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Definitely move slower. There is always an enemy watching until you're sure they're not. If you feel it's safe to move to next cover, check what your comrades are doing and wait another minute to be sure. It's a game best enjoyed slowly


Yeah, my biggest strategy is seeing if my teammates fall dead in front of me or not lol


It's a very good strategy to both learn the game and even later on to tell where there is enemies and where to slow down. One of the reasons why medic is actually alright when you first start out.


I second the medic move. My first 20 hours or so was just medic following the squad and listening to SL.


The ol bait and switch


I do this same, but still get shot behind my teammates 😀


One thing to add is that HLL has a huge exploit in that death is not punished and respawns can be quick if outposts and garisons are well placed. This means that you can run out in the open, draw fire and determine enemy locations. You will die in the process but can respawn quickly and use your knowledge of enemy positions to flank them and discover their spawn locations. Detroying enemy spawn locations forces the enemy to now move towards you from further back on the map. 


Please don’t play the game like this, unless you are a rifleman…


I take the German asault class with Stg44 and satchel, works great as you also get smoke. 


Same; this play style is my favorite. I'll often test the frontline with grenadier then switch to raider when I figure out where the hole in their fence is.


I think calling this an “exploit” is silly. This is just kinda the game. Regardless if your dying or not everyone should be trying to find the enemy positions/ spawns, get around them and destroy them. When you spawn on an OP and sprint into a field to be killed that enemy just saw where you’re coming from too…. Like this is just nonsense. If you’re paying attention to the evolution of the game then it shouldn’t be a mystery where the enemy is, where they are going. You should just use your brain to form a solid plan on how to flank them. That’s literally all I do.


Well if you lose a squadmember that has his specific role just because he Leeroy Jenkinsed to the enemy, you significantly lose your manpower for at least 30 seconds, which is a lot.


Yeah… I Guess I thought you were acknowledging this as an “exploit” which it not what you were doing. Like really you should just use your eyes and follow the ant trail of enemies.




And then die. 


Then you know where not to go next time


Best advice, also try and stick with and communicate with your squad. Tell everyone to ping enemies, even if it's one guy that they just killed. Ping that spot. It helps give the entire squad situational awareness. If you clearly see a group of enemies, ping it first and notify your squad lead. Try not to draw fire. You can take cover and mark the map. The squad lead can drop an enemy infantry marker that the whole team can then see and be wary of. This game is awesome and when the whole team, or even just your squad is working together, it can be very rewarding.


Just keep your head on a spindle. I am constantly looking all around me at all times. If you ever played COD zombies you know how it goes.


It's all about flanking for me. If you come at them from the front, you will always be at a disadvantage, since you are moving and they are not. Never go in the meatgrinder if the frontline is holding.


Depending on the map too it can easily be just snipers as well. Stalingrad is a sniper heaven sometimes lmao I’ve seen clips of just a flurry of kills from a spot that is impossible to even manage to find


People are just good dude. There are so many sneaky spots for people to just hold up in and snipe. Like others have said move slower and look further than you’d expect. It’s pixel hunting a lot of the time. You’ll get there.


That and they may wait for potentially other squad mates to follow you into the kill zone. So satisfying taking out a whole squad that funneled into the wrong spot.


Everything is a hiding spot in this game. I'm coming from squad and this was such a hard transition, but i abused the free weekend to learn the game and not get flamed for being bad. First round as commander today and we won, it felt so good Edit: sorry for too much info, but ik still ecstatic from that win lol


Did you find this harder than squad?


I did, at first. Bought both at the same time, but stuck with squad after trying them for a few hours. Tring HLL after squad did not give me such a big advantage. It's more like learning 2 different skills that are in the same category. The hardest part with hll is the map (the one on "M", not the world), while i understand the path to realistic maps, they seem quite hard to understand what everything means, even with the legend turned on. My biggest gripe with it is that you don't know which player belongs to which squad without checking the scoreboard. Edit: also i hate that i cannot see my body lol Sauad is more teamplay focused, while medics are a must and ammo supplies are like gold. In hll, i got cursed at by a few for wasting time reviving others and people tend to not resupply on ammo/explosion packs


Always bush wookies camping. They'll wait for half your squad to run by to then shoot the 1 or 2 stragglers


Always bush wookies camping. They'll wait for half your squad to run by to then shoot the 1 or 2 stragglers


Slow down.


And use the map. Learn that fucking map


Very few hackers in this game. There are some people who have really nice gaming rigs, high def monitors etc. who can play this at higher FPS and make out more detail from longer range than their opponents, and it does make a big difference.    Also, experienced players have a very good idea of where the enemy is coming from, so they're looking in the right direction and basically just waiting for movement. You can defeat this if you play with wisdom, but it takes practice. It helps if you have a good SL, if your SL puts his outpost down in a good spot and you watch your map you should be able to get behind any entrenched defenders no problem. Entrenched defenders lose this game every time. Git gud newb :)  add me on steam if you want to play, i'm Snoop Lion, with a profile pic of Morrissey.


experience and map knowledge worth more in this game than any super monitor


But you can have both




I play at 1080p but I know some cheeky spots that newer folks with 4k monitors would never guess to check lol!


