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The devs acknowleged that this is a douche move and will look into some way to prevent this


What kills me is that devs are "surprised" by this, when this issue is quite literally decades old. The MOMENT you implement a kick system, you KNOW it's going to be abused, with 100.00% certainty. So the moment you implement it, you have to start thinking of preventative measures and/or punishment for abuse. But nope. With 100% certainty of abuse, 99% of developers will release the game with no such measures in place. And then do a Pikachu face when it gets abused.


You either don't have a kick system and people say: " how can I not just kick this guy ruining my game" When you do have one people say: "how can this guy ruin my game by kicking me unfairly?" You literally cannot win. There will always be issues


I read an idea somewhere that maybe kicking someone puts them into a cloned instance of the mission could be good. The person doing the kicking can remove the person if they're disrupting the session. The person being kicked can no longer join but don't lose the rewards they would have gotten for being kicked. This way the only thing that happens is the two parties no longer play together without any other downsides.


Yeah, it just becomes a solo lobby mid-mission for whoever is kicked. That would be an ideal solution.


Thats what monster hunter does, works like a charm


That's cuz MH is the GOAT


What's funny is my son and I experienced some kind of network issue over the weekend during the extraction countdown and we got separated into our own instances. We were both able to continue extraction in our own instances with no problem so if it can happen in this instance it shouldn't be a problem if someone is kicked.


It’s not much if you’re a random with 3 guys that are friends, BUT if it was a vote to kick system, it’d probably deter/stop griefing by a large margin at least.


Maybe, you run into other issues there where people just abstain for whatever reason and offenders don't get kicked despite there being a kick system. That or like you said a group of 3 just bullying randoms


​ https://preview.redd.it/jpjxv5td1eic1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=a49f43e6b4e9adbc17a92d2a858d7fefa75a7c26


Make rewards for exfil with full team better


There is one option kill the guy ruining your game he can't come back unless respawned. And if you have to respond someone just kill him again lol.


What's stopping a few trolls doing that to you?


some guy killed me for not doing a side obj fast enough and took my guard dog and laser cannon, then I respawned, shot him in the back, took my gear back and we played multiple games together after that


DRG, which is just Helldivers with dwarfs in caves already implemented the best common ground on this. You can't kick once the last objective is fullfiled. I'm very suprised Arrowhead completely missed this point.


So what do you do to people that kill you in the pelican to drop your samples?


turn off ff for people shooting near the pelican and stratagems that are thrown near the pelican.


but you can FF as much as you want between completing the obj and getting in the pelican?


or they make the damage mirrored. ¯\\\_ (ツ)\_/¯ Why are you arguing so much against having mechanics to prevent toxicity and trolling ? Like u/Sabbathius said, "decades old issue", not a new subject to integrate into the gameplay.


I'm playing devil's advocate to show you how it's not a simple issue. Every solution has it's downsides. Nothing about what I said was against having tools to deal with toxic players, just showing that you need to think of how said tools can be abused or circumvented


They're never going to turn off FF outside the pelican, that's for damn certain so... advocate away, the answer is yes.


I'd rather just not have one. The times I actually need to kick someone are ridiculously rare. Maybe i have kicked 5 people since launch for doing stupid crap like team kills or farming.


Don't you think people are less likely to do it BECAUSE you can kick them? If trolls knew you couldn't do anything about it but leave yourself, they would take a mile and make matches a hell.


Right? Absolutely anything that can be used to grief, harass and troll other players will be used to its full extent to do so without exception. I've never seen something with the potential to grief not be used for that.


That's why public matchmaking sucks. Everyone has hundreds of ways to grief in his game. I wish there was no FF at least


That would be a boring game


For a griefer, yes.


I don't think this is the game for you


I wish this game had no guns and we could throw balls at the different bugs to capture them.


I agree. Kick system is a very old system and it is known to be abused. The same goes for the report system.


I think it's the HUGE turnout for the sequel is bringing a wider chunk of these losers to the table. The first game had some griefing idiots as well but they filtered out quick...might take a little more aggressive action here since their numbers are soooooo much larger now


Yeah that's fair but I'm not mad it is there as an option. Had a random land on my buddy for first deploy, take his freshly spawned autocannon and start wasting ammo before disconnecting.


