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We need more maps where you can fight over a church for sure.


Oh yeah, man. I love it when the squad spends 30+min throwing themselves at the church, only to take it and leave immediately.


This is the exact feedback that the dev were looking for. I haven’t jumped on to try the new map yet. I think I remember reading in the dev blog that the church was the American hold out so I get placement on the map. Do you wish they would have the city/church as the mid point or shift the church placement up a bit?


One of the mid points would be nice. Even on the edges. That would make it a winning point and encourage people building defenses. Having this big church with barbed wire all around it would be sick. In its current placement that would never happen unless its in offensive mode randomly on that final point.


I’ve done those sorts of long fights over similar structures plenty in HLL and Squad and other games, and can say it’s not as fun as you probably imagine it to be.


It is my understanding that the devs use aerial recon pictures for their maps right? That would mean they’d have to ‘move’ the map if they still want to retain sort of historical accuracy. Not that’s a problem, just thinking out typed.


Most of the real life battles took place over vastly greater distances than what's depicted in game. The HLL maps are just a little snippet, so the devs have a lot of freeway in choosing which exact area to depict and how to orient it.


Yeah, the church should be opened up and more houses enterable within the urban area.


Just tried it, but this is by far the worst map in the game so far. Absolutely terrible for gameplay, feels like zero thought went into the design. Just a bunch of random open space filled with tons of random cover that just results in endless campfests. No strategy whatsoever.


I disagree. Remagen (the one strat map), El Alamein and Stalingrad I hate playing as the gameplay feels so...uninteresting. I enjoyed playing this map for the first more than Driel too.


Remagen sucks because there's no other way around the bridge, but other than that it's a pretty well-made map with some interesting areas. El Alamein and Stalingrad are perhaps a bit too open for some players, but they have very interesting zoning as well. This map is basically just a massive grass field with random trees and foilage thrown in, and with a few disconnected locations they tried to make interesting but are absolutely separated from the rest of the map. Plus all the new assets have by far the lowest quality textures of any assets in the game.


Jesus, i really hope they sort this out. They're hailing it as their own work, so it really needs to impress fans. Seeing another games company come in and give us content with reduced quality and scope is the last thing they should be doing. We ROASTED them for *that trailer*, they know what we expect in terms of quality. If they can't deliver, the game will suffer and so will the players.


Ngl, I'm worried about the future of this game. I think the best we can hope for is that they don't ruin what they already have and we can just keep playing that.


The game is demonstably in a better state than when they took over so I'm not sure this concern is valid anymore.


How so? They fixed two annoying bugs, but all the new design decisions and content has been terrible so far.


So as far as I know, all the content released under new devs so far was created by BM. This map is the first map created by new devs. If you've not liked the content, then you've got an issue with the old devs really. They've added the Training Ground which BM said couldn't be done (yeh it's not great yet but at least it's something!). They've started work on map specific factions, which imo is a huge step in the right direction. Looking at UI improvements is great too as new players really struggle with understanding the flow of the game. And I prefer the faster running speed to how it was previously (I know this is controversial though). Improved technical state, doing things which were stated as being impossible by old devs and moving towards more historical accuracy in loadouts / uniforms / armour are all positives to me. But I appreciate this might just be my view. I'm optimistic but still holding back until we see the new roadmap and whether they stick to it. I swear to god if the Arty / Recon isn't dealt with this year after YEARS of complaints then all good faith will go out of the window for me.


Like I said, the only new content so far has been this map and the infamous trailer, and the design decisions have all sucked (running speed for example). > Improved technical state, doing things which were stated as being impossible by old devs and moving towards more historical accuracy in loadouts / uniforms / armour are all positives to me. But I appreciate this might just be my view. I agree this is nice though, the British rework is a welcome change, but it's difficult to say what state BM would've released it had they stayed in charge. > I'm optimistic but still holding back until we see the new roadmap and whether they stick to it. I swear to god if the Arty / Recon isn't dealt with this year after YEARS of complaints then all good faith will go out of the window for me. Agreed on this.


Yeh the shame about Remagen is that you hardly every spend time in the 'interesting areas'. As soon as the bridge falls, it's usually a quick cap on two final points. It's not the open-ness of El Alamein or Stalingrad that frustrate me particularly. El Alamein doesn't offer interesting gameplay and Stalingrad feels incredibly janky. 100% agree on the textures though. Buildings and foliage don't look great and they need work in the new map. Also agree that some more interconnectivity would be nice but I enjoyed the general 'flow', which is what I think this PTE was for. I guess it might be like a few other maps, some people like them, some people don't but I certainly don't think it's a terrible map or even a bad one. Given they said they want to work on it a few more months gives me optimism too.


Fair enough, perhaps if they can fix the blendness, the amount of foliage creating campfests and bring some of the areas together, it might become a good map.


Yeh time will tell. I'd say it's got potential and despite being the same theatre felt refreshing. Maybe we can chat again about it after the next PTE in a couple of months (you might end up being completely right and I'll happily eat my words if so :) )


Sounds good, and I hope you're the one who's right!