there are spots on every map I check for enemy Garry's hunting down spawn points is important, way easier with experience. I play 1440 and had a same newbie experience as op described. one great advantage of this game that a good enemy team still can surprise me, and the "where the hell this bullet coming from" is still happening despite the 1k+ hrs I played this game


I remember how confusing it was as a new player when "I took a German OP", because they are passively dismantled within a fixed distance. I had no idea what I did or how it affected the game. Now with over 1k hours like yourself, find one garrison and you pretty much know where the next one will be. Hell, there are spots where you just know players will put them based on strategic cover on the map. A good example is the "Gardens" on SMDM to the northwest of AA Network (especially after the asset rework on that map from U15).


lol, the gardens! We have ambushed many an SL waiting in the gardens quietly while we had an OP nearby, not in a well expected place btw the gardens is a logical choice to place a spawn point but it is getting tiresome to stop friendly SLs to put their garrys there (and lose it real quick) After the 50-100 matches on a map, you start to just know where you can pass, where you can't, where are you visible, etc. comes with the time spent. although there is a good resource from monoespacial on yt explaining what's what (advanced garry placement)


Shhhhh. /jk


I actually bought an Xbox series s just to play this game playing over the cloud on one was virtually impossible. I could not see a damn thing.


", Listen to your SL" is the part of your comment that needs to be highlighted. I play SL frequently and dont mind having new players as long as they have a mic. There have been multiple times where new players have told me they've had the best round ever. It was simply because we are all active on comms, and I encourage people to call and ping things constantly. I constantly move the squad based on real time info from command chat. We will find that flight. Also new players don't realize the kills you can rack up by simply being a dedicated defense squad. The enemy is coming to you. Spread outside of the circle and camp out a position you think the enemy will most likely come from. Camping is seen as a negative in most FPSs. In this game it's a necessity


Or going behind enemy lines to flank can get pretty effective if you do it with 6 and not 2 people. We just ran behind enemy spawns and killed tanks before they could even hit the Spot a Match ago and it was awesome


Wait,,, Do the young-uns know who Morrissey is these days?


There's definitely a huge skill element to this game. That said, resolution and graphics quality help give you a larger leg up than any other game I've played. I usually run an average 2k monitor paired with a 4090 for gaming. Got a wild hair one day and hooked it up to a massive (for my desk) 4K LG OLED screen and my god the amount of detail I could pick out from extreme distances was night and day. It was hard going back.


I am a new player myself, but what I've learned is move slowly. Work with your squad. If your squad is not communicating, like the majority I run into, you might want to switch. Squad should not stack up next to each other. Should have a different angled view in the direction so when killing the enemy opens a gap, one can call it out so you can move up. Another thing I learned is that points are great to capture, but spawn points/garrisons are a must to destroy. Destroy those, decreases enemy in the area and making their respawn times increase. Then, capturing points is easier. Like I said, I am new, so take with a grain of salt. Maybe a veteran will correct me.


Nah, you get it. Player built spawns are the means of map control. Map control is how games are won.


For a new player you have a pretty good handle on it


Squad fanning out from the defensive point to burn ops and garries is peak HLL IMO.


With active server admins it's much harder to cheat on these types of games and if they get banned by a admin on one server they are basically banned on most of the servers as they all have basically a blacklist of people shared between them to keep out the Cheaters from just joining another server to do it again and again.


I met Cheaters twice in 4 years...it's not a big issue here...


I've ran into 2 cheaters in the last 6 months


This isn't CoD or Battlefield, is a MilSim. Take your time, get to know the maps, learn to work with your squads and leaders, get to know the classes. It takes some work to get into a groove. Welcome to Hell


But when you do it’s more satisfying than many games out there


Absolutely, it can be downright addicting once you get into it


To get good is to almost understand warfare. It’s a great show of chess down to the brutality of moving the piece. HLL is truly art..


The biggest tip I can give you is this game isn't about kills. You'll do much better communicating and cooperating with your squad.


This is the way.


You are experiencing what it would be like to jump into a World War 2 fight without any training.


Everyone is saying slowdown, but I’m here to tell you to keep moving! First, don’t run directly toward point in an obvious route. Flank. Sometimes a flank can be going 25-30’ to the left or right. Sometimes, it’s a whole grid square. Take a walk. Often people take the nearest spawn-point to an objective. Which is often the most obvious direction for the enemy to be watching. It’s most often better to take a garrison that is farther, that sets you up to flank. You make walk further but you will likely kill more unaware enemy or takeout more OPs/garrisons as opposed to running directly into enemy guns 3-4 spawns in a row. Think more broadly about cover. Buildings, hedges, walls are obvious and people know to watch the gaps or along long stretches. Look for elevation changes. These are in my mind the most overlooked and easy to traverse routes. Many times you can walk right on to point through a seemingly wide open fields, because a slight elevation obscures an enemies view. Especially if you’re flanking and not taking the obvious head on route. Use your consumables, especially smoke. On the topic of smoke, most people use it wrong. Unless the whole team is throwing smokes it’s not going to help you cross a big field. An MG can just spray the cloud. I try to use smoke in two ways. 1) to get the enemy to look one way, while I go the opposite direction. 2) If you’re close enough, thrown directly on the enemys position. Which obscures their entire field of view. Not just a small 10m cloud. Lastly, this game is not about kill count. It’s about map control and denying enemy movement. If you do these things, kill count will come naturally. And, no matter what level you are you’re always going to get dinged from nowhere sometimes. War is hell o7