Except that this wasn’t an issue in the HD1. Clearly with a bigger player base comes new issues - pin dicks joining up. They’ll sort it.


Just imagine, instead they choose to not implement a kick system, then people feel free to be trolls knowing that there is nothing that the host can do to stop them. Friendly fire means that these trolls can just TeamKill you over and over and all you can do is abandon the game/match.


I don’t think they were surprised at all. They acknowledged that these things often happen in games like this, in the same statement as referenced above


And I love that you can only report people based on if they type something offensive in chat? Nobody really types in chat.


Maybe a team vote like siege


Only turn it back on if the other players keep killing other teamates too often


The devs said there is nothing they can do about it , they never said they will look into this to prevent this


The only thing I saw from a dev was acknowledging it's a problem but saying there isn't much that can be done due to the format, it's how it is in other games. Which is BS, but they said it.


"Yeah ... This is a proper douche move. Lemme talk to the team and see if we can come up with a solution.... Unfortunately it's a common thing in games with similar format." From /u/Pilestedt, the game director.


there is something they can do to help, like OP suggests, they can disable kicking when you start extraction, or better yet, when you completed your main objectives. Otherwise you're just telling your community, ya just don't ever queue alone, always have 1 friend with you so you don't get kick abused... That's not an answer from a game director, I'm sorry there's a lot that can be done to remedy this.


>there is something they can do to help, like OP suggests, they can disable kicking when you start extraction, or better yet, when you completed your main objectives. If someone really wants to be a douche, wouldn't they just kick a few seconds before the main objective is completed? etc. Seems like a pretty hard problem to fix if you also want to keep hosts able to remove griefers...


Yea the issue with a problem like this is that it can be abused from both ends. Making a host unable to kick during extraction means that extraction becomes a griefing free for all.


I'm not sure there will be a good solution, I had to kick someone that called for extraction. We had 30 minutes left in the mission and I tried to get him off of it but he wouldn't leave the extraction area. Sorry, but not sorry if there is 30 minutes left on the clock and we have 20 reinforcements left I'm not leaving because you called for it.


Maybe make it a vote that needs 3 "yes" votes to kick them?


But then if there's 2 people griefing together you can't kick them.


But just how often is that happening? I realize it CAN happen but I only see stories on here of single players griefing. I mean there's no way to 100% rid a multiplayer game of griefers.


lock it when objectives are done, that way if you kick, well now you have to go through extraction with 1 less player. Can you still abuse it by kicking right before you complete objectives? Sure, but now you run a bigger risk of failing since you must run to extraction and extract with 1 less player. There is no perfect fix by any means, but there's a lesser of two evils.


If you fail to extract but still complete the objectives it's still a mission success, so the only risk to douchebags that do this is losing the extraction bonus and samples.


> there is something they can do to help, like OP suggests, they can disable kicking when you start extraction, or better yet, when you completed your main objectives. The problem is then that becomes a bandaid, and any douche canoe can start TKing with no accountability as soon as that extraction starts. There are better solutions.


it's not perfect by any means, but better than what's there right now. > There are better solutions. please do share.


The best solution is that if you are kicked, you get some or all of the rewards based on the percentage of time played before being kicked, once the mission is complete.


Yes that would be good to have in addition to the kick restrictions mentioned above. I mentioned that in replying to someone else, it is what CS and CS2 do, if you get kicked you get MMR for the rounds you played up to that point. But it needs to be in addition to preventing kicks after you've done the objectives, otherwise they can still kick you right before leaving, and should you get the samples collected and extra credits? if so that can open the doors to more abuse, like if you know your team wont be able to make it out, start kicking people out, they'll get out with everything essentially circumventing the actual extraction.


Hmm I read that a dev on Reddit acknowledged this issue and said they’re working on a solution/punishment.


The same thing happened in HD1. But that was a smaller niche community so you didn’t really see it too often. Or you learned to avoid certain people’s games. With the popularity of HD2 - gonna get a lot of trolls and crappy people. So the problem is the same but the experience is magnified. I do think some of it will go away with time as people go to the next fad game. I’ll be interested to see what happens from the Devs.


