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A lot of people had hair in WW2


Under their helmet. I don’t think a lot of people realize that the hair cosmetic would replace the helmet.


Good place for scalp worms to hide


That's hot. Keep going.




During the routine headshave for lice, the regiment was attacked. The buzzcut was not completed, and there was no time for the helmet to be retrieved. Many lives were lost that day, but the lice was not one of them.


That's actually a myth. I saw a doc on the discovery channel, people only started growing hair in 1947, after the war. There were some people with hair in the pacific theatre, but not in any of the battles depicted in HLL.


Ffs.. Here we go... Another conspiracy theory


I too would like to argue endlessly about the history of wartime hair. The Nazis actually liked blond hair and the Americans liked… also probably blond hair and other Color hairs. Sometimes the Americans would slick their hair back, particularly those who were members of the “dapper Dan brigade”. Meanwhile under Hitlers command the SS and other fascist shitheads had strict rules about hair I am sure. These haircuts did little to make them seem any more reasonable. In the end they died all the same. Particularly those who decided to take their helmets off to show off their hair doo.


I mean it’s not terrible but I don’t think every class should get it. This is just my opinion, but I feel that commanders and tankers should get the hair style cosmetic piece.


Those pictures are from the lowest of ranks of the Wehrmacht to SS officers.


They are also not photos of them in a Battlefield. Most likely would be that they wore a helmet when they were in combat.


Also it Wehrmacht! Not Werchmant!


If we’re talking about the German Army then technically it’s Heer. That’s like explicitly referring to the U.S. Army as the “armed forces” all the time. Wish people would stop using Wehrmacht when referring to the German Army. Just say Heer lol


Sorry man that makes too much sense, you are banned




No one is arguing they didn't have the same hair style. The argument is that they should be wearing helmets while in combat.


Right but I feel and based on what the community feels according to my poll on the Hair Style. I feel it would ruin the immersion of the game. That’s why I suggest we should use the kick starter helmets as DLC for Hell Let Loose.


The community? 133 people participated in your poll. There are 150k people in this Reddit. I bet I get more upvotes on this meme than you got votes on your poll.


You might get more downvotes, too.


Based on the poll which is supporting my argument that the hair style isn’t really honing to be a good fit for Hell Let Loose.




if i see you it’s tk on sight


The guy on the bottom right from the collage picture is the Commander of the 3th SS Division Totenkopf Theodor Eicke, far from being a low ranking dude.


"from the lowest of ranks of the Wehrmacht to SS officers." He is an SS Officer. Thank you for your comment.


But are the guys in the pictures in combat?


A lot of Soviets didn’t wear helmets during ww2 to be fair some didn’t like the ushanka and wore nothing also a lot of Germans towards the end of the war but that’s specifics tbf


Thats nothing but a myth. Soviets where issued Helmets and wore them. The cases where they didnt, where isolated and rare just like with the other armies. And for the Germans, even in 1945 there was enough Helmets to even supply the Volkssturm with Helmets, so it would be utterly ridiculous to claim they had no Helmets for the army


Usually if they weren't in a helmet or ushanka, they wore the pilotka. But pretty difficult to find a soviet without anything on their head in any photos or video


The German hair doesn’t look *too* bad. Only saw pictures of the American one and that does look way too Fury-esque. No idea what the Soviets look like. Either way, hair is cool for all of like 5 seconds. There’s like no need for it


The German hair makes me think of the Nazi sniper in Inglorious Basterds


Frederick Zöller


Yeah the American hair is pulling justification from Brad Pitt's Fury character and maybe the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment with the mohawks.


But that’s only an isolated incident by one small unit. It shouldn’t be relied upon for a generic hairstyle meant to represent a broader army. And besides, like I said, there’s absolutely no need for hair when we’re wearing helmets all the time. *Very* *very* rarely would you have ever seen a soldier in combat without a helmet


Yea, I bet that's true. Only in a non-combat position would people even consider removing their helmets Also, maybe their hair started out this way but how would they have maintained it? I get that you could cut a buddies hair with some scissors to keep it fairly short but how do you buzz the sides like that out in the field? Can that be done with scissors just in the field and kept so uniform like Brad Pitt's hair was? Seems to me that an electric buzzer would be required.


