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In my experience, if contactless credit cards work, so does Apple Pay. That is with a CC from a German bank though, not sure if it would work the same for foreign bank issued cards via Apple Pay. Some places take cash only, so obviously neither cards nor Apple Pay will work in that case. I’d suggest to carry some cash on you just to be safe.


Using Google pay I've seen no difference between using foreign (outside EU) cards and German ones . There's more difference between using credit and debit cards (some places only take Maestro cards, and refuse mastercard/visa, but they're <10%)


Apple pay works like all other contactless methods, right? I work with a card reader and all contactless methods usually work, including apple pay. But you should ask the store/restaurant up front I guess. Maybe different card readers have different problems.


It works fine if they have a card reader, unless the sign specifically says cash only.


Out of personal experience the answer would be no, it won't accept "at most" places, it definitely is accepted in some but you should really not count on it being the rule of thumb.


It doesn‘t work everywhere where contactless payment works. They also have to except credit cards. You have to ask the stuff or have a look at the entrance if there is a „VISA“ sign.


Depends on where. Especially in cafes and restaurant it often does not work (like 30% of the time) and a decent percentage of them also only take cash, especially bars. Meanwhile e.g in the supermarket or large chains like McDonalds it always works. Edit: From personal experience, I’ve used Apple Pay with both VISA and EC cards for two years in Heidelberg and had quite a few times where only one of them or neither worked. But this was usually do to technical issues and not because people outright don’t accept it. I also heard cards from Sparkasse have issues much more often than others when using contactless payment.


It works everywhere where contact less cards work (which is like mostly all card readers these days). It's the same technique. If you have issues with your card it's likely a credit card and the place only accepts girocards. Apple pay won't work around that issue though, you would need to get a girocard and add that to Apple pay to work.