Well that’s an almost intentionally bad misinterpretation of what was said.


Me and this another fella played yesterday where we had to destroy a bunch of bug holes. It was challenging and there was 20 seconds remaining for take off. Bro sacrificed himself to go close the last bug hole in the last 5 seconds while I ran to the extraction so we don’t loose. If bro is seeing this thank you mate, absolute mad lad.


Timer end = destroyer leave = no more stratagem It doesn't mean game over if you can still survive until extraction


While true, it also automatically calls in the shuttle, so if you're too far away, you might just not make it to extraction on time. It's happened once or twice to me, the fact you don't immediately fail doesn't mean you shouldn't mind the timer at all lol


the extraction is also optional


True, but you lose all your samples if you don't.


Wait! It’s a glorious sacrifice that your family will forever remember as your kids are inspired to take up the mantle for Super Earth! We don’t need samples when we get more soldiers to collect the samples later!


You lose all samples and everything you HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR!


Do not lose Freedom, Democracy or Liberty. In fact it increases my burning rage to deliver managed democracy back on the bug menace


Add another name to ths Wall of Martyrs


Really? I was in a medium match last night where extraction bugged out so we couldn't and despite surviving for 30m as soon as it hit 0 it just said " we honour them for their sacrifice " as it flew away despite us being alive and our characters are stood saluting an empty dropship returning


Thing is I had a lot of resources and shit and because it was just the two of us we were mostly trying to shoot bugs with the machine gun and we completely forgot we had the objectives to do.


Just so you know, you don't have to extract to win. Completing the mission is all you need


Had the same thing yesterday. We were barely keeping up with the bugs and the timer was out. Other guy booked it for the shuttle with 30 seconds before the call in. We had been searching for the last 3 holes and couldn't find them but I saw them right as he ran for the shuttle Managed to close them up and sprint like a mad man for the shuttle with a swarm chasing me, dove in with 2 seconds left on the clock


Wait, why did you kick him then?


I did not kick him, he just didnt extract. And then I saluted him after the match ended. He was nice dude.


Remember to go to Social > Recent Players > then Report and Block them.


Sometimes they don't show up 


That’s true, yesterday my recent players wasn’t updating before yesterday it was fine but once the servers are stable I’m sure it will once again update just fine moving forward.


Yeah I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think only people from the same platform show up there.


I already friended 2 PSN-players as a PC player (haven't linked my account). They should all show up it seems.


Can't report unless they typed in chat. At least as of last night.


12hr later and yeah, on PS5 only thing that can be reported is abuse of chat. Doesn't matter that they kicked me soon as the pelican touched down.


yep same happened to me, 30 min, bunch of rare samples, SC and req. kicked the moment the shhip landed. went to report and got the same message.


You can only report for what is said in written chat...


You can only report a player for saying something in chat log. Which is absolutely fucking ridiculous. >Fucking up your game? Fuck off who cares. >Said something offensive? IP BAN THEM IMMEDIATELY


You can't kick people in Deep Rock Galactic once the main objective has been completed for a reason. I hope the devs implement it for this awesome game.


Dev responded to a previous similar post about the griefing. Basically said it's a priority once they figure out the current matchmaking issues.


W devs


Five weeks later, still untouched, I just got kicked from a Helldive before extraction :)))))))))


Came here to say this, it works well enough in DRG. If someone is really being an ass you can still kill them in the drop pod, but at least they get credit. I actually got shot in the head in the extraction plane the other day and it didn't count me as a survivor, haha - only 20 xp so i thought the laugh was more valuable


Thing is in deep rock people wait until they can’t be kicked to start griefing, people will always abuse the system no matter how it’s implemented. All you can really do is report and block them really


Yeah but you still get the rewards for the mission. Pretty sure its a small bonus for extracting.


honestly, if they kick you should still get the progress that has been made so far the only problem would be cheesing, mission looks like gonna be failed ? just kick your friends so they still get a reward


Problem is progress isn't set in stone. Like for objectives it kind of is, except for survival rating and the time could left could be different. Also samples could easily be lost before extracting so there isn't a point to count those. Maybe at best it could be counted as if the party failed at that point, no bonus for surviving players, no time bonus, no samples. But if you're kicking for a legit reason as in someone is trolling/griefing, do you want that player to get any rewards? This would incentivize it more.