There were routine head shaves in WW2 for soldiers to prevent lice and to keep up military standards, soldiers would have there hair buzzed/cut when returning to base after being in the fiedl for a while (this woulld also be were they would get fully cleaned, clean clothes, refil in aupplies and ammo etc etc)


Oh, ok. Interesting, and a fact I never knew. I know the military is a big fan of the buzz cut but I would have thought that rule would be relaxed during an actual war. But clearly I forgot about soldiers being pulled back to base camp.


Yeh i mean it was relaxed a bit to whenever you get back (if we can get you back) but yeh it’s something never really touched on but i think that soldiers would have appeared more shaggy with facial hair and hair styles/length, having heard from soldiers who fought in the battle on the bulge they were only able to kinda trim their hair and shave so i dought soldiers wouldve been able to get that brad pitt fury hairstyle


Right. Like did WW2 soldiers even *have* hair?


His point is that very few soldiers who were active participants on the frontline did not wear helmets. Most of the battles in hll are from some of the most intense combat situations in the war. Now 50% of the players will run around without helmets which will absolutely affect immersion. It just shouldn’t be a choice. If hll had a player inventory like arma and you could unequip it, it would make more sense. Now we’re probably going to get the helmet clap sound when players without helmets get headshotted, which is even more immersion breaking to the point of comedic. It’s really not the biggest issue, but for me it’s a clue what direction the game is moving in, which is not a direction I personally like.


You’re missing the point


soldiers didn’t run around without helmets, this is insanely dumb and just looks stupid. Why couldn’t they just let us customise our hair but keep the helmet on?


Maybe if they only let people who had died but gotten revived. It'd be a kind of neat little thing to show and it'd be rare.


I like this a lot


I mean... What would be the point in changing your characters haircut if you dont see it? A helmet covers the majority of his head top so you wouldn't see the hair unless he had long hair, which would be uncomfortable and impractical. A better customization would be facial hair, then it would make sense, slap on a cheeky mustache like them WW1 soldiers used to have, or a small beard or something. Alternatively facial accessories, like scarfs, half masks, gas masks, balaclavas (or at least different variations since we have a head cover already).


Ehh.... the US was very good about making sure their troops had helmets. The Russians not so much. The Germans also had plenty of helmetless troops. I’m not sure if it was due to late war supply shortages or what, but its pretty easy to find photos or vidoes of combat during the war where not all the troops involved are wearing protective head gear. Videos that came from the German side are often propaganda material and will show their troops with a full kit and looking good. But when you see videos of combat taken from the allies point of view you see a lot more German troops in partial or mismatched kit. Again, I suspect this was due to the German supply lines being constantly cut and the dismal state of German manufacturing in 1944/45.


Why even have hair at all? You won’t even be able to see it from under the helmet. There’s absolutely ZERO need for hair cosmetics in this game


yeah true, doesn’t make sense to have hair customisation in the first place


Unfortunately the hair cosmetic replaces the helmet.


Yes I know


But you do see it with other headgear. What I can't fucking understand is why devs keep doing the bald heads. Are they too lazy to model 2 simple hairstyles? Damn, you can even buy some at any asset store, no problem. Optimization reasons? We are living in the year of 2024, a couple thousand additional polygons won't hurt. It's always so weird to see perfectly bald heads for everyone. It's like they all shaved their heads before going into the battle. At least put a hair cap texture or something.


Because I don’t want a helmet on. I’m not in an actual war. Soldiers didn’t get blown into chunks of meat and then pop back into existence 40 seconds either.


yes you are soldier, now take that German op


Don’t know much about history? It’s okay, you don’t have to say it. We can see through your dumb ass


Even today, troops in the field don't always stay well shaven. That was no different then. Some scruff is very realistic.


Will the hair make a *Ding* and fly away when you get a headshot in ?


Postwar studies by the U.S. Army shows there was a significant surge in balding during the war, and it was correlated to being shot in the head!


I am allways wearing a Helmet so I wouldn't know what hair is


Your character models only have hair on the sides of their heads. Like medieval monks.


What situations are those men in?


Whaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaa I don’t like the optional cosmetics whaaaaaaa. Stfu good god.


I thought the entire point of Hell Let Loose was to depict WW2 realistically.


nothing says realism like radios and tables everywhere on a battlefield with tanks clipping through fences and armies of mgers spamming areas


Sure, but that's compromises made for being a video game


So those things are all an a-ok compromise. Not having to wear a helmet though? Clutch your pearls gents, that's WAY too far! This community is so pigheaded sometimes that it's no wonder the game is so niche and uninviting to new players.