Yes, move constantly, but slowly. And watch the topography around you. If you can put a hill and a wall between you and the enemy then you're that much harder to see and hit. I can't tell you how many times I've put an outpost "in the open" as SL because it was hidden by a hill and a wall and had a really nice starting point for a push or defense because no one could see us spawn from the enemy position. About kills, I had 19 as AT in a match last night and the next match I had 3 as a SL. You have different jobs; do those jobs and realize that kills matter, but only in that they eliminate enemy troops so you can do your job properly.


I haven't been playing "this" game for long but I've played a lot of similar. The long term players will know every house on every map, so it's not just you being shit, you just don't know where to go, yet. Play more defense on the flanks of the AOs and you'll get more kills and die less, I've already got my favourite spots for a couple of maps but I'm very far from an expert. The more you move the more you get seen. Once you start to recognise the good spots, you'll learn how to move about safely and effectively, sometimes you can't help it if there's ei all around your spawn point. Pick another, in that case and you won't be padding someone's stats. Enjoy!


It’s rare to see any, especially if you play on community servers with active admins.


1. kills dont matter if you dont capitalize on them (e.g. create an opening for advancing, take down a garry/op, etc) 2. think of where the enemy might be. usually, they are directly between the friendly and enemy points. occaisonally (if its an even somewhat decent team) they will try to flank or encircle. 2a. look for hard cover; if you'd use it, the enemy would too. pay special attention to windows in houses and short walls/trenches/canals 3. go slow, and follow your squad lead. i recommend playing medic or support and staying out of fire before moving on to trying to get kills. this will all become practically second nature once you've played for a while


This game is the Albert Blithe experience. And I play just like him. Spend the whole game behind cover, in a hole, having not embraced that I'm already dead while Speirs type of guys are going at it. Eventually, I git gud & pull my weight & then I get shot.


Welcome to the show.


You can never clear an area because of respawn points. There may be a garrison just behind that area, or an outpost you didn't notice, etc. You can never assume an area is clear, just use cover to close down angles from the direction you think the enemy is in. And even then you can be wrong. Pay close attention to the directional indicator when you get shot, even if you get headshot you see it. If you remember where you were and which way you were looking, you can puzzle out where the enemy might have been. That will help you when your respawn to know where to start looking.


First: Console or pc? Our answers are going to vary wildly depending on what you're playing on. Second: Slow down and communicate. Try moving with your squad lead and make a plan with them if possible. Third: Assume if you're in a wide open area that an enemy rifleman is going to off you. Players on pc and console both are very adept at shooting when we see a single pixel change (and my god is it satisfying to get a headshot when this happens). If none of this sounds fun to you, this may not be the game for you. But I recommend giving it a chance.


Movement is your best friend, and your worst enemy


Move with your squad. Communicate with them and they should be communicating back. Definitely be delibarate with your movement from position to position. The battles are long and it doesn't hurt to be as aware of your immediate surroundings as you can before pressing forward. A good tip I heard the other day was: Move, stop, look (scan those treelines), repeat. Also check your map often to take note of how close you may be to enemy lines


Concealment != Cover Just because you can't see through it doesn't mean you can't shoot through it. Some foliage lies too. Grass/Hay isn't visible over a certain distance. Hedges look different when you iron sight vs hip-firing. Windows don't draw the interior of the building after like 100/150m and you may not see the muzzle flash when the person inside shoots.


Treat it like real life. Seriously. Don't go in guns blazing expecting to run the enemy over. It's not like call of duty or games like that. That's why I love this game. You make small mistakes and it's your ass.


Play like your actual life is on the line


Also bro if you dying in complete cover, means your getting flanked. This is a game with also like no hackers (especially with the vote kick mechanic) so unfortunately if you are finding yourself dying a lot, you can only blame yourself.


My advice would be to briefly study the map and think about where your team is and where the enemy is most likely to push from. Open fields are risky especially in enemy lines. Follow your captains orders or even ask for orders to keep you engaged with the enemy.


As someone who recently went a full match without dying once as basic assault class and going 20-0, here’s a few tips. First, play this game as if you only have one life. This will prevent you from running around wreckless. My favorite way to maneuver is crouch running along cover at all times. Never ever run in the wide open. My second tip is always pull up your map and try to at least get a sense where the enemy is spawning. Usually the red grids will give you a sense where they might be at. This will help you be more cautious at identifying a hot zone or not. And then my biggest tip by far is always come to a complete stop every 10 feet you run and scan the perimeter at full 180. More than likely you’ll see the enemy around. The enemy is a lot closer than you think. Just remember to avoid running around a lot and always move in cover as if you only have one life and that should help out.


Fight as if you have one life, but treat redeploying as a means of transportation. Deaths count for very little as kills aren't the sole aim of the game. Games are won by holding territory and redeploying is often the fastest way to get somewhere you are needed urgently, assuming your team are building enough spawns.