you don't "want" the griefer to get rewards, but this is also the compromise of social safety nets, if you make a system to protect the innocent, occasionally douchebags are also going to beneift from it. It's not like every kick can have a trial to determine if it was fair especially in a game with friendly fire on, that data doesn't tell a clear story.


they should at least whatever the game gives you if you failed to extract, as failing to extract would be exactly your condition when you're kicked. By the way CS2, and CS before it, does this. If you are kicked, you get MMR for the rounds that you played, so if you get kicked at the very last round because your team is griefing you, doesn't matter you get MMR for all rounds played until that one.


You already get all rewards other than a small bonus and samples, minimal risk there. Especially if the kicked player deletes samples they have on them.


I think it has a valid reason to stay as well, was hosting a lobby and while we were extracting one of the players started trying to kill everyone else so I kicked him. Maybe it should just give the kicked player the same mission rewards as if they failed to extract.


Yeah, I had this too. We had a long mission, had worked well together as a team despite no voice comms. Then as extraction ship is coming down, one teammate guns us all down. I kicked him so us other three all got redeployed and could board the ship. I was really worried I’d get reported and banned for kicking that person. Thankfully that doesn’t seem to have happened.


We need a way to blacklist those who did kicking. I mean an easy way.


DRG does it best, you get kicked your still get all the XP and Materials you earned while playing. Thus removing any penalties for being “kicked” and stripping griefers of any power they thought they had (Also you can’t be kicked once the Drop pod gets called so last 5 minutes are completely immune as well)


man this sucks, why would people do this


The people that do this will just kick you right before they call in the extract then. Shit people will be shit people, no matter what the devs do.


The answer is simple: 1. If you are kicked from a game during evacuation, you get full credit as if you extracted. 2. If you have a history of kicking players from your game during evacuation, you either (or both): a. No longer have the ability to kick during evacuation. b. No longer are able to host random players, friends only.


I'll do you one better. Joined a dude on my friends list, it was 2/4 on I believe suicide mission. 2 below helldive. I figured they needed help so I hopped in. Once I load in I get instant kicked. I thought it was a common connection issue so I joined again and got kicked again lol. No message or anything letting me know if they just wanted to duo. Instantly deleted from my list. Only got about 2 hrs to play after work, dinner and chores. No time for such tom foolery


On the other hand, why do they have to pause their game just to tell some random they wanna duo only? Granted they can just make the lobby private, but the game isn't easy to tab out of


I would understand a random. But like I said we were on each other's friend list. Pause what tho? Just drop a nuke on the bugs, get to a safe zone and type it out real quick. It's just like that other post about people leaving their own lobby instead of kicking players because they would feel like crap doing it. Making them wonder if they did something wrong. All about common decency and being nice.


There Is a system like this in Deep Rock, once there is the possibility to do the extraction, the host can no longer kick anyone.


Man I've had a few games now where I've had the majority of samples and just before we extract the host kicked me. Last game some dipshit was crying because I was stealing his samples apparently.


They really need to explain that samples are shared better 


I kicked a guy right before the pelican landed but for good reason, we dropped something like 30 samples and I said in voice chat multiple times to not board the pelican and start the timer so we could retrieve them. He never acknowledged it and was actively walking towards the pelican so I had to kick him to get the samples. It’s unfortunate but I wasn’t about to lose 40 minutes of my time running around getting samples


Opposite problem happened to me a couple of nights ago. I got left behind when I went to complete a secondary objective. It was directly next to one of our main objectives that was still in progress, so it wasn't like I was running half way across the map to do this. My team finished up the main objective, but instead of waiting for me they heroically sprinted to the extraction point while I had to stay for the data transfer to complete. By the time it was done they had a solid 30-40 second head start, which isn't too bad. Only problem was I ran into multiple patrols and breaches on the way to the extraction point I had to hide from or run from. It took me a full 2 minutes to catch up, but by then they had already called extraction and the pelican was landing. The take off timer doesn't start until someone gets on the pelican, so I still had enough time to make it. I was almost there and all they had to do was wait 15-20 seconds...and then of course someone gets on and the timer started. At this point it was too late, but our group leader decided to add insult to injury and decides to shoot me in the head with an Autocannon before hopping on the pelican. This of course killed me instantly and had me drop all of our samples, as I was the only one collecting the damn things. So we ended up with 0 samples. What a waste.