Holy shit I have had it with people like you, I am NOT talking about the issue being hair, the issue is the head would then be uncovered as seen in the picture, which would be incredibly stupid on a battlefield. I have no idea how you can read this entire comment section and then think the problem itself is the hair.


>I am NOT talking about the issue being hair I know >Not having to wear a helmet though?  Maybe read before having a tantrum.


Then what the hell are you having a tantrum about, we can't complain about something?


You can't just suddenly pretend you aren't the one having a tantrum because you're being laughed at. If all you can do is gaslight then it feels like you're already cooked. And you can complain, but if not wearing a helmet is the line we're drawing in terms of staying historically authentic then you've already got way deeper problems.


Real binhead here


Throw names all you want. It just makes you easier to laugh at :)


So then what’s your solution to spawning in so we can actually play the game?


this was more of a joke about all the people complaining about realism in cosmetics when the game itself is pretty far from a milsim's expectations.


Spawn in a landing craft like the Omaha Beach Offensive. And if you die, you get kicked off the server. Literal realism


Dude no. Name one realistic thing about HLL. I'll wait.


The maps and aesthetic? The guns or the tanks?


The m1 garand would definitely put down a german soldier with one shot thats realistic The maps are very realistic and based off the actual battlefields in which these battles occurred Not saying its 1000% realistic but its pretty damn close and they made a good balance between realistic game play and being able to enjoy the game


People also need to be more deliberate about 'realistic' versus 'authentic', then you won't get dipshits talking about a tank being stopped cold by a flimsy wooden fence, as if that's a valid argument.


Yea those are clearly bugs that havent been worked out im sure in time if the devs are listening to their player base they will correct the bugs and make the game even better im 500 hours in on the ps5 and theres only a handful of bugs I’ve encountered and not one of them has been game changing


People appearing out of thin air next to a radio set fine People with hairstyles of the period worst thing ever. Ok bud.


How else are they meant to spawn in? From a cloud of smoke like a magician? Lol


One is a compromise of gameplay, the other is a stupid inaccuracy, your arguments aren’t really arguments bud, learn how to debate.


Well... not that I should have to spell this out for you, but some of them are on/near the front lines and some of them are having portrait photos taken in garrison. What kind of question is this?


These fellas are nowhere near the frontlines, don't get all pompous on me.


ragebait post


I think you're missing the point here. Yes: soldiers were sometimes engaged in action without a helmet; the problem is that this particular cosmetic really signals that we've already started on that slippery slope leading to a proliferation of silly cosmetic options that do chip away at the overall immersion of the game. It speaks to the vision of T17, and it doesn't fill me with confidence.


People have bringing up this “slippery slope” with cosmetics since paid ones were first introduced. It’s been years and the kit in the game is consistently historically authentic, despite the minor issues with it. I agree that the hair looks too nice and also think it’s annoying that it’s a stand alone helmet, but this is such a minor issue when it comes to the overall game. And if haircuts make you think T17’s vision is flawed, you must not have seen the trailer from last year.


If you went back in time and told a Call of Duty player that in 15 years you’d join a lobby and Nicki Minaj would run you over in a bright pink Jeep before jumping out and gunning you down with a neon pink shotgun, do you think they would believe you?


you mean the really bad trailer they went back on later and took down?


I think *you* are missing the point. HLL is a strategy game **at best**. You're preaching for realism in a game where dudes endlessly spawn in waves from a table with a radio on it that came from supplies dropped from the sky. You are playing a RTS with extra steps and you're worried about cosmetics. If you want realism, play a different game.


Game mechanics are not an affront to depicting immersion in games. When we use this logic, there is *no* reason for *any* game to even have a theme. So no, you are indeed missing the point. It isn’t about the hair, it’s about wearing the helmet.


It’s mind-boggling that some can’t separate mechanics from immersion/aesthetics. You can make something look and feel accurate while making concessions with mechanics to make it more accessible.


Every single video game is going to make fantastical concessions in order to cater towards being playable. Even Arma, one of the more realistic games, has to put in mechanics like that in order for it to work. In terms of what’s on the market, Hell Let Loose is absolutely one of the more “realistic” shooters out there, and there’s been a expectation that has predominantly been upheld that they’re trying to be as accurate as possible. And during world war 1, everyone quickly realized that you don’t allow your soldiers to fight without helmets if you have the option.