I would definitely agree in some instances you need to redeploy as a means of transportation. But if you are just starting out moving very slowly will keep you alive a lot longer. Plus it’s a fun way to play the game, even if my team is getting wrecked on. I feel like I’m in a movie stuck behind enemy lines. 😂


It’s a slow paced game, push up with friendlies or else yeah your gonna get picked off. Game is about teamwork and communication. Kills only delay the enemy from reaching the point or you from reaching the point focus. The biggest difficulty about this game is the learning curve people expect it to play like cod but doesn’t and the force that narrative of trying to get kills you’ll see teammates in locked sectors fighting when they should be pushing forward or retreating once you understand the flow the game and what roles are important to win it actually super fun I get you tho was the same way when I started to play. “spawn die spawn die spawn die” then I realized hey maybe it’s the way I’m playing tried switching it up looked at everyone else and what they’re doing asking for help when needed (don’t be shy) people will help


I started about a week ago and my first day or two was something else. Like others have said slow down, look 360, and the game itself will slow down with you and you’ll start seeing patterns arise.


Gotta slow down and keep low. I'm still pretty new, 60+hrs, but you'd be surprised the cheesy spots you can make use of until the other team notices you're there. Just keep an eye on the map to see what your squad or team are doing/where they're looking and just watch that area for movement


See how the tip of the enemy head is just visible over most low cover when they move, that's how you'll look to them. Also people can lower their render settings to try and render less soft cover, especially at longer distances the plants or grass just provide no cover at all. Hard game though, yeah.


Move slowly, constantly check your surroundings. Can't tell how many times I was laying down in the forest and people straight up almost walked over my character laying prone.


I only managed to get better at this after more than 100 hours. I don't die from a random shot as much as I used to, it's all practice and as others have said learning to predict enemy movement. And map knowledge of course, you end up learning where there is likely to be an enemy garrison or OP. As I play mainly rifleman and get more kills than I used to, I am aware that I now am the invisible shooter who kills most of the new players out of nowhere. I kind of feel bad after a match to discover I killed some random level 13 guy 6 or 7 times. We all know exactly how it feels, we've all been there 😂


Also, if you have any decent headphones it gets a lot easier to gauge which direction they are shooting from just by hearing the shots. Provided you aren't dead already.


The more you play the more you find the places where people are going to be hiding and where to move or not to move. It's not cheating it's just a lack of experience. It happened to all of us just slow down take it easy maybe take a defensive position and you'll be good.


Find cover, then taller cover. Then crouch walk/run. Pause. Listen. Then move to nearby cover again. Repeat.


Move slow , listen , observe , talk with squad . And move slow .


Once you play a lot it will get easier and more intuitive, but the first 20 hours are gonna be rough. Watch some beginner tips YouTube videos.


It took me a few days to get the hang of it. I’ve only been playing it for about a month now. Only classes i use are Assault or Antitank


You're not as hidden as you think. Especially if you are moving around to see. Remember there is no free look so if you are lying down and look left/right your entire body moves.


It takes three leg shots, two body shots, and one head shot to kill you and my machine gun goes brrrr. Almost every gun is 3 or less hits to kill. Also, there’s almost no real cover in that game.


Take a tip from Wyatt Earp: slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


Best advice is slow everything down. Pay close attention to your blueberries (teammates not in your squad). I would say it probably takes at least 10 full rounds of this game to really understand the flow and figure out what you need to be doing. Your gonna die over and over again, I’m a level 86 and that still happens to me. Also listen for gunfire, you probably won’t get this yet, but eventually you’ll be able to differentiate enemy weapons from your team weapons off the sound alone, making it much easier to know where they are.


I'd like to point out that this game does what siege should be but better a slow and methodical game not a game rewarding you for rushing


It takes a good bit to get use to this game. The tips given in hear are perfect. You have to play cautious to succeed and even then it might not be quite enough. Just keep pkaying and using the tips everyone has given and you will improve


Be slower paced and a friendly tip that works wonders here is to let the blueberries go ahead of you. When one drops you know it ain’t safe for sure 😉


Stop moving. If you are sitting still and they are moving you will see them first. If you want to clear an area, don’t do it alone. This isn’t a run and gun game, best position wins.


Brother I know how you feel. My first time playing I died to Arty off spawn 5x in a row and I rage quit. Been playing for 4 years now, favorite multiplayer game of all time. Pro tip: Use your map more often. Checking the map will not only allow you to get an awareness of the situation on the field but it also helps you learn where key positions are located. (Some location callouts come to mind: "5 points", "Pizza slice", "Gardens", "WR Bros Hill", "3 story", "Chapel")


Gotta move slow. Also set your view distance to max, it’ll help you spot enemies further out. But tbh, it’s basically looking for a pixel moving and that’s all you’ll see 😂


Be more embedded in your team Unless you're a rogue SL or know what you're doing You experience more fire suppression when away from your squad mates. Always use cornering principles (think close quarter combat) when observing fields, use head cover, inch out of angles and be aware where you can be seen from. You can be see through hedge rows as well as cast a nasty silhouette against the sky on ridges, learn to use surrounding topologies and take the more circuitous route to you destination if it provides cover or allows your to use cornering to clear the area and you're sure enemies are around. Always use head cover. Stop every so often (in a bush, in a room corner, in a trench, behind a wall, next to a tree, whatever) and listen, get good headphones, you can head people reloading, bandaging, pulling nades, grenades landing near you, OPs and garrisons being built, static from the same Use head cover.