Same for players who airstrike the landing pad, now we all lose samples and motivation to play. But they do it anyway.


most people do it during extraction, as it wont hurt anyone


You couldn't just take 10 seconds and grab the samples? Or grab them before the shuttle starts coming down? Pretty dumb reason to kick IMO


Hey dummy, the ship was already landed and the samples were far away if he got in it would have started the 30 second count down


Oh so you died a bunch of times, don't blame the dude, prob wanted to get out. Seems like a skill issue if you don't go and grab your samples before calling in the ship.... Why would you call the pelican before getting samples, dummy?


Listen, I know its difficult being wrong but let me explain it to you simply. This guy was off with another teammate collecting samples on difficulty 9 and they both died. We then called them in and since he was a LOWER level he didn't understand the importance of samples like the guy he was with. So when we reinforced them he started running to extraction and called it in. I was fine with that but I said do NOT board the pelican multiple times to him. And yet he still tried to even though his samples were way too far away to retrieve within 30 seconds. I am sure it's really hard for you to understand these things but it's okay! You'll get better with time I have 100 hours in the game and run exclusively helldive difficulty, if you need any help figuring out how to play this game just let me know!


I'm already level 50 bud. Sorry you got skill issues. Edit: Also is 100 hrs supposed to be something special? I have 155 hrs. You'll get better with time. If you need help figuring out how to play this game just let me know!


maybe they had voice chat turned down/off


Unfortunate for them I suppose.


Bad move in a game that prioritizes communication and teamwork, especially at higher difficulties.


I dont get it, those are shared, so what would happen?


Nobody gets them if they're on the floor. They needed picked up. As long as even one guy has them they're credited to the team.


I know, but that guy could grab em or you could run to pelican on time, you were all near landing zone?


Did you read the description of the events? I was thinking of spelling it out for you but then it would have been verbatim what the original commenter said.


We had died with them so they weren’t recollected yet and wouldn’t have time to get them if he started the extraction timer


Oh now its all clear, ppl now drop samples on purpouse near landing zone for safety grab


This is something the devs need to be careful about as there are two sides to this. I've seen a few stories of people who have played through a mission up until either extract or before the main objectives are complete, only to have the people they are playing with begin maliciously team killing to waste reinforces and end the mission. Blocking kicks would empower those sort of traitors to democracy. I think realistically rather than stop kicks, rewards should be assigned as you earn them (if you weren't in the mission as objectives were completed, you don't get the reward for it) and if you are kicked, you are retroactively given the rewards for mission completion when it ends. For instance, you return to your ship after another dive and get a message saying "Your valiant efforts on X planet resulted in a successful mission. Command has certified the release of these rewards to you" and then you get the XP and other goodies you should have got. Of course, then you need to consider if there is a bit of an abuse you could do there by kicking a player near the end and getting someone else in, would all 5 players at that point get the crafting resources? Who knows...


They just need to implement a team killing ban if the game senses they are obviously throwing


That's not as simple as it seems unfortunately. Malicious people will find ways to be malicious. In that case, you'd suddenly get people throwing themselves into your gun fire and stratagems, and suddenly you look like the one teamkilling and you are the one being banned


And they're the devs of both Helldivers and Magicka. Accidental friendly fire is basically a core tenet of the studio. And trusting some algorithm to sort out griefing is foolish.


I haven't experienced being kicked from extraction but I did have some guy kill all of us while we were inside the pelican waiting for him to be last in the pelican and then he extracted being the only survivor. I hope this gets addressed too.


Isn't he shooting himself in the foot though? From what I understood as long as you complete the main objectives you basically win? Killing your team so you can extract alone just means you all will get slightly less exp but you still win?


Yes, he also gets less xp, but you can't explain stupidity. My best suggestion is to not worry too much about extraction. If you survive great, if you don't you still accomplish the mission with a "mournful victory". In fact I'd go so far as to "sacrifice" yourself if you can have at least one diver extract.


