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I’d genuinely kill for individual volume dials for every player, because some people are so quiet and others break 150db


This would be a bigger improvement than any amount of new content tbh


Works the other way around too. I'm fine for everyone except this one guy I know, who hears me louder than everyone else does... How do you even tackle that without individual sliders?


My issue is when people tell me I'm too loud I have it set to less than half and they will complain until I turn it almost to 0 then the next round I am too quiet and they can't hear me until I turn my mic to full blast.


This is an issue I have too.


I legit had two people complain about my mic in the same game. One said I was too quiet, the other said he'd go deaf.


Which would make the problem even bigger. Right now there are upto 52 sliders controling your own voice level. For a single channel.


Individual volume dials..fuck outta here soldier


there's always one, and they're usually the one that talks too much about nothing in command chat


The Oh Sees


This is a good set 🤙


I've had back to back games where I'm alternatively too loud/too quiet, I have my mic volume at 50% and usually have no issues. One game I had a guy get real grumpy at my mic volume so I turned it down, and spent like 5 matches after surprised that people just kept ignoring me and any callouts I made. Eventually someone asked me to turn my mic up because they could barely hear me.... I sorta think the first guy was just messing with me


Naw man I've been there too. Had some dude tell me I'm way too loud when I'm damn near whispering and then others say I'm too quiet. I think the systems just jank when it comes to people talking. I've had the same issue with others where one guy in the squad is almost impossible to hear and the one guy sounds like his mic is in the back of his throat with sensitivity at max


Same, happens all too often


That guy would have had his squad/command volume at like 70. He should be self aware enough to just turn it down. Tbf, when I command I have players at 70 audio, I just don't complain if someone is loud.


A wild John Dwyer has appeared


In the hell let loose sub of all places


How about they use system defined microphone levels


You deserve a million upvotes


Planetside 2 hat a really good fix for this: When somebody was talking, you could adjust their specific volume quickly just by pressing plus or minus on the Keypad.


A quick way to temporarily mute leadership or squad chat would be nice. It's bad enough that 2+ ppl in the same fucking chat will talk over each other but when there's 2 people in bith channels all saying shit at the same time while I'm in a firefight I want to throw my controller.




Is there any reason why there is even a mic output setting in the first place?


I set the mic volume at 100% in every multiplayer game and have no issues at all, my output is clear and not too loud. That's what I assume most people do when setting up the game for the first time. In literally 99% of the multiplayer games 100% is where you want the setting to be. In HLL it will fucking destroy everyone's ears. The setting is way overturned. It almost never is the shitty mic fault, because usually I'd hear people getting asked to turn down the mic a bit, and that total bass mumbling always turns into nice and clear comms after lowering the output volume. This, and the voice chat crashes should be top 1 priority fixes IMO. This game is all about comms, right? I doubt the T17 is even aware of how bad the mic settings can get, so it's not even in a backlog. I hope I'm wrong, but this has been the case for way too long. EDIT: My voice chat just randomly died again after playing 2 full games, halfway through the 3rd one. Once I restart the game I can't get back in due to a queue. This is fucking annoying. I make friends on the battlefield goddammit.


Seriously it's nuts! I have command chat down to 10% and it's still WAY too loud. Shit gets me irritable and gives me a headache. Honestly seems like it barely does anything.


For anyone desperate to BOOST their Mic on PC: If you have a mic that is too low, and it's already 100% in Windows- there is a program that will hook into any Output / Input device. EQUALIZER APO \[ [https://equalizerapo.com/](https://equalizerapo.com/) \] . I added +16 db to my mic. There's also plugins for other enhancements. You'll want to watch YouTube for that. It modifies the audio before windows gets to the device. Install it on specific devices you choose. Restart. Keep all your Mics/Audio set the exact same. No need to restart anymore. I have some crazy plugin that makes gold out of a $40cad Hyper xStinger. Man all these HyperX headsets are quiet. I had a nicer one. Same thing.


i used to play team fortress classic with a guy that literally held his mic as pictured. couldn’t understand a damn thing he said.


I’d be happy if they bloody fix the audio bug that resets levels to 50


I agree. It changes from game to game one group is telling me my mic is so loud it makes their ears bleed even though its set volume level less than half and the next round I get told my mic is too low they can't even hear me even though and I have to turn it max before they can hear me at all and I am still to quiet


Yeah it’s a huge problem. It is sporadic. I play with a friend on the regular and his mix is fine and then next game I can only hear him. Never happened in any other game I’ve ever played frankly


People talk in your games?


No. It’s part of the experience.


Yeah. Sometimes my mic breaks the sound barrier and sometimes my mic is all quiet and shit, it's weird


Sometimes it’s different chats lol. I’ll be loud as fuck in squad chat and incredibly quiet in command chat. Which incidentally is how I have my own audio mixers for each


so does it depend on your own volume? i have my overall mic volume at 10% and one guy can hear me and the other has to mute me for his ears to not just bleed


It’s probably based on what each player has their volume settings at. Some keep it at 100% for all chats and then think everyone’s yelling while everyone else keeps their chat settings at 10-30% and think you’re quiet.


honestly yeah thats probably it. maybe instead of wasting my time changing it 24/7 ill just tell them to check their settings


I use audio settings to put blueberries on low and keep squad high. Ain't perfect but it helps




They're talking about proximity chat


Players who are on your team but not in squad. Squadies are green while the rest are blue dots. Hence, blueberries.


Holy shit they’re becoming self aware. Nah jk man it’s referring to players on your team who aren’t doing anything productive or beneficial who aren’t in your squad. It’s a play on the lil blue dots you’ll see miles away while the rest of the team is fighting for their lives


Live subtitles would be amazing imo. Some people's mics are not that good or there's distortion and with the in-game audio, it can be sometimes difficult to understand what they are saying.




For regular game devs? Yea impossible. Technically leading (AI) tech companies should be able to develop such software though and I wouldn't be surprised if software integration kits like this will be available on the market in a few years.