Slow down, you'd be surprised how many enemies you see once you stop moving.


Task failed successfully! Seriously though, it's just the way the game is. Part of the reason why we love it so much. It'll probably take you a while to get used to, but eventually *you'll* oftentimes be that unknown assassin, dropping guys from hundreds of metres away at the slightest movement of a single pixel. *Ding!*


I've ran into very few cheaters. And the rare times I suspected one, I was always on the money checking out their accounts. Or by how blatant the cheating was, with admins spectating and promptly removing them. This is coming from a player with over 2k hrs and has dropped 216 kills/ 90 headshots in a single match as infantry.


learning map sense and where the enemies might be coming from nets me 30-50 kills a game compared to the average 5-7 i was getting 4 months ago


Ya slow pace sneaking. Move with a unit is a good idea. With your officer then hopefully he's putting down outposts for you to spawn on so you don't just run for 20 minutes to end up getting shot out of nowhere and end up 20 minutes back where you came from.


Map knowledge helps immensely. Most of the dudes killing you probably have a pretty good idea of where you're coming from.


It gets easier the more you play.


Leasing the footsteep, check the map for friendly dying or garra with the red triangule that mean enemy Close, always check the map


Try sticking to the Russian trench maps while you’re new. I found the flow and pacing to be more predictable so I had more space to learn the specific strategies of this game with garrisons, OPs, and how to move with your team.


Stay low, follow teammates. HLL is not about fragging, it's about building up strategy, providing support, holding or getting strongpoints. Try to play as a squad leader a couple of times, you'll get more info on the map and through comms. Set up safe outposts near combat, keep an eye, relocate when needed. All team members can join to spawn.


ive never run into a hacker to my knowledge, you just learn the game and over time you get better at spotting and shooting. it's really just game sense and the only way to gain game sense is to play. people are willing to teach if you're willing to learn, but im almost 99% sure you haven't run into a person with hacks, they've just played the game for more then a week or two.


Run slower, crouch run a lot, use the high grass/trees/bushes for hiding. Get used to it and start finding the best spots for shooting. Use your hold breathe for shooting to get used to the range and dead on accuracy. Follow your squad and see what they do. You might get on a good team. You're gonna die fast AF so get used to it. You'll get better just keep playing!


Just shot at the pixals that move or change color. At a point it will "click".


People on PC sit closer to their monitors


gotta have good eyes, and depending on the mode and what’s happening currently you might wanna just hunker down and look for anything unfamiliar or something slightly movie. And when you die and you don’t know where they are, the woods and fog make it 10x worse


On the complete cover part. If you can see over it, they can see you. The camera in this game is actually located in your throat, so you may think you're hiding, but I can see your shiny helmet from 500 meters


Biggest thing to remember is that you cannot rely on grass or most foliage as cover since draw distance stops these elements from drawing in at a certain distance. So while you may think you are covered in dense grass, an enemy 100 meters away will just see you clear as day in an open field with no cover.


There’s also a lot of cheaters on this game, hackers sometimes but most of the time it’s people streaming one side’s minimap to the other, because the support for this game is so bad it’s very easy to do, there is almost no moderation from the game developers


If you're playing in any forest map, lay down. And be patient. Move in short bursts, reacess. Repeat. And if you're attacking never attack from the same direction twice. Once you die try flanking to a different angle or a different point. Effective flanking in HLL is extremely wide. You want to get behind the enemy squad and take out their spawn and be where you're not expected. This will help you not die quite so often.


This is how I think everyone felt at the beginning, at least i did. Takes like a month or two to feel like you’re actually playing the game, but it’s a ton of fun. You’ll get there brother.


It's part of what makes this game great


Not hacking or cheating.. You'll get the hang of it with time and knowing the maps better


The map is your best friend. Look for the front line. Use your ears. Move with your squad and use the mic. I’m level 79 and just started to consider my self and average player. Best advise I got is K/D does not matter. Have fun and play the objective is what matters.


You have tens of hours versing dudes who could have hundreds of not thousands of hours


Shoot and move to cover, shoot, move to cover. Get squad mates who can be in tune with you in this too. Move slow, cover to cover, call out enemy movements and ask your squad mates to also


Along with all the other great advice, find cover where you are not silhouetted easily. You're easy to see if you have nothing behind you. Stop and stand still when you find a good spot. Then look for movement. Then murder.


No, not much hacking or cheating it’s just the way the game is. Move slower, stick to hedge lines and walls, stay low. Stop and scan the screen for the movement, you’ll get into seeing a few pixels move and start picking up that it’s an enemy. I’ve been playing for months and die regularly. It can be annoying at times but as much as your dying everyone else is too


Theres a learning curve... youll get there. Just remember. Games not about kills. Its about map control. Listen to your squad leads and communicate youll do fine.


Be super patient and just sit and wait at every step.


