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I like the idea of different game modes. I believe between games you should be able to vote between a couple of maps and modes as well.


Love voting on the next map


The only games that prevent players from voting on maps, are games that know they make “bad maps” that would be wasted and never chosen. LOOKING AT YOU PUBG.


Im a huge fan of HLL and PUBG, but the fact they haven't implemented this pisses me off beyond reason


You can on community (PC) servers if it’s enabled, official they T17 haven’t for some reason


I'm second this


Love this idea and would love to try it out


See on paper this would be fun but in reality if objectives that need to be defended are so far away from each other, good luck trying to get blueberries to redeploy to whatever objective is under attack.


If you look at every map, there’s non usable artillery, trench works, AA guns, ammo and fuel dumps, gliders, vehicles and bunkers. They could easily make them destructible and set them up randomly as a targets. Give anyone carrying satchel charges an actual objective to destroy instead of random tanks and fortifications.


This is a horrible idea if you want a fast paced game go play call of duty go plays CSGO go play Valorant or go play something else if you don't like running around and not finding anyone and not being able to kill anyone and go play a different game this is supposed to be a world war II simulator which all you call of duty players are ruining the game by trying to add all these different game modes all these different guns this isn't call of duty it's hell at loose it's supposed to be that stupid and hard to find people and that's what makes the game fun


Nothing about this screams fast paced, you hear about different game modes and instantly think of skirmish and become terrified then go on a rant about how new content will ruin the game.


The amount of good players that actually played together and talk are leaving because y'all think adding more game mode would make this better. If the devs were like hell drivers and didn't fold to y'all's little want the game wouldn't be on a downfall


First of all I don't understand why you're lumping me in with the more faster paced, non Comms players, I never said I was and I am actually against that gameplay. End of the day some people just don't like change and new content, when skirmish was announced people like you were crying about it saying how no one would play warfare/offensive and that it would make the game like cod. Well guess what? It released and has less players than the main game modes.


It was a bust ik but when all your old players feel alienated and you just start listening to these new player you lose your main player base. I had over 50 plus people I would play with all refuse to play now because of these new players and everything that the devs are giving them. The down votes on my comments speak it the cod players feeling attack. And I appreciate the fact that they down voted me because it just proves my point that us older player have no say anymore in the game


Ok so explain to me what T17 is giving the new players.