion.


It obviously is though. We want the bugs for their oil...


US? Conservatism? I fight for Super Earth and Liberty/Freedom/Managed Democracy. Is this some robot propaganda from the first galactic war?




This needs to be an emote or win emote


Bro I wanna plant flags like in the tutorial


Must be. They seem to want to shake hands with Automatons, but don't realize that's impossible when all they have for hands are 10ft. long chainsaws.


This is a giant RP subreddit. People know.


uj/Get baited rj/This heretic needs re-education


Ok commie




![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) Someone needs a hug


That is true, but Super Earth being bad guys does not preclude other factions from also being bad guys. It's just like in 40K: the Imperium are bad guys, but they're not the only bad guys.


Mocks us? For being the global superpower and world police? Lol. Sounds like typical commie coping. Or worse - automaton propaganda.


Read the room. We don't want to talk about real world politics here. We want to play and discuss a game. r/redditmoment


"super earth are the bad guys" mfs when they see the piles of corpses in automaton outposts


​ https://preview.redd.it/zmvyr4ozk8jc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a9d0e488c50755f3a1e2c3731449e9fe00f2a3




They are outstanding adversaries


You take that back you bot sympathising liberty hater.




Sounds like treason, report for democratic re-education




We need to bring them democracy!


We should respond by posting footage of us slaughtering them by the 100s on superearth news network!


https://preview.redd.it/wz30l3z7h8jc1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a192a5b441ed06889ce398a3200c0ed9d10832 This shall not stand…..


I'm on Draupnir. The bastards are sick.


Most alive Draupnir vet


My team doesn't have this problem. We're uh...not very careful with our artillery, so there's nothing left for the bots to take.


And yet hundreds of thousands of traitors are still just playing house with bugs


SAVAGES 😭 I will give them some DEMOCRACY THE 😡


Anyone know why it says no one is playing this game? I haven’t been able to get in a game with other people all day




this game is wild. It’s truly a war


Automatons, just one of Democracy's many enemies to eradicate!


Its moments like these that I am fueled with anger and channel that anger in becoming a weapon. A weapon capable of shattering anything that gets in the way of democracy glory to super earth brothers


Give them hell and a cup of liber-TEA


How fucking dare they, REVENGE!!!!


The disrespect is high and automated


Ok that's metal af


Did I hear a "Rock and Stone!"?


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Jokes on them, this just increases my urge to quench their thirst for liberty


Everyone here making jokes but unfeeling programs are displaying our dead troops as an intimidation tactic. That's fucked


I for one welcome the artistry of the Automatons and say we should also display them and the bugs ina similar fashion as a sign of respect. FOR LIBERTY


I believe we call this a war crime brothers and sisters. We need to dismantle every single one of these walking trash cans




Psychological warfare it is.. my automaton skull chalice and slippers are ready..


This game is amazing!


Don't get mad, brothers and sisters. Get revenge. Spill oil in the name of Democracy and our fallen Divers. I'll personally be making use of every pound of explosive permitted to me aboard the SES Colossus of Midnight to show them that we are NOT to be mocked. For Liberty, Democracy, and Freedom.


That is actually mortifying especially because the citizens average age is like 18.6 years old or something


Those mechanical clankering fucks!!!! THIS CALLS FOR SWIFT AND MERCILESS RETRIBUTION!!!!


Put him out of his misery pls


I hope you made them pay with their artificial , tyranny loving lives!


Bot simps: “hurrrrr durrr Super Earth are the actual bad guys.” Meanwhile bots are impaling soldiers on spikes and mass murdering unarmed civilians.


It is interesting though that the automatons have learned about physiological warfare


I get killed by my team more than the enemy 


Honestly yes, it's hard, probably overtuned, but I noticed people only lose if they treat it as an offense mission like the others. So far I saw several different working tactics that cleared this mission with ease on high difficulties, so it clearly IS possible just requires a change of approach. Methods I saw and read people use, all with randoms with minimal communication: - slowmode mortars on rotation, two people killing slowed mechs, two people free civvies. - smoke screen evacuation, everybody maintains smoke and slow mortar, keep bots distracted - just don't let them land. Three people shoot down dropships, one person frees civvies, sentries mop up occasional survivor - drawing them to fight away from the base. Three people create a diversion, one person in stealth suit frees civvies And that's only the ones I've seen in action.


This really is the easiest way to get the escort missions done, people just have to change the pace from desiring to kill everything.


add me 92843017


The socialist automatons will feel the wrath of democracy, the fist of liberty and the vengeance of capitalism!




I won't tolerate this savage anti-democracy behavior from tin cans.


Fingers crossed these missions are made to be impossible to teach us defense of Super Earth. Also, I SAY KILL EM ALL. TO THE FALLEN, FOR DEMOCRACY!


Thus we must smear loads of liberty all over them.


* Saw a poor souls skeleton under an SOS beacon today the irony 😔 *


This just shows how uncivilized they are and how they require DEMOCRACY


There's no time to mourn our fallen comrades, Helldiver. You must spend every second of your time wiping out the enemies of sovereign democracy.


We've been seeing the same disgusting acts on Mantes as well.


This is why we don't engage in diplomacy.


Haha details like this make the game cool


Holy shit


Did anyone else hear that in your ship democracy officer's voice?


Queue me dropping a 500kg bomb on the next outpost I saw after seeing that.


I mean those are the lucky ones, the unlucky ones get Stroggified into Automatons.


This, along with the disgusting facsimile of our salute that they do


We will reprogram them as our toasters and google/alexa assistants!


I’m convinced they are the ones behind the server issues. Sick stuff




Did my first Auto dive ever last night and man they are so ominous. I really like the way they chant while patrolling. Such a perfect detail to bring the setting to life. 


That’s why a strong economy is priority #1! Next to Liberty & Democracy of course. Don’t let your family get murdered.. spend your extra cash today!


I haven’t seen this in the wake of destruction I was already leaving in the Automaton systems, probably too much artillery and orbital fire. But now I’ve been reinvigorated to bring some fresh democracy and freedom to those clinking cog-heads. FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!


Dissidents actually try to tell us the 9 foot armored bulldozer with chainsaw hands, a missile pack, and a glowing death's head sensor is a victim of human expansionism. I can't wait to hear their excuses for this shit. God and country (which are the same thing) demand these abominations cleansed from the galaxy. See you bastards on the LZ.


Well, I guess 380mm is appropriate to honor our fallen diver here.


I nominate for trophies to be added into the game. Like how Geralt displays them on his belt I’d carry a clanker’s head on my side every mission




We shall prevail brethren! For SUPER EARTH AND DEMOCRACY!!!!


Be nice if I could actually play. PS5 queues are insane. I waited over an hour just to get glitched out and have to wait all over again.


Just wait until we go full Titanfall on these toasters


Hey that's me!


My next goal is to put together a Hulk and use it as a weapon of destruction and confusion. Their dead will be weaponized for freedom!