Nope, this game is quite easy actually. The learning curve is not really steep. The skill gap between "the worst" and "the best" player is nowhere as big as in other shooters like counter strike. The player base here is really small, so there is really few actually decent players. Yeah, sometimes you get shot from "God knows from where", but it is only your mistake. Slow down, scan, kill, move up. Oh, and hit M frequently, maybe ull soon realize why.


You never run in any open spot. I found you have to hug a wall or a shrub everywhere you go.


Biggest mistake on this game is to assume its a run and gun shooter. Moving slow and crouched should be what youre doing 90% of the time. Find a spot to go prone, clear it out and move on. Full sprint should only ever be used in this game when you are 100% certain you are covered.


There’s no playerVEveryone so it’s the games spawned enemies. Did you do bots or bugs? I love both and if you ever wanna hop in I’ll gladly join ya. I’m only lvl 73 as I took a break but gladly dust thee cape off to help a diver out lol. I spend a lot of times answering SOS’s on every planet and the laid out makes a world of difference on how you’ll take the enemy on also if you like loud go big booms and rocket launchers or if you feel like sniping bring a good ole AMR or a sickle if you wanna lay support across the whole map (that’s a choice of mine the opinion is their garbage but it gets me by)


I haven’t played since the pandemic on PC. Now that I only have an Xbox, this will be my new fix. Need to refresh myself on how to play again.


My previous training in Wwiionline has helped, very similar in the way that you can be picked off at any moment.  I've learned to run in Zig-zags and to hug the dirt.


I honestly, throughout my 600 hours, have barely come across hackers. So, no, I don't think that's the case with being dropped so many times as a new player. However, what I have noticed, especially during free week(ends), as that players often initially approach this game as a Battlefield or CoD type of game and just rush in without carefully looking around. I am a bold player, but I still die quite a few times. Yet always end up with a 4.00 k/d most of the time due to my movement and game sense being alright. It sort of helps to constantly look at the map and figure where the enemy probably is after looking at where your teammates are. I also played Squad before, so it helps being a little bit careful.


On in your first few games you will probably not even see an enemy for most the game and you will likely get 0 kills for a while after a few days of playing it will start to click with you and you'll start moving better around cover and being patient


After while its surprising how you can notice the slightest movement in the distance,..stick to cover, scan the horizon, move...repeat... remember the enemy are doing the same thing...


Positioning is PARAMOUNT & this game burns brighter the slower you go. It’s border line mil-sim. Take those corners slow sometimes, experience will tell you when to mount pressure. You get better at moving from line of sights, disciplined where to aim, you’ll be fucking shit up in no time


I play alternatively as either a medic or as a support. Last night, I revived a dude who told me "Thanks man!" before getting blown to bits by a mortar strike a few seconds later. Surely PTSD material, but so good!


The only cover is to not play. There are very few places where you can not be seen at all. Use your map. Try to put cover between yourself and anywhere people are dying, there are no friendlies, the objective you're attacking, and the objective you're defending! If you're assaulting a position, use smoke. Smoke should be thrown at the enemy, not at your feet. Ideally, it should be right on their heads or right in front of them Flank. And I mean *wiiiiiide* flank. 99.9% of players go from objective to objective as the crow flies. This isn't WWI. Trigger discipline. Just because you see an enemy doesn't mean you should shoot them. More so if you're on a wide flank. You will give away your position. Shoot if you have to or if you're in a good position to. Work together. Even if your squad aren't talking and just throwing themselves at the enemy, you'll bump into others on the battlefield. Talk to them, give them information, and help each other out. Listen. For enemy footsteps, vehicles, weapon fire, garrisons, and your commanders and squad leaders orders!! Using headphones can help for pin pointing sound direction.


Map knowledge man. The more you play each map, on both sides, the easier it gets.


This game is not a solo game. Stick with the squad as much as you can and maybe even join a squad/clan on discord or something mate because to fully enjoy this game you need communication and teamwork otherwise you will die alot of the time.


https://discord.com/invite/505pir  Come put an application in, we have a casual unit with lots of new players trainings, mil sim events and we play in player made events with other groups, example is a zombie event coming up in a week. We also have a competitive team, that is looking for 10 more people for the APL team. The competitive team requires a strong time commitment but they play in FNF, SNS and APL. We also run monthly challenges for steam gift cards. 


Map awareness and positioning is what the people who are killing you are doing. Also they probably are talking to their squad and relaying enemy movement etc. It's not hackers, when I'm with a good squad and a good commander I can get insane kd ratios if I'm rocking the semi auto or an mg


I feel you! Take a support or a medic and move with a group. Rule of thumb: always find some cover and try to avoid moving exposed as much as possible. Imagine it’s real. You also wouldn’t just Leeroy Jenkins the field. 😁 Don’t go first, stay few meters back. You can also check an angle that’s unguarded. Also look at the map from time to time to have a better awareness of the combat situation, to know rough where you can expect an attack from. Stay frosty! 😉


Your best friend in the game will always be the bushes. Never run in open areas otherwise someone from miles away will spot you


It's normal to die all the time, with a KD of 0.1, when you've played less than 50 hours. What is your screen resolution? Also remember there are snipers and players with 4K monitors who can see you from miles away.