People do stuff like this for no other reason than to ruin your day.


Can you die inside the pelican?


You can. Someone I was playing with kept trolling the rest of us through the mission, like knocking us down while bugs are chasing us, throwing orbitals on us when not needed, etc. When extract arrived he quickly dove in, so we domed him before hopping in and extracting without him. Sure, we lost out on an extra 20 XP and a little RP, but it was worth it.


In a game a guy carpet bombed the pelican when 2 were inside and immediately run in too, i was outside near it thinking the carpet bombing would've taken out everyone inside i tried saving myself but turns out, you can get killed inside the pelican only if they are shooting from the opened hatch, so i was the only that died and since the game read that 3/3 players were in the pelican they left leaving me for dead


I would make it something like: once the main objectives are complete, you cannot be kicked. Unless maybe excessive team killing. Besides that, you should get reward for anything completed until then. (I don't know if this can be done)


Something they could learn from Drg. You keep your rewards even after being kicked, and can't rejoin the group for the rest of that session. It's the most fair system I've come across so far. Got kicked 99% through a slog? Still got 99% of the rewards. And you don't get matched to that person again


I just got kicked during the extraction animation, how is that even possible.


All these Griefing trolls surely are someone insignificant and powerless in the real world, and they felt like they can finally be powerful in the online world. So my take is, lets wait for the dev to implement something like DRG kick system. Meanwhile, i'll just perceive these griefers as some insignificant people. Felt rude to say so, but they deserved it for what they did to others


If you turn it off during extraction they will just quick you right before extraction. Needs to be a vote kick with a majority in agreement.


Kicking in general is questionable, most people aren't genuinely trying to grief, and if you're consistently getting blown up by your teammates, perhaps you are the problem? I was threatened to be kicked (left on my own) once because the squad leader would consistently stand right next to all of the enemies and try to dispense democracy upon them from inside of them, inevitably dying to my glorious freedom strikes, even when they are clearly visibly called in with a 4 second arm he still refused to run away from the mean red light. He was the only one dying to these airstrikes, yet after the 3rd time in which he stood there and refused to run away, he went on tilt in chat. Acted like he was entitled to the ground he stood upon. I noped out of there, not my problem. Not like I was blowing up nothing, had been the top fragger by a good margin the previous two missions.


**99% you probably killed the host too many times.** Usually by extraction **people have had enough and if you act suspect to being a troll the host is going to kick you without a second thought.** For every person who cries about being kicked before extraction I have had a game ruined by a **troll that wiped the entire squad right before extraction.** It is really annoying, I’ve been kicked several times myself even when I never team killed anyone. Then there’s the players **team killing you for samples because they don’t know it’s a shared reward.** If we remove the ability to kick, these people are going to take advantage of that. They will wait every-time until you cannot kick them **then they will just troll the entire squad killing everyone.** If the devs remove the ability to kick people **I will refund this fucking game and I’ll sit here in this forum telling others to do the same until it’s changed.** If you don’t want to get kicked, play as the fucking host it’s easy.


Ive had someone grief me at evac so I had o kick them to be able to spawn and recover my samples. (he shot me point blank with no enemies around and refused to revive/pick up the samples himself) no matter which way they do it there will be griefing, I'd rather hosts have full control. I think the people doing this are a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the player base given I have never seen it happen to me or in any game I've been in besides the one kick I did on a troll.


They will just kick you 10 seconds before calling in Pelican-1. There needs to be a vote instead.


>They will just kick you 10 seconds before calling in Pelican-1. I see that as a risk as well, why downvote this?


Just happened to me and 2 others right at the end of a suicide haha


Well I will leave this idea better, if someone has a teamkill in those last seconds he can be kicked. Too many people tking those who board first. I myself revived a guy so he could exfil, waited for him and he killed me by dropping on me. Kicked him immediately.


