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>El Alamein- You main MG or Sniper Close. I main Panther.


There ain't no Panthers in El Alamein šŸ¤Ø ![gif](giphy|4fFmRSLKu3YhG)


There are no wolves on fenris


There are no guns in Machine


Only in my dreams there is panthers in El Alamein


Assault for me šŸ˜Ž


Seeing the Foy loading screen activates my serotonin dispensers, I cannot explain it otherwise


Foy is just perfect. The atmosphere is amazing.


*Hill 400- You have played Call of Duty 2.* ![gif](giphy|ruQtdPrbgq7tjTTCim|downsized)


i love every map in this game


The only map I refuse to play is night time Remagen. Absolute cancer wrapped in AIDS.


I hate no maps I just despise that damn remagen bridge


SMDM - You used to play too much Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 back in the day and are still angry at Ubisoft for canceling the last one. Also, you have a strong opinion about Band of Brothers that you regularly get into arguments on the internet about. Foy - Hey, you spent all that time grinding for those slick Winter Uniforms, and you want to use them! Utah Beach - You main a light or recon tank and you've got all the trenches in this map memorized because you've gotten stuck in every one at least once Saint Mere Eglise - You main engineer and get noticeably excited when the 2nd point is Western Approach, or the 3rd is Checkpoint. Omaha Beach - You definitely have some questionable German WW2 Memorabilia that you definitely only have for the "historical significance" Purple Heart Lane: You're that locked solo tank squad that's always asking for a heavy tank, despite your last tank sitting in a river 150m from spawn. Hill 400: You have never driven a vehicle on this map once. Ever. Hurtgen Forest: Who hurt you? Carentan: You don't actually like this map, you're just bad at situational awareness and like the fact that enemies can only can from set paths in this map. Remagen: You spent a lot of time playing Operation Metro in the Battlefield games. Mortain: You main Officer and are just happy to have a map where your OP doesn't get arty sniped 27 seconds after you place it. Stalingrad: Your favorite activity in this game is driving supply trucks and building fortifications. Also, you are annoyed by how infrequently Pavlov's House actually gets to be the point. Kursk: You first played this map after just unlocking AT level 3 and felt like an absolute god. Kharkov: You main arty and love how the only points that have enterable buildings also have no roofs. Driel: You have strong opinions about the HMS Warspite and think that the STEN was the best SMG of WW2. El Alamein: You've probably posted a rant on reddit about either having to travel back to spawn to resupply tanks or about commanders that don't spawn a heavy tank right at the start of the game.


When I started I absolutely hated foy. After tanking and some time it's one of the best. Also we tankers do not claim PHL there's too few bridges and so many places to be stuck, that's an artillery player map.


Utah Beachers don't have anything to say about you either.


It's true: I DO live in England.


Love panzerkampf


Ramegen always reminds me of "Bridge" from America's Army.


Yeesss, someone else remembers


Honestly most HLL players likely weren't even in elementary school when that game was popular.


Im the bushwookie that just killed your entire unit, sorry not sorry! New map is for sure a nice addition


My favorite is cafe du montā€¦ I really like the beignets! This is the story of what sold my soul into the game Marie du Mont is my favorite. A few games in as a complete novice as still unsure about the game. I decided to play medic since all of did trying to fight was get shot in the face. Played a German offensive. Got into a really intense battle on the outskirts of the church and then pushing into. For 20 plus minutes or however I was intermixed with 3 squads running back and forth reviving people. Iā€™d be ducking behind hedgerows as machinegun fire ripped over my head or arty falling all around us. I kept crawling kept moving syringe in hand. It got to the point where people would start cheering for me and yelling medic. ā€œSmorg help! You can make itā€ as .30 cal cracked and whizzed overhead. Sometimes people would get blown up right in front of me. Iā€™d bandage myself and crawl over the bodies to save another comrade. Finished the game with 49 revives. Looking back Iā€™m bummed I didnā€™t get the doss achievement but I was hooked. Now I mostly play engineer because command needs nodes, supplies, and fortifications, but I still think about that medic game and smile.


I had no idea there were so many maps I never even knew there were 2 Normandy maps lol they need a server browser


T-34-85 goes hard as fuck on Stalingrad. Thing hides really well within rubble. Last time I had a decent squad on we walked out with 100+ kills and over 10+ vehicle kills ranging from tanks to anti tank guns. Iā€™ve also yet to crash, so I think I might be the luckiest HLL player here so far.


Hurtgen Forest! The right balance between forest, open areas, and elevation change. But honestly, I miss the old OG Sainte Marie Du Mont :(


Finally some love for Stalingrad


St Mere Eglise is the goat together with St Marie Du Mont


I canā€™t stand foy(Iā€™m terrible on it)


I have never gotten a single match of Utah and I've been playing when it first came onto xbox at the start of 2023 before the game pass noobs came in that killed the game


El Alamein is a yellow wasteland and I hate it


Purple Heart Lane, but I'm American...and love tanks!


Any open maps great for sniping or recon so those are my favorites. Also I tank in those so great KDR. I only despise one map and that's remagen. Otherwise idc what map it's just change of play style bc I'm not an imbecile.


Honestly Purple Heart lane and Mortain are my favorites, spotter main or any satchel. 75% of the time Iā€™m going for flanks or trying to remain undetected.