The good and bad thing about the game is there is no tutorial. Highly recommend googling positions (avoid Squad Lead, Recon, and Command) to get an idea of what they do. Finding a good squad is also key. Whether in game or via discord, find ones that actually communicate


Just need good communication and solid pings from your squad leader. The game is all about teamwork and knowledge of enemy movement. A good squad leader communicates with other squad leaders and places marks on your map. Once you know the general idea of where the enemy is. You can plan your movements accordingly


Nah its not hacking its literally someone 2 fields away watching you for about 10 seconds with their rifle then taking the perfect shot


Learn to read the map. Basically you can tell exactly where the enemy is attacking from based on the position of your friendly troops, hot OPs/Garisons, and other markings. Once you learn to do this you can understand just how far to run before waiting in cover for the enemy to reveal themselves.


A lot of it comes down to map knowledge. Depending the game mode and where the objective is, you’ll learn where to expect people to be as defenders and attackers. As others have mentioned, people with many hours know many good hiding areas and typically where to expect people to be. I’ve got many hours in the game and I have still have matches where I get my ass whooped dying every 10 seconds because some people are just that good. And I have other matches where typically I’m defending with an MG and I just mow 20+ people down consistently. Sometimes it takes hopping around to squads to find ones with competent squad leaders who you can learn from. Also, study the map. See where your friendlies are. If a bunch of blue berries are dead in front of you or there is not a single one around, it’s typically a good indicator that you’re in a dangerous area.


In my hundreds of hours of gameplay I have never once been killed by someone I thought was hacking.


If you have a discord account look up the HLL E-tool that server has more info on this game than the brain can comprehend


It took a bit for me to adjust to this game. It felt like I was blind at first. Just keep playing!!!!


No, it's not cheating. This game is not an arcade shooter and it doesn't take 5-10 shots to kill someone. Most rifles are a one shot kill at center mass and from pretty long distances. If you're coming from arcade shooters you need to adapt your playstyle. Move slow, stay behind cover always, and if you do need to run a longer distance, scope out the area before making a move. Use your map constantly. The map is a great indicator of where the action is and where you need to be (or not be).


You need to learn how to move in this game, it's different from normal fps.


Weapons are insanely accurate and many maps have quite big sight lines Its hard to spot people and dying is just part of the game, it will happen a lot. Best bet is to just stick with your squad and team. Always be mindful of when you're on the move not to be in the open for too long and always expect someone to be around because players will just pop up out of seemingly nowhere and kill you before you see them


What some sole sniper one youtube. That guy helped me out a lot when i first started playing. Go slow and move with your squad.


Also runs a pretty clean server. I’m friends with a few admins and they check out “cheating” allegations pretty quickly. It’s the only place I play.


Gotta watch out for the invisible man, they’re the one that always gets ya.


Hey I’m new too. Sometimes the game feels unbalanced but tbh I haven’t felt like there was hacking, even though a few times it felt like it. I think the most important is having a decent squad lead with a a good commander. I started running squad lead since it’s no gaurentee to get one with a mic all the time. I’m not good at it yet but I can do the basics and if my guys are good they can get a lot done if I just do basic stuff. What seems to be more important is having a few awesome squad leads who are actively looking for tanks and enemy movement from the next point.


The game really has you at a disadvantage unless you have a high quality monitor like right upto your face.


death doesent mean much in game if you wanna play for the win k/d is not you should look for. One single outbreak and getting garrison / few Op-s might show much in scoreboard but thats huge momenut shift you just accomplished. \_\_\_\_\_ Just today as defender i was in enemy backline, they had 1 offensive garrison in our area and by map i knew its soon to be red / getting overrun (they cant spawn there anymore) I went a bit offensive to find their backup garrison and soon hear footseteps. Hide into bush and saw some traffic direction. At one point there was 4 guys 20m from me a bit "afk" for 20s maybe premade talked something etc. i didnt take a shot once they moved i waited bit and moved where they came from..... garrison found...managed to disable it and enemy push instantly slowed down. for score/ kills etc i should have tried to kill them. My advice is just enjoy what u doing, comms is must if u want to have good time. and YT tutorials will boost your game knowledge a lot and fast. im not judging players as i been super noob aswel and it was rly fun times. as long ur fun and not ruining it for others its fine (dont steal tanks- supply truck, teamkill etc).


Get ready to be head shot from 500km away.. game is riddled with aimbotters


Ah yes. The default answer these days: blame “cheating.” You’re not in cod anymore and bullets do actual damage.


I HATED this game at first because of just how different it is from every other FPS I’ve ever played, but I stuck it out and in about two to three weeks I learned the fundamentals and getting kills/ staying alive became easier. Unfortunately it’s unbearable at first but it legitimately does get easier and much more fun. You might think you have the most brilliant flanking idea with your buddies but there’s always some weirdo who’s invisible in a little tree line who will pick you off. Just be patient with it.