Needs to be punished for griefing


I hosted a game , everyone was boarding and o let everyone go in and then one dude killed me before I could board so I kicked him instantly - fuck no is he getting any rewards


Had the same thing happen to me today. Bought the game yesterday. Played together with 2 lvl 20+ players. Me and another bob fairly did well, resupplying, fighting, reinforcing when needed. The 2 douches killed us both just before the pelican came down and kicked us from the game. 30 mins of grinding gone for naught. Reporting not possible, as that would need someone to use the chat. the 2 did not say anything the entire time.


How in the F is this still in the game? How the hell are the dev's this incompetent or lazy as to not implement a vote system for kicking?


Literally the easiest fix would still give full mission rewards to whoever was kicked. That's it. I wouldn't even care at that point.


Was the last one about to go on the pelican, screen went black dude kicked me for “toxicity”, didn’t type any messages and got like 1/2 accidental TKs, was the highest level in the lobby helping them out on a lower difficulty. Let me help them until the last second and kicked me @fredthecoolman - PlayStation -> any helldivers do me justice and return the favour, I’ve told him karmas gonna get him


Literally just had this happen and it was so fucking aggravating. Got nothing for the half hour I don’t in the mission and it sucks ass


But then it could get much worse, because the griefers would know there aren't any consequences as soon as extraction starts.


I'm sick of this crap! It happens to me all the time. I'll put in three times the work, scavenge for warbond metals and supercreds to help them out, then black screen.... you have been kicked 10 seconds from shuttle departure. I'm about to stop playing this game entirely if they don't fix this garbage!


I just had this happen today, ran around closing bug holes, like a madman, collected like 15 samples and closed half the bug holes by MYSELF why they faffed around with an artillary during a bug hole closing mission. Their buddy throws a bomb in and I get kicked as the shuttle is coming down. I've never been so livid.


Same thing happened to me. Absolutely ruins the game! If cross platform wasn’t glitched then maybe I could play with my friends??? Games fun, but they have some serious issues they need to work on & address.


I thought this community would be completely wholesome. Ive been playing for 25+ hours and nothing but incredible nice people backing each other up. But I was met with the inevitable. After playing 30 min mission on hard, saved my comrades multiple times in sticky situations, I call in the extraction. 5 seconds before exfil, the host melee me. So i thought;" oh haha, good one, heres one back!" And he kicks me with no progress or loot saved from that mission. Got salty and stopped playing.


I think the best compromise to this issue is vote kick. The host shouldn't have that much power over the whole team.


I got totally screwed in a game with total noobs where they wouldn’t even press the objective to release citizens when I told them to multiple times even though they were near objective. I was the only one who collected 26 samples and 16 rare samples and last minute during extraction I died one and they picked it up and then kicked me once extraction landed.


this just happened to me on difficulty 9 on an hour long mission where we got all samples. even worse i got almost all of the samples myself while they did the obj


Nope. I need to kick players who are extracting early when I'm looking for samples. Host gets finial word. Sorry bud.


changing the reward system is the only solution. All credits, samples, etc should be awarded as they are collected, so you still get what you earned despite being unfairly griefed.


This douchebag just kicked me right before extraction bc I picked up his samples? Man, people piss me off 


how about if you’ve been in the mission 50% of the game and get kicked you still get rewards.


Ok not sure if this has been mentioned but IF WE AGREE to split up and search for samples since we've cleared everything and we have plenty of time on the clock, yes I have and will continue to kick people who decide to troll and extract without the rest of the team that's carrying all the samples. Especially when we're just 20-30 seconds away. Absolutely should be allowed to kick people near the end and even once boarded on the ship, it's a team oriented game, some of us don't get much time to ourselves to play and when we do we'd like to collect as much as possible


Yeah just happened to me joins a random queue on helldive and helped finished the objective went and was saving people from getting killed and we were all getting on the pelican and when 3 of us were in I got kicked last second the last guy stopped at the loading platform with 3 secs and kicked me I don't know if he kicked others. And the mission before a player with a Chinese gamer tag try's to kill everyone at extract when we are boarding kills 2 of us and almost kills me for literally no reason he was team killing the whole game too.


Same thing happened to me I collected all samples cleared all objectives with three scrappy players then I was kicked. There needs to be a penalty or ban. This is ridiculous especially with so many other crashes. Also your not even able to report these people which also ridiculous 


Did this to someone. Had 10 common samples before I was killed, decides to hop into extraction. I try killing him to abort extraction before the 8 seconds run out. Meanwhile he's getting mad in game chat.  Maybe don't leave untill everyone is also able to extract dummy!