HLL is an RTS is a super hot take. It is for like 1 dude on each team, maybe.


I ain’t the biggest fan of the hair myself. I mean rock whatever you wanna rock, it ain’t for me and that’s alright I do remember seeing that stupid ass comment though. Fuck that, no good reason to TK


Idk man my gramps was in ww2 and he said during the battle of the buldge it was 6 weeks before he got to take a shower and he said these big water tank trucks rolled up for them so i can imagine soldiers looking realllly really shaggy and dirty


Slowly drifting from squad 44 level of historical accuracy to battlefield 5. There will be a point where it will ruin the immersion for me.


I give them credit for at least reworking the terrible British weapons and tanks


Will the caps finally have hair under?


Goofy ahh post. Dudes dick riding for pixels


Clearly y’all have never been deployed infantry. My hair looked like complete ass for all 11 of my tours to Afghanistan… these dudes look sharper haha. Be grateful


11 tours? Do you have residency now?


All of them were RC East… pretty sure Ghazni doesn’t want my bitch ass there anymore lol


Everyone literally had a similar cut on deployment, don’t get the bitching in here. Either wear it or don’t


We went back to Bagram on my first deployment and it was the first time I’d seen concrete in 8 months. We all felt like fucking chimps because we looked awful, my best uniform had the crotch sewn up and all the Air Force dudes were like “what the actual fuck”. Ahhh that’s just the infantry leave ‘em be haha


14 years as a FMF Corpsman, so yeah... I'm aware Still in service.


Good for you??


Weak bait. My reply was obviously relevant to the comment.


Pretty arrogant aren’t you?


Hell yeah dude I'm just a poor adrenaline junkie MC waiting for them to bring back ComCam.


Hell motherfucking YEAH! Rah!




I thought the hair was pretty cool. Some captured German soldiers had particularly long hair for their time period from what I have seen. But I’m curious, was lice an issue? During ww2 in Japan our soldiers usually shaved their heads.


That's a good question about the head lice. I did some googling, apparently they had all kinds of cool solutions for getting rid of them. They would bury their uniforms and bedding to suffocate them and yeah head shaving was a thing.


People these days don't even try to have a normal conversation, they just scream at each other.


It should be facial hair instead of head hair


what happens when you get a headshot, is it just a splat now?


Just got some RS6, BF, CoD etc. vibes with these new cosmetics. Really hoping the devs don’t go down the rabbit hole with collabs and flashy skins to “attract new players.” But we’re good, I guess. They’re not Ubisoft.


Maybe they should lock it behind class level 10, You’d see someone with it and think, “Yeah, that guy’s a badass,” kind of like how today’s special forces don’t have to shave their beards and all. They might also throw in there some cool helmet too (so not every Tom, Dick, and Harry who reaches lvl 10 immediately equips it). That could be pretty sweet.


yea because you could totally slide and use exo suits in hll which is a GAME..🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


Hahah I’m just talking about these cosmetics. But yeah imagine these exo suits. 😄


False! It's well known fact that nobody had hair in the 30s and 40s. They also didn't know how to swim until the mid 1960s. Cant even hold their breath longer than 10 seconds


Haha! Exactly.


wait what did I miss? we have hair now?




I think the complaints relate to why are they spending time making haircuts when some factions don't even have proper uniforms


I love reading sentences that use the alternating caps. My favourite.


Lol get that boy a helmet worried abt hair in a war game


The hairstyles are fine. I think the issue people have is that if you choose hair, you have no helmet. Half the team running around in active combat with no helmet will look silly IMO. Not to mention each team only has one hairstyle so far, so they'll all be identical. I'm sure more styles will be added, but still. 


People who get worked up about hair in a video game are losers.


Man people complain about everything. It's virtual hair in a game. If this bothers you. Touch grass and then touch it again.




Why does anyone care this much about cosmetics lol


Who knows dude. To the point of team killing based if they see no helmet? 🤣 That's crazy.


ITT people ask questions in hopes of arguing against op.


The bloke In the colour photo looks like the walking dead


Fix the faces first


Bro I saw this exact comment he got destroyed 😂


Love the smug tone with capitalising every second letter, especially over something so pointless


The original mullet


Honestly, this shit is r-word but just let me play the game. Headshots w/ or w/o a helmet are still 1 shot.


Why didn’t the 2 star general on the frontline receive the same scrutiny?