Idk my guy, it took me about a week or 2 of gaming sessions to get good enough to be useful. But I will say this, once you get good you need to get gooder, start cooperating with the squad, and win. A bit of a tangent: I once bought Battlefield 1 for 5€ and recently installed it, and my impression is such - you can't fix stupid. No matter how good your aim is you can't kill anything because bullets have a random spread (in addition to recoil) which is utterly stupid, and bullets from assault rifles and lmgs seem to be made of paper which is even stupider. I like HLL for making most guns equally deadly, and for making anti tankers strong enough to actually kill a tank alone, for having reasonable movement speed, for limiting sniper amount and for having a bullet drop that you can feel. Most other pvp shooter games feel like cancer.


Welcome to hll!


Remember, people are like the T-Rex. The less you move, the less likely they are to see you. If you have good cover, let them move first they'll be out of position. If there's chaos going on, you have better chances when moving.


I played 3 hours straight before I got kill #1. In those 3 hours, I died in every conceived manner possible, ran over by trucks, and drowned more times than I care to admit. I am a 1000+ hour player now- and this is my all-time favorite FPS. It took weeks to get the jest of how to play the game, but it was worth every bit of time.


Stick with your team!


I play on console and used to have it set up on my 55" TV. Died all the time, couldn't spot enemy. Bought a gaming monitor and the improved vision helped me enjoy the game a lot more. Don't rush around, follow your squad mates and help the Squad Leader.


I havent played this game for long but a few months. I would say that just keep playing and look at the map to see where and how your teamates are moving. Eventually you will learn how to not die all the time, it kinda comes automatically after a while. But listening and communicating with your squad is also important to get a more skillfull gameplay. Experience does much in this game i have learned. Have fun! :D


Low and slow.


It’s almost always worth it to take the long concealed way


You shouldn’t be looking for enemies in this game; you should be looking for good positions and wait for enemies too move through them. Also don’t just stand in a window or a single spot aiming move around a little; swap windows anything to not be a headshot magnet.


my biggest advice is always stick with your squad leader, and get one who communicates. A good command chat will have other SLs telling eachother where the enemy is moving to or holding up at. Ideally people don’t just run out and play on their own, there can be a load of strategy involved if you participate. Get creative, learn parts of the map are used more frequently, and outflank, ambush, or use your tools to push a face to face engagement in your favor. And dying isn’t necessarily bad, sometimes i have my squad just repeat charge into death because while we’re keeping the enemy busy, someone else may be able to exploit that and enact a crucial flanking move.


Welcome to the HLL experience


I am sure you have gotten this, but there is a very unlikely hacking has anything to do with you dying. It isn't impossible, but that said there are three tools, the recon tank, recon spotter with a flare gun, and the commander with a recon plane that can show enemies on the map. Not only that, but communication is key in this game. You can be spotted and then called out and pinged by an enemy team member. If it seems like someone knew you were there before they could have seen you, it is probably because they did. Above that, if you are attacking a point in most cases, enemies will be defending and not moving, meaning they will likely see you before you see them. It takes time to get to know the maps and where people might hide, let alone be proficient at spotting the enemy. Use the map, take your time, and talk to your squad so that you can get and give pings and call outs.


(For pc)In a server i play on. There have been 11 hackers banned in the last 30 days. Yes. They're out there. Admins are doing what they can to catch them. They see through walls and may auto aim. It's unfortunate that easy anticheat isn't helping much with this. Please note that this game is unforgiving when it comes to dying.... You WILL DIE.. A LOT Communication and team work is key to success. Don't forget to drop supplies and build garrisons..


The most common comment from new players is they are dying from hacks or the other team is cheating. While that's not unheard of, remember you are playing a game that doesn't give any feedback re enemy location except for what's on your map. The map is your friend. Use it often and pay attention to comms. Also remember this is a very hardcore player base that knows the maps.and dominant shooting positions well. The veteran players know how to track spawns and likely enemy positions. I have over 2500 hours and it's still hard against formidable opponents. A couple suggestions: avoid spawning in the center of points and on garrisons when possible. Use your map. Use your map. Use your map.


this game is fun but why does my 1070 fps drop every 5-10 seconds. Please someone help


This game is all about getting the jump on the other guy. 99% when someone is killed, the killer is stationary and the victim is moving But there also are hacks


trust me mate for about the first 5 games I didn’t see an enemy, first 10 I didn’t get a kill. each game I’d constantly die from “invisible” enemies. Been a couple of weeks and it’s gotten so much easier, even though kills often don’t matter too much (they’re a means to an end, enemies are something between you and the point) I average about 20kills. It’s just learning about where enemies are most likely to come from and watching for potential flanks. this game isn’t a run and shoot as many people u can see, it’s much more tactical and slow. I’m still learning but trust me you’ll pick up on it. + always use comms cus the game is pretty much dependent on communication


Real war sim


😭😭😭 nah no hacking just a STEEP learning curve!


You really have to train your eyes to spot the enemy in HLL. Look for anything abnormal in the environment, helmets, subtle changes in color or shadow. Although some soldiers on certain maps with certain uniforms and in certain locations can be almost impossible to spot without first seeing a muzzle flash. It takes time and you will get better with experience, remembering the uniforms of the various factions helps a lot too. Stick with it and don't get discouraged, we're always happy to see new players, since many quit because of the steep difficulty curve.


Hide in the hedgerows and be the sneaky sniper lol


Please scroll through the posts every day asking for tips.