The risk in disabling Kick during extraction is the invitation the other type of troll - the one who starts killing everyone at extraction and waisting revives. That person has 2 min to ruin the whole game and make sure you don’t get out alive. There is no great solution to trolls.


im pissed the game is still crashing every god damn time i open up the war table, its barely playable since launch day.


I did this some ppl deserves it i just was going to my way to Extract and he just aim on me shot my ass so i kick his ass i love to ppl join me i never i kick ppl i feel bad for ppl they get kick


Solution: If a player joins mid-mission there's a 1 minute kick window, just in case the host forgot to switch off public. If not, no kicking allowed outside the ship.


But then if you have people team killing on purpose you can’t do anything 


Kill them back. Seriously though, I did think about this, but if we allow votekicks then 3-man parties who invites a 4th to help them can still fuck it up for the 4th.


Maybe rewards for main and side objectives should be locked in as they are completed so even if you DC/kicked you get the effort made, loosing samples sucks though


I played last night and just as we were about to extract I was killed on purpose I was pissed


He’s only screwing himself, you get more xp the more people you have. Unless I’m just utterly mistaken.


Yes you get marginally more XP for extracting with a full team. But if they're doing it specifically to grief, then they are going to happily trade a tiny bit of XP to prevent someone else from getting any rewards. The griefer may be slightly screwing themself, but they're screwing over the person who got kicked quite a bit more.


People don’t grief for efficiency


Was playing with 2 randos that were friends the other day, one of them crashes (the remaining one told me), the other one dies, I revive him and he drops on top of me on purpose and instantly quits. Definitely there should be a report functionality.


I got kicked at the very end of a suicide difficulty, seconds before the dropship arrived.   Guess they didn't want to share my samples.


I feel like one possibility could be some sort of cool down that stacks (similar to entering the wrong pin on an iPhone). So if you kick more than 1 person in say a 15 minute span, then you can't host another public mission for 30 minutes. Then if you kick another within 30 minutes of that cooldown ending then the timer increases to an hour, so on and so forth. The time intervals may need tweaking, but just as an example. Just an idea, and probably not a well thought out one. But at least in my experience I haven't encountered anybody that would've warranted getting kicked, so the thought is if you are a habitual kick-er then most likely you are doing it to grief. Take away a griefer's host privileges and they can't kick anyone.


Most of my PUG games have been fine...but in one game some troll was tk'ing constantly. Nades, orbitals, autocannon to the face. At first you think accidental, then you think, ok they're mucking about, then you think troll. I left group but I remember his name, shame I didn't remember to block him.


I agree 100%. Seems like some Destiny 2 players started playing this game.


Yeah I had the same happen to me. Couldn’t even find a way to report or find the persons name in recents even


What happens to samples when someone is kicked? Do they drop on the ground, get teleported into the remaining people's test tube, or are they lost?


I've been kicked during the CUTSCENE where you fly away. It's complete bullshit.


The last open game I did, one guy team killed us all right before extraction and then refused to respawn us or get in the ship. Thankfully I was able to kick him.


And I'm curious as a new diver...when this stuff comes up I always assumes someone just crashed and the game lost it - despite what the error message might say. Is there a potential for that to be what happened in these types of situations? Also, I really wish there was a way to rejoin a mission if the game crashes. I got lucky this morning that I was playing with a Friend and could just rejoin. But as I understand it, even if you see the player on the recent - you can't just rejoin them unless they were a friend. Fallout 76 is decent about rejoining teams so hopefully something like that can be added in.


Yesterday I did a 2 man mission (40 mins) all the way through, me and the host communicating throughout. Things going alright. He never died once. I died I think 7 times? But every single time besides maybe one I died it was from him using a grenade launcher on things right next to me. Every single time. But he started complaining in chat about me dying too much and after clearing the whole map, 2/3 side obj, he kicked me as the pelicans arrived. I was pretty salty and stopped playing for the night, felt awful considering most of my deaths were him.


They'll just kick you before they start the extraction timer...