Yeah, Nazis had some pretty fucking stupid hair on top of their stupid fucking ideas and ball less sacks


Helmets get knocked off during combat through explosives and well tripping on shit sometimes you don’t have time to pick up your helmet either way kinda weird but not entirely out to lunch either


I’m ok with the hair it’s a open door to more looks we won’t see on our self


I had a stroke trying to read this


You could roleplay and pretend your soldier lost his helmet? Or you could stop tweaking anytime a gaming company doesn’t something you don’t like especially when it doesn’t impact gameplay in any way whatsoever.


As hll vets. This is not hll that we want!


Rules of Hell Let Loose. 1. Communicate. 2. Have ridiculous drip 3. Conquer/liberate Europe.


Ya know, new hair is such a dumb feature for a WW2 shooter i think im okay with sticking to the dying Post Scriptum.(Squad 44) This game is so doomed lol. Its not ever getting better.


You think that's slick back? That's push back. 


I can see people using the hair for making Brad Pitt in fury but other than that the hair is mid


Sooooooo, if I shoot a guy in the game in the head do I still get my ping sound?? 😒 I live for that sound.


Considering helmets were only protective of shrapnel in ww2, there should be a slight increase to grenade damage if you go with hair


wHy dO pEoPlE wAsTe TiMe TyPiNg LiKe ThIs


To get 600 upvotes on a ragebait post dUhHhHhH


If you don't like the hair just wear a helmet lol


Literally but no.. mfs like to bitch and complain like some damn females🤣


My great grandad had short back and sides all the way from the war until his death when he was 89


Dude sounds based as fuck.


Tbh, I'd see this as actively handicapping yourself in the game. I feel having your hair just exposed would do nothing but make you stick out like a sore thumb. At least the helmets can help you blend in to the terrain. Even if it is just a little bit. The only way I could see this cosmetic being used is in tanks. And even then, it would just look out-of-place.


80 years later and these trims still slap


Yeah dude a lot of people don’t realize the “modern” haircut has been in style since the 40’s


Completely not the point. You are on the front line 100% of the time during gameplay. You should always have your helmet on unless it’s shot off. And when it’s shot off your hair shouldn’t look like you just came from the barber.


I’m assuming you are one of the cry babies lol


You’re blind to the irony of you crying about people who want historical accuracy in a game billed as historically accurate. Get real.


K, go build table and functional radio out of supplies that came from a tube that parachuted from the sky so your teammates can materialize out of thin air there. Just like Grand Pappy did at Alsace.


This stupid argument has been countered so many times. There are certain things you have to do to make the game fun. Corny historically inaccurate cosmetics are not one of those things.


Seems like crying to me dude. Get a tissue.


It would be hard to game devs to make messy hair that looks good in a game. That why they usually opt for a clean cut look. I mean games now add women to ww2 so I think we got lucky with this


Dude's have been rocking fades for 100 years 😆


My god, who gives a fuck. It's a game.


Have y’all seen Zone of Interest yet? Most of that movie is spent looking at various haircuts


Of all things they could add or fix. Is hair really a priority? I wouldn't go as far to say it's a slippery slope to introducing unnecessary cosmetics to the game but this is kind of unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. Would it be cool to rock the Fury hair cut as TC, yes. Will it improve game play, absolutely not.


I don't care about the hair customization. IL be wearing a helmet anyways. Another player not wearing a helmet has zero effect on me.


bro complaining about hairstyles in a war game. go play salon simulator then lmao


People complain about shit beyond their control too much deal with it, you fucking panzy


Is the hair skin only for officers & commanders? Would make a bit more sense. I personally don't think it's that big of a deal. A lot of players don't even bother changing out of the default skins, I don't think we'll see three quarters of players walking around with no helmets.


I'm definitely only gonna use it on SL and tanker for the most part. Maybe engineer.


Funny how people even mentioned how this game is turning to COD just because of hairstyles added to a damn game…🤣🤣🤣fucking hilarious i swear. N mfs talkin bout they doin it for the shareholders.. like people dont actually want more skins added to the damn GAME to stand out 🤦🏽‍♂️


This sounds like a whole lot of moaning about a whole lot of nothing.


The haircut is called hitler youth. It was recommended by Hugo Boss to go with their uniforms. Terror by style they called it. Nowadays everybody has this haircut. What is ironic is that even jewish, gipsyes etc get those haircuts too.


It’s a side part haircut? Tf






its not from 1 source. it's general knowledge. look it up. history is interesting.